Time to give Jordan B. Peterson the Ol' Benny G Treatment

This subversive jewish plant has exposed himself once and for all as a pawn of the kikes. He is openly Zionist:

Here is a video of Peterson giving an hour long speech with his buddy Ezra Levant at last year's 100th year anniversary celebration of the founding of Israel, 'Canadians for Balfour 100':


At this timestamp you can see a jew he was on stage with state that:

"Antisemitism is a 2000 year old disease."

And watch Juden B. Peterstein nod his head furiously in agreement:


Here you can watch Peterson be asked to address the JQ, and his response is that jews are simply genetically superior to Whites, and that if you have a problem with their success in your country you're just a resentful bigot who has accomplished nothing with your life (he uses his psychological authority to pathologize antisemitism):


This one keeps getting deleted from jewtube; in this one a *jew* asks Peterson to address the ethnic hatred the jews had for the Russian Christians that led to the Holodomor, giving him a copy of Solzhenitsyn's '200 Years Together', and Peterson said that "he cant" talk about it:


Currently: Peterson is currenly being carted from one MSM outlet to the next to give his spiel, including Fox News, CBC News, and BBC News. These are jewish controlled media outlets (in case you are a newfag).

Peterstein's threat can no longer be ignored. He has openly stated that he specifically targets White males, and ONLY White males, for his brainwashing program, because he intends to "prevent the horrors of racial pride" and "what happened in 1930s Germany".

It's time to meme this narcissistic fuck death, lads.

Other urls found in this thread:




This man is anti-White, he is an agent of the jews and his intention, according to his own words, is to prevent young White men from organizing to form a revolution to stop the kikes from succeeding with their White genocide plan.

This man is dangerous.

This man is intentionally forming a cult. He is now calling him self a prophet on national TV.

Peterson is part of the long con of the zionist establishment in which he is put forward as this "radical" anti-establishment figure who is fighting the corrosive social ills that have taken root in Western society and are rendering it unstable for TPTB, with the caveat that the origins of these social ills [the jewish race] be obfuscated and shielded.

I have been studying cults for years, and Peterson has all the hallmarks of a cult leader. His cult following has now reached the point of being dangerous, even to the point where his Pickle Rick-tier followers LARP about killing off the "evil right-wing identitarians" along with the Marxists.

This man is malevolent and manipulative.

This man works with and for Zionist jews.

The jews will always try to become their own opposition so as to neuter it. Always name the jew, and those who refuse to.

Jordan B. Peterson's Christian theology is masonic, and thus jewish. It is unsound doctrine, and he has now begun declaring that HES IS A PROPHET – I am not joking, he even stated this on national television, I believe it was the CBC.

This is *NOT* good.

Many of our own have fallen for the insidious jewish tricks of this man, myself included up until a few months ago when he started lashing out at White men on twitter for daring to speak out against White genocide.

I stand corrected and ashamed that I ever fell for this man's vile tricks.

As penance for my error in buying into this man's horse shit, I hereby declare I will destroy this agent of the kikes.

Indeed. To shirk this, even if in the name of "appealing to the mainstream" or other such avenues to nowhere, is to pass under the yoke.

I take it personally that this anti-White con artist duped me to any degree.

Though I did not fall for his radical individualism meme, I for quite some time thought he was hiding his power level, playing le ebin 5D chess.


This man is deeply in bed with MANY jews, including the giga Zionist Ezra Levant.

I have further analyzed Peterson's rhetoric concerning the jews, and have discovered that he does not in fact avoid the JQ, but he instead follows Frankfurt School protocols by using his position of authority as a (((psychologist))) to deem those who have any questions about jewish power in their nations as simply psychologically deficient (resentful, bigoted, envious), while simultaneously proclaiming the genetic superiority of the jews and declaring that Whites should be grateful to have such "successful genius minorities" living amongst them.

Vile, VILE semitism.

This man *has to be stopped*. We must meme him into utter ruination.

If you examine his stated motives, it is that he intends to bluepill the "lost boys of kek" so that a literal revolution does not occur. He *specifically* says he is targeting White men the most with his brainwashing materials.

Meanwhile, this philosemite, or possible crypto-kike, cannot help himself with regards to shekel hoarding. $10 personality tests weren't enough, nor is the $100k+ a MONTH Patreon, and he has now taken to selling ugly carpets for $2k a pop (with his signature goyim, what a steal!).

Brainlets complain that criticizing his monetary success is just borne out of envy, ignoring completely the genetic proclivity of jews to hoard shekels, not to mention that with that kind of fuck you money he should not be afraid to name the jew whatsoever.

Simply mockery is not enough, I think the best way to meme this man into a pile of ashes is to give him the Benny G treatment: Use the man's memes that are trading at an all time high to piggy back hardcore redpills about the jews.

Checking these digits.

Yes, absolutely, it is all becoming so clear now. You would be astonished how many have gone full Pickle Rick with regards to Peterstein: youtube.com/watch?v=4iFi4p4QC44

He is intentionally starting a cult, and the danger of this cannot be overstated. I don't fully understand the jews' end game with regards to this, but it's clear that this Peterstein meme they have created has only just begun. The man is declaring himself a fucking PROPHET, does anyone else see how insane and dangerous this is?

He cultivates his sycophantic following at every turn, and does nothing to deter its development.

His end goal appears to be bluepilling a generation of Whites into kosher Ziocon boomer centrism, so that during this crucial last stretch of the White genocide plan, right before we become an absolute minority, no true resistance arises.

Peterstein was on the Joe Rogan show today, and he explicitly stated that we must not "go back to tribalism like in the 3rd reich" because, get this: We have nukes now.

That's literally his argument against Whites organizing to prevent our genocide, that our weapons are too powerful. I mean, he's explicitly stating that Whites must not become powerful enough to pose a threat to the jews on the international stage !!!

Anons, we must stop this man.

It is a tested method jews use to vacuum the discretionary wealth of urbanite whites who are benefiting to much from the economy to see the scaffolding being made around them and so the jew cycles these given funds back into ruining the lives of whites again.

I never got that far into his stuff, and didn't know about him until I was already nodding my head to points made in "Mein Kampf", but aside from the very basic "clean your room" messages, I find his talks to be profoundly fluffy. I may just be stupid, but when language starts to get really flowery, or to understand the meaning of something requires a mass of obscure knowledge, I start thinking it's bullshit. Life is extremely simple, and the truth hangs out right in the open. Reality doesn't hide itself, but piece of shit obfuscators are always trying to tell you the truth can't be known, or that it's something it isn't, which requires complicating the simplistic..

I've not seen too much of his work but his work on the wage gap and in particular the interview he gave with that blond curly woman seemed like a red pill opportunity to me. He went against the SJW narrative and won, if he were to be ruined in any way by (((TPTB))) after that, all the white men he focuses on would have a chance to be redpilled.

This poster is a kike.

I wasn't even really into his basic self-help shit, I was simply very happy someone was standing up to the Marxists. His videos on Marxism and Postmodernism are also good, and I used to send them to people as intro red pills.

You wouldn't believe how many people will say to you "Peterson is helping a lot of young men better themselves, you're a shill". This is also typical of cults, in that sense that generic self-help bullshit is used as a veneer that puts the rest of his insidious motives beyond criticism.

You should be asking yourself why the jewish media is shilling this guy non-stop. He was on fucking Fox News.

Do you think the jews somehow don't have control over what gets broadcast? Do you think the jews are bound by some kind of code of ethics that forces them to broadcast something that ends up "damaging their narrative"?

Think: What real change has this man made, aside form bluepilling tons of White men, his primary target? Has he toppled the Canadian government? Did he even stop Bill C-16 (no)?


Fuck didn't mean to sage. Bump


Can't believe people donated $100K to help this man get over his cancer. Le Boomer Cuck manages to siphon off more monies from the despondent youth in which he has created.

What the fuck, he had cancer?

One minute you're all telling me he's closet 1488 and that there are subtle hints in many of the things he says that suggest he's well aware of Jewish influence on the world but he can't speak his actual opinion because of his associates, and the next there's a thread like this.

That was once me, user.


My apologies, please accept these Peterstein Unleashed memes as penance. We must destroy this kike pawn.

This is the real tip-off. His growth in popularity was not gradual. If the jews don't like what he's saying it would never get on tv. In typical jew fashion, he speaks truth next to lies to make lies appear truthful.

If you ever hear some moron claim that their particular e-celeb/politician/chosen messiah is totes aware of the JQ and is on board with WN, but just can't say anything bc reasons, what you're actually hearing is them deluding themselves.

This man is DEEPLY in bed with the kikes. The information in the OP is enough evidence to BTFO anyone who is still duped by this shabbos goy. Look at the company he keeps, many jews who harp on endlessly about antisemitism.

In the last video in the OP, where a jew gives Petersetein of copy of '200 Years Together', Peterstein acts super stressed, as if he really wants to talk about the jews but "just can't"

The most damning thing here is that he also argues that race isn't real and that whites don't exist.

Right here in this video, the quack jewish psychologist colleague of Peterstein's that he was speaking with is asked the question:

'Is there any connection between post-modernism and anti-semites on university campuses?'


And the JEW rambles on about how the only reason people criticize jews is because they are projecting their rebillion onto the "MASCULINE ARCHETYPE OF THE RABBI".

Peterstein then agrees wholeheartedly, and goes on to add his trademark chastisement: "If you're going to be a minority the least you could do is fail every now and then", of course reinforcing that jews are just so superior and if you have any questions about their use of power it's because you're just a resentful bigot.


You mean like this?

I question the validity of this being a real tweet seeing as Peterson would likely spell "colour" with a U.

Got a link?


It's real bucklaoroo. :)

They do that in Canada too? SHITHOLE


Peterstein went to Harvard, so maybe he got used to spelling it like a yank.

You mean acting like leftist redditor shitskins and Jews?

I saw him parrot the old 115 kike IQ meme on joe rogain tonight. He even said if you look at the 140+ IQ you see an even higher percentage of kikes. This has always pissed me off because I live in Hollywood and know 100s of kikes. They are are generally dumb as shit, half the scams they try can be thwarted by a teen.

I looked up the studies. It seems it's not based on real tests, but instead they estimate average kike IQ to be 107-115 due the number of Nobel Prize wins.

Anyone who knows anything about awards knows they have literally zero to do with merit, they are always celebrations of mediocrity where barely competent people pat members of their in group on the back. The Nobel prize nominations are made by former winners. Imagine that, kikes gaining control of an institution and using it as a weapon.

These high IQ bullshit meme needs to die if we are ever going to rid ourselves of these parasites.

That's astonishing, but the memes are still hilarious tbh.

This guy is a fraud: he starts every speech throwing in a little bit of philosophy, a little bit of psychology, nothing too dense, mind you, but just anecdotal. Eventually he switches to a manipulative and emotional coaching, and ends with tears in his eyes speaking of god.

WTF!? Dont fall for a second rate youtuber. Go for the real deal philosophers, thinkers and scientists.


This is important. Violence and terrorization are associated with masculinity.

"In any State in which there is a bad organization of authority, an impersonality of laws and of the rulers who have lost their personality amid the flood of rights ever multiplying out of liberalism, I find a new right - to attack by the right of the strong, and to scatter to the winds all existing forces of order and regulation, to reconstruct all institutions and to become the sovereign lord of those who have left to us the rights of their power by laying them down voluntarily in their liberalism"

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Protocol 1, Paragraph 14

I think what's important is that it's pseudoscience horse shit, and they are working hard to equivocate criticism of Israel with "SJWs".

This meme triggers the pickle ricks pretty hard btw.

I try to avoid reading sentences written by the AGENTUR. Instead I look at them like a bag of words to better analyze what narrative they were trying to frame without actually parsing the thoughts they try to convey.

protip: that was posted on 4chon.net's /new/ board.

a board notorious for ironic shitposting, the same board rach came from.
that poster was not a jew or the one creating the ben garrison edits. he's merely a dedicated shitposter from back when shitposting meant something.

btw an archive of all of joshua goldberg's posts on 8ch exists somewhere, they're storing all our posts and associating it with UIDs

That's actually very interesting. Discovered anything interesting lately?

>they're storing all our posts and associating it with UIDs
pretty much goes without saying that this place is a ticking time bomb honeypot

Don't hide. Normalize the truth. Gain allies in the real world, not just here.

tbh im only hiding from our vols who are most likely jim's employees

as for peterson, he's part of the greater aut-right psyop to normalize ziocuck views and turn gen z into boomer-tier reagan zombies that will support all of isreal's wars and let the country slip into degeneracy so they can remain /comfy/ watching youtube videos about how trannys are NOT based but yids are.

This is silly. This looks like a kike attempt to dissuade people moving rightwards.

The kikes are clearly trying to break the jump gap from peterson and other alt-lite commentators to harder commentators as well as half+fullchan. We gain absolutely nothing by driving a wedge between his large, open group of followers and ourselves.

I'm ALL IN. Whatever is needed.

This poster is a kike.

No user. A mutation. One aimed at survival.

Yeah that's another thing, his childish Bible interpretations. He's got something going on with that that reaks of slimey jew.

It could be a prophet thing, the cocksucker does love the sound of his voice.

I like when he does his all earnest act. Pausing as if he's deep in thought. Which you know he isn't because the answer is always a nothing burger and it's a question he knew the answer to twenty years ago. What he's thinking is, where am going for dinner tonight and do I give them, one scoop of shit or two.

Ezra Levant is small potatoes. Even in leafland. Peterson is playing for the global team. Hence, the media tour for his book. He's a nothing Canuck professor, even big Canadian authors don't go on UK shows and US networks.

Yes he pushes that tired old bullshit about jews being smart and that somehow, the world is just how it should be and that nothing is wrong. No, there are more White geniuses than there are jews in the world.

Read this post carefully, does he look like he comes from Holla Forums? He sure doesn't type like it.
This whole thread is fishy as fuck.
Especially since

This has got to be some sort of bait or astroturfing.

Hmm, molyjew was pushing cult shit. That all backfired on Shlomo as he's know talking entirely different shit from ten years ago. So Peterson could be the B team for their plan. We will stop him as well. Lots of dumb college girls like him. That and cucks. There's some sort of female appeal. I think because his spiel is such basic bitch, simple shit.


A very interesting coincidence nonetheless.
Shitlibs, especially the more extreme variants, love posing as Nazis/White nationalists for the act of transgression. Gotta get that dopamine high

That's the thing, his message ISN'T about self-help at all. He's trying to create good little Canadians who will go work for jew companies and drop dead at 60 of a heart attack. The motherfuck says shit like, happiness is an illusion. Other times that he doesn't even know what it is.

Dude is classic controlled opposition. It can't all be one sided. What's he famous for? He didn't pop out of the ground yesterday. He's been talking the same shit, giving the same class for over 20 years. No one ever took notice. Not until he refused to call a man in a dress a woman. But he never actually did that. He just said he wouldn't and now that the law has past, he says he WILL call chicks with dicks, girls.


Dude, he get's that EVERY MONTH. 2018 as it stands, means 1.2m for him plus book and rug sales.

I don't understand what the image and your post have in-common? That THOT is ugly too.


Why anyone likes Peterson? Peterson is a yid that read some Jung and then tries to subvert all readers. Fuck that, Jung is for Holla Forums. Peterson is furnace fuel. That's RIGHT, white boy.

If you'd listen to his call in shows you'd know he's not. His philosophy has remained consistent his entire time as an internet personality.
I assume you mean his recommendation to ostracize people who want you shot for resisting violations of your self ownership. Nothing wrong with that. In fact you're a cuck of the highest degree if you continue to reward people like that with your association. Doesn't matter if they're family.

Molyneux refuses to put the jew in his crosshairs, and that is enough to consider him compromised, but actually have an argument if you're gonna attack his positions.

Found the guy who needs to sort himself out.

Why do they keep saying Marx is a kike if he's obviously an anti-semite?

He was definitely a mason, so he was at least a jewish pawn without knowing it.

Heil Hitler dubs, checked. Colour is the British/Canadian spelling is all.

It's also old as shit and came after many YEARS of good works by /pol and /i. He's just butthurt his e-celeb has been put on deathrow.

hahaha oh jew, it's so funny how backwards you rottens are. Your brains really don't work like normal peoples. Such ugliness in your world view. As for gaining nothing? Are you fucking kidding me? "his large, open group of followers and ourselves." How about, more people? You're saying, let the blue pill man do his thing and you just sit back on your ass and watch sport ball or something. Even your choice of whore is disgusting. That really the best you have? You think that thing… just gas yourself.

This post sounds like from a bot.

It sure feels like it. I'd punch Peterson right on the end of his knob for suggesting I stop giving myself a hand shandy but then I'd put an arm around his trembling shoulders and buy him a beer because I enjoy listening to intelligent men gas eloquent.

A number of the pundits I watch don't call out the jew, considering the ramifications to a career for doing so I can't blame them.

Is it too much to ask for a Japanese mod so we can start putting a blurry mosaic over these types of posts?

This poster is a kike.

Off yourself kike.

Haha keep up the good work. Approved.

One wonders if JBP is actually a maranno?

When he suddenly popped onto the scene was praised by various Youtube "skeptics" as the new Jesus, I got instantly distrustful of Peterson. If your enemy is fervently saying something is good, it probably isn't.

That's interesting.

Masterful work. Well done.

100% white Irish, not even offended by you twitchy faggots. Just on the offchance you call me that because I've changed servers a couple of times, mods seem to have banjaxed the vpn I'm using because some nigger is spamming the chans.

I'd post a photo of my magnificent Roman nose but you girls would then want to know how I keep it free of blackheads.

These false memes are a Kike tactic. Lying is not Holla Forums style. All our successes have been won through the power of truth.


Peterson's a hypocrite for sure, and we should try to keep his cult of personality in check, but we gain nothing from trying to completely destroy his reputation. Along with the rest of the alt-lite types, he serves as a step on the journey, and is helpful to our cause whether he likes it or not. I went through Dave Cullen, PJW and many others. Even Sargon, who I now find laughable, played a big role in bringing me here.

It doesn't even matter if any of these people are Kike-controlled opposition. They don't have opportunities to betray us when they're just disseminating information. Attempts to contain the rightward shift, and divert attention from Jews, are doomed to fail. They bring people within our reach, where we simply need to point out the inconsistencies in their position and fill in the blanks.

This is more like it. Not an exact quote, but a fair representation of the inconsistencies in his position.

We shouldn't be aiming to deter followers, but rather to poach those followers once they are ripe. To further that aim, we should look hard at everything he says, find the inconsistencies and meme the fuck out of them.

You've got a point there.
Whether Peterson is a Jew-paid shill or a half-blue pilled cuck, he is still presenting himself as opposition to Cultural Marxism and has some relevant arguments. It only makes sense to agree with the sensible arguments, and attack the inconsistent ones. It forces his fanboys to look at the inconsistencies assuming they have any intellectual honesty.

I fucking hate how this board still clings to 4cuck e-celeb shit, just call the guy a kike, add him to the rope list and be done with it already.

This is the third anti-Peterson thread this week. The left is terrified of him because he guts their ideology every time he's in front of a microphone. He's bluepilled as fuck, but a modern bluepill is still yestercentury's American liberal. Which to the Marxists is a Fascist.

Here's a good example. Peterson is a PhD and professional clinical psychologist who put his entire career in jeopardy by refusing to toe the progressive line, going as far to appear in national deliberations on the bill in question, but Holla Forums still calls him an e-celeb.

Second image for duplicate bypass.

