Trump Plans To Meet With Students/Lawmakers on Gun Control. Supports Universal Background Checks

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He's going to have immigration status be part of this and use that as a means to track and even deport illegals. Since much of the guns are coming in illegally though, he will then use this as an excuse to crack down on illegal gun-running, and illegal drug-running and go after illegals as a whole. When the left go against all of this to the point of nullifying anything he does, he will scrap the whole thing and put the blame on the left, that they don't want anything being done about guns. In short, we will get a large run around but nothing will come of this.

>>Cornyn and longtime gun control proponent Murphy introduced the bill shortly after the November 5, 2017, Texas church shooting, with Murphy describing it as the most significant gun law promoted since Sen. Joe Manchin (D-NW) pushed universal background checks as a response to the (((Sandy Hook Elementary School attack))).
Here come the anti 2A shills.

1488DD underwater Kabbalistic strip shogi

so if the left didn't want illegal gun running to be cracked down upon, then would the left be pro-gun?

He's offering to talk with them so he can look like he cares. With the media breathing down his neck and calling him a murderer, this will make him look good during a bad time. When it comes time to debate this the democrats will load the bill with so much stuff it will never pass. In short, chess.

They don't want citizens to have guns. If the citizens turned to (((illegal))) gun-running for their guns, then, since (((they))) control such gun-running, would come down on such citizens while ignoring those that work for them having said guns.

This would be a good time to hammer home the fact that the police did nothing, despite knowing the danger this guy was. At the very least make it obvious to people that the dude that did the shooting was probably prodded into doing the deed or allowed to do it. If people think it did not occur at all and the whole thing was as fake as a movie, then at the very least, people being aware of the fact that some aspects of the government would do such a thing will seem possible.

Funny that Trump won't meet with anyone to discuss the nigger shootings in the country.

Of course, he can't even say "White people" despite having a 95% base, so go figure.



How many times can he play this same trick on them? This is the DACA sit down all over again.
He will get them to publicly put all their cards on the table and then the Democrats can go in to 2018 mids running on BANNING GUNS. Because that surely wont energize the shit out of single issue 2A voters.

Here's the thing though m8: There was nothing to suggest this guy WAS a danger, far as I've seen, aside from comments on the internet and maybe some commentary from the school or the deschamps woman who threw him out of her home after his adoptive mum died.

IRL, he was just a dorky autistic Jewish kid who was probably abused by his foster family (see the 39 visits by police to his home in the last 7 years), and you can rest assured that 99% of the "he was evil/weird/etc" shit from supposed classmates and such was after-the-fact commentary.

And what were the police supposed to do about it? "Oh, well, you said some naughty things online there Mr. (((Cruz))), we're gonna have to take you in and not let you own firearms"? Do you have any semblance of an idea as to how many niggers and non-Whites post shit FAR FAR FAR worse than the shit this lil autismo kikel posted online, with no police response? This isn't the fucking UK, after all, and you're not going to get a visit from the police for saying some edgy shit on the internet unless its like a threat to a major figure or some shit.

Get your markers ready, lads, it's another ">IF" thread!

fun fact: dax was a coalburner

You sound like you are running damage control and trying to deflect. The kid was visited multiple times and had issues. Furthermore, this comes when the democrats find themselves in the midst of money problems and now suddenly they are using this as a means to raise funds. Furthermore it is beyond well known that feds will poke and prod people into acting out like this. This is a good time to expose all the people acting in the shadows behind all of this and those trying to benefit from this. You'd have to be an idiot to think this whole thing was natural and organic autistic jew kid with right-wing leanings going on a shooting spree.

The police had 39 visits to him. Ranging self-harm, violent outbursts and threats of violence.


All talk no action, the same thing that happened with DACA will happen with gun control, he has to fake he cares until things cool down and everyone forgets about gun control until the next (((mass shooting))).

White people don't support his zionist kike wars and ditched him for being a faggot, now he's coming after them.

If Trump simply exposed Israel and the diaspora he wouldn't have to play super secret chess. We would have our ethno-state, world peace comes next.

Brutal honesty: The DACA chess narrative doesn't make any sense unless you're some kind of Boomer civnat. I'm just not sure who its supposed to appeal to - non-Whites are never going to vote Republican, and those Whites who already vote Democrat and who would be politicized sufficiently to care enough about the DACA shit to shift away from the Democrats are not going to shift to the Republicans.
It seems like chess to no end.

And this narrative is just silly and always has been.


What visits are you referring to? The 39 visits to his single-mother's foster home between the time when he was 12 and 19?
I find it dubious to suggest, especially given what the reporting suggets those were about, that those were related to him.

That's not surprising in the least - in fact, I would even go as far as to theorize their interests took part in organizing the whole thing.

See above. Makes sense.

Which are overwhelmingly left-wing Jews and left-wing philosemites.

I never suggested anything of the sort, so I'm not sure what you're trying to push. My commentary revolved around the fact that, contrary to your claims, there really isn't anything to suggest this kid was an obviously bad apple such that the police would single him out amongst the miasma of such reports that arise on a day-to-day basis, aside from some commentary from the school and/or the deschamps woman who threw him out ostensibly for wanting to bring a gun into her home (one wonders why she'd agree to take guardianship of him knowing he owned firearms if she didn't want such in her home, but go figure).

