People who join the military are poor white trash who are uneducated, low IQ retards

people who join the military are poor white trash who are uneducated, low IQ retards.

prove me wrong, Holla Forums

t. Henry Kissinger
"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy."

and yet they defend you…


Nah. Go suck cocks somewhere else.

I'm not a jew.


bullshit. They are fighting for ISRAEL and for oil corporations, NOT for freedom.

fuck you white trash


there you go. Less than 10% of military guys even have a college degree

kill yourselves you zionist defenders

clearly you haven't been near a military base this century

No you're right, now fuck off.

So, if they join the military without go through any zog controlled re-education camp, they're stupid kike defenders? But if they do attain (((higher learning))) they are mind-controlled kike debt slaves?

The most intelligent people I've met are mostly self-taught, people who learn because they crave knowledge. And last time I checked, they pretty much banned knowledge that wasn't kike approved decades ago. SO….. I'd sooner want to know men who at least know how to get the job done when shit hits the fan, than to join forces with a group of (((educated))) men who only know how to demand the government take care of all their problems for them by marching in (((protests))) wearing pink pussy hats.

Why would anyone put stock in a fucking collage degree? That's like putting stock into tape worms making you skinny.

Still miles above kikes, though.


Minimum IQ: 85
This eliminates 50% of blacks and 33% of Mexicans from qualification.
Now fuck off shill.

Most white military guys I've met are conservative. Which means they're extremely gullible, think party politics can rescue this country, entertain vague notions about "muh freedumb, muh demokrashee", have a similarly vague idea of what America should look like (it resembles the 1950's, but with more consumerism, lifted trucks and profanity) but have no clue how to get there, and are led by the nose into whatever foreign war ZOG has cooked up for them.

In short, they're utter faggots, and are as useless to the white race, as they are unbelievably boring to talk to.

You're not completely wrong. Vid related is your average white infantryman and the culture he contributes. But it's the educated, intelligent ones, the West Pointers you need to be worried about.

yes true. These guys are cuckservatives, retards who support israel and jews and believe in some 1950s bullshit

we need intelligent men like MGTOWs who will lead us to freedom thru technology

You're right that college degrees don't "make you smart." They only prove you're smart enough to jump through the hoops needed to get one, which isn't much for most degrees. You also can't become skilled in a profession just by getting a degree. You have to do solid independent studying for that. 2-year and 4-year degrees just show that you can follow simple instructions.


Joining the military because your forefathers served in the military is about as dumb as building a ship in the desert, because your forefathers were sailors. Times have changed. It's time to move on.

perfectly placed ad. I'm ordering coffee right now from these glorious bastards.

majority of military is now niggers and spicks and women

and white trash men

who the hell would join the military?

niggers, spics, and as you keep saying the dregs of the white race.
i don't get the point of this thread tbh, what could have gave you the impression Holla Forums was pro-zogbot?

is it just because you think saying "white trash" will piss us off because of that clip of trump getting pissed off at someone for saying it? we don't defend genetic refuse here either, simply being white doesn't give you a pass to be a non-functional cocksucker. How many fags are white again? You think we're going to support some ass-pirate just because he's a member of our race?

We're National Socialists not La Raza: whitey edition

I bet he doesn't even drink coffee

I mean if there's a chance of blowing something up, why not.
Maybe the bigger question is, why is everyone else scared?
What's wrong with shooting and killing.

You're doing it for israel.

GAS TE JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this post made me want to cut myself a piece of cake


Uneducated = only went to high school, missed out on the real clown world (((teaching))) and indoctrination in the modern fuckfest that is college.

Poor = rural. Has great connections with all his family and still lives thousands of times better than the poor of other nations. Rolls coal all over your gookshit hybrid in his F150.

Low IQ = likely average intelligence. Being a "low IQ" white is still pretty smart by most other racial groups. Smart enough not to fall for le epic education maymay.

These guys spend their time shooting guns in the woods with their friends, avoiding the Jewfest of college, marrying cute rural unpozzed girls. The ideal and true Holla Forums mindset, give or take.

You post on Holla Forums, likely went to college for some Jewdebt, tfw when no gf, and cowardly insult better men from behind a veil of anonymity.

Really makes you think.

In an apparent Russian disinfo campaign, an anonymous poster on the message board "uk pol," claiming to be "From America," said he recently purchased from Walmart, "the ASDA of America", a bottle of Spanish olive oil. America is not in the European Union. This Internet rumour is: FALSE

maybe in the american military, but when i was in the military i met a lot of smart people.

crap wrong thread

Spotted the shill

Jesus Christ, I posted that video as example of the shameless retardation that zogbots use to delude themselves with…and you're inspired by it? Please gtfo of this board.

i literally got an erection with the blind random fire into the woods. god bless America

what kind of fucking loser joins the military?

