Faceberg attempting to normalise CP! "It was an accident goy"!


How on earth do you "accidentally" put in a survey? It's bullshit, Facebook was obviously testing the water to see what kind of reaction they would get. I'm fucking sick of these cunts trying to normalise this shit, it is not socially acceptable and NEVER FUCKING WILL BE! There is a good reason why the only places that allow this filth are backwards shithole countries.

Sorry about that little rant guys, I didn't see a thread in the catalog so I thought I'd make one just in case. If you have already discussed this please ignore this thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


Gee, it's not like your on a site that condones pedophilia or anything.

That doesn't mean anybody here condones it. This is one of the few free speech areas of the internet, so degenerates come with the territory. This isn't a heavily moderated service used by billions of people - and hundreds of millions of kids - under their real names, with their personal information plastered all over their page. Facebook doing this is essentially pushing for social normalization of pedophilia.


And what's wrong with that? Also we should ban people older then thirty from sex.

Kill yourself.

Reported for being a pedophile

OP, here's an archived link like you should have posted.

Whew lad, we've sure got a butthurt gerantofile ITT.

More importantly, you do agree that people over 30 should pe put in jail for sex?

This seems more like a experiment than some normalization attempt. Makes no sense to go with something so overt until you're intentionally probing for specific psychological reactions and information spread. Keep in mind datamining is their primary operation, so even these supposed "accidents" are likely observed and results are collected for datasets with some purpose. Considering the recent controversies of "fake news", it would be useful for them to study how news or "mishaps" spreads through their internal systems as well as media uptake to identify tactics for ideal news manipulation and suppression. Keep an eye on other future "accidents" and see if they follow a certain pattern.

Other than irrational prudishness, there is nothing wrong about pedophilia. This may seem counterintuitive, but it is a winning reproductive strategy.

Does Faceberg ask whether whites should have their own homelands? Does Faceberg ask whether immigration from the third world is good for the first world? Does Faceberg ask whether CNN and company should be trusted? If not, why not? Why bring pedophilia into question? It shouldn't be up for fucking debate, and generally isn't.
Most people agree pedophiles should be executed.


Normalization? It is normal, it's in our genes, our ancestors did it, it's why we're here.

So your fear is what exactly? Normalization isn't it – your afraid that someone might gain an advantage, or have some sort of status that disproportionately affects your own. It's why the definition of a law is the regulation of behavior, it isn't the factual morality of a behavior.

Sorry, I normally just lurk on/pol/ but this made my blood boil.

No. Reported. Kill yourself.

It's good you made the thread. Child abuse is the deathblow to civilization. What you normalize in childhood is amplified in adulthood. Pretty much every fucked up woman with warning color hair and piercings was abused as a child.

If your talking about child marriage even in Europe they were exceedingly rare. Lets not forget our ancestors had a life-span of about 45 years max. Do not attempt to compare our modern society with the fucking dark ages.
Read the OP you fucking faggot! the only countries that allow this shit today are STILL living in the fucking dark age.


No accident. YouTube protects creepy kids channel by going after investigation channels.

I know, YT is ran at a loss just so they can push their propaganda. They know no-one trusts the mainstream new outlets any more. This is also where the whole "fake news" narrative came from it was the medias futile attempt to de-legitimise smaller sources of information that had not been filtered through the Mainstream lens.

Because the topic invokes a severely negative emotional response that is both very predictable and would result in the fastest spread of information, without threatening existing narratives. That's why it's important to note if any future "accidents" invoke similar topics matching those exact conditions. That would then prove this is more about collecting experimental data with the topics serving as bait.

Wasn't that the low average due to childbirth deaths, and poor medical practices? I thought lifespans were otherwise comparable to today, just that you could get taken out more easily. I'm not knowledgeable on the subject.

Our ancestors had a shorter life span – nobody fucked anyone younger to reproduce. Your in denial, and your only real motivation to morality, and false outrage, is that you have greater sense of moral, or ethical foundation.

