Why do people actually back centrist elements because they pay minor lip service...

Why do people actually back centrist elements because they pay minor lip service? Is it influence from Americucks who are so brainwashed by thier monoparty system they think a sell out like Sanders or Stein are the second coming of Marx?

Why do brits do the same with Miliband and Corbyn?

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The only people who think that about Sanders and Stein in America are conservatives who think anything left center is outright communism. There are people to this day who are still convinced Barack Obama is an Islamic, communist, atheist, jew, Ethiopian Manchurian candidate.

The majority of people who were pro-Bernie as someone who actually went to rally's of his were people who thought he was their best chance in the short term. There were a few who thought "he is the absolute best evarrrrrrrrrrr" but they were rare in my experience. In fact the first rally of his I went to was put together by local occupy wall street people and an anarchist workshop. Jimmy Dore went.

I'm not talking to you americuck

Don't be hatin.

Because you have to work with what you got.

I know you think your group of genderqueer pansexual multicultural college students is going to lead the revolution but the rest of us have to be realistic.

Every year, even your shitty irrelevant third parties are centrist and yet you think you have a right to butt in on affairs like you aren't first world bourgeois because you read half of Mars Red Book and a wiki quote of Marx.

I'm so fucking tired of American 'socialists' Who are either COINTEL or just naturally beaten down because socialism is impossible in thier shit stain pigsty

It's ok Jason calm down.

Just try and get in on that dank entryism. Even if a political movement doesn't seem inclined to anything beyond social democracy, you can still push constantly for real reform - as quickly as possible - and aim for the weak points of capitalism's precarious system.

We only have to kick in the door, and the whole rotten structure will come tumbling down.

Entryism? What is what you bootlicking idiots think is revolution?

who is that semen demon

Well, if you can think of a better program, please go ahead.

Hurr but the pigs who made the system will totally let you democratically destroy it. Fucking pussies have more guns than most militaries but refuse to use them

fucking do it

do it right now

or go to Alabama and show them the shining light of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and use all those guns they have

right now

Last revolution they tried in my country got gunned down by the military, dipshit.

Most are poor and retarded why can't you convince them to revolt?

Why doesn't every country revolt and overthrow the capitalist system? This isn't something exclusive to the US. Worry about your own shitholes problems.


That were funded and propped up by your military and govt. you pig.


Maybe they would've won if you tried harder.

Taking down your government would at least allow other more capable of revolution countries to actually successfully revolt, but you won't because you are comfortable.

Get fucked COINTEL

Not an argument.

You're just an even more insufferable version of an armchair revolutionary.

Get fucked dumbass.

Why bother, if you couldn't even take yours? We've got a fucklot more to deal with here than you probably do. The fucking Vietnamese managed it, you lazy cunts.

You can't kill the beast by trimming its nails

If there's gonna be socialism in the world the United States can't be capitalist

Third world socialists are as bad as first world anarchists. You have this great ideal society but you seem to be ignoring the elephant in the room that will keep your idea from having any success.

It would not be trimming the nails but defanging it

Because if you create instability other countries will have more breadth to revolt. Why the fuck are you here if you don't know basic revolutionary theory?

You're the one who doesn't know basic revolutionary theory, you fucking windbag. What do you mean by "create instability?" Give me a program. Commit suicide by cop starting my popular uprising of maybe 10? Throw a molotov under a police car? I'm waiting for ideas, but you're just whining in Maospeak and offering no coherent criticism.

Take out substations, sabatoge gas lines, mail bombs to leaders.

Oh, yeah, that'll fucking get the government down. What are you, 12? Do you know how little popular support for radicalism there is here? Do you have the slightest clue how the US, the most overwhelming political-military-economic hegemony on the history of Earth, operates? Do you really fucking believe that mailing bombs to anyone is going to help leftism, rather than just make the rightists stronger?

Give me a fucking break. Pic very much related.

Because Red Baiting destroyed actual socialist and communist movements. This is all that's left

Well to be fair communist revolutionaries killing everyone that looked at them funny once they gained power tends to make most people a bit leery of self-proclaimed revolutionaries.

Thanks for correcting the record

Nice b8, 4pol.

Because centrist elements, at least in the US, have a higher chance of enabling people to not die from lack of health insurance, food stamps, and so on.

I'm a fucking Trot mate. The lowest of the low. If I was just pretending to be leftist, would I really choose -this-?

Anyway, no, the idea is to overwhelm porky with rapidly-ascending demands, to the point where they become impossible to fulfil and thereby hit the weak point of capitalism. Nothing about asking porky nicely. Which you'd know, if you knew anything about entryist theory.

Yes, that is pretty much exactly what a pig would do, actually

Jesus Christ, you're fucking insane. Stay in Malawi or wherever the fuck you are.

Corbyn is the real deal.

People are afraid of extemists, therefore centrist ideology proceeds.

The true path involves having extremes on both ends. Both flexibility and pragmatism.


Wow, I learned something tonight.

The Brits are behind on every financial metric except cost of living. Is this a recent development? What happened Brit-bros?


