See this man above

See this man above.

His name is SIR William Rowan Hamilton.

This man is the most recent victim of the judafication of science.

In the 1800s, this man figured all of physics out. I shit you not, all of it. Then, the jews stole it.

His theory of the dynamic? jews don’t understand, throw it out.

Relativity? Boys with GF Fitzgerald.

Wave mechanics? Literally was in the process of building the waves from the Aether.

Ever hear nassim’s “theory” i.e. holofractal? Stole it all from hamilton.

Cauchy reman equations and complex analysis? you guessed it, stole it from hamilton.

So what is my point here? jews suck? duh. No, my point here is that this is where we wage war. We take back OUR FUCKING SCIENCE. No coincidence a lot of science historians are kikes.

The purpose of this thread is to return inventions to their rightful, GOY, discoverers.

The jews will fall like fucking dominoes when people see who has really rewritten history.

I’ll even start us with a bonus:


Oh yea, now you know who has a hard on for leibniz.

Other urls found in this thread:

theory of light? fuck wolff and born


pick one faggot

Interesting user. I have been wondering about Jewish influence in science for a while now. Please go on. Synchronicity though literally thinking about how I am going to pursue the rest of my academic career and was wonder if I should go back dedicate a year to the "Old masters" before pursing my post graduate work

Its just a coincidence, they came up with the same idea at the same time :^)

We don’t want your kind here.

Einstein stole all his shit from someone else, from what I've heard. What about Newton though?
I heard Edison jewed Tesla out of a bunch of research but it's a topic which I really don't know much about.


Related fact; Einstein was a kike who stole all his ideas.

I don't believe Edison was a kike but he was a huge piece of shit. He hired Tesla in a similar fashion to writers and creators who join big media groups like Disney, so everything he invented belonged to Edison, and Edison had a fuck you hidden in the contract so he could properly fuck him out of his well-deserved money. Tesla eventually joined forces with Westinghouse, and the reason Tesla never ended up filthy rich was because he voluntarily forfeited his patents to his friend Westinghouse, because he knew it would bankrupt Westinghouse and Tesla wanted the knowledge of alternating current to be available to as many people as possible.

A derogatory term and you're using it for White designation.

I've heard this memed many times before but nobody has produced any evidence to back it up

Poincaré, Lorentz and Hilbert. What Einstein and Minkowski (another jew) did was the rejection of the eather and instead came up with 4D spacetime.
I have yet to seen any evidence that Einstein stole any ideas but he gets an enormous amount of credit for things he was far from being alone to think about.

Anyone who describes whites as goy or goys are most likely from TRS.
Especially the “goys” part. They constantly have to be told that the proper pluralization is goyim.

Take a class in special relativity and you will be suprised that Einsteins name is mentions maybe once of twice in a subject that he supposedly came up with. That is what got my bells ringing.

Since he didn't do any quantum mechanics this statment is false but it is certainly true that Hamilton pioneered a lot of subject in physics. I guess you could argue for things like the Hamilton–Jacobi equation when QM is brought up, but there you have to take in to an account that Jacobi was a jew.
Could you expand on this?
I dont think Cauchy was a jew. I certainly hope not.

take the extra year, it happens one way or the other

Can you read nigger? go read time as algebra and shut the fuck up

einstein was THE kike. "i know not what weapons…" oy vey they are economic and political weapons

dont like it? kill the jews pussy

again, can you fucking read?

you are a slave to the jews until you kill them. you are gonna get called a goy until jews are dead, deal with it

fucking gas yourself faggot



So you're saying you're a jew.

Any proof of this?


Hi, redditor.

Look OP, I'm interested, but I need links please.

I wasn't even talking about Einstein you neurotic kike. Or are you illiterate enough to confuse Thomas Edison with Albert Einstein? Fuck off.

Here is my favorite and possibly most important screen cap on Tesla, I treasure this one for it's Infra-red pilling abilities.


not at all

i need to make pastebin though

tesla was a liberal pussy. edison is a fag, but nothing compard to an actual kike

That cap has been around for a while, surely an user has gone over the math well enough to explain it by now. reading can only get you so far.

Right on my dude but, assuming you're white, avoid referring to your racial kin as goy/goyim. Call him a European, call him white. Just don't refer to each other as goy please. We're not niggers.

The good news is I have been seeing some very fucking interesting ideas getting posted by anons lately.

OP is starting to get it. Tip of the iceberg, my friend. As your journey continues your anger will only continue to grow.

OP or someone else, if you could catalogue the whole history of the hijack of science by jews over gentiiles, complete with decent sources and footnotes, that would be great. I will add it to my novel and credit you.

That would be close to a full time job if you tried to do that.

If you are interested in the whole Einstein thing this kikepedia article is (for once) pretty good.

He was a fucking kike in a war era that was international forced meme and popularity. He is obviously controlled.

whos 'we'? I found this quite interesting and informative.

Every time a thread like this comes around it shows Holla Forums is extremely scientifically illiterate and those who are not are not willing to talk, except for little morsels of knowledge.

Smart guys of Holla Forums stop being faggots and help a couple of us brainlets out.

Maybe if you're lucky you'll witness a space elevator thread, if he decides to ever come back. Then you'll see a shitshow.
Ashamed to admit I was once a brainlet ruining one of those glorious threads.

Powerfully sad meme there, friend.

I just don't want to be a brainlet anymore ;_;

They left when Holla Forums started calling people who asked for evidence shills. Honestly I don't know what anyone here expected to happen.

Then don't be.

Prove it.


Please take your medication and stop shitting up Holla Forums.

jews love boasting about science, but, like niggers, you wouldn't find a scientific jew without whitey just like you wouldn't find a jazz band in untouched bush africa.

kikes have only one singular skill, be the perfect parasite for de goyim, nothing more, nothing less.

If you see a successful jew, if you see a "powerful" jew then you really are seeing white power and white success.

They need us, we do not need them.


I just don't know how, I live in a third world shithole. School was sub-par, I only received internet a couple of years ago. I don't know where to start Europeans and Americans are far ahead just because twenty year olds didn't receive the ultimate in Marxist pedagogy growing up. It was at least more subtle with you guys. I want to learn maths so fucking bad I have worked through almost everything on Khan academy, it seems lacking somehow. Being a autodidact is easier than ever, but my starting point feels so far behind I am faced with so many roads to choose I don't where to go. My IQ meets the minimum standards for literally everything but I can't figure out where to go, somewhat contradictory I know.

I just want a compass I don't want somebody to navigate the ocean for me, if I could use a metaphor.

Sorry for blog post friend

Play to your strengths, no one knows everything.

Got any good history of science books that aren't kike'd?
polite sage for asking for spoonfeeding