Abortion is PRO-WHITE and REDPILLED Thread #4

Abortion eliminates the liberal tendencies from the white race, culls the unwanted, culls the defective, and culls non-whites.

There is absolutely no reason to oppose abortion and infanticide for that matter.

When it comes to defectives and non-whites abortion & infanticide should be mandatory. The parents should not be allowed to keep the abomination.

When it comes to liberals aborting their own offspring or the poor and desperate or irresponsible eliminating their children it's fine. It improves the white race. Forcing them to keep their offspring is wrong and stupid.

Thanks to abortion the next generation of whites will be entirely from a line of white supremacists. The liberal tendency and pathological altruism will have been bred out of the race.

There's also the rather minor concern that people will just continue to abort their children by eating lots of herbs or doing unsafe back-alley abortions. This can lead to women being hurt and not being able to produce a healthy child later because they are dead or damaged. Not at all a core issue for me but when it comes to the above three things I mentioned (getting rid of defectives, non-whites, and liberal tendencies) it's clear abortion must remain legal and in some cases be made mandatory.

Another matter is the sentience and pain argument. It's clearly that babies are not as sentient as adult dogs, pigs, etc. but we have no problem to slaughter them. Saying also they will experience pain while dying is not an argument, for we regularly put people through immense pain (e.g. chemotherapy) to keep them alive, and life in general is painful; so a moment of pain only lasting a few minutes or even a few hours is as nothing to the pain one will go through living. As for the destruction of a sentient mind the baby does not have a developed mind at all.

No matter the efforts of the humanists to preserve every life no matter how pathological also everyone dies in the end. Why waste millions of dollars, time, and lives on the care of defective beings whose lives will be nothing but suffering, waste, and retardation? It's an irony that the anti-abortionists would be entirely willing to inflict pain and death on me, a well developed adult and sentient being, but cherish the lives of babies so much. All those drooling retards in their wheelchairs they all end up dying in the end. They never improve and their lives had no meaning, they just existed for christcucks to virtue signal, while they ignore and neglect their actually healthy and normal children because they have to spend all their efforts on the defective.

The growing anti-abortion sentiment across the right is ridiculous. It is on the same tier of irrational bullshit as the leftist believes, it is in fact a kind of egalitarianism that says every life is valid and equal, that motivates the anti-abortionist. Why this particular stupidity is so prevalent on the right is shard to understand.

I am 100% in favor of keeping abortion and infanticide legal and will continue to resist the attempts of christfaggots to keep their downies from experiencing the Day Of The Coathanger.

Video related, the Spartans had the right idea.

Total times this thread has been gassed so far: 3

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Only if non-whites are being aborted.

Allow me to make it 4

Only if non-whites are being aborted.

Allow me to make it 4

…and retards and liberals.

*slap slap*

Abortion is good because it kills niggers.
What you said is irrelevant and wrong at any rate.

No, dumbass. While eugenics is important, giving women free reign to murder her own babies at her convenience is what ==creates== liberals. The lack of consequences associated with sex is a large part of the issue with women today.

Good attempt at thinking, but not good enough.

There is nothing wrong with culling genetic defectives. Do you really want to pay millions for a paraplegic drooling retard that is objectively in constant pain also and which is just going to die early at around 30 anyways?

Nope. Conservative vs liberal outlooks have a very large correlation with inheritance. The tendency is inherited. Liberals parents make liberal children, conservative parents make conservative children. You seem to be an egalitarian who thinks environment is all that matters.

Do you want irresponsible and criminal women to breed more criminal children? Abortion fights crime. The kind of consequences we should introduce concerning sexual issues should be the following:
1. Shaming
2. Death

Definitely not forcing them to keep their own offspring alive just so it can end up in an institution or become the next generation of cultmarx professors at some kike university or so it can make degenerate music and do drugs or start a life of crime while the single mother use her child to destroy the life of some man.

You know it's funny, there's a torfag claiming to be a shill in another thread discussing how he uses slippery slope tactics.

How he starts with a premise that his target agrees with, like it's good that niggers abort their spawn, and then introduces subversion like "it's also good that whites abort their children". I'm not necessarily saying you're the same person, but it's funny how you're using the exact tactics he describes.


Half of Holla Forums are ex-liberals. Nice try.

Oh… wait.

kys retard

…but I'm not wrong. Abortion isn't an issue that effects conservative rural whites. It's an issue that fucks over the metropolitan liberal whites. If you want to make a case against this feel free to prove me wrong. Also I believe in the idea that political dispositions are inherited.

What kind of incentives or disincentives would you like to see?

Are you sure? I never really was a liberal. I was born to liberal parents though, which does contradict the idea that liberalism is inherited, however I think I am a genetic regression towards the attributes of my mother's parents.

I would say Holla Forums is people who are low in agreeableness and who do not submit blindly to authority. They are people who question everything and have to understand the why of things before they accept it. Holla Forums are the high caste as such, while the normies are the thralls.

Yes. I was a bluepilled liberal myself and a shitload of Holla Forumsacks will tell you the same thing. So your premise that white liberals should abort their kids because their kids are unsalvageable is wrong and retarded.

You have a point there but you will have to make a stronger case for me to shift my views here. Lets not forget that ALL of us have been born while abortion is legal. If we made abortion illegal, would it really increase the number of Holla Forumsacks, or would it disproportionately bolster the black population instead? Think about that.

I would also like to try and reach a position on this matter; if we were a racially homogenous nation (and therefore did not have to account for the breeding of non–whites) should abortion be illegal or legal? I would say it should be entirely legal but I might compromise with just settling on mandatory abortion of defectives, high risk pregnancies where the mother could die, but making it illegal to abort healthy white children where there is no risk to the mother. However I then have to wonder what the consequences of such a policy would be. Many times abortion has been illegal or suppressed before but women aborted their babies all the same.

The woman's body often aborts a baby naturally under high stress or as the consequence of eating some herbs or such. Even the savage Native Americans had means if birth control / abortion.

Ok I will concede to your point. White liberals ideally should not abort their children and should be discouraged from doing so. Shame and other tactics should be used as well to keep them from aborting their child. However if they are so determined that all of the above doesn't work on them and they still want to abort their child I see no reason to stop them. What are you going to do? Lock them up for aborting their child? Then they are unproductive, put in an environment that breeds criminality, and will not be able to function well in society when they get out with a record. Are you going to fine them? Then you put a financial burden on them that will again fuck their shit up. It seems to not be worthwhile to make it illegal for them to abort their children. However I would drop the idea I suppose of advocating liberals abort their children but then I have another consideration; what if by advocating white liberals abort their children we create a panic amongst their type that white liberalism is going to die out and they respond by having more white children in the hopes that the future will not be deprived of their ideology? Something to consider. I tend to see liberals as simply irresponsible and selfish misanthropes.

