Identifying White Male Liberals: Do They Constitute A Separate Taxonomic Sub-Categorization?

Liberalism is something that exists at the core of ones being, that is why they always have the same taxonomic facial deformations that always give them away.

Read this link:

Essentially r-selection, fraternal birth order (sequentially born children are inferior to the first because each child takes a lot out of the mother if she hasn't recovered before the next pregnancy), and prenatal and pubertal cortisol exposure create the White male liberal.

What do you think of this hypothesis? Is this something we can expand on? Does any type of facial recognition software exist that can be used to prove this hypothesis?

Other urls found in this thread: width-to-height ratio (fWHR) cortisol exposure)

This is interesting to me, I had some cortisol issues I had to get ironed out, stress levels are much lower now. This change probably happened before my politics changed.
Also, I'm starting to call these guys 'Self Hating Whites'.

susceptible to wrong ideas and morals being implanted into easily swayed minds. If a person's muscles don't develop and they are scrawny, I'm sure eventually we'll be able to determine via CAT scan brains who are grown in bodies and malnourished end up overall weaker, not less intelligent just, weak

Sarcuck BTFO'd by commie Jason "Unruhe" Caden.

What a ground breaking expression user lol.

Off-topic, but can you elaborate on this? I was suffering from severe stress a couple of years ago, which I have gotten on top of naturally my radically altering my life. I'd like to hear how you lowered your stress levels. Did you see a doctor, or did you simply make natural changes to reduce stress?

s/my radically/by radically

Get your T checked and go on injections if you need to. It will really lower your stress and anxiety level.

Do people really inject T.

try and keep up, ok kiddo?

Is that Andrew Anglin?

in b4 muh computer code thread that detects kikes and also soyboys

ok daddy


I inject 160mg of Test Cypionate a week. It's like I'm young again, and not the oldfag I really am.

My older brother is a short balding ugly bugman faggot urbanite liberal and I'm a tall and handsome rugged masculine looking man with long hair.

Needless to say I never had a brother I could look up to.

I'm not sure about injecting (((pharmaceuticals))), but it might be a good idea to get my levels tested and try to raise them naturally. I have already naturally reduced my stress levels by moving into the country side, and exercising regularly.

I was on HRT for a while, but it was 100mg/wk and I quit because I couldn't get a steady supply from the doc. Thinking about trying again but not sure if it permafucks fertility or just temporary (up to a certain length of time of use)…

This is legit and should be stickied! This is the perfect companion to the 'Identify Jews' thread. If we can use taxonomy and physiognomy to identify our enemies it would make our lives so much better in the future.

Also, the most important part of that link isn't just a description of Liberals taxonomic traits and why they exist, but it also contains eugenic information on how to avoid procreating them.

I envision a future where eugenics will breed out most Liberals, and for the rest, facial recognition software will be ubiquitous so they will be tracked everywhere they go. Security cameras, facial recognition glasses worn by citizens and police, etc.

Please contribute if you know how to run facial recognition software like the users in the 'Identify Jews' thread are doing.

Yeah you're so humble too. Sheesh, help your brother faggot, you're meant to empower people not bring them down.

How about no.

Second child, higher IQ than the first born.

Stress definitely plays an important role in the development of liberals. Of my extended family, the ones with the highest level of inter-family drama were more likely to raise liberal children. 66+% liberal offspring
It's unfortunate, but my family has shown that if you don't have a farm you can't have more than two children if you want good kids.

He's in his 30s and doesn't even live in the same state as me and is a professor at a liberal university. He's too far gone.

Where do you think we are?

(sandwich czech'd)
jk its your family you double nigger

The point of that link is to prove that Liberals exist as a biological entity, their beliefs simply mirror their genetics.

I don't think there is anyway of helping Liberals, therefore, the goal should be to try and stop White people from procreating them, like the link describes. If women knew that they would have attractive sons by following the regimen in the link, they will follow it. Post-facto, could testosterone, estrogen blockers, beta-blockers (to mitigate the damage cortisol did to their bodies and brains during gestation and puberty) be used to help a Liberal? Possibly. But I think the main goal should be to try and breed them out though deliberate selection (by manipulating female hypergamy) then tracking the remaining.

But the first order of business is identifying all their taxonomic deformations so please contribute!

No, that's fucking stupid. There are plenty of good-looking white males who fervently believe in racial equality, whether it's because their christcuckery mandates it, they learned it in the education factory or they've absorbed it through osmosis from media bombardment. And I know it kills you, but the vast majority of whites are not on our side, and probably never will be.

