UK conservative party staffer watches blacked porn

Porn is bad enough but the fact that hes watching [SHITTED] proves even the UK "right wing" is run by race traitors.

Other urls found in this thread:

Pick one.

The UK is [SHITTED] as a whole.
Everyone there should be shot.

He was born in a place called Cuckwell and his wife Karen is a human rights activist helping black men adjust to British society.


I can feel the memes taking for as we speak.

I bet he wants some of the nintendo cardboard too

He probably thinks video games are sexist racist homophobic misogyny.

nothing wrong with porn, grandma

Reality is just fucking with us at this point.


Forced meme alert

This thread is clearly not a ruse for something else.

These subjects were framed, lol. Who the fuck does that?

This is too silly.

This fucker lives a couple miles away from me. To any burgers who don't know Croydon it's a shit hole populated mostly by niggers, pakis and pajeets.

Good goy


His wife likely demanded it

except that it is more addictive than physically putting drugs into your body and it is entirely degenerate watching others have sex for your pleasure
thats literally what you do when you are a genetic dead end

Meme magic at work. Fucking hell.

Well, let's get those memes going…



Porked is better anyway :^)

Are you the retard posting Trump threads all day?

Have you ever witnessed such a face that so vehemently invites violence upon it?

He also looks like a cuck. Physiognomy is real.

Look at how huge his neck is, at least 15 inches.

Why is he in the conservative party ?

If you wanted to truly damage the Labor party, would you join the Conservative party… or would you join Labor?

I guess the same reason faggot Lindsey Graham is in the Republican party. Not sure what that reason is exactly but it seems to have something to do with the establishment "Right" being the Left of the 60s.

Who the fuck would ever vote for a guy that looks like this? Nothing about this guy implies that he's a strong leader who will look out for his people. Are people so out of tune with their instincts that they can't see weakness like this any more?

90% of people who vote don't even know what they're voting for. They just walk into a booth, look for a political party they heard was good on TV ten years ago, and circle the name.

If people KNEW it would change everything.

That's why the internet is such a powerful tool, the information revolution is the first stumbling block for the true scum of humanity.

It's this exact reason I have been arguing for removing the political affiliation of candidates on ballots for decades.

The Tories haven't been an actually conservative party since before Thatcher.

I don't know anything about UK politics.



It's the same anywhere.

That's a fair start.

I bet we could bully this guy out of politics with memes. He looks weak willed as fuck.

Are you so much of a nigger brainlet that you think



Probably why he has a decent career in politics, a wife and children. You'd need to have good genetics to rise to a social status like that.

How about you. What have you accomplished?

Think about why the statement you just made is retarded.

He has a podcast man, he's redpilling people, do you have some donations ?

He's not just small, even if he was 6 feet tall he would still have proportions that suggest low testosterone.

High testosterone people are more likely to tell the truth:

There are many other benefits. High testosterone improves understanding of systems for example.

Then why does this man have a wife, kids and a good career in politics whilst all the redpillers are pretty much at the bottom of society?

His career is destroyed because he retweeted AIDSED porn.
His wife fucks niggers.
I don't care about his wifes sons.

What the hell is this defending a cuck coming from on 8ch Holla Forums of all places?

He's such a chad that he openly discusses his porn habits on twitter.

He's a literal cuck. Holy shit!

Everybody has his wife.

I have no words lol. One of the worst posts of all time desu.

That's a woman. I don't expect anyone here to believe me (because him not actually being male detracts from the lulz and must therefore be attacked.)
Look at the first picture, it radiates female energy. Then we have the physical traits.
If you can find photographs of him at the beach, I guarantee he has wide female hips and a high Q angle.

Might be an F-T-M tranny.

Oh, and needless to say, something like this doesn't happen without the say so of the govt.
Look what it's actually about, it has nothing to do with interracial, the controversy is over grown women dressed as schoolgirls.
This story will be used to ignite "debate" about the "subjugation of women" and "pedophilic" (adult) porn, possibly paving the way for an expansion of the existing bans on "extreme" porn like BDSM and watersports, to include women wearing school uniforms, from which point they can pivot to an anime ban.
Or you know, just believe that the kikes who print the news simply want to inform you about realitylol.

or maybe he's just a little nancy faggot?

