Trump hints he may withdraw troops from S. Korea over trade issues, report says

Trump hints he may withdraw troops from S. Korea over trade issues, report says
President Donald Trump hinted he may withdraw American troops from South Korea if the U.S. ally doesn’t concede more in trade negotiations, a newspaper reported.

The Washington Post quoted Trump as saying Wednesday in a fundraising speech that the United States was losing money on trade with South Korea as well as the military presence that is meant as protection against aggression from the North.

“We have a very big trade deficit with them, and we protect them,” Trump said Wednesday in audio obtained by the Post. “We lose money on trade, and we lose money on the military. We have right now 32,000 soldiers between North and South Korea. Let’s see what happens.”

“Our allies care about themselves,” he said in the 30-minute speech to donors in Missouri. “They don’t care about us.”

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Fuck those ungrateful gooks.

with the South Koreans it would be better to provoke warfare between the North and South and then threaten to simply withdraw. Give the South Koreans actual losses and they'll change their thought process. Downtown Seoul would look better destroyed anyway.

I hope we leave and best Korea wipes Seoul off the map.


Do you really want a planet of Keanu Reeves? A handful are more than enough.

Nothing worse than dirty fucking weeb. The reason you have daki and watch anime and not be out fucking real girls is because you are fat smelly American(Where do you think you are?)

Lets see how quickly you gooks bend the knee

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won't sk just ally with china?

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Korean bantz 1/10

And risk Starcraft censorship? No way.

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They have no choice but to cuck at this point haha.

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Fuck off kike.


Is it wrong that I do?

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Wow. How (((progressive)))

The South Koreans are becoming more and more degenerate by the day due to kikes

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Not going to happen. What is happening is that South Korea no longer has any use for the US if it isn't getting preferential treatment in trade. Through technology transfer bribes and low duty imports, South Korea has put up with the US on its soil because it was beneficial.

Now that the US is a dumb nigger country that can't pay its bills and doesn't have any more worthwhile technology to transfer or industry to offshore, South Korea isn't interested in acting as a meat shield against their own race. Nobody actually likes the US. They just like the bribes and the air of protection it could provide against other possibly antagonistic major powers.

In South Korea's case, they have advanced heavy industry and their northern counterpart has a nuclear program. Together they can stand on their own. Trump will probably try to pretend like he solved the Korean issue, but really the US is being given the boot because it can't afford the bribes anymore.

I don't know if the world could handle that many moe lives.

Top fucking retard. Holy shit my dude.

The Talmud is the best selling book in Korea. Koreans have the devious backstabbing nature of the kike with the impulse control and forethought of a nigger. They are literally niggerjews. Every gokiburi must be gassed.

not really, koreans operate in 3 spheres, family first, extended family second, and then business, education, political, and professionals which remain at arms length. If you are outside of this which most ppl are you do not count. It stems from the simple fact they are a much older civilization and giving a stranger a bowl of rice meant taking a bowl of rice out of one of you own family members mouths. It is actually very practical. Whereas white Americans operate with judeo-christian values and principals which are self defeating, tear families apart, lead to isolation and a host of other complicated problems. Niggers would be tight knight if they didn't have the guberment meeting all their financial needs…. because they would starve to death, literally.

Did Tel Aviv tug on Trump's strings again?

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No, I'm White. How about you? You a brillo-head 56% like the specimen chumming it up with Trump in the OP? Or maybe one of the taco benders in the background?

He's a Trumpnigger.

Yes, they have an antagonistic history, but you'd be surprised what anime can do. Never doubt the power of anime.

Korea was never really Trump's call. There's nothing for him to really "cement". Without favorable trade policy South Korea has no real to tow the US's line. Without South Korea towing the US line, there's a certain cap on the problems/tension they have with their neighbors. It's just like the Philippines. If you just stop being a proxy for the US, a lot of your "tensions" with rival countries start to go away.

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And why does America have a big trade deficit in the first place? Because American products are either shit or designed for the American domestic market (and then you wonder why nobody outside of the US wants to buy American cars LMAO)? Because American industry doesn't innovate at all contrary to all the propaganda (for decades now half or more of American patents where held by foreigners not Americans)?

