Feminism is caused by a virus/bioweapon and it's going to destroy the West

Title says it all - have you ever noticed that feminists exhibit changes to hard wired mating and maternal instincts, often transforming within a few years? This is biologically not something that is normal, it's not achievable with ideology and social engineering alone.

I've posted some bins with research dumps here, but I will post them in their entirety below along with other research.

Feminism has caused total civilizational collapses multiple times before in history, and over the past century we've been experiencing another outbreak. It started with women being given the right to vote but got really bad in the 60's, when the CIA weaponized a strain and used feminist activists to spread it around. Feminists are destroying our birth rates, tricking women into destroying their bodies and minds and are ultimately going to destroy the West because their now-alternered mating instincts cause them to desire sexual contact with foreign males.

They will push white men out of Western civilization. The natural male response to this is to recede and create alternative societal existences (VR/video games or imageboards where we meet are modern examples). But feminists will target those as well and when that happens, conflict happens and civilization usually implodes.


How do the communist Jews play into this picture? Glad you asked user:

>They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff, Mr. Graham said on the tape, after agreeing with Mr. Nixon that left-wing Jews dominate the news media. The Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain
Not even the Jews can control the monster that has been unleashed though, it's even destroying Israel:

White and Jewish leftist women are the ones leading this charge

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=resUAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&dq=minoan asherah&source=bl&ots=SYX1lWnQ05&sig=-TbPJ2plLm2bBJYqNrBru90tkYA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiJ6-bZg9nZAhVNMqwKHRf5C54Q6AEIVDAK#v=onepage&q=minoan asherah&f=false
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revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=The Maidens' War&item_type=topic
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You can find depictions of the virus warning about what it is, how it manifests, who it effects, and how destructive it is in ancient ruins and mythology. They were trying to warn us.

Here is a rundown of one collapse caused by feminism, the Bronze Age collapse which started in Minoan Crete

A. Indications of Femin Infection in Minoan Culture

Minoan culture was highly advanced for the time. Some of their technological achievements (such as sewage and toilet systems) were not rivaled by modern European civilization until the Victorian era. The Minoan society may have been able to establish a “Pax Minoa” in the Aegean. What is uncontested is that, similar to modern attempts to disarm society, Minoan civilization had little in the way of a standing army or weaponry, as almost none has been left behind in the archaeological record. It’s interesting that these efforts to disarm preceded a total civilizational collapse, much like the present day.


It is important to note that Minoans worshipped either a single female deity, “Mother Goddess” or several female deities. The archeological record also shows the integration of snake symbolism in the worship of these female goddesses. Snake symbols in religion and mythology are representative of the femin virus.

Evans also expresses the view that the Minoan goddess was a maternal mother goddess and that the Minoans were essentially monotheistic

We know that at some point, the Minoans began engaging in human sacrifice, another known trait exhibited by femin-infected populations.


Crucially, the Minoan mother goddess worship is associated as being a previous incarnation of Asherah worship in the Eastern Mediterranean. This is important because it indicates that people groups who had been in heavy contact with Minoan people and civilization were infected with the virus. Minoan mother goddess worship is considered to be the inspiration of the Phoenician Astarte as well.

>books.google.com/books?id=resUAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&dq=minoan asherah&source=bl&ots=SYX1lWnQ05&sig=-TbPJ2plLm2bBJYqNrBru90tkYA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiJ6-bZg9nZAhVNMqwKHRf5C54Q6AEIVDAK#v=onepage&q=minoan asherah&f=false

All cultures who came in contact with Minoans appear to have started human sacrifice. Phoenician Astarte worshippers practiced child sacrifice, and the record shows that prior to their collapse the Mycenaeans engaged in it as well. What is interesting is that the Greeks (who experienced a subsequent civilizational resurgence) purged this practice from their culture. Aeschylus's Agamemnon portrays the sacrifice of his daughter Iphigenia as negative and the reason for Agamemnon’s subsequent assassination for example. The later classical Greeks similarly ended practices of allowing women to hold influential positions in society.


Minoan culture was distinct from all other cultures around it because it afforded women a high amount of respect and gave them much higher positions in society compared to all the surrounding civilizations, even the neighboring Greeks. All scholars agree that Minoan civilization was not patriarchal. In fact, some think that it became more and more rare to see men in positions of authority in Minoan society especially towards its demise.


Women in Minoan culture, especially towards the end, had no interest in raising children. While men at times would wear little more than loincloths, women would dress elaborately and display their breasts. All of this indicates movement towards a “postmodern,” individualist and possibly degenerate society just prior to collapse.


Most importantly – the Minoans were genetically of white/European ancestry. This is important to note, since so many femin virus outbreaks have been centered around white populations who are vulnerable to it. The Myceneans who immediately collapsed after Minoan culture were also predominantly white.


B. A Femin Outbreak Which May Have Begun in Minoan Culture Caused the Bronze Age Collapse

Scholars don’t actually know why Minoan society ultimately collapsed. Some blame the eruption of a volcano on the island of Thera for the demise, but Minoan civilization persisted past this disaster. In fact the record shows that Mycenaeans conquered Crete some time after the eruption.


But this would prove fatal, as signs emerged that Mycenae had begun to adopt Minoan notions of goddess/snake worship, human sacrifice and feminism. The historical record appears to indicate that either Minoan cultural influences or the civilization’s collapse caused a domino effect of further collapses. Much like a modern collapse in say, Sweden would create a cataclysmic end to the Western world today. Many conflicts including some famous ones such as the Trojan War occurred in this time period as wider society imploded.


The Mycenaeans’ conquest of Crete and the destruction of the weakened and feminist Minoan civilization lead to a series of inter conflicts that gutted Mycenaean society and unleashed the invasions of Sea Peoples against all Bronze Age nations in the Mediterranean. The Sea Peoples are generally thought to be a mix of groups genetically related to Mycenaean, Minoan and other nearby people groups. This violent series of migrations utterly destroyed the Hittite Empire, and brought the Egyptian empire to its knees. Today it is known to historians as the “Bronze Age Collapse.”


This collapse has been described as "the worst disaster in ancient history, even more calamitous than the collapse of the Western Roman Empire." And cultural memories of the event told of a "lost golden age.” This total and complete calamity had a ground zero in a culture that was feminist, gave prominent roles to women and showed signs that it’s females lost the desire to reproduce.

Within a few years of the femin virus-caused Sea People’s ravaging of the Bronze Age world, the Assyrians broke out forcefully from the Middle East (Iraq) and viciously destroyed any remaining remnants of Bronze Age political structures. They wiped out all political opponents. Even Egypt, who had survived the Sea Peoples’ invasions was too weak to resist this new threat and was conquered before the Assyrians installed a vassal to rule the country. The total collapse of European/white societies is traditionally followed by invasion and conquest by Middle Eastern powers. The modern day feminist fueled migrant crisis in Europe is no exception.


C. Signs That Descendants of Mycenaeans and Minoans Were Femin Infected

A specific case study showing that successive people groups were aware of the femin infected status of refugees and survivors of the Bronze Age Collapse such as the Philistines.

The Philistines are generally thought to be of Mycenaean or some other kind of similar Aegean (possibly Minoan/Cretan) descent.


They worshipped Asherah, and historical references show that elements of their worship included ritual sex practices and human sacrifice. Asherah is a deity with Minoan roots (a tribe who also sacrificed humans).


The Old Testament explicitly warns Israel from adopting this religion or breeding with anyone who adhered to it. In fact the Philistines were one of a number of groups that Israel was told not only to avoid breeding with, but to totally wipe out along with all other survivors of the Bronze Age collapse.

God told the Israelites to slaughter Canaanite children, women, even animals
The commands not to breed with them are important since femin can be transmitted like an STD

The historical record shows that non-infected populations should 1) avoid sexual contact with infected populations 2) avoid adopting cultural or religious practices of infected populations 3) eradicate infected populations to remove them from the gene pool

The Minoan (and ultimately Bronze Age) collapse is a stark warning to modern generations. How many cultural traits found in Minoan history can be seen present today? How many can be seen developing (worship of the female etc.)? The reminder that the Bronze Age collapse was assured by an invasion from the Middle East should alarm the modern day West. We are just a few generations away from seeing a similar cataclysmic collapse.

You can see this happening over and over again in history. Look for cultures that worshipped women or snakes, gave women important positions in society, were sexually degenerate etc.

The snake symbology is important - here is another example

One example of this is the collapse of the Khmer Empire

Serpents, or nāgas, play a particularly important role in Cambodian mythology. A well-known story explains the emergence of the Khmer people from the union of Indian and indigenous elements, the latter being represented as nāgas. According to the story, an Indian brahmana named Kaundinya came to Cambodia, which at the time was under the dominion of the naga king. The naga princess Soma sallied forth to fight against the invader but was defeated. Presented with the option of marrying the victorious Kaundinya, Soma readily agreed to do so, and together they ruled the land. The Khmer people are their descendants.

The Khmer empire collapsed and brought on a 300 year long dark age in Cambodia which allowed the French to colonize them easily.


In most of these cases where you will always see a history of infected women or people from snake worshipping cults/religions being integrated into a society, then the society having problems once the virus is spread via sexual intercourse and other methods. The virus can be transmitted like an STD.

Another way to see signs of a femin outbreak is a phenomena where entire people groups move around either due or in response to displacements caused by those infected with the virus. This relates to the infected women displacing the men in their tribe.

Just like how you are currently seeing the entire population of feminist females in Europe welcome a mass of foreign invaders in to kill off the males of the local tribe.


Chinese history has been marked by invasions of displaced nomadic tribes attacking the country from the north, which makes it very interesting that one of the creatures chosen to symbolize that geographic direction is a snake

Fuck off reddit.

The CIA identified and weaponized a strain of this virus in the 60's. It appears that they thought it would be a useful form of population control and did not understand how serious it was. The strain they released is far more virulent than any previous strain, that's why you see second and third wave feminists act more psycho than previous generations

Gloria Steinem was key to helping the CIA deploy this bioweapon.

Information on Steinem and the CIA

Gloria Steinem is an operative of the CIA who has spent her career intentionally starting subversive movements which were controlled/infiltrated by the agency with the intent to weaken ideologies or movements. Her greatest and most damaging efforts have been in the promotion of feminism.

Steinem was initially recruited by the CIA front organization Independent Research Service/Independent Service for Information and also worked with the CIA front National Student Association as part of the agency’s efforts to target student organizations and education centers for Marxist radicalization.

Full text of the above article here:
Further reading on general CIA ties:

Individuals connected to Steinem were tied to Cord Meyer, a senior CIA operative notorious for funding covert operations, sometimes with funding from third party groups such as the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations. He was also connected to the Watergate break-in. Another Steinem associate, Charles Douglas (C.D.) Jackson, was a propagandist and expert on psychological warfare who played a key role in establishing the Bilderberg Group and ensuring American participation.


She also took a trip to India after college on scholarship as a “Chester Bowles Asian Fellow” but the scholarship was discontinued after she and another student had their trips funded. Bowles was a Yale graduate and former ambassador who is known to have affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations.

Speech: "The Soviet-US Conflict in the 1960's," Chicago, Council on Foreign Relations, 21 October 1960

Hello Moishe, please kys

One of the most heinous projects she has been involved in was the spread of a virus (“Femin” virus) weaponized by the CIA, which had an accelerated proliferation due to the promotion of social and lifestyle habits associated with feminism. The operation appears to have been both a CIA attempt to destroy the black civil rights movement as well as gather data on the effectiveness of the population control potential of the virus.

This operation was multi-faceted and took place over a number of years. To allow for the spread of “women’s empowerment” ideology which would both facilitate and distract attention from high infection rates of the bioweapon, the CIA first moved to target strong male leaders within the black community. Individuals such as Malcolm X (murdered in 1965) and Martin Luther King Jr. (murdered 1968) were first neutralized. As this was happening, Vietnam created the perfect opportunity for a disproportionate amount of black men to be drafted and shipped abroad. This would both thin their numbers as casualties in war but also prevent them from being present to stop feminist behavior which was intended to help spread the virus.


Steinem was intimately connected the entire time – she dated Stanley Pottinger, the Justice Department official who delayed the investigation into MLK’s death for years before finding “no links to the FBI.”


With all major figures removed and black manpower seriously absent, Steinem was finally deployed. She released her “groundbreaking” piece “After Black Power, Women's Liberation” which was specifically designed to turn black women against their men, promote feminism and undermine civil rights.


The virus was spread due to the social habits promoted by feminism (sexual promiscuity, use of birth control, excessive alcohol/drug use, other miscellaneous negative lifestyle choices etc.) and totally decimated the black community. As the virus manifested in a greater number of hosts, it also continued to cause and reinforce these kinds of harmful behaviors. In 1960, prior to the virus’ release, 2/3 of black children were born into a two-parent household. Today, 2/3 of black children are now instead born into single parent households. The CIA further accelerated this process with other operations such as engaging in trafficking of drugs with the intent to target black communities.


Even today Steinem continues to reference her operations within the black community as being ground zero for the spread of feminism and the CIA’s bioweapon.


Over the years Steinem has also used feminism to not only pursue political objectives, but also to help create social acceptance of certain behaviors engaged in by hosts of the virus (disregard for or desire to kill offspring) as well as cover up activities which could not be immediately made “normal.” An example of this is her role in using Ms. Magazine to push the Satanic Panic in the early 1990’s, effectively causing the public to cease paying attention to pedophile and human trafficking scandals, including the fallout that resulted from the exposure of the Finder’s Cult and Franklin Scandal.


Steinem’s page describing her involvement in Ms. Magazine:


It’s important to note that Elizabeth Forsling Harris, Ms. Magazine’s first publisher and co-founder, was a CIA-connected PR executive who planned John F. Kennedy’s motorcade route in Dallas.


The current running theory is that the virus was weaponized at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Scientists were looking into DNA and virus attributes around the timeframes that you'd expect and the lab had deep connections to the CIA.



They also brought Nazis there during Paperclip pic related

books.google.com/books?id=J2ZmCQAAQBAJ&pg=PT38&lpg=PT38&dq=Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory cia&source=bl&ots=W8euIUn7v5&sig=gvQuJZJdggHiT8HErbyOyZoYRyA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiM5q-i1MDZAhVU1WMKHXYaBAcQ6AEIfDAI#v=onepage&q&f=false

Look at all the snake symbolism in mythology - what do you see?

Almost every single culture around the world has left us warnings about the danger of feminism. Human beings forget true meaning so quickly though

Look at these transformations anons, this happens in just a few years.

Ideology doesn't do this. Ideology alone cannot make a woman forsake her hard wired need to have children and protect them at all costs.

Good posts OP. I've recently been interested in societal collapses through history but hadn't made the connection with women, only interdependence (today called globalism) and ethnic movements (open borders, immigration). Today child sacrifice is conducted in explicit worship of the self, I wish I could say not all westerners are on board with this madness but when you talk to the youth it seems like a hard road forward.

Saying protofeminists caused the Sea Peoples to invade is a stretch. It makes more sense to say that it's influence destroyed Minoan defensive capabilities and when these foreign people caught wind of the utterly defenseless Minoan utopia, they moved on them. It's terrifying to think that the Minoans probably didn't even care to stop them. Sounds eerily familiar.

The mind affects the body and the body affects the mind. This is not passed down culturally but at some point expresses itself genetically. Women start the child sacrifice as a way of signaling that they are out of control and will destroy everything unless men assert dominance. They'll accept any man's dominance, even a foreigner, but they're already tainted genetically.

Women who get infected begin to despise all men. Initially they just think it's the ones around them which is why they are more prone to seeking out foreigners (like the feminists of Europe do with migrant men). But eventually they will even grow tired of these as well.

They want death on a subliminal level. Just look at the feminist coalition that is currently running Sweden:


The "December Agreement" that formed Sweden's current, feminist influenced government is abbreviated as "DÖ" which in Swedish means "die"

Notice how the English language Wikipedia entry does not mention this abbreviation. In fact it is censored, perhaps entirely, from any English language news source.


Ferengi levels intensifying…

Thank you for the feedback user, skepticism is fine and healthy. We focus so much on the ideology, but not the women themselves.

If you look at all the parallels between Minoan culture and our modern society, the feminist influence in the collapse cannot be ruled out.

You're right, it's expressed in the genes and we have to remove it if we are going to ensure that white genetics continue.

It would be interesting to see where the legends about nagas came from. If it was an actual people group, to see where they spread and if the civilizations collapsed later on and if a legend, which civilizations adopted it.

I don't agree with the child sacrifice aspect as being part of women's natural cycle to implode weak societies. You see the whole purpose of that cycle is to birth new children with whichever foreign tribe comes in and invades the old one. If woman decide to have children with their tribe then that usually means that are satisfied with it. If a woman isn't satisfied then she will not procreate with the men of her tribe and thus will degrade the family structure around her. Child sacrifice is simply too out of bounds with the hard wired maternal instincts of women and it's nowhere near necessary in order to collapse a society.

