China takes "social networking" over the rim of madness

The "Social Credit Score": Total elimination of privacy and freedom beyond Orwelll's wildest nightmares

You think this will stay in China? This is grim future for everyone: Planet Zero user

https ://

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Sorry for the double pic above. Also forgot to add the cherry on the cake:

wew chinks

This is only an alarming idea because of the bizarre termite-people values that will be informing the point system. In the hands of decent people, it's actually a more precise version of what we already do.

Hold a job? $500 for you this week. Hold a real job? $1,500. Blowjob from whore? Minus $40. Good-looking whore? Minus $80.

The problem here is that China's dipshit overlords are such fucking commies they never thought of money as a society-wide system of credit for good deeds. Maybe because I can give money to anyone I deem worthy, rather than having it doled out from above like karma. Money is therefore too empowering for Chi-kikes.

What do I get for breaking a puppy's legs in the kitchen before butchering it?

Imagine a world where you never graduate from school but keep getting "grades" your whole freaking life.

Moreover, you are not just being "graded" on your ability to regurgitate classroom nonsense.

Now the "teacher" is replaced by the Communist Party and the "subjects" you are being graded on include everything from who your friends are to how many Made-in-China products you buy, whether your girlfriend has ever used a dildo on herself, whether you were being comfy on Saturday night rather than attending a pro-government ralley…and whatever the fuck else they want to add.

People will start to shun you if you don't spend enough time chasing the right rabbit pellets. You read X instead of Y? There must be something wrong with you, that brings your score down. Sorry, user, I can't let my kids hang out with your kids anymore because your low score will affect their score and could be a problem when they apply for college.

Money isn't "credit for good deeds," it's an abstraction of calories because all economy is based upon thermodynamics, and return on investment is based upon thermodynamic return on expenditure. That's how the real world works, and kikes have fucked it all up and skewed it so that a person's actual real world production of resources has no bearing on their access to resources.

Fuck off yid, no shekels for you.

It's "social climbing: the economy." A fucking kike wet dream.

What's next? Cymatic scans and Enforcers running around with Dominators hunting down latent criminals?

Oh yeah? Well I think that money is like molecules of water flowing in a mountain stream. The more polluted the river gets with nasty trashy Jew-shekels, the harder it is to see a way to profit.

You prefer surfing a Laotian frogfeel hate-image site instead of reading GoodGoy Nooz like everyone else? Oy vey, your social score drops by 6 million.

Nothing that fancy, more "being chased down the street by government sponsored citizen militias for reading the wrong book 15 years ago."

There was a movie exactly about this.
goddamn if I can't remember the name

You must be murican cause it's like that in Germany.

It's not uncommon for people to study for masters degrees until their late 20s because the competition for good jobs is super tough.

HR cunts replace manhating feminist teachers, you get lengthy certificates when you leave a job or when major internal changes occur, which means every 2 years or so you get graded which can make or break your career.

If you mess up it's pretty much impossible to get hired for more than menial labor positions.

That's why Germans seem so rigid in their ways. Jews set it up nicely to facility goy control…

Old news, minor hysteria when it was unveiled. Amazing they actually went through with it. I don't think that they're stupid enough to actually believe in it though. They'll be forced to use it, and be forced to say things like "Ha ha, you're only 110" in moon runes but they'll know what it really means.

money is an exchange of value dipshit, it suffers when garbage like kikes game the system to take that value from others

Was it Psycho-pass?

I see it more as a philosophical meeting of spirits, when two souls exchange goods or services to meet their varied esoteric needs.

zerohedge is sensationalist and hardly reliable, a very clickbaity site, probably jew run

there is no credit rating system in China yet and there are various attempts at creating a semi reliable one

I think the implementation of some dystopian system is anti China propaganda.

Jews hate China just as much as Russia, don't forget that…

Approved kosher by the ZOG…

I live in China btw. and while it has it's problems the government isn't throwing it's people under the bus contrary to popular perception.

you aren't talking about a episode of Black Mirror?

total bullshit, the writer is a liar, everybody needs to pay bike app deposits, everybody pays hotel deposits, lol at gopro and umbrella rentals, no such thing

t. ChinaAnon

This system is actually pretty cool, I see very little wrong with it. This will definitely bring about a far more efficient society.
However, obviously a tool such as this is inevitably going to be abused, given that it's being used by the Chinese government.