I don't know anything about this guy, but I've been continually seeing multiple threads about him so I just assumed it was some e-celeb sliding fuckery. I'll look into him further to determine if he really is a secret nose like this sperge OP has been spamming. I'm tired of these fucking useless threads.

The tl;dr is that he's not quite /our guy/, but the left is being driven straight up the wall by him because he got popular for objecting to a law that would require him to use preferred pronouns. He advocates for family, faith, personal responsibility, cultivation of inner strength, and an absolute slash-and-burn rejection of Marxism and all its derivations.

He's not much kinder to National Socialism, but he's doing a lot to turn young adults and teens towards right-wing philosophy without realizing it.

What is all this desperation against him just after his advocacy for free speech (a NECESSITY for Holla Forums if it wants to get anywhere)? He may not agree with many points on Holla Forums but just the fact that he pulls white people a little off the degeneracy set the kikes on a frenzy.
Remember, jews will pile up on anyone who looks able to pull the white people up.

Sam Harris wasn't 'crypto' enough physiognomically, it would appear.

Dubs, and the self-cucked are indistinguishable from it (he is Canadian, in the end.)

See now originally after reading all these disgusting chuck quotes he's said about kike's & his refusal to even acknowledge White Ethnonationalism I was agreeing with you, but for the love of God man, don't have your only rebuttal to an argument be "this poster is a kike" you've done that twice now & it makes you look like a shill.

Molyneaux once asked a kike to his face why his people promote multiculturalism everywhere but pissrael, so he gets a pass from me, though that would obviously change if someone links me to some genuinely (((fishy))) shit he's done.

Molyneux's mother was a kike, so he's a kike.

Oh. Well then. DROPPED.
Only ever been about 10 genuinely good kikes throughout history (e.g. Bobby Fischer-Dieskau, kubrick, Roy Cohn, etc) & (((they))) had them all killed anyway.

If your father is a jew you are also a jew, being a jew is genetic, stop taking jews rules on judaism seriously.
Shit, its like asking jews about Hitler.

You can't claim to care about truth, and call that a confirmation. At best it's a red flag.

Yep, science trumps jew dogma.

While for me, Peterson work is meaningless, he just regurgitates work from other people and by no means is the intellectual master people preach he is, this is one of the most beautiful shill threads I've seen here, kudos mate, if only all shills were like this.
He is by no means /ourguy/ he faced many truths yet refuses to acknowledge them. 60.000 USD per month has more power, no way he's going astride from his current work, and will Ally himself if Jews even more. I

Pol is not filled with children, if you find anything useful from his work, use it, ignore the bullshit. Ignoring any type of knowledge because this or that is stupidity of first order.

I'm almost convinced he is a crypto-jew.

Somebody gave him a copy of 200 Years Together a couple days ago. We might see something interesting come of that soon.

He's got a bit of that (((Anthony Bourdain))) look about him. Wouldn't surprise me.

True. I've never met, or discovered anyone who I agreed with on all points. If you ever find someone agreeing with everything you say, don't trust them, or stop threatening their life.

He could pass for milo's father.

That was set up, it was within a week of the exact same thing happening with Spencer. They use the reactions they see here and other places to tailor their narratives and select from pre-planned scenarios.

Interdasting.. Thanks for informing me of such tactics, user.

Anyone have the graphic of moly getting called out for faking being a girl thanking him?(he forgot to change to the sock puppet account)

As was in my opinion, the scenario where he got "given" the frog tribal head gear by the native Americans, and then sat right in front of a bright ball shaped piece of art that formed a halo. It's fairly obvious what they were trying to subconsciously induce given the whole pepe kek "completely organic meme (c) TM, all rights reserved" there's a new god on the planet thing that was going on.

Just came by to see if all the kikes had been slaughtered yet.

who the fuck is this aids patient looking faggot?
I read his name everywhere (((suddenly)))

Masculine nation of Israel. Holy fuck. I would join Muslims in skinning this guy alive, if ever given the choice.

Kikes and Muslims both need exterminating.

I love the doublethink when it comes to jews holding powerful positions. When they do it its because of "genetic superiority" and bringing attention to it means you are a resentful bigot.
However when whites are in any position in the upper hierarchy, it's because of nepotism, cronyism, racism, systematic oppression, sexism, tribalism. cheating and whatever under the table measure they could use. Oy vey doesn't that sound like pure projection? Fucking kikes.

Absolutely. When you boil down his message and remove all the flowery decoration, it is the same old bog standard "bootstraps" shit boomers and their (((friends))) have been selling to conservative leaning whites for decades. Everything is your fault and your fault alone. Everyone (((else's))) success is a product of their own abilities and effort and not corrupt in-group nepotistic favoritism. Man-up and marry those burnt out 30+ year old career minded roasties who want to shit out an autistic child asap and then divorce you. Whatever your do, don't ever give up your blind devotion to the cult of individualism.

At the end of the day, much like the kikes use our own hero myths in literature, comics, stage, radio, television and movies to control us, Peterson is just a new form of the same old thing.

Never do the Sam Hyde, because the Jews will fuck you, butter them up to allow them to reach the positions you want in life then backstab the backstabbing Jew.

Laconism is the key to everything. Use what you can, discard what's unnecessary. Memes and humor use the same measures, and that's how they can influence someone with few words or none at all more so than some of these verbose lectures.

It's shareblue shit, all of this is. The Marxist destroying the youth despise him, people who once allied with have turned his back on him and have rejected him simply because he touched the surface of the ((question)), imagine if went full tilt?

Was he a "BASED nationalist pedophile"?

It might be time to make one of these for him.

Getting all of your talking points from jim… oh shit wait.. jim its you

Because he was a relative of the Rothschilds, the grandson of rabbis on both sides of his family.

This is bad? The point is homogenous ethno-state.
spencer is being a fool here, i would guess spencer is thinking in terms of ethno-state but no, net looks down on you spencer
politicing and again the angle of ethno-state
more politicing, ethno-state
spencer bending the knee to jews here, did it work?
spencer bending the knee to jews again
doesn't want to divide focus on his goal but he's wrong, it's a problem and shouldn't be brushed aside
stupid to say but this is pulled out of context
this is wrong, it's been around, not a part of Euro culture, and it's something to get worked up about.

Jordan Peterson's mass propagation of knowledge of how evolutionary biology drives morality, archetypes, aesthetics, and social hierarchy is the ultimate redpill that makes fascism not only palatable but utterly inescapable. If what he's saying is true then divergence in morality, social order, sense of beauty etc is totally inescapable. His lessons make it impossible for there to be human unity or universalism. He shatters the dream of globalism once and for all. He is trying desperately to not realize it fully. But his followers DO. That's why he's trying to prevent his followers from awakening but it doesn't matter. Evolutionary biology driving morality social order and beauty leads only to one place.

This. Quotes like:
Are self defeating when kikes have cucked out of their genetic heritage as semites in their attempt to reach genetic superiority with inbreeding of stolen Aryan genes.

The beauty is that when I read all these quotes, my brain automatically hears these words in his cry-voice, and I already know the source for most of them.
Now just imagine how much more it will have that effect on all his li'l buckos who think he's "the last great knight of western civilization", and how many of their malleable brains will be infected with antisemitism before the damage can be undone by revealing it as a hoax.
They will follow master into war.

I saw a rare video, don't recall from the sea of videos, of him acknowledging ethnic identity, admitting that while true, rejected it as dangerous and wrong, follow universal christuckery instead. So he recognizes yet rejects biology, and the science that's confirming it to be correct more and more, and why reject it? just because, now go clean your room.

I don't doubt it, but can you (or anybody here) source him calling himself a prophet? Would be very useful to meme

Oh Christmas I didn't know all this!
Maybe I should do a bit more research before I open my mouth..

Fucking (((autocorrect)))

What's crazy to me is people in this thread here who claim to hate him seem to know everything about him. You guys watch all the videos of someone you hate. That is obsession.
Why give a shit about a college psychology teacher?

In the time it took you to gay up all those memes & check your own dubs you could've cleaned your room, bucko. Have Soros send a man next time, shill.

Reported for shilling & spam.

I’m suspicious that whiteness works in their favor. That I even need to say it with some trepidation speaks to the state of Kushner’s forum.

If I didn't give common kike a pass on this I won't give e-daddy one too. The people he "helps" are bottom of the barrel social failures who grew up without a father or wish they hadn't. They are quite simply not worth anyone's time.

Back over the wall to the_donald you go.

Like literally brainwashing a race into killing themselves.
Fuck this kike.

There's some crazy claims in your post.

He isn't just a college psychology professor, there's thousands of those, he has been elevated to prominence by the special group of the enemy who pretend to be us/on our side.
Analysis of the enemies tactics is not obsession it's sensible.
I watched enough of his videos to ascertain the agenda, and confirm my early suspicions; it was more than I would have liked, but it's an educational process.
Generally the hate and death to all kikes and muslims comments are made by newly and only partially aware anons such as yourself and the enemy.
Calling a jew a jew is always the most effective.
I would like to see a push to call blacks Africans. And Whites Europeans. Allow the individual to correct you if you have made an incorrect assumption but the seed is sown. Their protestations as to what they are always sound ridiculous because they are based in the lies that the enemy have told.
Spanners must be thrown into their shit at every opportunity.

You're starting with several false assertions, not all, started with an open mind, and your idea of don't watch anything don't agree with is silly.

It's so obvious at this point. Every time a useful figure steps up, there's a black propaganda campaign to get us to attack them, or at least shy away from them.



He's one of the few truly eminent professionals left in the massively Kiked field of psychology. This gives him valuable deep insight into how people think and behave, and he communicates it well. The fact that he stops abruptly short of following it to it's logical conclusion isn't really a bad thing, when you consider how he would be viewed if he went any further. His current position acts as a gateway drug to us, I don't think he could help us any more if he was trying to.

I don't have a link to hand, but think I recall him referring to himself as such in a clearly metaphorical context, referencing the following he has amassed.

Holy shit this is good.
There's obviously some things you haven't picked up on since you started shilling here.


Peculiar how others organizing against whites is a-okay and has been since the (((civil rights))) garbage, but whites now increasingly exerting their in-group preference, even though all humans follow tribalism, whites doing it is the moment for him to step out of his leftist socialist shithole canada and begin has anti-pc tals. Whites organizing is now problematic and must be prevented. He knows whats coming; mass deportation and if they don't willingly go, they go by force, if they resists it's war.

This isn't lying, Shlomo. This is sticking our hand up Juden Peterson's muppethole instead of yours.
You don't even know who Zyklon Ben is, do you?
Quite the opposite. Kikes know where he stands. If any mainstream media took one of these memes for real, it's just classic keks.
We have things to gain by spreading these as well as other memes demonstrating hypocrisy because his fans who slurp his every word up will either dismiss it as a fake, or be forced by their MK Daddy to question their conceptions of the Jew. Not to mention all the normalfags.


Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.

There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"

There is already a Jordan Peterson thread here.

And your other thread tanked here

You're not one of us, Jew. I'm dying to know how much you get paid for shilling here? If it's based on performance you should sort yourself out, bucko.

Reported for ID switching.

Shills absolutely hate Peterson because his message hits right to their pathological souls. They base their whole existence on lies and telling lies, where I'm sure 8 hours shitposting they even start to believe their own lies. They are truly in the

Receipts? All he says is don't become the jew you hate when you try to play their games

Let's confuse Aryans with Hemedics. They are both Caucasoid's. Holy shit this guy is a retard. Let's play the old jew trick of divide and conquer and lambast Germans against Slavics, Slavics against Arabs while the kike sits and laughs.

Genetic wise there might be slight difference between Germany Y-dna and Southern and eastern Europeans, a larger difference between Germanic Y-dna and specific Hemedic Arabs, but the difference is negligible and all of them still carry predominant white genes due to evolutionary migrations.

Any National Socialist is not anti- other race, i don't care, i don't like them. But Europe belongs to whites and none other have not a single right to step even a foot upon it's soil, that includes hemedics and semetics who's native soil is in the middle east. I would wish other races did the same thing and worked for the betterment of their own people rather then become parasites and cling to white societies.

Eh, he's repeats a lot of correct things in self development but then takes a right turn saying White ethnic identity is evil, universal cuckstianity is the way. No.

Why do you talk like a Jew?
Do you not agree with Trumps statement last night?
In God We Trust

Do you not think Pagans and Christians should unite to fight the communist gods of Judaism and Nihilism? What ideal should White's look up to?

Fucking dumbfucks ITT
No matter how much faggotry you attempt to pour on Jordan it will not stick.
You can't fuck with Truth.
Go procreate your faggot race by fucking yourself in your own ass with your nazi limp dick you basement dwelling DUMBFUCKS.
POL used to be something, people here tried to solve problems, and now you want to do what to the only good man who is fighting for peace on earth and for us all????????????


No shit, user.

OP needs to stop being short-sighted and deceptive. Have you learned nothing from the meta-threads that happen from time to time when some delusional cuck write about how our memes are winning the meme war and they don't know how to counter it? They can't possibly win, because they are based on lies. Putting Hitler quotes on Taylor was fun for a laff, but here is not the time for mirthful deception. Most of the people that follow him will recognize his speech patterns and easily spot the lie, and this reeks of previous low-effort attempts to start a meme like the "shut up meg!" garbage that was pushed for a while on Ivanka.
A lot of us have been here so long we've forgotten our own journeys to seeing the truth, and it doesn't happen (in most cases) in a single day, or even a single month. You didn't go to bed one night a good goy and wake up the next morning spouting heils and calling for a nationwide gassing campaign.

People like Jordan Peterson are opportunities for us, not new targets. We need to watch, wait, and strike at the best opportunities. Not at him, though, at his cult following. His flowery language and constant references to history get people that listen to him thinking, to break out of the typical mindless masses that chase the next high through likes on facebook and upboats on plebbit, and this is where we come along and do the work that will set the world right.

Sure, he can preach all he wants about the virtues of individualism, the dominance hierarchy, about suffering for a greater cause which he thinks is Being (with a capital B, kek), about the dangers of communism (the world seems to have forgotten), the dangers of tribalism, the dangers of fascism, and about how if everyone "sorted themselves out and cleaned their rooms" how much better the world could be. And for a long time, most of his followers will sedate themselves with visions of a future paradise that might exist, if only they could get enough people to follow along with what peterson preaches.

So we capitalize on those followers of his that have enough intelligence to look further than simple personal accomplishment and feed them enough to get them to shake off the shackles put around their mind. To lead them to the truth and bring them into our fold.

We already have an example of what a nation would look like if society championed individual excellence, and they well understood the dominance hierarchy at every level from individual to nation to People. because he never criticizes the dominance hierarchy itself for existing, he inherently admits that the weak should fear the strong
We already have examples of what could be if people stepped up and embraced responsibility for the sake of a greater (the greatest) cause, that if every individual strives for the heights of greatness.
We already have plenty of examples of what communism does not only to the soul and body of the individual, but a People as well.
We, too, have extensive literature about the dangers of (((tribalism))), but we can wear them down with examples and evidence that tribalism is inescapable. The winning move is not to try and be "above it all" but to engage and win; to recognize your own People and do what must be done to be victorious.
He preaches against the "certainty" of fascism, but fails to recognize that this very certainty anchors and guides individuals and their society through time. We only have to show those of his followers that are capable of understanding what it looks like to twirl and spin in the wind without it.

The goal is for his followers, those that can stomach it, realize the same truth on their own; even jordan has said this is much more meaningful to an individual than one preached on a pulpit. Here's a general overview on how this can work for us:
>Why did they want to destroy the nuclear family and individual accomplishment, which someone else wanted to promote?
once they realize what pre-(((deathcamp))) germany looked like, it's an easy step
>why were the only (((deathcamps))) discovered in germany liberated by the disingenuous and lying communists?

you can see where this is going. if they can't be lead to the proper conclusions, why would we even care what they think?

don't see this as doom and gloom, see this as an opportunity. attacking us always has and always will make us stronger. Let him do half the work for us. He can worry about muh PR and making shekels. Some people will give him money, sure, but there are points within his preaching that we can exploit, and their foolish parting with their money to someone like him will be the price they pay. How much money did you spend on the bill for the electric jew before you knew better? How much money did you spend on lefty candidates before you knew the truth? A book and a few months of patreon would be paltry in comparison to the possible gains. Think back on your own journey and then how you can help guide his fans along the same route.

Never forget that people like him get people reading history, examining what really happened, and eventually on the path of seeking truth. The points we need to present to his followers are not that jordan is a nazi and they should be too, (because that would net us sheep) nor should we try to spread memes that capitalize on (((programming))) that nazis are bad (meming with lies like Holla Forums does).

TL;DR: don't support him, but do not meme with lies. Meme with bits of truth, and only truth, and we can win; it is only a question of how to best meme about JBP. His books will draw people that can think. We can push them to seek the truth, and they will find us waiting for them. Look at stefan's followers, we got some of them to do it, why not use peterson's efforts to our own gain?

Thanks for admitting that everything we said is correct.

hey idiot,
he introduced millions of american to Solzhenitsyn who wrote THE MOST ANTISEMITIC book (Red Wheel) in history.
Now say that you are sorry, faggot

Surely being a zionist means you dont like the Jews?

You see these people who want israel to stop existing, but that means Jews will come and live in their country?
The reason Zyclon Jordan supports Pissrael is so that you can tell Jews to go home and they actually have a home country to go to.

Nothing you said is correct you pathetic faggot
attacking someone honest behind his back is a FUCKING JEWISH RAT THING TO DO you "brave aryans"

Is it, though. You’ll have to do better than that.
So not Peterson. Go suck his cock somewhere else.
He’s welcome to come here. He’s welcome to read anything we post.
Like supporting someone who won’t name the jew, you mean?

where did i say to apologize for anything? the focus is not on Solzhenitsyn but on using jordan to reach his followers.

JBP either does not know the truth about nazi germany or refuses to acknowledge it. the point is not to attack him. if you bothered to read my posts you would realize that you are exactly the kind of mindless sheep we want to avoid, because you would be a waste of our effort.

could you get hitlers prolapse out of your mouth and repeat that again, I can't make out what you are mumbling about, Faggot

Aww! You’re just like the Q-LARPers! It’s adorable. Thanks for continuing to prove that literally everything we’ve said about Peterson is fact, by the way.

say there are no good jews and i will believe you are not a mindless fanboy, otherwise fuck off.


Sage and report for being a duplicate slide thread.

your effort is of the Jewish kind: conspire to spread lies about an honest Christian behind his back and use his good name for some racist bullshit.

Bump. It’s a different topic.

So you’re proven to not be talking about Peterson now. A Christian does not lie about jews. A Christian outs the jews and will even physically fight to take from the jews what they’ve stolen.

do you know where you are

Oh, that’s precious. I didn’t even notice at first.
Run along, redditor.

which part of what I said about him introducing the most antisemitic writer to millions of americans did you not take into consideration?

Because the same thread got anchored

>everything (((we’ve))) said about Peterson is fact

Can always spot a shill from their double and sometimes triple posting. Check the other threads, they have terrible imageboard etiquette

The part where “I can’t talk about that” and “Jews are better than whites” and “Antisemitism is a disease” are all quotes from the man, redditor.

re-read this you JEW

And that’s not the same thread.
>everything (((we’ve))) said about Peterson is fact
You’ve proven to be one of the newest batch of shills and thus invalidated your claims. Run along, moishe.


These people wreak.

