They Had a Good Run

Adult Swim Cancels the ‘Alt-Right’-Courting Comedy Show Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace

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tbh I hope he gets a job doing vids for Breitbart or Infowars or something. I like his videos, the fact that they're Nazi propaganda makes them even weirder to watch.

I don't know, even when I agreed with most of the alt-right style stuff I didn't find MDE: World Peace as funny as his youtube videos 2bh

funniest thing to come out of that show probably

Yeah, nothing he does will be funnier than that one time he gave a TED talk about future butt babies.

They peaked with Ideas Man and the TED talk.

alt right is falling to pieces but actual fascists aren't

good riddance
fuck the alt right

It's the same thing.

The alt-right was just a euphemism the fascists made for themselves and their fellow travelers.

I mean fascist parties like Golden Dawn.

They'll collapse after the far-right ends up discrediting itself in the coming years.

The American "alt-right" is just getting torn apart early because they picked literally the worst candidate imaginable to be their public image.

I never took him for alt-right. Thought he was more on the ironic/trolly side of things. Redpill me about him, leftypol.

Weren't they just Tea Party: The Next Generation?

Trump or Spencer?

Because no-one picked Spencer, he just appointed himself head of the alt-right and was anointed by lazy journos wanting to simplify it for the norms (it helps that Spencer's an idiot that in all likelihood latched onto Nazism because he likes manly guys in Hugo Boss outfits)

So, was it any good? I generally like Adult Swim.

I thought Spencer coined the term?
I remember he at least claimed to at one time.

he did

Holla Forumsyps are falling over themselves to pretend they had nothing to do with the alt-right and it never existed

Sad! Low energy!

I don't think the pendulum has gone as far right as it's going to yet. The 'new right' only really started picking up momentum in 2012.


He's either doing a brilliant Kaufman-esque (but 24/7) act on what it's like to have internet induced autism or he really is a 2016 Ignatius J. Reilly. Either way, I think Hyde and MDE are super funny and I don't think the whole alt-right stuff should preclude anyone from enjoying their comedy.

Trump. The alt-right is going to be forever associated with the abysmal failure that the Trump presidency is ramping up to be.

There is no established time allotted for one side to be in power. Trump seems to already be accelerating a swing to the left and he isn't even in office yet. The liberal centrists have already discredited themselves, the right is about to discredit itself in a bad way, if the left is willing to rise to the challenge, I predict a turn to the hard left in the coming years.

That's if the left gets it's shit together and picks up the torch.

It's funny because I remember someone from Holla Forums coming here and saying how we only picked on the alt-right's small fish and how Spencer was the real deal.
So I watched a lecture of his where he goes full /wewus/ and quotes Bush.


isn't one of those bitches selling "safety pins boxes" at 100 a month now for "allies"

grifters gonna grift

Laughed harder at this than his show

le ironically racist but actually racist man

Honestly sam hyde people are going to become the next Hot Topic fucks who had nostalgia for invader zim getting canceled early over this

Sorry your day in the sun is going to be so short lived.

But most normal people don't give a shit about some incident with BLM provocateurs from a year ago. What they care about, and will be the most important in the coming years, is economic issues.

anyones remember the name of this text or author that was posted in the last MDE thread, about how, by ironically supporting certain movememnt, the acting itself gives legitimacy to the movement's core ideas

Democrats have built an electorate on encouraging idpol over economic issues, and you're far too optimistic if you believe that the fight to even partially rid itself of idpol is "basically over". The voices saying "Hillary lost the Rust Belt because she was shit on the economic issues" are already getting drowned out with "Slay Queen Hilldabeast won the popular vote by 2 million! She did NOTHING wrong!"

Sam used to be a Discordian, just in it for the keks and the mindfucks, but then he started actually believing in the reality tunnel that he was ironically inhabiting.

Gotta be careful when playing with fire, folks.

I have never watched a single thing by MDE before, but I keep hearing about their apparently super funny.
Someone show me what the appeal is

Just watch the Ted Talk and Ideas Man. Really the only good stuff they've done.

The democrats this the republicans that

Just because you're too stupid to realize that the Democrats having identity politics in their platform candidate doesn't mean we give a shit.

Nobody gives a shit, the fact you give a shit by selling yourself to the Republicans, worse, fucking Ted Cruz or Donald Trump, instead shows about how similar you are in utmost stupidity.

We've always been a minority and we like it that way.

Communism doesn't need majorities until the time it takes to strike when people are most vulnerable to our influence and economic populism which dominates because of its elegant simplicity, and the fact we've been theorizing for years.

Nobody here gives a shit a bunch of moronic Americans voted for another moronic Republican, quit fooling yourself.

Anyone who cares thinks in a larger time scale to get done what must be done.