And one final post before the "papers wouldn't print false news, jews are honest people" brigade shows up:
Just like Tony Blair blocked reporting of the fact that scores of serving MPs and houses of parliament employees had been busted by the FBI (Operation Ore data) after using credit cards to buy child porn online.
That was completely hushed up through use of a home office d-notice censor.

I don't know man. Nancy boys often have 2,3,4 female traits but it seems like everything about this "man" is female. Also checked his digit ratio - ring finger is equal or shorter to index, another female trait.
Beach photo would be the clincher.

I think he's just a massive fucking soy boy cuck faggot. If a man leads a spiritually neutered existence for enough time, it begins to reflect in his physical appearance. Even more so if he's consumes lots of estrogen rich foods, drinks unfiltered water, and watches niggers fuck his wife.

What the fuck even causes a man's neck to be so disgustingly skinny? Also this isn't surprising to me. Brits have a fascination with niggers that exceeds everyone. I don't know why. I discovered it a few years ago. Interracial is a "taboo" here in the US. Some people do it for the same reason faggots do their orgy shit. But in the UK I noticed that people look at niggers in the same way niggers look at white people here. That is, that their "beauty" is superior. A negro on the arm is seen as high status, while here a white man or woman on a negro's arm is seen as high status. It's fucking weird, and I don't know why niggers are held to such high regard there. Most prominent, serious (not comedic or whatnot, but in drama and the like) nigger actors in mainstream movies come from the UK

I think you've confused kikes with English.
There are hardly any niggers in England. is an american company, representative of the whole of the US male population's fantasies.
You probably have it in another tab right now.

I found this out before that website even existed. Before "cuckold" even became a popular thing in porn. It started when I noticed very attractive white people in the UK dating niggers, while I looked around me here and it was ghetto or trashy white people that dated niggers. Then I became exposed to the Brits of the internet, who glorified their niggers like no other. They glorified them and viewed them in the same like niggers do us. They wanted to emulate their style, their lips, they loved their skin etc. This was before I found Holla Forums, probably some 7 or more years ago. This was when I was just a simple racist browsing the web.

It's the result of media brainwashing. This has been talked about dozens of times. The (((media))) and (((education))) teaches you to hate your own race and to fix this by acquiring a nigger mate.

It's a jewish company. This is what /int/ does to your brain. I bet you're one of the faggots that compulsively spreads the eternal anglo/burger d&c shit.

>The (((media))) and (((education))) teaches you to hate your own race and to fix this by acquiring a nigger mate.
True. I notice the same exact thing in Canada, except with Asians. Canadians praise Asians and have ceded their position of superiority in the social sphere to them. Asians now look down on whites in Canada. They form entire ethnically and racially Asian areas, businesses etc., but not like "Chinatown" here in the US, more like an upper class suburb. They walk amongst Canadians as a suburbanite walks amongst the inner-city filth. I absolutely hate Canadian Asians for their undeserved sense of superiority that these limp-wristed fucking Canadians have given them. It sickens me. You come to the US, and again, Asians idolize white beauty and Asian women lust after white men, while Asian men are deemed largely undesirable. I can spot a Canadian Asian from an American Asian by how they conduct themselves, who they associate with etc. Canadian Asians are largely ethno-centric and strongly maintain their identity as Chinese, Korean etc. They praise their foreign cultures and media. Meanwhile I'm sitting here, aware of their imperfections and inferiority, forced to be witness to their unjust sense of superiority that those fucking lefty rat Canadians gave to them.

It is Americans that glorify blacks. Just look at the Kardashians, they are you’re royal family that all young girls look up to. It’s Americans that started the big ass meme in fashion, and the botox lip meme. It’s white Americans who are the primary consumers of hip hop. American sports are basically just a competition of who has the biggest blacks, basketball and “football” being the most popular by far.

Interracial relationships were never as taboo in Britain or Europe so you may well get more “normal” people dating blacks, but on the whole it’s considered low class.

Americans are just OBSESSED with black people and a lot of it has a weird sexual undercurrent. This mentality is spreading to places like Britain due to Americanisation, London especially is basically just America.

/int/ posts like these would be valid if you replaced every instance of America with jews.

That's a Britain. They hate Americans. Even their extreme right - they hate Americans, and they don't see Americans as one of them, or even brothers, or even distantly friends in the least. The idea of White People is foreign to them - they call us "mutts" - and it is a fact that they, to a man, hate us.

