

Look deep into your heart, you know it to be true.


Story doesn't even make the list.

yeah nah


This user gets it. Sound design is super important. I'd be tempted to even put it ahead of graphics because for multiplayer games it needs to be noted that people can react to sounds faster than images so good sound design is more important than graphics in multiplayer games.

If you're implying that while MGSV plays well it's still an overall bad game, gameplay is a term that refers to everything that makes it a game. Everything, not just the mechanics. In terms of mechanics, MGSV does well. In terms of everything else - level design, pacing, enemy/boss variety, etc - was poor.

When the sound is good, it fits.
When it's bad, you know it doesn't fit, and it distracts.

So I'd say
Gameplay > Graphics = Sound/Music > Story

But story moves up in genre's like RPGs.

music > gameplay > story > sound > graphics



story=gameplay, everything else is secondary.
controversial, but true.


No ifs, buts, or elses.


physics>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>animations>>>>>>level design>sounds>textures>>>>>>>>poly count

Gameplay > Sound/Music > Story > Graphics


Gameplay > Sound/Music > Story = Graphics

Did you just seriously put Graphics over Story?
Well I guess Uncharted is a better game than Legacy of Kain. And Fallout 3 and onward are better games than the first 2.
You really should think about these things before you post them…

FYI, this is the right list:
Gameplay > Story > Graphics > Music > Sound

Gameplay should be mandatory first and if you disagree with that, take that dick out of your mouth and try saying it again.

Story comes next for context, otherwise you might as well be playing Tetris. Story isn't just "the main quest", it's how everything else is presented to you. For instance, the Super Shotgun in Doom IS Story since there's a context to getting it and there's details about it told to you with gameplay.

Graphics comes next because nobody wants to look at horrid abominations while playing their games. And low-poly or cell-shader are not bad graphics, they are merely a different style. You can even do those bad but there are good examples that still hold true today and look quite good.

Music comes next since while it's a very important part, it can hardly sustain the game without everything else unless the game is specifically about the music.

Sound effects matter too but less than everything else. They are part of the "polish" a game gets and give feedback to your actions. Without it, every action you make sounds and looks empty.

Cooperation of each Element>Gameplay>Sound>Visuals>Story
A video game is more than the sum of its parts.

in a way he's right. a game can function without a coherent story, but if the graphics/visual design choices are bad it will deter from the gameplay


Just because the triple-A garbage you play has shit story, doesn't mean a fun narrative isn't a huge plus. People who don't prioritize sound design have not played games with good sound design. Also the quality of animations and effects is extremely important, but OP doesn't care and probably just means poly count like a dumb faggot and this is bait anyway.

How about



no, music is the least important. sounds incorporate both feedback mechanics and background ambient for your awareness and immersion. music is just the most non-organic part of a video game, therefore it should be some of the least important part in a video game

Gameplay > Story >= Sound/Music > Graphics

I'm gonna make a bold, sweeping statement: A game CANNOT be great without good music.

Name a great game with forgettable music.
I can.

Oh, christ, I didn't mean to sage. Or post that early.
A game with bad music can be muted, but a game with good, fitting music can elevate the experience beyond what might be possible with only gameplay.
Obviously gameplay is still the most important, but music should always be second. Unlike graphics, good music will last forever.

Go ahead and name it, then.

Nah. But the rest is true

Prince of Persia 1

Also any Portal.

user, I…

Considering how Uncharted tries and fails to be a third-person shooter, a platformer and an adventure game while just about any Legacy of Kain or Blood Omen manage to actually be what they set out to be, hack&slash, platformer and adventures games, I'm gonna need a lot more than "yes" to convince me some grey matter actually thought before posting that.

And yet music can do both of these to a much greater and subtle degree. Best example possible is DMC games where the music synchs up with combat and actually speeds up the better you're doing. Several other games do something similar and even increase the amount of instruments playing for the same effect.

Ambient noise never gives you the same feelings of apropriate background music and a good rythmic track works best to give you feedback on your actions if it's tied to the gameplay.
Sound is still important for the reasons you listed but I find that music makes up for most of that on it's own when properly executed.

Well, I suppose that's correct. I'd then place Story and Graphics on the same tier.
No-Graphics, as in very little detail placed, only the bare minimum necessary is comparable to having no story while a bad visual style is akin to having a contradictory story. I guess they'd be both equally important since they do the same function: dress the game up.

Sorry user, it holds the title of best villain, best headscratches and best laughs i had in a videogame.

Sorry, I thought I was talking to an adult.

well not entirely, a multiplayer game with classes for instance, needs to follow the design rule of making all the different kind of classes easy to recognize, that's a necessary form of graphics that can make or break some games

I just don't play a lot of games

My dark skinned teoretical brother.