Point being: This kid, based on what we know, doesn't appear to have put out any signs of being a hazard - he just came off as a dorky autistikike who liked guns, and there's probably thousands of those in Florida alone. Only his online presence really appears to have given away a hazard, and even then its dubious given the nature of what gets posted on the internet every single day by edgelords and non-Whites.

No, no, no. The police had 39 visits TO HIS HOME, where he lived with his brother and the single-mother who'd adopted them. And those 39 visits were over 7 years, between the ages of 12 and 19.
Citation fucking needed m8.
Only claims I've seen as regards those calls was that there was no report filed for most of them - isn't that strange? - such as to link them to his behavior, and they came in the form of things like "child/elderly abuse", "domestic disturbance", "missing persons", and "mentally ill person"… Again, really weird that no reports were taken beyond that, no?
Unless new information has emerged, sounds like you're laying out a narrative that doesn't fit.


Its official, hes the new age Ronald Reagan. We have been deceived by a man with a good sense of humor and a large amount of charisma.

No less than Bob Whittaker, the man who made the mantra, supported and worked for putting Ronald Reagan in office. The same Reagan that amnesty'd 6 millions illegals among other treasonous horseshit.

If Trump wants gun control, I want gun control.

And Ronald Reagan's gun control shit when he was governor was aimed squarely at niggers.

Who is it being used against now? Oh right.

You'd have to be an idiot to think this whole thing wasn't a false flag.


Yep. You railed against the jews and then defend this one and act like an autistic jewish kid is not a danger to society in itself, all the while ignoring the fact that putting a spotlight on the kid and the police force which is ran by a democrat jewish supporter of Hillary Clinton. you're literally ignoring all kinds of evidence before in favor of talking points that detract from the very thing that is obviously going.

Any gun control should be met with one end. Kill em' all.

…. dont… we already do this? Seriously every time I've bought a weapon I've had to fill the that stupid fucking nics form or whatever it is, and they call the atf or whoever and run it on the spot. Hell this even happens at gun shows, even fucking individual dealers or collectors run them. The only people there who dont do them are people who sell to each other on the spot which is really no different from any other second hand private deal between two people out in bumfuck nowhere. So what will that actually accomplish or change? And why should anyone care either way?

The only way i see that being an issue is if we start talking about a gun registry, in which case you couldnt do second hand deals without the check, which is total crap for the 99% of us with fucking common sense about who we're selling to, AND would be horrible because it would let the left know EXACTLY who has guns and where they are so when they inevitably get power again (itll happen at some point) they can immediatley start rounding them up with a handy list of where they all are… which is why such a list needs to never happen

But as far as "universal background checks" go, we already fucking do this. The PROBLEM is that that form is fucking retarded and more of a "gotcha" question form than anything, because people may have some kind of warrant for some stupid ticket they forgot about, or a restraining order they never even knew about, and when they said "no" on the form to it they "lied" without even knowing it and wham, instantly fucked for life. It does absolutely nothing about screening out people with mental health issues or anything else, and if crazies can keep a straight face for the 15m it takes to buy a gun, then they're set and that "background check" isnt going to do shit.

Either way, a background check wouldn't have done shit here, and I guarantee one was done on this guy if he went to a store and bought his shit. You know what WOULD have helped? An FBI that actually listened to tips and followed up on them, rather than spending all its time and energy on a political witch hunt. A police department in the local area that did more than try to keep people from pissing off their neighbors, that actually saw someones record and was able to send that information on to the mental health resources in the area so that someone could have gotten more in touch with that guy, combined with a MH field in the area that wasn't like everywhere else in the country and dirt fucking poor and spending all their time and energy only dealing with the extreme cases of SI/HI that end up in hospitalization or the legit schizo/psychotic people walking around yammering to themselves and unable to function (a large part of which are homeless and only end up in hospitals after someone at a homeless shelter calls 911 FOR them)

Seriously I work at one of the ONLY hospitals in my entire section of the state that has a MH ICU unit and its a whopping 34 beds for the extreme cases in adults, something like ~30 beds for lower risk (SI/detox) adults of which many times they end up with overflow we have to take, and around 20 beds for old people with dementia and the like. We get patients sent to us from all over the region, from as much as 2-2.5 hours away… hell sometimes we end up full up completely and get new patients who come to our place to start who end up being stuck strapped down in the ER because we have no where to send them. Theres one other local hospital with a psych ICU floor, and its a whopping 16 beds IIRC.

My point is, we don't even have the resources here to deal with people like that guy to begin with, we're stuck dealing with the massive amounts of true crazies and don't have room for this guy. Even our adult unit generally wouldn't have room for him because theres so many fucking druggies that come to the ER and SAY they're suicidal because they're out of drugs and homeless and want a warm bed and some kind of pills to keep them from DTing for a few days until their next check shows up at someone elses house and they can go get some more dope. But we can't turn them away just because they lie and say they're suicidal (you can always tell who those people are, because they're total fucking assholes, normal enough, but total fucking assholes, and they spend 90% of their time sleeping and when they DO wake up they only get up to take their pills or eat then pass right back out)

Sorry that got ranty/blogposty pretty fast. My point is this, background checks wouldnt have stopped this. An FBI that wasnt a political tool, a police dept that wasn't a bunch of faggots that didnt care about people and only cared about handing out tickets to keep their local PD funded by fucking over local people, and a MH field in the US that was funded and better managed (god, fuck our management to btw, the quacks only see patients for all of 3 minutes a day, they leave the NON treatment groups to therapists, and the actual management of cases to social workers, they dont even DO anything but fucking love to act superior to everyone else.. and I cant even recall the last time I actually saw my own boss nurse manager, all he cares about is keeping costs down so he gets a bonus each month) and could actually do something

But nah man, universal background checks and ignore all the fucking corruption throughout the entire system that enables this shit to take place. No but seriously, our entire nation is fucked, you aint fixing this shit with a god damn piece of paper

It's nice to see that you ignored the post I made that actually addressed this possibility.