Could that be the reason?

In order for American troops to set up basically everywhere, part of the deal is that occupied nations get preferential treatment in the American market and this favor is not returned. Even if the American products were better, and they aren't, they would never be better enough for intact, mostly racially intact, and heavily industrialized countries to bail on their domestic products.

When is Trump going to hint at doing something for Whites in South Africa?


Why would South Korea lift the import tariffs, though? They are a key component to maintaining a highly industrialized economy. It is far easier to just stop being aligned with the US and tell them to go home.

So basically what you're saying is that occupied nations should buy American products (most of which are either crap or designed only to suit the American taste) just to be nice because American supposedly "protects" them?

Btw the notion that American protects South Korea is laughable to anyone with a clue about Korea and geopolitics. The ONLY thing America achieves on the Korean peninsula is making reeunification technically impossible since China will keep propping up NK so long as American troops are in SK.

And America isn't in Korea to protect anyone in the first place and never has been. That's just a lie they tell to kids at school and naive normie idiots. They're there because of American grand strategy coined by Spykman during WW2 and applied since the end of the war, which explicitely prescribes to militarily ocupy the so called Rimland, of which Korea (and Japan) is a part of.

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Japan colonized Korea because they feared if European powers or the US got them first Korea would be "a dagger aimed at the heart of Japan".
The Chinese probably think similarly about the American presence in South Korea (and Japan).

What the chinks fear is that if Korea reunified now, there would then be American troops at the very least in a neighboring country or even directly near the chinese border. Which is correct.

With Japan, it's more about access to the ocean (which Japan can fairly easily shut down) and missile defence but the same basic idea, yeah.

No. Where are you getting that?

together with a generally upset tone.

If that's not what you were trying to say, what was your point then?

If Trump threatens a trade war with them, or reduces their defense credibility by withdrawing our troops, it might be worth their while to amend the trading deals. We're their largest market for selling their manufactured goods after all.

That's changing…..quickly.

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There is no upset tone. The favor isn't returned because that is part of the deal. The American products aren't better and even if they were, culturally intact industrialized societies wouldn't buy them. You think calling someone a culturally intact industrialized society is a slight or something? Maybe English isn't your first language?
Further elaboration on the real reasons why American products don't sell. The one-way tariff deal is how it works because it favors the American military and banking industries at the expense of everyone else in the country.

It's worth a shot from the American perspective because the consumption is so one way, but it's typically better to have your industrial base in better shape before starting one. The US market isn't as desirable as it was just a few decades ago, either, with the heavy debt loads and massive unemployment.
They could just as well patch things up with the North and then the security threat goes away.

Kek no he won't and the world knows hes full of shit. Just like those steel + aluminum tariffs that have exempted the entire planet. The moron actually admitted at his last rally he was using the tariff as a negotiating tactic after spending an entire day pushing muh national security.

so SK and NK Hash things out. Those talks went so well that NK decided to sit and talk with usa. Then you have MSM saying Kim will likely disarm its Nukes.

Then today Trump publicly comments that He may bring US troops from SK home because we are getting screwed on trade. Is this the kind of thank that SK Gets for getting NK to come to the table and disarm its Nukes?

North Korea isn't going to give up its nuclear weapons. They are just saying that to get to the table. What is really happening is that South Korea isn't interested in having their entire country destroyed just so the US gets its geopolitical way and so face-saving rationales need to be created.

Absolutely. Id buy you a beer! But the media Lied and spun the story into "WINNING"

Both North Korea and South Korea Are saying FACK the usa. We done with them Get their troops and Bases Da Fack out of our country. Soon SK will Drop the US dollar in International Trade Just like Iran did.

Dollar Dominance is done the world is tired of US Imperialism

So what was the Korean War then? Americans were more or less out up until then and even disarmed the Worst's.
And Norks attacked FIRST. Wouldn't it be sensible to keep troops there after a several years long war since China would easily crush Worsts with their support.