I can tell. You should go to a website with other people who don't play a lot of games, I think you would enjoy it more.

Don't mind him. He just thinks you can't enjoy the game because Reddit likes it to and he doesn't realize that's letting Reddit decide what games he is allowed to like.

Glados is hardly the best Villain, especially when you have a better psychotic AI in another game that far outdoes Glados. Neurotoxins? Try bending time and space to become a goddess.
but Glados is far more sexy and adorable

The puzzles in that game are mostly easy except for ones that take a bit to solve but that's mostly because of the perspective you have. A bird's eye view would solve them faster but it probably wouldn't have been as fun.

I do agree with the laughs part, but you gotta understand not everyone apreciates synthetic jokes. Some people think they are kinda artificial humour.

Just cause i don't doesn't mean i didn't use to.
Nowdays i just can't get arsed to play stuff because i can't put the time into things anymore.
I'm aware it sounds weird

Zelda and super mario bruhs are great games, but with the annoying repetitive music turned off it would make the games even better imo.

I'm not a hardcuck gaymer, I admit that. FO 1 and 2 succeed at making great story but the top down graphics and turn based gameplay are horrendous, they lack replay value due to them. FO3 and 4 might not as much prevailed at anything, but I enjoy the scenery more than anything in FO1 and 2.

No they can't. Music is non organic like I've said. Even when they don't play at their own pace, they'd always play at their own rhyme, harmony, consonance, and dissonance. Environmental ambient in the other hand synchronizes itself better with the game than music. A good video game music would pay great respect to the environmental ambient, therefore playing very subtly to not disturb it, as in silent hill games or some shit.

which are shit

You have no idea why I don't like Portal. Why would you make shit up like that, user? Internet cred?

I know I say this every couple of months, but what the fuck is happening to this board?

Gameplay > Netcode if applicable > Sound/Music > Art direction > Story > Graphics

Why do people keep perpetuating this meme?
Story is just as meaningless to a game if its an RPG, a puzzle game, or an FPS.

Yeah i had second thoughts about best villain after i made the post
I really meant as in: you get to know the villain the whole way through, like a personality development but for the villain.
She was more of a protagonist than you were.

We grow up.


Then they were better walking simulators, which I'll happily agree, but they were worse RPGs. And correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not) they set out to be RPGs, not walking simulators.

I share your sentiments and I honestly prefer Fallout Tactics simply because the Hud and the graphics are, to put it simply, a direct upgrade while keeping everything great about them. But they still have far more replay value than FO3 and 4 as an RPG due to the many different dialogues and choices you can get depending on your character, while FO3 merely has The Saint, The Capsman and The Dick ways of playing the game and FO4 has you seeing almost everything in a single playthrough anyway, with the variations being near meaningless.

Music is OFTEN non organic, not always. Unless you're an expert on music and can prove music can't be organic, I'll call bullshit on that. Patapon is a series of games based around on that very concept, with music serving as excelent mood and feedback for the gameplay. Audiosurf directly uses music for the gameplay and even draws the world based on it as well. And you can even read lots of pieces on how many different games use music to set the tone for the rest of the game and how the instruments that play are carefully chosen to mimic some aspect from the scene.

Now that's just crazy talk… And again, being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.

Don't lie to me, nigger.

Do you even roleplay in the place of the mc?
It's like you don't like games or something.

I'm free to make whatever claim I want online, including how many dicks you suck daily 5 and everyone is free to disregard or believe it until I'm proven wrong or right, much like you are free to say that Portal is not a great game without backing it with anything.
I'm not demanding an explanation from you nor am I interested in why you don't like it. Just don't expect the same courtesy from other people either…

I wish more games did that. Playing along with the soon-to-be villain, getting to know them, trusting them and eventually break their heart or have them do it to you so their villany looks justified and not just evil for the sake of "there must be an antagonist".

I mean, there's little to no mention about Chell's name. Or any explanation about her being a mute or where she came from. Chell's a disembodied corpse you see through portal's, it's barely a character for the purpose of Storytelling. You could replace her with the Companion Cube (if it had legs and graspers) and get mostly the same experience.


Yeah, in RPG games I love seeing the characters talk pointlessly but enjoyably than progressing the story. Story and plot of traditional theatrical writing are just irrelevant shit regardless. Discovering entertaining lore is more important than story.

I don't know, I pretty much play FO3 and 4 as walking simulator with guns. I appreciate their lack of meaning. Just a personal preference though.

I didn't say that music can't be organic, but in order to make an organic music, it should be subtle. I've explained my reasoning.

It's okay if you like them, which I honestly don't. Video game is all about entertainment anyway, no reason to push my opinion so hard.