The military is great if you want to quickly pop out a kid and have a stable place to stay and get most medical treatment and hospitalization free. Get some weapons training while you're at it. Fuck it and be a POG, stay safe. Whites who "can't afford" to start a family should do this. No excuses.

A thread died for this shitty slide D&C post. We already know your average military member in the western world is a Zogbot.

Wow it's almost as if this place is being flooded by double digit IQ cuckchanners

hunters are pro-environment

if you are too poor to start a family, you shouldn't have children you irresponsible piece of shit.

Thanks for proving my point that only poor losers join the military

true. human hunters are the apex predators required to balance nature by regulating the lesser predators. without them disease and starvation would become the natural regulator of the animal world

Never stopped a nigger, pajeet, or shitskin. Funny thing about starting a family. Even if you have nothing at the start, seeing the need by looking at those you love going without, you find a way. And it doesn't take long for a white man to get what he needs to prevent his family from going without. That's the real driving force of a man. To protect and provide. Until you have a reason you will always make excuses, or just let it slide because there's no real need at the moment. Gain a family and find true motivation, white man.

Guys, can you at least stop bumping the thread? This bait thread shouldn't be topping the catalog.

Dubs of truth bringing words of truth.



No, a tiny minority of them are. Most are fucking retards who just want to shoot anything they can. They routinely shoot people's dogs, and even people who are out walking. The idiots out here brag about how many deer they kill. They don't eat them, they just let them rot in my fucking field despite my posted no trespassing and no hunting/trapping signs. Get the romantic ideal out of your head, decent hunters are a tiny minority.

Nobody has a different opinion than yours. Militaries are idiots that are puppets of Israel and in the next big scale war, they will all die for Israel rather than for their own people. Fuck them


By the time my contract's done I'll have saved up enough, paid all debts, have the GI bill, a new degree, a family, and technical skills that transition to the civilian world to jobs that easily pay $40+ an hour. I had a degree before joining, worked and just "got by" but we wanted something better. So here it is. A few years spent as a stepping stone in order to get a head in life. Or would you rather I stayed in my tiny shit apartment, little prospects, not having white kids with my wife?

Most of them don't know what or who they're really fighting for, not everyone comes to understand that the holocaust is a racket used to drum up support for Israel.
That is irrelevant though, considiring you're just some kike that wanted to make a slide thread on Holla Forums where you could post "white trash" over and over.

Former USMC sniper platoon member here.

Pic related. Tallest guy in the back carrying prc 150 radio with antenna sticking out of pack is me.
Non infantry units are full of degenerates and women. Infantry units are proud strong and white.


the difference between whites and niggers is that white people have enough dignity not to burden the tax payers with raising their children.

GAS THE JEWS and then remove the non-whites. No need for poor white trash to have welfare kids

why all the hate for people fighting for your freedom? OP '' DID the jar head steal your girl did the military not let you join because you are fat are you a super soy boy who who can't lift are you mad at the world ?



you mean fighting for ISRAEL and the oil corporations, right?



I'd say in the current era people who join the military that don't have familial tradition of 5 generations of marines or some shit then they have to be crazy to go fight for ZOG. Usually 18 year olds who have no clue what they are going to do with their life.

wanna know how i know?

Yes, so what? Would you rather the smart people risk their lives? Everyone contributes in their own way.

Observe as the low IQ mongrel attempts to defend his mud brothers in redditese.


that's the point, dumb white trash "conservatives" who are CUCKS for israel and republicans, think it's noble to join the military.

Intelligent conservatives and all liberals know that israel is evil and the military is just a tool of israel

West Pointer checking in. Yes my classmates were zogbot goons for the most part who married libcollegethots and produced < 2 children. However a non trivial number of us are getting pretty damn awake to race and jews.

What you gonna do, vote even harder for Republikikes next time?

I'm going to raise a large white family, teach my children to prepare for the coming war, build generational wealth that's heavily invested in land. Probably fund my childrens' self sufficiency by buying them capital equipment for their own businesses instead of wasting it on college.

And if the time comes within my lifetime I will be putting everything I learned to use to bring hell down on our enemies.

So how assblasted did it make you when your girlfriend left you for a marine, OP?

Best point in the thread. Enlisting was the best way for me to start building a career and learn how to be competent employee while avoiding the most destructive, toxic environments to young white men: (((institutions of higher learning))).

top fucking kek

sage for shit thread