I saw this on halfchan. It gets particularly interesting at 10:41. Apologies if it's already posted somewhere.

Right in line with the previous Trump-sponsored gun grab out in Las Vegas.

this. come to think of it nothing happened regarding vegas. trump didnt take advantage

having children there is just as bad as listening to fucking liberals, it will be all about "muh feefees"

oh boy, another if thread where nothing but shills complain about something then get BTFO'd a week later. I can't wait to see it happen again, same time next week bois.

It all blew up in his face and then they tried to spam all of that bullshit about it being an assassination attempt on that sand nigger king.

You're right. Dafuq is Trump doing?

She's an instagram thot who was openly lying - laughing about it no less - to get some media attention. Further, being Jewish and undoubtedly left-wing, she might even have known about the ubiquitous "second shooter" shit at every one of these events, and thought it'd be amusing to stoke the fires… (Or, IMHO, because she was told to do so to stoke those fires.)
There are multiple shooters reported every time. Could be that there are always multiple shooters, or that witness testimony is trash… (Or, IMHO, because there were multiple shooters.)
If he's just fucking crazy as some people claim, that'd make sense. Didn't Roof go to Burger King afterward?… (Or, IMHO, because he was told to make contact there afterwards.)
Because he's an autistic sperg… (Or, IMHO, because he was told to do so by the handlers who paid him and offered to take care of his brother - and that twat who stole the money his dead mum left them - in exchange for doing this.)
Because 'oh god that'd be so awful who would even want to see that!'… (Or, IMHO, the same reason they're rushing to tear down the school.)
Because 'oh god we cant have children trying to learn in a building where so many other children died horribly!'… (Or, IMHO, to destroy evidence.)

Thats the problem with such narrative - there IS an explanation for all that shit, which serves as nice cover for the oppositional narratives in that sense.

Nope, just a hollow accusation on your behalf.
Now you're projecting a false narrative. I didn't defend this kikel, and that you'd try to push it that way is demonstrable of an intent to push a narrative.
To us, sure, but are you actually going to sit there and pretend that the US gov's LEOs are going to share that perspective? Ridiculous.
What fact? This isn't a complete thought.
I think you're trying to say "ignoring the fact that putting a spotlight on the kid/police force under a Democrat kike supporter of Clinton looks bad for them". I don't mind using narratives on the normalfags, but don't try to argue we should spin them on each other round here - the fact that it might hurt our opposition to make a false argument doesn't change the fact that the actuality is such that this lil kikel doesn't appear to have really been putting up red flags.
I don't think English is your first language.
What evidence am I ignoring? And what, explicitly, is 'obviously going' in your honest opinion?

Its done almost-everywhere if you're buying from a store, though its not necessarily requisite by law IIRC.
For example, in PA, if you go to buy a firearm at a gun store, most of them are going to run a background check on you. I'm not sure that they HAVE TO, but they will anyway, because they don't want to sell to some nutter, and not all nutters are visibly nutters.
However, if you buy from an individual, in PA at least, there is no requirement for any form of background check on long-arms (I think PA requires background checks on pistol purchases of any sort, IIRC).

I don't even know what to do.

You should learn not to be the woman in the relationship.

Bad move.
On what basis?
Just to clarify: Your gf dumped you, your dad died, you spahetti'd all over our ex-gf in a traumatized state, she got a restraining order against you for 2 years, and a month after it expired the police showed up and said you had to give up your FID (?? Some sort of permit for firearms?) within 5 days?

On the basis of what it sounds like, seems like it'd be a good time to call a lawyer.

Well I know better now

Heil'd for also this.

Literally that. Apparently they were supposed to seize it when the order took effect but didn't realize it till it expired. I'm just pissed because I've grown a lot as a person and i never beat her or anything, i literally went full retard like you said via texting. I was a dumb 23 year old in a bad place. Im coming up on 27 trying to build my new life, then i get reminders like this that creep.up on me

Nigger slang!

(Heil'd for truth)

It did end. There is no DACA. There is zero chance of DACA or amnesty ever happening now under Trump.The chess game ended in a stalemate and no deal means no "compromise" on our side and the DACA beaners are still illegals. And half of them ended up being pissed at shumer and palosi because of it.

The moderate Democrats who are in close races for 2018 DO NOT want this gun control issue to be the main focus of the midterms.
Notice its only hard leftists in secure districts that are calling for it? People like Chris Murphy.. The hard left and MSM are over playing their hand and will end up fucking over democrats who would rather not be nailed down on the Gun Control issue in competitive races. Its a solid wedge issue like Pro life/choice. A issue that bigger then party loyalty for people in rural areas. The Democrat establishment's who plan was to run on bringing jobs and connecting to middle America again. Blue collar shit.