It's just super narcissistic alt-right bullshit.
"Lol I say a bunch of racist and sexist shit to a bunch of women and black people, and they get mad and walk out, what pussies"

The only good thing he has done is the Ted Talk

And how has that advanced the spread of communism globally, comrade?

don't forget Moms and Officer Maggot

heres another webm

Officer Maggot is one of the funniest fucking things and it's hard to imagine it came from a dude who seriously believes half the shit he says

Capitalism is dying, all our theory is being proven correct at a pace we didn't think was possible

Going well.

Your arrogance to us in the end will be your undoing when you have no ideological back up once Capitalism offers you the promise of a ghost town on an economic global scale by the end of the century.

You will have no material to offer the people starving and weak. You just defend the people who will retroactively make it this way, worse yet, you've always argued in their favor

Arrogance, of Trump even being president, is ignorance of how frail that idea actually is.

it's pretty crazy how he went full blown nazi. it seemed like all his older stuff was a total parody of the far right and conspiracy nutjobs.

MDE was very rarely political until they realized that Holla Forums was a loyal audience. Even the show had just winks and nudges - they were much more focused on being vaporwave T&E. Plus, their last episode aired in September, long before gawkerfags and the like started paying attention.

I seriously think they just ran out of material. Which is fine, their youtube channel works as is and merely tricking adultswim into giving them a show at all is a victory all its own.

and this too

In a way it makes sense. The thing that allowed a lot of people to get involved with far right shit before the outright newfaggotry was the kinda mocking jokiness of it all that /new/ for instance had.

/new/ had that attitude because it had actual political spammers mixed with regular 4chan neckbeards. By the time Holla Forums rolled around, the two groups had blended; 4chan was extolling epigenetics, stormfront was watching anime.

It's hard to say what Sam and co actually believe; they're simply catering to the right as much as the left/center now.

And what do you have? Appeals to a hopelessly Utopian future? "Get rid of capitalism, and everything else will fall into place"? "Yeah, the insights of a guy from an era where the owners of a business actually ran the business still applies in our age of global multinationals where share ownership can last fractions of a second"?

Of course you see no alternative, because in the socialist mindset there's no alternative. Anything that comes after capitalism that isn't your autistically purist vision of communism/socialism is really just deformed capitalism/capitalism with a human face/capitalism-saving-itself-from-itself

The answer to a problem you don't have an answer to obviously


If derivatives are allowed to exist nothing economic is very far from real. You are looking at everything in annoyingly analog terms in an information time

Yeah it's even worse now. The owners don't do anything at all. Socialism was created after study of capitalism and its contradictions. Marx isn't the be all end all to Socialist thought.

Google analytics show the truth about Spencer's importance. even after he was named the leader of the alt right people like Milo, Molyneux and McInnis had 10x as many searches six months earlier. Tbh Milo probably represents the alt-right as it actually exists.

He still makes things like "officer maggot" which people tend to conviently overlook in this era where politics has nothing to do with the content of policy but instead vague affiliations with Sides of History

Hyde is kind of a psycho and also deeply steeped in Internet culture so he knows a lot about impossible-not-to-hate Twitter darlings. imo he is sort of the answer to weird Twitter– i thin l he fucking hates weird Twitter and is approaching comedy specifically to antagonize and bully them

almost all e-celebs are a bit psycho tbh

here's an officer maggot-ish anti-cop skit that got cut from world peace

i wonder if they made the choice to cut it from the show because they knew it would offend the Holla Forums contingent

The funny thing is that the Democrat primary turned most of "weird twitter" against idpol and against liberal feminism.

adult swim probably cut it because of based Micah or something



Get out

Golden Dawn is lower in the Polls than the fucking Stalinist party these days.
GD is pretty much dead.

You mean weird twitter has balls and stood up to the 'misogynoir' intersectional retards on twitter barking every day at liberals.

I fucking doubt that, they are pavlovian dogs at this stage having gone through liberal arts colleges.

Why do you use arts colleges as an insult you fucking moron. There's more jobs in artistry than there are in programming at this point, or at least there's more promise without continual education and likelihood to be replaced

This is the dumbest fucking argument and it keeps getting used

The most secure majors with jobs you can be in, is Arts and Health.

what the hell is misogynoir lmao

i keep seeing it around

Weird Twitter is degenerate and should not be enouraged. They are too busy drinking each other's piss and farming nudes off of leftist qt's to accomplish anything other than muh Rojava libshit militia fantasy

It's supposed to refer to sexism against black women.

That's coppercab.

100% he's still ass blasted about the interview.


MDE is just more evidence Holla Forums is the new era hot topic crowd

Liberal arts you spastic, not arts, this is where you get the post modern retardation that just lost these twats their precious female President. It is an indoctrination machine where people come out screaming about male muh privilege and Baskin Robins gender varieties.,

Even fucking then. You could easily get a job in say, anything related to urban planning and development, or anything related to a specific community, from liberal arts.

Sometimes you need to think of why every major exists and boil down which jobs it offers just in case your plans go south.