This is like the third fucking unsuccessful thread on the same topic in the last ten days, give it a fucking rest already, you culties.


do you even know how real world works?
you think he wants to get shot in the back of his head or lose his voice?
you're aa fucking idiot if you think anyone can just openly talk about the JQ
Read Solzhenitsyns banned Red Wheel, it exposes Jews thousand times more than Hitler did

lucky Larry would have been informed by Israel that the attacks were going to happen in order for him to purchase that insurance plan.

That means he choose to let the people die in order to get rich off insurance.

Nigger, what are you talking about? These fatherless faggots come here to shill their cultist messiah, and then get (52) posts defending him.

Real white men don't spread sleazy lies about honest Christians who fight for world peace. JEWISH RATS DO.

Yup, that's the gist of it.

Cry some more, little guy!
And your proof that this happens is what?
I do. So do millions of others.
Okay. That has nothing to do with Peterson’s cowardice.

Right, and if you were literate, you’d know the OP is about denouncing his lies. That’s why I’m bumping.

So not Peterson.
So if Peterson’s doing this, we know he’s not helping us in any way.

who would help a huge faggot like yourself?

Cry some more, little guy! Peterson’s a jew-lover.

Have an apology bump.



I view Peterson and his philosophy as the height of intellectual libertarian individualism. We have conquered the libertarians with arguments before. We have all the tools.

The psyop being conducted to prevent us from interacting with and turning Peterson fans is glow in the dark blatant.

(((They))) hate it when we get an effective normie outreach figure and immediately dogpile and purity spiral these figures to divide us. It's classic cointelpro.

Does anyone here seriously believe we cannot contented with and defeat his arguments straight up? We already have, it's the reason we are here.

Yes, supporting the phony nationalism (it's internationalism in disguise) of the race that's trying to genocide us is a bad thing. Even if you want to be "le consistent nationalist" who wants nationalism for everybody, then it's "Palestine for the Palestinians", instead of backing the group that stands in opposition to everyone else's nationalism.

Pic related was Herzl's successor, and who came up with the design for Israel's flag and the use "shekels" for the zionist currency. Zionism was never nationalism.

Lots of cuckolded "anti-communist" gatekeepers talk about Gulag Archipelago and Solzhenitsyn. The book isn't a big secret, it won the Nobel Prize.

He doesn't talk about 200 Years Together, and leaves out the most important fact about communism (who's behind it). That's how you know he's a shill.

Peterson is making the world and people in it better
You sit on anonymous board spreading sleazy lies like a jewish RAT would do

Yep, you’re one of them. Kill yourself, redditor.

By what means is this occurring, redditor?
This has never happened.
Say, “There are no good jews.”
Say, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

stop defending your husbando

Peterson refutes you "muh first step" faggots himself.

Honest Christians don't defend the killers of Christ.

The jews are really aggressively shilling this guy with different methods from previous ones. They want us to support him despite him avoiding the jewish question and being against whites collectivizing to at least protect themselves.

This is about preventing whites from organizing in any fashion and keeping them all as boomer conservatives. I think we need to humiliate Peterson and bring him down like Sargon and the Skeptic community.

Also I think we need to bring back self improvement threads and /fitlit/ threads just cause without those threads I keep seeing idiots fall into giving Peterson money.

You don't need to pay someone for an online personality test and ideology about cleaning your room - instead pay for some free weights and access to a gym. Also get a job, educated yourself, and get a girlfriend/wife. Try and make your own business if you can. Go to church on sundays. Take a shower and then clean your room. Get new clothes.

We need to have basic iron pill threads again. Holla Forums is supposed to be a board where we sit around and make jokes and not be all serious all the time.

Well I can relate to that.

I used to have some admiration for the guy and usually recommended his lectures to most of my friends.

Then I saw how he compeletely tried to ruin Faith Goldy's career with what seemed at the time a profound ignorance, right after she aired on some DS podcast during Charlotsville's events.

Then I learned how close he was to ezra levant and it made sense all of a sudden.

This man is malevolent and dishonest (and a millionaire btw so you can stop donating). You really have to be fucked in the head or following a very specific agenda to try to destroy a 20-ish honest journalist just for airing on an alt right podcast while hurting levant's feelings.

>(((They))) hate it when we get an effective normie outreach figure
No, redditor. They love it when we prop up a flawed, weak, broken, man Trump, et. al. in place of the tenets of our ideology. They love it when we become a cult of personality, following the perversions of our ideology down to the collapse of the man, defending him at every turn that goes against us. That’s what they love.

Oh, look. Someone linked this thread to Reddit.

you are a pathetic infant

Honest Christians forgive and move on

Let him do his thing and point out the inherent contradictions in his actions and speech. Show how he favors the jews and then use that as a crowbar to separate his followers. There are parts that we can use and parts we can disprove; why destroy him when we can leap off his shoulders?

This doesn't sound like Holla Forums.

Say, “There are no good jews.”
Say, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

It’s called mockery, (1). The redditor squirms in pain when you remind him of his neurological infancy.

ban me you racist faggot

I said Peterson was a problem you shill. He's clearly being propped up to prevent the whites from organizing in a way that harms the current jewish order.


I'm convinced that you're false-flagging to sow division between us and peterstein. Hey, people did it during the Multiple Jimpacts, and they didn't realize how fucking pointless and stupid it is. I genuinely don't believe you'd be this fucking stupid and go out of your way to defend someone for upboats on an anonymous imageboard.

I'll let you in on a secret, my man. You can't sow division between things that are already divided

Get a load of the double posting newfag.

Who obviously has no reading comprehension either it seems

This thread reeks of astroturfing from both sides.
As demonstrated in earlier Peterson threads.

And yet you’re a redditor. Notice I didn’t say a thing about whether or not you said he was.

Cry harder. Peterson’s imperfections will be laid bare.

Stating the truth is all that is required. Their life experience and own research will show them we are right whether they like it or not, even if they conscientiously try to turn away from this basic truth, they will be reminded of it at every event in life. Converting them when jews and others are openly calling for whites to be subjugated if not slaughtered is not hard whatsoever.

I was actually saying that Hitler would have been a zionist.
Like if there was an Israel back when Hilter was around, he could have just sent all the European Jews there.
It would have freed up a lot of resources for the war effort that were wasted keeping them in camps, feeding them, trying to prevent disease etc

It's called condescension and it's what women and nu-males use to argue; it's pointless.


The dude is obviously a kike, himself.
It's the classic jew move to co-opt the opposition. He's the semitic way away from trannydom and liberal cuckoldry in our culture. His objective is to steer rational people with dissenting opinions towards those that are kosher.


So mockery, then. Got it. Funny how it struck a nerve with you, too…


Did you even read my post you idiot? I'm saying Peterson is deliberately trying to subvert whites into remaining conservatives and you are going on about fucking reddit of all things.

You certainly didn’t read mine.
Okay. Where did I question the validity of that statement?
Almost as though… we don’t want redditors here? So, you know, either SHAPE UP–hint hint–or leave.

How about you stop accusing people of being redditors of which you have no proof you stupid nigger?

im only here to point out how much of rats you all are, stupid, racist, infantile rats. using rat tactist to slander Good white men who actually care about people and are doing good on a global scale.
ALL YOUR /POL MEME TACTICS ARE OF THE JEWISH KIND, sleasy, deceitful, manipulative…

I'm an oldfag from the first exodus you dumb niggers.

Where in any of those posts are we arguing for "propping him up"?

You dumb ducks can't even make coherent arguments in a single thread.

Let me spell it out for those watching.

Peterson is useful. He promotes 80-90% of what much of Holla Forums views as the ideal configuration of the ethnostate. Western individualism. Where he falls short is the Jews and nationalism. He is a primer with a wide reach that we can use to very effortlessly recruit more nationalists.

How difficult is it to make our case when he sets up the punchline for us? How weak do you think we are that we can't use his setup for our goals?

We see you shills, you are ineffectual scared likes who, as ever, seek to prevent us from spreading.

I smell your fear.

yes, there are plenty of people that he "turns away" because they think realizing the truth is like starting crack, an evil fate they were saved from. these people deserve to continue to live with their delusions, and are of no interest to us.

you are not the kind of person we want to reach or talk to. show yourself out and never return you massive faggot.

Holy shit, look at this.

That’s fine, redditor. We don’t want to reach your kind, either. We just want to neck you.
Nah, you’re not on reddit.
Thanks for admitting where you’re from.


astroturf harder you fucking shill.


i see you didn't read the post in which i outlined my thoughts on the matter. try and aim better.

Peterson isn't useful. He's here to deliberately subvert people away from becoming white nationalists - see here:

Straight from his own twitter. He is specifically here to prevent whites from organizing for their own self interests.

I am posting from my phone you dumb nigger. In what world would that invalidate me from having been on the Chans since 2006? You have nothing bit shill tactics. That you seem to think your little game here is effective in any way betrays your lack of intelligence.

itt: shills shilling shills shilling shills
Must a be a slow day at JIDF headquarters

Come on now, my dude, the act is getting stale really quickly.

Obviously not, since we’re not discussing the content of your post.

Yes, that’s what I said.
Who said it did?
Okay, NOW you’re invalidated. Completely.
Said the REDDITOR.
Aww, reddit-speak.
Said the redditor.

Peterson is here to try to divert people away from what he calls authoritarianism or extremism. In other words, to prevent whites from grouping together against their invasion. Fuck you and you double speak!

The shilling has gotten terribly lazy as of late. I wonder if they lessened their pay grade.

Here's a link too:

And an archive:

Please tell me how this man is our ally in any way shape or form beyond the whole scamming whites with clean your room shit they could have easily gotten elsewhere for free.

He sees himself as a gatekeeper, true. All we need to do if we really want to engage his followers is a communications campaign. If he refuses to debate the alt right straight up (he rightly fears the power of our arguments) we can bring our firepower to bear on his followers.

We don't need memes here we need real arguments for the ethnostate in the context of his arguments. This is not difficult for true Holla Forumsacks.

Nowhere in my posts do I argue that he is correct in his assessment. This fact does not preclude his potential usefulness to us.

I know, it's fun to watch as an outsider looking in. Like a bunch of jews in a dark room throwing punches but hitting nobody but themselves.

You should link that.

Essentially, they must be bored not launching missiles at Syria.

>>implying for all people which means none but the International Cosmopolitan
A perfect statement of primary jewry there. No example of actually how or why it will work out in the future. Just, making the world a better place for you.

I linked it above here:

Want to know how I know you aren't from here?

capslock is cruise control for cool, but you still need to steer.

Yes, my apologies, I realized that right after I wrote that reply.

good head-to-neck ratio

Your bot is broken.

"The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.

Gradually I began to hate them."

Even better:

It's like telling the company's record profits are due to the extraordinary efforts of the office cleaners.


Go, save yourself the embarrassment.

White people make the best teams. I haven't looked at it from the angle of individualism that (((Peterson))) keeps spouting. That whole thing is making a lot of sense, now. White teamwork is astounding. It's what allowed our people to prevail against our foes whilst vastly outnumbered.

We've had self improvement threads on Holla Forums for age containing both knowledge about physical, mental, spiritual, financial self improvement - we don't need someone else to help white people improve themselves for shekels. We can do that ourselves for free.

Especially if Peterson's real goal is just to make money and scam the goyim into remaining conservatives until they can no longer fight back whilst the niggers flood in.

But, but you absolutely need to buy this personality test for $10 goy!

Oy vey.

it's amazing to watch the cargo-cult theatrics happen in real time, like a microcosm of Holla Forums. you recognize individual words but are incapable of understanding their meaning or application, aping them in the hopes someone will think you belong here. you're almost as bad as the guy who shills his comics here, with almost every post containing his favorite go-to phrase.

This thread is a good demonstration of Jewish tactics of playing two sides of the coin.
While making one of (((their))) posters dumb and confused, and the (((other))) poster witty and 'hip to imageboards.
They are obviously not fooling anybody and wasting their resources which is fun to watch.
Observe and take notes for future threads.

No one cares what you have to say, redditor. Stop being so obviously anti-racist and go back to your hugbox.

I wasn't sure whether to kek or grab some aerosol pesticides and find a small airtight enclosure.

The biggest test for whether or not the self-help garbage he sells works is if it works for him, and given that he's admittedly on a cocktail of jewish antidepressants and SSRIs, it clearly doesn't.

Getting self-help advice from someone on jewish pharmaceuticals is like listening to a "pickup artist" who only fucks hookers or a "weight loss expert" had liposuction. He's a conman selling snakeoil.

Told you, they're trying to cause infighting between peterstein fans and this place. Real shame that they don't get it yet.

Shut the fuck up that's not what I'm saying, stop trying to spin it you dirty kike.


Checked and kek'd. The irony is amazing.

Watch as the mess up there VPNs and forgot what is actually discussed and who they're replying too.
What a disaster.

So, what exactly are you saying?

In what possible way could you have gotten that from his post?

Because I said pretty much that, and he told me that I'm twisting his words, you autiste.

You guys are obviously sitting beside each other in Tel-Aviv.
You're infighting doesn't disguise this, but nice try nonetheless.
4/10 for effort.

Learn how to read.

Jigs up Shlomo.
You lost.

Peterson loves kikes. I've seen multiple videos of his where he's so complimentary of jews that you can almost hear the slurping.
I'm not going to act like everything he says is complete shit. Of course he's going to say some things I agree with. But you could literally make that case with almost every ideology. And I don't even blame him for this retarded cult following since he's not forcing anyone to worship him. I blame the invalid NEETs that are so worthless that they thinking agreeing the the notion that you need to clean your room makes you a mental giant.

This is such a weird cult. They're worse than Oprah fans.

Like when he mentions their average IQ is 115, and that the difference is from a high-school student to a university student and that is why they're so rich?


He is a self-admitted horseshoe theory
I don't think it appeals to a sense of intellectual superiority. Rather it is yet another repackaging of the Just World Fallacy, to placate your fears about your future prospects by telling you that "cleaning you room" And "rescuining your father from the belly of the whale" by "looking at girls at parties" and "working a lot" that everything is going to work out just fine.



Even though we aren't nearly as divided as halfchan is, we still have our own opinions, and they don't always line up.
I'm not entirely certain as to whether he's a plant or not. Personally he just struck me as another reaction to the insanity that the establishment left has become, not NatSoc in disguise.
At any rate, unless they specifically call out the JQ I would always brace for the possibility that they are an establishment plant.

This is an astroturfed slide thread.
It is ment to counter act this thread.

This is 2nd or 3rd time they have tried to make an OP and failed.
They want their discussion under their OP instead of trying in the previous thread.
This thread should be anchored as a duplicate, and an astroturf.

Fucking cry more.


Expand your vocabulary and work on your insults or you are not going to be employed at JIDF for long.
Low energy! Sad!

This. By the way, any faggots STILL using the tired argument that Peterson turns the minds of young whites towards "right wing ideas" (whatever in the fuck that means), they're shills. The cult of individualism isn't a raft transporting you to greener pastures, it's a boat that strands you on a rock and holds your fucking mind hostage. Peterson doesn't do shit for us, and we have nothing but to gain by attacking him.

Your ESL is showing.

Say, “There are no good jews.”
Say, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

The other thread is mainly just some autist sperging out and claiming Peterson says the exact same things as Hitler.

Lol the delusional thinking can't get any more pathetic. I love this assumption by easily-influenced mongoloids that all of Peterson's followers are going to make some magical leap in thinking from extreme individualism to a more collectivist mentality. Newsflash morons, the metaphorical stairwell of ideological progression doesn't work like that. There is no "spiritual journey" in the form of adopting multiple ideologies that leads to enlightenment. There is simply the truth, and Peterson does not speak the truth, therefore he misleads.

Peterson fans are obviously a cult that needs to be redpilled and brought down. Have a bump.

How could you have not read Mein Kampf and JP's writing and not to see the similarities in thoughts to almost everything except the JQ, which is illegal where JP lives? Why do you think this thread exists to counter act anons also coming to that conclusion. Mein Kampf should be mandatory reading before posting on this board tbh.



Say, “There are no good jews.”
Say, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

You don't understand, you vastly underestimate the how dangerous Peterson, *vastly*.

Peterson is not just some half-baked eceleb who "says some good things that upset the left". Peterstein is openly Zionist and is being propped up by the jewish media machine. His rise to fame was artificial.

He is not "useful to the cause" because he does a decent job explaining what Marxism is. He is controlled opposition, that's what controlled opposition does, it takes jabs at the other side to give itself the illusion of being legitimate.

Peterson has explicitly stated the following:

A. His main focus is on preventing young White men from becoming disillusioned with the state of our nations and "redoing 1930s Germany". Please take the time to carefully think about this: The man has *explicitly* stated that his primary focus is on preventing WHITE MEN (and ONLY White men) from rebelling against the jewish power structure.

B. That we must never again return to racial or ethnic tribalism, because we "have too many powerful weapons now". That is his main argument against White nationalism, that if Whites were to reassert control of their nations that White nations would be too powerful on the world stage and could pose a threat to other nation like Israel.

C. That if you have a problem with jews "being successful" in your nation, that you are simply a resentful, envious, murderous bigot who should in reality be very thankful you have a genetically superior minority using their genius to contribute to your nation. This is the only way that Peterstein "addresses the JQ". Peterstein cult followers will say "he's playing 4D chess, he can't address the JQ he'll get fired lol!", when in reality he does not avoid the JQ at all, but instead intentionally lies about the jews to protect their power, and pathologizes "antisemitism" as per Frankfurt School protocols.

To help break yourself out of the spell of "but he's upsetting the leftist!", step back and realize that the only reason Peterstein started speaking out about the Marxist bullshit, according to his own words, is that he is "very afraid" of the reaction that will develop among young White men.

That's his goal, that's his stated intent, that was the line that was crossed for him and he intends to stop us from preventing out genocide.

For the rest of you who think "well he's a good redpill on some things and we can redpill his followers the rest of the way", you have no idea what you what you're talking about, you have no idea the power that cult personalities have, and how fucking difficult it is to break people away from the brainwashing that Peterstein is performing on our brethren.

The danger of the insidious nature of his teachings cannot be understated. I have seen many, many of his followers threatening people online, saying things like "after we kill all the Marxists, you """identitarians""" are next, all collectivists are my enemy", regurgitating perfectly the propaganda that they've been drilling into their brains for months by listening to multiple hours of this manipulative shuckster's words every single day while they take the bus to work or are on lunch.

Peterstein goes to great lengths to classify any White people who want to work together to stop White genocide as just as evil and dangerous an the Marxists in Archipelago, and this is not a simple neurological connection to sever in these people's minds, and Peterstein uses his deep understanding of the human mind to very artfully create and reinforce this connection over and over and over again throughout his (((lectures))).

The danger cannot be overstated.

He was first posted here on 8ch after posting his videos on the equity training being enforced upon the HR department at his work.

citation needed
It's against the law in Canada.

Does that make Holla Forums a cult?
Does that make NS a cult?
Half baked, lowest common denominator attacks, just like we saw against Trump and the Trump campaign.

We have successfully fought these arguments for over a decade. His arguments against the right are weak as they ever were. His arguments against the left are rock solid.

If you are such an intellectual pushover that you believe his weak arguments cannot be defeated by us then you were never fully redpilled.

He is creating the perfect environment for us to make our case. And he knows it. This is why he is shilling muh white tribalism leads to nuclear holocaust boomer meme. He knows his philosophy leads to white nationalism implicitly so he is trying to ride the mainstream wave as long as he can before it comes tumbling down.

ment for

Read on "controlled opposition", you illiterate faggot.

And who gives him the microphone, user? The jews do.