What the progressives/hard left dont understand is most of America is numb to school shootings by now and NOTHING brings gun owners out like telling them someone is planning on taking away their guns.

The sit down will get high profile democrats live on TV saying they want to take away your guns.

nice dubs

If you buy from a business you have to fill a 4473 out. Its the law. Personal sales don't require jack shit.

prove it. because she claims to have heard shots coming from the school while speaking with the shooter patsy outside the school.

because there always are.

no that was the cops who got him some burger king and it enraged a bunch of kangs when it came out.

is necessary for transparency with the public.

was announced 2 days after the shooting; the investigation hasn't even begun.

Of course removing rabid shitskins from schools, censoring violence from Hollywood and teaching the philosophy of Jesus at a young age are not options. We've had guns and schools without school shootings for over two centuries. It's not a tough problem.

Like I said, see a lawyer, because chances are theres some fuckery afoot - if the restraining order has expired, I don't there's any remaining justification for your permit to be revoked, and they might just be trying to kike you with legal speak or bureaucratic nonsense.
And don't sweat it too much.
Also, maybe consider changing states if you care about it that much - NJ is kike'd as fuck on that front.

What you should NOT do is get demoralized or let it have any significant effect upon you.

Fuck of kike.

Maybe a universal "license" that rolls in reciprocal concealed carry and endorsements, etc. It will be interesting to see exactly what Trump does and what they hand him.

inb4 nationwide CC.


I would trade DACAryans for protection of the 2nd Amendment… if he's the top negotiator I voted for, he should make that sort of deal.

_ is a white nationalist

Universal CCL will be the poison pill that tanks any legislation from ever happening. It will be like The Wall to the DACA deal.

More dubs of truth. Thanks user

Okay user. Whatever you say…
Didnt the courts step in to inhibit that?
Certainly not pissed enough to have any electoral effect though.
I would suggest this is you thinking short-term, but then, its seems they might be thinking short term too, so fair enough.
No, I haven't noticed that actually. I'll have to examine the data in the context of this narrative point to verify its veracity before I ascribe to the claim therein.
Oh user… Please, dude. Anyone who regularly votes Democrat is not going to turn on them over this. Its just… No, dude, fucking no. Please show me evidence to the contrary, if you can.
Now that I will agree with you on - but its also ignoring, on your behalf, that NOTHING brings anti-gun faggots out like a school shooting (especially one in an area of highly-politicized Jews wherein the students come out to support gun control).
And millions of catladies and non-Whites will cheer it on.
Reminder: Blacks and Hispanics both support gun control legislation at a rate of 70%+, according to Pew.

It seems people still believe there are large swathes of Democrat-voting Whites who would be willing to break with the party over 2nd amendment shit, over DACA shit, and I just don't see that being the case; but I'll admit that I could be wrong.
It seems to me like a civnat Boomer appeal to a bunch of groups who would never ever ever shift to the Republican party's current incarnation over something like opposition to gun control or the Dems refusing a DACA deal that didn't include amnesty for 11 million people.

This better be something like nationwide CC and SHALL not be infringed tier otherwise I'm mad as fuck

Ah, well, there you go.

Wha… Dude, go look at her fucking instagram. Look at the threads on this very board covering it.
She's an instagram thot, and she's Jewish, and she was fucking laughing when she was talking about the second shooter stuff. I don't know what else to say to you.

Fair enough, but that's you ignoring the counter-narrative.

Ahhhh, interesting.

Again, ignoring the counter narrative - which I'm not saying I agree with, but many people (especially women) are susceptible to that sort of emotional argumentation.

See above.

That's not an argument bruv, and the slinging of empty and hollow accusations does nothing but reduce the quality of discourse on the board.

You are quite welcome user. Keep your chin up, and talk to a lawyer.

"I took the advice of our Israeli allies, we're arming our teachers."

No, you're just terrible at your job.

You're trying to make him out to be some random fucko when:
1. If he is a kike, as you say, then he's a fucking danger.
2. If he is an autistic kike as you say, then he is a fucking danger.
3. If he is an autistic kike from a shitty household and all those visits from law enforcement were not because of him because he is a good boy and dindu nuffin, then he is still a fucking danger.
4. And if he is a fucking danger, then ignoring all of this is beyond retarded and entering the realm of the dangerous and and obscene.

You're acting like there was nothing that should have tipped off the police when there was plenty and you are trying to give the police a free pass while eating up the idea of the kid being some poor nitwit that was purely the result of a bad home an ignoring all the other possibilities. And that is not even bringing in all the other shit involved, like the sheriff and his political leanings and so on. I mean really now.

At worst, nothing will come of it. It will be DACA all over again or the last time Trump took guns away when there was a mass shooting (oh wait…).

With Trump you can never take him at his first word. I doubt anything comes of this, same as with DACA.

I have a feeling its going to be literally nothing like Vegas and leaving dems cockblocked again.

The downside to form 4473 is the business has to keep the record for 20 years and if said business closes within that period those records must be turned into the ATF, after 20 years you're free to burn them if you're still about.

Good, I hope so, because I am so SICK an TIRED of every fucking time anything happens with MUH CHILDREN its "we need to take your guns"
none of the answers as to some of the weird shit that happened that day are answered, like how the firearm even got INTO the school.