What's missing from this question is a structure of values, and conditions related to the culture of the people in question. Having an all white country will not magically make freedom result in only positive outcomes. Standards still need to be enforced. Incentives still matter. If there's no vigilant aim towards a greater goal society will degenerate.

You can avoid abortion in the first place by disincentivising sex for people of low genetic stock.

Ok that is a nice area for exploration. Let us consider cultural methods to raise the white birthrate. After all the state is not good at everything and not necessary for everything. What are historical examples and case studies and other material we may draw upon for effective ways to engineer the cultural to a pro-natalist mindset? How do we put women back into their traditional and submissive role and make men want to be actual fathers instead of going around fucking as many women as they can? I for one hate anti-natalism because I have seen good women go to waste this way. In fact there is a strong tendency it seems where the most wealth and stability and so on you give to whites they have less children and we need to overcome that somehow.


An r selected population explodes uncontrollably with unlimited resources. Whites are k selected and limit their population growth.

One idea I have to combat this is simply to not let women work and to intentionally impoverish women. The men will be able to provide then for their wives instead of the government providing for them. This should lead to circumstances where the mother will desire more children. I intuitively sense however that there is more to solving this problem than this however. We don't want a situation where women are stripped of their rights just to become sex slaves, we want to strip them of their rights so they become mothers.

We need to affirm the value of motherhood. In the past we had a culture that worshipped fertility and female archetypes that impressed themselves upon women making them feel great about being mothers. There is an article I have seen and should dig up about attitudes towards having children and the role that has in whether people reproduce or not and how much they do. In certain European countries the ideal is a big family still. In others they see a woman with lots of children as being scum. We need to change these viewpoints.

If abortion was illegal then niggers would simply use coat hangers, bleach, and blunt force trauma to abort dey keeds. It wouldn't stop them at all. It would just make the abortion process dangerous and fairly likely to kill the sheboons along with their spawn.

Illegal. Murdering white children is never okay unless they have radical genetic defects like severe down's syndrome and therefore literally cannot function in society. 1488, motherfucker.

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How about a tax on single mothers and penalties on couples that have few children? Many people argue that having children is too expensive and takes up too much of their time. What if we made it the opposite case; what if we create by state imposition a life circumstances where it's the people that breed that get more time and resources? Would that be sufficient to achieve the change we want or would it have to work in tandem with seizing our own narrative again, defeating the jewish media, and creating cultural works that elevate the mother to high status and denigrate the single woman?

How do you intend to do that? Also how do you expect them to respond to these disincentivizations?

Isn't that kind of the purpose of the taboos in religion that promote celibacy? Maybe also having certain institutions taking in these people and teaching them sex is evil?

Supporting evidence for this claim? Niggers are lazy creatures that like everything done for them.

Ok but what does it say about you if your mother wanted to cull you? How fucked up would be your life growing up knowing your mother not wanted you? What about high risk pregnancies where the mother might be in danger of dying if the child isn't aborted?

Growing up with a mother who screams over the phone at her husband she divorced being all like "why do I have these children I hate you for making me have them" takes a toll on the psyche of the children. I have a female cousin whose mother refused to breastfeed her and who abandoned her. She didn't even bother to take the kids, she simply left, and the man was forced to take care of her. She has grown up with all kinds of insecurities and is now with some pot smoking degenerate who mooches off of her. I also know a hermit in my area that is redpilled and it's the same story with him except he has two children. One day the mother just fucked off and was never heard from again, abandoning her children to the man. She wanted nothing to do with the whole matter. Of course we hear many cases of mothers divorcing their husbands and getting the children and all the belongings and stuff but some mothers simply disappear and don't want the children or anything else.

In this board most fags are White.
Then it makes sense to promote Christianity to reduce the killing of White babies.
To pressure, ashame, harass, and threat White whores sound good to me.
Any White baby saved is precious.
Kek wills it.

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We must gut Christianity a second time though. The first time Christianity was gutted of everything that tends towards self-preservation, in-group preferences, health, and sanity. Christianity like all the other religions and the secular types has been perverted with humanist egalitarian ideas. I don't think Christianity needs to be promoted so heavily as to make the whole nation a Christian nation but we must bring all the religions and institutions and media and corporations in line with state imposed NatSoc values.

(which btw is what Hitler did)


Did Hitler believe in God? He believed deeply in God. He called God the Almighty, master of all that is known and unknown.

Propagandists portrayed Hitler as an atheist. He was not. He had contempt for hypocritical and materialistic clerics, but he was not alone in that. He believed in the necessity of standards and theological dogmas, without which, he repeatedly said, the great institution of the Christian church would collapse. These dogmas clashed with his intelligence, but he also recognized that it was hard for the human mind to encompass all the problems of creation, its limitless scope and breathtaking beauty. He acknowledged that every human being has spiritual needs.

The song of the nightingale, the pattern and color of a flower, continually brought him back to the great problems of creation. No one in the world has spoken to me so eloquently about the existence of God. He held this view not because he was brought up as a Christian, but because his analytical mind bound him to the concept of God. Hitler’s faith transcended formulas and contingencies. God was for him the basis of everything, the ordainer of all things, of his destiny and that of all others.

I'm not a central planner, I haven't answered every "how" for myself, but I don't have to because I'm arguing from principles. I know that people respond to incentives, because our brains are basically profit and loss calculating meat computers. We have an innate drive to achieve a vague sense of satisfaction, and with the information we receive we attempt to do just that. The structure and complexity of our brains determine how able we are to shape our world to our satisfaction, and attain realization of higher truths (the truths being the true path to lasting satisfaction). From this we can determine that high IQ, and some traits, like a bit of disagreeableness, are desirable to achieving the most satisfaction.

Now how do we achieve high IQ, and desirable traits? By incentive and disincentive of certain bevahiors. We know this, because nature has shaped us into what we are today, so we can shape ourselves into what we will be tomorrow, but only if we are vigilant in upholding standards that raise IQ and desirable traits. What those are is another big discussion I'm still having with myself.

Right now in my country people are paid to have children. $600 every month for every child. Yet they don't respond to said incentive (probably don't know it even exists). This makes me skeptical.

Not so fast.
If you suppress Christianity, you create a vacuum which is filled immediately by satanism, degeneracy, corruption, decadency, and hostile religions.
It is true that contemporary Christianity have been infiltrated and corrupted, but we need the hardcore set of moral values as an anchor, and to keep together that sector of the population who will not submit to degeneracy.

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Is the money they could get from having children more than they could get just working? I know high IQ people are not often enticed by welfare because it doesn't offer benefits greater than what they can make putting themselves to work. Not to mention doing nothing for a living is boring/unfulfilling for intelligent people.

Incentives are complicated. People not following one doesn't mean that they aren't effected by incentives.

kys Jew.

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By "gut" I think he means fix towards our goals. Christianity is pretty fucking cucked at the moment.

