'The Disaster Above All Disasters': Cape Town Running Out of Water

Cape Town, South Africa, will run out of water in less than 90 days. That chilling fact may have finally hit home for residents who are now limited to using 11 gallons of water a day and are being asked to avoid flushing toilets whenever possible. A severe drought coupled with a population that refuses to cooperate in reducing water consumption has led to an event that may be unprecedented in history: a modern metropolis of more than four million people not having access to potable water.

They are calling it "Day Zero" – the day that Cape Town will run out of water. That day has now been moved back to April 12 – at least for the moment. It could slip even further. And experts now fully expect that day to come. The website of the Western Cape government doesn't try to sugarcoat the crisis:



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One gallon of water is about 3.8 liters. There are going to be a lot of unwashed people walking around in dirty clothes for the foreseeable future in Cape Town. The premiere of the region has tried to set a good example:

As Day Zero approaches, those who can leave Cape Town almost certainly will. But much of the population lives in poverty-stricken slums or shanty towns. People living there do not have running water. They must depend on public facilities for water to do everything. And when that runs out? A breakdown in civil order is not out of the question as people get absolutely desperate for water. Retailers are stocking up on bottled water, but a city that needs even just 50 million liters a day would be impossible to supply by trucking in Aquafina. It's going to be a difficult three months for residents of Cape Town.


this thread again?


They've known this was coming for years. They did fuck all about it. This isn't a disaster. It's Darwinian. It's what happens when you let nigs vote.

And it's coming to a major first world city near you, too.

Here is the thing I can never understand and why I am so aggravated about these piece of shit "white guilt" faggots. We could (mankind) literally be deep into our own solar system at this point. I know it sounds science fiction-esque but I believe it to be true as we could, very likely, have advanced to the point of exploring our own system by now were it not all the time and resources dedicated to utterly useless individuals and groups and, worst yet, forcing a group that was hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of several others to take in, care for, and sustain groups that by any history of natural law and selection would have long died out by now.

People don't often look at humanity as being part of the food chain, evolution or selection because those people are stupid but there is absolutely no reason, at all, to not believe that different "races" are similar yet different all together much like wolves and dogs. We know so little about genetics and evolution at this point in mankind's history that to push interbreeding and to push this "need" for an obviously superior intellectual group to sustain another is, bottom line, dooming the entire species. That isn't a bullshit false flag either as it genuinely has the potential to do just that given that groups ravenous ability to destroy every single thing they touch. They are a bane on mankind and there is not a single example throughout the entire history of mankind…. let me repeat that…. throughout the ENTIRE history of mankind… not one single example… of them bringing anything but issues, destruction, and suffering to any region they go.

South Africa is a perfect example of this when considering what it once was and what it turned to, in such a short period of time, after they took control.

Hell, Detroit… DETROIT was once a world class city and people wanted to move/live there…. then they spread… and now it is, quite literally, in worse shape than two Japanese cities were after nukes were dropped on them.

Any/every single place they move to and spread they complete wreck. There is simply not a single example, ever, anywhere, throughout the entire history of our species, of this not being the case.

Jewish apocalypses say nothing about cities in the stars, only of dominion over Earth. Thus, they would damn us all to eternity at the bottom of the gravity well.




Fuck sapetown. Apetown
Long live Rhodesia! Kek bless the Jungle Lion Boers
Get fucked niggerca

You know I just think the groups that have been elevated and forced upon the west are what the focus should be as, on one hand, you have a tiny (miniscule) group of very few people who could, at anytime when needed, be identified. However, on the other hand we seriously have a growing horde (literally) of groups that have not only shown themselves to destroyers of every single thing they touch but, worse yet, the two groups have aligned on a global level (blacks and Muslims).

The west will not survive in the long run, it simply won't/there is absolutely zero chance it will, if it continues to allow for such infiltration and elevations of these groups into their society. Hell, look at London… it was once a world class city and now has a fucking MUSLIM Mayor… in London… in England… a Muslim Mayor in London England. The ancestors of those native Brits alive today must be rolling over in their graves as the people alive today were left with such a wonderful legacy and left with so many good things and within the span of a few decades pissed it all away.

What took thousands of years to create they literally have destroyed with a decade. Paris… gone. London… gone. Sweden, Germany… gone… American cities (all of them)… gone…

They destroy every single place they go… there are no exceptions both now in this modern day and throughout history. The west is literally cutting its own neck by allowing them to gain even a slight foothold as, an example, look what happened in Minnesota in 1992. Minnesota allows the first major mosque to be built and since then…. MN is completely overridden with Somalis, terror plots/attacks, and many of them control and have high positions at the Mayo Clinic which has all the medical records and controls all the pharma for so many.

If the people alive today don't begin to come together and stop this very obvious issue than the entire future of mankind will likely be destroyed as these groups will assure mankind remains in the stone age of thought and exploration.

Yeah this angers me too, the money (not to mention blood) wasted on the jew wars in Iraq alone would have paid for multiple manned Mars missions. Every futurist book, including one I own published in 1982, predicted that at minimum we'd have a well-established moon base by 2000.

Why would anyone do that? Boil 1 liter of water in a tea kettle, and wash with that and a rag. You'll get much cleaner.

I'm thinking a nog did that infographic

As long as the nigger can access water by turning on the tap the nigger will not worry. It's only after he turns it on one day and water doesn't flow that he will realize the severity of the situation.

I honestly don't think he will worry even if the tap goes out because he will know that the same "white man" he constantly accuses of shit and seeks to destroy will come to his rescue because among the white man are completely altruistic fuckwits who believe it is their place to dictate how others should feel.

This part never happens. Being genetically predisposed to thievery, the nigger will just assume whitey stole it.

Looks like the big one is stealing food off the little one's plate.

I looks like a person in a fat suit which honestly wouldn't be the dumbest infiltration CIAniggers performed.

The space programs pretty much ceased to exist once Clinton took office in 1992 outside of pictures and something like, what, three deep space launches? We landed on another planet twenty fives years before that and since then we have not gone back, launched very few deep space probes, completely ignored the greatest threat to species being loss of natural resources and the planets long (very long) history of impact events destroying all life on the planet. Morons sit and argue about global warming trends which have occurred with peaks and valley throughout earths history but fail to see that the best way to assure such an event doesn't end mankind is by settling other worlds and letting that worlds resources compliment our own so we don't come to the midnight hour with no resources left and no means to get anymore.

It sickens me that people are literally more concerned about a group that, vast majority wise, wants to see them dead and their women raped rather while spending billions upon sustaining them due to them fucking up their own areas rather than dedicating said resources to outer space.

That we are even having this discussion is an insult to our group as this issue was put to bed many times throughout history and history, many times over, has shown many times over, that it is a massive waste of money, time and lives to attempt to civilize those that have no ability to become civilized. It's almost like a pet project mankind continuously fails at doing at the cost of their own society and for what? Not a single thing…. not one single benefit.


Man, I'm really looking forward to being a pioneer on the virgin continent of Africa once all the niggers die off.

They really can't survive in South Africa without some other race to live off of.

We won't be letting them in this time. Black skin==death penalty in New South Africa.

Is it not considered a planet? Hmm, good to know, always thought moons still could be considered as such.

The blacks deserve every bad thing that happens to them from now on. And I mean that objectively. All of their suffering is their own fault, caused by their own actions or lack of responsibility. What will they do when they run out of water and there isn't anymore? Say that God is racist because he won't let it rain? What am I saying? Of course they will. Everything be raycis an shiet nigga. Gibsmedat.

jesus fuck our public schools are getting bad

People will use Cape Town as a means to push the climate change narrative. Not saying that that is a bad thing, I'm all for clean energy but that is going to be how people learn about it.

Its implied they flush their toilet with drinking water.

cant even tell whos being serious anymore.

fuck off faggot

checking this depressing, but accurate post

my heart weeps

Implying I said that.

I said I'm for clean energy. I see nothing wrong with a push away from fossil fuels. It's not entirely a bad thing. The thing I hate about the climate change agenda is that it detracts from more logical avenues of environmentalism.

Well.. You are probably right though, perhaps it would be better to just claim that the situation is not environmental but because of sheer incompetence and selfishness of an inferior race? Now that I say it I would love to see that line of argument taught in schools.

My point about climate change continuing though…
This same issue has occurred with Lake Chad which used to support over 20 Million people directly. It is now dry and totally fucked and one of the biggest disasters. The amount of people displaced by this has contributed to mass migrations and can account to many immigrants eventually going to Europe as well.