Fun mechanics and good music are a must. Good graphics can help. I don't usually give a shit why what's happening is happening.

I used to think story was number one, but once you're old enough and have read/seen enough stories they all start to blend together. As humans we've developed this strange desire for meaning and a beginning/middle/end structure when neither exists in reality and, frankly, they don't need to. It's a rather boring and childish way to structure an experience.

Not even close, faggot

Good music can make a night/day difference to how your game feels, in a way that can actually indirectly effect your gameplay, too. For instance, a boss battle OST can invoke adrenaline or fear into a player depending on how it's delivered.

Players should have a freedom to define these two instead of being forced by the game. Players should create their own meaning, I am an enemy of symbols and totalitarian rules. I find poetic links, the logic of poetry in video games, extraordinarily pleasing. They seem to me perfectly appropriate to the potential of video games as the most entertaining and poetic of entertainment media.

Sasuga, Tarkovsky-poster. Keep on keeping on.

Gameplay > Music >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Story >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graphics
I don't care how many (or few) polygons a game has, as long as it is fun to play

You don't even know what a protagonist is, you dumb motherfucker.

Now that's some pretentious shit alright. "logic of poetry" is phonetics, solved that for you.

"Players should have a freedom to define these two"? Define their own progression? You mean play make believe then, where you have no rules except the ones you feel like playing along with for now?

FO3 has little to no replay value at all compared to the previous games and FO4 somehow even less precisely because they give you too much freedom at no cost for the player. You should know this by now if you even frequented any Fallout threads.

Take for instance Shady Sands vs Megaton.

Shady Sands opens up with a quest to hunt for Scorpion Tails so you can craft anti-venom, usefull to finish a quest right there or even for yourself. However, Radscorpions are a tough fight, it's something you can't do as a nerd-build. And even if you can do it, the process of crafting the anti-venom takes time that you need for the main quest so you'll have a choice there as well.
Meanwhile, smart characters that might not stand up to the scorpions have other options in town, namely for the irrigation system you can help fix up and getting XP in a different way.
Then there's characters with entirely different lines and attitudes to you if you're a charismatic or persuasive individual, several quests that can even be done in different ways with charisma alone. Did you knew you can finish FO1 and even FO2 without killing a single person? And the game supports this with gameplay available to you?

Now compare it to Megaton, where you arrive and are immediately prompted a binary choice "save the town, blow the town". Not doing anything isn't a real option, not only will you be missing an house, that's akin to "don't play the game then". Even the Neutral choice is essentially the same but you get caps instead of smiles. And the quests you can get there are basically fetch quests somewhere else to introduce a new area (Arefu or Moira's quests) or the very simple "go collect this bitch's money for me" Moriarty optional quest.
Now keep in mind that both of those quests are there to steer the player into exploring the world around with a purpose because they don't expect the average gamer to steer a course on their own after leaving Megaton. And do keep in mind, you'll be doing the Moira Quest anyway for the perk, and while you can say different things, that only results in a different perk for different statical advantages. Or forgo the best perk and get the useless one instead.

That's Shady Sands, an introductory town with content for every build but that's not all feasible by all of them and that's Megaton, a binary choice and 2 "fuck of somewhere else" quests.

And FO4 is even worse, you see exactly the same shit but the colors of the lasers shooting at you change from red to blue according to the factions you pick. Every single fucking playthrough of FO4 is the exact same.

It's funny how you guys don't mention animation when that's a fundamental element of the interaction. Gameplay is a fairly broad term too, especially if we're trying to break this down into neat categories.
In my opinion a complete list goes more like
animation, core mechanics, textures/modelling, lighting, sound, plot, characters, consequences…etc. It's not really reasonable to cut anything out when there are so many things that can make a game good. Hell there are games in the present era that have no sound or story of any pertinence and continue to be good or games with only gameplay or even none at all and just story. So how the fuck is one element supposed to take precedence for any other?

Animation is often paired with graphics since it's hard to do one without the other and their quality tends to be similar anyway.
It's just theoretical thinking, the question is "if you take X element from a game or Y element, which case would result in a worse game?" Which honestly makes very little sense as it's talking about how to make games worse.

But it has a practical use in knowing what to prioritize when making a game or judging a game.
Which is also useless since this heavily varies according to game genre…


i see you are full of shit

Rules should exist, but players should be given great freedom to defy the rules. Let me say it again, totalitarian rules are not my thing. Shaddy nigger radscorpions were a great pain in the ass. I explore the cities in fo1 mostly motivated by the curiosity, not the need to progress. Mettaton has much less point and impact on the gameplay progression, but if you're motivated by curiosity, you wouldn't care much about progression. You just want to see a different image for the sake of seeing different image without much meaning and forced connection beyond what they appear on the screen. The images should have more of my own constructed meaning rather than narrative driven meaning.

