Trump leaks he's releasing the memo after finishing speech

Libtards better be ready to get their shit pushed in by a giant MAGA dildo. It's happening.

My favorite part is how thin the shill presence has been in the SOTU threads so far.
These poor little faggots are pissing their pants hard

He has to wait 5 days to give the DoJ time to petition reasons not to release it, so expecting a major happening in that time in order to memoryhole it.

He doesn't have to wait five days at all, he has five days to object or else it comes out automatically.

He can approve the release at any moment.

They're still trying to formulate a new plan.

My guess is they will bizarrely start to appeal to Obama's legacy during Black History Month, everybody knows Obama did all this and so why beat around the bush about it?

Still waiting…

I can't wait to see how fucking worked up our Internet shills and the media whores all get here, they're already whipping themselves into a frenzy and resigning in droves. Heck that fag from Glee just killed himself, probably partly because Drumf.

Actually it was because he was facing child pornography charges.
What a shock

I believe he was a jew as well.

Guessing the liberals will take a "can you blame him?" approach and try to memoryhole it while obstructing justice long enough to try to get a new president in office. Remember, they have people in every agency deeply embedded with the (((globalist))) agenda. If Trump can't weed out the corruption it's just a waiting game before they get someone new in during the 2024 election at the latest, but everything needs to be planned on the 2020 limit because we're still on the defensive side so long as we aren't taking ground but just reclaiming lost ground. 4 years isn't a lot of time to weed that level of corruption out, though depending how the memo goes it could clean at least 1 department.

Yes and administer justice as well.

What did he mean by this? Who did he say that to/why

God damn. Trump is like 6'2 isn't he? Look how massive that other Congressman is. What the hell…

Yeah at this point I truly think that fags, pedos and trannys are interchangeable. They all seem to share similar pasts and they all seem to exhibit the same tendencies and behaviors.

It's kind of like a spectrum tier system with the pedos being their ninja class tier, the public fags being their politician class tier and the tranny's being their criminal class tier since even most fags think trannys are a joke it seems.

Lol No he doesn't that's complete nonsense

It's partially true. He has the power to release it right now if he wants but it is partially true because he likely has been speaking to the DOJ, FBI and probably even the Democrats weighing in on the likely deals and begging they are doing to save their asses to see if he can get a two for one on this memo. He has all the leverage at moment.

It's almost like the people criticizing are genuine and will only do it when he cucks out but when he doesn't then they support him. Almost like they're trying to hold him to a standard. It's almost like it's the loli porn posting fags and the shareblue spammers that are the shills that need to derail any thread critical of trump. Sorry if you were prevented from sucking trumps cock for 5 minutes, i'm sure you'll make it would with a double deep throat next time he kikes out.

The Dreamers are going back. There will be no deal, Shareblue.

The guy next to him appears just as tall. Most likely they're standing in the seating area and it's somewhat elevated, and Trump is down in the aisle.

I wish we were in the good old days. before the kike word caucasian, these kikes would have been called out for being kikes. now everyone thinks they are white

I think you need to tell your supervisor your script sucks. You almost surpassed poolboy's level of eloquence.



I'll celebrate when it's finally released. The wait has been annoying.

I am fucking shocked that they haven't jumped on the swastika upholstry bait. Or fucking kek did anyone else notice the swastika scratched into paul ryans seat?

Some of the things he said were definitely not 1488 tier. But some of the things he said were hyper advanced esoteric on par with what some of the spergier oldfags have been learning lately. We are the angles. It's a subject that's hard to discuss because too much information will lead those who did not figure it out yet astray. The almond is real. The most ridiculous levels of abstraction lead to an understanding of this world that gives a new perspective on everything that is so much greater than what we seem to be normally capable of due to deception that it is fuckin night and day, might as well call it a super power. And while I absolutely do want my all white utopia there exists the problem that good and evil is not so clean cut as white and black. The niggers are capable of this perception as well once you achieve it you can instantly tell who else is capable of seeing it too not all of them but some, it depends wholly on their lineage. It is the kikes and the kikes alone who are the true enemy. The myth of legend can be boiled down to a numbers came, we are the creators, the angles, we take the equation and add to it. They are the divider, the sorters, the whiches, they take the equation and try to reduce it to a big fat kikel. We are supposed to be the shepards of the eARTh and the niggers our lessers, our retarded little brother. It goes against everything that I once believed but we are supposed to help them, not destroy them. The kikes are the destroyers, not us. Since the flood which had everything to do with rain but nothing to do with flood waters (metaphor) they have been doing their best to destroy all that we create, and that is why peace is a lie, as long as they exist we can not have peace. But it is most definitely not the fault of the niggers. They need to get the fuck off of our clay, though.

I'd buy that if it wasn't more along the lines of the shills do show up, but they take a few hours to get their stories straight first.

That’s what you get for believing hype instead of fact.


trips of truth, their common mental denominator is either directly and knowingly contributing to the degeneratization pushed by the globalists or an unwitting facilitation of it by the mentally simple degenerates, point is they are now the vanguard force for the social manipulators, the foot soldiers of an orwellian future, at any rate all of them must fall before the dust clears.

< but don't blame women


The mods have banned every single user who did not show deference to Trump. Imturkey literally purged more than 2000 Anons for the god-emperor or roughly 50% of the original, pre-election population. It is no surprise that this board is a bigger circlejerk than r/The_Donald.

Guys, pretty sure Trump was being facetious here.

Reported for kosher salt

< it's not gunna get released
< jus gibs up, fellow goys

Not only did Jim IDcide the Holla Forums intelligentsia, but he replaced them with low-brow normiecattle from 4chan and /r/The_Donald. That's the plain truth.


This is the most important thread right now.
op has revealed that the memo is incoming.