It's rather obvious you've been drinking too much commie propaganda.


No, you short, squinty faggot. China will assrape you and your race of large-mouth-tiny penis insects without a hint of mercy, and Grobnard Drungedpt will gladly stand back and watch with a smug look as you moan like bitches.
Pay your bills, dog eaters, or get thrown into the chink pits

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Excuse me but what the fuck
How do you jump from "Asian Superbloc" to "Mass cucking and racemixing" like that?
I knew you're autistic, but that has to be some S+ Rank delusion.

Someone was saying on Holla Forums that China was the last holdout for "Conservatism" or the last hope of traditionalism in the world, some kind of retarded shit like that.

Australia has that covered.
With that said the rest of this thread is Gook Shills and TORpedos Are faggin up a decent thread.

Send all the troops home. Fuck this kike bullshit of defending foreign countries.

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My exact thoughts.
I don't like ripping on the US, both the states and Europe have their own issues, but that face…

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Seoul really is a pit of degeneracy and kikery, would be wonderful it was reduced to ashes.

Common nigger name, definitely son of a coal burner

What is the communistic garbage about every country's economy needing to export exactly as much as it imports? It's economic sjw-ism. Who cares if we import more than we export? We're importing materials that we turn into goods and sell them domestically. That's a deficit to these retards.

That's an oxymoron.

The late Kike shows itself once again.

Thanks for the economics lesson.

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If I import diamonds from Africa and make diamond rings and sell them to Americans in America, you retards call that a trade deficit. If I, instead, sold the rings to some chinks, that's B A S T E nationalist economics. This is how fucking stupid you are.

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You need to import a fucking book

Get lost Avi, we don't want your shit here.

Trump is OBVIOUSLY not going to withdraw any significant number of troops from Korea. It should be obvious to all parties that's not going to happen, given:
So, nice try but 4D chess doesn't work in negotiation strategy if your hand is obvious, and known to your opponent. Good luck.

tip kike. Then change diamonds to fine fabric and africa to France you stupid faggot. The point is that importing raw materials to make goods for people in your country is not a fucking problem and importing materials to make goods and then sell them to other countries is not better, economically.

Hey retard, our trade deficit means other nations are getting a lot more money from us in trade than we are getting from them, and much of that was caused artificially. If you want to buy shit from China, you can do it with ease, but if you want to sell shit in China, it is very difficult. They usually try to get you to form a Chinese company to make and sell your products in China, ultimately giving them a bigger slice of the pie.

Imagine if, in order for China to sell us Steel, they had to manufacture that steel in the United States, and employ US workers to make that steel. That would be a tremendous boon to our economy. This is what they are doing to us.

It is bad, considering the relative values of national currencies. If your country's money is only used outside the country to buy things from other countries and those countries don't buy from you, what value does your country's currency hold to them? If they don't buy things from you then they get a glut of worthless paper.

It's shit we can fucking make, Shlomo. We need some fucking jobs and less spics. Fuck your (((economic theory))).

Again, who fucking cares? It's easy and cheap to buy raw materials from china, that makes it easy and cheap to produce things domestically. That directly stimulates our local economies and businesses. Whether they sell the goods back to the chinks or to their local neighbors is irrelevant. We impose 12,000+ tariffs on foreign imports already, it's not like we don't play economic games with imports either.

But it's not. At all. In any way. Nor will it be. Nor could it be. So your argument is completely irrelevant.

Obviously, which is why your argument is wrong.

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No you fucking retard, it is not helpful to be unable to sell our goods in China while they can freely sell to us. It's not a level playing field.

Fucking Boeing wanted to sell planes to China, and making them in America and shipping them over would be very good for us, but instead they are forced to make Chinese factories and hire Chinese workers to make and sell those planes.

we call it holocaustianity now

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You sound like a fucking communist. This is exactly the same mindset that creates racial and gender quotas for hiring. It's basing your economics on this abstract concept of "fairness", while completely ignoring that no playing field is level. The types of materials and goods countries can produce is not equal, so why the fuck would their trade be equal?

when did i ever say he was going to do any of that?
ahh, okay, so you're triggered for some reason and have no argument. looking at the situation objectively, it is obvious 4D chess. to head off a tradewar, threaten to withdraw troops the problem is that it's an obvious move and there are obvious reasons the US cannot afford to leave.

