Mfw banned from /r/socialism for ablest language


Welcome home.

You deserve it for being _stupid_

please don't use ableist language faggot


basically this picture



But israel is shite

Someone nearly got the ban hammer a day or so ago because he didn't agree with Rated PG Parental Guidances, and then pressed on by saying that attitude wouldn't defeat capitalism.

The mods on r/socialism are some of the most petty, power tripping SJW imaginable.
You can shit on socialism all you want, have mercy upon but if you don't use the right pronouns or use "crazy" in your post.

who here waiting for liberal SJWs to eat each other alive?



fucking kek that pic


The only bearable left-wing subplebbits are those where leftcoms shit on other left-wingers
If you use other other """""left-wing""""" circlejerks, you're a waste of oxygen.

Y'know what I'd love to do? I'd love to do a study of people who identify with "they" pronouns. See how many people say it at 20, and then how many at 30.

reddit seems to be self-destructing, and I'm happy about that, even though I've never used it.

It's mostly a special snowflake act. I'm willing to bet over 80% of the mods on r/socialism are pale cushioned upper-middle class guys living on their parents dime or college bucks.

Shit like this is what killed the occupy movement.

banned from pol for saying "the left won in austria"

8ch mods are neogaf mods

Frankly I think the subreddits are probably controlled by COINTELPRO or right-wing trolls trying to halt any open left-wing discussion on a major social media platform.

I just think that tumblr and reddit share a lot of users


Yeah, a lot of counter-revolutionary agents and their autistic petite-bourgeois teenage dupes.

NIGGERS! Hahaha!

all of Holla Forums is COINTELPRO

I'd say about at least 20% of them are, and that 20% is the dominating force.



actually reactionary

The firing squad is too quick for them.

damn… why haven't i thought of that before? if i wasn't banned from r/socialism i would go there right now and make a thread about it.

don't use homphobic language, nigger

"Anti-ableism" is incredibly insulting.

Like yeah maybe mental illness shouldn't be stigmatized but fuck you depression and anxiety isn't something I want fucking celebrated I fucking hate it.

you probably fucking deserved it you brocialist

actually reactionary

But Holla Forums is a leftwing circlejerk

subs like /r/fullcommunism most likely are not, but /r/socialism cannot be genuine, the name itself should be a giveaway that it's going to be used as a massive shilling platform. /r/socialism is strategic, since it's the first thing people will find when googling "reddit socialism". That COINTELPRO or one of its European equivalents isn't behind the moderation team of /r/socialism is basically impossible.

don't use racist language, kike

what did they mean by this?

just means that's the logical conclusion of anarchism

"faggot" is ableist, you bigot, it's not homosexuals' fault that they're retarded

don't use antisemitic language, slut

trips of truth

Stupid is synonymous with inequality. They were right to ban you. Also you have excited an racial preference which I fined excellent.

this board already offers enough of retarded shit for one day

glab glab glab x-DDD 10/100 :-DDD

Nope, too many anonymous people.

don't slut-shame, cunt.


So the collective identity becomes the individual identity. Still a circlejerk.

Individual personalities are an constructed created by a patriarchal society. Once you have forced a human through your vagina you realise an individual an illusion.

r/socialism is good for news

wow fucking racist

pure spectacle, public emotion management at best

Race isn't real. You failed my test.

racism is real you fucking cumslut

Race isn't real, read some actual anthropology.

Wait, shit, I misread that. Never mind.


race isn't real, but prejudice on the basis of race is real, just like god isn't real but sectarian conflict on the basis of theological differences is

fucking isn't real, read some actual lacan

then can i fuck you?

Prove it. Also slut is derogatory to people with international gentiles.


if you seduce me bb

I hate auto correct.

"slut" is not derogatory, you're slut-shaming, you dirty hooker


I assume what you meant to write was "international genitals"

Hookers are victims of the capitalistic male society. Check your muh privilege.

on r/anarchism they most certainly are

that is utter cancer

I meant "Internal goyim".

wow, nice cultural imperialism. i was talking about a galway hooker, a type of irish sea vessel. you need some cultural sensitivity training, you nazi.