That's what it sounded like to me…
I hope this is just a case of Trump speaking terribly wo a prompter


< autism

No I just think he has low verbal IQ, he doesn't realize he sounds sarcastic/facetious and uses expressions that don't fit what he is trying to communicate.

You retarded fucking redditor.

CIA agent:

Quit masturbating, faggot.

I've seen you posting around and you speak of esoteric knowledge and it piques my interest. I must know, how do you "activate" your almond, I've tried psilocybin, I've tried decalcification, and looking at esoteric images, but it doesn't "stick". It feels like I have a very bad imagination/memory and I can barely formulate concepts in my head without them having a great deal of "fogginess"

Nice try schlomo. There is a fuck ton more than 2000 anons posting here. Idiot.

you just gotta understand, man
also shrooms are nothing to mess with
entities can trick/find you etc better to keep a clear head unless it feels right and you feel right
in my journey there's tons of things that have been noticed - just recently, things that have been in my life for years have just started to make sense.
years ago i ate a bunch of acid and watched metropolis just cuz there was an inkling to do so
haven't touched the stuff since but ever since i just understood
Not so much a steps you need to do but rather a state of being you must be in - open but protected, visible but camouflaged, able to visualize and communicate but not too eager and be sure to never overshare.
Maybe this will help? Reflect under the moon tonight.
sage for off topic esotericism but that seems to be the prescription the doctor wrote today

I care about whites, not Orangenigger. Doh!

The numbers of active IDs is severely inflated by samefagging hasbara shills. You have to look at the PPH numbers, which are slightly below pre-election levels. /pol has not grown since 2015 despite as a massive influx of new users, because the old Anons were purged by the turk.


Someone needs to forcefeed you a pound of glass.

Nigger aptitude is due to white genetic mixture. They are wholly incapable of anything of value and had tens of thousands of years to prove it.
When are some of you going to be done playing animal husbandry for the niggers? Helping them does not benefit us in any way when the root cause of their ineptitude is their genetics.

You have the right idea about kikes but are horribly one step too close to cucking for niggers. They're not innocent and non-threatening. If they were then they wouldn't be useful idiots #1 for the jews. They're a genetic waste, and any gifts they possess is due to genetics not pure for their species.

I don't post nearly as much as during the election, hell I practically treating the election as a second full time job. Put damn near my whole life on hold till it was over. I'm surprised really that we retained a lot of that PPH after it was all wrapped up.

Do you think being in a state of more quite observation would help? I've tried visualizing a part to a whole and then the whole of the meta itself and switching in-between them. I suppose my question is truly: how do you visualize more clearly? Should I meditate? Be more creative with art? I just feel at a loss because it feels like I'm missing the mental tools needed to visualize my will and put it forth, so to speak.

Holla Forums always levels up during elections. Holla Forums gained users in 2008, 2010, 2012 & 2014, but not in 2016.
Holla Forums should've grown like crazy as this was one of the most engaging, most entertaining campaign seasons ever, but there was no growth. The number of posters would have at least doubled or tripled if the turk had not purged Anons who were antagonistic or indifferent towards Trump. The turk banned them for trivial posts and after a while he didn't even bother to look for plausible excuses, he just pressed the ban button whenever he noticed a post that was critical of Trump. This is the biggest circlejerk in the history of Holla Forums and there is no chance that i would've been banned for posts like this before the turk took over the board. The old owner (who did a great job) only banned people for spam, illegal content & severe shitposting, not for having a different or politically incorrect opinion.

Fair enough, but the point is that Holla Forums has not grown since 2015 and Holla Forums as a whole is in decline. There are only 3 boards with more than 100 PPH right now. Holla Forums is behind Holla Forums and Holla Forums has only 111 PPH. The Anons who were banned from Holla Forums did not migrate to other boards, they left the website altogether. The turk is either completely incompetent or doing his best to sabotage & destroy what is left of Holla Forums. pic related.

That and since the election, there's been a drastic shift toward a very super-serious-no-fun-allowed atmosphere. What makes Holla Forums great is the combination of humor, shitposting, and redpills. But with this grim 200% serious-all-the-time attitude that many people exhibit now, it' just not fun. People aren't going to want to come here and engage.

Some people will say that's a good thing, but this isn't Holla Forums circa 2006 and we don't want a secret fucking club.

I can only laugh.

The counter to your claims is “Why shouldn’t Holla Forums be spreading its ideology to as many people as possible?”

People treating this as an open "secret society" have the right idea. If you let the kikes treat this place like any other board, we'd have billions of irrelevant threads started by shills "Oy vey, I'm jewish- redpill me!" "My girlfriend is a feminist and I might be gay- what do POL?"

Shits very close to hitting the fan now. Full scale revolution in all directions we're heading. If we let anything relevant be drowned out- it will be. Mind you I'm not defending banning threads for being critical of Zionists. But there is a line between "he isn't hitler" and "YOU CAN'T WIN, GIVE IT UP GO-GUYS"

I'm a big believer in quality over quantity, but we have neither. We have a low amount of low-quality, low-energy posts. Checking dubs, posting images without text, calling others shills, etc. This is a joke compared to the good ol' days and frankly we're not much better than 4/pol/. I want Holla Forums to be influential and powerful, not a secret, static circlejerk board with no users.

There needs to be a balance. I'm not arguing for "open borders" and going around advertising the board far and wide so it gets flooded with shills and spam. What I am saying is that this super-isolationist and no-fun-allowed attitude coupled with banning/deleting anything that not 100% in lock-step with the general consensus leads to stagnation, as we're currently seeing on the board right now.

The idea that keeping retards out leads to this board improving in quality is a false dichotomy.


Kikes have been meming their destructive, and its form, for the last 100 years. Gas and ovens are on the menu.