That's still more than 13% or whatever niggers are these days.

I hope you meet a nice girl that strings you along for a few years before aborting your first child.
Should be sent back to Africa

You know that with the advancement of society we need less and less of the low IQ population and more and more of the high IQ. In general there must be an infrastructure and workforce that supports the high IQ part of the population. After all a Holla Forums intellectual really isn't fit for working in a production line at some factory doing the same repetitive shit day in and day out forever. He could tolerate it for awhile but he would inevitably quit or kill himself if he had to do that the rest of his life. Yet I've seen people who are entirely content to do that kind of thing their whole life then come home and fuck their wife or sit in front of a television or do whatever it is that satisfies them.

Have you seen the recent Varg videos about thralls? They were just released on his channel. There are many low IQ Europeans. Our race already produces all the variety of people it needs for a functional society.

Introducing racial foreigners however severely disrupts that harmony and there are many policies right now that are favoring the production of misery and defect over the proliferation of health and genius.

Our education system is basically designed to waste people's time and degrade them. Our media poisons the minds of our people… and the economy seems to be so arranged as to subsidize the population growth of shitskins or to create opportunities for foreigners (they have the merit, we have the jobs, lets give it to them!). I oppose capitalism when it's making my enemies wealthy and plundering my environment.

There is a lot of work to be done.

Being a mother is a full-time job and intellectually challenging. Also women aren't that intelligent compared to men. Women should be at home having children and raising and teaching them and instilling the right values. Our government makes it easy for them to do that… but no… they'd rather go to university for however many years, then get a career, then when they are 30 consider settling down and having kids. Average age of first child being born is now 33. Women are becoming mothers at 33. That is fucked up.

To gut means to keep the outwards appearance and change the inner content.

Right now Christianity is lead by humanist egalitarians and zionists.

These must be replaced by men who emphasize and preach nationalism, order, fighting kikes, and such.

Kids from liberal parents usually end up disliking or hating liberalism.

t. fag with a gf whose parents are liberal

Your picture is showing to me that abortion disproportionately affects blacks. You are making my own case for me. Are you unable to comprehend the meaning of the stats you have just shown me?

As for the second picture, Jews dominate the medical practice… as well as legal, banks, etc.

If that happens and they don't have a valid reason to do it (like the child being defective) than I'll be feeling the most incredible grief imaginable fam. It'll break my mind. Probably lead to me killing her and than burning my home down with myself in it. It doesn't change my stance on abortion but fuck that would be horrible to go through. I'm actually scared of that happening. God have mercy on me I don't deserve to go through that shit.

I am curious if anyone has stats on how much legalizing abortion actually changed things for various countries. I would like to get an idea of how much people were aborting their kids illegally vs how many were doing it once it was legal. I would like also examples of societies that have reverted to making abortion illegal and what impact that had. I would like to see what difference it makes in majority white countries vs majority African or Asian.

Complete agreement.

There are ~1 million abortions each year in the US, and its been that way for decades.

You're justifying the deaths of upwards of 400,000 White babies every year because you don't have the ability or will to remove the pests which you use as justifcation for this disgusting Jewish practice.
You are literally sacrificing White babies on a Jewish altar to avoid being overrun by vermin you refuse to exterminate.
What a good goy.

And bug spray will disproportionately affect roaches, doesn't mean gassing your home with your children inside isn't going to effect them, you simp.
Let's make very clear what you're arguing for: You're arguing that its okay that 400-500k+ White babies die, every year, at the willing hands of their own mothers - and if that isn't some esoteric Jewish ritual sacrifice on a hitherto unseen scale, I don't know what is - because it also kills about 300-400k niglets.
Its disgusting.
Its like justifying killing your own children with insecticide as part of an effort to keep your roach problem under control - not to END your roach problem, mind, you, just to keep it under control.
Disgusting rationale.

Are you stupid, or just a liar?
That graphic shows that ~40% of Jewish obgyns offer abortions, and no other denomination even comes close.

Oh, and your transhumanist too.
What a surprise - a Torfag transhumanist promoting ritual sacrifice of babies by their own mothers (with aid from Jewish/non-White 'doctors') as 'population control'.
I wonder what you said that got you banned.

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100% of whom are unwanted babies, a huge portion (would like to find the exact number) defective retard babies, some probably mongrels, and a good number of which would have been aborted regardless of whether it's legal or illegal (I'd like stats on how much people abort their children when it's illegal vs legal).

Europeans and in fact every race of people all around the world have been practicing abortion and infanticide since the earliest of times. It is not uniquely jewish, I'd like to see you try and make the case that abortion is jewish, but it's not. A lot of jews are medical practitioners. I think there is a case that blood sacrifice and even more so the mutilation of baby dicks is a uniquely jewish thing in that they do these things way more than anyone else does though.

Tell me how many of those white children were actually healthy white children. That number matters way more to me than the total number of white children aborted. Show me how many healthy white children are dying. They are still 100% unwanted children and 100% children who if they were forced to be kept would go through a living hell with resentful parents that hate and mistreat them.

Just an aside I want to see some stats on how many white women had abortions and then regretted it later. I'd also like to see case studies on how abortion fucks up the psyche of women.

If it's a brainless sissy retard I'm culling it. If I am in a very desperate situation where it's a choice between my wife dying or the baby dying I'm culling it. If it it's illegal I'll just "sudden infant death syndrome" it… have the mother ingest essential oils.

Yes and how much of the overall population of doctors are Jewish? They dominate that field.

No not really. I hate transhumanists and their delusions. However I know what is gene editing and I know some basic improvements can be made to the human race via selective breeding, culling, incentives, social programs, and yes genetic engineering.

Not an argument.

I've been banned hundreds of times and I just like Tor a lot more but I also use VPNs when I feel like it,

Liberals aren’t breeding anymore and temperament and predilections to certain political positions are very much inheritable, the 2010 US survey and Europoll 2011 both found that 93%+ of individuals had the same political and religious affiliation as their parents once they were older than 25. Indicating some form of heritable trait is being passed on.
You can see it in the birthrates by political affiliation and race within in the USA. White Democrats: 0.9, Jews: 0.8, blacks: 1.4, and spics: 1.6. White republicans are between 2.6 and 2.9 depending on whose numbers you use, with the highest being recorded in the General Social Survey which also has the largest sample set.

If the 2014 white conservative birthrates and those of the other demographic groups remained constant without additional input via immigration by 2050 only 20% of individuals in the US will be descended from habitual Democrat voters or self described liberals and only 7% will be black.

That is what the demoshits have feared for so long, that is why they want to import shitskins so desperately.