That actually is a good question, how'd he sneak a standard looking AR in there? I haven't really been following this aside from the fucker having that same sort of cut like the dude who failed at that Batman screening with his korean beta mags.

DACA is dead. Schumer cucked on the shutdown and they lost their leverage. Its dead until Trump is gone.

Niggers and spics are unreliable voters on anything not-gibs or voting for Obama. They are super unreliable for midterms. The wont show over some school shooting that happened 8 months ago.
On the other hand gun owners are fiercely reliable when it comes to voting to protect their guns. They are single issue voters.
DACA wasn't a very polarizing issue for non-shit skins. Whites are mostly asleep when it comes to the illegal problem. And it's off the table so who cares.
If you think gun owners will vote away their right to own guns just because they happen to be registered democrat then you are clearly not an American.

Most modern schools have double-lockdown door procedure and no one can explain how a smaller-sized male could even get that thing in without someone seeing it

You'd be amazed at how dumb Democrats are goes for Republicans to an extent.

They are dumb because they vote for pols that duck the 2A question. There is a reason democrats in swing states never campaign on gun control. They like to stay foggy on it.
Getting nailed down on record being for gun control is not a smart campaign strategy.

I'm an awful veterinarian because you're not a good typist?
That seems improbable.

Context denial. Answer the question, yes or no, do you think the US gov LEOs view someone as a hazard for being a kike? Because that's the context of the conversation. Yes or no, nigger.
See above.
See above again, and now you're moving the goalposts.
And points 1-3 are objectively representative of context denial on your behalf, which negates the rest of your commentary in that regard.

Except there wasn't. You're still engaging in context denial, and doing a really disingenuous job of it no less.
I never said that, you disingenuous liar. I suggested that this kid didn't put out signals above and beyond the miasma of such signals that we see, and his IRL behaviors - given what we do know - don't suggest red flags as you're implying, while his online behavior MIGHT have, but given the context of edgelords and non-Whites talking about raping Melania and shit, I don't think there either.
Actually, if you paid attention, my narrative is that the kid IS some poor nitwit kikel autist who got picked up by some pro-gun control kikel organization or individual who made him an offer, because his situation was so shit, and because his personal situation was so shit, he agreed to it.
So, I'm actually do the exact opposite of what you're accusing me of, while you are projecting like a mother fucker, in that you're refusing to acknowledge the possibility that this WAS just a dorky autistic kike who talked shit on the internet and was just kind of a loser IRL, until (((someone))) took note of him - potentially due to something like the slag who took guardianship of him calling the cops because he wanted to bring a gun into her home, or the school noting his response to being bullied constantly - and made him an offer.
The point being, he was not putting up myriad red flags that police should have taken note of as implied - there is very little hard-evidence of this kid having been some massive trouble-maker IRL such that police should have noted him. And even if he DID do such, there is not evidence to support the idea that the police would have had the legal means via which to rescind his firearms ownership rights.
What about the sheriff and his political leanings?
Really now, you didn't answer my fucking question, so I'll ask it again:
What evidence am I ignoring? And what, explicitly, is 'obviously going' in your honest opinion?

And don't forget the Yes or No question above.

Point taken.


Saying that does not make it true user, but there's no point arguing over it with you when you're clearly so ideologically committed to the claim. That is your truth, and no matter what I might say to you, I don't believe you would reject it, regardless of what evidence was presented or argument levied.
I'd beg to differ, in that we're in the post-Trump era, and I don't think you're going to see Dems sitting on their hands like you might have in previous scenarios - they HAVE to make some impact in the midterms, or they'll have zero power going forward, and they know it. Thus, I suspect they'll be shilling hard amongst the non-Whites for the midterms.
I haven't seen that to be the case, especially amongst registered-Democrats. In fact, I find it extremely dubious that there are registered-Democrats who espouse that caricature at all - I don't see many people still part of the left-wing in the US being single-issue 2nd amendment people.
Absolute nonsense user.
Further nonsense - libshit catladies and soyboys are some of the FIERCEST proponents of DACA amnesty and similar legislation.
Already addressed.
I think very very very few legal gun owners are registered-Democat - and nobody 'just happens' to be a registered-Democrat at this point user.

This sums up his presidency.

Did you miss the part where he talked to China and offered to do absolutely nothing about trade if they would just stop selling oil to a "revisionist" power like North Korea?

Reminds me of pic related.

It's good that somebody sees him for what he is.

t. shareblue shill

Sure thing.

He's a civic nationalist Boomer from Jew York City.
Could be worse, but could be so, so much better too - and watch the actual shills (they work both sides, ya know?) come outta the woodwork to kvetch and moan over statement of the fact that Trump is quite-a-bit less than perfect, even if preferable to the absolute dogshit that was on offer.

He's much worse than a civic nationalist Boomer. He's the ultra-zionist pushback. He is centering American nationalism squarely on the postwar order that is under threat and discredited in the wake of the failed and illegitimate Global War on Terror and mass immigration. He is adeptly and stridently looking to erase the true prewar meaning of "America First".

I mean, if you wanted to get technical, there are possibilities. Someone adept at disassembly and reassembly would be able to put it in a backpack given that there are no metal detectors and sneak pieces in over a couple days or all at once if he's feeling ballsy. Also, if the kid is in band, plenty of cases are big enough to fit more than an assault rifle and some ammunition.

