I'm tempted to buy this game Holla Forums. Should I ?

I'm tempted to buy this game Holla Forums. Should I ?

Fuck you for asking.


The only aim in Rust is to survive.

To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town.

Whatever it takes to survive.

Buy the Alpha now for only $19.99!

Can you at least tell me why it's shit? It looks pretty fun from the youtube videos I've seen.

if you have friends, it's very fun. Otherwise, you'll just get hunted down by random assholes over and over again, but it's still fun sometimes. Either way, you should probably wait til a sale.

It isn't sh*t, fellow Eight Channel user! It is THE Definitive Survival Experience. Buy the Alpha today for the low low price of only $19.99!

buy it goy

If you want to buy it then buy it, personally I don't like survival games as they are slow paced skinner boxes.

I'm sad that My Summer Car has all the survival shit because it would be a great base for a Street Rod style game,

I got it gifted to me by a friend so I can tell you this. The game is utter garbage. Character personalization is non-existent and whatever the RNG decides you look like is bound to your ID. The combat bascially boils down to who got the first shot in, there is next to no teamwork unless you're with friends so cooping with randoms is stillborn, and resource gathering takes so long and is unrewarding when you do build something.

one time I went on global chat and organized a bunch of nakeds into a Nazi gang, and at one point we like like 50 people running around and creating havoc

had like*

Thanks, this is much more helpful. I guess I might pick it up if it goes on sale. I'd like to do shenanigans like stalk players on a server, build a hidden home near their base and fuck them up when they least expect it.

On low pop servers I've had no trouble building up a solo base by playing hardcore on the weekend then going out at night during the week with my gear and shooting people. Game can be a bit cancer because stay at home welfare rats can play 24/7 and destroy you when you're at work, which is why I like low pop. Easy to actually hide and build up resources, then go out and still find people when you're looking for trouble.

High pop servers get dominated by big clans and all the resources are picked clean and trying to solo in that environment means you'll maybe get a bow, and then raped repeatedly.

I've played with friends but living with people in Rust is the same as real life. Like an asshole who doesn't do his dishes, people throw loot wherever instead of organizing chests, and they'll get butthurt if they get raided, which is bound to happen.

Hackers are real and have been a problem plaguing the game for some time, so it sucks losing a bunch of good shit to someone who is.

Despite all it's flaws, it's still a fun game that can be very tedious, but very heart-pounding in intensity because you worked so long to acquire said loot. Beating people when you're outnumbered feels fucking great.

There's also plenty of opportunity to show off your draw skills by painting signs. The servers I've played on generally had everyone acting as retarded as possible and chat was trolling / funny / cancer.

Don't play it on a complete potato. For me it was worth the money, but it's a hell of a time sink.

Ignore the idiots who say it's about surviving. It's open field pvp deathmatch with base building, no one has the goal to sit there in their base eating meat trying to obtain a long survival time.

You'd have to be a complete moron to be that inconvenienced by a Urine meter. It is a rather unnecessary mechanic but it's not really game-ruining.

If you aren't a genuine fucking misanthrope before you buy it, you definitely will be afterwards. The "sandbox survival" meme genre attracts the worst cancer of gaming. I've logged around 40 hours of purely solo play and will never touch it again. If you enjoy having any sense of progress constantly ripped away from you by packs of sociopathic children then this is the game for you, otherwise I hope you have at least one friend to play with. Just don't fucking buy it if you plan to play alone, it's really not worth the frustration as unique of a concept it is.

i wouldnt; if it were free id play it but

SJW twitch plebbitor garbage. Avoid it like the plague.

It's shite m8. Whole genre is stupid and I've never gotten the appeal of it, like MOBAS but actually worse.



You should go to >>>/reddit/ where your kind belongs.

1. The Devs are SJW cucks, they forced everyone to be either male or female depending on their steam ID's and you can't change it. this also applies to your skin color so you can be black and enjoy being hidden at night or white or any shade in between.

2.The game is horseshit with the worst community in any game, spend an hour gathering resources only to get your ass killed by a faggot and he takes all your shit, watch as a wolf or bear clips through the fucking ground and mountain and kills you because the fucking devs cant program shit. the player has to walk over and around the mountain but the fucking wolf just clips right through. it's been like that since the game was released and they still haven't patched it.

3.Go to sleep login to game next day all your shit is gone and your base is fucked up and has penises all over it.

4. it's made using Unity so it's got a shitty aiming system that you have to be autistic to be able to use correctly. everyone is fucking glitchy jerky so its hard to aim and shoot people.

5. its the laggiest piece of shit ever. start game enjoy 2fps little. you have to turn down all your graphics settings to minimum even if you have a beast of a computer.