Can't yall just fuck with those LIBOR rates til your're rich again?

The whole point is to move the Overton Window so that our politics comes into the fore.

Doesnt work when the working class voted soundly for the orange racist who moved the Overton window far right.

The only place where socialism can ever start is in the "first world." Read fucking Marx you Maoist fuck.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws

Simply ignore it, just look at the reviews from google: google.se/search?q=Waldorf-Frommer&oq=Waldorf-Frommer&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x479ddf56b792fc9b:0x4bddee9e577652f2,1,

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
hey thats pretty smart lol

Oh yeah! Ass eating and bun cuddles for days! Thank you!!!!

So the robots in GITS have emotion?

They are all whores and golddiggers.

Sweet Jesus sauce

Hey it's Hidamari-sou

No. Jews are as big about complaining about white supremacy as blacks are. Even when they have a billion trillion ZOG Occupied Governmentshekels they will complain that some vast white-wing conspiracy is keeping them down.


Ghetto ones are very loud, rude, violent, and act on impulse while slurring English. Some act just like regular white Americans depending on how and where they are raised. Some are even in a gray area between these two extremes. It's mostly on a person to person basis

A thousand times THIS! It's part of why I withdrew my registry from the Democratic party last year. It's all tuned to shit. I'm not even white.

t. Adolph Cuckdorf

you're proving his point
I'm so sorry your parents doomed you to this

Wut dog? I guess you could call dealing with inbred racists a downside but I certainly wouldn't call it 'doom'.

Christ, Jews will do anything for fucking shekels

T. When your family tree doesn't branch.

Great data mining thread, OP.

posting what I wrote in response to a similar thread that died:

can a story be true without being factual? the way I've been thinking about this lately is The Boy Who Cried Wolf. that's a story that's as true as it gets, without even needing to have ever happened.

for me, the idea of demanding some proof for God's existence before I acknowledge there is some sort of essential truth within certain religious stories is like demanding proof for the existence of that wolf before accepting its validity as a story: it represents such a profound misunderstanding of the way we extract meaning from stories that it seems like deliberate obtuseness - intentionally trying to miss the point just to pretend that there isn't a limit to "crying wolf"

that or just being so damnably literal-minded that you can't possibly accept any truth in any story without believing it literally happened just the way it was laid out: that it was all historically true, and yes there was a real wolf, and yes it happened in X village and so on.

some of us will never be able to fully inhabit Christianity the way we once did. but I'm reading the Bible more than I've ever done, and I'm seeing it with new eyes.

Anonymity is an illusion.

We can never be friends, Paki tea trinking Queen ass kissing bank loving "engineering is stupid" island monk… wait, I don't want to be mean… dwellers.

all respect gained


The Australian spaghetti meet in 2017.

Fuck actual racists.

How come people started talking about the Jews out of nowhere?

Stormfront told them to.

Fuck Stormfront.


I told you. I warned you.


lol, shiggy


You ctr niggers are still on payroll?

Noam Cucksky

fuck off man, srsly?

Buying his shit. FFS



A legend

Speaking in a serious manner, you are exactly right.

My Jewdar is going off.

But yeah, he's the Canadian professor who doesn't want to use special tranny pronouns. Old news.

or maybe the gas chambers

Yes they should


Haha fuck no.
I just want more memes

Fuck off we're full

Well no, because atheism breeds fun. It's literally a sickness that currently plagues western civilization.

Who do you think is advocating feminism, LGBT, racial equality etc? Atheists.

Nation of the Apocalypse
Middle East

Are your mainstream media mostly leftist SJW cucks?

The main problem is muslims. They are programmed to think the west is evil, so they refuse to assimilate. At least that's my opinion. I know a lot of muslims in my neighborhood and most of them are pretty nice. The worst ones are the arabs. Loud, smelly, and really fucking stupid.

You're the fucking invader, nigger. Well, technically I am too since I consider myself under the rather contradictory term of "nationalist libertarian," though despite this the fucking board has been like this since /new/.

Speaking of /new/, you really should go back with the big goys in plebbit you fucking autistic faggot

Nice tits tbh

Fuck and deport
Double win

That's a high level neckbeard.


don't ever talk to me or my manhood ever again

wtf I love Canada now!

nigger i actually fell for it and sited an article here as a source

I fell asleep too.

Even took an extra upper to stay awake

Instead I left CNN (which was surprisingly unbiased that night) on and passed out on the couch only to have my dog spill my drink on my computer and wreck it (still doesn't work to this day).

Likely would've put her down if Trump would've lost

could you elaborate?

I swear we won the popular vote. fucking illegal voting

Fuck you, cuck.

This is correct.

You had your chance.

There's a reason he doesn't name anyone but obvious Jews that literally kids know about.


Actually now that you mention it fluoride being put in our water to force retards who don't floss to have better dental hygene is pretty analogous to how doctors cut our dicks so retards who don't wash themselves don't end up with diseases. Really it's all just a bullshit excuse to sell something, and harms smarter people at the expense of helping stupider people.

money can buy all that.

This is why you study the classics and have a traditional education.