It's possible. I still think this is all bullshit, but it's possible.

Eh, I think that's about what a civic nationalist Boomer from Jew York is these days user.
And I would suggest that's exactly what civic nationalist Boomer would do, because to civnat Boomers, there is nothing BUT the post-war era.

Here's a pasta I had saved that might add some context:
This warrants addressing.

The United States was 80-90% White until the 1980s, which was a direct consequence of the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965.
Its important to note that the people in the 1960's WOULD NOT have supported that legislation - and they weren't given a choice. But if they were, if there had been a referendum, they would have voted it down, doubly so if they knew what the US would look like today as a result.

And that's the real kicker: The people who pushed through the Hart-Cellar act EXPLICITLY stated that none of these things - demographic displacement most of all - would happen. They said it explicitly, "This will not happen". They said that if you said it WOULD happen, you were just doing that because you are a racist.

Now, post-1980's, after the consequences of those policies began to be felt, the response has changed. Now, when its pointed out that all these things HAVE HAPPENED, ARE HAPPENING, the answer now is, "Well, if you CARE, you're a racist".

Its also worth noting that American values prior to 1965 were very ethnocentric - Whites didn't espouse a mentality of opening their country to the world in majority. But effectively, that culture was changed with the 1965 act, and in the 2 decades that followed before serious effect ws felt, great effort was put into arguing that this new state of affairs was American values.
Now, whenever someone attempts to levy opposition to demographic displacement - the same sort of opposition which was offered, and would have been offered more greatly with foresight, by White Americans - its thrown in their face that these new values are America's values.
Basically, we were lied to, and when you try to call someone out on the lie, they call you a racist.
And Boomers? They were the product of that indoctrinatory process, the primary targets, patient zero's as it were - they were the testing grounds on how to go about creating a narrative that could add some reinforcement to the dissonant bullwark of what they were embarking upon in terms of policy, and the Boomers seem to have basically gone one of two ways: kosher civic nationalism, or degenerate liberal progressivism.

As such, when you say to me that Trump is the ultra-Zionist pushback utilizing civic nationalism to undermine the public perception of pre-war American values, well, I'd say thats about par for the course as goes a civic nationalist Boomer that was raised amongst the wealthy in the city which represents the single largest concentration of Jewish power on the planet outside of Israel.

Hate to point it out, but its less getting a +1 repub vote, but a -1 democrat vote and if you make enough minoroities too upset to vote democrat, democrats will abandon them, shill green part to minorities to split vote further

And then Reagan amnesty'd 6 million illegals, left the border broken, and refused to secure it.

The key difference with Trump is he is specifically tailoring his messaging [at least he was with the campaign] to leave enough room for interpretation that he felt there were real problems with the trajectory of the country. It wasn't until he got into office that it was made clear he felt the problem was that Obama was too soft and didn't double down on the Bush-era PNAC/Axis of Evil enough.

This is a guy who admitted during a live presidential debate that Iran was the one who was really fighting ISIS, basically torpedoing the entire media narrative around that event. Once he's into office, it's like it never happened.

I don't think that you'll actually get the -1 vote though, that's the point I've been making.
Hahahahahahaha, bro, fuck no. Do you even understand what you're saying? Democrats can't abandon the muds now - they've levied their entire political future on browns becoming the majority in the future, and to abandon them now to try to pursue the normative White vote would be political suicide.
They've screwed themselves, in a sense, in that White people weren't supposed to wake up yet - but they did, if only for a year or two, and it created a real pain in their tip-cut cocks because now they're in a situation wherein they have to abandon the decades of work they've done in association with non-Whites to pursue the White vote again just for the sake of maintaining power/influence long enough to get to a White minority, or they have to bite their tongues and hope that Trump/whoever follows him don't actually make a significant impact demographically through their policy positions.
Amusing, but unlikely to catch on, because the greens don't offer the gibs.

That's civic nationalism for you m8.
Daily Reminder: Anything called civic nationalism isn't nationalism at all, because a civic entity is not a nation - a nation is a thing of blood, and a civic entity is merely the means via which a nation governs itself.
The Boomers - and other civnat faggots - had the idea put into their head that it was the other way around, that the civic entity is the nation, and that myriad different groups of people come together to be a part of it because they share its ideals (when, in actuality, the civic entity has come to govern over a bunch of different nations, all of whom - except one - disregard the civic principles of upon which the civic entity was created and behave as nations, acting collectively in their own interest).

Indeed, the ol' dog whistle.
This was a common narrative during the campaign - everything was a dog whistle, nothing should be taken at face value, and if you suggested it should you were just a shill from [insert organization here].
IOW: It became clear that those were not, in fact, dog whistles, but actual statements of intent.
Its funny, everyone seems to forget the month or two wherein Trump would talk about 'race horse theory' at his rallies, and how heavily that was pushed in communities such as this one.
What happened to 'race horse theory', eh? It fucking disappeared miiiiiiighty quick, and hasn't been seen to emerge again since.
Just like the race horse theory shit.
Dude seems to have said what he thought people wanted to hear, and people heard what they wanted to hear in the things they thought that he said.
That's politics for you, especially in the modern age.

