Fox News JEWBOY and Trump favorite Jesse Watters, 39...

Fox News JEWBOY and Trump favorite Jesse Watters, 39, in divorce battle after 'cheating on his wife and mother of their twin daughters with 25-year-old producer on his show'
'Within 24 hours of Jesse Watters voluntarily reporting to the Chief of Human Resources in November 2017 that he was in a consensual relationship with a woman on his staff, management met with both parties and a decision was made for the woman to be transferred to work on another program on the network where she currently remains,' a Fox News spokeswoman told the newspaper.

Watters married Noelle Inguagiato in 2009. They also met on the job at Fox News.

He was working for Bill O'Reilly's show and she worked for the advertising and promotions department and was the host of a web show called iMag Style.

In 2011, the couple had a pair of twin daughters. Noelle never returned from maternity leave, while Watters' star rose at Fox News.

Attorneys for both Noelle and Jesse Watters did not comment to the Daily News, and a woman at DiGiovine's New Jersey home declined to comment.

Known for his brash, macho and sometimes obnoxious style, Watters hosted a segment on the O'Reilly Factor that combined man-on-the street with ambush journalism.

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How is this Holla Forums related?

no one cares


what's the matter, I steal your get? lmao

whoops, messed that up

Pajeet thread

Looks like a tranny.

snek has spoken. this is a nothing-burger

Holla Forums does not repect men without integrity in both their words and their actions.
Jesse (doesn't give a fuck about family) Waters can eat a shit.
A true Holla Forumsack will rise in his absence.

Nothingburger confirmed

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OP bumping own garbage thread



why tho

I don’t blame him. I’ve almost always had a side girl

Sliding. Probably drug dealers worried Trump is going after them.

Holla Forums was spammed recently with some shitty caws. Probably a newfag or some other random torposter who decided to bump random threads without actually looking at the content.

Or maybe it's the Ontario Liberal party TORpedo from the Doug Ford thread.

Nigger you are the problem that needs to be fixed soon

Guy's getting off easy. My wife and mistress are friends. Living with two nagging wives is fucking time consuming. At least with a divorce he might get a weekend to himself once in a while.

do you mean to imply this thread has content?


Good I hope hes gone. Couldn't stand that fuck.