High DHT

ok, jackass
we (most of us, I think)
are actually trying to PREVENT a nightmarish Orwellian dystopia
not bring one into being

Once we make our countries White again
and permanently remove and ban all kikes and kike influence.
and stop chemical attacks on our people (fluoride, shit food additives and whatnot)
and make the schools teach sanity again

then the vast majority of our problems will evaporate
WITHOUT any Orwellian shit

a eugenics program that encourages "gradual improvement" of health, strength, intelligence, and level-headed thinking will prevent kikery from creeping back in

that is the dream, anyway
not some surveillance state nightmare

of course liberals are (at least in part) biological
all things are genetic, or based in genetics
culture plays a role
but genetics is dominant

furthermore, brain scan studies have shown that liberals are deficient in certain key areas of the brain
particularly the regions that most strongly affect critical thinking and the evaluation of actions and their potential consequences.

so, "leftists" are literally brain damaged
there is some evidence that fluoride (which is poison, literally) contributes to this particular pattern of brain damage.
makes one think.

sounds like D&C
plenty of anti-leftist Whites are bald
male pattern baldness is a core White European male trait going back thousands of years

Considering a large number of Holla Forumsacks are former liberals, that hypothesis is clearly wrong. Liberalism is a mental disorder but it's not an incurable one. Or maybe it's incurable in some cases but terminal in others.

*curable in some cases

Someone run images of Liberals through a facial recognition software. I believe it would show exactly what that post describes!

Are there any other uniquely Liberal facial deformations that was missed in the link?

Liberals are using physiogomny and taxonomy to identify Conservatives.

That link is basically the reverse of this:

This is a legit science. Political beliefs can be identified based on physical features. Your political beliefs are a reflection of their genetics.

Sarcasm, and denigration of pride. Soyboy faggot/woman detected.

Lurk more. They are classified as Homo inferior.


the hitting your girl with a little androgel while pregnant part at the end made me lol, no thx i'mma just live in the country and not let my wife eat soy

Wrong. Just look at Arnold in Conan the Barbarian. DHT causes baldness if you have a malformed IGF-1 receptor.

Estrogen analogues are everywhere.

Second child here, not true in this case. Older brother is a redditor libertardian, and he cucks on many issues and is a degenerate NEET. Also, I'd be careful with that theory, it might sound like you're warning people not to have as many white children.

Yeah, fucking with your wife's hormones while she's pregnant is more likely to give you a tranny than a perfect son or daughter. Waste of resources, torture for the kid, they'll have a higher likelihood of becoming a shitlib or at least a degenerate, might kill themselves regardless. Not worth it. Removing the jew's hormonal poisons so that her hormones can return to normal would be much healthier. Much better idea. Country living away from negative influence is a good one too.

Kike D&C.
The kikes turn us against our own blood by using the labels "liberal" and "conservative".
All the faceless e-celebs behind the bro' science used to justify this latest jewish D&C (such as 'Roosh' or the guy at 'Heartiste') are crypto-kikes themselves.
Why do you think the "alt-right" can't stop giving "Roosh" promotion via reverse psychology? It's because they're all working for the same boss.
tl;dr hate your own people goyim, no, it's not that we have deluded them into false beliefs through use of powerful and all-pervasive propaganda, it's that they're "genetically inferior" :^).
Exactly the same kikes were 70 years ago telling us why Germans are animals who need to be exterminated.
tl;dr beware all jewish d&c.

So you're saying r/K is bullshit?

Nothing wrong with left-leaning people, so long as they aren't parallel to the fucking ground like most of the leftist shits we have to deal with either online, or in legislation and law enforcement. Pretty hard to be a far leftist if you've been through some shit, seen some shit, or learned some shit. Straightest path is right through the bullshit spewed by and in favor of (((our greatest ally))).

That is already happening.

Liberals aren’t breeding anymore and temperament and predilections to certain political positions are very much inheritable, the 2010 US survey and Europoll 2011 both found that 93%+ of individuals had the same political and religious affiliation as their parents once they were older than 25. Indicating some form of heritable trait is being passed on.
You can see it in the birthrates by political affiliation and race within in the USA. White Democrats: 0.9, Jews: 0.8, blacks: 1.4, and spics: 1.6. White republicans are between 2.6 and 2.9 depending on whose numbers you use, with the highest being recorded in the General Social Survey which also has the largest sample set.