It's definitely a brain disease of some sort.

yeah it's called beta male cuckolds who don't take control of women so they go haywire because the natural order has been disrupted

Beta males are actually a reason why the virus exists in the first place.

A lot of feminists seem to do the opposite of what traditional women do, even on a subconscious level it seems.

that's what I said?

The problem with calling it cancer is that cancer only infects a single host and doesn't spread

Even feminists admit their shit acts and spreads like a virus


I was just trying to point out that I'm more along the lines of OP's thinking with it being an actual virus. Beta males are the reason that it's never been stamped out before. There really is science to back up the fact that women have very hard wired maternal instincts and for them to not care about having children ever in their lives and to sacrifice them in some cases is very, very bizarre. That just doesn't seem like something you could change in people. That's like socially engineering men to now want to rub one out every once in a while. I just don't see how something like that is possible.

Barukh haba rabbi!

Is a potent meme not a kind of virus?

Feminism is a particularly virulent meme virus that preys upon the weakest points of the female psyche and the protective instincts of men towards women.

I'm on board with this theory op but, how come a strain has not been isolated OP?

I don't think so, OP.

There's more white women now who are a part of it then there were in the past. Some of them are like half-white half-Jewish as well technically. In the beginning it was largely Jews though as you are saying.

First sentence and your premise is fucked. Your mistake - equating what women say with what women think.
If you had any experience or ability with women whatsoever, you'd know that "feminist" women work just the same as any other sort of woman, are just as easy to bed, are attracted by the same bullshit &c.
tl;dr OP tries to offload blame for feminism onto a non-existent "disease" when the actual disease we need to get rid of is called the jews.

In the pastebin I posted in the OP, I showed that a large amount of research has been done on certain things such as birth control that feminism depends on as an ideology. As you can see in the study linked below, these sorts of things are never followed up on or are downright shut down.


Essentially, there's far more incentive to prevent research into the topic or make sure that any which does get done is kept private. If feminism depends on certain knowledge not becoming public then those who benefit from it will keep it that way.

They exist, Jews are a huge force in driving it obviously.


The fuck are you going on about? Feminists do not work the same way as regular women at all. They visibly look different in many cases. The way feminists act is very unnatural if you actually knew anything about women or their mating and maternal behaviors.

More like a mind virus. It exists metaphysically. Feminism is a symptom of a greater societal ill. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times. Hard times create strong men. A symptom of a degenerate society. You're looking too hard at a simple process, that appears complicated only by it's repetition throughout history. Feminism would not have taken hold if society wasn't already terminally ill.

So they aren't white.

I'm extremely wary of anyone trying to blame white women for (((feminism))) to any extent. They're the unwitting victims of it, not the perpetrators.

I think White people with firearms was the actual reason French were allowed to colonize them easily.

Unwitting, yes. But at some point it does it matter whether you are a pawn or a handler? You're still destroying the West.

We want to save white women that aren't infected yet.

What comes down to it is the women though. Women are a part of that process by imploding what they consider weak societies so that foreign men will conquer it and breed with them. Part of that process was so that children could be born with strong genes. Modern day feminists however do not want kids and are disgusted by what they consider to be strong males. That does not fall in line with that natural cycle. You have to look at how feminism is affecting women and an ideology isn't really capable of some of these changes. Don't you think it's very odd how so many feminists act and look the same? In other ideologies there's at least more variation among the people who follow it but feminists almost seem to display symptoms of some kind of biological affliction.

It's women sensing weakness in men that they can exploit. Saying feminism is an illness is a weakness, because you are justifying their behavior.

The Minoans were Old Europeans, with darker complexions. Female equality might be an European concept, but definitely not an Aryan one, as Aryans made women equal in combat at most; the Minoans, ruling over a meritocratic society (and not a warrior sect one) could not defend their cities from those who knew nothing of chivalry, and the men, under the thumb of a lesser sex, could not even resist their women, which speaks for itself.

Even hundreds of years later, the Aryan Amazones of Scythia were successful in sacking the still cuckolded, and enamored Greek city States. They were undoubtedly civilized, or "progressive" if you will, but strong? No, and neither are you - because you're struck for making excuses instead of taking control. It took the Greeks a dozen hundred more years to bind moral to the nature of the "tasteless pleasure", yet we cannot afford that wait when we under constant attack by uglier armies.

Would also explain lolbergtarianism.

Yes. Distinguishing the puppet from the puppet master always matters.

>2nd pic

That's hardly accurate if what's being implied is that it be quarantined like a virus. If the virus is incurable then there's really only one way to solve it. Would you actually bed a feminist? Do you think that would benefit your children? Does that in someway make you a strong man? Feminism as an ideology is not a virus. What's OP is getting at is that there is a virus that's changing women in ways that makes them naturally gravitate towards feminism.

Sure. Pawns can still kill you and implode your society though.

I view this point to not be material to the topic at hand though because the force we're dealing with here can't be controlled by anyone, even Jews.

It can infect males just the same, a pretty important point that OP left out for some reason, probably forgot.
As it reverses the maternel instincts of women it does the same in infected men as well causing homosexuality, pedophilia, inhibited aggressiveness, lower testosterone, to name a few symptoms.
Would make sense why faggotry spreads virally as well.

Could be a combination of what said and potentially prion based – which are very difficult to track down. The problem is transmission then, since they are not normally spread through sexual contact.

Feminism isn't an ideology, its an inherited female modus operandi. Our prehistoric era was matriarchal, as women controlled sex and reproduction. Logically, our ancestors must've risen above it, so yes, I do consider it a strength - anything less is clearly regression to barbarity without will and civilization without civility.
My "children" aren't relevant to this, you're thinking like a woman, "think of the children!", and you act like one too. If the Greeks didn't repel the Amazones they'd fall subject to a race not at all concerned with virtues like you are. Our enemies certainly aren't - an eye for an eye.

You are really naive.

The virus is called hormonal birth control you fucking faggots

Oh, my mistake user I did not mention this point.

Males can be infected and that's why you see them act like fags, trannies etc. It also may be an influencing factor in pedophilia.

You can tell when a man is infected because they show signs of higher estrogen and lower testosterone levels. They act weak. Things like that. They're the kind of man you'd expect to be fucking a feminist.

What I'm arguing is that you see feminist ideology emerge because the adherents are infected with something that makes them act and think a certain way, which happens to be conducive to progressivism/feminism.

Feminism more or less has four main "goals" that you can pick out:

1. Reduce population.
2. Implode the host civilization.
3. Make the infected see all men of their tribe as "weak". Even if they see men of other tribes as strong, once they mate with them they too will see that even foreign men cannot satisfy them and the cycle will continue.
4. Spread to other individuals within the tribe and outside of the tribe.

Yes, that's why the paki girls, under so called constant male "oppression" can sprout shit like "muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker was a feminist". Nod an argument.

I can't event think of any white feminist who's doing any significant damage. I can think of a whole lot of "white" feminists who are, though.

Happy (((International Women's Day))), OP

The virus also especially spreads more and is more prevalent in densely populated, urban areas versus rural. Another big part of the virus is that it makes women want to implode their society regardless of whether it is a stronger one or not. People have to wonder why western women want to break down their civilization so that clearly lesser ones can come in and take over.

There is zero proof of an ancient matriarchal society that wasn't just a bunch of people in huts or was eventually conquered and destroyed. Also you seem largely confused as to what is being said here. The whole point is to take back control. We're saying this shit needs to be culled in some way. Where are you getting this weakness bullshit from? I'm asking about your kids because I'm wondering why it is that you think some of these women can be saved when some of them are way too far gone. I asked about your children because I wanted you to think about the future. Stop parading some kind of dick measuring contest when there's no need for it.

My idea is that sort of stuff is what helps the virus spread. Another thing that needs to be said about the virus is that it has to be activated by certain societal conditions. It's also possibly activated by certain hormone levels. That's mainly a theory though.

And what you just said was hardly a logical retort to that user.

This is the cure.

The Women's Marches in the US are a clear sign of the damage white women can be engineered into causing.

Antifa is an example of this.

White feminists in Europe inviting migrants into their homes because they want to fuck them is a big example of this.

Weaponize the wombs of a society and you destroy it. Feminists of all colors are very destructive and Jews are leading the charge.



That is like saying that giving an AIDS patient good dick will cure them.

And the infected need to be removed before it's too late.

Single mothers cause beta males.

Hormonal birth control, kike influence, and lack of this .

No, regular semen injections makes women happy, causing them to ignore (((feminists))).

I'm a big believer in corrective rape.

I was talking about the feminists themselves, not regular women

Vibrators were once a tool of physicians. Maybe we need to make a medical license necessary to own one.

It's not the only reason but definitely one of them.

Then why the hell is the current divorce rate so high if "muh dik" can solve it that easily? Normal women it can, but not feminists. Most feminists you wouldn't want to touch anyway.

What damage? The only thing the (((Women's Marches))) did was make everyone involved look retarded. White feminists tend to only hurt themselves, which indirectly damages society, but kike feminists intentionally seek to directly damage society. That's an important distinction.

(((Their))) golems may have been the unwitting victims and it truly is tragic but you can't unzombify those lobotomized.

those infected refuse to submit even when confronted with a strong male, they don't swoon when they hit the breaking point where normal women would, instead they double down and become more aggressive and cunty. Sometimes even outright launching into an attack once they know they're outmatched possibly in hopes the reaction of the one being attacked will have enough strength to kill them.

You could make the argument that the infected sense on a subliminal level when they are facing someone who won't submit and is going to destroy them

Having millions of women march around in massive crowds is a dangerous political tool of the leftists and Jews. If you think they can't be weaponized think again.

My other points still stand, their most destructive influence right now is the desire to welcome foreign males into their tribe, eliminating white men.

Keyword: prehistoric. But even then, you're wrong. Not counting the Amazones (who were most likely a part of the same tribe) Ibrahim ibn Ya’qub, a jewish explorer sent by the Arabic ruler of Spain to map out northern Europe, recalls a city of women embedded between White Hrovatia and White Sorbia (then in modern day Poland) and Ruthenia (Russia). He recalls:
This is also where the later emerging "Wends" were situated. "Wend" is Indo-European for [a] "wed" = bride or maid. To pretend women can't rule over you is naivety.
I'm cluing you on: force.
I'm not. See, you've already built an idea of me, so when I tell you I've shut down multiple feminists by simply saying it destructive and that I won't hold back in battling them, you'll consider it "showing off". You truly are weak to be intimidated by words, no wonder you're afraid to say "shut up we fight the wars we make the rules" and instead rely on pointless workarounds.

If you think that is a model society somehow then more power to ya. Now you're just assuming shit about me. Not all women have the virus OP is talking about, some of the ones you've interacted with might have just been following the ideology. What part of anything that I've said would imply that I am not talking about force being applied here. Most of your arguments right now equate to "muh dik". Why not actually discuss instead of having to resort to ostracizing someone? That if anything shows weakness in your ability to debate.

lolno. What do you think the (((Women's Marches))) actually accomplished? If anything the kikes fucked up and the marches acted as a pressure valve. Several thousand feminists got to feel like they did something without doing anything at all, then they went back home and continued being useless.

I am you stupid faggot. You're the one babbling about shit that doesn't exist. How can we cure something that doesn't exist, kindly ask them to undergo gay treatment esque experimentation? I've replied to your mistakes, the rest: doesn't exist.

Reminder that contrary to mainstream belief women abuse children at a higher rate than men do.

You might be onto something user, those infected display signs of subconsciously wanting to die, a death drive, a reversed survival instinct.

Mentally, but not physically though. It's not quite the same as sacrificing your children.


Both and as the other user says, abortion.

And that right there is what I would consider an equivalent to child sacrifice in a way. I think that women who do go undergo a lot of abortions might have the virus. Not all of them, but some. With abortion though there's a lot of cognitive dissonance at play.

Is this that toxoplasma theory? The one spread by cats?

Our modern women murder their own children on an industrial scale, it's been made trendy. Anyone who isn't a raging feminist has severe feelings of regret after doing so as well.

It's certainly equivalent to ritual sacrifice on some levels.

Those women are all feminists, all spreading infection, all wanting (even if on a subliminal level) to die.

No, this not the same thing.

Relevant quote:

Shoot yourself already.

No, the symptoms are not remotely similar in most cases. That disease doesn't even show symptoms in most people.

Now you're acting like a butt hurt bitch. Actually assess my statement unless that's too mentally demanding for you.

I have, and you have no retributal. You're wrong.

lol ok

There's no such thing as "white croatia" a separate language for them was literally invented in the 1960s.

Ask me how I know you're a roastie

It's called the birth control pill that makes women favor weak men, the massive psychological trauma of an abortion which almost 1:1 feminists had before they became feminist, and brainwashing from Jews.

A single virus couldn't do it, doesn't work that way. If it did, the virus would have spread to the third world 40 years ago.

Actually explain how I'm wrong with what I said. Why was the analogy not sufficient? I mean, I don't want you hurting yourself overthinking it or anything. Keep "saging" your posts btw. Definitely doesn't make you look like some petty child.

Nigger, if I was a roastie, I would've called you a virgin at least six times by now. You'r roastie radar is off.

Jesus Christ I think this is one extremely autistic person behind this entire myth trying desperately to make Milhouse a meme.

No, according to Ibrahim ibn Ya’qub, and many other sources.

Great rebuttal - abortion is the modern sacrificial equivalent.

Something wrong, moshe?



You're the one making the argument about (((matriarchal societies))) shlohmo, the burden of proof is not with me

Feminism's been around since the 1920's or so, I highly doubt it got its debut from a virus/bioweapon.

Unless it's been around for a very long time.

If you had bothered to actually read a single thing posted in this thread, you'd have realized it's been around for much, much longer than that.

The most recent outbreak first began in the 1920's and picked up pace in the 60's.

I'm asking you what damage the (((Marches))) did. Feminism is cancer but marching around pretending to do something while wearing retarded hats accomplished nothing for anyone. Actually no, that isn't totally true, the marches did end up unintentionally damaging feminism. So they were good for something

birth control does play a major role, but who's to say those behind pushing birth control aren't the same one's behind the bioweapon as well? Or at least knowingly setting the conditions for it to hit terminal velocity via social and enviromental engineering

The one at the back is a fucking jew. The blurriness can't stifle my jewdar.

Many women got on board with feminism because of the marches and general pushes to promote feminism during the election. It's the potential for weaponization that is most dangerous.

When a storm threatens to cave in your roof do you sit around doing nothing about it because it hasn't yet happened?

and I proved it, twice. Prague was also sacked (unsuccessfully) by this tribe of women.

>revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=The Maidens' War&item_type=topic

You're so butthurt about your shitty little (28) theory being blown the fuck out you're trying to trip me up on history. Sad!

You really don't act like you're from here you know.


Actually you are proving my point. Societies where feminism takes hold and women predominantly lead are inherently unstable and create conflict.

They always blow their own cover if you give them enough time.

Boo hoo, you dispelled my autism! You posted this cancer on reddit, so fuck off there.

I'm still talking to you plenty. You never even pointed out what was so wrong with my analogy. It wasn't me posting that stuff on Reddit.

That wasn't your point, jew. Your point is

I think you're mistaken about what I say the solution is. The only solution is to remove them from the genetic pool.

You mean your one example of a society that clearly didn't last for long just like I said?

I'm not so sure that got anyone on board with (((feminism))). It was more like preaching to the choir. Shitting on (((feminism))) is actually more acceptable now than it has been in 20+ years thanks to the kikes pushing it too hard and receiving blowback.

You realize the kikes have been trying to weaponize feminism since the moment they invented it, right? They aren't waiting to give women the signal to overthrow society. Everything you see feminism do is a product of their best efforts to weaponize it. The marches weren't a prelude to anything, they were an effort that fizzled out.

I just read the thread right after that, and i'd be tempted to say it's more of a mental condition than that of a viral or bacterial infection, although it most certainly could lead to such.

Why not both?


Fuck off infowars


This is a great appropriation of that otherwise shit meme.

As this entire thread explains, feminism predates Jews and wasn't invented by them. They are using it as a tool to destroy whites.

Thanks for reading user. I am still looking into it but my current suspicion is that it's a lysogenic virus which affects mental processes.

T. gondii doesn't make women want to murder their own children. It doesn't totally reverse their maternal instincts.

Leftist women are the ones pumping out mutts so I figured might as well reverse it and use it against the Jews.

Amazones and them (proto-Wenden)

Also, Lesbos.

Well my mistake, your two shit examples of matriarchal societies that got BTFO by males or by their own means just like I said previously.

Another one that left no imprint on history?


gas yourself immediately, please

I've read this when thread as well, and honestly, it's definitely a disease, whether it's mental, or some sort of viral/bacterial because feminists are so mentally unstable, it definitely isn't just the ideology like you said. All feminists are mentally ill, but not all mentally ill are feminists, it's definitely its own evil.