The reason given for this ecological catastrophe which has had massive knock on effects and contributed to turning a lush region into a desert is climate change. In actual fact it was likely brought about by giving modern medicine and food aid causing a human population explosion which the region could not support.

Don't worry though, once we get AI taking all of the jobs and AI machines in our millitaries we(jews) will cut the world population to below 500 million. 2050-2100





The most potent blackpill: dumbass crackers who never learn and keep being naive soft-hearts towards feral savages.

The only way for use to rid ourselves of these dead weights is to create and spread a pathogen that targets certain ethnic groups/ has a limited reproductive cycle.

If the negros resources run out you'll get the Jewish media hounding people to let them in and send aid. A dangerous infectious disease on the other hand that can kill anyone will have even the insane leftists fearing for their lives.

If any virologists are reading this, you have been given the perfect opportunity to rid the world of an infection that should have been dealt will long ago.

I'll fucking cum my dick off when DOTR finally comes.

As long as the (((CDC))) and (((WHO))) exists good luck ever getting a gene-targeting virus off the ground. But yeah that would probably be the cheapest of the final solutions

Fucking how?

I swimmed here many times.

That makes LotGH six billion times more redpilled.

Too scared to watch the potentially pozzed remake.

How many times kike? How many of these threads do you need to make? What has you so fucking ass-blasted you keep making these?


Does anyone have the screencap of the user explaining that niggers don't actually have the concept of future and consequence as we perceive it?

This is our problem how?


Same here, it's what I've dedicated my life to. Although getting a little tired of blueballs from all the happenings with no action.


South Africa should be a major wake up call (it won't be) for any of these scumfucks who want to import these "people" for diversity reasons or because some asshole told them it's the right thing to do.

SA was a pristine country that was left to them with huge financial assets, trade partners, food/water systems, a system of laws and everything perfectly situated to grow the country and ascend the peoples lives.

It took the niggers two decades (less even) to completely turn it into a mass murder, mass rape, dependent on other countries and unlawful shithole. If that isn't a major red flag as to how fucking terrible they are at making decisions or running things than there is no hope for those who don't see it. Add that to the fact they fuck up every area they mass to, have incredibly massive disease rates, have the lowest levels of education in the world and are constantly causing issues within a society via race bullshit or causing issues at work (for the few that do work) and add the massive financial blackhole they force upon everyone else due to social programs and there is simply not a single benefit. There is not a single example through the thousands of years of mankind of a country, county, village, town, city or anything, anywhere, ever, that was majority black and not an utter dysfunctional piece of shit area.

Why does this keep happening? Is it really so expensive that dealing with possible riots/looting over water is cheaper?

Serious question: how many people do you know think that way? Recently I saw a ad on TV hocking the usual "muh starvin' bahbees" line and my mom (a lifelong dem voter) said she was sick of hearing about "those people". I've overhead normalfags at work talking about how fucking tired they are of hearing niggers whining. The group of cucks willing to swallow this bullshit is growing smaller and smaller every day. Do not lose heart anons, we are turning back the tide.

This is why I'm majoring in Virology
give me 5 years

I think the best gauge to know is looking at elections over the past fifty or so years and comparing it with some of the most moronic dipshit leaders the world has ever seen who ran on platforms of race and convinced equally like minded idiots to put them in office which helped the "leader" spread the propaganda and ultimately begin the division and issues in the west.

Look/listen to some of these "leaders" and truly ask yourself what kind of utter moron would have voted for them and there is your answer.

Take Maxine Waters for an example or Cummings or Hank Johnson who literally asked if the island of Guam would sink if too many people were on it. These people were put into office in the most heavily fucked up, drug/crime ridden areas in the country and their "leadership" has done absolutely nothing outside of lining their own pockets while the issues got worse and worse, they kept getting elected by the same idiots, the issues spread to surrounding areas and then those surrounding areas became infected and those idiots in those surrounding areas elected more dumbasses and the issue spreads even more.

All it takes is one generation to let their guard down or look the other way for shit to get out of hand. Does anyone see this spreading stopping? No chance. They will continue to spread and guess who is the number one target on their list? Yep, the same people they constantly blame for all their ills. If people don't think the west could descend into what South Africa is they are fooling themselves as these people have shown, time and time again, to not think like civilized human beings and will attack or rape without a second thought.

I just don't see how it will improve at this point, I really don't. They keep spreading and keep limiting everyone else's intellectual potential for real progression due to "raaaaacism" or some other complaining bullshit that the media uses to fuck over people who are actually doing something beneficial. They are, literally, much like an infection that continues to spread while killing the body.

It looks like it was designed to get as much sunlight as possible and, really, trees can grow through roads and shit if they aren't maintained.

Desalinisation is LUDICROUSLY expensive.
So yes.


I think everyone here knows that democracy a shit user. I'm not trying to convince people we can vote our way out of this. When enough whites can be swayed towards our way of thinking there will be no amount of vote rigging, bought politicians, or kike judges that will stop the inevitable.

All I am saying is that is a good gauge of how many believe in that shit and how fast it spread. Now if we take that and double it in another fifty years that effectively ends America and it becomes a country similar to what South Africa is now. Anyone who thinks they will always remain confined to the inner cities and stay there are fooling themselves as it will continue to spread unless… shit I don't know what can be done at this point I really don't. It just amazes me that these same morons who support these animals while being white do not realize that the moment that happens they will be killed as these people are very upfront about wanting "whitey" dead and if there is one thing they do well it is taking every opportunity that presents itself to do just that.

Excellent posts. Not to divert the course of conversation or anything, but BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR CALLS OF ACCEPTING SA RAPEFUGEES. They will absolutely be looking at this as another chance to niggerfy western countries, particularly the U.S., by shipping over a whole lotta parched nigger-chilluns. If they breath so much as a word of this, we need to at least organize a mass twitter campaign targeting Trump and Republican lawmakers to oppose it as much as possible. Try putting some pressure on the fucks for a change, even if our efforts turn out to be meaningless.


they should do that, then just pour the water over their heads.

The ironic thing is the group that is actually the most at risk at this moment are white individuals in South Africa (look what they have done to numerous farmers - horrible stuff) and whites in Germany, Sweden, Britain and France looking to get away from the rape and murder gangs. If these politicians truly cared about humanitarian moves than the first thing they would do is identify those people and get them the fuck out immediately once their background check comes back clean.

But no… no these "leaders" only focus on the third world types. Look back at what truly propelled America in terms of immigration in the late 1800s-early 1900s. Nearly all European immigrants with many not speaking a single word of English but felt so fortunate that America took them in that they made it a point to learn the language, many worked hard, and many raised wonderful families which, unfortunately, saw many lost sons during the two wars that followed. They didn't have even a quarter of the handout programs these fucks receive, automatically, today and yet they become the parents of what is widely considered the greatest generation in American history.

Now we open the doors for some uneducated disease carrying useless pile of shit in many cases. I do not for one second believe the "flu epidemic" and many of these other diseases making comebacks have to do with anything other than importing people who are, quite literally, hundreds of years behind our society and then told to integrate into a system they cannot even comprehend let alone do so. It would be like if we had a time machine, went back to the year 1600, took a few people, brought them to the modern day and then told them to integrate. No chance. We are doing ourselves a massive disservice by doing this and we have held our species back from doing some wonderful things in the process.

Nearly every global issue has to do with these fucks begging for help and some faggot convincing others to oblige them. If the US, China, Russia, Japan, and all the other leading countries just put their foot down, said fuck you, and concentrated on advancing the species we would be able accomplish anything.

But no… it's more important to cater to people who want to kill you and your way of life because altruism and all that.

Pierce actually attributed Peanut butter to Carver, but suggested all the other claims were ridiculous, like the helicopter I believe is one they claim but didnt actually invent. Computers are another. Id be interested to know which episode its from, I cant recall. This videos kinda annoying with the added on goofy music etc.

Spics h8 niggers, and their ghettos tend to be next to each other. Perhaps we could play kike and manipulate the two to kill each other. It would be pretty /comfy/ to watch MS-13 slit rapefugee throats on recorded cellphone video. Any anons here fluent in bean?

want to play a game? look up things invented by black people. then search for "first thing".

99 times out of 100, it was invented by someone that wasnt black.

This hasn't worked out very well simply because Latinos being smarter than blacks tend to mop the floor with them in terms of gang warfare. Even though Compton, CA, is heavily associated with black rap music, today Compton is almost 90% Latino, because they drove almost all the blacks out or killed them. Fun fact: Compton actually has its own small-plane airport because in the 1950s it was an upscale white area where many residents owned Cessnas. Of course the whites of Compton left decades ago, but the airport is still there.