Still a victim of capitalistic male society, you fucking degenerate. Why should the fruits of the ship's labour go to its - human - passengers?

that's because you're disabled. the person who won in austria isn't a leftist

I wish I wasn't prejudiced towards non-living entities

wow, you got me there. fuck the proletariat. liberate the means of production.

Even to classify beings as "living" and "non-living" perpetuates the hierarchy of oppression.

Stop having those thoughts.

existist! non-existent things deserve their share too


i identify as a non-existent entity and i have to say i am deeply troubled by all the people i encounter in my daily life who respond to me as if i exist



you're no better than them, leftypol

thanks for correcting the record

aren't you self-triggering yourself by being here though?

Right-wing trolls are a spook.

thanks for correcting the record

uhh, hello? i'm non-existent, i can't be anywhere

you mean to say they're all puppet accounts of some black dude?

stop triggering yourself

The logical conclusion of moderators

What? Why? Link?

No, then I would say that Right-wing trolls were a spook's.

Several of them are extremely mentally unwell. I don't mean a little unbalanced, because we should be caring to comrades who have mental illness, I mean they full on use anarchism as a way of acting out their mental disorders to the detriment of any activist group they touch.

Also pretty sure one of them is a cop, they have a lot of money to travel around doing nothing but demanding in person that comrades in other countries throw molotovs at police.

That pic could basically say "Trying to discuss anything on /r/eddit"

Has Zizek been completely banned yet?

Why do Americans think the world revolves around them?

/r/anarchism and /r/shitliberalssay are straight-up evil IMO

I remember someone created another sub with more freedom of spech (/r/AnarchismOnline) and the mods of /r/anarchism accused him of being a paedophile. It was actually fucking disgusting and pathetic

But yeah, /r/leftwithoutedge is where you want to go

/r/leftwithoutedge is the only hope for the whole cesspool.

I used to go on the "leftist" subs a lot, and quickly found that wow, even though le spooky "chan culture" is so edgy etc etc, there's actually some fucking concern for theory and practice here, rather than circlejerking. Maybe Zizek is right about stereotypes.

Leftypol is literally the only leftist board on the internet that isnt run by uptight idpol'ers.

Yeah, there is shitposting, but that is the sacrifice one must make to create danke maymays.

I have been thinking about the image board in general as a concept, the idea of anonymity, its the perfect reaction to identity politics, we have no identity here, there is no male or female, black or white, just the human id, the human shadow.
And there is a freedom in that, a freedom to say things that wouldn't be said in real life.

oh my gosh is that real
that's adorable

Eh I'm a fan the use of singular they being accepted since it's useful to have "Gender-Neutral, Individual, Living." pronoun. (Well, we already have one - it's "they" - and it's used by lots of good writers, it's just that dickhead English teachers like to yell at kids for using it and kids like to grow into adults who yell at other adults for using it.)

They is a valid pronoun (though snowflakey if you specifically ask for it.), it's shit like "Xe/Xi/Xo/Xum/XiSmellTheBloodOfAnEnglishman" that's true bullshit.

Problem is, in a lot of English dialects, including mine, singular "they" is perfectly grammatical - only if the referent is indefinite. You can't have a person that you know *as a person* being referred to as "they" (grammatically, not ideologically). So a sentence like "tell every capitalist that THEY need to die" is fine, grammatical, but "tell Sam that THEY need to die" sounds very weird if "they" refers to Sam.

I think a lot of people will get this, I've encountered the problem a lot in my super-idpol uni, both with my speech and that of others.

Also, philosophically "they" seems a little weird - it's inherently opposed to the sets "he" and "she", but is specifically a non-set with regard to gender? As a result it becomes more of a political statement than any description of "gender" in common usage. I shouldn't really say too much, though, as I don't know anything there really.