Just because he tells people to bathe their nutsac twice a day does not put him beyond reproach. It's typical cult behavior to have a thin veneer of positive self-help as a shield against criticism of their other more involved psychological manipulations. His self-help bullshit is bargain basement "pick a life goal and work towards it! you can do it, believe in yourself!" horse shit, it's nothing special, and it does not make the man's other motives any less sinister.

This isn't really about people on Holla Forums falling for Peterstein's tricks, this is about the greater threat he poses to the White race with regards to his specific intent to "save the lost boys of kek" (i.e. White men, and only White men), and the fact that he is brainwashing thousands and thousands of our brethren into status quo Ziocon boomerism.

The mistake you are making here is that you think everyone is just and jew wise or even as intelligent as the average Holla Forums user. They are not. Peterstein is acting like a shepherd herding the sheep, and he is stealing our flock, while putting them on a fast track to the jewish slaughter house of radical individualism and anti-White civic nationalism.

I can't fucking stand these faggots who espouse individualism and rally against any form of collective group interest, but only levy this shit against white people. Peterson, Sargon, most lolbertarians, etc. Funny how they ONLY talk about "muh individualism! stop being collective!" with regards to whites. You never see any of these faggots telling blacks or mexicans or indians or arabs to behave individualistically. you ESPECIALLY don't see them say jack fucking shit about jewish collectivism, despite it being the most egregious example.

And when pressed, they'll probably give a boilerplate response of "I reject collectivism in all people!" but they still only levy this against whites. They might say they're against other collectivism, but only when pressed on the matter, and only so as to remain superficially consistent.

Also, fuck Peterson's cultish fanboys

No it isn't. It's not even against the law to deny the holohoax, thanks to Ernst Zundel winning a case in the supreme court proving 6 million did not die. You will get rekt by the jewish MSM and lose your job, but you won't go to jail. As long as you can prove what you are saying is true it's not actually illegal.

And once again you missed the point: He does not just avoid the JQ, he confronts it and reinforces semitic tropes about antisemitism being a mental illness.

I'm so fucking tired of this excuse. If he were actually redpilled and hiding his power level, he wouldn't be spending his time attacking the people who ARE willing to name the jew or to express pro-white sentiment. If it were just about protecting himself from repercussions, he would just ignore the far-right rather than attacking it.

He's just an indoctrinated boomer faggot.

In other words, “Oy vey bankrupt yourself goyim”

Yeah I get it.
Everyone who isn't full 14/88 gas the kikes race war now is controlled opposition and they have nothing of value whatsoever to offer. I only get my information off Holla Forums and the only God I praise is Hitler himself even tho secretly I post that he was a Zionist who created Israel.

So, all jokes aside. Who is doing the most damage to the left right now in North America besides Donald Trump, who we should redirrect our attention to?. Who has the capacity and vast audience to engage White Youth's mind and divert their attention to procreation and the importance of responsibility better than Jordan Peterson at this time?

Go on, I'm listening all ears.

radical individualism is a non-starter. It's deflecting away from the problems of our society and toward something that is just rebranded boomer conservatism.

You don't need to name the jew. You don't need to go full 1488. But if you fight against whites acting as a collective toward their group interests, you are an enemy, and you should be criticized harshly.

That's nice, but what you fail to understand is that the majority of his cult followers are not people who are really amenable to being swayed by arguments. Peterstein is is mostly cultivating a slavish cult-following of follower-tier White men, the type of people Hitler described as being mostly swayed by emotion.

Peterstein's message is delivered with extreme emotional manipulation, with a veneer of intellectualism to make it "seem true", coupled with arguments from authority (I'm a high IQ PHD psychologist etc.).

Again, the primary threat he poses is not to people who are even able to intellectually choose between logical cases that are presented.

What I am trying to get across here is that cult followings are not based on logic and reason, they are based on emotion, and the followers are imbued with deep and insidious brainwashing that is extremely difficult to undo.

You've just exposed yourself as one of the cucks who thinks he's "hiding his power level" and tricking the jews into letting him set up the third reich on their dime. Absolutely preposterous. Go watch all of the videos in the OP and watch Juden Peterstein gargle jew cock.

You've been rused by a conman and you're defending this anti-White carpet merchant because you think he's something that he is not. I was once in your shoes. Examine the evidence and you will break free of the semitic chains he's put on you.

What I stated is true, it's not against the law.

I agree that it's financial suicide in many aspects, and I'm not advocating doing it.

If your argument is that Peterstein is secretly against the jews and is hiding his power level, you're delusional.

Now I get it, we're all shills because we didn't pay 10$ for a personality test, eh bucko? You wash your balls lately? Just keep being good, and good things will come to you, goy!

I’m saying that Canada has no freedom of speech whatsoever.

This is the typical jewish shill defense of anyone criticizing their controlled opposition.

It's a strawman because no one is criticizing Peterstein for not being what you describe, we're criticizing him because his actions and stated intent protect the jewish status quo.

Try 6000+, you lying rat-bastards. The Old Testament details all the shit you fucks got up to back then and how you repeatedly paid for it without learning your damned lesson.

Yeah, you don't have a clue what you're talking about user, you're probably not even Canadian.

You can only be charged with (((hate speech))) if what you say can be proven in court to be a falsehood. I've studied many legal cases involving people being charged with hate speech. It is also the case that one cannot be charged with spreading "hate speech" if you spread your message online, thanks to bill C-304 that the conservatives pushed through 5 years ago:


Really makes the almonds activate when you realize Peterstein preaches that the entire Old Testament in symbolic and has no foundation in historical events whatsoever.

Go ahead and give us some alternatives friendo.
We're all eager to know, plus it's fun to see you guys squirm and avoid the question.

Like it or not Peterson is the most influential intellect alive today.
Now we can choose to nurture these new seedlings that have been planted, or destroy what has growing
Only a Jew would choose this unwise scorched earth policy.
Little do Peterson's followers know is that the seeds of HItler's thoughts as demonstrated in Mein Kampf have been sown, and it our job to pick and trim them.
Hence the discussion itt

A good quote from that thread too

Cuckstainity was the beginning of the end for our people, and unless we reverse it, ( hint: not atheism ) we can expect to be judinfested til our dying day.

Are you too stupid to even read the title of his lectures?
The Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories

Another typical shill logical fallacy.

Your argument is this:

Eceleb A is legitimate and not controlled opposition unless you can give me the name of eceleb B that is not controlled opposition.

The logic does not follow, it is a formal logical fallacy.

Thanks to his jewish handlers.

"Oy vey don't make fun of my based Zionist eBoomer! Have you even cleaned our room???"

Peterstein has explicitly stated that the stories in the OT did not actually happen as historical events.


You raise valid points, but the fact remains that I myself am a fairly recent arrival here, and Peterson was part of my journey. He makes compelling arguments against the left on his "safe" topics. He won my mind on these issues. That didn't stop me from evaluating his individualist arguments and finding them easy to demolish. We just have to point to the demographic trends, and the hostile ethnocentrism being practised by other races, then the consequences of sticking with individualism become obvious.

Anyone who is entranced by a cult of personality around him, and unable to apply critical thinking, is a sheep that is not much use to us at this stage. Better to leave them parked with him than in the clutches of the left. They will likely think again as the profile of our movement rises. He won't be able to avoid addressing our arguments forever, and when that day comes we will win the day and pick up more support from his followers.

I'm of the opinion that controlled opposition tactics are simply not very effective against truthful right-wing arguments. This is why their first preference is always to shut us down, but they're rapidly losing that capability.

Not answering the question. Very predictable behavior. Match that with your double posting.

It's easy to see you are a new employee, and I don't think you will last for long.

Oh cultie, you were doing so well until you spilled all of the spaghetti.

Hooray, reported.

Too bad, it’s fact.
Of course I’m not. I can say whatever the fuck I want. Only Americans can comprehend freedom of speech. Literally no one else knows what it is. EVERY SINGLE TIME the concept is brought up, a whole slew of other countries claim they have it. They are never, ever correct.
So you admit you have no free speech. Got it.

I was a pretty big fan of Peterson's until a few months ago when he started really shitting on White men who dared want to organize as "an evil identity politics collective" to prevent White genocide, and I'm not talking about joining the Alt-Kike, the man went full "how do you define white anyways? you can't!".

That's when I started digging into his history and his social connections, and discovered he's openly Zionist and deeply in league with tons of jews, which he himself admits, saying "most of my friends are jews". You need to remember that these kaballah kikes have a thing for being open about what they are doing, rubbing it in your face, as it's part of their luciferian religion that "if you tell your enemies what you do before you do it to them, it neutralizes the karma".

You're not his average viewer, though. I'm more concerned about the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands now, of young White men he is converting into slavish followers. You need to understand that the vast majority of people that are behind successful political movements are not like you or I, they are sheep that are herded and their opinion swayed by emotion. Hitler wrote about this extensively. I would like to note it is not immoral to sway people with emotion if your cause is just and good, but in the case of Peterstein his explicitly stated intent is to prevent Whites from organizing to protect themselves.

I have studied cults for years, and their leaders. It's a huge field of study. Peterstein is creating a cult, and it really cannot be understated how dangerous this is, how much power it can have over the people that follow him. It's extremely hard to undo cult brainwashing, it's not just in the realm of "convince them to leave with solid arguments", brainwashing does not exist in the realm of logical thought processes.

I really disagree, it's these sheep that are the most useful to any political movement, because they are the primary memetic distribution vector (exponential spread), and they are ultimately the most dangerous to the establishment our work opposes simply due to body count and physical threat.

We are waging a war of propaganda, and to say that "follower-tier" people are irrelevant is really naive. They may be sheep but they are *our* sheep, and we should cherish them and guide them. We cannot succeed without them. Not everyone is a leader, the vast majority of people are followers, and it is wrong to regard our White brethren who are followers with disdain. They have their role to play. We must shepherd them.

Right now Peterstein is shepherding them, and this infuriates me, and causes me great distress, because I know that the level of damage he is doing is not easy to undo. It cannot be overstated how dangerous this man's insidious manipulations are.

The jews have prevented a right-wing backlash for over 60 years solely by setting up controlled opposition. It is only now that we have the Internet that we even have a chance of overcoming this hurdle.

Yes we don't have free speech that's true, my mistake for implying that. What I was getting at is that it's not illegal to talk about the jews as long as what you say is true, and that's a fact. It's also a fact that you can't be charged for hate crimes if your message is spread online (and ironically the law was changed to allow this because jews were getting pulled into court by muslims for what they were publishing online).


Kek. Go back to wherever you came from you fucking nigger

I highly doubt Peterson was at all integral to your realization in the primacy of the white race(s) and the need for in-group preference among our peoples, if you're being at all genuine that is.
Again, there's this naive assumption that most people operate along some sort of linear path of ideological progression, and if you just point them towards the right sources and ideas, it all naturally falls into place. It doesn't work like that. Get that through your fucking head.
That's a fatuous argument, and now I'm starting to think you're a disingenuous kike. So much potential talent among whites has been lost over the years due to ideological subversion of controlled opposition and media brainwashing, taking advantage of people who've been fed crummy circumstances in their lives, and who reach out for the most available solutions. Then they get stuck, and turn into lifelong republican voters, unable to pinpoint exactly why things never seem to improve, but still unfailingly loyal to their little conservative security blanket.
Really, is that why whites have been reduced from 90% of America's population to around 50% in under 70 years? Because of the inefficacy of our enemies tactics, which they use over and over again on successive generations? Are you being intentionally stupid?

Reported for not even trying to shill.

Yes satan, it's quite a (((coincidence))) indeed, is it not?

In Peterstein's case he's been very explicit about why he wants to prevent White people, and only White people, from protecting themselves collectively, and it's because we would become too powerful and unleash "the horrors of racial pride".

Ahhhhhh where to even begin with a newfag like you?
1)World peace is a meme. Can never happen especially when Jews are still allowed the right to exist as they do
2)He doesn't even believe in Christianity as a literal thing, so I don't know why you'd get so flustered there.
3)racism isn't bad.
Now you must understand Pickle Rick, he's not without his merits, but he is a coward who is either lying to others intentionally, or has been lying to himself for far too long.
Who knows? Maybe trolling him hard will bring him to face the facts. Should at least do so for some of his followers.
There is one thing he says that is not to be undervalued, you really Should go clean your room, bucko

different guy

Hey Satan. And the reason they do this is ironically because it's only white people they could ever tell this to because white people are their group. If they did it to another group, that group would (rightly) see it as an attack.

Youre not from here, dont come back.

The irony.

I apologize in advance goys, but I need some good anti-Peterson redpills and some links to his subversive nature that don't name the jew and are entirely normie friendly. I have a jewtuber on the fence right now and ((())) is a no go.


You have to go.

Don't know what happened there.
Doesn't take away from my points.

It's almost like these posters have never been here before.

Even more ironical

keep embarrassing and exposing yourself more kike.

So let's meme the fuck out of his bad arguments, as I suggested way up the thread. This in the other thread is on the right track:
I don't really see what else we can do.

I guess I'm not totally convinced by your claim that he's purposely cultivating a "cult" following. Certainly, with his field of expertise he would understand the methods of psychological manipulation, but I haven't seen evidence of him using them. To me, it seems that people are drawn to him by the cogent arguments he makes on his safe topics. Do you have some links to stuff you found particularly objectionable, that you consider to demostrate manipulation?

Media control and political funding. They didn't win the argument and capture minds with their controlled opposition, they simply presented two fully controlled options, and no alternative was allowed to be heard. We're already breaking through that in a big way.

Call out one shill and they seem to all come out of the woodwork. How fucking retarded can you be? Even if you are newly hired, it takes a competent individual about a half an hour to figure this site out.

Here is the post your buddy couldn't even quote correctly. As you can see, it's not deleted.

Fuck off kike.

Lol try a bit harder next time, stupid.

Boy oh boy, buddy, you sure can't link properly.

updating still shows the deleted posts
Going to F5 now and see all the chaos.
Why this OP isn't 404'd by now is what I'm wondering.

Better luck next ip, my man, maybe you'll be less of a faggot next time.

He is a Jew you know. It doesnt take a lot of skill to see that in one glance.

He doesn't look jewish at all. He's just a boomer, and like all boomers has been raised since birth with a mountain of unquestioned ZOG propaganda

Did get a hair transplant though, for what it's worth.

Oh yea, that brown skin, bushy eyes, fat lips, big space between his nose and upper lip, ears the stick our and dark curly hair. Totally aryan.

Fucking kek

Oh, and the baggy eyes too.

That's because you aren't paying attention and because you have no idea what a cult is.




"They're just resentful Marxists or racists."

"You have mental illness if you criticize the jews!"

"Clean your room! Being proud of being White is cultural appropriation because you have accomplished nothing loser!"

"Join my subreddit! Come to special sermons about the bible! You aren't committed to cleaning your room if you don't buy my personality test and self-authoring!"

"It's all a bloody lie! They're resentful murderous bigots!"

"They're bad individuals and not like Christ if they are racist collectivists! Just like the murderous Cain!"

"Group identity is evil goyim!"

"We've cleaned our rooms and are better than you! We will crush the collectivists!"


"If you criticize Peterson you are a COLLECTIVIST and haven't CLEANED YOUR ROOM!"

Yes a part, not the mean reason. But you're only one out of thousands if not hundred of thousands lost people.

With jews defining the official "truth."


By your definition mr TORpedo,
Is 8ch a cult?

Not so for Peterson, the twist is he sides with jews and says they're fine, anyone has an issue with jews there's something wrong with you, but any move by Whites to do what jews do is evil incarnate, the worst thing ever, the wrong path, for you Whitey, you must stick to universal christcuckery.

He absolutely is putting a cult together. I read up on scientology to study it as a cult, the first thing any cult does is offer you real helpful information. Clean your room, heres a writing tool, better yourself. Dont you feel good? Now endorse white genocide. Thats Peterson.

this is very obviously a shill thread

Really makes you think.

They'll go through the right chain of command (Holla Forums) or they're all kikes. I can't wait to see user do his thing.

Anti-racist PIDF here to save the day for Israel. Reported.

Jew detected.

What's especially maddening are the mental gymnastics he does to excuse jews

Okay, so the data here is faulty but even if we go with the highest estimates of ashkenazis being an average of 115 IQ, there are so few of them compared to whites that this is nowhere near enough to explain how they completely dominate all institutions.

Asians are also smarter and more successful on average, but "anti-asianism" isn't a thing in the same sense as anti-semitism. You don't see people accusing Asians of controlling all institutions and using them to subvert whites with marxist shit and trannies and feminism and whatever else.

Wouldn't explain the lack of many white people involved in cultural marxism, and as already pointed out, there are far more genius-level whites than genius-level jews. And once again, not a whole lot of asians pushing this cultmarx stuff either, and they are also smarter than whites.

But of course the boomer huckster won't address any of these obvious flaws in his handwaves, and he also refuses to debate anyone on these topics either

Really makes you think.


I laughed because a lot of those can be applied to a National Socialist group, although not all of them. People need to have some kind of control in any collectivist movement. The difference is were trying to stop white genocide. He wont even mention it, doesnt care about it, offers no real solutions, and has a stated goal of stopping white people from acquiring the racial identity they need to do something about it. Hes trying to control people for his selfish interests, white people united isnt a cult. Thats a race, working together. Now trying to turn white people against their own, and teaching them not to recognize basic facts and human differences etc.. thats cultish, thats manipulative, malicious.

I think they're terrified of Peterson coming around to our ideas, because he's already got the groundwork laid but has been isolated in liberal academia his entire life. Us taking him down the Molyneaux route of gradual redpill would be Armageddon for them.

JP isn't on our side, but he's extremely fertile ground. Threads like this are their attempts to salt the earth before anything can sprout.


Not everyone seems to recognize hes a Jew, but he is, and youre effectively saying try to make Jews care about white genocide.

Ill make this real simple.
If that doesnt make you want to see them be turned into ashes, you should go tell cuckchan about why. We care about people who promote that shit, and we dont accept them as "allies" just like we dont accept civic nationalists.

Also cults dont tell people to get the fuck out regularly. They prevent people from leaving.

Citation needed

This is the end game shills are trying to play
didn't work
didn't work

And now we go to their final stage, played a bit to early from a strategical point mind you

It's easy to calculate, all it takes is applying demographics to the bell curve, which shows there are more than ten times as many Whites than jews with 130+ IQ, there are more Whites with 130+ IQ than there are jews in the world by almost double. Then you have examples like the graphic, more jews given entry into top colleges, more Whites the highest achieving at the end of four years.

So we need citations for Jews now. Hello Reddit. You also just ignored the part where he said hes trying to stop racial identity. So youre now trying to stop racial identity. If youre actually white, youre a race traitor.

Ignore the neanderthal part of that. Its an example of a bunch of kike faces. I dont need to see citations for those, and if you do you should probably lurk 2 years.

I can taste the fear.

I think it's cock and 10$ personality quizzes you're tasting there, my guy.

Your critique isn't it at all.

The one developed in partnership with a university and graduate students who are entitled to being paid for their work?

I think the reason kikes are so worked up about Peterson's academic work is because it works, and if you can treat people for what we've been told are medication-only problems with what amounts to psychological analysis and therapy, then they lose out on billions of dollars per medication made obsolete. Half the reason kikes want control of psychology is to pathologize their opposition, but the other half of the reason is so they can sell you treatments for it indefinitely.

Is that Mel Gibson's little brother?

Don't forgot to now add
Nice ID btw,

Get a load of this faggot

Stop projecting you actual homosex.