You just listed a bunch of positives and tried to use them to claim a negative won’t happen. Are you literate? Fuck off.

You ever consider that production and consumption should be managed to ensure the highest possible threshold of domestic needs being met in house? Filtered.

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The free market is a naturally level playing field. By artificially restricting us, preventing us from selling most of our goods in China, our economy takes a hit, and theirs gets a boost. Boeing naturally will want to sell to as many markets around the world as they can, and by at least some measures China is a huge fucking market, but being unable to freely sell aircraft to them is a huge loss for both Boeing bottom line and to the potential American workers that could be employed to make those planes they want to sell.

Tariffs exist to attempt to force a re-leveling of the playing field in some regard. China won't let us sell planes to them? Fuck em, we'll put a tarrif on Chinese steel so they can't exploit us as heavily as they want to.

Oh, I see, your gypsy crystal ball is clearer than the other shills. It's OBVIOUS to you because you actually know the future, unlike like all those other OBVIOUSLY faggots who were dead wrong. So sorry, mister wizard, please dish out some more of your OBVIOUS 2D genius to us plebs *kek*

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Jesus christ nigger, is this your mind on Holla Forums? Actually i remember your way of arguing from a previous thread where you tried to explain that giving an advantage to China at the cost of our own disadvantage is somehow a good thing, but you were utterly BTFO. Why are you back?

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now THIS is the Donald Trump I voted for
our allies….
hopefully he is including a certain (((ally))) in that brilliant and incredibly accurate statement
"Our allies care about themselves"
"they don't care about us"

I hope your not actually advocating for this
If you are, then you are either not-White, in which case gtfo, or you are a traitor in which case kill yourself.

because China cares for China and nothing else
worst allies ever
(except for maybe israel)

because NKorea and SKorea are such great buddies
they just PRETEND to hate each other

there are no (((judeo-christian))) values
that concept is a kike creation used as a weapon against Christians, White people, and the West in general

see jewish control of American government and business. jews are driving America into the shit as fast as they can. that, combined with blacks and browns, are the reasons for America's decline

our forefathers should have just let N.Korea conquer you bastards. I oppose American troops being overseas, but S.Koreans BEGGED us to save them from the Chinese backed N.Korean army in the 50s.

Korea, even unified, is too weak to resist Chinese imperialism
Korea has traditionally (over many centuries) been a satellite of China.
When the US finally pulls out of that little peninsula the Chinese will move right in.

It depends on context
generally, importing raw materials is good, but importing finished goods is bad. That is, if what is desired is a healthy industrial base.

sounds very much like a moving-the-goalposts type (((argument)))
why should the trade be equal?
why not import some finished goods?
why not build industry in shitholes?
everything be reely cheep!
why not let browns in to do the jobs Americans "won't do?"
bottom line: it should be about what is good for the Volk. That should be the measure that is applied

there is no level playing field
all (((free market))) does is promote a race to the bottom where everyone (except the (((megarich)))) are indebted wage slaves.

Koreans - Mr Kim's Riquor store

Imagine being this insecure

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Filtered and reported.

Oh no, please dont! I'll only have 299 other VPN IPs left!

Blacks are dumber than whites and whites are dumber than jews. That explains 99.9999% of the economic discrepancies. Deal with it, sweetheart.


The nigger is wrong in being oppressed because he's too dumb to collect plastic bottles and put them in a bin and instead leaves it around his village because he's a backwards nog that think it's a weird kind of wood that will just rot away because that's what the nog knows.

Whitey, on the other hand, realizes that fractional reserve banking, usury, FIAT money and co is actual cancer tier and is also 1488% right about that.

This is why only the lower half of the picture deals with actual money.

You know this innately.

Which has nothing to do with money.



