Louisiana school bars student who said math symbol looks like gun

The square of the hyper-reaction is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two of my sides, which are in orbit


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yeah best way to make sure a kid doesn't shoot up your school is to frivolously expell him.

watch all the Democrats and Rino's calling for restricting access of firearms to those who exhibit risk factors. if they were in charge, this kid would never touch a fun again.

this, and all those kids exhibiting risk factors will be white kids being bullied, not the negro thugs bullying him. And the niggers will never exhibit risk factors even after 15 violent incidents, because otherwise the precious nigglet will go into the "school to prison pipeline." School's are shot up because murdering white kids is OK.

Basically: >>11301965(You)


zero looks like the button that launches a thousand nuclear warheads, and that could kill way more people than a gun.

dead teachers can't push marxist ideas and dead judges can't enforce marxist ideas

Come to think of it, a seven looks like a gun too.


an "L" looks like a gun

This is why many parents are pulling their children out of public school and homeschool them. The public school is completely untrustworthy and a total wate of the taxpayer's money.


I hate this country. Nuke it. Make Yellowstone erupt. I don't give a fuck. America is the worst country to ever exist.

Don't forget a horizontal "L". Better get rid of language, too.



The stupid makes me want to punch babies until the consistency of skittles is achieved.

Fuck it, everyone is to be forced into straight jackets and padded rooms for 8 hours a day while being projected gay porno and having marshmallows stuffed in all their orifices, safe enough of a space yet?

I'm going to bet that administrator got kicked to the curb shortly after opening their fat fucking faces. They caught so much shit for that on a state and international level, especially considering it's not a particularly urban part of Nebraska and the school board backpedaled hard the whole way. The only places you're generally going to find people that retarded about guns in that state is in the dead center of Omaha and maybe Lincoln.

Well in all fairness it is the RADICAL SIGN

Please stop using the letter "F", it's even worse than "L", it has a trigger.

No. Not ever. But ZOG is an abominaton.

Biblical level insanity, how can anyone have any respect left for any of it? We must build a new society, this one is toast.

What sort of resources are available for homeschooling? I can imagine that most parents are not experts in every field, but probably knowledgeable in something. Do parents often congregate for teaching or is it usually done within a family?

Also, if you hire someone (e.g. retired professional) to give a lesson to homeschooled children, do regulators still consider it homeschooling? I can imagine there's a wealth of talent and life experience just laying there. It used to be that the elderly generations could teach the younger while the young adults would fight/hunt/gather etc.

Is this real life? To think kids back in my day played mumbletypeg.

So this is the shitpost thread? Anyone see the new episode of Homefront featuring the hacker known as 4chan.jpg ?

She looks like she eats A LOT of tater tots
DK, are you a fed?

Also 4channers now refer to each other as "redpills"

yes i like when (((producers))) feature the (((final boss of the internet))) in their shows

He could fairly easily sue for this and win, couldn't he?

Does she actually show her tits?

that hacker failed so hard.

for like 2 seconds I think.

That "F" looks a lot like a Mauser C96. Not only is it a gun, it is a nazi gun. Won't somebody please think of the 8 million!

Fucking newfags.


hey, that gives me an idea…can we get the expression "trigger warning" banned?

Nice, they're pioneering newspeak. Anyone saying ungood words is sent to reeducation.


and inducing irrational fear at the same time!


I feel like there was some Glower involvement and this is their self-insert power fantasy donut steal.

Hmm. If there were only some way we could deal with this.

How could you sit on a chair without all the legs being within one of the circles on the carpet? I can't be the only one upset about this image.

Shut the public school down and privatise them.

I was thinking about removing the government.

You would have product placements and ads in textbooks then.

No the parents will have to pay. I don't want the ads to support the private schools. Make the student work 2 days during the school days so the school earn the shekels.


It will keep the niggers and spics because they are too lazy to work very hard. Am I correct?

Nah, spics actually work pretty hard from what I have seen. The problem is they breed like rabbits so no matter how hard they work they always need gibs from the government.

You are because autism.

She is a child so proably she didn't have a clue about the proper sit posture. You are a funny austistic guy.

Reduce the government to the military, the police and court only. That will save trillions dollars but hey that won't happen.

How are these unchecked? Not anymore! Noticed from the future

I'm all for a smaller government, but unfortunately small government only works within a racially homogenous society. Post-racewar it might be possible depending on how the events unfold.

The second civil war is coming soon so it's likely USA will be balkanised. The yank politic is super polarised to the point that it's impossible to mend the damages they had done to the USA. Everyone will need to save the educational informations in the portable external hard drive so that way it won't affect the children during the post racewar. Physical schools will not be useful anymore during the post racewar.

I'm an AnCap and I support this message.

Expell all alt right white male virgins?

This. They want to keep guns out of white hands, and soon enough they'll be openly calling for banning white people from owning guns, then calling for banning white people. All the bullshit we deal with today is just a taste of the trouble ahead

a better idea.
let's ban all male students.


Ah I see the parents are teaching their children about the Old Star Wars Cannon instead of the nu-Lore.

Stayed there once. Henry Fonda was born there. IIRC they had a "downtown" consisting of one historical building and lots of wide like open spaces. Nice place, would like to take the waifu there one day.

t. leaf

That sounds believable

I believe it is as you said. There are homeschooling associations that can pool resources to hire teachers to oversee areas and fill in gaps. I expect they'll be banned as soon as more and more white parents pull their kids out of the public school.

Bang bang you're dead, 50 square roots in your head.

Ban assault arithmetic.

Don't you dare find the square root of 6,000,000, bad goy.

Getting rid of the sqrt symbol is a good thing funny enough, just doing (n)^.5 was always a more useful/helpful way of representing it

Could be, since most of (((their))) agents are of the Netflix variety creating a, "What not to do when meeting 4chan for the first time", could be helpful. They did get it right, in that once you have full control of a woman's computer, she'll do anything to get a piece of it back. You can even build a sort of Stockholm Syndrome with her where you'll only allow her to check her email if she gives you another taste, she'll even start to enjoy as you've become a father figure to her.



shitskins can't into basic math

Keep an eye out for more kikes trying to co-op the simple B&W IOTBW theme in their thistty reddit OPs.

Wouldn't that give them the skills and money though? The school would keep the 50% shekels while the students keep the 50% shekels. The schools will have to complete against other schools because the passionate parents will only choose the best quality schools.