If the 2014 white conservative birthrates and those of the other demographic groups remained constant without additional input via immigration by 2050 only 20% of individuals in the US will be descended from habitual Democrat voters or self described liberals and only 7% will be black.

That is what the demoshits have feared for so long, that is why they want to import shitskins so desperately.

The liberals are why we have a problem in the first place. If whites were in totality as cruel as the "right" is then this would not have happened. They are either kikey themselves or just gutless. Thankfully they are a self correcting problem.

This is actually my critique of Natsoc, it saves those who should be left to die by coercing them into adaptive behavior. Our forefathers had an excuse for making this mistake because they were not in full possession of the pertinent data. We have no such excuse.

If the liberals die off on their own the selective pressure against the traits they express will be most severe, I'm okay with slaughtering them as well but only if we have an objective means to identify those who carry the deleterious traits we wish to annihilate, otherwise they will hide within the population and spring up again generations later.

Their extermination must be utter, we can't accept half measures. If that means letting them slowly kill themselves off as long as they don't interfere with the extermination of the shitskins and kikes that is fine. If there is some means to rip them out the roots that is also fine. But let's not pretend that we have no problem

As for r/K it is kinda bullshit in that it doesn't describe the actual breeding patterns of the races very well nor the expressed "time preference". It's relying on an attribution rather than raw data. It's not entirely wrong about the behaviors between races but neither is it an entirely predictive model.

give liberals abortifacients.

At this stage of the game, Liberals can no longer be considered separate from other enemies. They are our greatest enemy right up at the top with juden and should be treated as such. The traitors must be eliminated in order to effectively engage the enemy.

Facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) measures how broad the face is in relation to the height of the face. FWHR is correlated with such things as dominance, aggression, short term attraction, fighting ability, financial success, trustworthiness, status, etc.

Testoterone (prenatal and pupertal) seems to be the main factor in this. The Ray Peat forum says Vitamin K might have an impact on this as well, so I will throw that out there .

Can anyone parse all this information and put it into a facial recognition software so that we could have a physiognomic reference to identify leftists?

Some References

PubMed: width-to-height ratio (fWHR)

A man’s face can tell you if he’s likely to be racist: study:

Ironically, a Man's Face Can Tell You If He's Likely to Act Racist:
What's more, we're hardwired to identify them as such. And it's all about testosterone:

Carré, J. M., & McCormick, C. M. (2008). In your face: facial metrics predict aggressive behaviour in the laboratory and in varsity and professional hockey players. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275(1651), 2651-2656.

Lefevre, C. E., Lewis, G. J., Bates, T. C., Dzhelyova, M., Coetzee, V., Deary, I. J., & Perrett, D. I. (2012). No evidence for sexual dimorphism of facial width-to-height ratio in four large adult samples. Evolution and Human Behavior, 33(6), 623-627.

Lefevre, C. E., Lewis, G. J., Perrett, D. I., & Penke, L. (2013). Telling facial metrics: facial width is associated with testosterone levels in men. Evolution and Human Behavior, 34(4), 273-279. "Measure of fWHR: horizontal lines represent the distance between the upper lip and highest point of the eyelids (upper face height), vertical lines represent the maximum distance between the left and right facial boundary (bizygomatic width). fWHR was calculated as width divided by height."

Loehr, J., & O'Hara, R. B. (2013). Facial morphology predicts male fitness and rank but not.

Stirrat, M., & Perrett, D. I. (2010). Valid facial cues to cooperation and trust male facial width and trustworthiness. Psychological science, 21(3), 349-354.

Tsujimura, H., & Banissy, M. J. (2013). Human face structure correlates with professional baseball performance: insights from professional Japanese baseball players. Biology letters, 9(3), 20130140.

Valentine, K. A., Li, N. P., Penke, L., & Perrett, D. I. (2014).

If we create the right set of onramps our ideology can capture the majority of whites… or we just start appealing to bloodlust…

A persons sexuality can be detected through their faces and their political beliefs can be detected through brain scans. This has been known for awhile.

Prenatal hormones and sexual orientation

Under the gaydar: Could your face shape betray if you are gay or straight?

Face-reading AI will soon detect your political beliefs and IQ

fWHR, canthal tilt, digit ratio, cupids bow seem like plausible indicators and the prenatal cortisol explanation makes sense.

I read a thread here previously about a study that showed mothers who took progesterone when pregnant had a high probability of having a gay son, could this also be a factor?

Anime fanboys explained?