Daily Reminder: Rome didn't have police, because they knew any standing policing force in the city would wind up being corrupted and would culminate in a force whose entire purpose was maintaining the power of those presently in power, ie, maintaining the status quo above everything else. Because no such policing force existed, there was always - at least, until the standing gang, predecessor of the standing police force, was concocted - a sense of accountability on behalf of the political class: If you said something, then did the exact opposite, a horde of plebs might very well form a mob and march to your house, burn it and you, rape your daughter, kill your sons, etc…. And now, in a country that aimed to ape the Roman Republic, we have huge militarized policing forces, and no sense of accountability, such that politicians on both sides of the false-dichotomy of the left-right two-party system can - and regularly do - say something on the campaign trail, and do the exact fucking opposite when in power, knowing they are completely unaccountable to anyone, because they've got a fucking army in-country and ready to stomp down any revolt against the status quo with extreme prejudice, becaue they're paid to do so.

So this is what its like when Holla Forums accidentally has legitimate conversations.

Also, Rome also has bans on personal arms in the city, so what happened was that gangs and the Praetorians ruled.

Pretty much what you described happened anyways, but with even less accountability and responisbility.

Rome had many flaws, it had many incredible things going for it, but it had many many flaws.

We should be using the time under Trump to get fit and armed, holding jobs solely for the purpose of generating capital to purchase firearms and ammunition.

You've successfully justified losing on an important issue and lie to yourself about it.

I look it's another
Better vote GOP in 2018 Anons! It's all Chess!
Iran War after? Who cares about Muds?
What? Nikki Haley 2024! My Greatest Ally!

We already have this. It's called NICS

Did you take your wife's son to see The Black Panther? How was it?

What are NICS checks, nigger? Get fucked, nothing is going to happen and blackpill shilling has gotten you nowhere.

It's about getting the niggers and spics too apathetic to vote.

According to the constitution, everyone has the right to own guns. Even felons, even children. It is a natural, god given right to have the means witch which to defend yourself and anyone who threatens those god given rights must be held accountable.

Kindly, piss off.

*with which

UBC is used as a backdoor to end private transfers. The only way to enforce it is through registration. Registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation.

Wonder if he's gonna tackle the FBI wasting resources on trying to indict Russian Troll Farms, and seeing as those crisis nigger actors like David Hoggs already blew his fucking load by blaming the President while ignorantly telling people that the President is the head of all agencies and departments in the Government.



What the fuck does that have to do with anything I have said? You can take your Christcuck kike bait elsewhere. We are far from repealing the NFA and that is not the subject of this thread.

Have you ever bought a gun before. Congrats you Probably had a NICS check, which is a "UBC". It's been going on for years.


I've purchased all of my firearms with cash and no paper work. Keep shilling for gun control faggot.

This is pure delusion. Back to The Donald please.

What the.fuck?


Do you have to register an account?

Nigger, have you seen the screeching spics? And the fact that older more numerous spics seem cheated out of amnesty makes it quite a bit worse. No ones going to help these spic kids and they know it.

So the shills come out yet again and start trying to bombard the thread with anti-Trump shilling, just like they did mere DAYS AGO before the DACA deal got taken off the table.

This is LITERALLY the same. AGAIN, Trump has promised the other side NOTHING. He's only said he's willing to come to the negotiating table, being the totally reasonable, very stable genius that he is.

And of course they won't, or they'll make such ridiculous demands that Trump will make counter-offers they can't take.

Can you imagine if Trump says "Hey, sure, we can do background checks for everyone purchasing a firearm… Oh, since everyone's getting background checked, so we know everyone who buys one is completely sane, rational and reasonable, we'll need to overturn the The Firearm Owners' Protection Act of 1986 (FOPA)… You know, the full auto ban."

Right there, is a deal they can't take, and it's just one example of many possibilities. Full auto back on the table in exchange for background checks.

I'm not shilling for shit you slobbering nigger. I'm bringing up the facts that what there doing won't amount to jack fuck. You go play with your WD40 fudd spalled bolts, or you can stop being a faggot and use 80% lowers.

Our top priority is to fix our fuckup and remove this turd that listens to hysterical mothers and students backed by corporate propaganda.

Shall not be infringed means shall not be infringed.

Who cares if it's a shill. It's the fucking truth. Trump is cucking here. How fucking dare he listen to this bogus crap.

Best way to put it

go back to whatever shithole you came from

Cause its bullshit lip service and we got sharenigger slobbering all over the thread.

hardly anyone on here takes shilling seriously anymore. I said way back in mid january that all Trump was going to do is play the clock on daca because that's the only way he could win. same thing here. it's the same hand being played every time. never think Trump is doing something just because he says so on camera.

Be careful, anymore sobbing and you might actually expose yourself.

But if not a shill holy shit welcome to the ball game gomer. Clearly, you don't understand how Trump works if you've been here any longer than a few weeks.

Im becoming well aware that he's not what Holla Forums wants. No ground should be given for guns. There is no winning from listening to these bullshit students and mothers who do nothing but cry for security while destroying liberty.

Making a deal means they are getting to him enough for him to listen at all. He should have a zero tolerance approach of these people and should condemn the corporate backing of these false "rallies" and "movements"

…aaaaand it's a shill.



All these (1) with no points behind them. No, let's all shit ourselves and assume all is lost instead of looking at how this shit has gone down in the past.