^ this
addressed by this \/

Nope. You're talking media, I'm talking society. Big difference that you're too stupid to comprehend.

Stop being such a whiney bitch. It was Americans that started with the d&c shit ITT.

This is the real situation. We have no brotherhood here. The British are to a man not our friends, and the same is true of the whole of Europe, even their apparently White Nationalist branches. They have a national identity, not a white identity, they have an empire in mind, to reestablish their old domination, which included, in each case of each of the empires, oppression of other white people.

how can somebody with a neck that thin have such a fat fucking face

It doesn't matter if it's brits or not. You don't spread D&C and you especially don't blame whites for what jews are doing. If you're stuck on the /int/ mindset then your mindset is stuck on jewish d&c as a bastardized form of board culture.

That goes the same for you.

It doesn't matter who or (((who))) started it. You perpetuated it.

Kill yourself kike. You were already obvious but now you went beyond a doubt.

The word you are looking for is "bageled".

They're not fellows. They're not fellow whites. Consider Hillary Clinton. "White" - but do you think she's a fellow white, a brother or sister? Britains are the equivalent of Hillary Clinton. Fool's Gold. False friends. An enemy, really? Perhaps. But for certain by no means a friend.

Consider this, others reading (the one I address is a shithead and won't listen): Do you have… any… real friends who are British, or Australian, or South African? Did you know they are exceedingly numerous, and have many of what we have previously imagined White Nationalists (they're not, they're exclusionary nationalist imperialists)? The fact you have no such friends is proof enough. They aren't there, they aren't our friends. Friends are friendly. Brothers are brotherly. Britains are not our friends - and they are sure as fuck not our brothers.
They hate us to their core, whether a smelly faggot in the House of Lords or doughboy lady selling cupcakes.

Australians and Americans are friends. All colonials are hated by Brits.

No, Australians hate Americans. They are also empirialists, and don't see Americans as humans. They want to be the lapdogs again of the empire. I mean this to the man. They are homogeneous of mind, which is to say dumb af.

For example, did you know their country is ruled by a governor, and that he serves at the pleasure of the Queen of England?

You're getting really fucking retarded now.

I am Australian, I don't think so. It's trendy for leftwingers to hate America - Democrat Americans hate America. Knowledgeable Australians know that America is the only country that has ever been a military ally of Australia.

The reason we stay part of the commonwealth is not to please contemporary England, but to piss of the non-whites in Australia, as they are upset when they are reminded of this country's white history.

I was talking about this the other day. Can you imagine, whether it be in China or Japan, of a place called Euro-town where whites congregate and dig down to create an insulated enclave and subculture, wherein they hire only other whites and look to other outsiders as filthy, subhuman scum. On top of all that, the natives of the area have to tolerate this attitude because on some cucktarded notion of "civility".

It's absolutely disgusting. Anytime there's some Asian doing something with above-average skill you'll see some comment on how masterful and skilled they are but any time a white man might do that same task - any mention of his race or sex and the ethno-masochists double down on their shaming barrage.

This is an assessment based up on experience. Your rejection of this is based upon the fact you have believed MSNBC and Rachel Maddow and the kikes in their Europe/colonies-worship. I bring but the truth.

I see that the new D&C tactic is to claim that all Europeans hate Americans without question.

Been seeing this bullshit in so many threads today.

Do you consider yourself a white person, or a Britain?

Additionally, did you know they intend to exert more control, indeed taxation, upon you some day?

Try out the German threads.
Note there isn't even a French thread (ever wonder about that?)

Yeah, I've seen this. The worst part is it's typically these slant-eyes simply imitating things done, and perfected, by white men. You see one playing a violin at an above average level, and he's the greatest thing to ever pick up a violin, however white men have been using the instrument to create timeless music for centuries (white men also invented it). I call them inferior because everything they excel at comes entirely down to mimicry of Europeans. They lack ingenuity and creativity. They're good little worker bees. And that's why I find it so infuriating how their sense of superiority was fostered, not by them, but by other white people, and given to them. White men created electronics, and modern technology, and yet somehow being a tech. nerd is an Asian thing. White men created video games, comics, cartoons etc., and yet somehow the entertainment format is an Asian thing. It's disgusting. This guise of superiority thrust upon Asians is actually ours. It belongs to us. Everything they are praised for, white men did better/first, founded, invented etc.