Canthal tilt is correlated with cortisol

Cupids bow is much more defined in high cortisol as well. Wide set eyes and a mouth that lines of with pupils are also present.

I would be interested in seeing if liberals have different interpupillary distance (IPD) as well.

I like cute anime grils and I bet you look like a little bitch boy in comparison to me.

If you look into the eyes of the guy in the image that OP posted, you can see his self-hate. It's deep, subtle, yet sublime.

They clearly have a distinct phenotype. All you have to do is prove that. They're as different to far-righters as the Irish are to Germans.

Any idea if there's some good open sauce composite software available for free anywhere? I'll make a composite of both leftwing and rightwing faces. I can make composites from multiple countries. Then we can compare phenotypes and measure the differences between them.

We'll need something we can feed image files, ideally.

except for the fact the want to flush the future of your country down the toilet and hand everything over to third worlders because they hate white people.

-3SD all look either like jews or Oblivion characters.

it's incurable in some cases but terminal in others.

Cortisol is one of those "good/bad" hormones. Too much at the wrong time of day and you won't fall asleep or, you wake up in the middle of the night. Too little in the morning and your energy level is worthless and you can’t get out of bed, too little during a workout and your performance drops.

What exactly is cortisol?

It is a hormone produced by the Adrenal glands in response to stress. When a stressful event occurs the brain releases a chemical called ACTH into the blood which then enters the adrenal glands and tells the glands to release cortisol. Now in the “caveman” days our body used this as our “fight or flight” mechanism to handle extremely stressful events, like be chased by a saber toothed tiger. The release of cortisol and adrenalin at the time we were being chased by the tiger gave us a better chance to get away and survive. However, nowadays we have far less saber toothed tigers chasing us and many more cell phones ringing, emails to send and children to take from one place to another.

The problem with our lifestyle now is that all these small stressors consistently task the adrenal glands, they really do not know the difference between a tiger chasing you and being late to work. In the past we would only use these hormones in times of extreme stress, now it is happening on a daily basis.

As Charles Poliquin, a world renowned strength coach and developer of the Charles Poliquin website, points out in his great video on cortisol, one of the differences between now and a hundred years ago is that we have 500 times more stress than our ancestors, which means our adrenal glands our unable to keep up with all this stress we have.

Simply, we are burned out.

So what are some of the steps necessary to keep our cortisol at a healthy level?

Keep your cortisol low at night.

Keeping cortisol low in the evening is crucial to a restful night sleep.

If cortisol is high at night, you will be unable to fall asleep and most likely will wake up in the middle of the night.
If you workout at night it is imperative to drop cortisol quickly so you can rest and recover.

Here are some effective supplements for getting cortisol lower at night:
Vitamin C (2grams post exercise)
Magnesium in the chelated form. Best ones are magnesium glycinate, fumarte, orotate, or taurate

If digestion is an issue try topical magnesium, a great product and one I use on my kids
L-Glycine is an amino acid that reduces cortisol and also detoxifies the body, you need about 5-15 grams and you need to slowly work your way up to this by starting at 1-2 grams
L-Taurine relaxes the body and increase Serotonin production and GABA

Also, turning off the TV and other electronics a half hour before bed and using that time to read or plan your next day has been proven to lower cortisol.
Try these in the evening to unwind and especially if you exercise at night to rebalance you cortisol rhythm

Low or No Energy in the Morning
Lets talk about you zombies in the morning.

Cortisol is a low grade form or adrenalin and elevates right before waking in order to naturally wake you up, the spike in cortisol before you awake is what naturally wakes you up.

However, if cortisol does not spike up in the morning you will be very tired and groggy, it will take 5 cups of coffee and a good slap in the face to get moving.
If you suffer from low morning energy here is how to get cortisol elevated in the AM

1. Try Licorice (no not the twizzler variety) Licorice will correct improper Cortisol rhythm, improve digestion (a common adrenal side effect)

2. Ashwaganda is another great too for Adrenal health and works great with Licorice and supports the “brain to adrenal gland” chemical reaction.

3. Acetyl L-Carnitine a form of carnitine that does a host of things, One being improve brain function and energy. It also makes fish oil more
effective. Carnitine also helps balance cortisol, if it is too low it will bring it up and if it is too high it will help neutralize the excess cortisol

4. Take Pantethine, it is the stable form of vitamin B5 which is a precursor to Acetyl-CO-A a precursor to energy production and will help with unhealthy cholesterol levels

Also, great for people who have low cortisol and low DHEA symptoms

5. Eat a Meat and Nuts breakfast, as Charles Poliquin describes, eating high protein and healthy fats will not only spark you energy but also increase dopamine, the “feel good” hormone which increase energy throughout the day.