And you don't even know what you are talking about. DACA really has you shills riled up the ass doesn't it?

So let me get this straight: You are the one that put forth a number of reasons why this kid would be a danger, a danger that would get most police on top of someone, to the point of indicating that such is not good, yet now are trying to run away form this point, and when called on it, claim that your point is being misconstrued when it is not, highlight the fact that the kid is a an autistic kike, and when this is commented on, run away from that point, and when presented proof of clear bias from the police and actual evidence that the kid was in a shitty situation and that he himself has problems, then ran away from that point and tried to act like there was no evidence for this when even MSM has commented on it. All to push a narrative and dissuade people from calling out the police on this since they dropped the ball on this, all to prevent people from not only questioning the police on this but the FBI as well who appeared to drop the ball on this as well (yet have no problem acting when politically motivated).
Your weak level of argumentation is pure kike behavior and falls apart since you are pushing a narrative and only works when you are merely critiquing one. As I said before, you are terrible at your job.

his team ran this false flag.
They are going to use it to push the national ID project. Which will prevent the beaner votes and a large section of nigger votes next election.

I dont want a national ID and nobody on this board wants a national ID. Are you fucking retarded? Please start posting with your first and last name + work email if you want a national ID.

Shills making a storm in a cup as fucking always
He will cuck them like he always do
Only a retard who didn't follow literally anything Trump ever did would fall for this shitty shilling




why won't you just stop supporting TRUMP????????????????????????????????????????????


Bro. I was in love with a black out drunk psycho who tried to stab me one time and tried to smash my head with a Guitar the other time. I ended up moving out and back with my parents at 22, got my life back together, went to university and got arrested in class one day for domestic violence. I guess a neighbor called the cops during one of her breakdowns and since I left that night and we broke up I was considered "guilty". I was the only person in court that got a not guilty and that is because I was brutally honest with the judge and admitted to us having a drunk and driving car chase that night and all.
I could've lost my rights to own firearms forever because of that girl.

Fast forward to 32 now. I have six guns and a beautiful wife who is ready for babies and that girl I used to love so much just died last week from alcoholic liver. She barely turned 30.

that's not substantiated by your archive links. the only reference is to UBC is some CT-Dimoshit referencing a long-since dead proposal from 2012

if he does any form of amnesty or gun control then he's no better than George W Bush and there is no reason to support him

he better just be talking out of his ass or he's not going to have any base aside from braindead boomers and r the donald



Yeb¿ 2038


You mad brah?

Slippery slope.

Drumfff shall never recover from this one HA!


Kikes are being pulled into spilling spaghetti like always.


Oh look, pretending to give a shit

Yes, exactly. I said "if".

Yeah, why does Trump have to give the cuck lip service for everything? He fires back at the media but then he reacts to literally spin there is by counter-signalling everything he campaigned and won on. Syrian gas baby hoax? Bomb an airfield. Muh DACA spics? Dems are the real meanies, we'll take care of 'em. Meme mass shooting? Yeah, I'll repeal the 2nd amendment.

If I were President and there was a mas shooting and some media kikes asked me what I was going to do to save the 6,000,000 innocent babies, I would say something like, "well this is a terrible tragedy but I will always defend the 2nd amendment, 'provides x logical reason as to why this is so important'".

Being the president that introduces a dmv style gun control that makes it really inconvenient to own a gun.

When was that, Nigger? You know he's not a legislative branch member so how will he make that law?

WHY WON'T YOU JUST VOTE KILLARY????????????????????????????????????????







it's starting to look like infinite
these people are exhibiting all the signs of psychopathy, and psychopaths simply cannot learn from failure

sage for offtopic, but does anyone have the screencap of the shill getting mad at Holla Forums despite how much money is being poured into their groups and not changing our opinion?

Is the deep state sending a message by being obvious?

The alleged perp bought ten (10) rifles in about a year (at a minimum of maybe $5,000, assuming a dirt cheap average price of $500 apiece). Add the cost of the other equipment and ammo etc. he had.

The alleged shooter was working at a dollar store as a teenager. That means some extremely low hourly wage. He must have had financial assistance buying that many rifles and extra clips, equipment, etc.

Side note: collecting ten rifles probably would have been very noticeable

You are right user, look at all the (((coincidences))) Trump has with Reagan:
I won't be surprised if Pence is working to have Trump get the same treatment Reagan got when HW Bush attempted to have Reagan assassinated so Bush could be president. That's why I've been wondering about Pence after Trump picked him, he gives me this suspicious vibe.


I cant even,
I am shaking with rage.
Hillary 2075

Oprah 7029

Shills think because they are stupid, everyone else must be too. The list of blow-outs the shills, berniebros, and nevertrumpers have suffered is too long to ignore. Only a completely hopeless retard would believe any of of this if-if-if-if bullshit

No dude, Pence was picked because he'll electrocute the queers. Because he wants to save their souls. It's MAD insurance policy.
Also he wasn't the head of the CIA. Or was he…?

So glad I'm not the only one who knows this. Bless Holla Forums, bless us one and all. (Have a QT on me.)



Sure, he could be moving towards a massive gun grab. Or he could be playing the leftists by initially acting as though he's going to do what they want, then pulling a bait and switch. Considering that he does the latter all the time, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at this point.