California is openly violating Federal law with their sanctuary state bullshit. Something has to give there. The left smugly said since the 1980s that immigration is a Federal manner so the states have no power to enforce immigration law :^). Now the Feds are enforcing immigration law and they want the states to suddenly be able to say no. It's Jewish debate tactics applied to real life. The Wall can't go up quick enough.

Honestly we all know where this is headed. A Civil war. Everyone knows it, we just dont want to believe it.

They would be created in secret. I don't know the kind of man power or resources that would be needed but the best way to hide something like that would be in plane sight.
Like Umbrella in resident evil.

Doing gods work user, you could be instrumental in the survival of western civilization.

So do you
Or does your country have piping to supply water specifically to flush shit with?

>Scanned past (((✡✡NPR✡✡))) on the radio today
Holy shit are the kikes damage controlling shithole the continent now?

Nothing will ever be done, user. The ZOG won’t arrest the ZOG and anyone who tries to do anything here is called FBI.


Meant to say "this".

all anons In SA on sabotage missions.

Degrade the situ7tion even further.
Respo.nse vehic.le mo.bility

Perhaps instead of just targeting black to kill them, make something instead that emphasises their violent tendencies to a crazy degree. Imagine if blacks suddenly started running around indescriminately attacking anything and everyone, eating people, raping every woman on sight until they're shot. Not like current levels, more like a monster attacking and they are completely lost to this madness with no way of coming back. Ghouls they'd call them and everyone would live in fear of ghouls attacking them. The only solution would be to wipe out the blacks as they would spread the infection to others. Sure, a lot of people would die from this. But it would be the motivation to finally erase blacks from the planet. My only concern would be it infecting half-caste blacks and then the virus mutates to be able to infect whites and we're all fucked.

Oh No!

So what you're saying is to infect their water with PCP.

Daily Reminder that the nigger government in South Africa has been warned, continuously, about this for literally 17 years but was too retarded to do anything about it.

you mean 27 years?

Exactly. How many more examples do people need to see the long history of these "people" and what they do to any place they unfortunately turn up.

If possible, do it. Otherwise you can put it on drinking bottles labeled "it illegal to dump this, $1000 fine"



Better start preparing, a civil race war will be hell. Read up.


They're already talking about how Europe will have to accept even refugees from South Africa due to this. Of course they only mean niggers from South Africa, outside of people like us noone seems to care about the Boers.

Oh come on pusspuss, don't be so depres

No he won't He'll just blame white devils for the lack of water. He'll cry his magic word, "racism", and expect everything to be fixed for him.


Cape Town is majority white. It also votes heavily DA. The rest of South Africa is firmly nig ANC, and the national black ANC holds the tax money. For the past few decades they've spent that tax money on their own shit instead of improving and repairing the water infrastructure of DA Cape Town. They want to punish that DA stronghold for not bending the knee to the ANC. Because tribal people gonna have tribal politics.

Meanwhile millions of water wasting nigs have been flooding into white Cape Town, overburdening the water supply and refusing to turn off the damn taps.

This is what happens when you let nigs vote.

Telling you man, the bottom line that nobody can ever refute is there is not a single example of them running anything in a positive way for the entire history of mankind. That is all people need to know.



The Moon is a minor planet, yes. Mercury isn't much larger. Are you going to kvetch that we call it a planet too?

To be considered a planet an astronomical body need only contain enough mass to cause the average terrain to collapse under gravitation into a sphere. And our local flat-Earth cultists notwithstanding, the Moon plainly qualifies. Stop being 6th graders.

In fact our Moon is absolutely a gigantic partner for a body the size of our Earth. Until orbital mechanics computer models became sophisticated for us to discover the phenomenon of the Great Impactor, is was always a great mystery how we could have such binary planet system in so close to our Sun.

We now realize it coalesced as impact debris formed in our orbital proximity about 100 million years when the primeval Earth was struck obliquely by a roughly Mars-sized body along our same orbital trajectory around the Sun.


Words have meanings, jew. You don’t get to say whatever you want and expect people to believe you. The Moon is a moon.
And yet is a planet.
1. Orbits the Sun.
2. Is stable gravitationally (spherical)
The Moon is not a planet.
You’re certainly not intelligent enough to be a 6th grader.

Nigger you what.

I literally don't care whether you believe me friend. The Moon qualifies in the astronomical sense as a planet, as opposed to say an asteroid. Just like the Pluto/Charon system, the Earth/Moon system is a binary planet system. Unlike say the Mars system which isn't, in spite of it having two moons.

Actually, there has been talk in astronomical circles to reclassify both earth/moon and pluto/charon as binary planets, but that whole debate was dropped due to the Oort cloud forcing us to redefine planets as 'cleared its neighborhood.'

Under certain now-discarded definitions of binary planets (mass ratio and tug-of-war but not barycenter) earth/moon totally counted.

Truth is not a matter of belief, kike.
You were literally just proven wrong. Reported.
Wrong. Our barycenter is beneath Earth’s surface.

Godspeed user, I hope you cross paths with the others working on this same project. It's actually kind of ridiculous how feasible something along these lines would be today….as simple as modifying a retrovirus to only effect genes subhumans carry and we're golden. Who even knows what's possible with crispr now…. it would be more difficult to modify something like the common cold or other fast acting deadly viruses to only affect nonwhites, but my favorite idea is putting the expression of datura related compounds into influenza. (Same stuff they use to make "zombies" in haiti). How funny would that shit be? Niggers catch a cold and their brains become so starved of oxygen they become retards but don't die….a literal zombie! (Without the brain eating desire of course….would have to mess with rabies to get that kind of madness and fuck that I'd rather kill dumb nigger zombies than frothing at the mouth freaks. The enthnostate is on the way, this truly is the best timeline ever.

can we hold off on the moon sperging and focus on something relevant? like how to direct thirsty nogs to other nog areas to cause them to fight over water


Anons theme

I am an EE also preparing for the race war. I know at least two other people in the same position.

Rumor of neighboring tribes hoarding water.

What the fuck am I fucking reading? To these niggers all just leave their taps drizzling or something?

How well they know when they find the Necropolis? The whole of SA is already over run with ghouls.

They tried replacing the term "third world" with "developing world" a long time ago.

If they stole half as much they would still have $1091220000.000 US Dollar for projects per year.


I think you may have proposed an impossible solution

Another factor is that they couldn't build and operate such a facility on their own. And it's difficult to get these companies that can involved in a nation like theirs.
Especially when the Saudis and other oil rich gulf states are far more profitable and safer for them.

Oh I beg to differ, where else can you make over 4 million for 169 torches?

That kinda corruption is more having an existing inroad and connections.
As it stands these companies pretty much get a blank cheque in places like Dubai.

Something interesting I read long ago which has always intruiged me was the history of Africa in terms of the entire northern half of the continent. Libya was completely white in ancient times, Egypt was as it is and Middle Eastern but had Greek and Rome and Morocco was also completely white.

Point is, if in ancient times these countries were mainly white it makes me wonder how the nigs ended up taking those areas as, modern day, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, etc are completely nigged.

Point here is I have long theorized that blacks are, evolution wise, far behind the other groups based on the fact they didn't have much contact with the evolving groups until a certain point, were likely brought in as slave labor and, from there, slowly took areas over.

I think this is important to consider as history seems to be repeating.

Northern Africa used to be primarily comprised of Mediterranean peoples.
And their conflicts with the Nubians and other groups from central africa are well documented.
The Nubians even ruled Egypt for a time.

What is less widely known is that Northern Africas native populations were mostly exterminated in and after the Religion of Cuck™ic conquest of Northern Africa.
As the conquest relied heavily on transplanting male Arabs into conquered regions while sending the native men to die in the conquest of the next region.

Very few of Northern Africas native groups survived.
Most like the Egyptians were wiped out in their entirety.

If you've ever wondered why Kek favours us. This is why. His people are dead and he wants revenge. Revenge against those we just happen to be opposed to.

Nubians were niggers and Edgyptians used to venture there, fight them, trade with them or hire them as mercenaries. Keep in mind that in those days middle east and northern Africa were also breadbaskets, they were a lot more habitable and Sahara was hundreds of miles further south from where it is now. It's got to do with Earth's precession movement but also overfarming during those times (up till Roman times). People moved away once those areas became arid and the ones that remained were killed by arabs during their jihads. Evidence of this is kinda in Syria, where you have levantines that are significantly whiter than let's say, some fags from Yemen.

