Brandon Jones' wife is one of the striking voice actors Nolan North threw under the bus during his speech at the game...

Brandon Jones' wife is one of the striking voice actors Nolan North threw under the bus during his speech at the game awards. Is Jones going to sperg out during the next Easy Allies podcast?

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw

How about going back to reddit you shit eating low IQ nigger.

Why should I care?


literally who
literally what

Jesus christ Nolan fuck off

No his speech was against performance matters


He said that what game developers do is way more important than what voice actors do.

Can we make this the porn dump thread?

Nolan North always spoke against the performance matters strike, it's the other guy who bitches about it.

What kind of performance?

No, Nolan is like the only VA who doesn't have his head up his ass about his job. You must be thinking of Troy Baker.

I meant hentai. Not 3dpd shit

Except after the game awards he was tweeting that he fucked up and meant to say that voice actors mattered just as much

oh never mind then, still a fag

I'm sorry, can you TOUCH hentai?

I can't find it. Maybe he isn't.^tfw

Looks like he got bullied, shame

"All performance matter" is still not super pro-strike

He's realized he's burned his bridges with the game industry but he's afraid of pissing off his VA friends

I dunno. I feel like he got bullied into that tweet when he decided to speak against the hive mind that is the VA union.

I can't wait till all the companies just say fuck it and start out-sourcing VA talent from the east coast.

fucking west coast ruining everything as usual

He was right to begin with though, developers are the single most important group when it comes to game production. Games aren't just going to develop themselves yet and all the voice acting in the world doesn't mean shit if there's no vidya to begin with.

The majority of voice actors need vidya to survive since they're not good enough to cut it for other types of media, but vidya itself doesn't need voice acting to begin with and I wish devs and publishers alike would realize this fact. I've seen more games ruined by excessive VA budgeting or pathetic voice acting in general than games ruined by a lack of voice acting altogether.

You know now that I think about it I don't think I've ever once seen a union actually do any kind of 'good'. Hell where I live there's this fuckhuge union that covers all kinds of trades and industries and is basically a legal crime syndicate with the ear of our left-wing political parties. They have so much power they could quite literally bring my state capital to a stand-still if they really wanted to just by organizing strikes across the board (they're the largest union in the country and have their mitts on everything from manufacturing, mining and even energy production) and could probably cripple the entire country if push came to shove. So yeah, I don't really trust unions to begin with.