I really don't see how people on this website can deny Stasi torture in East Germany

I really don't see how people on this website can deny Stasi torture in East Germany. There is so much documentation. Also, there are countless eyewitnesses that were being held in the torture camps.






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Autocratic socialism, not even once

It's pretty simple, actually.
Check the trials that lead nowhere, see the "tour guides" making up stories altering with each tour they make, never matching up with historic facts.


One of these "victims" i saw sitting on a street, selling his books, whining about evil Stalin, relativizing the Nazi crimes against the soviet people.
Poor baby.

Literally the first time I see someone bringing up Stasi

rally mages u thingk huh :DDD

Regardless, the GDR had the best aesthetics of any socialist state


It essentially was 4th Reich

Based Stasi's violent repression of religion is the reason why Germany is like the most atheist nation on the planet today.

Idk about the west but East Germany is remarkably atheistic still


Strange how some post eastern bloc countries have become religious again and some have kept the atheist legacy

But that's authoritarian socialism…

Easy, it's all capitalist propaganda

Revolutions are authoritarian by definition, it's the establishment of authority of one class over the other. Unless you're proposing to pull a classless society out of thin air, there isn't any other way, anarchists are merely pretending to be against it because they are retarded in every aspect of their useless existence.

Anarchists use force and violence too.

The Stasi did nothing wrong.

Stories about torture are propaganda. The Volkspolizei and Stasi weren't more brutal than the West German police (see what they did to the RAF) leave alone the Americans who surpassed any GDR level of torture and still doing so today.

I gotta admit though, the mass surveillance was unnecessary and created dissent amongst the population - but it's not near as much of a big deal as the West makes it out to be. I recommend talking to someone who actually lived in the GDR, that clears up things.

Ive never seen anyone deny stasi torture here not even tankies

It was only made a big deal of by segments of the SED itself that planned a coup and counterrevolution, there was no surveillance going beyond anything happening at any other part of the world. Even far less than in capitalist nations as they have private entities datamining you with the state doing so just on top of that. There was no such private sector in the GDR.

I take it Holla Forums had finally realized they had been raiding wrong place.

Actually, not that much. And don't get me started on "witnesses".

I can deny, if it would make you feel any better.

It's just nobody here cares about Stasi or Antifaschistische Schutzwall (I think only once somebody asked about immigration from East to West), so we don't discuss it.

To be fair, that's a comparatively recent occurrence. By the time that was truly in force, East Germany was gone.

I been posting about this recently
Reactionaries always say that X socialist country commited these crimes and did these violations to human rights but they never denounce the same crimes on capitalist countries.
That is the point where you can see their hypocrecy, they don't actally care about human rights they just don't like when somebody else doies it.

Not him, but you are missing the point. While data mining is recent, secret police stuff is not.

For example, Pinkerton agency had a very long history of spying on - and killing - Socialists, while Ford (and other factory-owners) forced workers to let their private police ransack their houses at any time.

Also, - unlike user - I don't agree that state surveillance has been higher in Socialist states.


The EU is the 4th Reich.