No, I'm just a bit more rational and level-headed. You sound like a spastic retard.

I consider myself a white person, an Australian, an Anglo-Saxon and a colonial.
Probably, though I don't think we will fall for it. We fell for it in WW1 and WW2, but support for the commonwealth today, as I say, is not really about loyalty to contemporary Britain.

Tony Blair was arrested in the 80s for sexually abusing boys in public toilets. He gave his name as, and was charged under, Charles Lynton. Those are his middle names. He was never prosecuted for some reason and has done a reasonably good job of memory-holing this. Although not good enough, or I wouldn't know about it. I'm pretty sure this is under D-notice.

< you're crazy
< everyone ignore that guy
uhuh. Gas yourself, GCHQ.

But I think all of your government ministers are infatuated with the UK.

You give absolutely no reasoning to back up your claims, and yet we're supposed to just accept them? I bet if I go to England and talk to some random John or Paul in a pub, they're not going to hate me and want to conquer me and tax me into oblivion for the benefit of their empire. I stand by what I said earlier about European Nationalism being subverted and bad, but I think what you're saying is absurd, baseless, and stupid. Europeans don't hate me. I can guarantee the most hateful ones are the same ones that hate me here, and it's not because I'm an American, it's because I'm white, and they hate Europeans too. They're marxists.

You do raise a good point. I don't know why it's that way. I can prove it, though. You don't have any British or French or Canadian, or South African, or Australian friends. That's because they hate Americans, and don't consider themselves White People, and consider Americans "mutts" and the "56%ers".

This is all of them. This is a good song to play, because it ends with a good quote, and the accidental mispronunciation I consider quite correct as well:
Spencer: At some point we have to realize that the Calvary* is not coming over the ridge, no one's gonna come and save us. It's not going to be easy. It's up to us.
it's up to us

by calvary he meant cavalry, but Calvary, that is Jesus coming to rescue us, well, he may well come back, but we're fucking fools to keep waiting - 2K years means we've got to do this shit on our own. But this also stands for Christianity, utterly cucked, utterly ineffective at aiding its own people.

who is the red-haired girl in the 1st tweeted picture

No, that's because I live in the mountains in the United States and I've never met a European in person, save for a few Slavs who became citizens decades ago and already have grown children here. Nonetheless, outside of Holla Forums, you'd be hard-pressed to find a Brit pushing inane "56%" memes, or calling Americans mutts. We are ethnic mutts anyway, so it's not even an insult. Brits are also ethnic mutts.

I'm speaking of those who speak English, mostly - remember, they (almost) ALL speak English. This is a situation, to a man, that they hate Americans. This is a recent image from >>>/brit/ , and it's no shill. It's just their perspective. They hate us. I do mean this, they utterly hate us, and they are in no way a brother in the least or a friend. They consider themselves possibly the brothers/friends of other national groups in Europe, that we have falsely imagined White Nationalist. They aren't White Nationalist. They don't consider themselves white. They also don't consider White People in America white, I assure you.

Is the this the point where we have to take a step back and realize that we've memed irresponsibly?

I don't particularly like the UK. The ones I've met IRL tend to have an extremely haughty, holier-than-thou attitude which is fucking hilarious when you consider just how little they have to back it up. Mocking people for having a second amendment would only make sense if your women and children weren't getting murdered and raped by foreign invaders, the whole point of arming yourselves in the first place. When you're that big of a cuckold it just comes off as sad deflection when you insult others.

Maybe those faggots on that board hate us. Who gives a fuck? They have no social impact on their dead little board, and are completely irrelevant. I can say with confidence that less than 10% of non-marxist Europeans hate white Americans. Although their nationalism is not White Nationalism, they don't hate us. They are not friends, and I'll agree with you there, but they don't hate us. Most of them don't even think about us often enough to feel any significant emotion toward us.

memes aren't magic spells. They are glossolalia of the intergalactic beams of mysterious energy from the Archons. Or maybe they're just lulz.