Dear Tor kike.
Or perhaps I should say: Dear Tor whore who is shilling to avoid to loose her murder privileges.
100% unwanted babies is only relevant to the sinners who exercise their sexuality for recreation and without restrain or responsibility.
You paint a dire panorama of trouble and negativity for all those babies, because just a very small percentage of them might be defective.
Your logic is flawed.
Pregnancy is not just an accident, it just happens by design.
And this occurrence is a fact of life, females are created to be inseminated.
Accept this as a fact.
Birth control is a disruptive and unnatural technology that must be highly restricted.

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OP is kutty kenny, paranoid schizophrenic.

dead kike on a stick lmao

This proves that cases such as mine and that of a number of other Holla Forumsiticians who had liberal parents are indeed the exception (the 7%) and certainly not common.

This also would explain why the shifting demographics have favored Trump's election and also why we call the next generation "Generation Zyklon".

It's funny but conservative policies would potentially save the liberal from being bred out of existence. Molyneux did a video about this.

We must however prevent this. We can't let the pendulum swing continue. The liberal type must become endangered and if possible wiped out.

Even if fewer white women get abortions than say blacks, it doesn't change the fact that the existence of the practice encourages destructive social norms like "consequence free sex". Its also used a political wedge issue against White Women who have been brainwashed into seeing it as a "Right" and an act of "Empowerment" even if they never get an abortion.

Kill yourself OP.

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"Murder" - the illegal (meaning not sanctioned by the state) killing of another human being.

I know you guys like to twist the meaning of words so they suit you and think that by saying "murder" you somehow have the moral highground.

However, abortion is not murder if abortion is legal. Abortion is only murder if it's illegal.

So call it what it is; the taking of a human life - culling - killing - but not "murder".

I happen to support the culling of puppies and kittens btw. There are too many feral dogs and cats destroying the populations of birds and other animals. Also lame pets absolutely should be euthanized, it is insanity to spend thousands of dollars or even millions in some cases on a fucking pet. Tired of seeing white couples who had a pet dog but no child.

I'm not really "pro-choice" btw. Choice is not the crux of my argument. I would strip women of choice in the matter when it comes to defectives. I would do as any sane government should and intervene, forcibly aborting the parapalegics, downies, and similar abominations.

As for "a person is a person" this is humanist egalitarian rhetoric. You want me to believe in some notion that all life is equal, valid, and possessed of some kind of innate worth that justifies the preservation of criminals, defectives, and other undesirables.

I'm a virgin and don't even masturbate. I understand sin.

Give me the exact percentage and we'll proceed from there.

I'm (on a personal level) against birth control actually. I think condoms and various other means of birth control are unacceptable. I don't know however that I would use the state to ban birth control, for one there are so many means of birth control, and for two it's almost like banning guns or better yet banning explosives; every household already has the material to make bombs in it and it doesn't take that much effort. It does not appear to me to be worthwhile to ban birth control even though it sickens me how many white women are on birth control and I think it ruins their bodies and promotes immortality. We need to convince white women to stop using birth control but using the state to do this won't work or will have too many negative consequences (like fertile women ending up in jail wasting away).

Pregnancy isn't the only "consequence" of sex. There are STDs, there is the breakdown of society, there is the inability to pair-bond correctly, there is the wear and tear on the body, and the drama and fighting.

Can you show me if the moral background down of society and the promiscuity is any less however in white countries where abortion is illegal right now? Give it to me. Show me the facts. Maybe you have a case to be made here… or maybe those countries are going through the same degenerate decline for the reason of jewish influence to subvert the goyim with degeneracy.

No thanks, my death would be the loss of a rational mind and a true fighter for the race, as well as lost opportunity to create white children and change minds and do many other things to benefit my race. It comes as no shock to me however that you wish for a pro-white, redpilled, adult male to end his life but think a baby's life is more valid than my own. Even though decades of resources and time have been poured into me to get me to where I am, you'd throw away my life, because I offended you by having perfectly reasonable views on abortion and infanticide.

You sir better up your game or I will have to consider you a mental midget and a thrall.

The jews if they have their way will make the abortion of healthy white children mandatory and the preservation of downies illegal. They will be pro-life when it means fucking up the white goyim families by burdening them with defectives. They will of course frame the narrative also in such a way as to encourage women to make the worst decisions and for the most wrongful of reasons. They will play both sides to get what they want. I am on neither side of the jewish controlled narrative concerning abortion and infanticide. My stance on the matter is entirely shaped by my desire for the improvement of the race, the defeat of our enemies, and even by such ideas as justice and mercy; for what else can you call the culling of a suffering and defective being but justice and mercy?

preservation of downies *legal* I mean, or better yet, mandatory.

In fact kikes already passed a law in one state making it illegal to abort downies, and yet in that same state if I am not mistake, it's still perfectly legal to abort healthy white children. So there you go.

Boy you sure convinced me fellow white person.

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So far anti-abortionists keep proving over and over they can't argue for shit. I have already archived this thread multiple times in order to preserve for posterity the absolute whopping you are all taking. However I welcome the day I am refuted and shown by a superior mind the wrongness of my views, if indeed they are wrong, which they probably are not all things considered and taken into account. At best there is probably room for adjustment and refinement as new information and better arguments come to my attention.

Boy you sure convinced me, BSR lover who makes himself on equal grounds with the screeching insanity of liberals with no arguments.

I bet you're mad as fuck too that I haven't made any mistakes at all so far. If you were arguing with anyone else you'd see bullshit like "a fetus isn't alive" or other nonsense that is wrong and easy to refute. However my stance rests on a solid foundation of truth. There are no holes in my arguments. Thank god at least I'm not being strawmanned even once in this thread, as has often happened to me in the past, where people come in and then argue against bullshit pro-abortionists have said but which I myself have never said. I thank you all for not strawmanning me even once so far.

Play with rhetoric and fallacies all you want.
In the end we will get our way by hook or by crook.
Whores belong to the kitchen, and it is written: they must submit or else.

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Go try to impress someone else with your little utilitarianism routine kiddo.

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Is that all you wanted?

Your Argument:
Done and done.

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What fallacies have I committed?

Hooks are used to abort babies though.

Women do belong in the kitchen. That is a related but separate subject.

Now to address your pictures.

1. What the fuck is that first pic supposed to convey to me.
2. Yes, a baby is human before and after, in the strict biological sense of the word.
3. Third pic I am not "pro-choice". There are more sides in this abortion debate than "pro-choice" and "pro-life".

I'm going to expand on your third.

Where should the choice lay concerning abortion? With the child? No. The child is incapable to make any choices it is too underdeveloped. Oh as an ironic aside, if a fetus has the capacity to make choices, then there goes out the window that whole "a child can't consent to sex therefore pedophilia is wrong" argument…

So does the choice lay with the woman? At present it does. Should that remain the case. Fuck no. Women are less developed when compared with man. They are less responsible and bad at making good choices. Well, strictly speaking when it comes to men we have more retards in our gender, and more genius… but I don't think those retarded men that even stupid than women are becoming fathers. So generally speaking, the man is more mentally competent than his wife, and the choice should be with HIM. The man should decide if the baby is aborted or not; not the woman.