Revenge I hope I am alive to see. Nothing would make me eternally rest happier than to know the world was finally set right again.

fuck I hope so

My mum used to be fully indoctrinated, she still spouts spouts leftist propaganda from time to time but now it's just to do with feminist shit. It used to involve white peoples responsibility to all those poor starving brown people etc. But that's stopped for years now. When it does come up all her concerns are about us being replaced and a feeling of ingratitude for the thousands of dollars she's donated and she's very aware of antiwhite propaganda now. And she loathes muslims now. I feel bad because she's blackpilled af. But we actually have conversations that isn't just (((regurgitated))) shit. Our relationship is great now and I gently feed her red pills and hope these days. Also never forget or underestimate the damage that (((they))) have done to your own family. I'm certain that the quality of our relationship and the relationship with my father in the early years suffered greatly because of her conditioning.

87 liters usage per day per person is a lot considering the majority of the population lives in shanty towns withouth the modern water draining appliances

so who wants to bet a lot of these water usage is actually leaking pipes that have not been maintained in 27 years as that money went directly in the pockets of the responsible
thus also making this problem permanent as the money or expertise does not exist to replace the water infrastructure
we are gonna to see the collapse of a metropolis in realtime, as long as the internet still works it is going to be a fun time

they did run a slave trade quite well for a few thousand years. But the muslims probably taught em

we could meme this.
but africans cant computer.
maybe spam african news and radio outlets once
the meme ball starts rolling?

Reminder for all the safr-anons it's instant cat 5 chimp out when that water runs out.

But it won't always be. The moon is very slowly widening its orbit. Eventually the barycenter will be above the earth's surface. Are you saying that only then will the moon magically become a planet?

"Clearing the neighborhood" is the damn stupidest criteria for planetary definition that anyone could possibly come up with. The farther out a body orbits the harder it is to clear its neighborhood regardless of it's mass. If you go far enough out even a gas giant cant clear it's neighborhood. Furthermore even if you have clear orbital dominance but you are orbiting too close to another more massive body then you won't even be allowed to clear you neighborhood (see Neptune and Pluto).
Don't even get me started on how they are mincing with the definition of hydrostatic equilibrium.

What are the chances this becomes a refugee situation and Trump only takes in the whites? In fact, I think he has the weather modification machine running and has this planned all along.

It's the one that describes the experience of a Peacecorps member helping a nigger farmer. Peacecorps guy provides fertilizer and nigger farmer gets increased yields (2-4x the amount) and earns much more money than he usually did. With all this new found money, every relative crawled out of the woodwork looking for gibs while the nigger farmer wasted it on gifts and superstitious statues/charms/shit. Peacecorps guy was only with nigger farmer for a year and before he left forced the nigger to buy fertilizer for the next year. Without Peacecorps there to force nigger farmer to get fertilizer, his yields fell back down and he went back to barely existing.

It explains 2 things: cause and effect is an alien concept to niggers, and foresight and planning is also foreign. Not planning for the future makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint, most of the White races were strengthened through harsh winters. You needed to plan and have enough supplies to last the winter, it also drove technological progress. The nigger on the other hand was happily grazing across the african continent akin to the other beasts. The nigger farmer above just couldn't understand the success on his farm was due to using fertilizer and he'd need to keep purchasing it to keep the increased yields.

No understanding of cause and effect also explains why nigger crime rates are so high. They don't get the concept that if they murder/rape/steal it has future consequences. They just live in the moment, like a dog.

Magical. You sound just like the kikes who say “robots will replace us all in the future, because i say so, therefore we have to have marxism right now.”
It will never be a planet, you cocksucking faggot. Reported for derail and yiddish perversion of fact.

Zero percent. Trump will take in any blacks who want to come and continue to ban all whites.


My best advice, brother, is to work smarter, not harder.

Be safe as you can, take calculated risks. Play the long game, have backup plans and think with low-time preference. We are playing a game of chess where we have been given the danger and mobility of a pawn and the grave responsibilities of a queen.

Make your moves wisely.

Glad to hear it user. The best gift you can give her now are grand children.

nice work BTFOing the shills, user.

I called it in the last thread! Happening as predicted!
They will run out well before their 90 day deadline. I think I originally said before the end of Feb, as was confirmed by dubs or trips.

Tell me I wasnt the only one who shot the niggers after they Strung up your sniper buddy

This is possible in theory, but blacks wouldn't be the target you'd go for.

Too be fair how are Blacks responsible for this?

They never bathe, flush or even drink water, only booze and sodas.

Are watermelon plantation that water-demanding?

bonus cap: ghostpuncher



you know that the money is running out.
and a lot of whites are starting to suffer bad cases of shitskin fatigue.
i don't know but, and i'm not saying it's gonna be or look nice, but this is not gonna end well for niggers.

This has memetic potential. Show before and after pictures of haiti compaired to nagasaki or any war victim city like Berlin, Saint Petersburg,
ect. (pointing out the obvious nuke because these people are retarded)

Cities are better off after being bombed than be handed over to the niggers peacefully.

Wasn't Set practically the nubnogs' chief worshiped deity and therefore a diabolical entity by the perspective of the civilized White Egyptians?

there is a comparison with detroit that had been floating around the chans for years…
i don't have it, but maybe someone…

Sagacious advice user. Thank you for sharing.


nigs die whites survive?

this had to have been captioned by some boomer. i think it should be recaptioned:

Did it require magic for the body that struck earth and formed into the moon to change classification? Should it be classified as a moon ten million years before it strikes Earth to do so? Things change classification as their state changes constantly, like you are no longer a toddler and you are not yet a corpse, these changes are not magical.

yes because this event didn't happen. Current theory is it is an artificial satellite that was towed to earth.

The caption I've seen on it before was

Someone did a boomer-friendly edit.

someone have the ghoul stories.

see post you stupid faggot

sweet Odin you illiterate there was a reason ghoul was written so you could search it
Go look at the moon tonight and reflect

0b97d5 = ghoul

The only thing stopping what we want is the threat of other whites kid. That is coming to an end. One way or another. Here and everywhere there are whites now, western (white) civilization is in terminal decline and nothing can stop its destruction.

Already you see across our civilization the wakening taking place and once an white becomes redpilled nothing can bring them back to the blue. The system requires whites slave for it, no other race works in the right way. Even Asians are incapable of keeping this thing running without constant support believe it or not, and their nations for the most part actually understand this. The kikes only power is controlling the whites left whom either believe their utter nonsense, or are paid to retain their loyalty. With the system flaming out, the payment required to keep enough whites in check will become untenable since real resources and support are required to keep such mercenaries in check. The bubble is popping one way or another, if they move to purge our number they initiate an war they will not win outright, and if they don't purge us the rage at what has been wrought will hunt them to the ends of the earth for all time.

They passed many points of no return over the past several decades, and the last couple years have ensured leniency will not be in the vocabulary of those strong enough to rise from the ashes of this civilization. We are already on the march, and they know it. You don't hear it yet because you do not recognize the fundamental societal shift that has already happened. The only question at this point is at what point and where will this bubble pop, and how many whites will be turned to our side between then and now. The more whom turn, the more of whom survive what comes. We are already 'enough' user, far more than enough to exterminate this civilization in open war, likely enough to ensure our peoples become an vengeful army cleansing the world, almost enough to ensure once the system falls, we will be enough to rise up into an new one of our own at the same exact time without any needed recovery beyond select locations and the cleansed lands of our enemies.

The die is cast already. we have dehumanized ourselves and are eagerly waiting to face the bloodshed. And every day more are joining our number realizing they too are eager for what we thirst. And our (((real))) enemies have become aware of it, and are panicking trying to head off the inertia of what they have brought to life. Look around, the evidence is everywhere.

pretty much this, not need for blackpilled nonsense

the normies will lose faith in the system when the pension are revealed as the ponzi they are, not many good goyim left after woking your entire life for shaniques chilluns and then getting shit

they also fucked up big time with the internet, allowing our message to spread way to far into untold stand alone complexes, the government knows it cannot contain the violence once it begins
in any event of mass unrest in the west, either a vietnam type draft or 1929 style crash. that will give us enough cover to do what must be done, and /pol alone has spread far enough to ensure the parasite will tremble in his gated community

nothing to fear everything to gain

You're not alone pal. Civvies or not they got what they deserved.

In fact I think most people did that, Sage for double post.

Encouraging digits, thank you for the morale boost user. Oddly, in my personal experience I only see white guilt cuckery among boomer-age men–normalfag women seem to have abandoned the white man's burden philosophy wholesale for feminism, and that's just another example of the libtard school of thought fragmenting before our eyes.

except youre all talk and no act, fagot
one of yours just got btfo and you will do nothing to support him. while jews automatically avenge any of their fallen tribe members
theres no school for him to go, nowhere where he will feel safe, he will be tormented for the rest of his life for this. noone will support him, while you larp on a website

thought i was on the thread of the schoolfag getting expelled but point stands

That would be the majority of the nig population, actually.