I've done research, this "leftist humanities lel unemployable xD" shit is horse shit.

Most people who use it are people who think majoring in programming your whole life is a good choice for employment.

That's the internet


they go through a "new right" movement around every twenty years. Reagan was once "new right", as was Barry Goldwater. The Young Republicans who took hold of Congress in 1994 after the backlash from NAFTA and the first AWB.

the establishment utilizes these populist movements for their own ends, always. It's all just a repeat of old history. The pendulum swings back and the electorate forgets because politics is about playing people in the short-term, not considering long-term consequences.

The people we are talking about do get useless degrees though, then spend their free time while they intern for Buzzfeed telling people who brolke their balls to get into competitive fields how to do their job.

The 'money' these creeps have access to is basically a shake down racket where they browbeat white dipshits into a lather and they increase their sphere of influence and access to other peoples money.

can't tell if weird tankie or Holla Forums
also there's nothing wrong with any of what you listed

some coppercab antics are pretty funny, but he can hardly keep a straight face

I gotta get in on this action

yes, some of them even got fired for opposing Clinton

I'd appreciate more coffegate material if any anons can help out, I feel like a bit of a shill spreading my shitty ms paint OC to let people know about what's happening.

"turned 360 degrees"

Really roasts the walnut

I guess I didn't realize just how powerful he actually is

Germans don't hate you, you hate the Germans because your royal family are Germans.

Frogfag detected

Yeah not confirmed just like the Mnuchin and Gary Cohn picks weren't confirmed either, shill.

Hvordan satan har du fået fat i den


This dyke should be walking in fuckblackpeople crap if he/she actually wanted to cause some controversy. But he/she knows it wouldn't last long before it's dead.

Fucking faggot shit. Kys regardless.

I'm not just happy I'm excstatic.
Your concern shilling isn't changing anybodies mind.
There's at least 10 threads about this exact same shit right now.
Stop making them.

Nice source, fgt

the massive norwegian pedofile ring might be related, but the media pulling the story is a contract expiring. publishing rights to that article were for a few weeks only.

Spoken like a true NigRar

if you havn't noticed, the CIA has basically ran our government under clinton and obama. Who did you think is going to run Syria if their pants on head retarded plan of world domination actually plays out?

Invite /k/.

Use the 100k to keep a steady flow of cosmoline, 54r, and mre's.

Create a band of pirates.


Superpower by 2020.

Fake news

Pretty good pick honestly

One of the best choices on the list

This is what gives me hope. They are scared and their suppressing tactics are all over the place. Given what we know about pedo rings in the upper echelons of government the world over it is inconceivable that there isn't anything going on in Washington at all, but that is what they want us to believe.
A major pedo bust in Norway is ignored because they don't want anything pedo-related in the MSM headlines.
But MSM is dying and they cannot control the alternatives without severe draconian restrictions which even the ignorant masses would not accept (yet)


We already have this in America. We call it "Keeping a lawyer on retainer"

im white but this is pretty accurate lmao XD

B-but user, Hillary also wears big coats.


Jews are white

Weak bait.

Above 2 million. If you have more than 2 million in assets, you can expect to pull in 80k/year for the rest of your life. You no longer have to work.

At 10 million, you're pulling in 400k/year, which is just a stupid amount of money to try and spend year over year.

At 30 million, you can buy a normal house even in the Silicon Valley or an apartment in NY EVERY. FUCKING. YEAR.

I'm a women, but a Swede is still a bigger pussy.

He's going to be a GREAT president.

youre a faggot
there ya go
proved ya wrong

virtue signaling to the extreme

He did wrong think!

is that free as in free beer?

Libertarianism inevitably leads to socialism

They were cutoff from the rest of the world.

we're on Holla Forums they are butthurt dateless hambeasts…

a faggot

Did I overwhelm pol with my superior intelect

you're posting on it.

it's a known fact RIDF hacks Holla Forums to influence posts in favor of the Kremlin.

i bet you like blacky balls in your mouth bitch, salty and dirty just for you mmm mmm dinner every night 3 years of your life, fag

Yeah, and the respectable country of Saudi Arabia DONATED to Clinton through back channels (proven). Why is this more acceptable to you, faggot?

We third Rome now!

Well, at least not a fucking cracker worshipper catholic

It's called warfare and has been going on since forever

The best of the new flags is the bottom right, but the idea of taking the Union Jack off in the first place is pretty screwed up imho.

The FBI already concluded that there is no collusion between trump and russia and that they're not tampering with out election.

It's actually a comfy feel.

What's to hate ? the world would be a boring place if all peoples were the same, and besides, without them, who would you have to look down upon in order to make yourself feel superior ?

I'm surprised that there's a market for imported weed in the world of decriminalisation

PLO confirmed for new NWO organization?


How is this alt right ?

dyslexia desu


good riddance leaf

Shit theories though. Polishing a turd.