What d'ya think?

What d'ya think?


Ben's weird man-crush on that guy is cringey af

Who cares?

But man, this ever since this molymeme guy thought the aut-right this 'not an argument' line, they became even more insufferable.

What does "not an argument" even have to do with the subject of the image?

I'm genuinely staggered by the level of delusion that is necessary to agree with such a comic and each day I'm surprised anew.

Apparently Garrison thinks that meme is laughing with him and not at him


I think Ben Garrison has been spending too much time obsessing over the internet lately.

I think it's more generally the "you're being emotional not rational" idea in this case. He's just using the line because m e m e s.

Ben Garrison comics are cluttered with shit and should be cut down for clarity.

It's certainly true that reddit is rife with censorship, both of the real left and the alt-right.

It's also really clumsy. Look at all the stupid shit.

Who is Steve Huffman censoring? He appears to be stamping… a wall? But Molyneux is standing behind where he's stamping, so it's… the air? Huffman censored /r/the_donald, which is visually represented twice in the comic, but Ben Garrison is too stupid to come up with a scenario in which Steve Huffman stamps either of those images.

Speaking of the /r/the_donal representations, why are there two of them? Why does one need to be on a computer screen? Couldn't the comic have has Huff man holding the /r/the_donald mascot from the corner and be stamping that? It would make the relationship more clear. And why does the stamp say "censored" but the alien has been stamped with "edited"?

What is the line supposed to represent? Reddit isn't publicly traded so it's not stock. Does a falling line just mean "business doing bad :DDDD" in Garrison's mind? And if so, why is it necessary to add a dumpster? If you wanted to use the dumpster metaphor, why not just have Huffman already be in the dumpster? And why did he bother including the downvote on the dumpster if he wasn't going to draw it like an actual downvote?

What is the point of the speech bubbles?
This is evident from the expression on his face, and that he's looking at /r/the_donald.
This is evident from the stamp, but again it would be clearer if he was actually stamping something.
What does this even add? It's just restating what the other two bubbles already said. In the interest of brevity, he could just keep this bubble (or redraw the image to explain the situation visually)
Literally adds nothing. Which brings me to…

Why is Stefan Molyneux in the pic? AFAIK he has nothing to do with reddit. Is Ben Garrison just gay for him or something? He always makes sure to draw him in well-fitting and good-looking clothes, with exaggerated masculine features, like the broad shoulders and lantern jaw. In real life Molly has a weak chin to go with his reedy voice, but here it looks like it could be a foot wide.

I thought Plebbit's CEO was a woman?

It's fairly normal for a Holla Forumstard tbh


Is it not funny how a straw man comic is not an argument?

Reddit hates us and we hate them. I can't disagree that reddit deserves its decline like all the "leftists" there that still believe in idpol and other spooks.

What did he mean by this?

It physically disgusts me that he's referencing George Carlin like this.



Why is the Queen on that image?

I guess he picked up the reptilian meme, or at the very least that she's part of the "Elite".

Because Ben Garrison is so out of touch he thinks the Queen is actually in charge of the UK.

Isn't trump on bed with several of those now?

Yeah, so much for "draining the swamp", he's fucking fishing in it. But people cucked by Trump are gonna be in denial for a while about it for quite some time.

This has A LOT of potential for the lefty edit. Zizek and Stirner as the guys pulling the lever pls?

He's playing 1488th dimensional chess


the amount of autism in these comics is impressive. pic related, it's ben garrison atm


Holy shit this isn't even ironic

what is the alt right's autistic obsession with so called "logic", and downplaying of feelings and emotions. of course I'm not calling for flailing, hysterical retards to dominate discourse but we are humans and to deny our emotions and feelings denies us our humanity.

no wonder all those nazis in leather marching robotically in unison gets these guys all hot and bothered

Whose up for communistifying this comic?

How about no. If we were to appropriate a comic it should be a good one.

there's actually already a version with marx but i don't have it, sorry


In a sense, humans are actually cogent and logical from their equal emotional intelligence. There's no difference between intelligence and emotional intelligence really, emotional growth helps shape the human mind before, during, and after puberty.

So technically, the idea that you can be "logical" and not emotional is a bunch of dualistic crap.

Pretty awesome cartoon, actually.

They fucked up when they intially started to steer the highlighted content on the site from the things users liked the most to what reddit itself endorsed as 'agreeable' content.

Every lack of intervention seemed like an endorsement afterwards while before they just could've said 'it's a user-powered website we just provide the infrastructure'.

what? nazism came to power basically with feels > reals rethoric

dumblr post of the day

Interesting they covered it up with the the idea it was the "facts" and "truth" like they do now.

Don't misunderstand, Nazis were just as stupidly trying to flirt with academia to have their own bubble as they are now.

Ben's comics are utter trash. He has as much subtlety as a sledgehammer to the face and the design elements are scattered and disjointed.

Am I the only one who enjoys the implosion of reddit?

I'm okay with it as long as they don't come here.

How is that not unfair? The one board on this shitty site that I use is for a video game and it even leaked there.

It's the same shit with Holla Forums, they cross the line with their behavior and act like they are martyrs when they get called out for it.

right wingers always disguise sophism as "simple truths"


They think Holla Forums is nazi germany and that they have to expand all over the other parts of the internet like the nazis did to europe.


oh wow I actually helped contribute to that second pic. feelsgoodman

Maybe I'll contribute an OC screencap of Trump establishment shills one of these days

Tbf, "not an argument" memes on Reddit isn't quite the same as infiltrating academia.

Why are you complaining about free actors making decisions based on their reaction to disinformation and misinformation? Of course the retards will be radicalized while the other shitposters will pretend to be radicalized in order to further the radicalization of the retards. It's simple why the stormfags won on Holla Forums. They adapted to imageboard culture faster than SRS goons could adapt. Note how Goldberg and Anglin were the first trolls to be sort of immortalized on the chans after Goldberg's pressure cooker bomb charade. It was a natural progression of trolling seen by Holla Forumstards from the days of /new/ and anonymoose. If goons had enlisted people like Goldberg when they tried to astroturf 8/pol/, the shift from libertarian ideology to socialist or marxist would've followed just as Holla Forums now adheres to Nazi thanks to Anglin's better understanding of memetics.

I meant the psuedo science and selectively using academia to cite their agenda and leaving out what doesn't calling it corrupt, despite more or less coming from the same field they're citing, not the "not an argument" thing

They didn't adapt at all, they won with brute force and sheer autistic obsessive dedication. Holla Forums are, and always will be, a bunch of newfags.


Ah ok, I agree. I called out a Holla Forumsack the other day for him using psychology to support race realism since Holla Forums thinks the field is a meme.

(of course, he most likely didn't read the study and the limitations discussed at the end so I posted it)


slip a porky or two in there and it'd be perfect


Also put Trump and Replace Stirnir with Bernie

nah, it wouldn't look good on that picture
Also I'd add in corbyn and sanders instead of zizkek and stirnir, they'd be much more fitting