Thats interesting OP, but i dont think you understand how a woman's mind works.
Its based heavily on emotions and emotions of the in-group. They sense emotions in other people to a very high dagree, its hard to hide them from a woman (They walk into a room full of sad or angry women and watch, they will become sad or angry its fucking uncanny)

A womans behaviour and mentality is very easily changed (they change so much for the ones they love boyfriend / husband) based on there likes and dislikes.

Now use there emotions agaist them, make them feel sad about what you want them to hate, they think "well it must be bad because its making me very sad" and then make them feel good about that you want them to think is right "it must be right becauae it feels right".
Then add a in-group of women all feeling the same way about the same thing and it amplify this 100x.

Its normally a mating partner that has access to this ability to chnage a woman by making them feel good about themselfs or telling them off and make them feel sad becauae they care more about what you think than anyrhing in the world.
If this is used to hate men… thats whats happenings bro.

The way that relates to the virus is that you only need some of the women to be infected and the others will copy their behavior even if they themselves are uninfected. The other problem with that is that it also allows the virus to spread to them.

Lesbos was a hotbed of degeneracy and likely had an outbreak going on there


How does it feel to get called on your total bullshit shill?

If you think of civilization as an organism, feminism is definitely cancer to it

Feminism isn’t caused by a virus, it is the virus.

No, they learn this at collage. Look at the age of women this happens to.
No virus, just a Marxist / Feminists lecturer

They literally have classes in University / College to teach them this mentality behaviour and its mandatory in some places.

Which one of you did this?

The virus is jews. Feminism is a symptom.

Social engineering is not powerful enough to overwrite hardwired maternal and mating behaviors in just a few years. Not even MK Ultra was successful at doing something like that without permanently fucking up someone to the point they might as well be a vegetable.

Honestly they are, you can use their emotions agaist them. Pick-up Artist do this in a matter of hours, its the same physiology they use.

Dude, maternal instincts are hard wired into women's brains. You cannot change mental hard wiring through ideology.

Fucking phone posting….

They are hardwired to follow emotion and in-group. Its not changing their hardwiering its using it to your advantage.
If your going to say they just go after Chad Thunder-cuck then yes they do thats hardwired and they never have to do anything like this.
If just the sight of you induces a disgust responce, thats hardwired and its never going to work.

If your in the middle this works.

Just just made a point right there. Going after chads is hard wired into them, yet feminists are actually disgusted by chads. How can something that's so hard wired in their brains all of a sudden be gone within just a few years? That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. These are good posts btw. I remember these.


They still are, just on a subconscious level.

Its an irrational response to chad, he still makes them swoon, they will still fantasize about him and then HATE themselfs for it after. Because the though of him been your man makes them happy, "how can i be happy with somthing that makes me mad?"
They have had strong emotions to say chad is bad wrong and eveything this is bad in the wrold.

This conflicting emotion makes them sad, angy and then hate themselfs.
Therefore Chad makes me sad and i hate chad.

They still are atracted*

I don't think you guys have ever actually had contact with feminists. The craziest ones absolutely do not want chad lol. They aren't going to be pleased by anyone.

Trust this user, I know plenty of feminists at my school. And trust me, the boys that are attracted to them are betas. The betas, hoping to get the girl, degrade their masculinity to the point of becoming Feminist Prime, yet the feminists only see them as expendables. I have a feeling that one of them is going to enter politics since she was an intern for a State Representative. Also, humor is key to get a girl's attention, if they play along with your jokes they're more likely not a feminist. Feminists are never satisfied with their life, and the "sad" part is that once the past 30, they want to settle down but it is too late for them so they simply commit suicide like the worthless roasties they are.

sage, because I'm only preaching to the choir at this point.

Yes, what you said is true. That's why the virus is as abundant as it is. Betas don't want to stamp it out and want to breed with the women.

Yes its very fucking complicated.
Im just saying its not a virus that causes this.

This is what causes it. And it can work to a dagree that has observed.

Look at the Russian psyops guy.
Lies are truth
Hate is love
War is peace
Slavery is freedom
Diversity is strength.

The expression says it all.

Don't kid yourself. All through the 90s, Rush Limbaugh mocked the feminazis who defended Bill the Rapist. Democrat chads have always treated women like cumrags, but the feminist hambeasts still worship them



Here, I don't think you guys understand what I'm saying when I say that maternal instincts are hard wired into the brain, not to mention facilitated by certain hormones. You do have the women who don't have kinds until their 30 and regret it, that's social engineering. But their are a lot of these feminists that truly don't want kids at all and would rather see them die, hence abortion. The child sacrifice that OP mentioned in correlation with the studies I just linked should show you how unnatural that kind of behavior is for a female.

A means to an ends maybe, but that doesn't mean they want to mate with those men though. You can hardly suggest that.

We live in a world where they dont meen a man to follow and mold themselfs to.
So they follow and mold to the state.
A atate that wants to destroy us.

You really think those snarling monsters weren't dreaming of Bill's cigar while flogging their stink boxes with a rubber Slick Willie every night?

No, no I really don't. The hardcore feminists whom I believe would be infected, no. There's not really a lot of empirical evidence for this view point anyway so it's kind of moot.


Agreed about feminism, but anyone have an explanation for this.
Last week in Italy was, what, the first time ever that women voted more to the right than men. What happened? Do you think male rapefugees voted in sufficient numbers to skew the stats, or something else? Especially surprising is the degree of discrepancy on voters for LeU (far left).

Weird, I guess the women of Italy won't want to be eradicated just yet

I wonder if you would make the same observation prior to the advent of mass media.

Women have been told it's not fashionable to like masculine men, but their biology says otherwise. Same goes for their apparent lack of desire in having children, it's simply fashionable. All of this per all forms of media controlled by our resident chosenite infestation. People are already trendy morons, even more so women are the trendiest of the sexes. Women do not hold beliefs, or ideas because they do not formulate any. You give them too much credit. The mind influences the body and vice versa. The ideology is degenerative, and so the female mind when afflicted, their body responds in kind to not only ugly thinking but ugly behavior.

We are nearing the collapse end of the cycle, but to my knowledge has there never before been such a multifaceted, full spectrum degeneration. This "unique" feminism is part of it, and the kikes are planning a controlled burn. They want the crash to be the last followed by millennia of their dominion over raceless, brainless, mongrels that are not only physically corrupted but spiritually.

One thing I wish all anons would understand, is that we are under attack through full spectrum war. Everything has been, or will be turned against you. Leave no path untrod, no entry unguarded, no knowledge unsought. Goodnight.

"I killed my kid, but the patriarchy made me do it, so I'm not responsible."

Don't you faggots want to raise Jamal's baby while some (((strong independant landwhale))) spends all your money?

Otherwise you're all misogynists!11

Those pig ears hats are kind of cute. But why do women voluntarily compare themselves to sows? Did (((someone))) trick them?

Polite sage for correcting, (((independent)))


IRL (((activism))) is prepping you for more rallies and false-flags

ANTIFA = ALT-RIGHT… different sides of the same Bolshevik coin.

>I'm extremely wary of anyone trying to blame white women for (((feminism))) to any extent. They're the unwitting victims of it, not the perpetrators.
They are full aware the mayhem they have created. But they don't care because is profitable to their female agenda.
And this awareness includes both sides of the coin: radical feminists and TradCons.
Thinking that women are victims will enable them to cause more damage and evil.

Keep crying you nasty slut


actually that is the problem



Tits or GTFO.

is this the new jojo


Fuck off you perfidious whore

I agree with you.
Personally I believe the future is for White Sharia, and if not, whores will have to procreate by force.
There is no choice if we want to save our race and civilization.

I'm calling bullshit on this specifically because it portrays the blacks as victims

so the cia infected black people with a "femin" virus after killing mlk (which also is how the kikes spell moloch) and malcom X?
to DISRUPT "black nationalism" movements?
Except the cia was involved in CREATING those movements as part of their long term plans to destroy White America

because the cia is and was controlled by JEWS.
and the jews want White countries mongrelized in order to pave the way for one world government with the jews as the oligarchs (aka the "new world order")

they see White countries as a major obstacle to their goals

that said, there may well be more to feminism than simply culture and groupthink and agitprop
but it would likely be chemicals in food/ water and "additions" to the vaccines designed to cause very specific brain/ hormone function damage.

all this says is that jews were sick genocidal fucks
just like today

Sounds more like r/k selection theory to me. Women simply have more sensitive / weaker amygdalae than men (which control inhibitions and threat recognition, as far as I understand), and this is highly exacerbated by a combination of factors, such as:

- Lack of adversity, due to so many white knights taking care of their problems for them
- Being groomed into minions by their narcissistic, feminist mothers while having weak or absent fathers
- Not getting told to grow the fuck up when something doesn't go their way because "they're women"
- Being heavily incentivized by government money and likes on social media to act like spoiled brat (divorce means free money and getting "support" and "you go grrls" from the insecure retards which surround them)
- Mass media, movies and the like perpetually flattering them and telling them how wonderful they are no matter how fucking stupid and destructive they act
- Birth control probably exacerbating any already existing neuro-physiological issues by playing with brain chemistry in ways we don't truly understand yet
- Getting put on (((anti-depressants))) for life when they have a problem instead of learning how to actually solve it
- Any sane women getting extreme threats of rape and murder from feminists to cow them into silence and submission (see Erin Pizzey, for example)

…and so on and so forth. Seems to me like a perfect storm of drugs and propaganda, and an excellent recipe for brain damage through a combo of atrophy and burn-out.

When you think about it, it must be pretty nightmarish to be a sane woman, these days, being surrounded with lying sycophants, pathetic retards and violent opportunists, and never being taught any values or getting told what's what. The jews, SJWs and all the rest simply have to promote all of these destructive systems and then capitalize on the results.

Not it's not. Batshit insane =/= cheeky bitch. Stop larping your fantasies.

go back to hell you piece of shit

White men have honor
we aren't sick fucks like you muslums

the White women who prefer a wholesome, traditional life will become the mothers of the White future

the White women who are degenerate whores should be deported or sterilized (made barren)
A few may be borderline and salvageable, maybe

This is the fundamentals of evolution
a sort of hard-stop on feminist bullshit
without your sandnigger bullshit
The quality women will make lots of White babies.
The horrible women will be barren

We will not replace one horror show
with another
Anyone who would want to does not belong in the White homelands of the future.
This is what I believe

Never change Holla Forums.


how many leading suffragettes were connected to the freemasons or jesuits ?

Actually the jew is the virus, feminism is just a symptom


You're the pissypants fag assuming I meant cheeky women in the first place. Stop projecting your fist clenching memories onto me.

It's in the DNA anons

(((Alt-Right))) Psy-ops are so fucking gay

MGTOW is for faggots get your bitch ass back to leftypol whore

Then what you believe is wrong.
And the way you respond and the fantasies you spit looks very female to me. You are a filthy cunt. Aren't you.
In any case, it is me who has to call you in your bullshit.

The true nature of women have been exposed and we have to be grateful for that to feminism.
Feminism have been the force who reminded us the forgotten knowledge of our ancestors, who over and over warned us about their evil, conniving and deceptive ways.

"Quality women" don't exist anymore.
From very early age little whores are consuming kikes's TV where they learn "dating", (((Disney Channel))) is one of the main offenders.
In public schools they put in practice the propaganda and the competition starts for muh dicks, and who makes a better blowjob.
By the end of high school, they have a dick amount that rivals with the career of a professional escort in her first year.
By the age of 25, 25% will already catch at least 1 STD, and the amount of dick will be beyond a sane memory to remember.
Your "quality woman" will marry a poor chump with money and will dispose him after he is no longer needed. Of course this means to rob him of his wealth with for support of this matriarchal State.
And if he is unable to comply with the Court's mandated payments, he will be incarcerated.
The choice is clear, to be a slave to a treacherous whore, or to be jailed.
By the time he will be free of payments or jail (or both), he will be a tired and burnt man.
Men in the matriarchy are meant to cater whores and to be disposable slaves.
And all the rhetoric about strong alpha men will not change that.

LSD+estrogen pills+brainwashing is all you need.

Feminism is not a virus or bioweapon. Feminism is a part of the natural psychological shift which animals evolve to produce when flooded with dopamine.
When resources are short, animals have to fight to get them, and protect their young. This produces what ecologists call a K-selected reproductive strategy. It basically entails programming the animal to be aggressive/competitive/protective (to fight for food to survive) monopolize fit mates with monogamy so others can't have as fit offspring as you, raise children safely in two parent families, embrace of patriarchy where males endure risks and females avoid risks and nurture, push the age at first mating later to get a sift a lifelong mate as possible, and show ingorup loyalty to compete better. That will produce fitt offspring that can compete themselves, and raise children that will survive themselves.
When there is a glut, all the dopamine from free resources changes the brain, just like in an addict. Then individuals become programmed to avoid conflict (free resources means fighting is an unnecessary risk), mate promiscuously and spread bet, females raise offspring alone in a matriarchy, age at first intercourse will drop to mate more, and loyalty will drop to minimize conflict.
As this happens, females become more aggressive and masculine to protect and provision the offspring they rear alone, as males become less suited to conflict, and more adapted to use flash to get mates and flee from conflict.
The rise of feminism accompanies declines because it is the peak resources that triggers the shift from a strong K-selected psychology to a hedonistic glut-exploiting psychology, which has everything from irresponsible resource allocation, to feminism, to cowardliness which all produces the decline.
Of course you will not the two reprioductive strategies you see in nature both mirror the two main ideologies in humans.
You can google “r/K Selection Theory and Politics” for more, down to the way dopamine alters brain structures, how that produces each facet of the strategy, how it arose through evolution, the genetic/epigenetic evidence, all the research that documents all of it, and how it has been a facet of every civilization's rise and decline.

Why don't you guys understand that feminists do not want to reproduce? If you add that into the equation than r/k mating strategies do not explain because feminists are aren't having kids, thus they really aren't mating in the sense they are not having any kids.

Again, they are mating and minimizing rearing, just like r-instincts would assert, but they did not evolve with birth control, so they have no instinct associated with it. It is short circuiting the r-strategy and making it maladaptive.

Their urges are mate promiscuously, and don't rear. When the kids pop out, they rear them as little as possible, so they can mate again and produce another kid.

Birth control means, they can actually avoid any rearing investment at all with just a pill. If there is a baby, they can eliminate rearing with abortion.

All the instincts fit. It is just the new technology that makes r-selection maladaptive. Give it a thousand years, and the model r-strategist will be the fat black welfare mom. But for now, white feminist liberals still have enough intelligence and conscientiousness to avoid the rearing entirely through the new technology.

But that will be culled with time. Evolution is not done yet.

r/k mating strategies do not explain this type of shit.


embedded for easier viewing

Although a small percentage, you have to consider faggots that adopt kids as well. Imagine little Tommy with two butch dykes or two fudge packers who say he's a girl. It's fucking sick. Alot of it is conversion into the cult, a good portion (it not a most) fags have been molested as youths, this coupled with the "do whatever you want and also get attention" phase of society is thus pushing impressionable kids into being drag queens and dykes.

That's false. They are r mating that just got infertile. In any other unsafe country their decisions and behavior is gonna get them raped very soon. They are vocal because they want attention and they are getting it, and attention also means sex/rape so it fits the r strategy.

R strategy doesn't mean only max. number of children it also means a series of bad decisions or even having a decision making logic for that.
They are like rats, eat what you can, breed and then get eaten by someone else without a moment of thought that they are - rats and not humans.

If you look at birth rates though you can see they really are not mating. Also their are plenty of women who are still fertile and are not mating still. Why aren't they settling down even with chads?

Why not? r-selected women are driven to fight because of instincts to provision and protect the offspring they rear minimally alone. It is a stark contrast from K-females like Sarah Palin and Melania.

The homosexuality is an occasional overshoot of the reversal of sexual traits and sex preferences. As things turn r, r men want masculine traits in their mates, because masculine females are the fittest females. Females will want flashy feminine features in their mates because flashy males who flee conflict are the most r mates, most adapted to the r-conditions.

Let that overshoot, and you have men who like masculine features so much they mate with men, and females who like feminine flashy features so much they mate with females.

I see that video as a natural outgrowth of r-selected instincts taken to the extreme.

Dude…no. There is ZERO reproductive value or and kind of advantage for a woman to act like that. How can you not see that? You are seriously telling me that is a mating strategy? That insanity is an advantageous strategy for them??

You know what that place lacks ?
and gasolyne. That would make things better. If there a people worth gassing this should be it

They are having sex with every flashy male who catches their attention, which is the instinct. None of this is logical, or right or wrong, or moral or immoral. It is just how humans are designed.

In ecology it is called bet-spreading. When all offspring survive there is a marginal advantage to having offspring by many different mates, with lots of variability. That is what the cock carousel is.