Look at all the videos of all the poor thirsty nigs lining up with their plastic bottles and buckets for that water. Do you see any taps on those pipes? Do you see any valves? Of course you don't. Dey was kangs n sheit, not plumbers. They just let the spillage pour down into the mud, pissing away twice what they manage to catch in their filthy nig buckets.

I refuse to call those who voted in that Muslim British

I'd unironically join this organization, even as a guard or a soldier


Cape Town is about 1/6 white.

We're both wrong. It's about 1/3 white… for now.

I don't know why, but I was confusing it with Pretoria.

What’s this, the third thread we’ve had on this? The last ones never hit post limit so obviously we don’t need another one.

But Moon/Earth duo have cleared their neighborhood more than outer planets or Mars.

I didn't even think about it, I shot right away

If it orbits a planet, it's a moon. The Earth-Moon barycenter is well within the Earth's radius. To be a minor planet, it would need to directly orbit the Sun.

Hey even if you could – would you really want to?

And yet, many astronomers classify it as a binary planet system. Go figure.
I suppose you'll also claim a red giant/white dwarf aren't a binary star system because the average barycentric coordinate precesses well within the diameter of the big star?

Can you imagine a draft? Instant access to weapons for a population you want disarmed.




Very informative. Thank you for posting

Ivy-League Educated Hydrologist here,

I specialize in water resources and long term urban resiliency. Cape Town is an interesting case: you take a relatively dry, drought-prone city and combine it with a lack of forward planning as a result of a lack of funds, general disregard by the public and a high nigger population with very low IQs who are incapable of forward thinking behavior due to their biology.

The correct solution would have been to construct a desalination plant at some point so that the city never goes totally dry in case there's a drought, but desal plants require money and planning ability.

In this case, I'm afraid the niggers will have to return to traditional methods of water procurement (carrying it on their heads) as the water infrastructure collapses in Cape Town.

There is an entire organization dedicated to detailing exactly how genetically sick the juden are.

It is trivial to create "poisons" that kill only (a fraction of) jews; there are chemicals in certain types of food that we can eat, but certain jews would get sick off of. They're considered exotic in the US, but not anywhere else. The whole "eating kosher" thing isn't just a meme - they could easily die if they eat the wrong shit.

I've been meaning to make a recipe that would kill kikes, but be completely fine (even delicious) to anyone else.

Kimbies are diapers.Their solution is diapers.

No, it was 28 years ago

We'll have to build Him a grand temple when we retake Egypt.

What the actual fuck son, go read a book instead of shitposting here

They dead AF already, fam

Remake these, except use a "Where will you be in sixty years' time?" With pictures from Haiti, Brazil and Detroit in before-after nogs right next to war torn Berlin, Hiroshima and JERUSALEM (as a +5 def against racism attacks).

Any crusaders who want to go over there when SHTF?

thats messed up in any way i can look at it
if there is a water crisis in the region, why would you wash dust off your car
it makes some sense in winter areas where salt/slush are all over your car but no sense at all in a water shortage in a dry/warm area

After the shit hits the fan user. Once it's collapsed & 'normalized' again. Dying of thirst sounds gay as shit but you got to kill some niggers who were going to die anyway..

practice runs are in NZ, where genetically targeted pathogens are being trialled to kill non-natives, by DOC. That's only a step away form targeting human groups. Using the Salivary marker genes for the subhumans who crossbred with the extinct apes (ie, negroes) would kill a lot of the planet, fast.

fucking degenerate. KYS

Check fellow kiwibro

Go that exactly backwards.

They lack funds due to a lack of forward planning, not the other way around. They had the funds. They just spent it all on other things.

Why not create a virus that GMO's pig genes into everything? Then nothing will be halal or kosher so jews and muzzies will all starve. Meanwhile the rest of us get to enjoy a delicious hint of bacon with every tasty mouthful. It's win-win.

Speaking of forward planning, it looks like the only thing you have to do to make it through this crisis is to store some water. Easy.

And the means to defend it against hordes of thirsty wasteful niggers. That's not so easy.

If you really thing pig meat and non kosher food is a problem for either of the religious groups then you've been tuned in to the MSM too hard.

Can't we try and start some campaign to help get donations to streamline the poor whites outta there? Maybe some rich guy would se and actually chip in.

I know we just some great SOTU energy, but while things are looking up for the states, SA is just dying.

Rhodesia was bad enough. We can't leave SA behind right? Right?

Godamn typos.

I was born in 82

user South Africans already call them that…

I think you misread the grammar; what I referred to is that the lack of forward planning has to do with "lack of funds, general disregard by the public and a high nigger population with very low IQs who are incapable of forward thinking behavior due to their biology."

If they had more money, or didn't blow their money on other stuff through as a result of having a 5/6 nigger population, they would have had the money to fix this issue.

As it stands, the water crisis is insolvent because there is not enough money to construct a desalination plant and fix the broken water infrastructure quickly enough. Ultimately, this is what happens when you have a city that is mostly black. Eventually key pieces of municipal infrastructure start failing because blacks don't understand how they work, what they do and how to maintain them.

So what do?

this is the most effective and selective procedure but it involves active spread of the poison.
this is complicated, because you would need to find receptors the virus docks on which only blacks have. We know that small groups may have special receptors thorugh mutations, but the majority of humanity shares the same "normal" anatomy.

I am sure you can create a virus that can kill all blacks, but then you have a large risk that it will also effect other populations.
If you create a virus that only kills blacks, it will not kill all blacks.

only effective method would be chemical poisoning. Mass sterilisation would be the most covert operation.

no this is real life struggle bro

This is a problem because hwhite people settled that region. It was virtually abandoned until hwhites started working the land, then the neighboring blacks came.

It was a joke. Didn't you get that from the "hint of tasty bacon" part? I mean bacon has its place, but who would want to eat bacon flavored watermelon?

Hold on a sec there… maybe this could work, and take out all the nigs too…

This is the only realistic solution. It could be endlessly funded by covert means too.

But you're ignoring causality. You've grasped the what-fores but not the why-fores.

It goes like this:

Nigger voters -> an electorate with no concept of consequences -> no forward planning -> immediately spending every tax penny on worthless shit -> no funds later -> no infrastructure maintenance or expansion -> thirsty niggers.

To fix any step in the chain you first must correct the step that caused it. And that goes all the way back to letting niggers vote.

Even now, even if they did have the money, even if all the money dropped from the sky onto their heads, they would still blow it all on worthless shit instead of fixing their shit. Because niggers.

The water crisis is insolvent because they let niggers vote.

So long as niggers vote, their society, government, and economy will remain dysfunctional. You cannot correct any of their problems until you fix that one.

White flight. Leave the niggers to die of thirst. Reclaim the barren land in a generation or two. Don't make the same mistake of letting them vote.

Why not simply cut off the gibs?

white flight is not the answer

Didn't South Africa split in half back in September?

Then what is? staying and paying for hungry nigs to eventually destroy you?

Leave and they starve out. Stay and you stave too.

If any ever had any doubt what is about to happen:


And that was over a cupcake. Now just imagine what it is going to be like when these bastards need water.

south africans go where? Those people have been there for generations
would you give the same advice to people of all major cities in the west? cause places like london, paris, jew york, and most of cali are fuked
we dont win by letting them gain ground

Whites lost WWII. So running away is only option left fro losers. Or they need to start and win WWIII and change world order set by previous war (not gonna happen)

For once niggers will be thirsty and not raping. Let the MASS DYING BEGIN! Fuck it's going to be another quality year.

I have a feeling they will mass Europe once the water goes out or soon before. Likely the Soros types will give them a ride north en masse and send them across. No way those fucks will allow the greatest destroyers of society to die out on their watch without using them first for something. Since Trump has the US on lockdown their likely mass spot will be Europe.

Niggers are going to be pissing into each others’ mouths within the first week after the water shuts off. You know that, right? Hopefully an entire million of them dies by drinking seawater, but that’s too much to ask for.

You sound anti white.

South Africa will flood into Europe, not before all the whites get chased down first.

Because the govt saw that all the few whites left were migrating to Cape Town to get away from the raping murdering hoardes which is why they let the infrastructure go to shit. It was to punish whites for being white.

It only takes 72 hours to die of thirst, they will likely be unable to relocate any significant number of niggers in time before they all die. With that said, this epidemic affects south african whites, also. I plan to mail water supplies to Orania, South Africa and have them arrive the day that water runs out in cape town, that will maximize the survival of the Whites in south africa while making the filthy niggers die of thirst.

