Rh Negative

Do you have RH-ve blood? Famous people with this unknown blood:

- Almost the entire British Royal Family
- Ramases II
- Most US presidents/candidates since WW2 including Obama, Bush, Hilary, McCain and Trump
- De Caprio, Depp, Eastwood, McCartney, Ringo Starr, Chan, Monroe
- Hitler
- Mandela
- Newton
- Vlad Dracula
- Aurthur Conan Doyle
- Cleopatra


fuck off youtube scholastic

Bow down to your master, Hitler, the RH NEG

mfw rh- and last name translates to mule.

Tfw got dad's Rh+ blood instead of mom's Rh- blood and don't get to be a part of the secret club.

You're still a carrier… so elite nonetheless

tfw o-


I'd wager that Rh Negs and carriers of this elite blood are grossly over-represented on this site

Nigga I don't even know my bloody blood type.
How do you even find that shit out?


Wish there was some quick way like in the thing. Just expose the blood to fire and if it bubbles you are rh+

Are you a targeted individual? Are you interested in alien abductions? Do you have a high IQ? Are you hard to manipulate/immune to negging?

Chances are, you're Rh Negative

Ayy, im O-neg as well

Ask your doctor. It may already be in your medical history, and if not, they can just draw some blood for a test.

what about home test kits?

I just knew this site was full of higher beings like us…

Chances are we're not even from Earth!! We're a mixture of humans and some unknown species



You can buy home test kits online. You put a drop of blood in each of the circles on the card (one is a control) and based on what your blood does (coagulates into dots, stays liquid) you can deduce what type it is based on what state the circles are in.

I'm AB-, the rarest type. Please send me your energy and I will return it one thousand fold. If your blood contains RH factor, do not respond. Your energy is negative and it is likely you don't even have a soul.

They exist and they're pretty cheap. No idea how accurate they are though. Might be worth seeing if you can buy one from a proper pharmacy before ordering a random one online.

I'd personally prefer to have it done by a lab just for the assurance that it was accurate. But it couldn't hurt to give the home test kit a shot if you don't want to go through your doctor for whatever reason.

It's super easy to find out. First ask your doctor, it might already be in your records. Then ask if you can get it checked. I did it when I was getting blood drawn for a routine check, so it wasn't a big deal. You have been keeping up with your recommended doctor and dentist appointments, right?


(Thanks for the tip Satan)

Both checked obviously, I need to do this. I keep meaning to figure out what type I am, but my father is O- I believe.
So /fingerscrossed

Your driver's license might show it

Fucking niggers, it isnt about having rh-, its about not having rhesus monkey protein in your blood like neanderthals did, skin color is just an adaptation, ask austalians.

i'm a-

O-neg here. I'm sure you're right.

O+, I'm not a special rare blood type.

There is absolutely nothing unknown about Rh- blood OP. It's literally elementary school science class material.
Whether there is some higher meaning to it or not I'll go ahead and let you make your case for.

data mining thread
why do the mods allow this?

I'm all those things but I think I have O blood. Not sure if positive or negative.

The government already knows our blood types so who would bother to datamine us like this?

What a surprise.

I have an RH- blood type but i'm not gonna say which one because dataminers can slurp my nuts

This is an accurate statement. A-