Facing Far-Right Challenge, Minister Says Islam 'Doesn't Belong' to Germany

Facing Far-Right Challenge, Minister Says Religion of Cuck™ 'Doesn't Belong' to Germany

I know we can shift the overton window with the people, but with politicians is it truly possible? Also does it matter? If they are forced into populism against their will, they are still advocating populist positions.

>usnews.com/news/world/articles/2018-03-16/Religion of Cuck™-doesnt-belong-to-germany-new-interior-minister-says
archive.fo/cJyRp (They have blocked archive.is, does anyone know of another service that they can't block?)

Attached: www.usnews.com.jpg (970x647, 65.37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Germanic Disdain.JPG (2126x1152, 87.07K)

Wayback Machine works perfectly on that kike-owned site.
web.archive.org/web/20180317130104/https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2018-03-16/Religion of Cuck™-doesnt-belong-to-germany-new-interior-minister-says

The current crop, in the current paradigm?
Most assuredly, yes.
If you force me into doing something I don't actually want to do, how long do you think its going to be before I start finding ways to justify my not doing that thing?

That said, here's the rub: With the current crop of politicians, in the current political paradigm throughout the West, its not possible… Why not?
The answer is simple: Accountability.

See, once there is no accountability - that is, once a politician can say whatever on the campaign trail and then do something completely different once in power, without any rammificiations beyond a theoretical possibility of reducing their likelihood of maintaining power, Western-style democracies fall apart.

Imagine your daughter is being raped by an invading Muslim.
And I say to you, "M8, elect me, I'll make that Muslim invader stop raping your child!", and so you vote me into power.
But then, once I'm in power, I don't stop the Muslim raping your daughter - and in fact, he starts raping your son, AND pimping your daughter to his friends.
And you come to me asking me to do something, and I tell you "M8, Religion of Cuck™ is part of Europe".
I've lied to you outright - I said what I knew you wanted to hear to get put me in power… And now I've got several years to muddy the waters and otherwise distract from the fact that I'm not doing what I said I'd do, so even that theoretical possibility of my sub-par performance inhibiting my maintenance of power is sketchy as a claim.
Anyway, you're obviously pissed off about this… But you have no means of imposing upon me whatsoever - you have no weapons, you're totally cowed, and the state will call you a 'right-wing terrorist' or the like if you try to oppose me in any meaningful way, with the media aiding that narrative.

So what do you do?

Attached: Accountability Patrol.webm (720x480, 1.39M)

Can we meme Judaeo-Religion of Cuck™ic values into a thing? Both are polygamist and have similar belief systems. They're closer to each other than to Christianity.

what did he actually say?

Sounds like the Germans will get the false dichotomy of Religion of Cuck™ vs (((judeo-christian))) values that was successfully pushed in the US with the Scofield bible.

Where's that webm from?

Probably something in German.

I wish, but it seems unlikely.
To be honest though, all the Abrahamic religions are pretty similar, its just gross to see them pushing Judaism in there as 'traditionally German'.

Certainly seems that way.
You almost have to give the kikes credit for this whole Syria-based strategy.

That said…

Between 2007 and 2017, Israel's share of the world Jewish population increased by ~10%.
During that time period, the only region of the world which appears to have demonstrated a reduction in the Jewish population was Europe.

The Jews created the Syria crisis, sent the Muslim hordes into Europe to generate sympathy for Israel through creation of motivation towards shared disdain of Muslims, then fled Europe en-masse.
They set us up the bomb.

Some awful movie.

Mostly agree except for you leaving out the part that almost none of the refugees are from Syria and the majority are actually from Africa.

Operation shifting the Overtone-Window to the left.
Everything in Germany is Faaaaar-Right
Even if it isn’t, like this faggot.

>Sounds like the Germans will get the false dichotomy of Religion of Cuck™ vs (((judeo-christian))) values

The Juden and their Shabbos goy are pushing massive the judeo-christian bullshit. With some succes, the dumbest sheeple are already repeating it like a mantra. No surprise in a population which is conditioned to seek confirmation from jews.

These politicians are extremely dangerous.

They slowly piece by piece work towards destroying civilization. They try to limit outrage by now slowing it down and showing they are doing something about it while they're doing jackshit aobut it. Society just erodes and eventually the people would prefer going to war with each other when the politician state class are failing (eg when an economic crisis happens).

Multiculturalism has never worked in the long term, it always results in war whenever the population wasn't kept in check by either an iron hand or with bread and games (but bread and games, just like the iron hand could only last so long).

oh boy, I wonder what is going on in this thread.

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Seehofer is a huge cuck who for the last two years has always played the "bad cop" role in the CDU-CSU coalition.
He throws stuff like this around and then suddenly still does whatever Merkel wants. Even more so now that the election in Bavaria is coming nearer and he wants to keep a few votes for his party.

The (((judeo-christian values))) thing gets pushed from every party here, even the AfD has a lot of cucks who are strictly anti-muslim but suck the jews' cocks for good goy points.

he said "doesnt belong to". They dont mean muslims can fuck off now, just that they will be a little less enthusiastic about sucking mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckers dick from now on.


Jews lived in Germany. They were barely tolerated (until they weren't). That doesn't mean the country was traditionally characterized by their "faith" of child kidnapping and loansharking.

I ain't buying this shit. This is cheap voter appeal to ensure that the old kike hag gets more years in office and continues the destruction of Germany. They have reneged on their promises more times than I care to count.
And then these same cunts have the gall to call us populists.

No, you fucking dipshit.

Especially judaism.

When you're labelled a nazi party, railing against the kikes would only feed that narrative wouldn't it? You can use their logic against them: "We're only doing it for teh gays and kikes protection!""

All the #afd has to do is continue sounding like the only sane choice left. So far its working. Merkel recently walked out of parliament after getting blasted after afd called her the chancellor of foreigners.

They're called a Nazi party nonetheless, and there's a difference between railing against jews and just not going out of your way to appease them.
I see the AfD as an interim party for something more like the NSDAP and will support them until that point, but there really isn't a need for shit like pic related.

Attached: Nazijäger.JPG (482x479, 54.84K)
