Are we doomed?

how the fuck are we going to fight this guys were completely surrounded and the crazy racist right wingers have all the guns.

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Nah. Most of that map is Gerry-mandered.
There's not that many of them. Even fewer people voted for Trump than for Mitt Romney.

But fastracking 30m illegals is just democracy

We've been griping about the hispanic working class since the fucking 70's, grow up and quit playing white fright

Most those people aren't racist and vote republican generally out of ignorance. Also, most people in the US don't even vote. The large majority of the country leans economically to the left of the political parties while their social views(abortion, weed, gay marriage, etc.) are typically somewhere in between the two. Hardcore republicans and dems wont' support commies either way. Normal people already tune out establishment politics when they can.

That doesn't show population density.

Don't gripe about gerrymandering of a country who didn't ask for it then, how else are they going to have a shot at representation without pooling their numbers in districts. I
It isn't white fright, it's people acting as if the Country basis is on what ethnicity rolls over a border the most times and everyone has a right to it.

You are going to get pushback and when it reached a certain point which we haven't even got near yet, there will be sheer bloodshed.

We gotta convince those crazy right wingers of who the real enemy

Maybe instead of pretending the White Working Class is the enemy of the communist revolution we should be there to help despook them when Trump fails to do anything substantial and steals a bunch of money to enrich his family and his friends.

This is some good shit apart from the rest of the incoherent drivel.

It's not white fright, I think you're trying to say? What? There's been the same damn argument for 30 years now

In fact times were worse in the fucking 70's

Or education density, tech specifically, I'd hate to see what would happen to their infrastructure and communications in a Civil War scenario.

"nine out of ten Americans could die from starvation, disease, and societal collapse, if the blackout lasted a year."

They'd all starve to death in a month or two.

White fright implies it is irrational, which is why it is mocked by liberals as crazy racism and 'a country belonging to immigrants' delusions.

Addition: You need food to operate guns.

Yes, it does!

That's if the annual floods and hurricanes didn't kill them first with out all the FEMA.

No, norms were just different, people said in the 60's the country would change drastically and America would not be a European country if things continued and they had a majority of people who agreed with that.

Media and 'education' changed, and thinking like that is banned.

Cities friendo only cities. Giving this is vice you're citing it was written by a hipster with no grasp of anything other than life in the city.

what do you think the blue part of the map is us or something?

Don't worry. You are going to Siberia Alaska.

Do you live in a metropolitan city? Then yes.

Well if you have no roots, connection to community, then yes it is irrational to coastal liberals. Distrust of change for the worse should not be called irrational, at least own it and say you don't want whites to feel at home anymore.

Uhh well out here in Cali we got this thing called The Central Valley. And don't tell me like 1000 conservatives overseeing 10000 Mexicans is going to stop shit from getting seized.

Educate yourself:

California farmers: How the state feeds a nation

Cali is getting tens of millions when the deportations start and they virtue signal about how great it all is to provide cover for anything and swamp the educational, police and health services for no sane reasons.


You're a few months out of the loop friendo:

It is irrational. It isn't against what I support. I don't give a shit about Americans who are stupid and reactionary.

You don't fight them. They are happier, harder working, more proficient with guns and hunting, have large families and friends and are ready and willing for some effeminate lefty to start something. They're ready for niggers to nig.

No they aren't.

It is objectively not irrational, you would have to have proof the country will be better for white people with the unwanted change in demographics, for no other reason than Globalist parties both want to erode cohesive bonds.

No succesful country is improved by mass immigration, we know that for those who don't live in liberal bubbles. It's also going to be a disaster for already existing minority who has a right to be there. Blacks are so fucked when white people racked with guilt aren't at the helm.

I don't care about this shit I care about the working class

No you fucking don't lel, how does gerrymandering by proxy millions of peasants who are not working class, and don't think like it either, do anything for class conciousness. You just want the hordes, to clog the system to breakdown, and won't own the ethnic cleansing that will happen after.

No dumb dumb, you are getting more illegals in the next years as the sanctuary virtue signalling reaches fever pitch, whites are going to move to Texas and up North.

Hey I'm majoring in psychiatry, in medical school, I could point you in the right direction to where to get help for Schizophrenia if you wanted it. I really recommend it, it gets better.

Alright then. So Cali becomes Uber-Mexican. Then the Nazi's win? I don't follow.

Logistical disruption can be destructive to a city. Also California is the poorest example of a logistical example for survival in case of logistical abnormality. Giving that THE FUCKING STATE DEPEND ON OTHER STATR FOR WATER! NO AMOUNT OF FARMING SEIZURE IS GOING FEED YOU IF CAN'T GROW SHIT, HELL DO YOU FAGGOTS DON'T REALIZE THAT WATER IS TAKEN FOR GRANTED IN CITIES!

The Nazis don't win, it's balkanisation and Bantustans.

So you are a waste of jizz, how does that do anything for the upcoming ethnic strife?

We stop watering all the golf courses and swimming pools. Problem solved.

It can get you help for the brain problems you're having paranoid of your Hispanic neighbors

You do know Desalinization plants are on the menu right. I'm more worried about the Salton Sea's dust.

I live in a majority white European country, I would swap hispanics for Somalian and Muslim hordes, neither are good.

So what impossibly conservative territories does The Central Valley water suply come from Mr Hydraulic expert?

If you live in a city and civil war breaks out, you're fucked. People will eat each other alive and kill for fresh water.

Still can't find what you're talking about even when looking at the whole thing.

Then shut the fuck up about American politics you know shit about, and quit acting like an American from the Bush years

It's kinda only SoCal. And I'm sure we could majorly cut back on water here if need be.