BUT, the reason women do that though is to have children. These feminists we see today still do this but don't want children and do not form long lasting bonds with any males. Do you see why I say that something is changing hard wired mating behaviors?

Why r u lying faggot?


Feminists aren't having children, they're not even having as much sex. They just fucking hate men.

Now please kys for making such a stupid argument.

There is not an advantage since birth control. But in a state of nature, absent birth control, Madonna would have had fifty children by fifty different flashy chads.

I am not saying this is advantageous, or works as a reproductive strategy since birth control happened along.

I am saying this is deeply imbued instincts, which worked perfectly back when we were gorillas grunting at each other, and not interfering with the biology by using burth control.

Back then, sex=babies, and all these non-sensical instincts you are wondering about and seeing as bizarre worked perfectly as r and K-selected reproductive strategies.

They are still doing the same thing, but modern tech is screwing them up.

Don't forget, nature and evolution's goal was not national greatness, or morality, or even kindness. It was as many offspring as possible who could reproduce themselves.

This is all r and K

But user, women who are still young and are not on birth control are also showing these behaviors. How do you explain that?

Again, if you look at the research on this, both the Economic Misery Index (a measure of resource restriction) and the Conservative Policy Mood (a measure of K-selected drives) are rising.

We are in a K-shift, because resources are constricting, and you will see that in Generation Zyklon. Even Trump is a measure of the shift.

But among the wealthy r-strategists, this is the freakish calm before the storm. Once economies collapse, you will see a hard shift toward K-selection, and just as the Roaring Twenties were made into the conservative anti-commie 50's by resource constriction and war, so too will the freakishness today disappear.

What women are young, not on birth control, and mating prodigiously? I would think that would produce a news-worthy baby-boom.

I have not seen that, except among the low IQ inner city minorities, which I have said will be the new version of the r-strategy- all the r of liberals, but non of the conscientiousness or ability to think in terms of the future.

They really aren't though. If people were just smart they could afford to have kids. People have plenty of food nowadays and obviously poor people are still having kids. In the 1980's the economy was relatively good and yet the birth rate was still declining since the 1960's. How does your mating strategy theory explain that?

Not all women are on it 24/7, that's what I'm saying. Also it's already been shown in the thread that people are having less sex than ever before.

It doesn't explain the massive shifts feminist have to start being ok with murdering their own kids en masse, in fact there's dozens of examples in history where a society imploded shortly after that kind of behavior began.

Your idea is shit and your execution of the argument was shit.

In the 1980's the economy was relatively good and yet the birth rate was still declining since the 1960's. How does your mating strategy theory explain that?

In nature, lots of resources will produce r and that will up the birth rate.

But in humans, the r-strategies drive to minimize rearing mixes with the ability to eliminate births using birth control and abortion, and lowers birthrates in intelligent, forward thinking populations.

In humans, because actual birth is detached from sex, birth is a conscious decision which requires a desire to rear. That desire to rear is a K-trait. As a result, intelligent, forward thinking societies will see their baby booms in times of K, counter-intuitively.

For us it was the fifties, and all the K-strategists that were hardened by the Depression and the war that came back and wanted kids because they viewed babies like puppies.

It is the Obamas that are horrified at the idea of "being burdened with a baby."

Again, r and K describe the base instincts, but technology means that although r and K describe the urges accurately, it no longer functions to alter reproductive rates.

That is the low rearing urge. Wolves love their pups, rabbits and mice could care less if they lose a litter.

Sarah Palin wanted children, even a handicapped baby. Obama summed up the liberal view of it when he described a pregnancy as being burdened with a baby.

I really don't see why there would be any resistance to this when it is so clear.

And again, view it in terms of adaptation. r-strategists are the hedonistic dopamine addicts who will do anything to keep the pleasures flowing.

K-strategists are the hardened stoics, who want to endure the hardship now to prepare for the future. They can do that because it is the environment they were forged in.

Not an argument

Conservative women want babies because they're not infected and not feminists. Obama is a progressive catering to feminists and it follows that he'd say things he knew feminists were predisposed to hear.

You clearly don't know anything about women or what the experience of abortion is like for a normal woman. Dopamine addiction doesn't cause that kind of thing.

That's not even an rearing urge you dumbass, that's the exact opposite. How is wanting to kill your children related to a mating strategy when the exact opposite of what they're doing is mating?

Wrong again. Women experience the same hormone after they have sex when they birth children and breast feed them. It's called Oxytocin.

Oh they are mating. They are just not having kids. You think these femjobs don't get wasted every weekend ?


Conservative women want babies because they're not infected and not feminists. Obama is a progressive catering to feminists and it follows that he'd say things he knew feminists were predisposed to hear.


You clearly don't know anything about women or what the experience of abortion is like for a normal woman. Dopamine addiction doesn't cause that kind of thing.


Why would it be more likely to be an infection, than an adaptation to the environment? Why does the infection happen right after periods of great advancement and wealth, like the Roman Empire, the Swedish Empire, and so on?

As for Obama saying what all leftist think, what does that disprove. Leftists do not want to rear babies.

As for abortion, those women don't want the baby because they want the job opportunities, the partying, and all the things they will be denied if they have the dopamine sucking responsibility of a baby. It is a dopamine addiction.

They're losing their V cards sure, but clearly they aren't having much sex after that.

I see. You are viewing the process of creating children as a complex concept.

Actually oxytocin release is diminished by dopamine release. It is why chicks who have lots of sex produce little oxytocin, and do not bond, and have little desire to bond to a child.

I've looked a the research and pulled the papers on this for years now. r/K Theory is legit.

What if Helena is not exactly an actual person (since it's near impossible for someone to suddenly want to fuck her because she beautiful or something which is simply ludicrous since most women at that time are good looking anyways to their standards) but a particularly beautiful almost naked statue instead, and that the saying 'the woman that launched a thousand ships' turned out to be 'the proto-waifu that started this whole shitshow'?

And I should add, that is an adaptation that enhances fitness by adapting them to r by lowering rearing urges and promoting promiscuity in the face of dopamine.

r/k theory does not explain feminism still. Again, feminists are not having a lot of sex generally speaking. I mean, who would have with some of them if you just look at them.

Dude, there is no reproductive strategy here because there is no reproduction. How is that so hard for you to get?

Feminism is spreading because most western men are beta soyboy cucks.

You have it right.
Except when the cunt feels the biological clock is ticking and rush to look for the best DNA available.

First, sex is inherent to feminism, and always has been. It began as "sexual liberation."

Second, where are you getting your statistics that feminists are not having sex?

Now there are limits on them getting it. Obviously all the sex drive in the world is not going to help trigglypuff get laid. But again, look at her she weighs 300lbs. That is consumption of free resources.

As for reproduction, I am not saying r/K is describing how these urges work as reproductive strategies. I am saying r/K explains why they have these instincts. Reread my posts, because I am clear that birth control and abortion short circuit the r-urges to have sex and minimize rearing.

In nature high sex-drive/low rearing urges produce lots of offspring. In humans, it produces lots of birth control use and few offspring.

This is a fascinating insight into where all this weirdness comes from. The resistance really baffles me.

Why do you think that so many feminists act and look the same? It that r/K theory too?

If you mean masculine features, angry/aggressive dispositions, and a general unctuousness, yes.

Again, turn things K like in the fifties, and the men and women will look the opposite of the soyboys and manjaws we see today. That is K and r.

As we go r you even see puberty start earlier. That isn't a virus or bioweapon. It is the human machine adapting to mate earlier and produce more offspring in a state of nature.

It just gets screwed up by birth control and abortion.

I love the4 discussion, BTW

Why would a reproductive strategy be causing physical changes in people?

r/K theory is applicable to nature, is it or is it not?

Does someone by any chance have a higher resolution version of this? Names are not clear.


I'm so sick of your fucking shit and all your fake posts.



You don't ask if "it's OK to be white". You don't demand it.

Everyone knows Professors are Commies because FOX does stories on if every night. This is prepping you for (((political activism)))

You don't run around bitching at cunts like a little cunt. You make silly little kid pranks posters to save the world? No. You're doing it because the Deep State is trying to get you into (((ACTIVISM)))

This is the most active thread in months. Why? Because the Deep State shills still want you to become the rightwing ANTIFA


Because the demands of each environment are different. In K, parents rear offspring together, men confront dangers, and females flee from them with the children while the men do. Keeping their few children alive is paramount. So men grow masculine, muscular and aggressive, as females become feminine, passive, and nurturing. Loyal too, due to monogamy.

In r, males mate with as many females as possible, to spread bet. Females do to. That means no monogamy, which means females raise offspring alone, so they get bigger and stronger to provision and protect offspring alone.

Since resources are everywhere, males do not fight for them, but rather flee to avoid the risks of fighting, and get the resoures elsewhere. They don't need to be masculine or muscular.

In cuttlefish, the r-strategist males actually look like females, because other males will not attack them as they sneak around - a feature common in animals in nature which follow an r-strategy (called "sneakers"). They are often males which look like females ot mate promiscuously.

Alright, so hold up. So if this is true then you should be able to provide me at least one example of an animal species in nature that resorts to such a shift as feminism with physical alterations then. r/K applies to nature and if feminism is a symptom of r//K then it should be seen in nature. So come on, show me one example of feminism occuring naturally, I'd love to see it. Because otherwise you're just pulling shit out of your ass.

What amazes as you dig down into it is just how complex the programming of humans is (neurological and genetic and epigenetic), and how the entire machine can rewire and re-engineer itself in response to an environmental change.

The degree to which we have evolved to mold ourselves to the environment is astonishing. Then again, we have had millions of years to do so.

That's exactly my point. It takes a lot of time, way more then just a few years.

Sure. Chimps live in a resource-starved environment. THey have patriarchy, violence by males, and sex is very restricted.

Bonobos are exactly like chimps, except where they live is a perpetual resource glut. They have a matriarchy where the females dominate the tribes, and punish any male who steps out of line. Sex is promiscuous and frequent, and without any bounds.

Because is it comparable to feminism. Is it comparable to shit like this?

Also guess what? Bonobos are still having kids unlike feminists.

But is it comparable to feminism?*

No, what we have evolved is a mechanism that adapts our reproductive instincts in real time to resource availability.

Look at how an addict's psychology changes in response to that dopamine surge.

I am talking about the same thing, only this changes the r and K urges in response to resource availability and ease/safety in response to what the human machine sees around it.

Again, it does a shitty job because it simply was not designed for r-strategists to be able to say they would take a pill, and not rear at all, but with another thousand years, I expect it will evolve to that.

Yeah, but give Bonobos birth control, and the intellectual ability to understand what it did, and they would bang all day, and never have kids. They are hippies to the core.

How is the pill causing ALL of these changes though? The pill should be making women produce more estrogen, correct? But with feminists we see women who are masculine. Shouldn't it be the opposite then?

Possibly, but that would still be speculation. Feminism causes more changes than what can be simply explained by the pill.

I mean if males do anything like be aggressive or try to be dominant the females come in and beat the shit out of them.

Seems like a feminist dream to me, and researchers have commented on it being a matriarchy.

And I should add, the males cuck too, and cower in the face of female aggression.

It I not the pill, it is dopamine. It shuts off the amygdala, which is the brain structure responsible for everything from sexual arousal, to the aversive stimulus responsible for good parenting.

Hit the amygdala with a lesion in macaques and parenting goes to hell. Hit the amygdala with a lesion in chimps, and sex drive goes off the charts.

It just so happens dopamine shuts off the amygdala and conflict turns it on.

Sorry, I meant to type it is NOT the pill, it is dopamine from pleasure, delicious food, social media, safety, sex, comfort, ease, and ego-gratification.

Take that dopamine away, like with a global depression, add threat like vibrant diversity that has its back against the wall due to shortage, and let a little chaos and fear loose, and the strategy will shift back, women will change, and everyone will go K again.

Already we see this with Generation Zyklon, as sex dives drop, aggression is picking up, and they are preparing for what is to come. When the real Apocalypse hits, it will be glorious, and all of this will shift back.,

Bonobos are not a very resilient species though are they? Their bodies are not like a chimp's that can fight off predators. Wouldn't you say that is the result of a society or environment that has a surplus of resources if they are able to get away without defending themselves? If so, then feminism being a symptom of r/K theory falls apart because the only time when something even remotely close to feminism comes to be in nature it's when the environment necessitates it with surplus resources. Bonobos live in the rain forest which is very rich with resources and Bonobos seem to mostly get by hiding in trees.


But where are you finding studies that show dopamine alone can permanently alter one's brain structure?

Fuck off commie filth

What you said about Bonobos would confirm the hypothesis. You say r-strategies, are the product of ease and copious resources, the r-strategist is less capable, and there is a matriarchy.

I see soyboys and feminists, arising in the richest nation ever to exist, with technologies that produce a level of dopamine nobody has ever seen.

All of this degeneracy has at its root comfort, ease, smart phones, the internet, on demand movies, delicious food, and so on. It is dopamine adapting the human machine to be an r-strategist.

It just screws up because of the birth control conundrum. In truth, that is probably all that has saved us from something much worse than we see today.

leftism is a terminal disease
perhaps the mental conditoning of this disease makes the sick more likely to be infected by the virus

Dopamine altering brain structure is not new.

What is addiction? Most drugs are dopamine agonists. Meth, coke, and heroin, all hit the dopaminergic axis. And all cause long term brain structure alterations, hence addiction.

Plus, we kind of see that ourselves. Picture the trust fund kid, vs the guy who grew up poor. Or the guys who get a lot of sex, and get addicted. Sex addiction is a thing, after all, and you can see how it would be adaptive. And all it is doing is releasing dopamine in the brain.

But has dopamine addiction ever caused such drastic changes such as feminism? We're talking about people who are not abusing drugs here either.

Holy shit, you did not get my point at all. Do you not understand that nothing comparable to feminism exists in nature? Did you not read when I said that Bonobos are still having kids? If you have a surplus of resources then that means you would be having MORE kids instead of less.

Show me an example of dopamine addiction causing the types of mental alterations that you see in feminism. You guys are just making stuff up that you can't back up. I'm at least giving examples and you guys can't even do that. Where are you getting this basis that dopamine addiction can cause feminism?

I do not understand, what are the Bonobos? It is feminism, complete with the soyboys cucking as beta orbiters.

Masculine, aggressive females who hold males in contempt, have promiscuous sex, and beat the males into submission at the slightest provocation.

What more do you want, to more closely approximate feminism?

Give me a feminist trait, and I am pretty sure I can show it to you in nature.

Bonobos have children dude, feminists do not. Show me an example in nature of a species that does not reproduce at a replacement level and is matriarchal or egalitarian.

Obviously that is not going to work, because there is no other animal that has birth control, or even any idea the pleasure of sex produces children.

How about we dump fifty feminists on an Island with a hundred chads, and give them a brain operation to wipe any knowledge of how sex produces babies.

Yes they will blue ball any beta orbiter cuck soyboys, but I will bet every Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinem there will be knocked up in a month by their favorite chad who gives them the aloof alpha jerkboy game.

Pure speculation that you cannot back up with any examples in nature or research. You still never addressed this point. If birth control is causing feminism then shouldn't feminists be more feminine because of the increased estrogen from the pill? Yet, we see more feminists being more masculine than anything. How do you explain that?

Birth control is ALLOWING feminism. Without birth control they would be mothers already.

Again, we are talking past each other. I say three times up there it is not estrogen, or birth control causing the change to an r-strategy, or feminism.

It is dopamine. Dopamine is an amine neurotransmitter, unlike the steroid hormone Estrogen.

The only thing birth control is responsible for is allowing r-strategists to maximize their sex and minimize their rearing, and have no children. It is a mechanical tool that, by the fact it allows sex without rearing, short circuits the r-strategy and prevents it from doing what it is intended to, ie produce copious quantities of offspring.

But at the biochemical level, estrogen is a non-entity.

Exactly. Jane Fonda was banging everyone. She would have had fifty kids without birth control and abortion.

And nothing can be done about it. Feminism is a behavioral sink. The damage is permanent and genetic.

Women Are Ruined.

And you know this how? Hasn't it already been brought up in the thread how more people are having less sex than before? Do you look at a feminist and really thinks she wants to be a mother? Also you still refuse to address my point about how the pill should be feminizing women yet feminists are more masculine than anything. That shows that you are ignoring it because you don't want to address it.

Again, what are you backing this up with? Show me an example of dopamine addiction leading to not wanting kids? Heroin addicts still want kids later in life don't they? Also I don't think you understand how dopamine works. If your overflow your neural receptors with dopamine then eventually they start to burn out and more and more stimulation is required to release dopamine. Dopamine addiction just makes you depressed or lethargic, it doesn't really do all that much to you otherwise. It certainly wouldn't do anything that would cause feminism for sure. Also that's not even the source of pleasure for a woman when she has kids. That source is a hormone called oxytocin, which is not dopamine. So again, your theory on birth control and dopamine causing these changes just does not hold up.