Nice work. You almost had me going, but lost me here. He doesn't claim to have a monopoly on the truth and doesn't teach people not to question things. My fault for forgetting to filter Torpedos.

Judging by the clusterfuck of shilling in all three threads, they definitely consider him very important one way or the other.

I used to believe these things, on a superficial level they seem plausible. It's only when you look really closely, and see their utter dominance of certain fields, and the way that every contributing factor towards our demographic destruction traces back to them, that you realise it's too much to be coincidence.

You're accusing me of buying 10$ personality tests and showering daily? Well, shit son, you really got me there, I do shower daily.
Now, how much money, cultie?

Who do you honestly think you're fooling?

Kek, alright.

Keep going, keep glowing.

>literally shilling for the inescapability of (((Big Pharma)))
You've got a nose you could open a tin can with.

There is no silver bullet against mental health issues, any more than there is one against physical health issues. But if you can develop therapeutic techniques that get people off lifelong medication dependence, why the fuck would you not do that? Fuckloads of people are prescribed bullshit they don't need to solve problems inflicted by their own limited understanding of themselves and the world, enacted in poor lifestyle choices and flawed standards. I've known dozens of people on antidepressants and only three of them actually had something wrong in their brains. The rest just needed a swift kick in the ass followed by a meticulous disassembly of self-destructive memes.

But no, let's just keep shoveling kids full of Ritalin and Adderall, treat the chronic pain conditions dispossessed men suffer with opiates, and put every woman over the age of 20 on a laundry list of anti-depressants. Big pharma is probably the single largest instance of "make the problem and sell you the solution" in the world right now.

If it works why wouldn't he use it himself?
I don't believe antidepressants work myself, I think the data backs that up. I'm quite confident saying depression is a fake illness, a natural reaction to social and economic stimuli. The question is why does he use them if he says they are unnecessary?

because they implicitly recognize that they are incapable of it

Probably the biggest issue IMO. You're never going to have a shortage of cynical opportunists looking to cash-in their "told ya so" points but I find it utterly perplexing that a rather dull, middle-of-the-road person has managed to achieve such fanatical support (which he seems to be inviting rather than discouraging.) He certainly appears to be the perfect figurehead for the growing number of reformed progressives who desperately need to feel supremely enlightened, but just want to be spared the social embarrassment of the increasingly insane positions of the current year.

You are using the almost exact argument the genderfags use.
Why wouldn't you think depression could also be genetic or even hereditary for that matter.
*Citation needed.

He doesn't say they're unnecessary. He says they should be a nuclear option when all else has failed. Most of what tallies up to depression are real, fixable problems in your immediate life. That's something I had to learn the hard way. No amount of pills will make you happy if everything around you is factually shit. You have to take responsibility and make things better. Also, there's a misconception that having things makes you happy, when it's closer to getting things makes you happy. The circuit in the brain that makes you happy doesn't fire when looking back on your achievements, it fires in the moment of moving towards a new one. Happiness is always moving forward, advancing, not the destination.

I didn't advocate using drugs, you silly boy. (goy?)
I stated the facts that Peterson is on these drugs in spite of dedicating his life to supposed natural psychological therapeutic solutions to these types of problems.
I believe much of what he says can serve that function if applied correctly, but clearly there is too much on his plate to apply it successfully to himself. probably because the deceitful nature of his life's work makes it difficult to live with himself
Stay off drugs and stop giving pharmajeutical corpirations your money, that's what I stand for.

My mistake.
Didn't mean to bump this obvious (2nd!) shill and slide thread from the Original thread here.



>gender Mental health is a social construct!
It is both biological and social.

Your mental state can change on a day to day basis and is shaped by your experiences and environment, you are conflating the objective and permanent state of ones sex (not to use the jewish misterm gender) with something that is by its very nature subject to frequent change. It is not only reasonable it is expected that you should be depressed if things are going poorly for you. You will not find depressed people who have no social or economic reason to be depressed.

I take exception to this claim because it acknowledges a system exists and then claims the system is impervious to damage. I don't think it's a coincidence that our mental health epidemic came off the heels of the birth control/soy/plastics revolution generation.

Reported for denying you can spot Jews by their face alone. There wont be some piece of paper that says which parent is Jewish, it doesnt even say his fucking mothers last name, or his father at all. Youre defending kikes, get the fuck out of here.
IB4 hes Norwegian. Reddit would actually fucking believe that. You disgust me. Sources are important for things that require sources. Is Bernie Sanders a kike? You need to see the source on that?

Interesting rhetoric, I can tell you're not from here by your disgust and laziness to uncover solid evidence, which is a leftist trait. Begone faggot.

ya blew it.

Its not, but that's not genetic as ff4ec1 thinks it is but it is also coinciding with the main cause of depression in society, namely a sever reduction in wages and all the social changes we know cause depression (in particular the destruction of the nuclear family)

Every White Man in America has a reason to be depressed, we live in hell.


Checked that sweet set of digits. This poster is right. You can tell who's shilling to burn the bridge from Petersen to us by their adhoms and this lovely post arguing against an imaginary position:

W.e apparently Im blind.It still doesnt say his mothers last name. Peterson Sr. could easily be a kike who changed his name too, or just a kike son of someone who married into the Peterson line. It could be the mother, his face is the evidence. If the information isnt there, it doesnt mean J.P isnt a fucking kike. The fact you deny you can tell a Jew by his looks alone and suggest we need to source each obvious kike because youre not racially aware isnt an argument. Its a reason to send you back to cuckchan. Hes also a marxist socialist, who only got angry at the NDP (communists) for being mad at the rich instead of caring about muh niggers enough. So that means Trudeau socialism. Basic income, not going after rich people in a hostile way. Nearly zero difference.
Websites been down for.. to long for me to stick around and keep trying, or I would have posted this already. This guy is more suited for lefty/pol/ communists than he is for here. He might not be for full communism, but he is for racial equality and mixed race societies, which is communism. He is for attacking white people with racial identity and pride. You want to promote this guy, push him on TRS or something where niggers, beaners and "based Jews" will agree with him. This is a board that pushes the idea that its a crime against nature for niggers to exist in our countries. We agree with Goebbels, who said that.
We push Goebbels.
You push Jews.
Go push your Jews where we cant push Goebbels, like the rest of the Jews who rely on a fact vacuum to spread their anti-racist bullshit. This place is JUDENFREI.

What's up with the nutsack thing? Does he really preach washing your nuts twice day?

No. His tl;dr advice is "clean your room", IE put your life in order and stop neglecting details because they accumulate into a miserable experience. "Wash your balls" is Holla Forums's way of trying to make fun of it, just like "freeze peach".

Anyone, anyone who suggests that someone who does that is on the side of whites is not allowed to post here. Its just a simple fact. Anyone pretending to be the Holla Forumsack, and telling other actual Holla Forumsacks that they are shills for being against anti-racists - is raiding the board, and should be reported under raid+defending anti-racists.

The sheer state of this board (as evidenced by all the shills playing both sides in this thread and virtually every other one I've seen in recent weeks)
Only adds to my anticipation for the next exodus.

It's too late, chaim. He's figuring you out.

Thats a civic nationalist argument. Hes says that the only reason races act in their collective racial interests are.. socioeconomics, not enough education.
This is actually Sargons argument. Its based on that kike psychologist from the 70s or whatever who argued you need to have all your needs met before you can fully realize your individual self. THAT is what youre promoting, you should be executed, not just banned.
"You shouldnt be naive and assume that merely because you move them to a new country that they are going to let their INATE DEMOCRATIC LONGINGS FLOURISH"
Fuck you.

Mod, watch that video, and then gas these kikes.

Get out.
Not only are you retarded, you are claiming a Christian who gave lectures on the King James Bible is Jewish and not providing a single shred of evidence except.
Get off Holla Forums or at least lurkmoar you insufferable faggot.

You fucking retard. You're either mentally disabled or actively claiming the exact opposite of what he said. He specifically referred to the group's evolutionary history in being fundamental to their value proclivities. Their genetic makeup.

His stated and demonstrable goals are to steer young white men away from interests of white identity and racial collectivism.
Post all the empty talk you want.

Marxist socialist promoting pic related. Reminder to report them so we can clean the board up.

How rich. Leave now.

I see you're both out of anything to say.

He said they will stop doing that as soon as we give them all their needs. That you cant just bring niggers here, you need to give them all lambos too.

Tired of seeing non-greened out post numbers that Ive responded to, waiting for the mods to show up and ban the anti-racists who are saying Holla Forumsacks are shills for being able to spot Jews by their face alone.

You just can't help yourself, can you?

These shills get so butt-blasted or completely retarded that they can't help doubleposting, outing themselves as completely new.
Said no Holla Forumslack ever.

Their desperation is palpable.

Good lord, this is the third Peterson thread in the week. Where were you for the other two d33adb? I discussed it extensively there, but you're quite chatty in this thread.

Yeah, I can tell from the volume of your posting.

If you are truly a student of cult activity, you will know that basically all cults require a central authority figure. Holla Forums for all of its great philosophical underpinnings and memetic capabilities cannot create a shepherd figure. The best one can get is an /ourguy/, but this is indirect. Sheep need shepherds, and shepherds are people rather than words on a page. Many of them might be enlightened by Holla Forums but no sheep can ever be inspired by a non-human entity like Holla Forums. What do you propose to be the solution then?

This is the basic conclusion of the other two fucking threads on this matter. Holla Forums makes memes, not leaders. This is a good thing, because Holla Forums would be corrupted by the inclusion of trackable identity within its discussions hence the obsession with shitting on e-celeb worship, tripfags, and attention whores. I think the most reasonable route to take from it was the following:
Remember that sperging out on Peterson will at best only harden his audience against the next dose of redpills because you harmed their Shepherd. Rather the 200 Years Together stunt is the method to get under that security. Be legitimately concerned for Jordan's and his audience's wellbeing, introduce the idea as rationally and reasonably as possible, and leverage Peterson's own better arguments to further that line of thought. That way you can convert the more thoughtful ones towards Holla Forums and further enlightenment. But the truly sheepish ones will never stray from an authority figure until such an authority figure appears. Maybe that is something for us to work on in our individual capacities…

I think you are overapplying the cultic warning signs. We could warp it a bit and say that Holla Forums was cultic in much the same way. Holla Forums claims to be in possession of redpills, 'Holla Forums is always right', stupid or suspicious questions are met with kike and shill tirades, and so on and so forth. But Holla Forums is not a cult because it lacks a central authority figure and other features if we are being honest, and I think the same applies to characters like Peterson and Molyneux. Now are they borderline? Sure, but teetering on the edge doesn't make one a cult leader.

Paranoia is a pernicious and subversive condition that can be useful to some extent but not when used as a wedge issue. The arguments from the prolific OP are intentionally or not designed as wedges that have already been addressed in two other threads before this one. Continue debating on how best to redpill Peterson's audience, but there is little use in attacking the collector of such promising minds in an effort to ruin his collection that can serve Holla Forums so well.

That is the entire text of what he said, capitalized parts for obvious focus and emphasis since you are being a kike and pretending you couldnt understand whats being said.
It says: Races act in their collective interests (bad!) because they come from countries where someone set up those values. Not because races always act on their collective interests, but because they have been programmed. That we can CHANGE them. Thats the implication, that its not racial. Its just a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT. Thats what you believe. You believe that racial collective interests are a social construct, and that simply they need to be reprogrammed. That it takes a while to make a nigger not want to rape white women, or muslims not want to blow themselves up. Just give it time goy, ignore that white birth rate. Get the fuck out of here. Thats also ignoring all the other reasons, and the other shit hes said. Everyone here knows hes spoken out against anti-semitism, he exclusively targets white males and wants to stop racial pride, wants to prevent the 30s. You might as well be jews, white Jews if you arent real ones.
Niggers and beaners and chinks are always going to do what is best for them, WHITES are the only ones who have been brainwashed by scum like you.

This is the most contrived hoop-jumping bullshit I've ever seen, anywhere. I am honestly impressed. 10/10 you get a gold star.

It says: Races act in their collective interests (bad!)
because they come from countries where someone set up those values.
Not because races always act on their collective interests, but because they have been programmed. That we can CHANGE them.
That we can CHANGE them.
Niggers dont have innate democratic longings, and unless you dont have a brain, that obviously is being compared to individualistic activity and that by doing X we can MAKE them act as individuals, instead of as blacks. Youre either too stupid to be helpful, or a fucking weasel kike pretending to be stupid.

Not only are you retarded, you are also deaf.
If you listened to the end, he is being sarcastic and finishes by saying
Filtered for not even trying anymore.

He explicitly says due to differing evolutionary paths. He makes not one whiff of argument that it has anything to do with anything else. You're putting every other word in his mouth.

He's saying there are no innate democratic longings if you didn't evolve to have them. He's specifically calling out the mass immigration, retard.

Their are two types of kikes out there in this world right now, but they have many things in common when it comes to fighting against le ebil gnatzees. First you have the Zionist kikes, pro-Israel types who want every Western nation to have Israel interests as their #1 priority, and also want Whites specifically in the military industrial complex to die for Israel. They tend to have severe forms of double standards such as saying White nations need Third World immigration all the while saying if you want Israel to be diverse as well, it's anti-Semitism. Bibi Netanyahu, Rothschild family, Roy Cohn, Ovadia Yosef, Dennis Prager, Henry Kissinger, Pedowood kikes and a whole lot more on the ZOG lobby and the many rabbis of Israel are good examples.

Then you have the Marxist kikes, they support basically every theory on Cultural Marxism. Feminism, LGBTBBQAYYLMAOWTFBENIS+ Rights, trannydom, multiculturalism, interracial marriages, miscengenation, affirmative action, and all kinds of degeneracy. All the while saying they are doing it for the sake of "crushing capitalism" while making infographics and "memes" on Faceberg, typing on their iPads. Marxist race traitors and even Marxist kikes tend to be anti-Israel for the sake of #FreePalestine, or as I like to call it #OpenBordersForIsrael and I agree. However they see Israeli kikes killing off the ragheads being similar to le ebil gnatzees perpetuating the Holohoax fairytale. They're not even anti-kike like Holla Forums, they're only against a specific type of kikes, the Zionist ones. They support muslim rapefugees and Religion of Cuck™ because since they have brown skin it gives the official opressed minority status. None of them are aware that the ragheads would have killed all of the degenerates immediately, and it's happening. Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, almost every Soviet subordinate, Noam Chomsky, George Soros, and Barbara Spectre are good examples.

All in all, they both hate Whites and the NatSoc and think the Holocaust actually happened (but it should have, and it will). The Zionist omes want all Whites to be enslaved by Jewish power so they can die for Israel (like I said before) while the Marxist ones want Whties to be wiped off from the face of the Earth for the sake of "diversity" and "progressiveness".

The more I read these threads, and there have been too many started about or sidetracked into being about peterson, the more I remember this simple fact:
Revolutions are never won or even fought by more than 10% of the population. 3% of the men of a country that are well trained and focused on the goal at all costs will always win a revolution.

When you learn to dehumanize yourself and face the bloodshed, when you become fit and hard you are ready.
Eceleb drama will always be eceleb drama.

and that advice is fine, the problem is jews are fine, you're just jealous and Whites doing the same as jews(be ethno aware, protect and preserve, work in the interest of Whites as a group) are evil incarnate, Whites have to stick with universal christcuckery.

E-celebs only occupation is internet camwhoring.
To your standards, virtually everyone profiled on the internet, or anyone who uses the internet as a communication device is an """""e-celeb""""

This term just screams shill. Should be word filtered tbh.

Fuck you, christcuckery is what I see it as, it is a very deserved descriptor.

TBH I like Peterson, alot. But I have to admit - These are some high quality fucking memes.

Please accept the back of this rare pepe's head as congratulations on a job well memed.

To bad, intl. You're wrong.

Except I'm not.

wow shills shilling shills just like in the more relevant thread. Who would have guessed? Almost identical responses too.


Now fuck off

Screaming shill or complaining about calling christuckery christcuckery instead of addressing my comment is shilling. Peterson is okay with jews but attacks Whites if they argue to do the same, it's bullshit.

What's the Moneyjew route? Pretending a subversive kikes is really on our side because he says things that are moderately pro-White to keep people listening?

The Civil War didn't go so well.

Im not buying this peterson is a zionist shill shit. Hes being promoted since he's well spoken but there is no master plan here. He's redpilling hundreds of thousands and you faggots want to cry about it??

Gimmie a break.

Nobody is complaining about him telling people to get themselves sorted out.

I'm skeptical of this desire to tear Peterson down. Not because I agree with or trust him, but because he's still of some use to us even if he doesn't take things anywhere near as far as we'd like him to.

Not everyone has to be a full blown supporter of the same ideals as us to be useful. It limits how useful they will be, yes, but it doesn't completely eliminate utility. Peterson pulls his people rightward. Not as far as we want, but rightward nonetheless. It seems to be that he makes for a useful bridge to our ideas. And rather than focusing our efforts on blowing up the bridge, it would be better to leave the bridge to its thing and have a way to pull the people who he brings in further rightward AFTER he brings them in.

It depends on how you criticize him. IF you criticize him for being too left leaning, it ends up being more useful for us.


What he says his effect is and what it actually is aren't necessarily the same thing. He turns people against certain aspects of leftist dogma no matter how you slice it. That makes him at least of some use.

He does nothing to pull people rightward, all he does is give a kosher outler for people already leaning towards the right. A position that allows them to vent against the worst excesses of the left while still not being anything remotely threatening to our planned genocide.

If all people do is listen to the get sorted part it's beneficial, but beyond that it's controlled opposition. Ignoring the shill! shill! response, people actually discussing him are able to discern the difference, it's the clueless target audience of his that is of concern, per Peterson's own reckoning he's steered thousands back onto the jew plantation.

Either you haven't watch enough of his shit, or you have a poor memory/ability to comprehend what's being said.

The law passed and now he says he'll obey it. It was a half assed objection and now he's cucked out, just like we broke over the jq. His passive aggressive responses was the old, what are White people and that bizarre shit about ones race. That was his CLEAR declaration that he's NOT /ourguy

Free speech FOR HIM. You and I, not so much. He snitched on one of my twatters for a response I made to this bullshit. I lol'd at the irony.

I'm thinking that he either changed his name, has a jew momma, or married one. It's too much at this point.

Gud boys. German beers for you guys.

Sharp! You caught that too.

More good boys. LOVE IT.

It's a nice theory, but in reality, these people are completly GONE. I did a test today after commenting here a bunch of times last night. You should see how mental these cucks got. Just sperging out with dumb insults. Questioning Peterson to these people, pointing something out is heretical to them. OP wasn't exaggerating when he talked about the douche thinking he's a 'prophet'.

I'll offer this. To do it your way, people should do a 'concern troll' spin on it. Like asking him nice, 'Dr. Peterson what do you think of xyz book'. Or set him up for a trap with a claim about something you read knowing how he'll reply. Or, if he says nothing, the crowd will murmur over it.

Quality shill turn out since last night. The juden is afraid. It shows he's a shill and that we've hit oil.


Checked and one for you.



Checked with a beer. The interesting thing is, the majority of his class has been mystery meats for… 20 years now. White men are… 15% of it. So we must crush him online. He's planning on doing some bullshit online school. He claims that's where the Patreon bucks are going to go. Yeah that's what I got today, insane comments by little shits.

Too many good people here to mention. Look around, there's an army of giants. He's an old cokehead like his hero Shlomo the fraud. His followers are soy boys and mystery meats.

100% BULLSHIT. Canadian hate laws state that, TRUTH IS NOT A DEFENSE. Look it up.