Nice meme, kid. Now take your mspaint drawing back to the desert where you belong you glorified sand-nigger.

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Rode horses today with Keanu Reeves

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LOOOOOLOLOLOL @ Athenian Roman columns

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try again

That would be the balance of payments. Nobody talks about balance of payments because that would uncover the insincerity of trade deficit.

Trade deficit means the country exporting, gets nothing in return.

The easiest way is just to threaten to cancel meeting with Kim Jong Un if the trade deals aren't favourable. That's like the easiest way of leveraging.

I'm not sure that's real leverage at this point. South Korea can just work things out with the North and tell the US to leave.


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Sounds like Fulford-tier talking points. You wouldn't be trying to pass that off as hard news, would you?

yea it's not like China can back North Korea or anything.

Back them for what? If the US is gone, so is most of the conflict. It doesn't solve everything, but the Koreans can hammer that out. Did you misinterpret their little show at the Olympics? They were showing they are together enough to reject the US's desperate warmongering.

regional influence

that and a supply of rare earth metals

China does not prop up NK. China has always recognized Korea as a separate county.

Yeah, it was Fatty Ching Chong shooting his cheap Chinese firecrackers over Japan, not Americans, you pathetic gook. But thanks for disproving the "Asians are smart" myth, you retarded yellow midget.

I wonder if Asian "Masculinity" typed this with the shrunken tip of his tiny micropenis

Keep the pressure on, balance trade.

WE are the most MILITARILY technologically advanced country on Earth.

No you're not.

America used to be the #1 exporter in the world specifically because we made better products and a hell of a lot more of it. Even industrialized Japan relied heavily on British and American steel/oil with large parts of the Imperial Navy being built in British shipyards.

Don't act like you leftyniggers actually fucking read or that you actually have the literature to back your retarded claims.

It really triggered you there, didn't it?
And yet all the US does is flail around in third world countries accomplishing nothing but the collapse of its jewish empire.
All TORposters show up under the same ID. You're mixing posts together.
Used to be.
It's the second part, not the first. And that was a long, long time ago. Even had to have a World War to kill the competition. Today, America doesn't make better products than anyone and even if it did, they would never be able to be good enough for industrialized, racially intact societies to abandon their economic way of life because they aren't dumb, niggerjew countries. There is nothing controversial about any of this. The US military industry sold the country out and destroyed domestic production in order to bribe the foreign countries it wanted to occupy and curry favor with in order to pile more debt onto the taxpayer.

Maybe if you opened an actual history book instead of Schlomo Shekelstein's Kosher Guide To Goyim History you would know what the kikes didn't actually have anything to do with the construction of the outer shell of the second temple.

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That book full of patriarchy is for alt-right fascist Nazi Russians. It was replaced with K. Ikleman-Glomgold's Culturally Corrected Herstory for Empowering Melanin Enriched Wymyn and Soygoys in Solidarity with the New Principals of Justice through the Prism of Infinite Gender Spectrums; Vol I-XI


Aw man you banned him for that? Ah well.


see link on

I just explained that. The Korean War was ultimately in order to install American bases in accordance with American grand strategy, developed by Nicholas Spykman during WW2 and applied immediately post WW2 until today, which calls for the military occupation of the so called Rimland, of which Korea is a part.

Get it?

Not a drop of it. Just geopolitical facts.

I have a friend in the army who is deployed to South Korea and he tells me that South Koreans literally fucking hate Americans and if he wasn't in the army they would most likely murder him. He gets death threats, people shove him out of their way on the trains, restaurants will literally charge him double if he doesn't call them out on it, some places deny him service.

South Korea doesn't fucking care about us. Why should we be obliged to defend them?

It's because America moved in without kicking their little yellow buttholes around first. Asians don't kiss your ass until you beat them in a formal setting. It's obvious they are inferior, but they won't accept it until it's an established fact. You have to remember, three generations ago all Koreans were literally hillbillies. One room cabin, no plumbing, live with pigs in the outhouse hillbillies. Also, the US military is full of niggers and spics, so they resent having that stupid trash in their country.