Therefore, things I don't like=bad, things I do like=things I am willing to take the time to justify with facts, and level headed conversation. It's why your trying to convey to me outrage, and why it doesn't register. Stop being mad at history user.

I don't think so. Those women were actually spoiled and pampered by their parents, then indoctrinated by the commie academia.

Problem is that they are entitled and the "world is made for them" but not by them. The female gender has done nothing of value outside giving birth.


kikes and their goy pets in power are getting tired of fucking kids in the shadows

45 as a result to infant and toddler death rate presented as a maximum
Not looking good for you.
Atleast you got the child marriages thing right.
The the age for marriage would start at 14 years old, the average would be older, the age for childbirth would also be later.
Is this child marriage for some?
Age of Constent between 18 and 21 is an American, African, Turk and Poo-In-Loo thing.

What kind of a response is this increasingly common

Polygamy got established in the middle east by their economic style (raiding) causing shit tons of male deaths, leading to a female surplus.

One of the few popular female boards on this site is >>>/cuckquean/ They want to be part of a harem under the rule of a strong violent man. It is their preferred breeding strategy and natural for them to want to live as Muslims do. Women don't want to control, lead or create great things. they wish to serve as owned sluts amongst other sluts by nature, no "abuse" is needed. Some 6000 years of collapsing and forgotten civilizations one after another doesn't erase ½million years of evolution.

Don't forget stuff like the creepy kike Casey Neistat partnering with CNN for 25 million bux or Disney Youtubers suddenly spouting off about gun control between their videos spazzing out for 9 year olds.

Show me a modern society where it is socially acceptable to fuck kids that isn't shithole.

japan had age of concent at 12, now its 13 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Asia#Japan and cp possession was legal until 2014 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pornography_in_Japan#Child_pornography

Yes and it's working so well for them, with the plummeting birth rates and men in Japan giving up on women / relationships all together. Truly a shining example.

Thing is women are supposed to get married around 12 for what purpose do they need to be educated outside basics? Do you dream of a highly educated wife with an important stressful time consuming management job?

It is commonly "as long as you don't cause a scene" acceptable around east Europe and Russia but these are kind of jew infested shitholes.
Fucking kids was made fully illegal in France just a recently. It was legal as long as the child consented and the courts would have never tried to sentence or fine anyone in such a case even though it was kind of illegal. The prisons are overloaded by niggers so people get away with it. But then a Muslim immigrant fucked a consenting 11 year old and courts didn't want to persecute at all and the feminists arranged a media circus and then independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/france-consent-age-sex-15-rape-new-law-children-minister-marlene-schiappa-a8237226.html So its automatically rape from now on.

Indeed the more power women get the lower birth rates get and less stable society gets until its unrecoverable in a 2,5 generations. archive.org/stream/pdfy-2F_iHS6BLtGJb2ad/TheFateofEmpiresbySirJohnGlubb_djvu.txt


Do you know how stupid this graph looks? why not try to tie Japanese fertility to establishment of international telephone service between Japan and USA? It also happened in late 40-s!

Right, you learned that female autonomy has nothing to do with female reproduction in your Gender Studies class.


It signals to other actual members of the board that a shill has been found, and that once found and identified by a single member, that they should join in filtering and ignoring so that
a) the shills don't get paid too much money via having a high reply count
b) the board doesn't get too shitted up from the shills.


Are you implying fertility dropped because the AOC went up by ONE year? Are you fuckin retarded?

Asking whether something illegal should be illegal. What the fuck do people expect from jews?


It's probably nyburg. It is going to take a really tall building to hang that fucker with all his rope.

This is fucking disgusting! Are they going to post the full custom sets of Sandra model? Even the rare stuff?

AOC is a (((jewish))) perversion introduced into White societies.

Prior to (((their))) influence, anyone in a White society caught fucking a kid would be killed, and anyone caught corrupting a young girl would either be killed or forced to make the relationship legitimate via marriage assuming force wasn't involved, in which case if it were, they'd be killed.