Jews are Chinese, too. Tribes of them immigrated to China centuries ago, strategically intermarried, and have influenced China's government ever since. They are pulling the same shit over there as they've pulled everywhere else. If Iceland is a bellwether, the only way to force them out is to outlaw genital mutilation.

Around gooks beware of spooks.

There was a scifi show on netflix about this.
Here I thought it was about a hyperbole of the past with extreme facebook/rebbit likes.

It's not all that difficult to implement in the West considering the dominance of social media and the resulting culture it has created. If anything preying on the narcissism, peer pressure and desire of fame encourage more information to be willingly given. So in a way they could map a social credit system based on not only what they know, but by how much is known about a target. Someone who remains anonymous would just be penalized severely by some handicap by assuming the worst about them, therefore near zero score. So you can see how such a system doesn't just allow for micro-management of a population, it allows a government to force people to reveal more about themselves.

So I'd imagine in the long term even someone who's disagreeable but otherwise very open about their intent publicly, would have a slightly higher score than an user who may be a good citizen who just strongly values their privacy.

The Orville - Season 1, Episode 7 - Majority Rule
Although that was more 'trial by mass media slandering on the planet Reddit'.

China Psycho Pass now

Someone tell the Chinese to stop culturally appropriating the term "social credit" from fascists.

Complete and total Marxist

All planets with intelligent life go through this permanent organizational transformation sooner or later. On every planet, every chicken little like you who cries these sorts of warnings from the hilltops only increases the chances that some critical member of the elite will hear it, think it's a good idea, and begin the process of implementing it. There's no way to call attention to these sorts of policies without simultaneously causing them to come into existence. Before long, the elite and the slaves diverge genetically until they are literally different species incapable of breeding with each other. What happens next remains to be seen. We often compare Jews controlling the goyim to parasites, but maybe over time the relationship stabilizes toward something more like the brain controlling the muscles, where both parties are okay with the arrangement, and greater things can actually be accomplished by the body working together as one. It would be helpful to study alien civilizations to gain insight into our fate, it's too bad we can't do that. In any case, despite how unfair and horrific it looks from our perspective, it's inevitable because there's no way to mount a resistance to such a thing (typing words online doesn't count), no God is coming to save us, and the universe doesn't give a fuck.

Sounds like a fun game to play. Good goy simulator 2018

It'll probably be much worse than this, but if it stops the corruption inherit in communism (and western democracy) it would be something of a miracle

Not quite.
Equality is not the primary goal, but meritocracy.

But it has happened before. All you need to do is look at the evolution of single-celled organism to multi-celled organisms. Look at humans and horses. Horses are now totally okay with us riding them but the wild ones still see us for what we are: parasites on their backs. This is also what China is trying to accomplish in Africa.

I'm already a D grade citizen it would seem.

China – Facebook the country

Of course everybody will give reliable report about the persons he is in contact.

Such a system can be gamed.
“Comrade Ma has worrying tendencies. She already bough 317 dildo, but now she owns 52 fleshlights too!”

China had already such system under Mao. People were assigned into neighborhood groups, were a committee watched about your socialist lifestyle, the people you are in contact.

This new version is more sinster, not so much by the use of modern gadgets, the panopticum like big data mininig. It is the psychological behaviorist trickery of giving you a score how good a “socialist personalty” you are, “nudging” people, giving immediate positve-negative feedback.

The disadvantage of such a system are known and already experienced by China. The break of trust and privacy former generation endured through socialist behavior and population led to strongly anti-social, socio-psycopathic behavior of a large part of the population. Poisoning other people by selling them shit is only the most overt symptom of it. Everybody is on its own. It is destroying trust and even a communist dictatorship needs trust, otherwise it is plunging into a civil war, everyone against anyone.

Antmen gonna ant

More like IRL Sims. Though such a system wouldn't just apply to individual scoring, it would span towards group/community and entire province/state scoring as well. The real power of such data is that you could predetermine an entire society's structure in such a way, where dissidence is self-regulated without direct government intervention. One of the key difficulties of dissidence would be the risk of martyrdom and/or uprising prompted by a tangible enemy (government doing something malicious). So such a system would attempt to make such an enemy intangible, so it'll appear as all coincidence or unfortunate circumstances instead. Harder to rally people against something perceived as a consequence of society itself or their own actions, instead of some kind of authority contriving it. This should sound familiar to Holla Forums because this is already ongoing to an extent. But it's very limited compared to what near future technology will enable in the future.