Just write UI > cutscenes > graphics > gameplay while you're at it.

I disagree with jumbling animation in with graphics. I'd think that it connects more closely with gameplay. Most games use partially procedural animations to make objects connect in space and a few even use their procedural animation systems to build the gameplay. Such as skate or rockstar table tennis.


What said except I would separate sound design and music.

Gameplay is what makes a game a game. Graphics and sound design/music are unfortunately viewed as separate from gameplay when in reality, the best games use graphics and sound design to enhance the quality of the gameplay or even add mechanics. When I used to play PlanetSide 2, I discovered that enemies cast shadows, and just that tiny detail added a whole new way for me to detect people. Good sound design is also important to have. I can gain a lot of information in certain games just by listening to what is going on. In a game like Thief for example, I can figure out what direction an enemy is in, what they are doing, and their current state. It's rather unfortunate that sound design is so underappreciated. Story isn't necessary as well as music, but it's a nice thing to have. I prefer music over story.

if you were right then Nier would be popular

Video Games > Video Games > Video Games

Gameplay > Story > Sound > Graphics

Nier's decent baroque tunes are completely ruined by the shitty electronic drums, anime synthesizers, and fag choirs.



Graphics need not apply. I can enjoy a fucking dos game if it plays well and has a good ost.


Given the success of touhou, I'm honestly convinced that a game just needs good music and two dimensional girls in order to be popular


Among autists maybe.

absolutely shitty percussion

yeah, and infiltrators cast shadows even when invisible (at least they did when i last played, it may have been patched now)

We're all autists here m8

I think I get where you're coming from, but that doesn't change the fact that the music is good. Your opinions aren't facts you know.

Gameplay> Sound> Music > Story > Graphics.

Listen, I like good graphics as much as the next guy, but it ain't the whole package. Frankly, it is the weakest of the lot for me. If you get one thing wrong, maybe it graphics, because a bad soundtrack can make things shit, and poor sounding guns make me sad.
Graphics meanwhile, some of my favorite games are early 2000s, so I can get by.

Anyone unironically listing "story" at all needs to be shot into a trench.

This autistic tiering is the problem. Each part has it's role and is different in tier in different genres and styles of games.

It's the worst way to measure anything. Games should be measured by genres and their elements. For example: Story has no purpose in a puzzle game or racing game, but is the driving force behind RPGs. Music can be seen as inorganic but games like Crypt of the Necrodancer, Audiosurf and Polynomial all rely on music to generate gameplay.

Graphics are relative to the experience being narrated: graphics don't matter at all in a text-based RPG that is essentially a choose your own adventure or games like Dwarf Fortress

The only factor that matters without genre is gameplay, and even that's debatable when measured: Dwarf Fortress isn't a super gameplay heavy game, a lot of automation on the parts of your dwarves and the world create RNG for excellent procedural story generation. You can command your dorfs but they are not 100% perfectly efficient slaves.

Really depends on the game. Something like, say, Minecraft doesn't need a story, sure.
But if you make an RPG with a shit story, it'll be shit, most likely.
I'd also make the argument a good shooter needs a decent story, definitely more so than graphics. Adds a lot to the game, after all.


Most of the games I play don't even HAVE a story, but all of the games I've ever enjoyed have fantastic musical soundtracks.

Gameplay or Story > Graphics > Sound/Music

This. Good sound and music with bad graphics is evocative, bad sound and music with good graphics is dreary.

It objectively takes some effort to compose alright. That's fine if you like it. I'm just emotionally cringing here.

This user gets it. Using the same standard for every genre is the cancer that is AAA gaming right now. 'Top-notch graphics', excessive motion blur, enough sun ray to burn the eyes out, dark hero with super dark deep story and pain, everything has consequences as long as it is presented in binary choice, minimap, GPS, 'accessability' (read: casualisation), etc. for every bloody genre. And some of you faggots gleefully swallow those shit then complain here.

On the side note. Great music/sound is certainly a bonus for every genre. Audio is a good moodmaker indeed.

Any other opinions are objectively wrong. Graphics do very little, especially in the day and age where all anyone here does is circle jerk over 20 year old games. How can it be so important if you don't even play new releases?

I also added art style, because the best graphics don't mean shit if it's inconsistent with art style

All these are huge collections of elements, and comparing them like that is just retarded. Fuck, you can split up story in plot, premise, writing, backstory/lore, and some of these will be more important to a game than others. Same goes for graphics (which can range from graphical technology to artstyle, to asset quality, to readability and user interface). And I don't even need to mention just what can be put into the word "gameplay".

