Is it better to aim with your entire arm or just your wrist when it comes to aiming?

Is it better to aim with your entire arm or just your wrist when it comes to aiming?

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I hear that aiming always works with your arm

It Depends. LG with your arm, rail with your wrist.

I play with my sensitivity so high I can use just my thumb and pinky for small movements.

What the heck, I just can't. Feels like playing FPS with a controller.

your sensitivity should be as low as your mousepad and mouse allows. Ideally 360 degree look from one edge to the other.

Small movements are wrist-driven, large movements are full-arm


It's better not to worry about such crap.

Shoulder + elbow to reduce strain on my hand, in places where you don't need to be 100% accurate. Shoulder for vertical movements, elbow for horizontal
Elbow + wrist for more accuracy
Park wrist on mousepad and aim with fingers for full accuracy, at the cost of large movements.

But since I'm a trackballfag:
One finger move for aiming
Two finger move for better vertical aiming
Roll through three fingers for general movement
Spin for quick 180s

No thanks


It literally only takes your hand to swipe 5 inches to do a full 360 unless you have it to extremely low levels

Why do you even play games? Go watch a movie or something.

Why do you take games so seriously? They are like just games bro xd.

I use my dick.

i've tried to go more full arm but i find myself more comfortable with wrist, but the only shooter i really play is Siege which is pretty slow paced

What's with the hairless baby arm you twink?

Just your thumb

It's like you've forgotten the face of your father or something


Nice dubs.

Aim with your eye, shoot with your mind, kill with your heart.

Depends on what I'm doing. Fine adjustments are made with the wrist, big motions are more an arm thing.

Yeah m8 I'm sure you'll win tons of games with that. I mean it sounds great for walking simulators.

For me, if I have to move my wrist at all to move the cursor from once side of the screen to the other then the sensitivity is too low, you can't aim accurately if you're moving your entire fucking arm. I tend to sit at around 1000-1200 dpi (1440p screen, back when I had a 1080p screen I sat at about 800). Never got the obsession with all these 10k+ dpi mice though, I can't see anyone ever needing that kind of ridiculous sensitivity even on a 4k screen.

You could always keep the DPI high and tune your sensitivity low. More DPI makes movements smoother, though once you get past 2000 DPI or even 1000 DPI the increase is hard to perceive, still the science is there.

Bigger muscles = more control. Use arm for moving large distances on screen and wrist to fine tune before I shoot. At the end of the day it's about muscle memory and ensuring you know how far you gotta move so the reticule is on the target.

Wrist for small precise movements (within an inch on the pad), combination of shoulder and elbow for anything more.
If you're not used to this, you should practice with your wrist completely straight and using only your elbow and shoulder for a week or two (you will get tired at first until you get used to it), then try to work your wrist back into it. You won't get the best precision until you get all three joints working efficiently in tandem.

This isn't very accurate unless the mouse always treats that amount of movement as a 360, even though most mouses will change how much distance you need to 360 based on how fast you're moving the mouse.

If I move my mouse fast enough, I can 360 in like 1 cm, but if i move it slowly I may have to lift my mouse. It's not really like acceleration, but it's "pointer precision." I've never seen someone who doesn't use it.

Nobody playing quake uses a mouse with a crap sensor. But I do agree that 360/cm gets weird when you account mouse acceleration, there's just a standard of mouse speed that you sort of feel for, I'm not sure if strenx actually uses acel.

It's exactly mouse acceleration, and I highly doubt anyone on that graph would willingly play with it enabled

Your mind

If you don't grip the mouse like an orange and move it with just the fingertips you're gonna fuck up your wrist.

it is best to not even play first person shooters, ever.

if you want cancer, yes

you fucking mongoloid, you're still using your wrist to move the mouse regardless of your grip

5 inches is a lot for something you have to do constantly


using your wrist is faster, but using your whole arm is essential so you don't end up with carpal tunnel syndrome.
or just use a trackball, i switched over many years ago.

you use your chair's armrest if you want to save your wrist

wew lad

Good contribution

I never pass up a dick joke

Oh I though about it but couldn't come up with anything good. I could have even made fun of his short 5 inches dick.


Use your arm. Also try experimenting with mouse acceleration, gain the benefits of low sens and high sens just by how fast you move your mouse.

is this part of your plan

It's anodda shoah!


What the fuck, i know no one who would ever in a million years defend acceleration. It makes your aim inconsistent on a whole other and inconsistency is the exact thing you want to avoid with any controls in everything.


Got a source for that claim meme master mike?

Look help a Quakefag out. What should I be doing?

They're both right, they're just talking about two different levels of sensitivity. If you're a high sensitivity player, you can use the fingertip method, just be careful about how you rest your wrist, those cushions in are the devil. Your arm's weight should rest farther back on the arm.
If you prefer low sensitivity then get in the habit of using your arm, not so much your wrist.

I play with the max sensitivity that Quake allows (I have a Microsoft Wheel mouse, a variant of the Intellemouse which doesn't have a particularly high dpi, but is smooth as hell so it balances out to what would be considered medium sensitivity to most) but using my wrist is strange because my brace gets in the way. I've been losing duels left and right since I got carpal tunnel in my right hand (originally it was just in the left.) Life is suffering. I'm only 20 and already have severe carpal tunnel. This shit isn't supposed to happen to me this early in life I swear to fucking god I shouldn't have made fun of those autistic Meleefaggots all those years saying they would all get carpal tunnel from playing Fox

Why bother striving for more accurate aiming?
You can only get so precise when using the mouse's 2 coordinate inputs to simulate aiming in a 3D space.

Just do what feels right user, experiment and find what works best. I often change sensitivity settings between games. If I'm playing something like L4D1 begin able to turn quickly is more important than pin-point accuracy, even with the high sensitivity I've never had much of a problem hitting anything I want in the distance. Sometimes I'll change it in the same game depending on what I'm running, a shotgun and sniper often benefit from different settings. I've never seen much point in arguing about it, some are just good with very high sensitivity and going lower is such a meager gain compared to begin able to see the map quickly that there isn't much point.

The fuck? You turn with your arm, adjust with your wrist.

I know exactly what are you referring to, but you're incorrect. Moving a mouse cursor is not like moving a line perpendicular to the xy-plane and calculating its intersection with half a sphere. Look up relative mouse coordinates; i.e. it's more like spinning a globe.

Didn't think to google if Gyroscope mice exist.

any games, or game mods that take full advantage of this?


The further up or down you aim, the less accurate that is.

i aim with my dick

Do you like tape the mouse to your erection?
How do you click?


oh i just use a remote in my hand, its kind of like "VR" but for your dick instead of your head. or maybe its venereal reality

Incorrect. This is the pinnacle of ergonomics in mice thus far.