The movie sucked but that ending freaked me out. Both the beginning and the dog part screwed with my childlike sense of something…just like the beginning of Batman 2 with penguin eating the cat.

The Fly 2 is an enjoyable B-movie and the dog scene actually made me well up

why do people care about dongs so much?
I've never had a dog so maybe thats why I don't know but as far as I can see they are just another animal whats the big deal

because dog is man's best friend

rooks dericious tbh

not just man's

doggos and humans belong together


because dongs are nice

I remember Caturday when boards would be filled with superior feline posts. Now we have disgusting caninecucks shitting up the day. We have fallen far, lads.


That was cuckchan garbage. I'm glad it's gone.

No they do not. They are unclean and will prevent angels from coming to your house

Sahih Muslim 5511—It was narrated that Aishah said: “Jibril [supposedly the angel Gabriel] promised to come to the Messenger of Allah at a certain hour, and that time came but he did not arrive. He (the Messenger) had a stick in his hand which he threw down and said: ‘Allah does not break His promise, and neither do His Messengers.’ Then he turned and saw a puppy beneath a bed. He said: ‘O Aishah, when did this dog get in here?’ She said: ‘By Allah, I do not know.’ He ordered that it be taken out, and Jibril came. The Messenger of Allah said: ‘You made an appointment with me and I waited for you but you did not come.’ He said: ‘I was prevented by the dog that was in your house. We do not enter a house in which there is a dog or an image.’”


Because we go back thousands of years. At least whites and dogs do. We tamed then, trained them and domesticated them. They helped us hunt, with security and sometimes even fought to the death for their owners. Nowadays, we have most of that plus all the added fun of playing and cuddling.

Seeing a dog in distress/peril is not comfortable. Either because of Hollyjew indoctrination or because of perhaps some form of helplessness, we empathize more strongly with doggos than humans.

That's the most crass thing I've ever heard Ryan say.

Salam brother.

Aside from guns and drugs is there anything they like that's fun or cool?

multiple wives

you didn't hear the NLSS from last week's monday, huh?

t. untermensch

That's only fun some of the time, most of the time its probably hell,hence the acid attacks.

They're also super into sodomy and little boys. Like it's an actual common cultural thing that the Muslims do.

Yeah I was on a outpost in a small town for a few months with an infantry platoon of Afghan Army Guys and my platoon of Americans. We slept in seperate quarters and had seperate eating areas but patrolled and fought Taliban together.

tfw u find the Afghan Lt. got mad at one of his guys so made him come and stay in his command post for several hours by themselves one night to punish him sexually

And it wasnt a secret on base what happened.

It only happened the once I know of. It was crazy.

Because we aren't niggers and chinks.