Ultimately, what's most important for a game depends ENTIRELY on what kind of game it's supposed to be. Rhythm games put sound and music design directly under gameplay in terms of priority, for instance.

Sound is always above graphics. Poor sound design affects almost everything from atmosphere to how satisfying combat is.


Sound/Music is far more important than graphics or story.

Get this fucking garbage out of here.

Look deep into your ass OP, you left your brain in there.


Graphics and music do not define the game.
Albeit, sound/music will really boost the enjoyment of a game immensely.


Thread's over, folk. This guy gets it and puts it as succinctly as possible.

What's it like having Halo 5 as your childhood game, faggot? Go back to your fucking nap time and dream about the stolen memes you'll be redditing tomorrow.

It's like ranking brain, heart, testicles. Without testicles, who cares how great the other two are. Same with graphics. Who cares how great the playground is if it's in an ugly ghetto.

gameplay > performance > audio design > art design > story > art fidelity > audio fidelity

Nigga a soundtrack can really make a game.

(Gameplay > Story > Gameplay = Music) = (The overall experience)

Let me explain my reasoning;

Gameplay is obviously king because its a video game, right below is a story to make the games setting make sense, even if its just a simple narrative like Donkey Kong that sets up why Jumpman is trying to rescue Pauline.

Graphics and Music are superficial aspects stacked to stack on top to enhance the experience

But above all these things make up what is called the experience

Gameplay > story = music >= graphics
Although Overall experience > (Gameplay + story + music + graphics)

It depends entirely on the genre.
No one is gonna shit on a Visual Novel for not having good gameplay, but they'll sure as fuck shit on it for having a terrible story. Some genres need to focus on story and world building, some genres need to focus entirely on gameplay, some genres are all about graphics, some genres are all about sound. What you should focus on when attempting to make a good game depends on what you're making, and different people like different genres for their various strengths and weaknesses.

Lets give a couple of examples:
Mentioned visual novels
Actually a lot of genres benefit from this, from platformers to shooters and tons of other genres. It's easy to see all the genres that benefit from this style and assume it's the best, though that's a bit hasty.
The whole growing VR genre, also David Cage movie "games" can basically only sell on this.
I'd argue that the survival horror genre has always and will always be more about sound than anything else. Graphics can be shit (and should, makes things creepier), story can be shit, gameplay can be clunky, but if the sound design is perfect it will do it's job of terrifying you and drawing you in.



if you didn't put gameplay as most important, you are a faggot.

Please, for the sake of the world, chug a gallon of bleach.

Story>gameplay>artistic style>Sound>Graphics

Only reason this doesn't seem to be the truth is because games have such absolute shit for stories that are written by fucking faggots. I cant even name one game with a story that stands up to even above average movies let alone the best ones and dont even get me started on books.

Gameplay>Story>Sound design>Graphics.

Gameplay is a given, if it sucks your games sucks and you should be buried in cement.

Story is the second most important but only certain types of games, mainly because if you're writing looks like it came out of tumblr or is cringy as fuck, you can expect people will hate the living piss out of it.

Sound design is next, like an user mentioned here, people react to sound better than they do with imagery. Good sound design like gunfire can really REALLY make you cum bring better experience.

Graphics are pretty meh, they're great as but not necessary to keep people playing. Aesthetics of the game however is more important.

Gameplay = Story > Sound > Music > Graphics
KoToR 1&2 wouldn't have been half as good without their story for example

That's where you're wrong.

Gameplay=story>graphics(art style-wise)=sound

Maybe some anons think story = games like Heavy Rain which makes me salty since I like well written games. And since someone is gonna say RPGs only I'll just mention Thief. I just want my writing being good.

Kirby has fucking phenomenal music with every installment and consistently fun albeit easy gameplay while having decent pretty visuals to really hammer in the sense of a fun atmosphere. The story or lore is the last thing that matters. It's just a reason for Kirby to get out there and kick some various asses regardless of size, abilities or raw power.

Art design is leagues above muh grafix and always will be.

Gameplay=Content>Sound>Art>story>muh grafix


A game doesn't need to be cutting edge to draw me in, but it does need to have good audio and a decent style. Doesnt matter how good the story is, if the world doesnt draw me in.

So many games lack good sound. Where are the wind noises? The rustling of leaves? The birds chirping? If you have the right sound bank, a bunch of trees becomes a forest, a bunch of houses with a few NPCs becomes a living, breathing town.

Making an order for this is missing the forest while looking at a tree. The entire package needs to fit together. The story needs to fit the game play, and the graphics, or rather the visuals, need to fit the setting.
If you're one of those "story? jus read a buk löl"-fags, counter strike will be more to your taste.

baitposters eternally BTFO by the only right answer.

Gameplay > sound/music > everything else

I loathe you plebeian apes so much. You deserve modern AAA cinematic trash.

