Black housemate reads Animal Farm for his History course

Did I done good?

Pic related, spot the Orwell

ya did good
why did you mention he was black though

because the mention of the black panthers

Reminder that blacks will be gulag'd

stop shitposting


very disappointing that orwell has been appropriated

although he did go crazy later in life and become paranoid as fuck



FUCK OFF porky

Tell me anons, do you respond to low-effort shitposts because you are autistic or just retarded?

Mostly because college is over for the semester and I have to find something to do between reading theory and video games

He is one of us

wait… it's not?

That doesn't mean you should respond to laziest shitposts one could make

He did actually fall for that initially, but I gave him some guidance on that issue…

That is the point of the book, Orwell was a reactionary.

kill yourself.

Yea you are probably right so I guess Im the second of the 2 options

No, in a way, it is a critique of failed revolutions, and how they are more damaging than doing nothing


Blacks are too dependent on bourgeois fast food restaurants such as KFC, who mistreat their workers. They don't show a hint of solidarity with their fellow prole and trade away class pride for a fucking Zinger Meal. How is this a shitpost? Holla Forums has really gone downhill lately.

Shut the fuck up you damn hippie

nigger detected

Hippie? I'm the hippie when you're the one who has clearly taken too many bong-whiffs to realise that blacks are the sworn enemies of Western workers.

Try again >>>Holla Forumsyp

Nice D&C hippie



Top kek

I'm sorry I triggered you

Im sorry you have to shill as a job

Nice photoshop btw


never change Holla Forums

"Almost everyone will agree that we live in a deeply troubled society. One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism" - Ted

I agree :^)

Nice damage control, cant keep up or what?


No sir no reaction here, I guess it's not as bad as 1984 where the worst dystopia he can imagine is people with irish surnames making england use the 24 hour clock

ps he called himself a tory and was a police grass

I wasn't aware Stalin was a Jew

Most people I see talk about Animal Farm on the Internet seem to think it's the bible against Communism and a good lesson on why you should avoid and fight Communism at all costs.

Is this a common view? I read it in a class in high school years ago and I didn't come out with that view.

I love how you twist literally everything you use as an argument here so that it actually supports you.

1. You have drawn an example which is literally irrelevant, the same as me saying "they both have intelligent people therefore they are the same". You, being a disgusting tool, have just pretended as if people using socialism to control others can't exist and has never existed.

2. "No sir no reaction here" is not an argument. At all.

3. He called himself a tory in the traditional sense of the world.

4. It's a good book, you fucking ideologue.

You are stupid

No he literally presents the controllers of the revolution as a separate race working cunningly to manipulate the workers, which is what nazi propaganda about Judeo-Bolshevism was saying

What other sense of the word is there lmao, being a tory means being a reactionary

you have shit taste

And I didn't even bring up him being a homophobic racist nonce who was against re-armament

Please kill yourself

Are they not doing so within the book? Or are they?

You are silly, look up "Noam Chomsky conservative". Conservative can mean many things.

Thanks but I don't feel like listening to some ideologue who wrote

Excellent work, comrade! Two labor vouchers have been added to your allowance.


you should fix this fast imo

he's sort of right though

"idpol is only a spook if white people do it"

He kind of is that sort of person, but hey, who cares.

Who cares if a white person wants to be a white nationalist then, right? XD he's just that sort of person who cares!

Pretty much. I care more about whether someone's class conscious than if they subscribe to liberal egalitarianism. Rather a nazbol than a liberal. Both are crappy, but one is revolutionary and one is re-iterating useless shit.

okay then. I was assuming things about your beliefs that aren't true.


Why did you post a pic of Orwell fighting with P.O.U.M, then?

Animal farm was not meant for a retarded millennial audience who have no understanding of socialism. It was written at a time when socialists were divided on supporting stalinists.

"that was a REAL anarchist"
- my housemate, on the unabomber.

I don't see the point in your words.

I agree with this part. Kaczynski had some points.

I know you put a lot of effort into that picture but it's junk and you're easy to spot. Sorry.

I was just teasing, Industrial Society and its Future should be read by all anarchists regardless of leanings

all happening more and more. time to move on from this shithole


Pretty good

Mah nigga

Literally, is. Putin fooled americans as fuck. Now he is able to do everything