I just overdosed on shill. What's the number for poison control?

doing gods work here lads, can't believe we didnt think of this sooner.

Shills replying to shills, the thread


Good post, only critique is you could have said "bolshevik" 9.9/10


That really makes you think…

*Citation needed
*Citation needed

*Citation needed


For sure. Guy is Taurid mix, clearly ashkenazi.
Pic related. Observe eyes and mouth shape. Armenoid admix is visible.
t. classifier

wtf I hate Peterson now.
Try harder kike.

you forgot post your grandpa pic

The sheer amount of shilling against him (three fucking threads in a week) show how assflustered the lefties are over him. At first I thought it was Holla Forums, but the more I look at the posting styles, the more I think it's Goons. Their posting style is totally foreign and recognizable.

Remember, Goons are the ones that say you're 'carecucked' if you're emotionally invested in anything. The mere idea that there's anything to aspire to/values to be held is anathema to them.

if you know hundred of people and they’re all stupid, it means you know hundreds of stupid people

if most of the people you know are pretty dumb, it means you’re probably not such a bright bulb either

You mean another time for the anti-fa shills to become iconoclasts and play on Holla Forumss jew bias to stem the flow of right wing thought to normies. Gotcha.

I think there's a false dichotomy going around that the only two options are sucking someone's dick and "tearing them down".

I don't think any of the anti-peterstein people (including myself) are against him existing. However, he should be challenged from the further-right. There are pipelines toward white nationalism stemming from libertarianism, conservatism, the skepticTM community, etc. These only work as pipelines if the people who have already been moved as far as these moderates will take them have their ideas challenged, causing them to move further.

Basically, we harvest white nationalists from the moderate circles. But this harvesting requires us to criticize their ideas and show people why just stopping at Peterson (or Sargon of Akkuck or Milo or whoever the fuck) aren't getting the full picture.

This idea that these moderates can't recruit from the center/left if we criticize them from the far right is ridiculous. Just imagine being a typical apolitical libcuck hearing Peterson's basic-bitch conservative stuff and then saying to yourself "oh, but those white nationalists are criticizing him for not naming the jew even though I'm not even woke to the JQ yet, wtf I hate moderate conservatism now". It doesn't logically follow.

tldr: we need to engage with moderates to challenge their ideas and bring their viewers further right.
ESPECIALLY if these guys actively shill against WN

There are other roads to nobility, but none are in democracy nor communism.

Are we democratic out of our racial traits, or because of sociological and historical reasons?

Very good, user!
he's a very ungrounded speaker, which makes him totally unpalatable to most of us

Mods = Gods

Yes, and it's real easy to calculate. ~12m jews vs 2% of 1b/20m 130+ IQ Whites. Even going with the low estimate of 600m Whites world wide it's 12m 130+ IQ Whites.

Peterson is famous for talking about trannies. Well… this is what he's married to.

Now it all makes sense- maybe he's not a crypto, but his wife certainly is a kike.
It's Alex Jones all over again.

Her maiden name is "Roberts". Not a confirmation, but definitely possible.


That's crazy.
He isn't pushing anyone to the left or right.
He's merely trying to make people have independent and critical thinking.

He's doing more than that.

There are kernels of truth to what he says. Because his opinion differs on jews doesnt mean every single thing to ever come out of his mouth should be disregarded. I assume you are all smart enough to be able to pick truth kernels out of shit right?

Thats looked down on regardless if you are a Holla Forums user or Holla Forums. The entirety of 8ch is a closet of hugboxes where everyone keeps everyone else thinking the same way and anything outside the popular sentiment of the board of your choosing is shut down. By having an opinion of your own youll fit in nowhere here.

Except when it comes to him.

Forgive me if I'm playing devil's advocate in this case, but isn't this a lot like what federal and local police often do, or are expected to do, except he wrapped the cases up probably a lot quicker?

If someone picking shit is your standard for smart, I've got bad news for ya

what outside popular sentiment being shutdown are you referring to?

How do we ruin this faggot's career?

His autistic cult is already doing that. As they get more vocal, do you think anybody's going to want anything to do with him?

Roy Cohn fucked McCarthy when he was trying to clean up America from the jewish traitors. Listen to George Rockwell. There are no good jews, never. It is better to think that way, than to trust a jew and have your life destroyed. It's as if you trusted a snake that he has a genetic flaw that he doesn't produce poison. I'm sure some have this flaw, but ther rule still is "snakes have poison and must be avoided".

So he married a tranny Jew, explains everything.

I thought you guys realized he was a hack, guys it's Pepe the frog we like not Kermit.

kike you need to go back to the debriefing room before you shill again

Friendly reminder that Benny G not just turned by us.

He thinks that peoples have evolved cultural values. This is true. If someone intellectually honest considers this, it means admitting that evolution has taken place both within the culture and within the genes of a people. The two have grown together. This is the foundation for the argument against multiculturalism.

Peterson's main messages are:
Get fit, get powerful, take on the responsibility of becoming a patriarch.
A good propaganda does not need to lie.
Even if Peterson's hangups about the JQ prevent him from living up to his ideal, that doesn't prevent you from doing so.

Correct. Peterson has already built up Solzhenitsyn as a truth speaker. Next is to let people hear the truth about the JQ from Solzhenitsyn the truth speaker.

This thead is absolute astroturf.

I agree that Peterson is an absolutely coward when it comes to the jewish question, even when it comes to put responsibility on top of any of his adversaries for that matter.

He's always fighting "ideas". Saying that innocent people are possesed by these ideas as if they are viruses (which they are) but with will of their own.

Also, he never discusses the origin of these ideas, he sometimes talks about Foucault and Jacques Derida, which don't get me wrong, they are some of the very prominent smiths of these soul putrifying axes of thought.

However, who commands these ideologies to be made?, who takes their momentum and projects them into the aether for the rest of the peoples to be contaminated by them?

The jew is always reshaping itself, and this idea must be understood to its fullest potential. The jew is nothing but the perception the public has of it. A few decades back the jew was the brave provocquateur who stood for the rights of LGBT and similar matters. There were still jews in the right in theoretical opposition to this, but they were silent.

Today we experience very much the same from these people. The are both on the right and the left as always, maintining this theatrical façade, but the ones on the right are the most vocal ones. Vocal on the fact that they are jews and that they are on the side of the rising underdog, an intelligent desition of course.

Yes the ones on the left push degeneracy at every turn and every single time you see something decadent that turns your stomach you're amazed (at first at least) to come to the realization that once again it was the produce of a jew or his influence. However, these aren't vocal about their judaism, like the leftist jews of the past or the right wing jews of the present, they do their thing in silence. This is to make sure that in the public eye the jew is always on the side of positive change. When in reality he is always on both sides, pushing degeneracy in silence on the loosing side and perverting the honest noble change that rises to meet this degeneracy.

They are the officials and the opposition. They are both sides of the arguments. The never allow us to heal fully, to re-attaign a coherent solidary social environment.

The tweet is still up. I shit on him when he made it, with no response. Its real. Thats what youre defending, someone who thinks race is a social construct.

If were being accurate and not simply agitating, the technicality is that Canadian law DID rule for a very small period in time that "truthful speech can meet the definition of hate speech" but then Harper overturned the whole law that made that possible in response. Its now 100% entirely legal to say something truthful as long as you make at least some attempt to back it up with facts, and prove its true. Thats it, you just have to back them up with facts. Saying "history could repeat itself" is never going to be hatespeech in Canada.. or at least not for a long time.

There's a cuckchan femanon I met a couple of years ago (and fucked) who loves this guy. Goes to his talks and so on.

She has daddy issues out the wazoo incidentally. Dad cheated on her mom and left her, came back later, mom took him back, then he left again.

I really want to fuck her again because she's a qt. But I'm torn.

Okay you spiteful, hatefilled nigger.

Jordan is a white that understands Nietzsche better than certainly you just about anyone else I have ever come across. He has helped me to appreciate what Nietzsche really said, and what nihilism really is, which has inspired me to reread both Thus spake Zarathustra and the Will to Power in the last year.

He encourages masculinity.

He is against Commies.

He encourages our youth to rebel against communism en masse. He successfuly inspires tens of thousands of young men to read Gulag archipelago, and reconsider the White Values in the Bible, leaving the Jewish God behind.

But you know what. I am going to listen to you - the hatefiled mongrel who posts pictures of degenerate whites holding white children inside of a bomb vest like some goddamned Muslim. You are doing great things for this world. all praise user ee8ce5 who was not blessed with dubs. OUR TRUE LEADER.pic related

Unless you get into hypnosis and learn how to fix her shit, it probably won't work out very well.

Can we pit them against each other?

They aren't as divided as he makes them out to be, and they're certainly united in their hatred of us. Notice how he mentions Barbara Spectre in the second camp? She made "aliyah" to Israel, and Leon Trotsky's followers became the Israel-first neo-cohens.

Every time he brings up "integrating the shadow" he uses it in a kiked way.

He also goes off in tangents about his belief in the Singularity, pure technophile transhumanist shit. I bet he loves the idea of everyone being psychoanalyzed by machines so they don't do wrongthink.

I ordered his new book (since it seemed like a topic I need help in) the other day. Is it worth reading? Are the subjects in it subjects he's intellectually honest about?


It is just a repackaging of Jung's work with a handful of citations to behavioral studies to support his claims. In terms of you employing "internalization" the technical psych term for taking personal responsibility for your life, it is fine for yourself, but don't allow it to poison your understanding of tribal groups and your place in them. Peterson wants to indoctrinate you into the cult of individualism and he knows in order to do that he has to imprint an attachment to the idea that you're in control of your life and that "collectivising" such as identifying with white nationalism is a threat to this personal power.

Psychoanalyzing is their hobbyhorse, imagine a bunch of bodybuilding bros or a bunch of starcraft pros looking at their build order, the basic motivation of that is ensuring fringe/group cohesion.

and refinement ofc.

lol you are weak and your shits retarded

he's a psychologist so he's obviously kiked to hell.

eh….Solzhenitsyn is just as bad as anyone who believes the Holocaust meme

There's the buzz words again, spoken like a true leftist.

No peterson realizes that individualism, which in your sense means not being bound to the "tribal" values of the group, is a neccesity in order to establish a liberal society or a neccesity to achieve maximum gains out of it.
White nationalism in that sense is a protection mechanism and a stronger response from outside influence and there is nothing inheretly bad in it. Since in todays "liberal" society common sense which means a protection from a massive influx of immigrants doesnt exist anymore.
You can see university educated monkies that do not want to reason about the most basic shit, for example that refugees throw away their passports when entering europe for obvious reasons.
The main underlying question however is why those liberals do not want to see the most basic shit and argue against more reasonable positions and the answer to that is that they believe they profit from the status quo in the sense of if the status quo doesnt exist anymore other groups might want to punish them for maintaining the status quo over a prolonged peroid of time.

Found the jew. Fuck off schlomo. There is no such thing as an (((individual))). You are a product of your upbringing.

And to those fucking retards who didn't recognize the fact that peterson endorsed kermit the frog instead of pepe, shame on y'all.

Kermit the frog is a shillary clinton mascot you dumb fucks!

he's coming to australia in march.
can someone send him these?


This is a good thing. Let him siphon off jokers. Just like how the left let their maniacs take over to their own demise, he too will be dismantled by his lunatics.

That little fact didn't stop us from making use of him–whatever tool the left claims to "own" can and will be utilized to further our cause through clever application of humor. Polite sage because this eceleb bullshit is getting long in the tooth.

Normies I know who have come across Peterson have done a full speed ahead to the right side, as many people have when they discovered him when h3h3 popularized him even more so. When a gateway figure to logical right wing mindset pops up, these types of rabid threads often pop up. Strange.

Fuck everything he says about the preservation of Western Culture and gender pronouns, I say let it all rot!

When everyone on the left side is absolutely disgusted and actively trying to tear this man down via public social media and other means, you really have to question why this supposedly "right wing" poster is trying to play on Holla Forumss jewish bias simply because Peterson plays along and doesn't address the ((JQ)), if he addressed the ((JQ)) he would 100% be completely obliterated from all fronts and you can bet his pateron funding and any sort of platform will be torn from under his feet at the speed of light thus stemming his right wing teachings.



Petersons motive fully aligns with the "jews" because he trys to fix young alienated men and is a talking head contrary to the jackshit that is in the mainstream. The main mistake you make is wanting to make this guy the saviour of the white race.
Psyducks in general take a more mainstream approach with some twitching towards their approaches and believes because that is their modus operandi given a certain populus.

The "psyops" you nigger isnt giving a dogma it is to slect certain people to do the talking and influencing them to a certain extend.

Not put forth.

peterson is trying to "fix" Whites from defending themselves hypocritically defending jews jewing, you're just jealous, being ehnocentric and have an ethno state.

You will never have your ethnostate, the only salvation you could have is forging public perception to minimize the influx of foreigners until they reach a critical level. You have to understand that the jewish barber only works that well because the mechanism of big cooperations and captial is a consequence of that. But the solution to that is really complicated. So in that sense you have to get in the head of the jewish spastics, because my loophole sniffing rats operate in a certain way.

That is to say once the jewish rats overwhelm in any sort or form the status quo in a rather nihilistic manner you are in deep shit. See the 10 stages of civilzation. The reason why the assholes in barcelona protest for more refugees isnt because they actually want more refugees but out of pure spite, which leads to the seperation of catelonia, because it is the same fabric.

Welcome to /nupol/, here's your nippled bottle of soy milk and your guide to "not thinking critically".

And i also really want your analmouse head on a plate you disgrace.

Why is Holla Forums falling for psyop, again? Regardless of his opinions on jews, his advice to young men is critical.

No he isnt. Why ruin his career? He seems to be doing good and with pure honesty in his part

Seems like an effort to alienate him from his base, like pure D&C

I'm a disgrace to what, jew world order? Want my White head on a plate? We already know about jew's desire for White genocide.

I just do not like analmouse shit, and i will get to your niggers, and i cant wait. And there many more that will gut you. I will start with the bvf, give me some info and i will kill them. I dont like their ratnature.


Give me a target.


Embed related is a good video to take Peterson fans beyond him and towards a higher plane of understanding.

America was a White ethostate from inception, with the first congress passing its first legislation being immigration law stating only Whites could be citizens and reaffirmed repeatedly in successive years. From the beginning 1776 to 1965-70 demographics of America was 90% White as a result. The purpose of jews' 1965 immigration act was to destroy this, and now America is barely over 50% White with projection to go to oblivion with multiple means being employed to constrict White procreation to zero. There are ethnostates that exist now, ethnostates crafted into existence in recent history in Eastern Europe, plans of creating ethnostates in the middle east ala dividing up iraq, and the multicult experiment in America was created in short order. We have also moved huge volumes of people on purpose in Europe, the middle east and here like with Eisenhower's Operation Wetback, so your assertion/belief that America or anywhere could not be a White ethnostate again doesn't hold up to the scrutiny of history.

If the the ultimate enemy was the left, you'd be absolutely right, but we're really in a racial struggle against the jew, and since so many jews are open to promoting Peterson and giving him a platform, what does that tell you?

Spoken like a true leftist. Outed yourself m8.

Wew the board is completely overran with outsiders


I guess it's time to ally with Dusty Smith on taking down JP

I've never seen people so absolutely obsessed with someone. Pathetic but also fascinating

I don't expect it from people like this but nevertheless

Same here. I only recently found out about this cult-like following of this guy. How long has he been this "prominent", anyone?

>cult shill


Do you even into Adolf Hitler?

I used to think Peterson was hiding his power level and serving as a stepping stone, but now I think he's gate keeping. At any rate, you shouldn't be targeting him, but his followers. Ask questions that he can't answer, and encourage them to find better explanations for things. Don't autistically meme "Hitler did nothing wrong and Jordan Peterson is a kike shill". That's not going to convince anybody.

Real thread discussing that is over here.

This is a slide thread.
2nd or 3rd one.

Peterson's getting ripped apart on 4chan. A lot of neocons, leftist, soyboy refugees crying bloody murder over their cult leader.

Good content here for pasta

There are many ways to hit this guy. Honestly, a sustained campaign around 2 months could easily destroy his entire career pushing him far-left where he belongs. Peterson's stated agenda is to de-radicalize young white men.

Stop with this bullshit retard, where's the judo move that makes Holla Forums so feared? Where's your Real Politik? You should only use his existing efforts and forces to pull people in the direction that you want, don't force it, merely redirect. Or you could be a retard and spend energy on something pointless, hard and for zero gains, but oh wait, you shareblue monkeys are doing it for free anyway.


As soon as this thread dies, you'll see another thread on the same topic, with a slightly different title and OP, and you'll see the same (49) post cultists defending him.

Oh shut the fuck up you dumb child. I've done more in 72 hours than you do the next 4 months.

Doing nothing for free

105 IQ always attacks 160 IQ. I've experienced it my entire life. When you are 10 years ahead of everyone, they all hate you. Because they're fucking retarded.

Stay mad, simp.

why not work with shareblue to take him down
oh wait

This is the fall of Jordan Peterson.

All mental illness accusations are completely subjective as they are based on zero biological test. It is Jewish Marxist quack science and a last ditch political tool to silence opposition. It was heavily used under the Soviets to remove Russian Loyalist.

Here is why this will mark the fall of Jordan Peterson. Since psychiatry involves no real science and no real scientific testing in order to diagnose any of the bogus manufactured mental illnesses inside of the DSM; Jordan Peterson himself will now come under the same accusations of the very Mental Illnesses he freely and generously throws around.

If you believe Jordan Peterson is not suffering from multiple mental disorders, then you simply haven't payed close enough attention to detail. We now have ample evidence of Neuritic Spasm's concurring within Jordan Peterson's speech patterns. These Neuritic Spasm's are occurring at an increasingly alarming rate. There is a lot of video footage of this due to it happening around five to six times during every speech.

Jordan Peterson is mentally ill. This is the beginning of the fall for Jordan Peterson.

Jordan Peterson is suffering spasms inside his Neuritic Plaques. The physical brain matter inside his head is failing. There is clear physical degradation of his Neuritic Plaques on recorded film.

Histopathologic image of neuritic plaques in the cerebral cortex in a patient with Alzheimer disease of presenile onset (onset before age 65).


The commonality between all these ecelebs is their ability to send their viewers down endless intellectual rabbit holes for weeks at a time by creating a 15-25 minute video. Their viewers then spend their time excessively theorizing instead of actually getting shit done. It is no surprise to me that they would converge at one speaking conference for all the lemmings to obsess over.

Yes, that is in fact true. Jordan Peterson's Christian leader (Martin Luther) wrote a famous book in 1543 entitled: On the Jews and their Lies.

You may order a copy of this book here, amazon.com/Jews-Their-Lies-Martin-Luther-ebook/dp/B00OIE5FQI

or, free


Why would Jordan Peterson accuse his own Christian leader of mental illness? This seems a bit senile.

One method of picking him apart is to properly identify his own stated demographic; young white males inside the anglosphere. These young white males will fall under two ideological belief systems. One: Protestant Christianity and Two: Atheism Jordan Peterson is playing to a supposed Right-Wing crowd so it is safe to assume the majority of his fanbase –soon to be full on cult members– are more likely Protestant Christians. It is also safe to assume 90% of them are completely unaware Martin Luther published the book The Jews And Their Lies in 1543. Why does this matter now? How does this relate to anything? This relates to Jordan Peterson writing in his own book that antisemitism was a mental illness. There in lays the connection and also contradiction in Peterson's own belief's, or, his purported claimed beliefs. From my understanding Jordan Peterson is himself a Anglo-Saxon Protestant Christian with a British Classical Liberal political belief system. So, the question for Jordan Peterson then becomes; Are you making the claim that Martin Luther, the founder of Protestant Christianity was mentally ill?