The very concept of promiscuous sex based on "adult consent" is anathema to the White spirit. Mating in monogamous relationships for the purpose of raising kids is what we do. Granted the marriages were SOMETIMES but not always, "Germania" details that those tribes waited 'til the late teens or even twenty to marry to persons thought of as "too young to be adults" nowadays, but we've both infantilized our young and glorified promiscuity in a way in which our ancestors would never have done. For instance, the very question of "is it OK for random unmarried 25-yeaar-olds to fuck around?" would have been socially ostracizing to ask even 70 years ago, much less 700.

Bullshit. And not, at the same time.

For males, given that they had already made it to adulthood, 1000 or 2000 or 4000 years ago, they would have had a comparable remaining lifespan to any male in modern society, and would be likely to live into their 70s or 80s.

The "average life expectancy" is only shorter when measured FROM BIRTH and this is infant and child mortality, and of course maternal mortality which was more common as well, but a woman who made it alive past menopause would be just as likely then as now to make it to her 70s.

>AOC is a (((jewish))) perversion introduced into White societies.
true, but now that the world has been corrupted by (((them))), the need for AoC laws cannot be undone

What he didn't include was that the effective AoC in Japan is still ~18 since each prefecture has a higher AoC than the country's AoC. Also, the graph could just as easily be equated to post-WW2 problems.

Oh, it CAN be undone. It's just that there are other steps that must be taken first desu.

In the meantime, as an interim argument, when dealing with issues such as the age of firearms ownership my 3d and I are in several different forums, I've found that arguing for a single comprehensive "Age of Adulthood" has been setting some normies back on their ass. Essentially
and then get the normies chewing on it

In our experience, once you get the normies into thinking about this in that way at least, the ones that don't shut you off because of cognitive dissonance, you break them down into the ability to have rational discussions instead of just spewing talking points and memes.

>in (((our))) experience
Fuck off pedokike. I will sleep well knowing you lie dead in your filth when the day of the rope comes for the harm you do to children.

Lain is 14.


You are a fucking moron.

What I'm suggesting is that once you get normies thinking about exactly how stupid and contradictory all these various ages of consent (drinking, voting, etc) are, then you can get the questioning the very essence of how retarded the entire idea is, and you can roll it back to where it should be, which is where it historically was.

See my other earlier post here: . It's clear that what I'm about is rolling back to the actual older practices, in which times the very concept of AoC would be laughed at, not because of "age" but because the idea of promiscuous random unmarried sexual intercourse was distasteful.

We shouldn't have an AoC for sex because we quite literally shouldn't be having sex outside of committed monogamous marriage, which was the historic cultural norm for all White people since time immemorial and up to about 50-70 years ago.

AoC for sex is and was the bridge to most other AoC concepts, with the exception of voting desu which predates both the Pill and the Sexual Revolution. and which should be limited to property-owning male heads of families

As with most redpills, once you get an inroad into having a rational conversation on one level, then you can introduce the next, which in our practice is exposing what the actual norms used to be and getting them to question how they changed, which the pic copypasta in is gonna be really useful for.

The Anglo-Saxons were pedophobic for hundreds and hundreds of years, that's not what caused them to dominate the world. What caused that was the industrial revolution. You may as well try to argue that speaking the English language is inseparable from economic and technological progress.

You hit the nail on the head, if you could live past your teens you'd probably make it to old age


To be fair, that's a trend affecting the majority of industrialized nations, with Japan being one of the more extreme examples.

this is actually a lie and stupid. aoc in japan federally is 13, but every single prefecture has local laws pegging it above 16.

Bullshit. People hate kiddy diddlers here just as much as anywhere else. There are the occasional 14, 15 year old girls with 20 something boyfriends, but that's primarily a lower class thing and directly comparable to similar behaviour by trailer trash in America. It's certainly not legal, at least in the northern half of slavistan. Nobody is fine with adults fucking prepubescent or pubescent girls.