…but I'm not done here yet. There is still a problem. Many men make irrational and stupid choices; like keeping mongrels and defectives alive. Here is where I take the authoritarian stance and say the state should have the final say. If some man wants to keep a little abomination alive, fuck him, we send in the abortion squads and rip the abomination out like the Chinese do.

As for you, what is your stance? My guess is you're an authoritarian like me as well and want the state to have the final say… or would you be happy with the man having the say? Tell me please.

I am not a strict utilitarian and my worldview does not stand entirely upon the utility of things or beings. I would not even call myself a utilitarian at all; though I don't discount the utility of things as being a factor in evaluating their worth. What are you btw? All I know about you is that you dislike utilitarianism. Are you a fundamentalist? Something else?

Woo the first strawman of this thread. Nope that is not my argument. I am clearly something of a social darwinist in that I am not opposed to letting the retarded liberals destroy themselves. I do have critiques of social darwinism though I could bring fourth as there are some problems with that ideology, for example, taken too far it tends to atomize us too much and make everything in life a competition where we're all throwing each under the bus all the time. It is a biological reality that there is cooperation in nature and ingroup preferences. We are not meant to function as hyper-individualistic beings, especially not us humans, are are not like the jungle leopards which might be said to be some of the most individualistic creatures around. The human is meant to organize itself in tribes and to compete and organize on that level. If we take things too far in the extreme of humanism where we regard all the different races of man as interchangeable we have made a terrible mistake. However the opposite extreme is equally shit, both are non-viable strategies that find us in conflict with nature. As as a fascist I exalt natural law and cosmic order and wish to create a harmony between man and a nature. The jew does everything he can to fight human nature and evolution and to overthrow the cosmic order. That is why jews are the most true to the archetype of Satan and may as well be the enemies of God.

You are arguing here in bad faith. Discussion is best when it involves two or more people meeting on equal ground. You are unable to make that effort. People here are unwilling to make the sacrifice for your benefit. You're on a crusade but the only enemy you have to face is your own ignorance, and its no responsibility of anyone here to meet any challenge you think by your overinflated sense of self-worth is yours to issue.

No, it literally is. As long as you are allowing Liberals to self-select, this is your argument. But I guess thats better than being an even more obvious kike by suggesting a State Eugenics program.

Anyway… Jews make Billions off the abortion industry every year… but i'm sure you already knew that my fellow White person.

Attached: Jewish Reproduction.webm (640x360, 3.52M)

You're arguing from a utilitarian standpoint. To say that we anti-abortionists are irrational is also a straw man argument. What you call stupidity is in fact a moral standpoint rooted in Truth, and even if you're not a d&c shill and in fact just a huge autist like me, your philosophy is lacking in the human element and is rooted in the belief that the ends (NatSoc states) justify the means (murder, and just because the modern (((law))) says it isn't murder doesn't make it so).

I can't abide by that, because the logical extension of this belief is that modern humans are evil or animalistic by default, rather than products of a carefully twisted and engineered society, and need to be properly "managed" by the state. Eliminate the Jews, expose their lies, end their usury and banking cabal, segregate the shitskins, and return western nations to Christianity, and we won't even need NatSoc states, but that's another argument entirely. I believe if we do go NatSoc, it ought to be a temporary measure.

I get what you mean (mainstream Christianity is an obvious cancer that needs to be eliminated in favor of a more local approach), but the New Testament is probably the most humanist work ever written. We need to hold fast to moral principles, not continue gutting Christianity, if we're to preserve western civilization.

/thread tbqh.

Nothing wrong with that, but abortion is not the solution. People need to get redpilled and make changes from within, and having murder on one's conscience splits a person's soul. You say you understand Natural Law, but the only way to live in Natural Law is to not kill/steal and respect life and the rights of others, so right there you've got a problem. You want cosmic order? Split up the cities, refuse to pay taxes, and return to the countryside, to farming and tending to the land God gave us instead of letting (((Monsanto))) destroy it all. Then we watch as the kikes and shitskins destroy themselves.

Are you accusing me of being a sophist?

Not an argument. I don't see you anti-abortionists going heavy on the stats, studies, or arguments. Most of it boils down to a lack of sensitivity to context and unfounded accusations of immortality. Whatever is it that you mean by "equal ground"? We are not shouting over one another, there are no time slots, we are anonymous and equal participants in this thread. How does self-worth or any other attacks you make on my character at all relevant to the discussion at hand?

At present abortion is to the disadvantage of the negro and his champion the liberal. If would like to however make changes to the system of abortion to further disadvantage these groups and help along the rise of whites of the right-leaning disposition.

What is wrong with a state eugenics program? We already have an eugenics program as this pretty much every country. What is wrong with our current eugenics program and how might it be improved?

Do they now? I don't doubt that but I'd like to see the exact numbers. It would be a good idea don't you think to ban jews from having those professions in our country and better yet to kick them out or even better yet kill them all?

And this shilling is so profoundly female, I dare to say… (((Jew))), in the way the trolling is unwrapping.

Attached: Shill.jpg (1200x818, 190.8K)

>You're arguing from a utilitarian standpoint. To say that we anti-abortionists are irrational is also a straw man argument. What you call stupidity is in fact a moral standpoint rooted in Truth, and even if you're not a d&c shill and in fact just a huge autist like me, your philosophy is lacking in the human element and is rooted in the belief that the ends (NatSoc states) justify the means (murder, and just because the modern (((law))) says it isn't murder doesn't make it so).

Some of it is utilitarian. I believe that abortion also serves to reduce the suffering in the world though. It is an act of mercy in many cases.

I am not the kind of person who is swayed by you using that word "murder" to emotionally manipulate me. Abortion is murder where abortion is illegal. It is killing where it is legal. I do not see murder as flat out wrong nor do I see killing as completely wrong. It depends on context. There are cases where murder is to me justified, the state is not always right. There are cases where killing as well is justified, for instance most people support killing in "self-defense", though I think Julius Evola in his Metaphysics of War makes a solid case that reducing acceptable killing to only self-defense is silliness. I think there's a lot of people as well that support euthanasia, another form of killing (which can be murder if it's illegal, yes), whose aim is to usually to end the suffering of an individual in great pain; though it can also be about eliminating a burden on society, and it ALSO be framed from the perspective of choice (aka assisted suicide for those that can't take their own life by reason of disability).

Are you an anarchist then? I used to be an anarchist and I still am to a certain extent. However I see that in some cases state intervention is justified. Fascism and National Socialism both involve certain powers going to the state. Libertarianism too; although they want to reduce the power of the state in many ways and emphasize the freedom of the individual. There is a strong case for anarchism and anarchism in practice often translates to rule by natural law, but that can also be characterized as thuggishness and brutality and disorder too, as may be the case. I have heard a lot of different anarchist and ex-anarchist arguments that inform my views on anarchism.