We would like to ask Peterson this question 100,000 times until he is forced to answer.

How can you not realize the bottom up approach is the only way, you cant take an undeveloped manchild and make him full 1488 by simply giving him Mein Kampf and some dank redpills, all you get from that is the impotence of the kekistani alt right fahgots sperging out instead manning up.

All anons, change comes from within you, right yourself and you will right the world (consider what an aggregate of many people righting themselves would look like, this is JP's message).

I've seen a lot of the
Threads but, other than the girl with the shitty web comic, has anything good or funny come out of them?
Haven't had time to look through the whole thread just got home from my wage slavery.


My argument to your side, which is split 50/50 right now is this….
Jordan Peterson is not pushing the overton window effect, we are.

Peterson is a gatekeeper by his own admission.

The man is an intellectual restrictionist by restricting a natural political evolution. In so doing, he is attempting to quickly build himself up a cult of personality among his impressionable young followers keeping them trapped in a self-serving centrist mindset.

He is opposing everything being accomplished. The neoconservative outlet The Spectator has written the forward to his new book.

Perhaps you should stop spamming up these important threads. Sit down and lurk for another five years. But you and I both know, you're really just a sniveling kike.

That doesn't make you stupid. Hiding bullshit under layers of unnecessarily embellished language is exactly what communists like to do as well.

He's is offensive for many reasons but the parts really bother me involve his intentionally cult-like following being courted by someone nominally spouting individualism, acknowledging everyone else acts tribal and saying we would be weak to do the same, and he only spouts the footnote version of Jung. The only basis for his supposed 'brilliance' is repeating what a much more intelligent person said in a calm manner and avoiding anything actually actually against the status quo while pretending he's against the current order.

Mate, context makes the argument in which youd have to consider the real psyop that is the altright insofar as Spencer et al is concerned, upon holding this thought reconsider what JP is saying here. Its exactly what I said about the impotence of these faggots, who think they are winning a war with memes and trolling, yes it shifts the overton window within a constrained echo chamber of self flagilating egoists emboldened by their own immature conduct but it has zero effect on the world as we know it ie meatspace, apart from maybe giving the controlled media all the poopoo it needs to fling so that normies can point to as an example of why they wont ever think outside of kosher dialectic.

How is he restricting anything, seems like you've made up your mind based on a low resolution analysis of above referenced tweet. Its the same as the shills that cry "trump jew trump jew" as soon as he does something that appears kosher, not understanding the tricky predicament he is in to try and undo many many decades of accrued jewing.

I like how you shills use his popularity as a basis for strawmanning everything he says - look! he is popular eceleb therefore discarded

This here convinces me of your shill status

When moving against someone like Jordan Peterson both the intellectual and juvenile antics need to be covered. These are the two types of people you encounter defending Jordan Peterson.

The great thing is we have both covered.


"Jordan Peterson's cult logo is a boy's anus."
"Jordan Peterson is a cult leader of young and lost individuals who were never told to wipe their own ass."
"I wanna be a zionist just like jordan peterson when i grow up"
"He's a pretty good merchant."
"What type of witchcraft is Jordan under."
"He'll never talk bad about jews because his wife is jewish."

They are restrictionist of all leanings stalling for time with sophomore level generic pseudo-intellectual drivel. The goal is to muddy up the dialog and also to continuously probe it. They hover around 105 IQ, but this isn't the issue. Their target is the 85-92 IQ masses.

We should know without it being said to bypass them and target the 85-92 IQ masses ourselves. More specifically Peterson's base, since he is the particular target.

The level of resistance speaks loudly on it own. Jordan Peterson is an needed buffer zone outside of their encampment.

Wipe your own ass and help your nation expose 'Gatekeeper Peter' the restrictionist mentalist.

That's an interesting point and very topical. How do we get it to him until he has to answer?

I think the jewish communists angle is good too. Is it a hallmark of mental illness to notice trends? Why are they that way?

You lost me there.

You don't. You get it to his base, followers, supporters and those who lurk around his outlets.

I will have more coming in the following days. Later tonight Peterson's Cult Logo will be addressed. So look for that.

ITT yids kvetching to manufacture consent, at best to fracture and d&c at worst mobilize some autism into attacking JP

The fervour displayed here is testament to the threat JP's message and reach is to the globalist kike agenda

While I agree that JP is controlled opposition I don't think attacking him would help our cause. Many who follow him will eventually realize that the reason the Jews are so successful is because of their collectivist identitarian traits. At the very least he's convincing white men to better themselves and to stray away from the left. That alone is a good thing in my opinion.

I think we just need to stick to the academic argument and be publicly persistent.

Cite authors he has cited or statements he has made in the past and then use whatever tactics necessary to cause another "I can't" moment. If its set up correctly his only other option will provide us with further evidence for redpilling (Ezra Levant interview). This isn't as good, but it is still a useful outcome.

This video and the associated account were terminated within 48 hours. Is there a torrent?

Thats what you sound like.

Jordan Peterson in one mp4.

Jesus Christ m8. The guy outright says "I'm here to push people back into conservatism/liberalism" and here you are, sucking his balls, trying to play semantic games.

You (((creatures))) disgust me.

A copy


Yeah definitely and it's going on everywhere.
It's all over 4pol, but 4pol is like 75% shills these days. I can't tell if 4lit is actually getting shilled or just memeing or both. Someone should just make a collage of all the bad shill threads just to drive this home.
This is just like several points over the last year where there were all this "Trump is not a Nazi so we should try to impeach him" spam.
Someone's very scared of Peterson. I think it really started after the Cathy Newman interview.

Yeah I see several things that indicate that. Hilarious how this guy thinks he's convincing anyone.
My theory is it's someone from Destiny's subreddit.

And the whole scripted cult and mental illness reinforcement, and the petty attempts to pin him and then his wife to be Jewish.

I understand everyone's questionning his motive and seeing how much money he makes now, it's reasonable to call him a merchant and everything.

But there is some part of his speeches that still is interesting about order.
He says set your house in order (clean your room). Once your room is in order, set your family straight, then you go up from there.

I remember him saying that his family is in perfect order and he makes small things "pristine" like breakfast with his family and how wonderful it is.

Isn't Nat/Soc just the ultimate order at every level?

Your room
Your family
Your neighborhood
Your country?

Just my 2 cents. No bully

I'm willing to forgive if this is some form of Dunning Kruger but I very much doubt it is. As before context buddy. Its a long time mantra to not reveal your power level because we live in a world set up by kikes so why would you suddenly expect someone with such visibility to do what is ill advisable for us. Id indicate you're not very consistent for a pollack but you and I both know you aren't.

Yeah this came out of nowhere very suddenly. They're trying to put everyone who doesn't want to deplatform him into the camp of "Peterson fanboys" or "supporters". Very false dichotomy. In reality the only people you can remotely call "fanboys" are probably a few redditors.

Once you've been convinced of a thing, move on to spending your time with getting shit done, can include spending your time educating yourself on how to get shit done, rather than fixating on the revelation spectacle. Yeah, people are getting stuck at the first step.

Very well written and in full agreement with you. Particularly him building the early stages of Cult like infrastructure. He is getting guidance both financially and business wise. Particularly, his new 10% affiliate program where his Cult members can now earn financial incentive by distributing his Peterson doctrines. It is important we make it a priority. Things are moving very fast. Once a crowd believes in a Cult leader, it can take a life time to get them out of the trance.

Peterson's Cult must be smashed before it can take any stronger root inside our culture. This man is a demon heretic working for the dark Lord Satan.

We are now allocating 70% of all resources towards this. The snake Jordan Peterson will fall.

[The Anatomy of Jordan Peterson's Cult Logo]

Peterson isnt a handsome guy. Look at his teeth.

That nose can be polish or danish. She looks slavic

Kys moron

Hello Andrew. Not everything is "Dunning Kruger", and the more you repeat that over and over, the dumber you sound. Youre defending an anti-right anti-white anti-racist kike. Keep it up and youre not only not going to be a white leader, but youre going to be a white race traitor.


Video is unavailable now.

That video is embarrassing. How anyone could believe this boomer claptrap is far beyond me. He's just a basic bitch republican with a dumb voice.

Clean your room, goy. Don't pay attention to the mob outside your house, at least it'll be tidy when it burns!

Pushing the (provably accurate) idea that civilizations are the flower of a racial root will be a very good bet as well. That doesn't get used enough.


Hello Moshe, nice diversion but you didn't really address the crux of the post. Dunning Kruger is your inability to comprehend that you cannot comprehend, but that's okay - not everyone can be blessed with a white mans IQ.

They're even at this on Holla Forums, starting threads with no premise other than "ur dum if u listen to cultman peterzion".

I love how fucking rustled the left is about him. He's not even /ourguy/.

Pure cohencidence, bucko.

Solid. I'd very much like to make sure JP sees that himself.

Its Anglins latest pretentious buzzword. Thats also not what it means, but I expected you to have some dumbshit brainlet understanding since youre using it so often, in so many different situations.
It actually applies to you, thats the irony. You think youre a hyper-intellect but youre just a 100 IQ monkey using the new phrase he just heard over and over to sound more intelligent than you are. Actual intellects and people who do understand more than you threaten you, because you think youre smarter than they are.
Youre still trying to vote to stop white genocide, that speaks for itself. What an idiot.
The difference between 100 and 125 is pretty big. Not all white people are equal.

Why is this faggot everywhere now. Fuck off with him, kikes.

so you understand this yet still haven't realized the media and trump were colluding during the election?

But don't look too closely right?


Honestly, I think the best way to take down Peterson is to make fun of him for selling overpriced merchandise.


70% of whose resources, kike?

I realize that "anyone over 25 is like, old and shit, lol" is your thought process, but try to understand that "boomer" has a specific meaning and doesn't actually mean "anyone who is old enough to vaguely remind me of my parents."

Very well put


Way to completely discredit yourself.

Did Peterson addressed this? it was on 4chan.

That was obviously just the source of the definition of a cult.

Beat me too it, user.

It is clear that website provided the definition of a cult. I'll need to visit it when I get a chance. I guess they cover the Mormons. I'd be interested in learning what they say about them.

Leave and never return.

nice try fag fag

Can't tell if astroturf or actually retarded.
>>>Holla Forums

You seem overly focused. Relax bro, let me be an individual.

not only to the globalist kikes
but to EVERY SINGLE AUTIST HERE who is unwilling to grow up, face life and to become a man
/POL is infested with rats who in a sneaky cowardly way plot behind a GOOD mans back to discredit him and to pour dirt on his name. They "hate" jews but use the very same dirty jew tricks themselves lol
Good luck morans!
There is a single truth, you can't bend it a millimeter. The cat is out the bag. You either grow up and join your human family or you go extinct.
Pointing a finger at jews is useless. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Your blaming of someone else instead of yourself is the problem. Get it now?
Fucking autists

suck a dick, it will keep you quiet

Reported for supporting kikes.

you know who likes the report button and snitching in general? who goes running to mama in tears instead of facing a bully like a real boy?
thats right…


dubs dont lie you autist faggot

And if he had any integrity - intellectual or otherwise - his words would reflect the knowledge of the entire discipline being replete with the weaponized use of pathologizing political opponents, perfected in the Soviet Union and USA.

The Zizeks of the world will always be closer, freely acknowledging their own charlatanism barking up the tree of monolithic ideological forces the individual is ultimately at the mercy of in the absence of coordinated, group self-interest . . . 'Abhorrent German Mustache Man's' valuation of the German Socialist Worker over Liberal Democrats comes to mind. Peterson at best is cowed by the possibility of being Zundel'd, or Faurisson'd, or David Irving'd; – applying his own models, it seems he's clearly taking the easy-out to maintain ((('dominance hierarchy'))) status.

Gnostic baggage from Jung, philosemite – then there's the 'alter-ego' cult practice in elite circles. Could be. He looks a poor physical specimen in many shots, haggard.

Limited intellectual hangout either way.

He's a talented rhetoritician, and that's about the extent of it.

Intellectual poseur, the kind of posturing that lumps him firmly in the skeptics 'community' circle. Fairweather contrarian.

Then he would be IN JAIL

Uh, Jews waited for 2,000 years to get their final revenge on humanity. If anyone needs to grow up, it is them. Time to buckle up, bucko.

Almost convinced me you were an authentic poster. Then I remember you got b& in the last thread trying the same technique.
Troll softy kike.

Mods = Gods

i'm surprised imkikey let you get his picture inside the Holla Forums offices at JIDF headquarters. this site is owned and operated by jews. you can tell by how hard they push the orange jew.

its hilarious how peterson is the worst most subversive kike there, but some useless piece of shit like trump who surrounds himself by way more jews, is way more jewish in his actions (personal and business life), has an immediate and extended family full of literal jews is idolized (only by paid shills at this point, which is 75%+ of the board at this point)

0/10, t_d'ers love peterson and this isn't t_d.

Double posting shill can't even into grammar.

Sure would be a shame if the shills' talking points here basically mirrored Holla Forums's.

>>>Holla Forums2384076

Oh darn.

Stay mad, Loyalist.


Explain why zionism is good.

Cool ID tho

Peterstein is permanently BTFO, confirmed Zionist kike shill.


what the fuck are you doing on this site

Troll softy m8.

He is an astroturfing, ban evading, double posting shill posing as a Peterson supporter in reality talking to his shill buddy. Lurkmoar friendo


I hate spamming multiple ver. but this is better.



Great video

Laughter, happiness, love, happy, laughed, laugh, laughing, excellent, laughs, joy, successful, win, rainbow, smile, won, pleasure, smiled, rainbows, winning, celebration, enjoyed, healthy, music, celebrating, congratulations, weekend, celebrate, comedy, jokes, rich, victory, Christmas, free, friendship, fun, holidays, loved, loves, loving, beach, hahaha, kissing, sunshine, delicious, friends, funny, outstanding, paradise, sweetest, vacation, butterflies, freedom, flower, great, sunlight, sweetheart, sweetness, award, chocolate, hahahaha, heaven, peace, splendid, success, enjoying, kissed, attraction, celebrated, hero, hugs, positive, sun, birthday, blessed, fantastic, winner, delight, beauty, butterfly,entertainment, funniest, honesty, sky, smiles, succeed, wonderful, glorious, kisses, promotion, family, gift, humor, romantic, cupcakes, festival, hahahahaha, honour, relax, weekends, angel, b-day, bonus, brilliant, diamonds, holiday, lucky, mother, super, amazing, angels, enjoy, friend, friendly, mother’s, profit, finest, bday, champion, grandmother, haha, kiss, kitten, miracle, mom, sweet, blessings, bright, cutest, entertaining, excited, excitement, joke, millionaire, prize, succeeded, successfully, winners, shines, awesome, genius, achievement, cake, cheers, exciting, goodness, hug, income, party, puppy, smiling, song, succeeding, tasty, victories, achieved, billion, cakes, easier, flowers, gifts, gold, merry, families, handsome, lovers, affection, candy, cute, diamond, earnings, interesting, peacefully, praise, relaxing, roses, Saturdays, faithful, heavens, cherish, comfort, congrats, cupcake, earn, extraordinary, glory, hilarious, moonlight, optimistic, peaceful, romance, feast, attractive, glad, grandma, internet, pleasant, profits, smart.

Peterson's Affiliate Members can be associated with door-to-door sales man.



We need to set him up into making a critical comment about Trump.

Jordan would like to eventual have a confrontation with Trump. This confrontation will happen 3-5 years from now in a very public way. Let us accelerate this confrontation while Peterson is weak.

Five ways Jordan Peterson is different than President Trump
Three ways Jordan Peterson is unlike President Trump
Jordan Peterson: The man bringing back neoconservatism to Americans
Can Jordan Peterson save Neoconservatism from extinction?
How will Jordan Peterson save Neoconservatism?
Jordan Peterson: The Canadian Neocon on a mission.
Jordan Peterson vs Trump: A battle for the future.
Jordan's new army of Neocons
The Neocons are back! Jordan Peterson is leading a new revolution.
Jordan Peterson: A clueless fuckstain about to be smashed.

Transitioning 10,000 Glenn Beck articles into Jordan Peterson copies.
Transitioning 500 Glenn Beck memes into Jordan Peterson copies.
[optimal output collaboration]

He shed light to the truth. Now go clean your room buckos.

Not everyone is going to make the leap from his teachings and the way he thinks to reach this place, that's true. But some will.

If you shut him off none will. The thing is we aren't losing anyone we don't already have and are gaining people we wouldn't if they were not exposed. It winds up a net gain.

Inevitably as a teacher you will have people who disagree with you vehemently on minor points. Enough that they will brook into other skills of thought. This is actually a part of being a good student. The relationship between and engaged student and teacher is somewhat adversarial. People in education shirk from this fact now, and students are too fucking puerile to cope with it in universities nowadays but its the truth. The sparks from the conflict in the search for truth are what cause the fires that shed light on other modes of thought.

I started with Jordan Peterson, I agree with his assessments on many things. But I disagree on his skirting away from white nationalism as inherently bad… it's ironically the only kind of nationalism that was tolerant enough to allow the world we now occupy to have sprung into being. But its bitten the hand that feeds. Whites have dignity, it needs to be respected and if it takes physically reminding the others whose success they are beneficiaries of so be it.

His Patreon alone was getting over $600,000 (yes, that is the right number of zeroes) before he privatized the amount.

True but not the issue. It builds opposition, and for any that would turn down the road, makes it hard to impossible from burnout. Think about "progressives," essentially christcuckery in a different wrapper, those that made the jump got to rebel without leaving their comfy self loathing suicidal egalitarianism script but with abortions and degeneracy, and look how rabid they are, more determined than ever that they've discovered the light.

b-but I though the buckaroos loved free speech?

Leftist argument.

ya blew it. Try not to expose that you're a kike too early to maximize your subversion.

Are you fucking retarded?

Download full quality version:


Jewtube is already censoring the video, it's only a matter of time until it is shoahd. Please mirror. The jews are having an aneurysm due to the fact that their high invest shabbos-goy's words and image are being used to redpill normies on the JQ / Zionism. (((They))) have invested millions and millions of dollars to meme Jordan Peterson into the normiesphere, and now we have hijacked that investment and are using it to expose the truth about the jews and their plans.


Some of you good boys have been giving Rogan slack for having Peterson on his 'podcast' again. So he retweeted this jew author… I forget the kikes name. But what the piece of shit jew said, was that if you criticise Peterson, it's because you're jealous. Yeah, that old line. So buckaroos, if you have a problem with his course material, it's because you aren't a suicidal old man with hair plugs on a cocktail of pharamjew's finest.

I can tell from your syntax alone that you are the same poster, not to mention it blatantly shows you are not from here.

OP is a literal arab from Canada who lives with his mother. Thought you guys should know.

Jordan Peterson doesn’t go nearly far enough
The Canadian psychologist may speak to millions – but not to me
Peter Hitchens

He's the replacement dad for a reason.

(((They))) see Peterson as a form of containment or sandbox, rather than a gateway drug. They see him as preventing folks from turning to Molyneaux or Yarvin, or "worse."


He's a gateway drug only by us deconstructing his bullshit like "you're just jealous" in regards to anything jews.

OP is a kike looking to capitalize on a careful thinker with D&C. Everyone hates kikes, some are more careful about hiding it.