>>>Holla Forums

I wonder how long the sequence between births should be. 2 yrs? 4 yrs?

2 is best, for the child and the mother

Grave mistake to think so called conservatives are your "friends". To think they are against immigration, shipping industry to China, feminism and destruction of personal freedoms.

You are caught by jew into simple 2 party trap and can't get out.

Attached: 981.jpg (2399x3000, 1.22M)

Thanks just bought 100k

Something worth bearing in mind: the effects of exercise and proper hormonal balance on physiology. If you've delved into the self-improvement sector of the Wired, you've probably noticed how people's subtle bone structure begins to change as they lose weight and start building themselves up.

Deficient people should be identified so that they may be targeted for psychic warfare. Exposure to the correct memes can push them into the path of light, denying our enemy manpower while shoring up our own numbers. It may also be revealed through practice that there may be signals of irretreivability–however optimistic I want to be, I doubt that all persons may be saved. So we'd do well to identify lost causes, as only St Jude will be able to help them.

Another metric:

This study looked at human 'face width/lower face height' to see if it was independent to fWHR.

"We found a strong association between the two width-based measures (fWHR and face
width/lower face height suggesting they
share variance and may both be linked to assertiveness."

So we are looking at fWHR, face width/lower face height, possibly the canthal tilt, cupids bow, and on the body, the digit ratio.

To investigate: is the interpupillary distance (IPD) also different on Liberals? Do they have less facial symmetry?

Artificial Intelligence Can Identify 'Gay Faces' From A Picture, Study Claims

“Our results provide strong support for the [prenatal hormone theory], which argues that same-gender sexual orientation stems from the underexposure of male fetuses and overexposure of female fetuses to prenatal androgens responsible for the sexual differentiation of faces, preferences, and behavior.”

"The researchers say that homosexual men were found to have narrower jaws, longer noses, larger foreheads and less facial hair than heterosexual men"

Attached: ai-face-study.png (1240x930, 695.1K)

A study found that mother's prenatal depression was associated with adverse perinatal outcomes such as slower fetal growth rates. It appears that prenatal maternal cortisol levels play a role in mediating these outcomes

Fetal Faces Hint at Mom’s Stress

"Pregnant women suffering from stress are also more likely to have homosexual children of both genders because their raised level of the stress hormone cortisol affects the production of fetal sex hormones."

Everything speculated in that link seems to be true.

We just need someone to run a batch of images of White male Liberals through a facial recognition software to come up with a composite image.

Facial landmarks to test

Prenatal cortisol exposure has long-term effects on child's neurodevelopment. These include sleep/wake cycles disruption, mental illness, increased anxiety, decreased learning, aggression, etc.

Physically, children exposed to high prenatal stress are smaller, more likely to be gay, and most likely display the taxonomical landmarks explained in that link.

I think we found the cause of Liberals and the phenotypical deformations to identify them.


Seems legit!

Attached: prime-minister-justin-trudeau.jpg (714x451 75.9 KB, 585.7K)

Attached: Ioannes_Claudius_Juncker_die_7_Martis_2014.jpeg (1225x1691, 835.21K)

I have found some Liberals with a positive canthal tilt, so a negative canthal tilt appears 'more often' in Liberals, but literally every Liberal I look up does indeed have a high fWHR.

See: Tony Blair vs David Duke

Attached: correction-senate-david-duke.jpg (150x180 51.44 KB, 4.96K)

High fWHR, narrow face, short lower 1/3rd, possible negative canthal tilt.

Attached: jon-stewart-2.jpeg (400x411 21.4 KB, 43.89K)

Makes me think of Arno Breker.

Attached: arno.jpg (640x427 115.71 KB, 47.35K)

More proof that Liberalism is a biological disorder. Also, this proves what I have suspected that Liberalism has nothing to do with alleviating poverty, or creating a fair and equitable world, but is all about bring misery and suffering to those who they perceive as not suffering and who brought them suffering (White males). This is why these ugly, weak, and hate-filled subhumans have caused so much destruction and misery.

But why are there so many of them today? Is it entirely related to prenatal and pubertal cortisol exposure? Could there be some genetic/evolutionary purpose as well?