Going a little further on this, I think we can definitely solve a lot of our problems in anarchic ways. For example getting rid of hate speech laws, allowing freedom of association to actually function so that shop owners and home owners and such can keep niggers away, and various changes like this will favor the white race and drive out the parasitic mud races. There is also that "let bigots be bigots and expose themselves as such" or "I want to know who the real bigots are rather than them keeping it under wraps and secretly resenting me" which are points Stefan Molyneux has made in the past.

All good. I am pro apartheid and segregation. Although neither are my end-game as I recognize that as soon as the blacks have their own area, it will go to shit rapidly, and they will try to pour into the white areas. The consequence of this will be race war; which is the inevitable and final conclusion to this mess we are in. Everything is a round about way to get to that point.

Why do you think NatSoc should be temporary? What problems would result from sticking to the NatSoc model in the long-run?

As for Christianity… no. The separation of state and church was a good development. No one religion should be favored by the state. If Christianity is to experience a revitalization and to retake our nations, it must be organic in nature, and I for one value religious freedom and welcome having multiple religions living together. I would only persecute religion so much as it comes into conflict with the interests of the race.

Bullshit, Abortion is the most anti-white and bluepilled thing in existence.

Child Murder that leads to existential societal nihilism and the reduction in the value of life can never be helpful.

Hell, if we Abortion hadn't been legalized before, we wouldn't be in the demographic shit mess we are in now because the race war would have already had happened.

The humanist framework is defective and not a sound foundation for morality.

The Christian theology however encompasses an amazing variety and depth of moral teachings. Although these do not belong exclusively to the Christian faith and the influence of Paganism (such as through Plotinus for example) should not be downplayed at all.

The Bible is a complicated work and there were many consequences to the rise of Protestantism and every man having his own opinion on the bible and reading it. Many people do not put in the proper time and effort into understanding it and commit many blasphemies. On the one hand all this deviation and discussion had refined Christian theology further – making it very precise and nuanced. On the other we have tons of idiots going amok creating all kinds of trouble.

The thralls need to be managed properly. They need us to lord over them. They are too busy working, or enjoying themselves, or doing the things that lesser men do; and lack the capacity or interest to rule themselves. They must be ruled.

I will believe I did the right thing and be troubled not at all by the abortion of an undesirable being (mongrel, non-white, defective). I would be in tears if my wife aborted a healthy white child we had. I do believe in the redpilling process and I want to defeat anti-natalism, I want white people to breed and have healthy white children. Making abortion illegal is not going to fix the problems. This is a culture war.

That is a general rule. Our civilization is built on raiding, slaughter, executions, and such and I can not see it having happened any other way. Human nature has certain aspects to it we might characterize as "dark" and which have to be accounted for. I'm not sure also that I would want to engineer a race of people that have been deprived of this "darkness" either, made into say, slaves lacking any aggression, or having the range of human expression so limited and restricted. The gooks are disturbing to my sensibilities in their uniformity and in the things they lack. I have something of a notion of a cosmic play in mind and I think it would be an affront to God to remove certain of the characters from that play.

>You want cosmic order? Split up the cities, refuse to pay taxes, and return to the countryside, to farming and tending to the land God gave us instead of letting (((Monsanto))) destroy it all. Then we watch as the kikes and shitskins destroy themselves.

What do you mean by split up the cities? Why should we refuse to pay taxes, isn't that an act of war against the ZOG? If you stop paying taxes you're inviting them to come with their troops and siege you. If that is the decision you want to make then god speed to you though I'm not sure it's a winning strategy. I hate the urban life and hold in high esteem farmers. I hate Monsanto and I love the Amish people and their way of life. We don't even need to create these massive surpluses of poisoned food anyways, all that just goes to support the population explosion of niggers, tremendous quantities of flour and rice and so on all goes Subsahara Africa as foreign aid. I'd like it if we just had organic farming and let those damned niggers starve to death. As for the kikes and shitskins destroying themselves, they're always doing that, but they will attack us too. They will come out into the countryside and kill us on our farms like happens in South Africa. Some Boer farmers hold off for many days and kill many niggers but eventually, alone and isolated, they fall to the enemy's numbers and the farm is taken over and destroyed.

I must be Ayn Rand reincarnated – probably the most intellectually gifted female on the entire internet.

…or we can go with the far more probable case that I am in fact a male. All my interests (philosophy, politics, STEM, etc.) are female repellent of a variety that is almost sure to protect the virginity of any man against the privations of the succubi.

You aren't the first to advocate this but you show signs of being a faggot namely spamming your own thread, torposting, and "Molyneux did a video about this".

I don't call people shills because it's fucking stupid when shitposting has been the way since we were /new/.

Abortion is merely useful in the moment because it allows the enemies of whites to murder their children, that is why it is useful. That said I will actively strive to kill the children of kikes, niggers, and libshits if given the chance. They are the worm in our apple and need to excised. This is a war of extermination and they must be eliminated. The fact that the enemy are worthless kinslayers just demonstrates why they need to go.

This filth has always hidden within the white race, and also the NE Asians if you've seen their birthrates. These people lived off the cultural largesse of our traditional societies, Christianity for example forced these faggots to marry, be productive, breed and keep their retarded thoughts to themselves lest they be shunned for their disgusting sins. And back then the environment gave them no choice but to behavior in an adaptive manner or die. When they "freed" themselves from that social control the social standards of each generation declined since they were no longer being enforced by an outside social structure or the environment. And now it has come to this. Libtards and shitskins in America have divorce rates of 70% while white "conservatives"(defined in surveys are registered republicans) have divorce rates of 4-8% which is still way too high. Libtards have birthrates below 1 while conservatives have 3 or so kids. Libtards live in their dirty cities with their dogs and cats while conservatives live largely as their ancestors did in rural areas and very small cities. White males produce 74% of the GDP and account for 92% of those employed in manufacturing or resource extraction. White males do all the dangerous and hard work. This is what happens when fear of punishment and strife are not utilized as proper agents of social control. This is the inevitable result of allowing weak willed men, kikes, and cunts to decide the destiny of mankind.

We've seen bullshit like the libtards before, the Cathars were excepting of homosexuality, vice of all sorts, and even murder. They encouraged people not to breed, and thought that because the world was filthy and fallen nobody should have children and that no authority should control them because it was temporal, except for the Cathar Elect of course. Sound familiar? How many times has a libtard bitched to you about overpopulation and how you are selfish for bringing children into a world were they suffer, you are selfish for not adopting a little nignog because muh overpopulation, you are selfish for doing anything biologically adaptive and placing your family before shitskins you've never met. And when you point out that we could just stop feeding the shitskins and billions would die off in the first ten years they have no material rebuttal they and only sputter and stammer "W-W-WACIST!"