Agreed, it will be fucking Normandy 2.0 but this time the boats will be landing on every coastal EU beach, thousands of bodies will be floating in the ocean since they can't even climb a ladder without drowning ten of their kind and the weapon this time will be worse than nukes even… the weapon will be niggers who are more deadly to society than any weapon known to man.

You let them into your society and you can be assured they will destroy it. They are literally the ever multiplying grim reaper to not only the west but to the world as they won't stop with the west and will continue to spread. Like a humanoid version of cancer.

Looks like the Rape Cape is about to get raped.

I knew some South Africans.
They referred to Capetown as 'the last deck of the Titanic'.
Take note, a first world country was driven to shit in about two decades when nigs took control. Since then it's only gotten worse.

Europe is accepting refugees.
To the ones majority nig or otherwise non-white? Of course.

Would you advise whites to move to Detroit and try to save it?
Oh you stupid child.

You think this is a war for territory? It is not. This is a scorched earth struggle for survival against an enemy that scorches its own earth and depends on you to keep feeding it. You don't win by taking territory from that enemy, because he is not really your enemy. He is a disease. That territory is corrupted by his very presence and of no use to you.

You win by walking away and no longer feeding that disease. Then you wait for his own excrescence to wipe him out and for time to cleanse the territory from his taint. Only then do you return to rebuild. Meanwhile inoculate yourself against the disease by teaching your children and your grandchildren the lesson to never give it the vote or feed it ever again.

afaik, Gibraltar does have separate potable and non-potable water systems due to water shortage, but not many other places do

They would make great citizens in the west…

Law and Order in South Africa.

One more and one every libtard who supports importing these animals should watch


The media is running circles around the fact
White infrastructure is crumbling in the hands of the usless niggers.

kekked and checked

i like your digits
dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed
some day soon you could be kneedeep in nigger guts and blood

Welcome to Holla Forums. Sorry if Anonymous isn't what you expected.

That… Does… Not… Work… Like… That.

Easy, the virus converts eumelanin into cytokines. It'll kill other shitskins too and cure melanoma in whites. Our reddish-pink pigmentation is phleomelanin. So it will GRAMMER NAZIaffect other populations, just not whites. Only catch is that any fast-killing virus will need a non-human vector to spread.

Yeah, niggers.

me too


I smell a kike

Ya think?

Why can't you dense motherfuckers recognize a joke when you see it?

You don't need to create a virus to wipe out niggers.

All you need to do is STOP FEEDING THEM.



It's truly incredible to me that these individuals were given such a prime piece of massive land and, in two decades, they will soon have no water (that doesn't shock, but this next part does)…

… and people are going to want to help them. Liberals are seriously fucking with a power that predates and would dominate any known power in the universe - the selection process/evolution - and if it isn't stopped the earth itself will strike back to repair itself. I have always seen the earth as not just one engine but also that it has the ability, no idea how, to recognize the need for change in a species or recognize the need for removal of a group. No clue and not even a theory on how it does it but even the earth seems to recognize the truth about niggers.


I want the liberals to stop feeding them the free foods and start feeding them the birth controls.

The assortment of cucks in our countries are going to try to send water aid to the kaffir somehow. This needs to be disrupted unless we can be certain the water goes to whites only.



Interesting idea indeed. I know someone who works on similar stuff.. should ask them what they think.

Churr cuzzy, time for a bucky before bed au

It doesn't work. They hate each other, but like, Latino gangs are very, very good about ignoring the local wildlife,

You forgot to mention that black gangs can't get a toe hold in spic gangs, hilariously enough.

Happening called off? Unusual out-of-season rain is now forecast for SA. Will crisis be averted, or will niggers oh-so-logically deduce that whitey lied to them and continue consuming water with reckless abandon? Place your bets, gentlemen.

au mean

They'll see the rain as an excuse to waste even more water.

Because niggers gonna nig.

lol pushed it back one month and that's if it actually rains. Probably their best estimate as well. This is not factoring in the mass panic factor after publicly telling millions that water is almost out and to conserve it now before it happens. Worst thing you can do when you're speaking to a bunch of non-whites. That will speed up the hording and overusing of supplies.

Set was big with the foreign Hyksos. When they took over he became something of a monotheistic figure, taking on the characteristics of several gods a la Aten. Nobody really liked the Hyksos, so when they fell Set took on some of the more negative qualities associated with rule by foreign tyrants. The Ramseside rulers still worshiped him though, and somewhat resurrected his cult during their rule.

However for years prior to all of this he was well-regarded as an important protector. In most myths his role is to fight off the world-destroying serpent, Apep. Some of his associations were clearly passed on to the figure of Scorpio in western mythology.

Sounds risky. Wouldn't it affect Whites with dark hair and brown eyes? Not too mention our Mediterranean brothers could get fucked over big time.

Thoughts on these guys? I first heard of them from Molymemes and I can't tell if they're legit.

If that happens then Whites might finally wake up. Unfortunately Europoors are disarmed.

If that's the case, what would happen if white people picked up gang warfare?

Should sell some low cost Salination Plants to these stupid niggers.

Unsure. Jan doesn't trust them so I'm not inclined to either.

I miss the days when I could just play vidya and troll faggots on myspace.

Set was definitely NOT a local god. Ramses II's red hair was attributed to him being descended from Set.


Oh I'm fucking ready chaps.

Pick a good one ffs

Detroit used to be a world class city man. I know it's unthinkable given how fucked it is now but it was once one of the wealthier cities on the planet.

You want another one? Sure, New Orleans, Atlanta, Chicago, Memphis.. shit… any city can be picked really.

nice, me too

no, they won't. Leftists would gladly exterminate every white person on the planet for the sake of appeasing one nigger's whim.

Check out the trolley thought experiment where different races are put in, leftist are unwilling to sacrifice a single nigger tor rescue an infinite amount of whites. No matter how the scenario is set up. The only solution is killing leftists, you have much better traction here as they don't value their own lives because they are whites, active their self-image as whites and they cease valuing themselves

Commies and their kike controllers can get deloused in fake shower rooms, and we can set up the deportation camps in left leaning areas to take care of the less passionate soyboys. Just give the niggers ample reason to chimp out, and have the men with guns keep them contained in the area. Niggers will solve our problems for us, and give us justification to wipe them out for it, to boot.

That's a thing. It's called guerrilla warfare.

Hmmm, but what if this 'geurilla warfare' was profitable..?

So Viking-style coastal raids?

Wait. Then we're back to piracy. And if we formalize it, we've made it all the way back to privateering. I'm onboard with that.

Marvelous. We leave at dawn.

It's a dangerous strategy though. Any mutation to any created disease could effectively kill everyone. I think the better strategy is something similar to a Krogan genophage.

Also, the Russians better take note of this because of white America falls they (Russia) will be the last predominantly white country on the planet with any chance to defend itself. Putin and Trump should be doing everything in their power to come together, trade intel and break old chains because the death of one is most certainly the death of the other in the long run and the eagle and bear must come together…. they simply must… if mankind is to survive.

holy fuck, I can't even imagine how miserable I'd be without my morning/evening showers
what a shitty situation that must be

Disaster is not how I would describe it.

Sure, it's called stopping christcucks from breeding shitskins the world over to the globe threatening bio hoard of today. niggers were never capable of sustaining a fraction of their current numbers, their demographics are wholly artificial from suicidal egalitarian 'for only a dollar a day' the future of cuckstianity is africa and china as cuckstianity is all that matters fuck Whites christcucks. bitch and moan about pointing out christcucks but fucking hell, they are the creators of the worldwide shitskin hoard, and they're still pumping it up!

The trick to countering christ cucks, is to call them racist enablers.

I am working on an op for this.Right now i am reading a book called toxic aid, and if i think it is appropriate, i will spread a few copies around the christ cuck churches. The trick is to also highlight important information in the book, and have corresponding bible verses in the sides. The goal is to make it look like they are sinning, and hurting others with their aid. Once this meme is sown in the offending communities, i suspect it will spread and we will see drastic changes.


I question us lamenting White South African farmers being genocided and their farms being taken over by niggers. Sure, those handful of White farmers are murdered but the result is no more food for niggers from farms in south africa, they'll fail like everything with niggers in charge. Stop the "aid" and border crossing and there will be decent progress.

You'll have to explain what that means. What's your pitch for how they're racist enablers?

Read my post here. honestly I can't blame you for feeling that way, I am just not going to accept it.

My suggestion then, stop farming. Shut down operation, or send all production overseas. You are feeding and growing what's killing you, while complaining about it no less, which is insane behavior like christucks are doing.