Anything provocative has this. Take the evolutionary function of stupidity for example: it forces the smart to become smarter to counter the stupidity of the masses.
Liberalism has done similar: it's forced the strong to become stronger.
While the masses might trend towards liberalism, those with any inkling of intelligence and self-awareness have become increasingly intelligent and self-aware to defend themselves against the herd. They were provoked towards this response.
All successful provocation, by definition, elicits response.

pretty sure this has to do with mouth breathing and mouth posture

That is true, I have made a habit of keeping my tongue on the roof of my mouth when not in use. I have a natural overbite but I correct it by holding my tongue and jaw in the correct position. It looks better trust me.

I know user, I only started paying attention after anons shared those vids on jaw posture

One of the few good modern death metal bands, and the only one besides Nile that's semi-known.


Amon Amarth is a band of top shelf Swedecucks who have done nothing but arena rock since 2006. Also, they all wear black t-shirts, because they're pudgy soyboy faggots like pretty much all artists. I dig those first 6 albums, though.

What a manly viking! I'm sure his ancestors were smiling upon him after he offered his fashionable, unsolicited opinion on Facebook.


Do you view the testosterone decrease from licorice a net positive? I've been reading that it can cut your t levels quite a bit actually.

people who like to blaspheme against nature do, yes. they are the male equivalent of a female dying her hair blonde

Note: I believe that a high fWHR, narrow face, short lower 1/3rd, possible negative canthal tilt, cupids bow, digit ratio, etc. seems to only identify White male Liberals, not female ones, and if it does, it is more subtle, or else, there are other facial indicators for women. That is why that link focuses only on men.

Licorice increases cortisol, retards think they mean lower when it "adjusts it", it's not a good thing. A lot of chink herbs are like that.

How to identify Liberals:

-Facial landmarks: Expand in this thread.
-Hormonal profile: investigate (testosterone, estrogen, cortisol ratios, HPA axis dysfunction)
-Brain scans [1]

Identifying them with facial recognition software is obviously the most practical. Security cameras, facial recognition glasses that citizens and police wear [2] could be used along with biological passports and tracking implants.

After establishing an ethnostate we should be aware of the possibility that the children of the ethnostate founders could subvert everything like the children of the Founders of America did, so this is something we should be prepared for. Also, this is important to investigate because once we understand the root cause then we can move towards eugenically breeding this deficiency out.



The "lower 1/3rd ratio" mentioned earlier is technically called the 'Stomion ratio'.

Divide your lower face into 2 parts - one from bottom of the chin to stomion and stomion to subnasale. Measure the length of each part and divide.

Attached: image002.jpeg (288x297, 11.48K)

That's what I thought. I have a shitload of problems with sleep/wake cycle tired in the afternoon and not very awake in the morning so listening to FUD from retards doesn't really help the situation.

Nuts are inflammatory as fuck by the way. Weston Price Foundation talks about how the injuns would pulverize the fuck out of the things to make oils since the things are worthless diet-wise.

Here is a facial recognition software

Hopefully someone can know parse all this information.

I don't know how we go about doing it - but soyboys are probably the easiest to convert people to our cause. Straight White Men need to be brought back into the fold. They should be who our propaganda targets - as they'll be the first one's stabbed in the back if the enemy gets their wish. Obviously they're insufferable faggots - but they're bodies to fill shirts.

Wtf is he talking about - this is literally where the moral code of the 21st century derives from entirely.

good stuff up to:
Majority of women do not procreate with men off tinder, and being good looking is only a small part of success. You have to look cool/high status as well.


I'm a native american mutt. My younger brother ended up taller with very white skin, whereas I'm a mulatto looking shit-skin. You would have no clue we're of the same mother, he looks like a typical white guy. Everyday I actively make sure he's on the right path of white nationalism, regardless of whether or not it may result in a more difficult life for me down the line.

why does most girls i ever like tend to turn out being lesbians

They are soyfaced soyboy soyim.

This, is there something wrong if you breed a woman from 24 to 32 years continously? 8 Children.

user I..

Some anime is sort of interesting, but you anime fannerds are something else.

Attached: butthurtdwellerexplained-300x298.jpg (300x298, 24.45K)

we're all so impressed, tough guys

If you are looking for pictures of White male Liberals to run through the above facial recognition software, go to the Huffington Post. Click on comments. People post with their Facebook profiles so look for men and go to their profiles. Everyone that I have looked up has a high fWHR, low stomion ratio, possible negative canthal tilt, and thin faces. That link is legit and I think we finally found a reliable way to identify our enemies and our traitors within. This should be stickied!