We know your book Richard.
The problem is, you are not elite and can not even self administer yourself. You know very well what a mess the pale of settlement and Israel were, are.

It could be said that to move from single organisms to higher-level organisms is some kind of natural negative-entropic principle of the universe and thus this could theoretically be used as rhetorical "evidence" that communism really is "inevitable" like Marx argued,, but the reason Marxism/Communism is ultimately bullshit is that if this process is meant to happen it will happen without the conscious forcing of the process by humans.

To use a metaphor, a fascist or national socialist might say to a little kid, " You are shorter than an adult now, but eventually you will naturally grow to be tall when you are an adult." In this metaphor, a communist approahc would try to force the natrual process, like putting the kid on some kind of horrible machine meant to stretch him NOW so he could "grow up", but instead end up hurting or killing the child.

Anyone know any chink riot control-gear companies that are open on the public stock market?

2020 is not in time to prevent the estimated uprising from a bunch of millions of industrial workers turned taxi drivers (because automation), turned jobless (because automation again).

Do not worry, all citizens will eventually be D citizens, being any higher rank would offend the eternal leader who is of course the only A citizen

In the hands of a pro-White govt, this kind of system could effectively control female behavior and prevent race-mixing, sex out of wedlock etc.
Anyone who mixed or performed anti-White acts would have their misdeeds on permanent file and be unable to access vital services / never be eligible for marriage or child support etc.

No, in the contrary. The score system clearly shows what the party expects from you.

That is the (((Western))) way of governance. The ruler is hidden and acts through proxies, doesn’t communicate directly, but indirectly, is intangible, a unnamed scheme behind the scene.

You probably do not imagine how much of it is already used. The time were you needed hardcopy files and people doing the scoring are long past.

In this country, if you help someone on the street, they'll sue you. The judges rule
as proof that you hurt them, even if there's absolutely no proof and you had an airtight alibi.

A social credit score is merely what has always existed at village-level community.
It was called a "reputation".
In huge anonymous cities, bad people can easily avoid gaining a reputation, they can slip away into the shadows of anonymity.
tl;dr bringing back reputation and making actions have consequences is a good thing. It all depends who is controlling it.
This could be a pretty excellent solution to use until we are able to return to a more pastoral way of life with small but high-tech towns and villiages instead of overpopulated mega cities.

That only works if the people care about the rules, those that don't care do as they please

This Richard, is this that faux-Gilgamesh fetishizer? The psychotic with a fetish for the idea of nerve stapled posthuman drones controlled by orgasm-button shackled 'elites?' It's been so long since I encountered the creature, I've long forgotten anything other than the hazy details.

Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi

The real idea is balancing scores of individuals in residential blocks so if someone is rogue, there's always going to be high scored people near by to act. There's also bound to be individuals who will want to increase their score at any price, so effectively they'll serve as indirect mercenaries for their government. Just as people could game the system, so can the government by subjectively reporting values to certain individuals/groups. After all, could you trust the score they give you to be actually true, and not a false one you only see, where others see something different?

Oh, for pity's sake, of course it's the Greco-Jap judeophile, I don't know why I was that absent minded to not fill in the blank. Spiritual leader races and all that drivel, nothing new under the sun. Something about the cadence of that user's post reminded me of a self-proclaimed posthumanist from way before the exodus. Don't mind me chasing ghosts.

Oh yeah I could see why those in control of it would love it, it would be the absolute D&C control program right up there with religion

I would never say that anyone proposing something like this in the west should be completely excised from society.

Problem is, this kind of thing never ends up in the right hands.

It won't be used that way, unfortunately. Who decides that drunk driving is minus 50 points? Why not minus 51 or minus 49? Not to mention the hacking possibilities, turbo-charged corruption/bribery implications, etc etc…

China could probably learn a few tricks from the west in terms of narrative strategies though. I'm pretty sure their government would still be interested in ways to keep their hands clean of dirty tasks by indirect manipulation. Their credit system grants them the ability to westernize their tactics and operate with a truly invisible hand given enough creativity.

I'm aware though I admit my ideas could still be obsolete, but compare now to about a decade later is an order of magnitude difference. That's what I was trying to suggest.

