Can we talk about hack-and-slash games and why people think they're fun?

Can we talk about hack-and-slash games and why people think they're fun?

Dark Souls, Devil May Cry, God of War, Ninja Gaiden, Diablo, etc. I just don't get the appeal, you click endlessly until the thing on screen dies and maybe you collect some loot or whatever.

I was hype for the release of For Honor until I saw it looked like Dark Souls and played like every other generic hack n' slash. Why can't any dev team seem to make a fun melee-combat oriented game without giving in to this arcady bullshit?

Comparing DMC to Dark Souls is like comparing Quake to CoD, they're completely different.

I don't know what you are talking about. This is obviously a dubs thread.

same hack n slash mechanics tbh fam




Only one of those is a hack 'n slash.

Bait thread.

I still like Severance, bite me faggot.


Dark Souls is not a game where you can win with mindless clicking.

Yes you can. Just spam attack and literally everything will die. Overwatch takes more skill than Meme Souls

Is this bait or are you a genetic bottom feeder?

This is some really dense bait. It's like you were trying to put as many retarded and condescending/belittling statements in as little text as possible.

Holla Forums How retarted will For Honor Lore be?

I hope its super retarded. Historical realism ruins games like these, I just want cool aesthetics with a fun fightan mechanics.


Isn't it connected to AssCreed "lore"? If so, it will be retarded enough to make you question reality.

You are the cancer that gave us BF1.

He does have a point.

Just fuck off already.

As if. You don't have to use a historical setting in a game. There is an endless multitude of imaginary worlds to place your game in.

hack and slash is different than cuhrayzee.

You just compared dmc to diablo