*breathes in* Wrong.

If sound and music were separate it would be


controls>sound effects>dialogue>white>audio compression>interface>green>red>voice acting>particle effects>preorder bonus>black>music>story>lighting>blue>animations>lewds>post processing filters>options menu>reinforcement to reward repetitive actions>normal maps>amount of content>anti aliasing>cutscenes>optimization>butter>models>textures>no bugs>fun


RPGs generally have pretty eh gameplay anyway, so I'm going to be pretty lenient on the gameplay there. But if I'm going to be playing through an RPG, then it needs to have at least a decent story. Graphics can be fancy, but artstyle comes above all else. Great music in an rpg is absolutely necessary if I'm going to have to grind to it.

Now look at a first person shooter. Story is irrelevant, but gameplay has to stand above all else. Graphics aren't too big a detail as long as things are clearly visible. More importantly, you need a good framerate, so worse graphics might even be preferable. A good sense of style is nice, but substance comes first. A great soundtrack is always nice, as well.

Putting one element above the other is asking for a lesser product.

kill yourself

Undertale: music>jokes>gameplay
Csgo: gameplay>???
WoW: Addiction>social interactions>gameplay
Witcher 3: Story=graphics=music=immersion>gameplay

Fuck off all of you faggots, here's the bare circumcised truth.

Gameplay + Art Style + Setting = Good Game

Gameplay: it's a jubilee to play this game
Art Style: pixellated, cartoony, "realistic", a good art style is eternal
Setting: the way it's exposed to you and its intrinsic charm, a good setting is one where it's easy to roleplay a normal civilian life

Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxtsr series.

I want template posting cuckchanners to go

Stole a couple of these from the thread but;
I want to get a complete list before I start comparing.

? Gameplay ? Story ? Sound ? Graphics ? Music ? Voice Acting ? Artstyle ? Content ? Animations ? Options Menus/Settings ? Particle Effects/Shaders/Post Processing Filters/Lighting/Anti Aliasing ? Aesthetic ? Depth/Immersion/Suspension Of Disbelief ? Control ? Optimization ? Attention To Detail ? Passion For The Game ? Netcode ? Replay Value ? Endgame Content ? Cutscenes ? Polish ? Player Choice ? Accessibility ? Audio Quality/Audio Compression ? User Interface/User Friendlyness ? Positive Feedback Loop(?) ? Model Quality ? Texture Quality ? Visual Clarity/Visual Clutter ?

Gameplay>Graphics>Sound/Music>Characters = Story

Story is fine, but good characters are better. Even if a great character has a shitty story, as long as they are still enjoyable on some level, that's fine by me.

Story is most important to lorefags and people who want games to just be a slightly more active form of movies or television. And lorefags will tell you that even the most loreheavy games are written like shit and riddled with moronic plotholes that you could drive a whole fleet of shortbuses full of Bethesda and Bioware writers through.

Pretentious writers suffer from the delusion that the experience of receiving their story, exactly as they planned it, is more important than the experience of playing the game, which is how you end up with shit like Gone Homo where a bunch of pretentious cunts thought the idea of 90s nostalgia and rifling through the unnaturally arranged trash of a shitty family was somehow more mindblowing than even the simplest sliding block puzzle from the first Zelda games.

Gameplay > Sound design > Art style > Characters > Music > Plot > Graphical fidelity

implying niggers

Gameplay > Story = Music > Graphics

Gameplay = Story > Graphics = Sound

Don't put story so high up the list, VNs are not vidya so it doesn't matter that much, and in all vidya where the story is cool, the music or sound design has to come first than the story because it's what gives it the umpf.


But most VNs don't have good stories.
Take Snatcher or Policenauts, those not only have great stories but are also great games.

Go and play Tetris faggot


The best games are the ones in which all the elements cohere well.

This bullshit is like asking what is the most important part of a cake.

Fuck you and fuck your need to fit in.

Do you niggers even know what a videogame is?

Will you still play a game which has blatant SJW messages all over but has excellent gameplay, graphics and sound? It's an oxymoron but let's imagine that scenario.

Yes, but music is so important it can make a good game shit, and a bad game great.

Unless there isn't any music to begin with, then it doesn't matter.

Gameplay>Sound Design/Music>Art style/Atmosphere>Story

what the fuck, how old are you?




Gameplay > Audio > Graphics > Story

Audio gets a huge bump up because of rhythm games, which may be some mix of gameplay and audio, if that counts as gameplay instead of purely audio then I put audio and graphics on the same secondary level.

Life is agony.

No, there are plenty, Base game ones are few if any, and Modded ones all have their isssues.

The problem is that there aren't games that properly incorporate the proper scope of Necromancy.

