Mr. The Hutt, I'm Solo



get the starwars look



Another uninspired design.
I remember seeing a mashup (I've lost the pic, otherwise I would've posted it) on /sw/ of all the new background alien faces made for the Disney's Star Wars movies and they all look the same, they all have that cheap frog/reptilian look, like a bunch of rejected designs for Doctor Who monsters.

He has such a bizarrely shaped head. It's like his head is too big for his face.. and his hairline is already receding even though he's supposed to be a "young" character.

So he's like Haley Joel Osment, just without the babyface.

Except Haley Joel Osment is a much better actor.

He grew up to be a bearded lady?

Why does young Han Solo look older than normal Han Solo?

One of the worst casting decisions since Halle Berry in Catwoman.

Say it with me boys:

Thank you for reminding us of another black superhero.

It annoys me because there are good designs they could use. I really liked the look of Snokes Attendants and they didn't fucking use them at all in The Last Jedi.

I see the opposite, like the moment is forehead stops his jaw begins. It looks scrunched up.

Looks like a pregnant muslim.

He's a fucking bobblehead!

I'll take Baby Joel Osment any day over Mr. Nobody Ca-ent'Act.


STAR WARS: The Soyboy Chronicles

Looks like an argonian actually. Bethesda should sue.

Sequel aliens are so uninspired.

Neck yourself soyfag.