They all are. They all hate Americans. They all fancy themselves princes or lords and prance about as if they were little lords or ladies. Sargon of Akkad is a hilarious example of this, because his entire religion, his whole ideology comes from an American book, the Satanic Bible, written by an American named Lavey

Last time I checked, *everybody* hated Americans.

This kike is doing this shit in every thread.

It's a focus for observing the reality you wish to manifest on a quantum level you fucking mongloid. Or focus is greater which is why your crybaby wall doesn't give you fucks power anymore.

LeVey was a jew, kike.

I'm not a kike. Aiding freeloaders doesn't help anyone.

I quite agree. White People of America are alone in the universe. It's up to us to do everything, as Spencer has said.

Agreed. And he is the one that Sargon follows. However, it makes me laugh how arrogant Sargon is, but he worships a god invented by an American.


Notice that person didn't have the time to read what was in the image, at all, and it's obvious. That's because they're always pressed for time at the agencies.

Kikes are not American.

You are correct. However, Sargon doesn't know that, nor would he have any kind of intelligent thought about kikes. He would consider LeVay an American.

Look at the list, which is the real point here. Sargon point by point follows the LeVayan Church of Satan:


Neither did Americans invent any gods. At most they latched onto new age hippie shit and old gods and kike demons. They didn't invent gods. They were too busy being successful, building a country, and inventing the things needed to do so.


Englander here. Old fashioned dislike of America is pure class snobbery but this isn't relevant to most of the population. The modern variety is entirely a product of the vicious socialists who dominate our media and cultural institutions. It is your constitution they hate most of all, because it rests there, largely inviolable, defining the values of the most powerful nation on the planet, the backbone of capitalism (in their minds), and showing up their nanny state fantasies for what they are.

Also 'american tv is shit' and 'americans aren't funny' are definitely received wisdom, but this is of course because your media is run by jews and not americans. Not a lot of people know that, unfortunately.

the kardashians are Armenian they just wear tons of spray tan

I find it hard to believe that the autistic neets of England, to be found online, are aristocracy.

And, I suspect you are GCHQ, and awol at this point, but here are recent examples. These are not aristocrats, these chan denizens.

i find it hard to believe you believe all aristocracy is in some underground and separate society

sounds familiar

You thought only the Left had been corrupted ? The mainstream Right has a large majority of race traitors. You can't be a nationalist AND a liberal.

How is it then that everyone British, online, is aristocratic, then? Absurd, Mr. GCHQ shill.


So who was in the right, Ricky gervais or this perfectly round headed guy?

Blatant shilling to create a divide between US and UK.

Man, I feel really bad about most Europeans countries. Seems like the only option you guys have are left-wing and more left-wing, and all "right wing" parties are controlled opposition. Poland and Hungary are obviously the exception, since they are too "right-winged" for the rest of Europe.

This timeline, man.

Never underestimate the God of Racewar.

There are glimmers of nationalist hope from the grass roots, all over the globe. It's happening, just not as quickly as we would like. Stay cool and keep your rounds chambered. Our time will come.

Just like /r9k/, he is a genetic defect.

fucking faggot

Look at the names he sent them to. They have a certain ring to them, don't they? One had already deleted their account when that was shotted.

This cuckfield native thought he was in another account.

That mayor is a /r9k/ poster! -D

Seems like Sargon breaks some of the Earth rules pretty often.

Probably because the system is literally set up for people like him. If you want more of something, you subsidize it. Our (((elite))) has created a system that benefits cucks at the expense of the entirety of everyone else.

We're getting hit hard right now for some reason.

oy vey

They are seen as trash in my country (Netherlands). They were also seen as the disgusting lowest people of society who hail from ghettos in France when I was there for a while. I really doubt Brits are glorifying them. Probably a bunch of citycucks who never reflect on decisions they make based on societal pressure.

Yah if it comes to societal glorification, USA is the number 1 country for black supremacist views. I'd say it's way ahead of African countries like Zimbabwe. I watched sometimes NFL and every other add had a nigger pushed into it to promote diversity, everywhere stuff to please niggers. Even the former president got a portrait painted by a black supremacist who hates white people. It definitely is USA that pushed on their diversity bullshit on the elites of Europe who gladly followed for profits and now the EU is importing refugee third world niggers.

This isn't an accusation against the posters from USA, everyone dislikes niggers here. But America pushes for black supremacy through the media, big business and government.