Not every feminist has it necessarily. Again, you're spouting more speculation. How do you know that she would have had that much sex if she didn't have birth control or abortion? You have no way to prove that, thus it's not a point of discussion.

Not really. We had flappers and burlesque in the 20's, and it was all wholesome and decent by the fifties.

Hell the Romans were horrific. They did comedy plays about the dominant females, and women were stopping by the Coliseum to rent multiple gladiators for the night.

But it all came back.

What we need is Apocalypse. Women need the consequences of the ugly reality of Darwin, and it will all come back very quickly.

Girls in Generation Zyklon are probably already beginning the shift back, and they haven't even begun to see the amygdala-stimulating, dopamine-starving horrors of the economic collapses we all know are coming.

We just need a real world, where the women can't follow their Ids and thumb their noses are reality without something horrific around the corner catching up with them.

Introduce that and you will have girls who make Sarah Palin look like an anti-family feminist cunt.

Whatever. Go try to prove me wrong and watch what happens. The cycle will only begin again making apocalypse a wasted effort. Just kill everyone and everything so that nothing else happens ever again.

And again

The apocalypse won't be worth living in. This life isn't worth living in! The whole thing should be cold ashes and crying echoes.


====Why waste effort in bringing it all back to patriarchy just to have it inevitably fuck up again? Why not just destroy all life?

In my experience, women with children, especially if some of those children are male, tend to be more empathetic towards men.
I said allowing, not causing. Decreased mating caused by a high population density is also an contributing factor.
Not my (2) points but I'll try to answer. The standard model of competition among and between sexes paints men as pursuing and the women as receptive. This is wrong. Women engage in FIERCE competition among themselves when there is an alpha male to fight for. It is not often seen nor talked about because they hide it EVEN FROM THEMSELVES.
Read Pride and Prejudice to see just how ruthless this competition can become.

You have to ignore her words and focus on what her body is doing.

And then the ZOG comes to arrest you. #MeToo

Look, first, I have a degree in molecular biology, and from what you write I can tell you do not. Estrogen will not all alone make a tradwife.

Estrogen has several affects. It grows breasts, and is involved in menstrual cycles. But it doesn't overcome other hormone's effects.

Now if you win a big tournament, what does the research show happens? You get a testosterone surge. The dopamine of victory produces a testosterone surge. What do you think all these girls get on social media when they post selfies, and all the beta cucks jump to feed their egos?

Estrogen will not undo testosterone dosing. Let a woman take estrogenic birth control pills and shoot her in the ass with trenbolone (a test agonist), and she will end up with big breasts, massive muscles, lots of body hair, a beard, a bad attitude, and a sky-high sex drive.

So just because they are taking birth control will not neutralize the test released in response to a dopamine release. And that test produces manjaws, muscles, aggression, sex drives, and all the things we see in feminists.

Now on dopamine and kids, I do not see many junkies wanting to settle down and have a family. Wealth produces less children. Richer nations have lower replacement rates.

I understand dopamine better than you because I had the year of a dedicated graduate cognitive neuroscience course.

Are addicts depressed, or frantic to get that next dopamine hit? An average addict begs, borrows, or steals between $50-100 per day to feed their habit, because they have to. They are the most motivated people on earth. Now they are not pleasant, unless they are high, but again, that describes feminists well, I think.

And again, read my post above, because I have already covered the link between oxytocin and dopamine. They are related.

That just proves that life is filth. Burn them all.

Chill user. This madness can't go on forever.

The Apocalypse will be great if you are a K, because you will be designed for it. I know a fuckton of people who are looking forward ot the anguished screams of leftists and SJWs as reality is forced upon them.

Degeneracy is a product of ease. Eliminate the ease, and you get something beautiful.

Yes it can. I can't chill. The Voices won't let me. It can go on forever because this madness is what the gods want. They hate us. They torture us.

You have to learn to love the battle. Join a martial arts club. Fighting sucks, until you do it every week and begin to enjoy it.

Don't underestimate our/your adaptivity.

I don't think so. I think it is caused by you having a small dick. Also, stop calling them by their chosen name. Call them by what they are: Whores and thots. Thereby, you would have already won that "war" by 80%. The rest is destroying the kike system, so, what we are already working on anyway. Seriously, recognizing kike-poisened whores as a movement and giving it a name other than whores is like politically engaging a bunch of 4 year olds. Get a grip.

You can have a degree in whatever but that doesn't make you anymore intelligent than I am. You cannot grasp very simple concepts. Dopamine is produced under different stimuli than oxytocin. So no matter how much dopamine addiction you have it will not affect oxytocin production because they are two different chemicals. You can be burned out on dopamine and still get a high off of oxytocin. That's a very simple concept that you cannot grasp.

Then life is pointless struggle with no reward. I don't want it. Please come to Gadsden Alabama and help me kill myself.

The cops will beat you if you try. Prove me wrong. Watch what happens.

Are you that user from Alabama maybe 4 months ago that kept asking people to go and kill him because he was too lazy to do it himself?


I can't. There is nothing to love. There is only Eternal Misery. Every Effort Always Fails.

You motherfucker! You are that fucking user! Same pitiful bullshit every fucking time.

Also if your theory was correct then all gamers and porn addicts would be high test as fuck. You're entire theory is fucking retarded.

Duh. Who else. And it isn't lazy, it's cowardice.

Meet me at Broad Street Bridge. Bring a gun. Help me kill myself!

Do it yourself pussy.

Well? What else is there but defeatism for the defeated? What else is there when Every Effort Always Fails?

I tried everything, even shrinks. That just gave me muscle spams again.

Dude, I love your youthful aggression. I do. But I have spent a long time mastering this shit, so I do have you beat here. Dopamine and Oxytocin are linked.

Dopamine and oxytocin interactions underlying behaviors: potential contributions to behavioral disorders.


"Due to the marked social deficits observed in psychiatric patients, the neuropeptide, oxytocin is emerging as one particular neural substrate that may be influenced by the altered dopamine levels subserving neuropathologic-related behavioral diseases."

There re many more that show clear associations. Women getting frequent dopamine highs will have less oxytocin, they will bond less, and they will have less desire for and love for children.

I can't. I'm too pussy like you say. Come to Broad Street Bridge and bring a gun.

And that's why it's all fucked. Shrinks like you.

You meant the ZOGbots.

You do realize high sex drive has a testosterone element.

I could do a cycle of roids, sit on my ass and just eat a twinkie a day and look exactly like your normal gamer or porn addict, even down to the acne.

Cops, ZOGbots, same thing.

It only means that all has always been lost.

Ashes. Echoes.

Back to the point.
Unless we do something about it.

I love how you didn't quote the full sentence like I wouldn't fucking notice. The sentence is referring to neuropathologic-related behavioral diseases, it's talking about diseases not addiction you dumb shit. Also the article says that dopamine and oxytocin have functions that correlate with one another but does not say that they are directly related. If you have brain damage in certain areas of your brain then you might not be able to produce both of those chemicals due to where they are produce in the brain. Is this really the best you can do? Instead of arguing with me you're now resorting to dick measuring.

You can't do anything about it. ZOG will Waco you if you try. Women love POZ.

You did quote the full sentence I see, but you still did not fully ingest what the article was saying to clarify.

Open your eyes pea brain, I quoted the full sentence.

As for the relevance, he said oxytocin was unrelated to dopamine release. I said they were related.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I am not exactly spending 100% of my time here debating this, since I have gotten the impression the guys trolling me a retards who may not even have GEDs.

My objective here is to expose the intelligent to the idea of r/K Theory as an origin of our problems, and as an origin of our political ideologies. I do this because first, it brings comfort to know the battle of K-strategists is one which will inevitably see a return to K, and soon.

And two, r/K triggers the fuck out of leftists. They cannot take it for some reason. It is the meme of memes, which if it catches on, will change our political discussions forever by triggering leftists right out of the study of political science and the political debate.

But if you want more studies linking dopamine to oxytocin, here are three more. We can close by pretending you were not just blown the fuck out.

Interactions between dopamine and oxytocin in the control of sexual behaviour.


Role of oxytocin in the neuroadaptation to drugs of abuse.


Oxytocin receptor gene rs53576 polymorphism modulates oxytocin-dopamine interaction and neuroticism traits–a SPECT study.

I actually have a whole load of cites for a piece on the relation of dopamine and oxytocin in rearing urges I did, but I too lazy to get up and get it.

All r/K says is that life is filth and everyone should burn.

So how does that do anything but prove the case for Omnicide?

Yes, I got ahead of myself and didn't read it clearly. But you still don't fully understand these articles your linking. All these show is that the two interact with each other but not that they are directly related. Tell how any of what you just showed me would explain how dopamine addiction would lead to decreased oxytocin production? Nothing in these articles states anything remotely suggesting that. ANd you still can't address the point that if dopamine surges were enough to raise testosterone to a noticeable level then all gamers and porn addicts would be high test, and they are clearly not.

Don't other with him. He's hopeful for some reason. I can't imagine why.

guess feminism isn't the only disease humanity will have to deal with


I am not about to dig up the cites since I am doing something else, but they are out there.

But lets do this, since it is really common sense. You know sex triggers dopamine, and then oxytocin later to create bonding. Now if you experience repeated dopamine exposures, what happens?

Receptor transcription downregulation. Also known as desensitization. So now you have sex, the dopamine rush is piss poor, guess what that does to oxytocin release?

And you see it, because girls who have lots of sex do not bond. Now ask yourself what happens when all day she is posting selfies, and there are little shots of dopamine. Ask what happens when she is getting right into that club, and being hit on by fifty guys, and gets free drinks, and takes home the sixth different chad that week, and on and on.

Now imagine a girl during the Great Depression, who isn't having sex, and has to work from sun up to sun down to get enough food out of the farm for the family to survive.

Now imagine she meets Mr Right, gets married, and sleeps with him on her wedding night. She is like a straight edger taking cocaine for the first time, and oxytocin is commensurate. She will bond tightly.

And again, the interaction of the two is what is important, because if they interact, there will be feedback mechanisms designed to balance their activity.

I am a huge fan of Darwinian Selection. Our problem today is largely because in r-selection thee is no selection, so you get a natural entropy-driven degeneration.

But a good bout of Darwinian culling, and we will be right back to the Renaissance.

Or and here me out on this it's the fault of a bunch of white knight fuckers who refuse to accept that women have agency while equally never being able to mature past a certain level. Yet were afforded powers without responsibilities and then you sit back and marvel at how this could happen.

Really? Are you being serious? That's fucking retarded.

White sharia is a shit meme started by TRSodomites. Reported.

And nothing can be done about it because the white knights outnumber you.

All has always been lost.

That's not good enough and will only result in what we have now on down the line. Omnicide means that everything dies. Nothing lives. Perfect Silence.

Sad but true. When an typically intellectually and truth oriented board is swallowing some boogieman "It's a virus" when it's obviously women's based nature there is no hope for civilization.

The only solution is to destroy civilization, purge all those incompatible with the next and anyone who degenerates towards the ideas that killed the last one need to be purged or reeducated and monitored.

No, it has to be all life. Every living thing has to die in order to prevent error.

The system like a body needs a regulatory organ. Provided such an organ is in place and provided it functions to its design the organism will remain healthy.

Jesus Christ dude, the two come from different parts of the brain. If you desensitize one part of the brain you don't desensitize another. Now that is what's really fucking simple but you can't seem to even fathom while you jerk yourself over your degree. This reaction effect you're speaking of, I would like to see studies on that because otherwise you're just completely pulling this theory out of your ass which is quite obvious at this point.

Actually I'll back this up. According to you dopamine and testosterone should be directly related because they have interaction effects. So under your theory if you have have a dopamine addiction you would then produce less testosterone. But is there any common instances of that or studies to back that up? No, because the chemicals come from two different regions of the body. Something can have interaction effects but that doesn't mean that directly damaging production of one chemical inhibits production of another. That would mean that the two are directly linked, which is something you still have not been able to prove in regards to oxytocin and dopamine. The only way you could prove that damage to one receptor affects another is if you damage that whole part of the neural network or whatever you would want to call it. There's nothing to suggest that dopamine addiction would damage other receptors other than dopamine receptors.

You can't. If you try, the gods will punish you and turn your efforts and regulatory system into POZ.

Got to love how this virus wiped out ancient greece, Rome, Persia, and various other empires yet was magically cured by the strong pimp hand.

The gods have already failed in their duties. Those that aid our enemies will in time be destroyed and purged.

You can't. Go try and watch what happens. Nothing can be done. We are merely prisoners in chains.

And you sound like Brett Stevens of Amerika.org. He loves Dicky Spencer!

True, except that's not what the other user is arguing. He's pointing out that reduced dopamine uptake caused by 10 years of smartphone addiction and jewish propaganda turns a girl into a narcissist with reduced ability to gain pleasure from sex. So she has more sex. Which repeatedly triggers oxytocin release, which tapers the oxytocin uptake. Every slut I've known still remembers her special first time, and IMO could have bonded, but her dopamine needs meant she was a flight risk that only got worse.

t. clearly not a neurochemistry expert

If I do recall the Carthaginians were also baby sacrificers and were locked in battle with Rome ultimately losing and interestingly enough Rome totally genocided them, that said their civilization was by no means weak, it was competing with Rome over rule of the Mediterranean after all. Child sacrifice and cannibalism seems to be everywhere when you study tribal peoples and is more of a phase that is moved out of ounce resources are more plentiful, although if an argument that was made that any tribes that conducted such things never survived I wouldn't quite argue with it as those things ounce practiced seem to significantly weaken a people.

All this snake/female worship along with baby sacrifice seems to only stem from the said Mediterranean civilizations which settled around the sea, and they were spread far and wide so it doesn't really surprise me that these deity worshipers were of such creed and are of such creed. I want more examples of these femin infected civilizations and cults in the East and North because so far as I understand there's only one example given of some loosely associated South East Asian people worshiping similar deities.

The fact of the matter is that 99% of all peoples and civilizations that have existed have died out and the same is true with the examples. Of course an ancient South East Asian people died out that shit happens all the time in history. I just don't see how it lines up with this theory. I would also say that in India you see 10x more degenerate worship and they have festered and lived in that place worshiping a menagerie of gods and such a virus they seem to be immune from despite very easy contact with South East Asia. If such a virus were real then surely British colonists and sailors and military men would have carried it back to Britain from their mistresses and such femin infections would have been seen a few centuries earlier and brought the British Empire to sure collapse yet nothing of the sort happened.

If women who have the virus do not procreate then how do people with the virus exist anyway. If a man infects a women then her offspring has this virus and if the offspring were female then chances of her reproducing are very very low. This effect compounds itself. Men who have the virus spread it onto women who don't reproduce. Under such conditions in a monogamous society the virus would burn itself out like Ebola yet somehow the virus survives for thousands of years. Theoretically the virus thrives in a tribal society and would be like biological nuke to a tribal society yet we see today tribal societies in Africa have ridiculously high birth rates yet surely these societies and ones who exist all around the tropics who have these high birth rates and very little moral boundary could simply not exist under such a virus. The example of the South Eastern Asian kingdom afflicted by this virus falls into this category of people who live in the tropics yet that area of the world is very very populous.

Another question I had was of the Bronze Age Collapse, the best theories I have link the collapse with globalism, stagnation, and then economic runaway that leads to hyperinflation or deflation and then sudden economic collapse. Ignoring the economic theories behind the collapse and linking it with this Femin virus means that there is no tie in with the rest of the states. If the collapse was not economic then how did all the other states collapse? The clear answer is that they could not have collapsed solely because of the femin virus. Their economies would still be intact, and yet history says they did. Of course it is known that the middle and southern states during this era had governments that completely eroded and were virtually abandoned, how does the femin virus tie in with this? You can tie in other already existing theories but base the events completely off of the femin virus you cannot, you must tie in the femin virus with already existing theories for it to work. Other events based on other theories must attack these civilizations and their collapse must be then due to aforementioned theories already existing and thus I state that such a femin virus is completely unnecessary for such a collapse anyway and its existence during the collapse pointless as other things must first occur and are more important in order for the civilizations to collapse. Ounce this collapse occurs then the Sea Peoples must not take any of their women captive and must actually slaughter them all an actual impossibility in the ancient world.

I'm sure the response to all this would be well, the femin virus exists at potency levels and these Sea Peoples were infected and they carried such degenerate traditions over to the later civilizations as you never see these practices fully disappear in Europe until the end of Greek and Roman dominance. To that I would reply we are not talking about a virus as this is not how viruses in the physical world work. Viruses in the physical world do not temper themselves and then suddenly decide to get stronger. They attack and kill the weak and malnourished and they don't show mercy.