Are you asking 4.5 million white people to commit mass suicide to prove an ideological point?

Hah, I had responded before reading what you linked to. if the Whites in South Africa are a bunch of die hard christcucks doing what you described then it just dropped my sympathy for them through the floor. They are the problem.

You're committing suicide by nigger by feeding them. If you're saying stopping production means you immediately starve yourself means you've not set aside anything, living hand to mouth. Sounds like you've picked up some bad nigger habits, very un-White to not prepare reserves for hard times. You should be saving up enough to weather four years, that should be enough time for niggers to die & kill themselves off in large numbers.

You assumed a lot about me and incorrectly, unfortunately not for most of my volk though.

I've been talking in the general sense, so, for most of the volk it's the case, first order of business, stop punching "yourself" in the face. Stop doing self harming things. It's a sinking ship and you're trying to bail out buckets of water to no avail because the rest of the crew is doing what they can to let water in. There is no saving the ship if the crew isn't stopped from doing that. Since you're short on time and they are delusional christcucks you are dead meat without getting them to stop via some cuck manner. That is to say, scour the bible for verses that pertain to self preservation, us vs them, anything that is contrary to the common christcuck I have to let everybody kill me suicidal them, become a preacher with your new vein of cuckstianity where you do your best of take out all the cuck, replaced with all things White/self preservation.

s/suicidal them/suicidal theme/

If what you say is true, and christcuckery is really the root of your problems I think the only answer is ending it's jewish influence. I mean sure that's easier said than done, but anything else is just going to get cancelled out by the yiddish mindplague. Is there even a viable alternative path for Boer? I mean you're pretty far removed from Asatru, so I don't see that selling too well outside of certain natsoc circles.

How could killing christcuckery be done in that environment? Even assuming you only deal with far right militant types who are at least half way red pilled on this stuff, what would actually convince them to drop the jews?

I don't there's time to kill off christcuckery, going to have to reinvent it, self preservation in a christcuck wrapper with as much cuck removed and neutralized as possible.

I a word, think..

That's a very big task.

I really do not know, its very, very entrenched in our country and our people. People get physically violent towards other whites if you are very negative towards Christianity here. People physically get into fights sometimes if people blaspheme enough.

I once brought up Jewish food tax in a manner I thought to be very "digestible" if you will: "You know Jews tax almost all our food and make money from it, give me anything in the fridge and I will show you." I showed them the Jewish food tax and said: "isn't it weird that we pay a small tax for a people who outright deny the existence of Jesus Christ?" Their response was: "They are God's chosen people we don't have to understand their ways" and everybody nodded in agreement then told me to go too church more.

The further right you go the more extreme and nonsensical Christianity becomes they are the ones most likely to beat the shit out of you for saying something negative about Christianity.

In terms of time, you might be right. Something like uncle Adolf tried to do with it might just work, but you'd need actual backing for it to take off.

If you can't save the volk by discarding christcuckery nor through redefining it, abandon ship, saving yourself is all that's left.

That just goes to reinforce, this whole cult was made to enslave us. If you read about how they used it to conquer rome, it's pretty much the same mode of thought that left people unable to properly resist.

I don't like to blackpill, but I really don't think there is anything we can do for the christcucks, any who survive the coming happening are best to just be purged as subversives. How you reconcile that in what appears the to be the last remaining white majority holdout population, one which is already on a knife's edge, I really have no idea. Short of trying to subvert the subersives, but thinking about it, they'd just pour money into out shouting you if you did gain any ground in promoting a slightly less cucked version of their insanity.

Gather up the few who do reject this nonsense, you need about 2000 people to overcome the worst problems in inbreeding. What else can I say?


I don't know man my "exit plan" exists for me and my fiance. Unfortunately I am not rich or a extremely qualified individual so getting out of here is going to take some time, but IF by some divine intervention ironic my people give up these delusions and decide to fight back I will fight otherwise I am gone.

I voiced a legitimate concern user

One thought I have is drumming up more time as more time is needed to detox Whites from cuckstianity before things blow up. Since working the cuck end isn't going to cut it at the moment, you tackle it from the other side, put the niggers and their jew handlers in disarray, refocus/distract them, monkey wrench them.

There's legitimate concerns, and then there's .

That post needs to be read in context with the entire conversation

guess we'll need our own bastille… version 2.0

As east asia develops, they have a growing need for farm laborers, and the southern countries are a good place for even the most unskilled to disappear if it comes down to it. Probably better than jumping from one burning ship to another.

Doing so coherently is the problem. If you could get it off the ground, it might reach a few who are otherwise unreachable, but getting it to the level of a mass movement seems impossible, let alone if you did the kikes would scream anti semite and shut you down.

The damage is clear to anyone who looks at it, there's no pilpul that will lead anyone to think otherwise. Your cult has been a negative influence. I'd give you the same choice you gave my ancestors, convert or die. The damage you people have done to us in unforgivable, and there's nothing worth the risk of allowing it to ever gain influence again.

And Religion of Cuck™ is a religion of peace, right? Because an (((invested demographic))) benefits from making the group appear to be what is most expedient to their gains?

Jews have been trying to destroy Christianity for literal millennia. There is zero evidence whatsoever that it's all a big long-con.

explain to me the value of promoting any semeitic faith. The thing you worship is a tyrant, and it seeks only to enslave and destroy. How is that in anyone something a proper white man should aspire or hold in esteem?

Don't change the subject. Show me your proof that it's a con.

The ones who built it are kikes, the books it speaks from was written by kikes, the thing is worships is a kike. You tell me user, how is this beneficial to our people?

That is the question I have been asking myself lately user. Do I die here with honor, fighting impossible odds even though my people have been led astray or do I tuck my tail and let my children fight at some later stage? I am not European, ek is 'n Afrikaner. Africa changes you and I don't want to be a burden in other countries.

I think the easiest question is: Where would Jews get their special status (sympathy) from if Christianity did not exist?

That's circumstantial at best even if you ignore the hazy history of who was actually who in the region, and a blatant misrepresentation of the religious contents themselves.

Show me your proof that it's a con.

It'd take a heavy blow, but it would survive on white guilt propaganda. Even without Christianity, whites would still be Amalek. Reminder that the idea that there are sympathies between Jews and Christians is a very modern idea and mostly a construct of the 20th century propaganda efforts. Everybody knew the Jews were bad news in nearly exclusively Christian countries for centuries before modern media brainwashed it out of them.

Revelation 3:9 "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." the "biblical jew" no longer exists. they stopped being the chosen of God (the old testament concept of "jew") when they rejected Jesus. Also, the link between jews and the post King James (((translations))) of the bible. Conflict of interest. THEY ARE NOT THE CHOSEN OF GOD. This is, it seems to me, the most obvious fracture point to uncuck zionist christians. There are others, but I am no expert. Furthermore, quote the talmud where it says that Jesus is boiling in hell and that mother Mary was a whore. If Jesus is the son of God and the jews reject Jesus, then the jews reject God and are thus no longer his people. Christians are the chosen of God and have been for 2000 years or so. These seem like legit arguments to start with, at least.

1.) replace this christcuck guilt with self preservation and 2.) don't be, be self reliant, overproduce, be a good White with White habits of packing in the reserves for hard times, follow the boy scout motto of be prepared.

I guess that depends on what you want for your family. The choice you makes sets the stage for your kids, if you have them. If the unthinkable happens and we lose Europe, the fight isn't necessarily over, but it's going to take a certain type of person to survive it, possibly in china's long shadow. If you're willing to fight this thing out, the best bet is to set up someplace and breed, someplace you're of some utility, and therefor some value. If this is it, and you don't want your kids facing this, maybe it's best to just face this thing with both feet on the ground. At least you'd be able to look your ancestors in the eye when it's all over.

Show me proof it's beneficial. The entire history of the thing has hurt us, and uplifted the jew. It's poisoned our souls, poisoned our minds, and poisoned our culture. We'll have to rip up everything by the root and start over to fully be rid of it, and we may not even have the time left to do that. You defend this thing, but you can't justify why.


You're the one making claims. We're going nowhere until you back them up or concede.

Show me the proof it's a con.

It's harmful, and the evidence of this is blatant. You have no ground to stand on and nothing to backup your position. But go on chirstcuck, bleat with the meek until they line you up as well. If you have nothing more to say, there's no reason to talk to you.

So you don't actually have any evidence?

Evidence of your skydady? Yeah I think I've got his coat laying around someplace. Evidence it's killing our people? Sure, just ask any believer they'll tell you that the chosen are more important than their own families.