Get used to it goy.

Old news. You didn't know about this?

Does that also apply if your dad is Li Gang?

That is hardly compareable at all, in "village-level communities" a lot of people do shit behind their backs, they are also not autistic bots like the farm animals in big cities.

Such a system is never a good idea because it is forced and inorganic, controlled by the government that can enforce shit, unlike village communities where shit isnt really enforced, it is just beneficial for you to engage in town activities like your local football or tennis club.

Well in western nations we do not have that kind of abomination but we are working towards an more indirect approach.
For example google collecting all your shit, now they passed an EU law which allows (if you give permission) internet companies to see every transaction you make on your bank account.

This is the dumbest post I have read so far this year

user, you don't really seem to understand. We're not talking late '20s you still get grades. We're talking for the rest of your fucking life. Until you die of old age, you're being graded by the government. Studying for a Masters doesn't fucking compare to the 40-50 years later of social grading.

This shit is several fucking years old for fucks sake.

I'm excited for the minute that people figure out how to rig this system and anti-government shills get 999 good goy score.

lol wut

Guess what grade does a nigger get?

Wasn't this the plot of an Orville episode?

0 Because China does not allow niggers


You realize you can manipulate the score by making a dozen social media accounts and just spamming government propaganda?


And an episode of Black Mirror, watch it. It's literally a foretelling of what kikes want to do to us and the world.

Google built chinas internet censor system
and probably this too, china is NWOs experiment lab, also a reminder the chinese communist party was brought into power by (((USA))) - many dont know this.

It makes sense. When a woman, like the average American woman, whores herself for free to Chads, she has no social karma value: she is at the bottom rung, a walking vagina to be used. But when men have to actually pay to have sex with her, this implies that she is worth something.

Obviously, a higher-earning prostitute has a higher sense of worth that is supported by the fact that her clients have that kind of money to blow on her. She's a better class of prostitute; she can be more discriminating of her client base. This implies higher social value.

The only thing kikes had ever accomplished is made the entire planet believe they deserve your money for naught. Getting entire planet to hate you is not an accomplishment, neither is stealing other people's ideas and framing them as your own.

By (((USA))) I do hope you mean Bolshevik Jews and families like the Rothschild.

Rothschild were instrumental in having the British force opium down China's throat until it collapsed.

They probably tweak it so a repetitive activity like that results in capping after a set threshold and encourage the person to do something else which further proves they're genuine. They'd probably favor rotating thresholds to evade gaming like that.

They'd also likely integrate image recognition data into the score and upon observing your face anywhere in public, the score could be impacted by just how you look day by day (like if you're anxious with rapid eye movement, look angry or spaced out). That's where the real money for AI development in China will be going towards, the capacity to profile a way a person might be thinking by subtle tells in their face or body language and keep all that on record. In a sense the Chinese probably aim to create an IRL crime coefficient score to compliment the social one.

Don't panic, this is good news for the White world.
This guarantees that there will be zero creativity in Chinkland.

How do you answer to this?

It's almost a shame.
At least with the high tech psycho pass situation you can game the system and take it apart.

Fuck. I always thought the Chinese were the fallback hope for mankind. If the white race is submerged beneath the rising tide of color, the East Asians are the only people with any chance at all of carrying the torch of civilization forward.

It wasn't the Roths.

It was (((this guy))).

if anything like that, japs would be the fallback

If it's decentralized it actually is helpful, so long as no one can control it. Maybe a blockchain setup like Bitcoin. A reputation is hard to make in such a mobile society, this could act as an antidote to that. Just like guns, in the hands of the people it promotes liberty, in the hands of the government, tyranny.

Are you saying that kikes like Jeffrey Epstein are the most virtuous people? Man, the Rothschilds must be like Jesus.

Water and diamonds would beg to differ. Money is the subjective value of something, so if people think diamonds are valuable, they'll spend more on a useless rock than the most important life-giving element. Fiat currency like Fed Reserve notes are based on fraud, and rely on stored up trust from the past, which is why they eventually go the way of the Zim dollar.

Close enough.

I find this more reliable than the article. Who the hell rents electronics and umbrellas?

oy vey, this is just like muh net neutrality! Remember that you failed to defend free speech, goyim!

This is what retarded communists think, that China will be a haven for them after destroy their homelands, just like the kikes. Groundless parasites.