Take your leftykike memes and fuck off nigger.

Jordan B. Peterson Addresses the Jewish Question: THERE IS NO CONSPIRACY


I feel sorry for you poor retards. Anyone that isn't the full blown second coming of Hitler is immediately hated on this board. Every single time. Even fucking Red Ice is hated here, and they made tons of youtube videos with titles like "white people are being displaced in white countries and this is terrible" etc.
Do you delusional little shits really believe that your pathetic, useless little isolated hugbox will have any impact whatsoever for the white race, against the jews that actively work IRL to displace you all?
You like to believe that 4/pol/ is the only Holla Forums that's been 100% subverted but you're wrong. You're all being tricked via jewish/CIA psy-ops to always suspect and to go against every single anti-establishment/leftwing e-celeb that has a massive following simply because they are not LITERALLY HITLER. This board will never organize, never have a leader to rally behind and by extent have the ability to positively influence whites on a large scale, which is great for (((them))). All of you here, will only influence eachother and masturbate to anime titties in your NEET dwellings and never make a beneficial impact for whites on a large scale. And I love watching every minute of it, watching this garbage board get progressively worse and worse the past 2 years.

You/others have already tried this gambit in this thread. I guess you're trying to have it placed at the tail end/last word of the thread.

Right.. everyone is a shill but the person who posts pics of hitler next to a pipe dream text that they oppose anyone IRL that is not like him.



It's not as if you had any argument in your reply. Anybody that disagrees with your beliefs is automatically assumed to be a kike shill from your perspective.
This is your brain on ideology, folks. Don't think you're any different from the leftie retards you mock.


You don't have to be Hitler, you just can't be on the side of the rat-faced kikes who are genociding us. Peterson is.

As I stated, it has already been addressed in this thread and doing your best jew impression you're pretending like it didn't happen.


The root of their strength, that is to say, every shred of power that kikes have is through the central banking scam. Their system is designed to steal everything, from you, over time. They don't work, they steal.
If you use money, the jews are stealing from you right now. I won't talk about what the bankers can do with the numbers, but to put it simply, you are more enslaved than if literally in chains.
If you're not talking about destroying their hold on the money scam, you're jerking off.
EVERY shill will direct attention away from the money system.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
They're at the stealing step, and they have stolen most of the world now.


Yeah, okay, enjoy achieving nothing on an anonymous, irrelevant to IRL image board that shares a website with thousands of pedophiles on Holla Forums.

We'll soon have our own podcast, don't forget to donate !

Better yet let's put the podcasts behind a paywall! :^)

He tells the truth except for the Jews. Maybe he is a deep Nat Soc plant. Certainly he calls out the Jews without actually saying the term "Jew."

That's so Norwegian !

And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

Peterson will be dead within a decade. Either suicide because of his chronic sad brain, or the drugs he takes which cost one 37% of their life. Massive study last month or so ago.

What's fucked up in all this, is that he has two children and one grandchild now. We know the man is sick in the head but shekels and e-fame over family? Pathetic. Let's hope an antifa tranny shoots him for lolz. Win, win.

Peterstein meme dump.






Some Peterstein fanbase cringe here too. This will become a new genre for sure. They are the new fedora lords of the Internet, without a doubt.


makes you wonder why someone would not care about men's issues. what does that make them? who do we know that already dismisses legitimate male concerns?

You're defending an anti-White Zionist boomer who hoards shekels like a rabbi in heat. Just kill yourself.

And who's behind all those things? The parasites who Peterstein says we should be thankful for.

(((purely organic OC)))

JIDF is at the next stage

This is a good post. Any power we have comes from the fact that we're right. The only real hang up that we have is that we have to take the time to explain everything over and over while being hindered in increasingly less creative ways.

You can be completely correct about something but present it in an irrational way, peterson's fanbase care more about the presentation right now because of his artificially created status so we have to out compete in a forum that is not only familiar to us, but will favor our arguments. We just have to engage.

Consider that most normies are NOT brainwashed to leftism.
The jewish neuroticism of implying everything you see influences you even if you dont understand it, in the way jew expects, is wrong.
Most nromies ignore the degeneracy in game of thrones.
A guy like this is not reteaching people to care for themselves but indoctrinating them in the neocohen (republicon) way.
I don't see him as a benefit.

I"m in multiple JBP facebook discussion groups. People pro jew are mostly shut down and most (70%+) are redpilled on the JQ.

I don't agree with his pro jew stance, he's a bit corrupted by academia in the sense that he's surrounded by jews. But the rest of the message is sound.

JP: "The only thing that separates a normal person from Hitler, is Hitler was an organization Genius"

JP: "The true individual makes order out of chaos"

JP "Clean your room."

Jordan Peterson literally wants us all to become Hitler.

except for the copypasta sound of this, it's mostly true.

do you want to lose and come out say gas the kikes? Or do you want be persuasive and win? you can't go out on national tv and be against the jews without being suicided. Look at paul nehlan, gets deplatformed and doesn't have a good chance of winning. Better to win and have a chance to do real damage

This is a central cortex for many activists who are deeply involved in more practical matters. Yet when meeting here we must play by the rules of the game. Lurk moar.

what the fuck are you even roleplaying about

Im with you for the self improvement ultimately leads to upright whites who can only look around and blame the jew in the end for all the corruption, but you can't go role playing as a mind reader. OP is retarded in the sense that he's roleplaying as jbp is the ultimate jew plot. Where as he's already done irreparable damage to their marxism / post modern / sjw machine.

I ask OP how does turning thousands of people to become more christian work towards the jews benefit? We're already seeing a new conservative gen Z and only boomer Christians believe in the "chosen people" lie.

Through JBP goes self improvement and accepting christ. THe only path from there becomes researching Christianity and the only path there is anit jew

Checked and spot on. But this is chesscuck territory now, so don't expect your views to prevail. Observe how the chesscuck cult now spreads from one figurehead to the other. Everything they say and do is 100% kosher and you're supposed to pretend there's more to it "between the lines."

Do you think this is coincidence? Do you think the delusional fringe-tumbler left was something they cared about. They don't give a shit about trannies calling themselves "xur." Those freaks are only given publicity to be an alibi to the left, both within and without. A strawman making the "moderate" (raging communist) left look rational and reasonable in comparison.

It reeks of psyop to high heavens. Well, at least we can all know we are reaching the end game, seeing how they feel the need to go this hard at it, kicking the game up a notch. The fight will come, and the ones following these pied pipers will end up on the wrong side when it does. Don't despair because of that. Weak minded cowards aren't any help anyways.

Israel is tribal and has nukes.

This man is truly brainwashed. Or truly beholden to his (((financiers))).

Which one of these things did I actually say and which one did your pea brain imagine?

the board isnt getting progressively worse
and its too bad your kike feelings are hurt
we are leaderless, a hivemind has no head
pls kys

pls go

There are only a handful of kike IQ studies. Most are drawn from very small samples in one or two schools. This is very easy to fudge by just keeping your dumbest kids home on test day. It would dramatically shift the mean. I absolutely believe kikes would try this.


Has anyone here encountered a Peterson fanboy? It's like arguing with someone in a cult. They will sperg out if you even dare to criticize Lord Peterson the great.

It shouldn't be necessary for me to point this out but these schisms are just plays and Faith Goldberg is a shill like Simonsen and all the kikes that worked at Rebbel.

well since he is jewish that shouldn't surprise you


10 cents has been deposited in your account

You want to know, how I know you're not from here?

because you want to believe everyone that is a pol regular bows at the feet of cuck peterson the great?

You want to know how I know your not from here?

For anyone who wants it, here's the audio version of his new book. Read by kermit the frog himself.


I'm pretty sure that saying it is only 2000 years old is antisemitic. Is he an Egyptian-slavery denier? He denies the Babylonian attrocities? Assyrian? Zikes, he's basically a nazi!!!

he honestly said all these things

his mother actually wasn't a jew, he's literally just lying there, as he was in a wannabe jew phase at that time I'm guessing.

really? any link to where he says its not true?

What the fuck are you trying to accomplish with that stupidity?

says it in youtube comment

Yes and he hates her with his entire being. This means he can be the king of madagascar.

this entire board, that was the first d&c


I was there for that thread. Those were truly hitlerious times, friend.

Controlled opposition is 100% enemy, and you are 100% a traitor.

It does not even matter. Our enemies are our enemies. You will never win if you can't think like that. I wouldn't give a fuck if this shill was 100% European. An enemy is an enemy.

Peterson the kike owned controlled opposition faggot has just released a big talk with Russell fucking jew world order commiecunt Brand. Who can possibly not think Peterson is the enemy after this thread ?

I think anyone with half a brain would see all the doubleposting and triple posting shills repeating buzzwords, astroturfers and >(1)'s like yourself not directing a conversation at anyone and saying nothing really constructive.

Surely you would have some evidence to back up this radical claim.

Someone just posted a GEX tier video on cuckchan of EU politicians contradicting points JBP makes about the reasons demographic replacement is being pushed by western governments.

Jordan B. Peterson Addresses European Mass Immigration (White Genocide)


GEX's With Open Gates for newfags

Hes far more disposed to telling truths about Stalin, than he ever speaks of Hilter. In fact, he says complimentary things about Hitler often, with caution of course. In Canada he is under real threat of legal issues for going anywhere near the holohoax. But he damn well loathes the mass cover up of the slaughtering of millions and millions by the 'left'. This is a man who has studied intensely what the jews did in the soviet union, who focuses his message on that more than he ever has nazis. In fact he explains in great depth how brilliant hitler was, that hitler was acting for the desires of the masses, etc.. I think many of you arent digging deep enough at all into Petersons real beliefs and understandings of the JQ. Maybe if you watched his actual lectures and delved into his research about iq and traits related to it, you would understand just how much he does understand. Makes me believe he has a significant place in the reality we are existing in even more so now that all sides are attempting to discredit and destroy him. Who hates him more, leftypol or pol. Either way he gives not a fuck. He only cares that people, especially young white men who are under real threat of destruction, from without and within, understand their responsibilities to self, family, community, etc.. and that this matters much more than any bullshit rights if one wants to survive the shit we are being entrenched in from birth. As long as he keeps calling out the communists and as such, the jews, (as well as many other groups detrimental to our survival), in the way he has been doing for decades, Im behind him one hundred percent. And that is exactly what he has been doing. Sometimes I wonder just wtf is going on here. This op reeks of leftist commie globalist propaganda.

It's fucking hilarious to see the youtube channels that practically worship him. "What Jordan Peterson eats for breakfast"… "Jordan Petersons favorite underwear"…

It's so fucking obvious to anyone with half a brain that he has been financed and promoted as controlled opposition, to play on emotionally sensitive subjects and distract from real issues. This is the best the leaf people get! Discussion ends there, where he sets the boundaries.

Oh, and don't forget the countless videos about how Hitler bathed more than you'd think. Hitler this and that… the good old neuroticism surfacing all too soon.

They just can't help themselves.

"with open gates" is a great watch
especially the greek woman talking about immigrants while her people starve

This Peterson is a fucking cult leader, straight up. Eyes are narrow and sunken, he's definitely part kike too.

old age
random guess

Nobody's buying your cult leader faggot.

why are you the one posting through tor then?

Good to see that there's still decent OC coming out of cuckchan. I thought the plebbits and aut-kikes had destroyed it..

20cents have been deposited in your account.





Jordan Peterson RedPills


Jordan Peterson RedPill Videos


Essential Reading

200 Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Didn't you flood this forced (((OC))) in the last failed thread?

Stick it straight up England's ass you massive faggot.

I wholly agree with your assessment; clearly this thread is being pumped full of facefin agenda. Tactically, Peterson is all upside.

Proof that he knows.

found it

why cant whites rule the world as a minority like jews do?

The only good thing he suggests is self improvement. Like it or not a lot of the people in our camp need to lose weight and get in shape.

Not everything popular is controlled opposition.

Want to know what's ironic, user? Not only am I the OP of the thread in the screencap you just posted, but I'm the one who made that screencap several months ago, and I am also the OP of this thread you posted it in, as well as the one who wrote this: created this: and this:

My theory that Peterson was the user in the screencap you just posted is one of the reasons why I spent over a year staunchly defending him here and elsewhere as "hiding his power level" and secretly being 1488. However, since then:

- Peterson has revealed the fact that he is a Zionist
- Peterson has taken money from Zionist jews
- Peterson has been shilled relentlessly by the jewish owned MSM
- Peterson has become a regular talking head guest on (((Fox News)))
- Peterson has made it clear he thinks antisemitism is a pathological illness
- Peterson has declared that White identity is pathological
- Peterson has declared that Whites resisting genocide is the same thing as trannies wanting a "safe space"
- Peterson has declared that Hitler was mentally ill (had some kind of OCD) and that's why he was "more evil than you know" and why he killed the 6 gorillion
- Peterson directly compares the lies about Hitler's Germany (mostly holohoax stuff) to the Marxist atrocities of the Soviet Union, declaring that they are both "caused by collectivism"
- Peterson has declared that Whites must "never again be tribal" because of WW2, and because "our weapons are too powerful now"
- Peterson's theology has been exposed as antichrist and Masonic in nature (he is not a Christian, do not be deceived)
- Peterson has admitted that his primary goal is to stop Whites from organizing in response to the Marxist genocide of the White race
- Peterson has declared that "there is no jewish conspiracy"
- Peterson's latest book's foreword is written by a jew named Norman Doige (who writes and speaks about how antisemitism is a pathology, as per Frankfurt School protocols), in which it was revealed that Peterson was hand-picked by the jew Wodek Szemburg to be "put in front of a microphone"
- Peterson is openly cultivating a cult-like following that is openly hostile to Whites who want to work together to secure the existence of our people, followers that constantly regurgitate the nonsense he preaches such as "jews are just high IQ, there is no conspiracy" and "Whites having pride in their ancestors and civilization is pathological and will lead to genocide", AKA the "individualists"
- A concerted shilling campaign, including activity from what appeared to be paid shills, for Peterson has been exposed on cuckchan (which has mostly abated now that he has been fully exposed as an anti-white Zionist), which is not surprising since Peterson has admitted that he has targeted Holla Forums with his propaganda because he wants to stop White men from organizing a revolution

So, was Peterson the one who posted in that thread in fall 2016 on cuckchan? I don't know, but I have reasons to doubt that that it was (in fact I think I may have found the individual responsible for those posts elsewhere online, based on the writing style, but I'm not going to bother posting that information because I really have no proof beyond that). In the end it does not matter, because even if it was him, Peterson's actions since then have proven that he is not only not on our side, but that he is in league with our enemies. Whether or not you want to postulate that his cooperation with Zionist jews is some kind of ebin 7D chess or not, is irrelevant, and you have no proof of that whatsoever. The reality is that his ideology is flawed and damaging to what we are trying to accomplish, and that the fruits of his labor have been, at least partially, the creation of significant barrier to achieving our goals, mostly in the form of brainwashing young White men who would otherwise have found the real red pill with an insidious purple pill of "Marxism sucks but it's not the jews, and you better not even consider working together with other Whites to protect yourself from genocide, and by the way that genocide is not actually happening".

If you take the time to try to dialogue with Peterson's followers, they will indicate to you that your desire to endeavor towards the 14 words is pathological and will lead to genocide and violence, and so they will oppose you no matter what the cost. If you try to dialogue with other anons who think that Peterson is "hiding his power level", they will usually tell you that since Peterson is spreading a self-help message that is beneficial for many to hear, and that that fact puts the rest of his motives and ideology beyond criticism. The former is significant problem that is only going to get worse as time goes on (a huge proportion of Peterson's audience are non-whites and jews who are civic nationalists and who consider Whites who want to stop mass immigration on the grounds that is it genocide "conspiracy theorists" and "dangerous collectivists" that must be stopped at all costs), and the latter are simply avoiding debate whatsoever and are not interested in discussing the gravity of the situation with regards to controlled opposition ecelebs and the danger that they actually pose in the long run.

In short, I was wrong about Peterson. I think he's dangerous and I think that people who are writing him off as "useful to our cause" are vastly underestimating Peterson and his handlers.

I sent the video in this post here: (reupload embedded) to E. Michael Jones. At 42:48 in this interview with him that was posted today, you can hear him talking about Jordan Peterson and this video (he also discusses Peterson's "I can't" incident):


Genuinely surprised you didn't make your 5th or 6th failed thead yet since the Channel 4 disaster Shlomo.

I swear I saw this thread of leftypol 6 months ago, the only difference was there was a lot of "Petersoncore" calling.


Whatcott was putting anti-fag flyers in random mailboxes. Big difference.

Nah that's just how a lot of Canadians loo.

They're a mix of Irish and Scottish and French and out west there's a lot of German too and that's what the net result is.

sounds like no conviction to me


He looks "off" because he's a tranny. Look at "his" pointy female chin, shallow eyes, lack of brow ridge. His eyes look sickly from hormone abuse. Female arched eyebrows, female shaped lips. Heavy bags under the eyes from being penetrated anally.

I believe he knows but can't accept it because it would destroy him. He is already tottering on the brink of breaking down completely - its common among psychiatrists because they have to deal with overwhelming amounts of despair in their patients lives. Its partially why he's on anti-depressants (also seasonal affective disorder in Canada?).

He's researched national socialism extensively as part of his work on 19th century ideologies and he knows the prosperity that the NSDAP brought to German people. He also clearly understands that people can live in absolute hell, and that Hitler brought Germans out of a state of living where there was mass starvation, rampant suicide, open child prostitution, etc into the greatest society has ever known and Hitler did it in a single year.

His defense against breaking to this knowledge has been to take a grain of truth - that extreme order can lead to absolute sterility and stagnation - and he tries to include national socialism into this category. This is absurd, because there will always be chaos to delve into - for starters we have not begun to scratch the depths of own internal world, the distant cosmos, frameworks of perception of reality, and so on. Which is ironic, considering that these are the very subjects he is interested in, and so he would benefit greatly from living in a society where people would pursue these aims.

He also clearly believes that politics is not a choice - we are conditioned by our inherent nature and framework of perceiving and understanding and interacting with the world to hold certain views. He also seems to understand that blacks and Hispanics fail in society due to lower in IQ and conscientiousness than whites and thus the vast majority of nonwhites cannot pursue a meaningful life or achieve any level of success in a "competence-based hierarchy", which is a structure he clearly values. The logical conclusion of this is that non-whites would do better among their own peoples as they can only live in nihilism, resentment, and relative poverty, when they live in white countries. He knows this, but can't face the fact because its too rough, and he also repeatedly says its a fact that he doesn't know how to confront or deal with since it breaks his entire weltanschauung.

In any event, getting ~500,000 mostly young white men to shape up and get their lives in order is no mean feat. There's some danger of him preventing young white men from standing up for their own people, but I believe that those who are red-pilled will stay red-pilled, and those who he fixes up from broken train-wrecks into passable men will have an easier time swallowing the redpill.

Your opinion is valid—Peterson is a fag—but you're posting in an unbelievably hasbara way.


No - in short you are an autistic liar who hates peterson even though he is essentially good.

Remove the math part and you'll have something resembling science.


Whatever niggers and feminists hate cant be all that bad.

Someone found a post by an Israeli jew in the 4chan Holla Forums archives admitting that Peterson is a Jewish psyop, saying that he would be "replaced by 7 more" if he was exposed.

The thread that posted this meme was instantly raided by shills, and one of them even began posting CP. Take that for what you will.

Attached: 1520781288511.png (2425x694, 640.62K)
