On the next Arrested Development…

On the next Arrested Development…

Fuck off.

GOB's obsession with French erotica gets out of hand.

Season 5 better be good.

The #MeToo movement, led by one Kitty Sancez, turns its attention on George Sr.

>someone on the internet figured out the ethnic derivation of (((Bluth)))

it's not like they hide their jewishness

anyone else think kitty was really hot?

She does have a certain "Jew ne sais quoi"
If you like Judy Greer check out The Hebrew Hammer

I'm more of a Lindsay guy

"…I've made a huge mistake"


no thanks

Smells like reddit walked in here.


It is reddit but at least it's funny.

I never considered Season 4 as canon.

if its reddit it can't be funny, retard

what an original opinion

George-Michael visits a political rally with his new college friends

how did he get away with this?

Didn't expect that George Michael tbh


She looked best when she came out of rehab in Season 3.