This isn't entirely honest but antisemitism rose and fell out of "fashion" through out history. At least we can agree modern Christianity needs to die.

Good point

Its not guilt its a sense of genuinely doing what is best for my race if I am not part of the ascent I can only hasten the decline. I take this stuff very seriously.

The /namibia/ threads were good. If anything Namibia could become an enclave with the right people and make it a majority white country rather quickly.

None, then. Thank you for playing. We could have moved on to the other topics you brought up, but you can't seem to argue honestly when your nose is held to a grindstone.

I want to do research on the advent of the big-tent megachurches that preach zionism. They popped up in my grandparents' generation, and I can't help but wonder if they were subversion campaigns all their own. I have no idea where to start from.

My biggest worry about namibia, is what the (((eu))) has cooking for it's wider africa project. I get the feeling if you set up shop there, they'll just pop in some commies to agitate the locals, or flood the area with zulu to repeat the same sad history we've already had too much of. Ultimately, you'd need to go somewhere not likely to fall under Europian suzerainty to have any kind of guarantee of safety for the next generation.

What are you even asking for? The minutes of some kike cabal? You need only to look at the results to see the intention. You've fielded nothing to back your own point yet filled with self righteousness still try to lead our own to their slaughter.

christcuckery is antithetical to ethnic identity, luke 14 26, christcuckery is #1 before everything, ethnic identity is biological, born out of evolution. life is nothing to christcuckery, only the after life/soul matters. Everything hinges on you believing this and throwing you and yours life away because it doesn't matter according to cuck dogma. if you believe as cuck dogma dictates that only the after life/soul matters, then great, you get the answer you've been looking that it's not a con. If you believe life does have value, don't accept being abused, being a doormat, you are at odds with christcuckery.

Started here in the 1920's hope it helps somewhat even if you only use this as a baseline to go back with.

Yeah but the thing with Namibia is, it has a very small population and its mostly desert so nobody wants to go there. If you could slowly set up shop their, breed and have good quality South Africans immigrate there, you could elect a white leader democratically and then use the destruction of South Africa and Rhodesia as state funded propaganda for keeping your borders safe, while maintaining the minimum requirements to avoid sanctions. Theoretically.

The best for the White race is for race aware race preserving Whites survive. Suicidal Whites are the greatest threat to this, detox as many as you can but a lot are going to have to be let go.

That's the problem. There's a vested interest in wiping you guys out. Unfortunately you won't be doing this in a void, and they'll just fund the process of this shit following you. They'd just walk through the same steps to do it again if they can, such as this draught, an excuse to shuffles niggers around. I've seen proposals for a superhighway linking morroco to the Cape, and then connecting the continents with a tunnel under the strait of Gibraltar. If they're looking to do this, then they've got a larger scale plan for africa and it's niggers in general. You're best bet is probably setting up camp on those Chinese plantations and mines they're setting up in the region in that case.

Will do

Well nobody said this was going to be easy but an entertaining thought nonetheless, even if it only serves as escapism, might lead to something might not. I would rather have 10 shitty plans and pick the best one out of those than have no plan at all.

No doubt there. Out of curiosity, if somehow we won this thing in Europe, but nobody was willing to launch an invasion into africa, where would you even want to go? I've noticed not too many Boer seem keen to get to the Netherlands.

I hasten to add christcucks are okay with Whites going extinct, being genocided, again, life doesn't matter, and many of those feel it's deserving, that self loathing born a sinner White guilt kicking in strong.

skip to 27:33

skip to 1:25;40.

I have German ancestry so Germany, my fiance is Dutch Vlaams. So probably one of those if I we had to go. Most of the anti-nederland stuff stems from the strong part the Dutch played in bringing down apartheid and them generally distancing themselves from us because of apartheid. We have also considered certain parts of the USA.

the zionist churches are related to the (((scofield bible))) which was a (((modern))) translation of the Bible which cast a very positive spin (lies) toward the jews. it was created by jews and is related to the balfour agreement which led to the creation of israel. the idea, I imagine, was to (((subvert))) US Christianity (more) in order to lay the groundwork for muh (((greatest ally))). Furthermore, the US already had a huge population of the (((ratkin))) so was a natural target for their fuckery.

running will not save us. we must join together and make a stand. soon.

Makes sense on all counts. The way things are going, if the war started tomorrow there'd be a lot of empty land that needs filling in Germany, so it'd probably work out well. Same for the US for that matter, something like 100 million shitskins gone would mean free land for days.

Although I agree with you, SA is something of a special case. Wish them the best all the same, and if we do manage to win this, it's only a matter of time until masculine white society gets restless and starts looking for new clay again, so even if it means cooling your heels in Europe for a generation or two, it's not the end in itself.

We need a buffer zone into Africa this time around if victory occurs. We can't let them have access to the coasts anymore because we see the shit that happens when they have it.

Box them into the deep inside of Africa and let them dance around their fires there but don't let them near the coasts and especially don't let them near water sources because it will be dry in a month if we do. Since they have now proven to be able to have the ability to steer a boat we can't take the risk of that again.

People always mention this as "oh, this is why the modern Bible is kind to jews, it's not a proper reflection of God's views towards the jews". Nevertheless, this scofield stuff, what has it actually impacted, for all the people I know read KJ or NKJ versions of the Bible, if it didn't impact those, then it isn't influencing anyone (except newer christians + cucks who read some weird NIV).

I think that those are different pigments, and the risk can be further reduced by arranging for the virus to bind to a receptor only present on melanocytes. In the worst case, it'll bleach hair and turn brown eyes to some other color. Birthmarks and freckles might be similar, so the virus needs to work such that a fairly large dose of converted eumelanin is required to actually kill.
Making it release Ebola upon recognizing eumelanin is not viable, lulzy as that would be.
Well, at current trends, they'll get fucked over anyway by Apefrican hordes. I really don't like shitskin genocide anyway—-some of them don't deserve it. The loss of some of our own maybe an unavoidable price to save the rest. I'm not even sure I'd survive.

this is what they get for being antisemitic and not buying israeli water filter tech

Ha, ha, Prots

They shilling hard, in many other threads “don’t procreate, dump women” , “you cuck, white knight”, “red pill me about imaginated war crimes of the Germans”.

You help your people first, because without them you are defenseless.

If it is to late and your people can no longer be helped, are defeated, your sole duty is to protect your family.

Tell me more about jews in antique Rome, India and China

The first-century Jewish historian, Josephus, mentioned Nero’s wife, Poppaea Sabina, in two stories in which she supported the integrity and sacredness of the Jewish Temple, and was also involved with the release of imprisoned Jewish priests. She is described as “theosebês” (“a worshipper of God”). Josephus’ use of theosebês has sparked debate over the last few centuries and has led to a variety of interpretations about Poppaea’s connection to Judaism. This paper argues that by examining the actions of Poppaea through the lens of “eclectic religiosity,” much can be learned about her motivations in helping the Jewish people, as well as her possible involvement in protecting the Jewish population in Rome from persecution following the Great Fire of 64 CE.

Nero said, "He desires to lay waste His House and to lay the blame on me," whereupon he fled and converted to Judaism to avoid such retribution.
According to the Talmud, his father was a descendant of the Roman Emperor Nero who had converted to Judaism.

Non-Christian historian Tacitus describes Nero extensively torturing and executing Christians after the fire of 64.[6] Suetonius also mentions Nero punishing Christians, though he does so because they are "given to a new and mischievous superstition" and does not connect it with the fire.[114]

But user, that is a conspiracy theory!

< posts replies to multiple people in a single post
gas yourself

i bet there is a bible verse about this

Christianity is basically a pyramid scheme where your payout is promised to be delivered to you after your death. You pay real, tangible goods and services into the church and get, uh, angel underpants or something after your death, and you know its true because nobody have ever come back and complained! Its a nigger tier scam but it works because the normies have been conditioned to believe since their birth.

There are millions of born-again christians who are not part of any church, who were not born into a christian family, but who benefit every single day from the gift that is christianity.

I have it somewhere
I'll try to find it
I promise

levintine is just make nice for roman rape babies
Yemeni have some dark skined clans due to the nation of sheba and and later shea. Trade empires that monopolized Frankincense and Myrrh on both sides of the red sea.

Christcucks who put their religion before their kin are the very reason why we cant allow the presence of any kind of christcucked whites in a white etnostate. You and your loathsome cochristcucks are detrimental to our survival. There will be no religious freedom in our last stand. You can sit in your church, play with your snakes and speak in tongues while your genetic legacy gets tainted by mulattoes and mestisos who are good clean christcucks just like you.

Yid harder, intl. Four years.