They don't incorporate graverobbing, speaking to the dead, the undead control and the limits imposed till you reach Army commander levels, they don't incorporate the crafting aspect o items and even minions and their own customization, they don't incorporate things like Undead Cohorts, they don't incorporate universal relations between the metaphysical aspects of the topic, they don't incorporate it in dialogue options A.I reactions, and how it effects the world, or even a game's ending, and above all, they never, ever, ever, get Lichdom right.

If I didn't take the time to learn of Lichdom, Find the variants available to me craft the poison to kill me, Find the willing sentient creature whose heart I must extract, whether my own via a loophole or someone elses, find the conditions to perform the ritual, find the salts and ingredients to draw the circles for the ritual, and painstakingly craft my Phylactery in a cusotm item creation menu, prepare it, then there is no point.

And there certainly isn't a fucking point if I don't get to use variant Either, like Suel Lichdom Archlichdom, or a regular didn't do the above because I suck X demon Undead lord Cock option for it cheap and easy because fyuck self-achivement.

And it isn't worth it If I do all that and i'm not encouraged to take steps to protect my newfound immortality, because Hunters? Ingame Noteirty? Things happening in the game with NPC schedules besides myself?

Protip, don't put fucking necromancy in your game if you think to put Liches in that don't have a dynamic Phylactery system ascribed to a random loot object of high value in a dungeon, ensuring the Lich has unique A.I as a lich, and A.I as a spellcaster of high achivement.

If you're Lich Encounter isn't an intense buttfucking like the Neverwinter Nights 1 1st campaign Lich Encounter, then it's shit.

Lich's, next to Vampires are the highest Paragons of undeath, and cannot be given "generic monster literally 4 abilities as to not confuse casual scum to use in battle" enemies.

always this
no one gives a shit mongoloid you can play whatever music in the background or listen to other stuff.

Utter faggotry in this thread.

Literally this. Often the first thing anyone remembers from a game is the soundtrack. We have threads literally dedicated to soundtracks and they're the least cancerous threads in this godforsaken shithole. How can my anons be this retarded?

What games let me get real deep in necromancy/lichdom?

I dont really understand the gameplay > all meme
If that was most important csgo would be the only game you ever need to play.
In reality people like me play plenty of games where gameplay just needs to be tolerable to get whatever feels rewarding out of the game.




more like

I love you user

Depth > Challenge (for single player games, multi has challenge automatically) > Clear Feedback (audiovisual) > Game Feel/Kinaesthetics > User Experience > [none] > Quality of Graphics/Sound/Animation/Story

As far as I can discern, TESIII TESIV and TESV with mods in terms of functionality, there is still much lacking, especially in terms of being consistent, but in technicality-roleplaying standards, you'll have enough Necromancy mods of every variant to effectively scratch an itch.

You will initially Lack implementation though, you won't be getting called X Edgemaster of skeletal rapeforces even though you are, I know TESIV can reach some degree of this, but it's all in a Player-nonplayer perspective because how how Bethesda skipped corners with it's magic system I.E Fear to player does nothing for example.

TESIII and V have the most complete Lich mods as far as I know, but TESIV was the the TES game where Necromancy was initially the sink and focus (despite this not actually being the case) that has the most well-implemented mods for it's practice and use with Modded A.I that can help add to this.

Gameplay > Story = Music/Sound > Graphics Master Race

You're right, you really don't understand.

I actually met a guy who thought Story>Graphics>Music>Gameplay. His dream job was to become a game developer working for Bethesda. He believed that the 3D Sonic games were inherently superior to the 2D ones, and that the most important aspect of a video game was decision making and personal investment over anything else. In other words he dismissed stuff like fighting games, racing games, etc. because they weren't so much about making choices as RPGs. I haven't seen the guy since high school, but he looked like the kind of nu-male who'd vote Bernie or Hillary. Personally I think that Gameplay>Music>Graphics>Story and I look like a dick.

Halo 3 is the prime example of this.


But you can turn it off and play background music :^)

Eat shit and die.

Holla Forums could at least try to pretend that they're not the biggest bunch of casuals every now and then.

Actually, that's the casual identifier.
Anyone that puts gameplay in anything but first place and sound in anything but second has a worthless opinion and should be treated as casual scum.



Story is always copypasted shit anyways.


Graphics allow for new game-play. Separating the two is something pretentious pseudo intellectuals do.