You wouldn't believe how much water people dump on the ground just grow some slightly less pale yellow grass.

When will Holla Forums realise Protracted People's War is the way forward?

I was born and lived most of my life there, and Bush was a spic loving globalist, which I am not, nor have I never voted Republican (bar one time, guess who)

Look at dis shit:

Give us our water back bro. #StopTheEvaporation

You aren't convincing me your intelligent by saying you moved to Europe

I was entitled to a passport, it was for pussy nothing else, I moved when I was an Obama loving queer

kek fresno fag here
the spics are completely assimilated and couldn't give two shits

They're on board for Nazi paradise tho? This is the question we're debating I think.

You aren't convincing me your intelligent by saying you moved to Europe

Well I am actually, I can eat food that isn't Chinese tier carcinogenic without it being exhausting trying to find it.

The most American thing you've said yet

I don't blame him tho tbh American agribusiness produces absolute garbage, only thing is they produce it large quantities and relatively cheap prices (thanks to subsidies)

Really made me think hard

Would you have rather had Hillary Clinton in the white house?
The fact is, the democrats are more dangerous because they ''''appear''' more ''logical'' and 'legitimate'''. At least with Trump it's like having the court jester sit on the throne. By being there he's making a mockery of the presidency itself which is what we want.

my quotes ''''' fucked up and made my post appear in bold.



The guy that turned me from libertarian to leftism.
The fact that he wrote about socialism as in and only as in "central planing" is intellectually dishonest, and i will never be a libtard again thx to him.

yo stop being nazbol

This and the gutting of the voting rights act.

Also the minute you feel hopeless porky wins.

I know this is a shitpost but to anyone who writes off republican rural communities as shitholes just because the working class white people there have been tricked into racism by years of idpol, fuck you. Seriously, we should be reaching out to these people. I have lived in Texas since I was twelve, these people are not anything to be afraid of. They are good, honest, working people, and we should be trying to bring back the strong union presence to the south, not alienate our proletariat brothers. Two wrongs do not make a right, and no proletariat should be our enemy, no matter what beliefs porky may have put in their head over the years.

this goes for racist black proletariats as well, nazbols

46% of the electorate DIDN'T VOTE

We just have to suck enough BBCs that they stay and fight the evil white racists for us like in the movies while we sit in university being enlightened as to the oppressive nature of our genitals.

Is this what I've been missing on Holla Forums? Is this how Holla Forums talks?

Chill brah. On a serious note you'll be hard pressed to find any minorities who are racist to any serious extent. Like every minority in this country didn't up grow up pretending to be White action heroes and shit. No you will find nothing near the kind of hatred and racism you see spewed daily on Holla Forums, so frankly, cry me a river.

No one wants to kill Whitey and we don't want to steal all your women to finish the "anuddah shoah!!!!"

you are what you eat.

A revolutionary party would have to consolidate power in the North and West and then break up the US. I don't see any way in which the South goes along with socialism. They have been ultra-reactionary since colonial days.

More voted for Trump than Romney in states Trump won.

You're all mistaken

That is a COUNTY map

The elcoral map is highlted by COUNTY

The House is voted on by DISTRICT– DISTRICTS are gerrymandered.

That map is not red due to gerrymandering because it's DIVIDED BY COUNTY

Liberals are worse.

im glad that you came to a conclusion

Pretty sure this is a fake map. Also it should havee mostly purple zones not red or blue.

There are more people living in blue.

Here's what the result looks like by population.

We are in a shitty situation honestly. I live in SoCal and I can tell you: we would be fucked in a civil war.
Most of our sympathizers live in an urban environment and are heavily dependent for both food and water on those red areas. Most of them are fucking retarded liberals who think guns are "for Republicans" and never touched one.

Out of all my friends only 10% would be willing to fight against fascism, and out of these people, the ones who would last 5 minutes in an emergency situation without having a mental break down, can be counted on my fingers.
Not to mention that most of them oppose a redistribution of the means of production, since they are sheltered liberal kids

Looks like some sort of infestation or tumour

It's not my fault your failing achievement is anything to do than your own nature :v)

Why are they bringing forth the Nazi masturbation fantasy then, they are going to get if from all angles, blacks will laugh at them when they say 'but I marched with BLM don't rape me', Mestizos will do the same, and whites will rope them good on DOTR.

Ah, one of Marx's lesser-known theorems - political power is determined by proportion to land area. That's why the bourgeoisie don't exist.
Getting people to rank "Hillary, Trump, or neither" really doesn't tell you anything either. Fuck sake, I voted Trump.
Oh, it's Holla Forumsintelpro

I live in california, in a majority black/hispanic neighborhood.

You are wrong sir, they not only hate whitey they also heat each other AND the asians. They're just as spooked about race as Holla Forums is they're just not nearly as loud about it.

Kek. You mean "they don't have an imageboard," right?

Yea, exactly that pretty much

That map would probably have 2/3 the red if democrats finally fucking gave up on gun control.

No I'm saying I'm judging people on the identity politics they throw out

They don't like it they can stop being shit

That racial politics are fucking retarded?

Sure, you probably scream:
In front of all the other SJWs but in the back of your mind we all know what you're thinking… and that's why you're really on Holla Forums after all…

The jews?

Who does this? The working class is the only revolutionary element of society.
The SJWs and "cultured" petty-bourgeois lifestylists who denounce the white working class as "boorish" are certainly not out for communism

It works under a premise of "the WHITE working class will inherently oppose communism because it doesn't let them be racist enough."

You can recognise NY and LA and Huston

You know, whenever election stats are brought out I'm more curious about the ~40% of people in republican strongholds who vote democrat. Who are they, and how did they resist righty indoctrination?