This is the same sickness we as a race have always had. The Catholic Church organized the extermination of all adult Cathars under the request of France and the German states because these faggots were trying to destroy society. But they didn't purge enough it seems, the Cathars were never that big and the Inquisition was created to prevent another heresy of that sort. And it did, and it only cost 4,500 lives at most over an 800 year period to do it. The Inquisition essentially invented modern investigative law because they weren't a secular court looking for scapegoats to throw to the outraged mob. They were actually trying to stop heresy.

But it was a mistake and yes any NatSoc plan of forcing these fags to act like humans would also be a mistake. We should just let all those who don't have a predisposition to survive die off, ZA VINAL ZOLUTION IV YOU VILL!

I and the entirety of the Middle Ages will have to disagree with that statement. Human primacy does not imply humanism. Humans are constantly derided as weak and sinful but still the most powerful material agency and as having a position which places them above all other physical things in creation.

Woe to all the aborted niglets. Had their lives been preserved surely they would have all become #BASED Magapedes and signed up as fighting men for the Fourth Reich. For any lurkers who don't know, blacks did serve as soldiers under National Socialist Germany, and a famous black athlete said of the Germans that they treated him better then what he went through in America.

Yet infanticide has been a common practice all throughout our entire history. Would you like to characterize our entire history then as nihilistic? The nihilistic attitudes towards life do not have abortion as a source or cause. That is the poison of the Frankfurt school, of the Jewish intellectuals, who have have taken over academia.

Also the reduction of the value of life is an inevitable consequence of overpopulation amongst other factors.

Now that user is actually a very interesting idea. Lets explore it further. Are you proposing banning abortion as an accelerationist policy to bring about the Racial Holy War?

Do not accuse me of spamming when I am not doing this. The owner of /girltalk/ once did this to me. I was writing normal posts, putting time into it, and posting them in the correct place in the opposing views thread where men are allowed to post. She deleted them, banned me, and said I was spamming. It was only about 5 posts I had made.

After that I spammed her worthless fucking board to death. I made scripts and fired off tons of spam, her board and every thread was buried in ASCII art and emojis and junk text.

So I advise you recant that accusation as I am an actual spammer and will demonstrate to you the true meaning of spam if you need it done. I have been permabanned from all boards by the Holla Forums global administration as a consequence of my spamming and further more many changes have been made to the site to combat various of my spamming methods. I am glad from a technical standpoint that they made those changes, I and others were suggesting these things be done, but it took my actions and relentless spamming to make them actually implement out of desperation to counter me.

There is nothing wrong with using Tor. Besides its memetic potential and the tears it causes you it is a valid tool to protect one's anonymity provided you understand how to use it properly and follow the rules of OpSec. It is not fail-proof but nothing is.

As for Molyneux. What is your problem with him? He runs a philosophy podcast and has a lot to say about many subjects. I don't agree with everything he says but my engagement with his material has brought new subjects to my attention that I would have otherwise ignored and expanded my understanding. You might not like the man, you may not agree with him, but he is also a voice for nationalist interests and helps many people discover the truths we know and hold dear.

My eyes are starting to tear up from looking at the bright screen too long I will have to take a 15 minute break to do a little exercise, close my eyes, and let them recover. Maybe even just go to sleep. However I shall try to hold off on this….

There's that word again being used wrongly in an attempt to manipulate my emotions. "Murder". Why must you wage this war on the meaning of words? This is what the jews do, they destroy the meaning of words, and make it mean whatever they want. This is part of the subjectivist tendency as well. If we are to speak of jews encouraging murder of white children it would make more sense in the context of certain Satanic cults promoted by jewry in which murder, in the proper sense of that word, was encouraged. Jews encourage whites to kill their children (with the approval of the state). This is not murder. Would you say that our soldiers are "murdering goatfuckers"? No. They are killing goatfuckers. Murder is defined by the state not your moral sensibilities. When you have seized the state apparatus as to make the law yourself, then you may say what is murder. Until then - it is killing.

Good. I support your revolutionary zeal. For some reason this does pop into my mind though right now… something for consideration. Are you aware of the agenda of the KGB and of the Russians? They like to back radical elements on all sides in America to destabilize the nation. Their plan is that when America falls into civil war, they will be able to make their moves then, as America will become weak and Russia can then become the super power in this world. The Chinese also have similar ambitions. I'm not saying we need to avoid a civil war… but it would be great if we had some kind of disorder going on in China and Russia at the same time as in our own nation, so that we might not win our Civil War, just to be taken over at the end by a foreign power that then comes in and dominates us.

This is in line with cyclical history. When we create a perfect order there tends to be stagnation and decay that sets in at the same time. This eventually catches up with us, necessitating another revolution, another internal purging to set things right again. The question is; how to overcome the cyclicity of history? How to use our knowledge and insight to create the thousand year Reich?

I really like those stats and want to share them with someone I correspond with. If you can find me the source so I can pass on those stats I would be really happy.

This would make a great subject for a video. We could make a presentation lasting maybe an hour, perhaps longer, about the parallels between the modern libtard problem and the Cathar problem in the past. Would have the potential to redpill a lot of minds especially if we can get out through channels which have a lot viewers.

Ah yes. I have encountered that myself a lot. I think I previously mentioned it but I was an anarchoprimitivist. I held the same views BUT I never ascribed to idea of adopting others. No, I was full on misanthrope. Today my views are more balanced out by the recognition and special consideration I have for my own race and the realities of this kind of anti-natalist and overpopulation rhetoric being targeted only at whites while they do another thing concerning Subsaharan Africans for instance. These kinds of double standards have enraged me and made me become disgusted with the Green Party and the pseudo-environmentalists. The left can only virtue signal about the environment, while the monarchy and various hard-right and conservative groups are always involved in the actual preservation of the land.

I really like this perspective. It's like when you hear the real facts about slavery or the so called "holohoax". The Inquisition is one of those boogiemen that gets demonized throughout history. Wiccans whine about "muh poor witches" and atheist fedora types talk about the "irrationality and dogma of the church" as if those purges were the acts of lunatics. Yet here you make the case that they had well founded reasons for doing what they did and make me thankful for The Inquisition.

Yes that is my conclusion as well. I think Hitler summed it up thus:

"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live." -= Adolf Hitler

I concur.

Holy shit right now the UK is taking actions against Russia that I have only seen before when a war is absolutely imminent.

I would say we are at the highest risk of a major war breaking out between England and Russia right now.

Fuck, I better look in the catalog for a thread about this, or make one if it doesn't exist.


No, I use it to insult them. Murder is proscribing killing. Obviously in a non-kiked society the killing of viable offspring would be proscribed. I don't consider any kike influence state or legal system valid and do not consider their destruction treachery but merely war. Killing viable children is murder, but I am heartened when my enemies murder their own children.