My biggest question would be what does the virus even physically do or cause the person to do? Does it cause them to adopt female gods and snake imagery? That's really specific and weird for a virus to do that. Does it cause them to be more dominant and seek powerful positions in society? Why would a virus do that that's also weirdly specific is the virus also testosterone? Does the virus make the females hate then kill their own children? What why would it want that when it is directly counter intuitive with it spreading and surviving? Does the virus do all the above because it seems like according to this theory it does all the above and my god that is retardedly specific.

Yes it does, there is correlation with increased oxytocin release and desensitization. That dumb ass wasn't saying that though. He was saying desensitization of another part of the brain was somehow desensitizing another with the claim that they are directly linked when all of his studies showed that they have interaction effects but what happens to one does not directly affect the other. Again though, that still does not explain why a woman would become the kind of feminist that you see in the pics itt. Becoming depressed wouldn't make you hate all men like some feminists do.

It's because we're cursed. The gods hate us.

It's a curse. The gods hate us.

Very much can, there are many gods in existence, many allies to be found. If you read mythology you'll find gods being dethroned is not unheard of.

Never heard of him, but I'll check it out.

Maccas on cue turning the arches upside down for women's day

I can't have faith in that. There are no allies. Only Eternal Misery.

I would argue that's a cart and horse thing. Depression is AIUI, how you deal with unhappiness when the immediate, instinctive effort to change your circumstances cannot be actualised, and you do not have the internal resources/self mastery to improve your circumstances. In a well-functioning patriarchy, women's depression is more-or-less a given because they are being repressed for the sake of something bigger than them. I suspect a lot of depressed women before the mid 20C would agree with modern feminists re: men are pigs, they just couldn't go anywhere with it. Now, they lack that repression, and are free to modify their behaviour to become more immediately happy. Which involves a lot of venting.

Misery cannot exist without enjoyment, delight, and other opposites.

And that only produces Eternal Misery. Life is filth.

But I don't ever feel this opposites anymore. So, your duality is a shit.

That's more of a male behavior though, to exert aggression towards the group. Women always try to fit in with the group as that's how they've always survived. So having them turn against would not be line with their typical behavior.

SO retarded I am embarrassed for you.

Testosterone is released in response to Gonadotropin, which is released in response to GNRH, which comes from, wait for it.

The brain.

You idea that it is so strange that the various parts of the body are interlinked, and self-balancing is ignorant of how it works. Just inflammation can crush test output, through inflammatory molecules. Why? The body interlinks everything so when ti shifts "modes" it can do it completely across all systems.

And all that ignores the fact that any gene that is activated is activated as part of a signal cascade that will turn on and off many different genes.

But thank you for stepping in with no knowledge or experience to correct me on shit I have studied for years.

So why not just destroy all life and make the argument over forever?

What's so funny is how you still don't get it. You keep saying everything is interlinked but to what degree? To some extent sure but no matter what you say you STILL have not proven that dopamine addiction would inhibit oxytocin production. Through all of your bitching and swinging your dick around you can't do that. The whole time you've just shown me interaction effects. Just again you showed me yet another interaction effect. All you've done is just jerk yourself off. Damaging one receptor does not magically damage another you dumb fuck. Now keep PMSing while not backing up any of your points. Apparently you still think that dopamine production is enough to increase overall T levels. I like how you never came back to that because of how it stupid it sounded. Why don't you address that unless you just want to keep acting like a little bitch. Go jerk off into your degree if going into full detail of your points is too hard for you.

Also, read this:

Plasma Testosterone and Sexual Function in Southeast Asian Men Receiving Methadone and Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment.


Now if you were smart, you would see that most species mate seasonally, and dopamine from food gluts would be a good way to time mating to a season.

Don't take this the wrong way, but at this point I am wasting my time with you.

And I've gotta go.

I'll check in throughout the day, but I am mainly pitching this to the people who can look at it and see it immediately, which a lot of people do, in my experience.

So I still see you refuse to address the point that I just brought up. What the hell does this article you just link have anything to do with what we were talking about? Maybe when you get back you can show me one study where damage to the dopamine receptors inhibits oxytocin production. You can find me all other kinds of random articles but you can't seem to dig that up. You can't even show me how interlinked these hormones are such that damage to one receptor could significantly reduce the amount that another type of receptor produces. If everything was that interlinked than damage to one receptor would fuck up our bodies to such a massive degree it would be a disaster. I know you're not going to address the points you don't want to because you're a pussy though. After you felt you lost the argument you just resorted to boasting about your position because you obviously couldn't make head way actually debating. Do what you want but my point still stands that you can't back up your stupid theories with shit. They are YOUR theories too since you never could show any kind of basis for them through an article or any kind of research.

Methamphetamine Consumption Inhibits Pair Bonding and Hypothalamic Oxytocin in Prairie Voles.


Again, you find it improbable that addicts, who are totally selfish and lacking in loyalty due to their addiction, would be low in a pair-bonding hormone.

You said dopamine and testosterone. I gave you a study. You said dopamine and oxytocin, I gave you another.

I do hope you know that heroin and Methamphetamine work by activating dopamine.

I don't like 29aab4's 'muh qualifikashuns' either, but you need to accept there might be more steps in the feedback loop than can or would be proven in a lab study. At the moment you're proving his point.

First off, the way it would work is dopamine would bind to dopamine receptors, of which there are a few different types arrayed through different cells. That receptor transmits a signal into the cells through the membrane, which creates a sort of signal soup inside the cell, which will then shut down things it is designed to shut down, or turn things on which it is designed to turn on.

Now that effect can be to shut down production in the cell of molecules it is supposed to release, down regulation of receptors which would register a signal, or something else entirely.

I'm telling you, you do not understand the subject at all, if you think the entire system is not complexly interlinked and self-balancing, at the level of signals, at the level of receptors, and at the level of transcription of genes.

Dude you are still being stupid. You know that there are multiple ingredients in those two drugs you just mentioned right, Methamphetamine and Heroin. There are all kinds of ingredients that could cause that affect, and those studies don't say which one it is! It's mystery!


Yet, here you are just magically assuming, oh it has to be the dopamine! Does your article back up this claim? No, because it never says that. You are the one saying that it absolutely must be the interaction with the dopamine receptors because that's the conclusion YOU want. That's what you've been doing this entire time. Now this feed back loop you are talking about, this really depends on the extent that you are insinuating this affects different receptors in the brain. Again, this is YOU saying that this happens to this certain degree. You have not shown me any kind of metric that would display that this would in fact inhibit the release of oxytocin to a point that it was no longer able to secrete enough to facilitate certain functions, that function being any significant kind of pair bonding. Their are multiple ingredients in heroin and methamphetamine that could be causing that interaction effect. Also this still doesn't prove your point because not all of these feminists are taking these drugs, at least I hope not. All this time that you've been telling me how much I don't know you still absolutely refuse to acknowledge the asinine theory you made earlier that dopamine release was significantly raising the average T levels of feminists, explaining their masculine appearance and behavior. I've already pointed out that would result in all gamers and porn addicts having their T levels increased and obviously that is the not the case. You still absolutely refuse to go back to that statement and that shows you that you really don't care about any kind of greater truth here. All you care about is winning the argument to make yourself look good. If you want to prove me wrong then acknowledge THAT statement you made earlier and refuse to go back to.

Not really because he still can't prove the point that he initially made in the first place. All he's said is how he thinks it would work and can't back up with anything other than his status he can't stop bragging about now.

You do realize your earlier post said, "damage to one receptor could significantly reduce the amount that another type of receptor produces." Receptors do not produce molecules, nor are they damaged by overexposure to a ligand.

I can show dopamine agonists (and lab methamphetamine is not street meth, but nice try) do what I said they do, but you don't want to see it.

Look, I can argue with you all day, but clearly you have no understanding of what you want to argue, nor are you proposing anything other than a high-school graduate's (if even) ideas of how you think things should be.

I try to explain it to you, and you proceed to ignore the studies I present and the common sense explanations, and look for another avenue of attack.

Between you and the guy intermittently arguing with me and then asking people to come to his house and kill him, I am beginning to wonder just how well this time here is being spent.

Look, reject the whole idea, your opinion is kind of meaningless to me.

My main goal is to present it to the smart people here, and that I've accomplished, and then some. If anybody else has questions, I'll pop in later.

I should be clearer, too. Those studies were explicit tests of dopamine agonism on testosterone and oxytocin, so the oxytocin one used pure lab meth, and the test one used pure medical methodone,

So to the observers, note that this guy is basically talking out of his ass, looking for some thread to cling to, no matter how ridiculous to argue. I mean why even do the study, if you are buying a product you have no idea what is in it?

My assumption would be he opposes r/K and is trying to digress the discussion, because he sees where it leads, if the online right and the Chans adopt it as a meme.

Ask yourself, why are +people so quick to attack this? Bear in mind the main site covering this subject gets about 500,000 page views a month, up from about 300,000 two months ago, Trump himself liked it in a tweet, facebook, yahoo, and Amazon ads have all banned it, and a book on it has been #1 at Amazon.

It will eventually dominate the political debate. My goal now is just exposure.

I'm sorry the book was number one in politics at Amazon

I use that with leftists all the time, because they have a weird refusal to listen to reason, but if someone says they have any form of status, they cede the argument.

I am assuming this guy is a leftist, based on his refusal to accept any point.

In general if somebody wants to argue logic or facts I am happy to do so. But when I get this shit, I just look to shut them down with amygdala hijacks and leftist argumentative strategies.

Nice post my friend. I actually had someone bring up the Minoans in an argument and I couldn't really think of how to counter. Have one of my more rare Pepes as payment.

Jesus dude, I was talking about the the dopamine that the receptor produce, or the oxytocin, or whatever. You have been trying to get to submit to your position of authority all because I won't just lay down and accept stuff you cannot accurately prove. Again, you still will not go back to that dumb ass statement about dopamine increasing average T levels. If I don't know what I'm talking about at all then go back to that statement and prove me wrong. And again, you won't. You were the one who decided he had to act like an insufferable faggot who couldn't shut up about how smart he was. I wasn't even really insulting you until you did that. I'm sorry that I hurt your ego so badly.

I can actually read the damn articles dude. You keep coming to your own conclusions and you can only rely on your position of authority to back them up. There is more than one ingredient in methamphetamine, even the lab version no? You can tell me how things work but that still doesn't prove that dopamine addiction is causing females to release little to no oxytocin. My point is that feminism is not tied r/K theory because no instance of feminism as we see it today shows up in nature, while r/K theory would.

I must be a leftist because I don't sit down and accept what you want to say. If you could actually portray how the one receptor being damage would be enough to inhibit the response of another one then we'd be good. You still have not addressed your dopamine increasing overall T levels btw. Why do you refuse to go back to that statement?

Frankly it doesn't matter. If after being in constant pain I can fine happiness and elation in my broken life you really have no excuse.

Can someone do some digging for me? I want to map out the hotspots of liberalism and their water sources. I have a theory that as your concentration of people go up, the concentration of birth control estrogen goes up, and since they're all drinking the surface water, massive amounts of soyboys resultrs.

Why is Colorado less crazy than houston? Why is California so insane?

I have a suspicion that the places that use deep wells for water (fly over country) don't have the estrogen problem.

The issue we have is I can explain how dopamine excess can affect production of other things, and even expression of genes in offspring, and how many different chemicals produced in different parts of the body are all interconnected by signaling cascades. I understand the mechanism very specifically because I have spent a lot of time studying this.

But you have a resistance to anything I say, and demand it be proven with studies. When I provide studies, you then say they don't show it to your standard.

I have never acquired lab meth, but most reagents you get will have a purity listed, and when doing an experiment it will be a purity that is designed to allow you to be certain what you are getting as a result is because of the chemical provided.

I can even believe that it affects the production of other things but I do not believe that it would inhibit the production of oxytocin to such an extent that the facilitation of bonding could not be met. I do not believe the effect goes that far. That is my point and your studies show me interaction effects but they do not show how excess of one chemical will significantly stifle the production of another. Also is methamphetamine pure dopamine? No it isn't. So like I said there are other interactions there. Also why should I put so much faith into your knowledge when you still will not admit you made that dumb ass theory about dopamine release causing higher T levels in feminists. Your studies do not show what you are explicitly saying. They show interaction effects. Again, methamphetamine is not pure dopamine regardless if it's the lab variety or not. Dopamine and oxycotin can produce themselves without the presence of one another, can they not?

Receptors don't get damaged. A receptor is like an iceberg in a membrane. One side, outside the cell binds the signal, in this case dopamine. When something binds to that outside part of the iceberg, the signal travels along the iceberg to the inside of the cell, where the part on the inside creates some sort of chemical change. Those chemical changes often themselves create several other chemical changes, and those chemical changes cause things to happen. Maybe they bind DNA and draw in the machinery that will burn off a protein. Maybe they hit other molecules, activating them, and increasing some process.

They are all interlinked because the body has modes. Add lots of food, and you go into growth mode. introduce an infection, and the body does not want to be blowing energy and protein on growth if it needs to be devoted to immunity. So trigger immunity and those signals will also shut down growth and reproduction. Ever feel horny when you are sick with the flu? No? That is an evolved linkage.

The body has thousands of such linkages because it is advantageous to focus on one objective at a time, and to do that the body evolved the ability for triggering one thing to shut down counterproductive functions, and amp up productive functions.

It works that way with the brain. Get chased by a saber tooth tiger, and you will not have much of a sex drive. Suffer a major defeat, and you will enter a depression that will tamp motivation while you assess what went wrong.

As you study it, you will find everything is linked because the body wants all of its functions working together in one synergistic mechanism.

I will bet there are bio-anons on here who are not arguing with r/K, and there is a reason for that.

My main beef with you is you want to argue the issue and declare victory without understanding the subject at all. You have no idea how receptors work, or why things would be interlinked.

That isn't criticism, maybe you are a programmer or something. But I know you are not even a high school biology teacher just by your arguments.

If you don't have a background in the subject to understand it well, why are you jumping on it when others here who are probably experts don't jump in with a hole?

To bring you up to the speed you'd need to be at to argue would basically involve everything from membrane structure and receptor operation to how cell signals go from ligand binding to the intracellular signaling, to signal cascades, to all of DNA transcription. A truly detailed look at the process that turns a cell signal into the protein product of the DNA is a whole semester long course itself. Basically you need at least biochem 1 and maybe 2 to begin to understand the mechanism and debate at the level you want to.

I just don't have the energy to take you through that. And without that our argument is you telling me I haven't proven this to you, and no study or reasonable explanation I provide is sufficient to convince you.

You see my frustration.

Take a roastie who has ridden the cock carousel hard for ten years. Say she has 200 partners. She is doing that because the rush of a new partner is more powerful than same sex with a loyal husband five years in. ie higher dopamine sensations.

Would you marry her? Would you expect the marriage to have the exact same divorce rate as a virgin?

You know she would have bonding issues. The research shows divorce rates skyrocket after three cocks. That is bonding.

I really shouldn't even need the molecular biology for that part of r/K.

The question is what will be the end result? We live in an era of chaos, and rather then bemoan the loss of order, we have embraced it.

We are seeing movements like redpill and mgtow appear, and more and more men are leaving the corporate world to do their own things. We live in an era without secrets and with mass communication. We live in an era of globalization of information. The white man has been exposed to the true nature of the subhumans of the world.

What does this mean? It means that the women who have rejected the traditional roles have removed themselves from the genepool, while the men who will embrace the old ways are improving themselves in ways to have younger wives when this all blows over. A healthy swole male can have children all the way until he dies. A woman loses her fertility with age. So what if you could not get laid at 20? Would you rather be poor and tied to a whore at a young age, or be rich and have healthy children with a woman half you age at 40? Women do not get this option. Men do. It is not a privilege, but an under appreciated birth right.

We are already seeing the cracks appear in the feminist agenda. We are seeing the women kill themselves over baby rabies, the break downs, the hyper aggressive cougars. We are seeing them reaping what they have sown. Rejoice in their suffering, and use it as a motivation to improve yourself.

There will always be opportunity for the people who ruthlessly look for it. Do not buy into the kike lies.

This thread is blackpilling me, there is little hope for a new and healthy generation of white children.

Here is a sentence form an abstract at the address below:

"In many species testosterone fluctuates in concert with outcome-dependent changes in social status, such that winning a competition leads to an increase in circulating testosterone (i.e., competition effect)."


This is my problem, I say things, and you tell me it is dumbass, and yet the effect I described is so well known it has an actual name - competition effect.

And I know what you are going to say. But that isn't dopamine. Well, here is another study:

Postcontest blockade of dopamine receptors inhibits development of the winner effect in the California mouse (Peromyscus californicus).


So block dopamine, no testosterone rise.

You see why arguing with you is difficult. You call me dumbass for saying something I know is true, you tell me it is false, and then declare yourself right.

Now why is it stupid to think that women getting constant likes from every selfie, and sex with Chads, and careers, and pleasure form technologies and so on, all of which are psychologically akin to victories, would not feed that effect, and boost testosterone?

We see the masculinized manjaws of high testosterone. We call them manjaws. They have the same sex drive testosterone produces. We see the altered digit ratios of high testosterone in leftist women.