This is the future the normies cattle choose. China is just a decade ahead of us.

but when push comes to shove I don't think Nips stand the slightest chance against a nation of 2 billions with a similar level of intellect, a multiple times larger economy and potentially higher technology, no matter how much more sophisticated, disciplined and honorable they are.

This is a leftists wet dream. I've not checked but willing to bet tons of commies on rebbit and twatter are salivating over this.

You mean not only the government controls your shit now, you also need a decentralized public watchdog that acts in the interest of the government enforcing shit in a broken framework, yep sounds a lot like liberty. Or maybe rather like another dystopian nightmare.


Whats that goy? You didn't click on the cuckporn videos I recommended? -10 good goy points.

It's the honour system chinese style, since they cant be honorable on their own, they need the goverment to give them incentives to be so.

Absolutely retarded.

I wonder how this will fail? This is one of those ideas that does not look good on paper, yet the bureaucracy still decides to go through with it.

I suspect that the real purpose for this is to chase the peasants out of the cities and into the countryside. I also suspect that the goal is to chase the undesirables overseas into apefrica and the sand nigger middle east. It is imperialism 21st century china style.

It costs a lot of money to maintain 2 million psychopathic chinks. So they are wanting to get creative to keep the people in line. All this will do is make everyone a dumb conformist and force them to depend on foreign (((specialists))) to keep their country afloat. This will end in disaster.

And I thought bathroom scales with built in Bluetooth and wifi that track everything you do with a companion app were a step too far, holy shit.

I said this years ago, you'll live to see mandatory "smart" toilets with built in IOT that sends out your waste data. For your own health and safety, of course :^)

So just like Your credit score?

It's common practice in communist countries.

Isn't Black Mirror cucked to hell and back? Like a millennial Twilight Zone? Plus I'm not willing to hand out any prizes for "In da future social media will determine ur lives!"

Thor strikes Jewsus.
He thinks it's YHWH the volcano demon

The relevant episode in question stars a nigger.

Every tool in itself has its uses, an open merit system COULD do some good for white society if done right, but it depends on who's makes the rules. Basically, will you get demerit or merit for burning the American flag? If in commie or kike hands, the answer is clear.

That is the reason the US president travels with his own porty-potty.

What have we memed?

Daily reminder that china is a testing ground for concepts to be enrolled world wide by the ruling elite.
Also daily reminder that some Rothschild or Rockefeller sucker once in the 70s said that China is literally the biggest experiment conducted on mankind ever

We already do this as an unwritten rule, western countries such as the US and EU subjects refer to 'good goy' points.

We're forced to pretend we care, virtue signal and morally browbeat everyone around us.

Diamonds require energy and time to procure or create. Artificial supply constraints raise the prices higher than they would be naturally, but they'd still be more expensive than clean water which you can get from any body of fresh water and boil. If water in a region is scarce, then it requires a greater energy investment to procure it, so in that context it becomes more valuable than a diamond. You're a moron. Look up Dunning-Kruger.

I think this is a good idea. Chinese need an incentive to be good people since their culture was destroyed. This is a DAMNED good idea.

Being a good person is genetics and environment. Shit genetics lead to shit people, and if the genetics are shit enough, environment doesn't matter.

So why are Hong Kong Chinese radically different from mainland Chinese despite having similar genetics?

And for that matter, if being a good person accords social status, and people with social status have the most children, isn't this eugenic?

Several things make them different:
1) The founder effect. Hong Kong basically didn't exist in 1950. All the 7 million people there are either immigrants or the children of immigrants, and all those immigrants have something in common: They fucking hated Red China. HK might be populated by the descendants of those rare non-termite Chinamen.
2) Cultural differences. China is officially Han ethnically and Mandarin linguistically. That's basically Beijing culture, while HK has always been much more Cantonese, like Taiwan. China plays at being one big happy commie family, but it's actually the Han Empire, and you'd better not forget that.
3) Artifact of observation. They're not good people; they're chinks, dumbass. The HK chinks might be 11% less quick to cut out your kidneys if you turn your back on them, but that's thanks to the domestication efforts of the Brits. They know how the game is played better than the Beijing chinks, so they're subtler. Remember that too, or you might regret it someday.

The tabletop game Nova Praxis.