But what I do think is that, given that grammatical restriction in my dialect, I'm more than a little annoyed at how everyone took "they can be a grammatically singular pronoun" and ran with it to say that it's grammatical "in all cases". As far as I can see, up until the 21st century, "they" was NEVER used for a definite reference, and so its many attestations can't be used to justify it in that case.

I also got banned from a subreddit because of this, lmao.

So how do SJWs react when faced with gendered languages like Spanish? Do they just brush it off or do they think that Spanish should be overhauled in favor of a new, language? Because if it's the latter, then that's imperialism which has gone full circle.

On that note, I know there's a lot of idpol in Brazil; do they have the same criticisms of language as liberals in the Anglosphere do?

I use it for individuals - like the Sam example - all the time, naturally. It sounds slightly strange (to other people, apparently.) in some circumstances but it comes to me very naturally. (To the point where I was doing this before I applied any ideological preference towards defending it as a reasonable thing to do. "Where is Sam." "They went outside for a smoke." and perhaps the adjoining case "Where is Bob" "He is outside." "When will they be back?" which transitions to an indefinite person at "He", and which unthinkingly I transmute to "They")

Looking at it autist style, we both know Sam and Sam's gender, it's not necessary to transmit that information every time we discuss Sam. (Though continuing on this trend, both "He" and "She" are shorter, so more efficient than "They", but shut up. "They" is a nice pretty word we already have and "Xe" isn't, and efficiency isn't a prime concern.)

I'd toss in some obligatory note about how language is dynamic, so even if it isn't valid "now" it'll be valid if we keep doing it insistently enough, but I can't think of a way to do this in a way that isn't explaining what I'm doing in the manner in which I'm doing so now so I'm going to stop typing.


found the former reddit mod

When are we going to raid all the SJW boards on reddit

I honestly thought people started not using it for political reasons because, I've always heard they used for individuals.

I was always taught growing up that it was rude to use it for an individual in any context except where you simply didn't know which to use (and that even then it was a kludge and using the male pronoun was more technically correct).

Guess it varies a lot depending on where you are.

Personally, I still prefer not to use it because it just feels awkward but I'll use it if people insist just for courtesys sake.

what exactly makes it a "circle jerk?" because the majority believe in socialism?

is any gathering of people that hold a common set of ideological tenets a circle jerk?

No a circle jerk is a group of people of similar or same ideological beliefs who surround anyone who believes differently with hostility and anger with ridiculous levels of smugness. They tend to not criticize each other and form a a bubble or "safe space" in their environment. Leftypol can't be a circlejerk because there are many different philosophical groups that don't in any way get along and are always having shitposting wars here.

See, that's ungrammaticality, for your dialect. I'm not saying that it's "wrong" in any objective sense (language never is), but that for some people, it really is ungrammatical. I never, ever heard it used for specific individuals when and where I grew up.

Out of interest, where are you guys from? I've heard of this usage in the South, but never in the Northeast or in England (both where I'm from).


Wales best country, resident of Wales but not Welsh reporting in

Wow, weird. That's pretty cool, actually. If I had a year to spare I'd love to do a heat map of that.

the problem with idpol'ers is they become a parody eventually, banning people for saying the word stupid is pure faggotry.
Some people are fucking stupid and need to get their shit slapped.
its this policing of words and actions that turns the left into a circular firing squad

Anarkiddies BTFO!!

Get some Glasnost up in /r/socialism

Northwest here, I always used to give people the They pronoun when in doubt, as early as 2005ish because I saw it as polite when unsure of what's going on with them. I mean, if a girl dresses like a boy, dates girls and acts like a boy, why invite the potential for an awkward argument? Same for the other side. The SJWs are dickheads, they've alienated people who are pretty normal but just ambiguous as far as gender goes. I didn't even think of it at the time. I just went with what was easiest and couldn't cause trouble, at no point did anyone state their pronoun.

Thank you for correcting the Wehrecord.

5 reichsmarks have been deposited into your account.

Come on

tfw banned from late stage capitalism for using ablest language for saying something retards economic development