And it traces back to dopamine, which is elicited through free resource availability which lets women win all the time the way men win occasionally in more competitive, resource-starved times.

Just a correction, but it things the walls of a woman's uterus, not her ovaries.

Thank you very much for providing citations.

I also went ahead and saved the thread as well. Just in case these shit skin mods try to delete it.

Also, r/ing any info on if hormonal birth control suppresses a woman's desire to reproduce. I've looked, and found nothing anywhere.

I disagree on this. Men were in control because they had physical and societal power and control. I do agree that it's a matter of strength, and feminism is a reaction to weakness in men. Women cannot rely on the strength of men, and they also are no longer controlled by men. When their place disappears or seems like something they can't rely on, they no longer know their place.

Does anyone remember the sea people threads?

This user gets it.

Could also have something to do with life expectancy.

Desire to reproduce is not directly controlled by hormonal birth control. Women seek alpha fucks and beta bucks, and this is controlled by the ovulation cycle - when they are ovulating, they get turned on by dominant males who are good at resource acquisition, and when they are safely past that point, they prefer comforting and resource provision. The birth control keeps them in the non-ovulating part of the cycle, so their feelings guide them more towards sensible beta providers, who are kind and respectful and wait for her to want a baby and until they have built up the resources to be The Best Dad Ever.* Obviously, this isn't working on a TFR level.

*Then when she comes off the pill, her hormone levels return to normal, and she shags a passing chad because betaboy is kind of repellent to her when she's horny.

Memetic (or mental) virus maybe but it's really, really far-fetched to say feminism is a physical virus. Firstly, one would have to assume that all feminists use birth control. With their support of Planned Parenthood and pro-choice I doubt they actually utilize birth control to the fullest.

The simplest answer is usually the correct one. Here we just have a group that is predetermined by genetics to literally want the best option because by species they are essentially out for nine months. They also have at least some form of urge to maintain at least one provider because of said outed session. In today's ecology, the top 20% is no longer just one or two individuals, it's millions. With this in mind, we can assume the instinctive brain doesn't know what to do as the primitive mind is still clinging to old tribal behaviors where you might have had one or two potential future partners.

Combine that with modern day ego and you have literally any woman assuming she's at least 2-5 points higher on the scale than she actually is. There's also an issue that nowadays professional women don't want to go "down" on this hyperinflated list. The govt doesn't care as they get more taxpayers, businesses don't care because they can market themselves as pro-whatever and get added revenue.

Everyone is getting fucked by their own hyperinflated ego and other organizations are profiting on people's misery but no one wants to actually attack the core problem.

How many actually ARE masons?

Got this great business idea:

Certified Virgin Matchmaking Service

Girl wants to get married to a quality man. Have a doctor do one of those virginity tests, posts results on website. Iron-clad marriage contract opting out of (((no-fault divorce))) but a guarantee of 85% of the household assets if the man turns out to be physically abusive (as certified by an independent third-party arbiter). Think along the lines of Religion of Cuck™ic rules / old community based pressure without the goatfucking.

Roasties will have an aneurism, which is why this has to wait for after the collapse. But it is coming, I guarantee it.

What if the guy isn't a virgin?

Wasn't only Med cultures that did this shit

Look at the prevalence of human sacrifice in Aztec society and who their main deity, Quetzalcoatl
They then reengineered the Mexican eagle and snake symbol

He was a Dominican friar who re-engineered the Aztec legend of how they founded Mexico city for evangelism. Apparently before he refocused the evil analogy on the serpent the natives had lost that part of the allegory. So after they wiped out the whole civilization they made the symbol of the country about wrecking feminists.

Just look at how feminists are currently trying to reimagine all deities as female. Look at how they commit mass murder of their children with abortion.

The premise of the argument is that it makes them want to die on a subliminal level, and take everyone with them.

Not if you cleanse the gene pool user

Also dumpin a couple relevant memes I saw circulating

IRL /ourguys/!


All this research and no mention of this hormone here or what could be affecting it.

This is oxytocin. It's a hormone that is a central part of a woman's biology when she is lactating and giving birth. The other uses of this hormone is establishing bonds with a partner. In certain species of shrew, it spikes to a certain peak which causes the animal to behave in a completely monogamous nature. The male counterpart is vasopressin.

Why isn't there any research into what might significantly lower oxytocin in women?

Because it is intentionally what (((they))) are trying to cage us into.

They may be easy to bed, but that's all because they are self-gratifying sluts. Not any of them wants to bond emotionally to a man, bear his children and build a family. Like the other user said, they not just lack evolutionar maternal behavior they try to oppose it in any way possible.

The (((jew))) is the bioweapon.

Feminism is a symptom of the disease.

Nice little "edge" of misogyny there. Not *quite* going all the way to MGTOW but opening the door to it.

No matter how many times you read the story, the Golem always gets out of the control of the rabbi.

This is very good bot post.

Fully expect that an OP with this theme may follow.

It’s been mentioned in this thread

Isn’t it interesting how PTSD is a common symptom associated with lack of oxytocin and feminists always say they have PTSD/trauma?


I have trouble believing feminism is an actual virus, seems more like a very dangerous meme.

I feel like I have to raise my voice over the severe mental retardation that has flooded this thread

So a lot of the links that OP gives are very good sources for a lot of the arguments of the Movement.

Can some one summarize briefly the REASONING for why this is supposed to be a VIRUS?

I am much more inclined to describe this phenomenon with social dynamics.


honestly my hunter instinct tells me that the coining of the word "meme" as it relates to internet phenomena is typical jewish language dilution trying to subvert and OP is an agent trying to take the issue in hand by putting a retarded conclusion at the top of a stable pyramid


If all the Jews went in ovens tomorrow white feminism would dry up in five years. Jews created it, and Jews keep it going.

You very obviously didn't watch the video linked by OP or you'd see that the Jews are being destroyed by this shit as well

Did you forget about IDs or something?

Imagine being female and encountering feminism for the first time.

It's like if learning about kikes came with social perks and the abdication of personal responsibility.

You say that you can't damage receptors, but there is a mechanism for them in which they have to be replaced due to overstimulation. Maybe damaged isn't exactly the right word, but they do replace themselves which indicates that there was something wrong with the old receptors.

I know you're going to hate this but know you are talking about modes under certain extreme conditions. The major depression after a defeat, being chased by a saber tooth tiger, those are all extreme conditions and what you said makes under THOSE conditions. What you're doing however is using this justify your position that these same types of relationships among the different chemicals and hormones in your body are present under casual conditions. These dopamine rushes people are getting from selfies and such and their average day lives are not extreme conditions like you mentioned. That kind of dopamine rush is not enough to inhibit the release of oxytocin. Why? Because oxytocin can be produced without the presence of dopamine. They don't need each other. You produce oxytocin from activities other than sex. Also, you can't compare the dopamine rush from drug use to the natural dopamine you get from your environment. You're never going to produce that much dopamine from stimuli compared to what you get with a drug. What I am is a psychologist, not a biologist as you pointed out. I can see from observation that the affects that you are describing are just not happening. You are book knowledge but you do not know how to apply it to the real world. Most feminists are actually more depressed than ever before so it's hard to argue that they are major dopamine junkies. Also you're the one who declared victory by acting like a pompous ass. You need to get over yourself just because someone doesn't agree with you. I do not see how dopamine and oxytocin are directly linked, and all you have shown me is that they interact. But if you aren't able to produce one chemical that doesn't you are completely unable to produce another, none of what you showed me indicated that. And again, the drugs in that one study, that isn't pure dopamine so there are the possibilities of other factors influencing that outcome. As a psychologist I do not see these types of changes in people that you are describing from dopamine rushes you get from playing on your phone. I don't need to be a molecular biologist to be at fault with your argument. If can observe feminists over a prolonged time period and not find the correlation you are describing then that's on your theory. Whenver you try to explain you go back to how X and Y works but I'm talking about examples of this playing out in IRL and the ones you've given to not seem like they are all that thought out. They seem like they were quick decisions.

What the one user said before, in that it could be reduce oxytocin due to overstimulation of that chemical makes more sense than your theory. Correlation does not cause causation.

I know about this competition affect. I knew from the beginning that can cause a slight rise in T levels. I at one point said average T levels before and that's what I was referencing. When I said T levels I was referring to average T levels. My apologies for not being as clear with you on that. That being said that boost is not a very big one, certainly not big enough to cause differences in face physiology. To cause more masculine features you need higher levels of overall testosterone. The problem with your dopamine theory is that dopamine rushes in of themselves die out over time. You need more and more of to get the same affect. Thus, it's naturally decreasing over time. That would imply that it's a spike in T levels that relatively quickly fades over time. In order to raise your average T levels you need consistent spikes in testosterone over long periods of time, which short burst dopamine rushes do not provide. Again, look professional gamers. Those types of people would be directly benefiting from the T spikes you are talking about yet if you look at most of them they do not especially masculine features, in fact in a lot of their cases they're not terribly manly faces. Why? Because that T spike from competition is not something that could serve as some means of hormone therapy where it's consistently, and again the key word here is consistency, raising T levels over a long period of time. So why it is a small boost it isn't enough to raise overall T levels otherwise professional E sports players would have these more masculine features and behaviors that you are describing.

>google.com/search?q=Esports players&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjrjK_LmODZAhVMJKwKHWcUBb8Q_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=UUA1dRoWM-NMwM:

Not everyone one of them is a soy boy granted, but considering what you would expect from the facial features of someone who is at healthy T levels they really aren't more masculine faces. And remember that this is for men who naturally have more testosterone to begin with. Under your theory wouldn't they have more masculine faces then average for a male? And you can't say that it's because of diet and lack of exercise because most of these feminists are clearly not succeeding there either. What I am using here is my knowledge as a psychologist where I have to analyze changes in people over time and through my personal observation I am not seeing excessive dopamine uptake as increasing overall T levels or sufficiently affecting oxytocin production. Also that is a competition effect, which does not directly link it to dopamine. Yes, the two interact but it doesn't mean their chained together as to one has to be present for the other to concur. To experience competition is not to purely experience a dopamine rush. You have to have an adversary, a conflict of some sort. You see what I'm saying? When a woman is taking a selfie or banging a chad whom is she directly competing against? Same when you're playing Candy Crush on your phone or posting on Twitter like dumb chicks do, those are dopamine rushes yes, but are they really competing in those situations? You've conflated this competition effect with all instances of dopamine uptake and you can't broadly apply terms like that in any science. And the other thing about is that you assume women compete like men but they really don't. Women try to increase their status all the time and that's a form of competition but that's mostly it. They don't seek to compete nearly as often as males so for them to be gaining this competition effect on T levels doesn't seem like an accurate theory based on the psychological differences between males and females. How someone perceives competition is important because they don't perceive a stimuli as competition then the effect you are describing really wouldn't come about. I can see that your book smart but I do not think you are able to apply your knowledge to theories pertaining to IRL situations. And again your idea that excessive dopamine would inhibit oxytocin response is your theory, you didn't get that out of a book, so there plenty of a possibility for it to be wrong. As a psychologist I do not see what you are describing as having as drastic of effects that you are implying they do through observational information. That's my argument and I still stand that if you can produce dopamine with oxytocin and viceversa than one being strained would not be enough to inhibit the release of another. The examples you brought up were under extreme conditions and were temporary, not continual. Those were big changes or something life threatening, that does not really imply to the short lasting dopamine rush that you get from playing on your phone. You could say that banging a chad is a much more potent dopamine rush but that can't be applied to all feminists because a lot of them are not banging chad. I hope you enjoy this massive text wall.

Also as you can more less ascertain from the graph here and you can just generally see this is true if for some reason you don't believe me, a lot of leftists and by that measure feminists since they quite correlated with one another suffer from depression. If you are depressed then your not really experiencing high increases of dopamine anyway, at least not anymore. Also, what do most of these feminists take for their depression? Antidepressants. Antidepressants numb you, almost make you apathetic to a certain extent. The people one these are really not higher energy dopamine addicts most of the time. So with this in mind as well I simply don't see your theory as dopamine addiction being the crux of the problem as applying to the big picture. If I simply cannot see how your theories apply to the real world or through other examples then that is on YOU. I shouldn't need a degree in molecular biology to see the affects that you are insinuating are there.

Fun fact: some of the Nazis were redpilled on the femin virus. Notice how in this image, the dragon (dragon/snake imagery represents the virus) is wearing the necklaces of Jewishness and Communism since these can be byproducts of femin/aid it's spread. The SS logo is killing the dragon, not the necklaces.

Also note that some of the Nazis brought over in Operation Paperclip were sent to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a facility that looked into Eugenics and started researching DNA/viruses after the war in the 50's/early 60's. It had big ties to the CIA who released a more virulent strain of the virus later.

Since leftist Jews are some of the parties involved in spreading the virus it should be no surprise that Hitler targeted them specifically.

This is a good thread so far. The best part is that the enemy can't say shit about it because it deals with them harming Negros. It would be a very good attack vector to get Negros out from under the kikes, as we have often discussed.

The Swastika is the Cross of Thor:

Checked. Feminists should be granted the death they seek. Feminism is a disease. Also, spoiler your gore next time.

The military rule is to focus on defeating the handler first, not the dog.

Men can't be virgins, you retard. Sage because I didn't see this drivel the first time.


OP most definitely has an agenda to discredit Minoan and Mycenaean civilization

Feminists have been trying to argue for years that there is historic evidence of feminism in historic civilizations, they are trying to gain control over Classics departments in universities, or outright ban any teaching of the classics due to "patriarchy."

This is the goal of most of their Graduate Theses.

Any serious Historian or Classics professor from the old guard can debunk most of what OP is saying.

You should be very wary of what OP has to say.

I also noticed how desperate OP was to downplay Thera, one of the biggest volcanic eruptions EVER.

This is a very carefully crafted thread, and frankly, it's kind of spooky.

All assets are inflated. Boomers and asset-owning normies have voted for easy monetary policy along with restrictive regulations (NIMBY) which has caused things like houses to be bid up. They then borrow money against the increased (paper) value of their asset and use that money for discretionary spending (coke and hookers). It is madness and a ponzi scheme of course but these things are often impossible to see (for most people) until after the crash.
It will end either when the supply of normies and immigrants runs out or if a general AI supersedes humanity.

OP is sort of right but it's not a virus. It's birth control. The effects of the Pill are what does this.

There's no known viral pathology that can create these sorts of behaviorial changes. Even parasites can't do that much.

It was always the Pill.


The classical Greeks erased Minoan culture from history precisely because it was feminist and they were not

Here is where OP reveals his true goal.
Deflecting blame from the true origin, while maintaining that "lol guys, ancient feminist societies predated the hebrews. Feminism is TOTALLY NOT A MODERN CONCEPT."

I wonder how many anons fell hook line and sinker for this.

You seem to forget that the Minoans worshiped the bull user, an offshoot of Sumerian mythology.

Now I'd really like to know if you consider Sumerians to be feminist?

Moloch/bull worship also involved child sacrifice, how's the weather in Tel Aviv?

Try something novel next time you shill, actually do 15 minutes of browser searches and paste a few links to support your shit "arguments"

"Not a shred of evidence supports the existence of matriarchy anywhere in the world at any time," and further that "The moral ambivalence of the great mother Goddesses has been conveniently forgotten by those American feminists who have resurrected them." - Camille Paglia

Eat shit you ip-switching fag.

The mortality rate of infants was above 25%. All you fucking found were mass graves

Jews copied the Sumerians in a different way friendo.

Holy shit there's like 4 sources that were already linked talking about how women held prominent positions in Minoan society and you link a single quote from some dyke lesbian-feminist professor??


lmao get the fuck out of here kike


I don't get

















IRL /ourguys/!

There was very little hierarchy back then because main concern was surviving the never ending winters, it was highly specialized (albeit with not many tasks to do) as each person was needed for the survival of all, people lived in caves and did not build very much, therefore there was almost no concept of ownership, and thus, nothing to control, unless you wanted to risk getting cast out from your community by being an asshole, which very quickly bred those qualities out until they were brought back from the East after the advent of mass warfare that festered in then cool and temperate North Africa, with many malleable materials available for structural building, tons of food to feed an army, and a nurturing climate so they didn't need to build societal trust like Europeans had to in order to survive.

There was very little to explore then, so people were mostly concentrated on what's around them. Women excited male senses, and inspired their imagination through a seemingly magical mechanism that is birth. This is why its no surprise almost all surviving prehistoric idols are of the female form, in fact, there are more animal human hybrid icons than male ones. Before the arrival of the Sky Father, almost Old European gods were women, a worship that the Catholic church could not get rid off for hundreds of years. We were certainly one of the weaker races back then, we weren't strong and rugged like you imagine we were, we're descendants of the few outliers who managed to push back, learn, and apply.
They have to be. We have to subjugate them.