No, story should grow organically out of the gameplay, with the written story being more of a backdrop, the stage dressing if you will.

most obvious example I can think of off the top of my head would be say your average dayz session, there is no "story" but the story comes out of your arc and what happens to you in the time you play

I guess you kinda have to define gameplay first, I would define it as the sum of all mechanics and how well they interact with each other cohesively

Mechanics trump fidelity, thats probably the more accurate way to put OPs statement, and I fully agree

kill yourself, you inept retard.


atmosphere & design > gameplay > technical achievements > story

graphics, sound, and design all work together to form an atmosphere and cohesive experience. We are just so used to lazy bullshit with corridor levels and random rubble piles passed off as design. It's the laziest bullshit.

My opinion is objectively superior to all of yours.

Gameplay > Who gives a shit

gameplay > sound (as in actual effects and mixing) > music > graphics > voices > story

Dark skin> Feminine boys> Thicc > everything else.

Controls/Input > Level/Stage/Encounter/Puzzle/World Design > Difficulty/Learning Curve > Gameplay > Visual Design > Sound Design = Music > Storytelling > Dialogue > Story

Sure, I love to just jump around like a fat Italian plumber without any reason. But hey, is better than having a sword and shield braking pots and doing nothing for no reason….what about using a sexy suit for nothing at all?
Face it faggot, story>gameplay or at the very least story=gameplay

You'll catch some people with this one for sure.

Mechanics > Setting/Context/Artstyle/Anything that indirectly improves said mechanics > Everything else

The last one being graphics in the polygon count sense or wall text dialogs/stories, shit that may not have an effect on interactivity in any way.

I don't know which is the more autistic thread, this one or the one where everyone is arguing over genre definitions.

Gameplay > Music > Graphics > Story (if RPG bump to 2nd place otherwise always last)

Story RPG's are dogshit. RPG's are good because of the rules mechanics and gameplay, like Wizardry.

Sure I bet you remember fondly playing frog or Tetris or pacman as much as playing mgs, fallout 1 or FF

Fallout 1 had a great turn based combat system, it's memorable because of the gameplay.

Cinematic experiences. You almost hooked me though.

Story > Gameplay = A book but you have to play a round of minesweeper to turn each page.

Basically, you're wrong.

Gameplay=Content>>>>>Art Style>Music/Sound Design>Story=Graphics

People keep putting story last because it's the one thing you can remove entirely from a videogame without making it not a game.

It's true. Music is ts the single most important thing if it's there. Unless you just put some generic ambient tunes or nothing at all, it's the music makes the game.

Level design was not poor.

Pacing was great… for the first half. It was like a three act story with only and act and a half, and then half an epilogue that should have been a third act.

Lack of bosses was dumb; I was actually hoping we'd get to be the bosses, and fight good guys… too bad we weren't. Enemy variety was mostly fine, just too sparse. Could have done with another couple Sniper Skull fights.

Overall, MGSV was still a really good game. The mechanics alone were phenomenal. It's just how half-finished the rest of it was. I feel like I got half of a great meal, and then I'm told the head chef got fired halfway through making it, so I guess I'll just never get to finish it.

I got 150+ hours out of it, not counting Ground Zeroes (which was ultimately the better "game", if you count it as a standalone entry), and I could have put more into it, easily. It's hardly as bad game. Just one that's incredibly mediocre considering how much it did right.

stop liking crap games


My nigga. Pic also relates to superb taste.

Didn't expect to see this many storyfags here, unless all of those are just bait

that was good

For me, story is the most important. It doesn't matter how good "gameplay" is, if you can't get a feel for the character, feel that there is a point to what you're doing in the game.

10/10 argument and example

there are some exceptions
Music >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graphics

Why the fuck wouldn't I? If it's fun then it's fun

Graphics attract players
Gameplay keeps them playing
Music makes them remember your game
Story does the same as music, but to a much lesser extent

Gameplay>VISUAL AESTHETIC>Sound>Music>Story
That's not to imply that the latter is worth jack shit

dom4 and dwarf fortress.

Now, While I think had the undeniably best answer, I just have to chime in saying that music is incredibly important to a good game. I can become interested in a game because of some good music.
The song gets much better in the second half

Agreed. Story fags go read or watch a movie. Games are dumped down because of them.

I hope you all get banned for being faggots.

Gameplay > Story > Music/Sound > Graphics

To simplify:

Execution >>>>>>> Concept

Sound and music is incredibly important, not as much as gameplay of course but it makes a huge difference. Playing an FPS where the guns feel like squirt guns due to pitifully weak gun shot sounds is awful. Hearing that immensely satisfying echoing booom at the end when you land a Zanretsuken in King of Fighters really makes it feel like it has impact. Music can take a great section of gameplay and make it feel way more intense and epic than if it was just fun to play, vid related.

what this niagra says

apparently the autist who made it bothered to give the gif a palette over 256 colors

ackksckhually this guy is right i take what is aid previously back

Dicks > Dicks > Dicks > Dicks

I feel ya, the closest we will probably ever get is morrowind with mods.