Negative canthal tilt more often, high fWHR always.

Attached: 1200px-Mark_Warner,_official_112th_Congress_Senate_portrait.jpg (1024x876 77.11 KB, 138.97K)

Attached: C4V3F16VYAI6Osq.jpg (800x320, 41.88K)

Attached: enhanced-buzz-31606-1348766119-8.jpg (600x928, 139.79K)

Attached: 447819fj3jj41a81ea563effd02d5220eebfe9809ebcff51d946 (1).jpg (960x720, 118.8K)

White liberals are k-selected though. They are terrible at breeding.

I'm into phrenology and I can read faces. I also know hot to read the soul (more difficult and dangerous).

…but ummm as concerns the face. Your mentality, diet, moods, and life experiences all leave their mark on your face. I can see if you've had depression, I can see if you are an angry man, or a man of many doubts, etc. all in your face.

There are certain qualities we should expect in liberals especially as there is clearly an SJW personality as well.

Oh and also many of them are on psychiatric drugs and that has its influence too.

Attached: blacknazi.jpg (513x600, 44.94K)

That's the face of prolonged depression.

Attached: eatler.jpg (400x400, 21.68K)

No one gives a shit about your kabbalistic bullshit, you ban evading redditor.

While OP's man has many signs of depression there is something else wrong.

His skin is too clear. This indicates he is not highly stressed.

Also the way his facial hair has developed is also indicating to me he isn't terribly stressed.

So he doesn't breath properly, his eyes are tired, and he is sad… but he's somehow ok with it. He lacks tension. He has submitted.


Phrenology is regarded as Nazi science and widely condemned as such.

I am in the habit of always using Tor lately but I have many IPs I can fall back on when necessary for shilling purposes or because I just feel like it.

I have never used reddit and have no desire to ever do so.

I have maybe a thousand bans under my belt. It is a badge of honor.

If you haven't got yourself banned from everywhere you are not a freethinker.

How are Liberals K selected when they have children at older ages? Also, the contention in the link was that the lack of birth spacing was creating r selection pressures
(i.e. they have babies at a later age so they have one immediately after another to compensate for their age and impending infertility).

And for the face shape, while being mostly heritable, there are epigenetic factors that influence your phenotype
(testosterone, cortisol) and this was explained with scientific sources in the link.

OP I have clicked on your link and briefly gone over the whole thing.

I just want to say… that article happens to be descriptive of the faces of Holla Forums and of imageboard browsers in general.

A lot of this has to do with sitting around in front of a computer all day too.

No one gives a shit about your kabbalistic bullshit, you ban evading redditor.

Here is an opensource facial recognition software (if anyone knows of any better ones post them).

For inputs, go to the Huffington Post. Click on comments. People post with their Facebook profiles so look for men and go to their profiles.

Lets see if we can prove scientifically this hypothesis.

R selected people (aka niggers) reach physical maturity earlier and do not delay so much having children.

Anecdote; me and my siblings are all spaced 3 years apart.

Are you talking about when liberals have their babies or when the parents of liberals had them?


Would you like me to discuss the kabbalah with you? If so I'll have to read up on it more, I don't have much to say about that subject, and it's been awhile.

I have nothing to do with reddit. I am from a more notorious and hated place than that.

I believe the hypothesis was that although they are not breeding rapidly, they are affecting the same dysgenic pressures on their babies by having them at older ages and having them without birth spacing. This would equate to the same trade-off of quantity over quality.

This was one factor, the link correlates Liberals and Liberal taxonomical traits mostly to cortisol, prenatally and pubertally. There is solid science backing this up (just click the sources).

I find that highly plausible but it does emphasize environment over genetics doesn't it? There seems to be a high degree of inheritability though for liberal vs conservative tendencies.

Gimme a few days. I'll make a composite for each major political group, e.g., liberals, antifa, republicans, democrats, alt-right. Then we'll be able to see the traits for each group. I'll create an online database, too. Once I'm done, I'll upload everything in a new thread.

Attached: tumblr_me5xj2dmlr1r3clqao1_1280.jpeg (1280x1600, 368.45K)

Lately I have been using the r/K selection at my workplace, SPECIFICALLY to trigger the shit out of them.

according to

its quite fun and after an initial period of labeling I have now set my sight to exclude or include people around me, and also heavily use "outgrouping" in my language now. It triggers quite a few of them lol

this may not be important. r selected organisms seem to want assurance of peer acceptance more so than anything else. I think, though I am not sure…that bondship is more important to these types of women than having an individual that has a high amount of "stranger acceptance". K selected organisms are probably content in having one strong group bond. Instead of artificial values from many little, shallow ones.