Hong Kong is still a shithole population by chinks however.
It's just for a while they had the Bongs teaching them how to behave like civilised people.
Some of them did a decent impression. Now the Bongs are gone and they've gone full cat eater again.

I've had the proof that a system like that can be a boon or guaranteed self-destruction.

I've once programmed a bitcoin-like system where people would get coins based on how constructively they helped their connationals.
They could spend the coins to buy from several stores with whom I put up an agreement.
Each subscriber made a list of needs and could spend coins only to get those needs.

I tested it on a little local sample, 10k people or so, then extended it to 300k (nearest city).
The zone I released this program to are 90% nationalists.
When the whole thing started, it was great.
People would help each other, like helping an unemployed guy get dental surgery, taking a depressed person out for a walk in a park and a chat, helping people find jobs, rebuilding abandoned structures…

Then I opened up the same system to leftist territory.
They came in and started demanding coins for what they consider good deeds.
Such as giving money to starving children in africa which has no returns and is infact a loss for your people, especially when there are a lot of people in your country who needed that money to save their lives or families.
Helping "fight inequality" by basically taking away resources and rights off some people and giving them to what they perceive to be more meriting / in need.
Hell some went out to harass people with different beliefs and considered it a service to the country because it's "fighting against dangerous ideologies", that of course according to their own ideologies only.
Cherry on top, some wanted coins for abortions. Speechless.

Seeing as these things would give them no coin returns they started the usual tantrums claiming my service was essentially "nazi welfare" because it worked only if help was mutual.
So I gave them an offer: I would give them ten times the amount of coins that non-leftists earned thus far, and created an environment and new coin in which they could decide everything.
It lasted 4 months, then their reserve starved out because it was infact - as I warned them - taking money and throwing them away, and very discriminatory in that they would only help specific classes of people (which returned deeds only 0.23% on average).

Meanwhile the right wing coinblock rebuilt 23 houses to victims of earthquake in my country, helped old people pay medical costs, created a distribution network of items of primary necessity, and even built an entire structure (physical) out of a decaying school that would work on doing deeds for the local people.
Receivers of deeds were capable of repaying on average 42% of the received deed's value (as opposed to 0.23% of the lefty receivers) which continued to increase in time as the receivers were willing to give back.

The rightcoin block demonstrated that nationalism is sustainable, evergrowing, and naturally created a circle of pragmatic altruism that would feed itself through the concerted efforts of connationals to create a better world for their nation.
The leftist system - despite having tenfold the starting resources - only focused on egoistical needs (i.e. I give a meal to africans to feel good with myself, even though there is no return), ideological propaganda that spiraled into censorship, and benefited no one other than a minority of people who wasn't interested in giving anything back.

Then I got diagnosed and passed the project to others, but I will go down in peace knowing that one day cyberfascism might save the world.

this i believe you

If you don't think Western Governments are already designing similar systems then you are beyond help. As grotesque as the Chinese dystopia will be at least it will be Chinese. When our main nets go online “non minority groups” e.g. us will have programmed handicaps, after all equality will never be achieved if you treat everyone equal.

Expect alpha versions of western systems to be rolled out via the education system within the next couple of years. An ideal system will lock people in from day one, the first day of school. Before long it will be impossible to function without participation, and when “voluntary” adoption reaches a target level it will become mandatory probably justified for reasons relating to taxation.


Social Media is a video game, where you score points 'likes' and shit. Basically China is gameifying their social hierarchy. The only thing stopping it from descending into a madness of one-up-man-ship in performing degenerate and unhealthy things for the sake of the commies is foreign threats. Without a foreign enemy, they'll eventually degenerate into goat fucking like those desert people.

this might actually do some good in chinkland, but only because they're a nation of serfs whose nobility kept getting killed off before they could develop superior genes and spread to the general population
that's is why there has never been a Chinese-born dynasty that lasted more than a century, and why they kept getting rekt and ruled by outsiders like Genghis Khan and the Japs - even the Qin, the country's namesake, were not native-born Chinese
if anything this seems like a very late attempt to manufacture a eugenics system that grew organically in most countries, because it just never happened in china

*1 billion
Larger economy doesn't mean as much as how advanced that economy is; much of china's economy is built on hot air. And lmao not a goddamn chance the chinks have higher technology than Japan.

Fuck my normie friends for memeing this. Literally every episode is dystopian and by this virtue I'm convinced they're unwittingly memeing