Should leftist organizations do like the Nation of Islam did and recruit ex-cons and other people who completely fucked...

Should leftist organizations do like the Nation of Islam did and recruit ex-cons and other people who completely fucked their lives up and now wanted something that would help them fall into line?

I really don't see why not.
There are a lot of disenchanted people who would make fierce communist if they ever started to read.

If they're serious about socialism it (mostly) shouldn't matter what their background is


How do we make them class conscious?

Isnt Nation Of Islam one of the biggest black supremacy Groups in USA lel?

It doesn't need to because it works the other way around, the incarceration system turns one time offenders into hardened criminals. Countless violent criminals' first offense was drug usage.

Talk to them about class and the inherent contradictions of capitalism, especially those which probably affected them and brought them to their current state.

Look up Eldridge Cleaver and George Jackson.

I do desk-work in a utilities firm -- in fact I should be working now and I'm on Leftypol instead. A huge share of the operatives digging the holes and laying the pipe -- you know, doing really technical, physically demanding labour -- came out of prison. There are a lot of training schemes for this type of thing running out of incarceration. Sure, I'm not going to do the fucking liberal thing where I'd go: "see, with a properly run prison system and by tenderly promoting a serious work-ethic yadda yadda", to be honest I'd much rather people came out of prison determined to smash the system that put them there than. But all the same, I talk to most of them daily and I can tell you one thing: if anything it's the lads out of prison who're more likely to be the helpful, sensitive and constructive ones -- some of the best human passions most brutally exploited by capital. Have you ever spoken to anyone who's gone straight? The situation from which people commit a serious crime is always a material crisis, not a moral crisis: poverty, marginalisation, a lack of prospects, or even just a misalignment of passions with 'straight society' -- that is, not seeing a particular attraction in either a position of status or permanent insecurity. There's no bump on the skull that tells you if someone's going to be a criminal; people don't come out with their prison sentence decreed from birth, not least because all of the things we've criminalised and the social systems that define their criminality are newer and faster than our evolutionary development. To be honest, I think the best thing to come out of a position of poverty and marginalisation is a desire to abolish poverty and marginalisation, for everyone -- nobody 'has' to be a criminal, even under capitalism -- but something better requires networks of active solidarity which aren't always there. In any case, you'd be surprised what people are like when they aren't foreclosed from everything real they have to care about.

No, communism requires a high trust society, there is a reason why they committed crime and that is becasue they feel they are entitled to the work of others without adding to the overall community.

Material and moral are one of the same someone who steals for whatever reason is just as likely to be a hoarder becasue they already see themselves as separate form the collective. Gulags existed for good reason.

not one to believe in second chances are we?

One of the main reasons the Nation was able to gather so much support despite its terrible reputation, politics (pro-segregation, even had deals with Nazis and the KKK) and theology (white men were created in a laboratory - literally) is because people like Malcolm X were seen as living proof of the positive effect of their praxis.

Many criminals converted to the Nation in prison, and from there went through a complete transformation. From criminals to preachers, from illiterate to the point where they quote philosophy, from thieves to businessmen. This attracted many black men who knew they had potential but lacked the proper institutions to give them direction and purpose.

IMO, the Left needs something like that. Our machinery, party discipline, training process and regular activities should be able to turn all sorts of rejects and fuck-ups into something worth calling a revolutionary. If we could make that, a lot of people would want to join.

And changing convicts, in particular, would signal the idea that we, unlike official authorities, know what it takes to reform society.

Gee, the second chance Lenin gave Stalin instead of killing him as an enemy of the Revolution really worked out.

Talk to them, really. The average working-class ex-con isn't necessarily unintelligent. Centuries of intentional illiteracy by porky have rendered their prospects pretty slim, but that's exactly why they can be better integrated into radical worldviews.

Yeah, capitalism

Well they're pretty much TEXTBOOK lumpenproles so class consciousness maybe not really the way to go.

jesus that's a stupid post

Suena demasiado romántico e cliché…

would they really say that….

I'm not spanish, but it's not poorly written, the theme you pick—and I don't know if you're writing from experience or not—is the typical heavy-emotion a new writer would force into their prose, to get a forced emotional response from the reader, but truth is the reader likely won't respond much to it and just keep reading, somewhat detachedly, I think, at least that's me.

This is an odd one. The parents should listen to and respect your opinions. For that they are wrong but your boss has no obligation to say anything that isn't work related to you. What kind of issues are we talking about more specifics might get better advice

Gender transformation.

Not trans, but goddamn if it doesn't get me rock solid.

Same. (I'll never buy one of those things though. I'm not having that shit show up in the mail/on my bank statement.)

Actually, now that I'm typing this, it's got me thinking… My 2 biggest weird fetishes involve me being turned into a woman, and impregnated…

I don't know what to take away from this.

That's why I would have voted for Bernie Sanders.

Um this is exactly the point I was making 14/88


Sure as long as they aren't actual pedophiles, (By actual pedophile I mean someone who actually harms children not got caught with their 17 year old gfs nudes on their phone when they were 19 or fucked a 17 year old girl when they were 18) Career Criminals (as in members of a cartel or mafia), or White collar criminals (as most of these are bourgeois)

don't cut yourself on that edge


The timeframes are reversed. Polynesian culture was spreading around 1000 AD, the Americas were initially populated 10-40,000 years earlier. Even that is assuming that H. Erectus didn't beat us over the land bridge.

what do u mean? explain?


"Muh science" is their religion Russfag.

Have a bump.

JIDF detected

Commies are land hungry whores, just look at China. They are fucking huge but still wants South China Sea and Arunachal Pradesh.

Good Ol' Joe, when he's not inappropriately touching young kids on camera, he's making wildly inaccurate predictions about the worlds political landscape.

Literally nobody will look to Trudeau and Merkel for leadership.

The future doesn't exist. Time is a series of static atemporal instances. God destroys and recreates the entire universe to produce the impossibility of motion. This is a consequence of creation itself being governed by the simplest possible rules which will allow it (The laws of physics, I.E. God manifest in nature) since simplicity is a perfection. God needs to be omniscient to facilitate this.

Also as a consequence of the speed of light and out brains latency, our consciousness exists in the past, we never experience the actual present where these instances really exist.

Free will is simultaneous with creation itself. From the first instance of creation God knew all. Free will is your God given nature, and your ability to act on that nature regardless of if it goes against Gods own will.

This of course creates its own problems, that are too complicated to include here. If you are interested, read Malebranche and then Leibniz.