Also what I have noticed (not sure why I am only doing it now tho)

a couple of observations, like I said, quite fun. I even aggressively talk to them and shit on them, quite funny to make "men" who are like heads taller cower like bitches.

things that obfuscate it, and make it harder

The last one is huge bitch to deal with, I think that I have met a couple of people whois behavior became slowly r selected, but whois memories seemed to be K selected. They also seem to take over some K selected aspirations (probably just to fit in) and may even share a few things with us. But anyone has experience with the transition period?

and most importantly: Anyone tried to pressure an r selected individual into a K selected mode? The manual says that one should just bully them a lot, and if they are faggot they will avoid you, but if they are not faggot they may come back for more. (amygdala is growing then to deal with you better). But its so hard to tell if its too just static, or that its possible to change them if you change certain factors in the environment.

From reading the link I believe r/K selection was hypothesized as a 'contributing' factor, but prenatal and pubertal cortisol exposure was identified as the primary cause of Liberals taxomonic deformations and brain differences.

I also notice this look on our good friends the Ashkenazi. Maybe this is how we can tie Liberals to Jews as a unified enemy with shared and identifiable taxonomical traits?

Also even MOAR to add (sorry for being so samefaggy in one thread, its just that I have been solely thinking on this theory for the last couple of days). There are some "hard" transitioning forces that one could use, and that some religions even had

john the baptist and his faggy river adventures
may put the drive of sex away and reduce one of the trigger points that keeps the r selected individual in that state
in my opinion probably the most potent one, couple this with financial responsibility (not having enough to eat but also not having a safety net), and you will get individuals who most likely will get hit in the #1 trigger point
like the muslims have, but I think its not that effective as their whore wives still just focus on their faggot eyes to be whores

and I theorize, though I am not sure that

could also be a trigger point, though I am not sure. But it could explain how "alpha" men could make or break a society based on what they do.

most people transition during their lifetimes. Otherwise empires wouldnt die off with one population still alive, losing their grip…somewhat tho.

to add: that is also how many politicians turn "rogue" most likely and what governments fail. Many people who get into power must appeal in a K selected way, probably were K selected, but then after a while slowly become r selected (and thus become disloyal) They too have families and things they go home to and get affected by money, stability and food like everyone else does. Though maybe it goes too far this thinking. Sage for too much samefag posting.


Chinks call them the white left (baizuo).

Attached: white_left.jpg (756x250, 163.99K)

Prenatal testosterone exposure is related to sexually dimorphic facial morphology in adulthood

"This study provides the first direct evidence of a link between prenatal testosterone exposure and human facial structure."

Cortisol obliterates testosterone (

Prenatal cortisol also has a host of deleterious effects on the fetus ( cortisol exposure)

So this is a theory that should be explored.

Just hold a nintendo product in front of them.

Attached: notestosteronenevergettingbonedforeveralonezone.jpg (3415x3046, 3.24M)

Any after the first are likely born on the tail end of or beyond the 30 year goldilock zone for child bearing. It's that simple. Add environmental, social, and pharmacological pressures, and there's your sign.

Attached: 037572c5124215c59ec8b213ac682afaba2475326bca15035dce3806387f87a8.jpg (621x414, 27.2K)

Holy fucking shit. Can anyone back this up? If true this is the whitepill of the fucking year right here.

Attached: 1510015811131.gif (376x250, 3.83M)

That is because the oldest brother has to help his father with every task his father ask and has more responsibility than the younger siblings but is rewarded by the hard work by getting the first and biggest of everything. My younger brother didn't have to do any work around the house except help my mother cook with her but with getting the scraps, he was more concerned about fairness and majority rules as my sister.

Attached: 1458863079204.png (746x982, 16.09K)

Too high, we need to lower this.

How do you do that?

Do you have any recommendations for related literature? I would like to be able to spot national origin at a glance.

Yes, they are a subset of betas. Betas at least recognize they are betas in the hierarchy, whereas the white liberal male betas seek to destroy the hierarchy and create a new one with themselves as the presumptive alphas. White liberal males are like trannies, they modify themselves to have an appearance that isn't reflective of reality.

Fucking quads confirm. Even 1 nigger is too many.