You attack the source since you can't directly attack the statement. lol, ok friendo, OP is using newsweek as a source. defend that.

Still waiting for you to answer a single criticism I posed.

It's a quote from a fucking dyke feminist, I'm not even giving that shit a time of day

I don't have to defend OP either I'm just calling you out for being a blatant shill

Now why would a feminist discredit or "out" a piece of of information pushed by the rest of the movement from the 70s?

It sure seems like a curious position to take, don't you think?

Why won't you consider my reasonable position?
What could you possibly think I'm shilling here exactly?

Stop falling for (((anthropology))) bullshit.

Because they're fucking snakes who won't hesitate to backstab members of their own movement for personal power? They're leftists, take a fucking guess.

I was paid to bmp this thread by the Deep State but I have a conscious.

Not him, but what the fuck do you mean anthropology bullshit? Being ignorant of your existence and race is not an excuse.


you are aware that OPs entire argument/implication is "WE WAS QUEEANS"

Is this fact not reaching you?

The inferior native europeans did have a more egalitarian society. But not necessarily matriarchal. The indo-europeans that invaded from ukraine-caucus mountains gave us a patriachal society that worshiped a pantheon of gods (the same gods that are in hindu sanskrit HAVE THE SAME ROOT AS ALL INDO-EUROPEAN GODS. They gave us the wheel, spiritualism, and the lust for life that will conquer all of europe.

ctrl+f matrilineal = none found

Here, let me help you all out


Also, if you two faggots don't understand the importance of this. Get the fuck off this board. The swastika culture that worship the sunwheel spanned from india-persia-turkey parts of north africa and all of europe.

Tell me more about how the Dravidian/Aryan divide is only a myth anthropology-man

It's not a myth. I would post here but I already typed all this shit out in another thread.

I talk about it later in my dump. ID 1a5658


pic is an aryan afghani

Also there is Aryans left behind in North India, Iran, and among the Kurds.

It's incredible isn't?

What's interesting is that Father (superior) Brother (equal) and Son (lesser) denoted relations between bronze age kings during diplomacy. The Sky Father was probably a real warlord who conquered most of Europe and thus uncucked us from our non interventionist ways. Female worship is regression.

We need a next ancient Aryans thread this feminist bullshit one won't do justice.

To me, monotheism of any kind is regression. It's very one dimensional and lacks the specifics needed to explain life. The archetypes provided in greco/roman/nordic/germanic/vedic myth is much more complex and shows stratification of different archetypes. A one deminsional all-knowing does little to help understand the true being of nature. Women play an important role in this, but never are a focal point. Feminine deities are necessary.

This image is golden.

The skin tones need to be swapped. The complexion of the indo-aryan would be more fair than the native european

Minoans being matriarchal is just a romanticization of imagery though.

All Greek records imply a pretty standard patriarchy with always a male holding the title of Anax.

FFS the name of the civilization derives from Minos.

Minoans are not greek. Minoans are native NON-INDO EUROPEANS

The greeks are INDO-EUROPEAN. The minoans get conquered by the indo-aryan greeks

The greek gods are tied to vedic sanskrit just like all european pagan gods. The minoan gods are NOT

Kill yourself excuse making (((Alt-Right))) (((ACTIVIST)))

I'm not really following the thread tbh but that's just some fucking Duginist Zionist cuck shit right there.

The minoan natives were not indo-european (aryan). They get invaded ~1000BC and give birth to a far superior society, greek (indo-european).


Those statues you posted are post-aryan invasion. Read the links or neck yourself

Linear B is an ancient dialect of greek.

There was a time when people said it wasn't greek, and those people got blown the fuck out.

Now people are saying the same thing about linear A.

So maybe wait til someone translates the language before spouting things as if the truth was known.

don't hold your breath. They discovered Linear A over 100 years ago and still don't think it's indo-european/aryan

You serious, m8y?

(((Gynophagia))) is absolutely degenerate, otherwise I agree with the image.

Let's entertain that thought for a moment.

Do you think the Pandora legend might point towards that?

If OP is not a gargantuan feathery faggot how would evidence of this virus would be so heavily concealed by the pre-pozz'd medical and biological community when even telegony and microchimaerism are being reavaluated?

I'm patient

This is the only rational post in this entire thread and it's been ignored.

Slide thread confirmed.

Lot of sources, but the author is biased as fuck, still a lot better than the average historian, so no ad hominems, just points, "satanism panic" wasnt created, it was focused on the christian view to attack christianity and force fedoras to accept something wrong because it atacked christianity, the viri worked and now atheists are the most into school shotings, horse fucking and pedophilia.

Wait wait wait, isn't all of this just related to r/K selection theory?
r/K in a nutshell:

Here's an article about it: anonymousconservative.com/blog/touching-the-raw-amygdala-an-analysis-of-liberal-debate-tactics-preface/
(it's seven parts long, but well worth the read)

Any race that was high IQ saw the patterns of the seasonal rotation of the north star. Even (((native))) americans had swastikas

Another point, its about male selection, if men are weak women will seek for others, they will naturally show a "bad" behavior because it is a emergency control, if the male fail it will advance more and more looking for a new "strong" male, thats all, we have a men problem here, we cant expect all women to be The Virgin Mary.

make up your mind

You say conquered, but you mean assimilated I suspect.

Don't hold your breath. "Ancient" Greece is a narrative spun to manipulate the Council of Trent. We'll all have a good laugh about those stories once we got the jews out of our history departments and the Vatican.

Native americans are mongoloid, they have a high IQ. That doesn't mean anything if they lack creativity and industriousness. That's one thing we have to come to terms with, yes..on average mongoloids (specifically northern asians) have a higher IQ…BUT they have a very narrow range. Geniuses are more likely to be european than any other race, that's why indo-europeans/aryans dominated the world. Also, native americans are underestimated for their IQ. They just lack industriousness/creativity therefor they are inferior…not individually per se but as a society


Also just think, if we bred the top geniuses of indo-europeans descent based on IQ alone we would supersede asians by 20 IQ points.

Yea, Maidens war also proves this, as do the accounts of the Amazonians who were most likely related to them, since the Scythians are proto-Slavs. The region would later be known as Mazovia(=Amazonia?) with a woman warrior representing it (and maybe the fish body representing their sea faring ability - how they attacked Greece in the first place?)

You miss the part where you prove it's an actual virus instead of a meme virus. Every part where you mention that it's just speculation.

Different generations of feminists fight all the damn time, it's part of the oppression olympics


I have no idea what your deal is user, but I've been around the imageboards for enough years to recognize damage control when I see it

I've seen people posting about this topic on cuckchan as well and it gets hit by some really bizarre shilling, I'm still trying to figure out why

This shill right here just proves my point, he's blatantly a leftist and he even got so butthurt that he photoshopped one of OP's images

Amazons were not real,user,just like every other female warrior group.Just because it's written somewhere doesn't mean it's true or it has to be taken at face value.There were definitely groups where high ranking women would do archery or something similar,but rarely for war purpose and always under the control of a man.Atlantis was cited by Plato.Does that make it real?



I gave you two modern accounts attesting this claim, with curious names that clue on even further, and you try to dismiss it by saying "durr is Atlantis real". Let's assume it is a myth, why would they place the Amazones around Europe, and not " make up a place like Atlantis"? Especially when my connections are from the same exact region. It's easy to dismiss, yet I see no proof they didn't.

Came here to bump again that it's the Pill.

Feminism if caused by weak men and deficient undesirable women these two factors are encouraged.promoted then exploited to the maximum benefit of jews to wreck white society because as long as we exist they are illegitimate parasites.


Also, Atlantis was probably real. Abbos have ancient oral traditions detailing how they were washed ashore Australian coasts, while the current accepted hypothesis for how they got there states just that, for example. There was also a great flood event around the black sea thousands of years ago, where the original Amazones were thought to be situated. You have to be incredibly gullable to read nothing but plain text history, or at least, not be able to shift myth from reality.

Men are tamed at gun point by the ZOG.
Try to be strong enough and you will be in jail in no time.
Weak men are the result of laws, propaganda, and social pressure to make them abdicate their masculinity.
The premise is to concede power to females or else.
Put in place White Sharia and feminism will be gone for good.
Meantime we have no choice but to watch the ongoing damage.

I don't say this a lot, but enjoy your ban, paki weakling.

Paki my ass.
If you oppose it, you are a whore in disguise.
Go away and suck nigger dick, whore.

these memes are bad and you should feel bad, the fruit came from the tree of knowledge for christ sake.

Charming. Weak men like you always make excuses. Yea its illegal to harass any common whore with "DO YOU KNOW FEMINISM IS BAD" but if you can't keep the women around you in check then it's your own fault. Yes, enacting laws to force people into acting how you want them to is the epitome of masculinity.

You don't get it.
I couldn't care less if a man is considered by a whore weak or not.
To pander whores is revolting.
The whole issue here is to put them in check, make them pop babies as a factory, and keep them busy.
We as men have other issues to do such us RAHOWA and Crusade.

I'm not a bitch, Anglin. Take your "white shariah" shit back with you, bye bye.




Aryans didn't exist then either, retard.

Which is no different than "non-feminist" women. Your precious "bonds" exist only in your imagination.
This whole thread is predicated on gross ignorance, white knighting and pedestalization.

you stick out like a sore thumb


It was to showcase that oral traditions hold merit, retard.


No, completely wrong. Maybe there is something wrong, maybe there isn't. That isn't what triggers turnover. They are tagged for replacement on a regular basis, as part of a turnover process, and I assume most are not damaged at all, and they are certainly not replaced because they are damaged. In fact as I understand it, the way the system works, a damaged receptor would just be left in place until regular replacement occurred.

What down regulates signal transduction is reductions in transcription of receptor genes, which results in fewer receptors later to reproduce those that are sent for breakdown.

I'm grateful for the debate thus far, as it enhanced the exposure of this idea. But I really can't spend limitless time here debating the idea with someone who really doesn't understand basic biological processes.

I'm open to criticism from people who have a familiarity with biology and how the mechanisms work. But going back and forth with you is really silly at this point.

I'm not even really sure why you jumped in on this idea if this area is not a specialty for you. Obviously there must be several bio anons here who see what it says as completely reasonable, which it is.

Some of the memes that have come out of this are kinda amusing

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I'm more than okay with no longer continuing this discussion, but I just want to point out that you singled out that one sentence out of all that I said there just so you could salvage something to make yourself look good yet again. You're still the dumb ass who thought that the competition effect could alone raise average T levels enough to incur physical changes in facial structure. You are incredibly petty in that way. Thanks for teaching me a few things though.


No, by definition, it is not.

You can't read? 1600BC

yeah because black people dont have dads. has nothign to due with white moms raising rapists. dont be stupid

Attached: 1508356531709.jpg (750x629 334.79 KB, 238.92K)

Shut the fuck up and kys boomer faggot.

If feminism is indeed material in nature, then there can be a cure, a literal "red pill" . Or, at the very least, we can isolate the virus and examine it under a microscope. (see HIV) . You present no evidence of this, just thinly stretched metaphors blurring the line between analogy and reality. This strikes me as kike-like. What distinguishes feminism from any other ism (eg. communism) that makes you believe it's an actual virus and not just an infectious meme exhibiting virus-like behavior?

For example, there is well known research showing that plastic microfibers are becoming prevalent in our bodies and having estrogenic effects, being one possible cause for the massive drop in testosterone newer generations experience .


Low testosterone in turn makes one more susceptible to harmful memes, feminism included. The material component of this problem is measured, identified, and quantified with material means. And knowing this, we can take measures to minimize it (eg. avoid plastics as much as possible) .

You provide none of this. No material quantification for the problem makes your blabbering useless at best.

This entire thread is most likely a psy-op.

Attached: plastic.png (1280x720 77.87 KB, 23K)

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Sorry but that's absolutely false.
If we only consider one STD, namely HPV, then by 25 well over 50% of women are infected.
In fact the 20-24 age group carries deadly "high risk" HPV strains at a rate approaching 50%. To be clear, "high risk" strains can cause cancers like throat cancer, and are now the most common cause of oropharyngeal cancers in Western men, outstripping all tobacco sources combined.
If you include both low risk and high risk strains, the rate of infection is way over 50%.
And this is just one STD.

Attached: hpv_rate_graph.jpg (1600x1390 37.25 KB, 477.35K)




we had to be to survive

Great job not knowing what a hypothesis is.

not if some men stake their lives on keeping their women pure
the "aloof" pua crap only works when males of 9/10 or higher physical attributes still mentally cuck to matriarchy


No, that’s not what was said. Try again without a strawman, dipshit.

You make the hypothesis first and then you do testing to prove the hypothesis. That's one of the most basic principles of the scientific method.

if theres no potential for babby it isnt sex, foreplay

thats right

its what i said and you disagreed with me
so youre just shitposting aimlessly, why?

How about that.
NOPE. Learn how to read, you useless cunt.

you did right in this post

No, you don’t understand what was written. You are illiterate.

its been fun spamming but i think im done with you
< For a hypothesis to be a scientific hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it. Scientists generally base scientific hypotheses on previous observations that cannot satisfactorily be explained with the available scientific theories

Fucking nit picking faggot go back to reddit if you want to argue over immaterial details

Attached: 1575544235014.jpg (716x778, 37.71K)

nice spam

you git something right
theyre trying to spam your thread into autolock

Thanks lad

Here's a non spam post of an infograph these virusfag guys made on cuckchan

Attached: 1520799770631.jpg (4028x5708, 1.56M)

Holy fucking christ, kill yourself. Hypotheses are not statements of fact, you mentally defective pile of shit.

Glad to see these thread making their way over here OP, just for the sake of having one large thread that won't disappear too quickly let alone spreading the info to more people.

I think testosterone provides either a resistance or cure to the virus which explains why they attack it so much and why they feel to threatened by it(this could just be me being hopeful about the situation though).

Hormonal birth control causes Frontal Lobe Disorder, it different but still a bad thing en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontal_lobe_disorder

different thing as well but that I believe causes humans to "not care about threats or dangers" youtube.com/watch?v=m3x3TMdkGdQ

good infograph.

Get Gassed Kike!

It surely is the kikes fault for feminism and sexual liberation. Who the hell do you think were behind each of these movements? Who do you think promoted this movements? And how did they do it? What schools, newspapers, television-channels, movie-studios and radio-stations did the kikes own? All of them. They won the wars and since they have actively been working of destroying the white man (and any other race for that matter, it's just easier however) and one of those means is by fooling our women into not being women anymore. Because without our women making our babies, we won't exist anymore. They are actively brainwashing us to cull our numbers. They treat us like cattle, they effectively socially engineer our society into it becoming hard to have families, just like hunters cull pack of wolves. We are nothing but cattle to them.

Here's the crux though, for all the blackpilled shills and retards out there. (((They))) are deathly afraid of us. I mean, really fucking afraid to the point of them living in paranoia with messed up minds. The "holocaust" is a thing even newer generations go to the shrinks about for treating this fear. They also widly underestimate us because they think that they are better than us because they are the "chosen ones" and we are just cattle like the negroes. And that's why they will lose.

So stop making up shitty excuses for (((them))). There isn't such a thing like a parasite to turn women into evil. It's the work of a depraved society, with no upbringing, encouragement from family, school, friends and men to behave like sluts or if you don't fit into that, become feminists. It's all manipulation into making our women into shit.

The OP literally said it's the Jews causing the current outbreak

kys you fucking shill

The virus is "jews"

There's another thing about oxytocin, it causes greater in-group preference.

lack of oxytocin = sad, angry, rabid feminists who welcome rapefugees
This is important.

Attached: Oxytocin and Racial Bias (image zip, PDF from Elsevier Biological Psychology)



I'm liking the Medusa symbol in the context of modern feminism.
Even the use of reflecting (inverting) surfaces to fight them is apt.



Why is the thread anchored? Even if OP's assumption is wrong and it likely isn't a virus in the usual sense of the word, I really enjoyed reading about the similarities to the fall-down of the Minoan Empire.

Updated version of this infograph

Attached: 1520893983852-min.jpg (4175x5708, 1.28M)

mods are gods
blaspheme against them and live your life, they are powerless

This would be fixed if all the beta faggots would stop being beta faggots and then the beta females won't want to be beta females that way they can get a piece of all of the fit attractive guys running around that built themselves up with some damn self confidence that comes naturally when you work out and take care of yourself and eat right. We're all consuming ourselves, the depravity and hedonism that is pouring into everything is just as much men's fault as it is the women's.

This thread is being autosaged but if any are still around, here is an infograph that is a working hypothesis on how the virus might act

Attached: femin retrovirus.jpg (2913x9987, 4.23M)

Can you point me to some examples for me to research?

vid related

Attached: women,snakes,fruit_temptation,vision,conciousness_creation-story.webm (426x240, 3.29M)


Also this one

Attached: trump_snake.webm (640x360, 12.08M)

Sadly this thread is bumplocked.