I consider this a war and thus killing isn't proscribed or murderous. I will beat a kike-child's head to splinters with a tire iron if I can get away with it. I want the liberals, niggers, saracens, street shitters, and muds extermiated as well. I have no problem with utilizing any weapon against them. I'm the guy who has been developing and posting nerve agent recipes for the last 6 years. pastebin.com/TGzmYw7E

No it isn't because cyclic history is bullshit just as directional history is. These are attributions not predictive models. A cyclic view such as "weak mean make X which makes strong me ect" is bullshit because prior to industrialization prosperity didn't effect the anything but the upper echelons of society and often they had not revitalization but rather suffered destruction and displacement. Never before in history has the effects of decadence been applied to an entire society. Previously though the aristocracy might weaken the lower classes were essentially unaffected as they had to labor to support society regardless of who ruled and what the ideology was. The cyclic view is a simplistic one, humans are naturally prone to see patterns, this is a useful trait but it can also cause us to see patterns where none exist. In reality the reasons for the break up of empires is far more complex and decadence in the ruling class is merely a single factor.

This does offer an opportunity however. Never before has this sort of selective pressure been applied to the entire population. If the liberals are eliminated by their own maldaptive behavior then the frequency of the traits which cause that behavior will be reduced within the population. Not totally eliminated mind you, as coercion and strife will always compel at least some of these scum to survive.

No it's not. Stop changing the definition of words. When you do this you are fucking up the English language. This is part of (((their))) agenda so we can no longer think clearly or resist their conditioning.

murder n. - The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice.

Don't you mean non-viable offspring? I guess you are an usurper and an enemy of the state then… or you at least fancy yourself such. I don't know BUT I don't think I should acknowledge your use of the word murder when you have no claim to stately power at present. Abortion is murder in states in which it is illegal. Maybe you live in such a state. In that case, yes it's murder where you are. Not where I am though. Anyways, if you want to be a warlord, you go to claim and hold some territory. Then I will respect you as the living embodiment of a law, a king, if you so please.

>I consider this a war and thus killing isn't proscribed or murderous. I will beat a kike-child's head to splinters with a tire iron if I can get away with it. I want the liberals, niggers, saracens, street shitters, and muds extermiated as well. I have no problem with utilizing any weapon against them. I'm the guy who has been developing and posting nerve agent recipes for the last 6 years. pastebin.com/TGzmYw7E

Ah ok. I think you qualify as a warrior and that is a great title to hold. Not to many can say they are truly warriors. You're not a king though. Not yet.

I've seen your posts over the last 6 years and I am pretty sure I've saved them before too. Actually yes! I check your pastebin now! Not only have I saved it but I have reposted your exact copypasta many times before and added my own material as well, talking about various methods to take out the power grid, and other details as well.

You mean the weak men lead to hard times, hard times lead to strong men, strong men lead to good times, good times lead to weak men. Yeah that quote. I got that memorized. It's a neat idea. When I did first encounter it though I was troubled by it. It impressed me as one of those quotes that people like to repeat because on first impression it seems sound and to account for things well. I also have reposted and referenced it for propagandistic purposes and to make people think… but yeah there is a problem with it.

When you speak of the upper echelons of society being destroyed well I remember reading about slavery that the the slave masters tended to grow fat and lazy and to have less progeny. I remember this text I was reading telling how it tends to multiply the blacks and cause the white race to decline. This was a very old text I was reading, written back in the 1800s probably. I think they were recognizing some of these problems even before industrialization although that did make things worse.

Anyways are you sure that "cyclical history" is not a useful concept? A lot of history appears cyclical. I think Adolf Hitler might have also said something about history being cyclical, he sure talked a lot about history in Mein Kampf. What do you think of Hitler's views of history?

Yes this is a monumental moment in the history of the race. This last 100 years is going to change us in dramatic ways.

past tense: proscribed; past participle: proscribed
forbid, especially by law.
"strikes remained proscribed in the armed forces"
synonyms: forbid, prohibit, ban, bar, interdict, make illegal, embargo, outlaw, disallow, veto; enjoin
"gambling was proscribed"
denounce or condemn.
"certain practices that the Catholic Church proscribed, such as polygyny"
synonyms: condemn, denounce, attack, criticize, censure, damn, reject, taboo
"the book was proscribed by the Church"

I know what I'm saying, do you?

yes true

christkikes are all for population explosions from bad areas

Yeah but I don't yet recognize you as a lawmaker or a living embodiment of law or anything like that yet.

>ok, so White women do kill their children more than any other race, but they already have large families goy, don't worry!
This bullshit again, diagrams related.

Attached: abortion-by-number-of-previous-births.jpg (600x365 36.25 KB, 37.25K)

Liberal arts and women studies are not education.

It is eugenics, lol. Anyone debased enough to abort their child obviously isn't going to help our race in the first place.

Even if I ended up having an accidental pregnancy with my gf, I'd at least have the decency to put the child up for adoption. I don't kill my people (unless they're leftists or they're trying to kill me).

You realize that's the opposite of what your graphs say

Also this. Whites are the majority, yet we're the minority of abortions. Let's think a little bit.

Blacks make up 11-13% of the population, yet make up nearly half of abortions. See the problem?

Your dubs speak truth, however, the dubs say nothing about the father. It is very unlikely that women in a college setting are mating with males outside of the college setting. They are mating with college chads, (athletes, chemists, agricultural, etc) and then getting abortions. Likely a good percentage of those children are mudbreeds, but not a majority.


I saw a recent study saying the mother has more influence on the intelligence of the children. Stupid mother = stupid children. The man is less important. Really makes me wonder… considering how the jews are matriarchal and all…

It is terrible that baby-killing is considered necessary in this thoroughly sick, fucked-up, kike society.

This entire thread.

This is not an argument; State can do whatever it wants. State is never wrong.

Attached: 46.jpg (1453x1175, 212.88K)

The only way I would support this is if they get sterilized at the same time. The abortion is only free once. I'm not paying for Qwasondra to get eight abortions and feed the other eight she's got at home. No. First one is free. Sterilizer her at the same time, full on hysterectomy. Give her a hundred placebo "birth control" pills, and tell her to take one when she thinks she's pregnant and it will terminate the pregnancy for her. That they'll also stop her from bleeding while on her cycle. It'll be years before she realizes she can't have kids. By then we'll have decimated their numbers. And those that don't go into the abortion clinics can be given the "Jerusalem special". Mix the egg implant hormone with a "FREE flu vaccine" causing the body's own immune system to attack her hormones when she tries to get pregnant and forces a miscarriage. I think the study said after receiving 3 of these kinds of shots the self-sterilizing was permanent. This is the only way to "humanely" dispose of them.

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Infanticide has been practiced throughout all of human history.

You can blame god for this. Mutants and defectives are born all the time and need to be culled.

The ZOG does many things wrong.

Brilliant idea.