What strategy do you almost always do in a genre of vidya that never fails?

What strategy do you almost always do in a genre of vidya that never fails?

Bum rush everything

This. Turtling is for fags, map control is what takes real skill and what results in real reward.

play against me. it will fail

Is this league?


Find the builder/summoner/army with the most/cheepist/spam'est troops/robots/minions and get as many of the fuckers as I can as fast as I can, and dont stop.

Kill my enemies.

PvP: I make fighting me as annoying as fuck so that other people don't try to 1 vs 1 me. For example on TF2 I spam Scorch Shot and Airblast to slowly take out an opponent rather than quickly bursting someone down so that, rather than thinking they'll try to fight back, they'll think of it as such a gruelling ordeal that they wont even try.
PvE I play safe and cheap, Spam healing moves and then spend the rest of my money on shit I need rather than spending 90% of my money on healing items.

That means they win in Canada.

is that some random pic or are you really in silver league ?

Pretty much, turtle fags are the cancer that kill RTS games. RTS is about being in charge and making plans.

Doesn't turtling just mean you lose? Any good RTS will make map control rewarding. Unless it's a single player RTS campaign where the enemy pumps out too many units or already has the map defended.

no RTS is about trying to stay on top of his production with as many tanks as possible while not allowing to scout the map or get out

It depends.

Turtle down = teching fast. Your enemy either has to pump out enough units to take down your turtle or also have to tech up. If your enemy puts too much resources into tech, a turtle can start to reclaim land due to weak resistance.

It's all about ebb and flow.

For fighting games I fuck around and throw out random attacks away from the enemy. Once they decide I'm going full retard I strike. It works better in Smash because of the larger arenas.
In games with lots of teamwork I focus on bard-like builds. Monster Hunter's Hunting Horn is great for making good teammates better, and TF2's Buff Banner/Disciplinary Action lets you turn pushes into steamrolls.
In FPS games where my team is shit I focus on close range fights and stay out of open areas. Keep encounter times and fights short so that you don't get ambushed by multiple enemies as often.

just focus on economy, and build military units on the side
this works great for age of empires
one guy is trying to rush another guy with knights.
but other guy is playing huns
the entire game, he just builds town centers around the whole map
by the end of the game, he's surrounded the map, and just starts spamming light cavalry on the first guy

Spam jump-kick in beat 'em ups. It never fails.

Employ strategies from history in RTS a lot.
Empty castle strategy works a treat.

Combining the survivability of a warrior with the damage output and utility of a mage has always been a superior choice to other classes.

Hit my enemies until they die.

Horse archer tactics are hard.


Battle Realms has good flanking and positioning systems.
A properly maintained formation can take down armies.

You can easily get to gold in SC2 by just placing a lot of expansions. People have especially big problems with fast expansions.
Even when game doesn't have economy like assfaggots. Always get beginning of game right and later use the fact you are fed as fuck to murder all of them.
Or even when it is not multiplayer game.

Fucking always out macro the bastard.

This man is correct

it works more often than it doesn't, and i live for that moment where you can almost see them say "whoa wait what the fuck is this shit"

>win every battle granted the enemy isn't immune


Shooters / Ship games - Hide in cover, come out, fire a fuckload of burst damage. This could be ERPPC in mechwarrior (the old ones, not this new mechwarrior online garbage where it feels like you hit with padded sticks), this could be a pump shotty in CS, a shotty in planetside. The general idea remains the same, you're behind cover, so you're going to beat people who's job it is to keep you in line of sight with a higher DPS going pew pew to tick away your health.

It can fail, but it never fails to still be a great plan in anything new that comes out.


I played MWO for the first six months or so that it was available and I can honestly tell you that ERPPCs were fucking unbelievably devastating. I went up against one guy who had jammed like six of them onto his mech and alpha striking would blow his heatsinks out so bad that he'd take critical damage, but he hit me with one burst and totally leveled my poor Jager.

I know they did a lot of nerfing later on (serves the LRM spamming camper garbage right) so maybe PPCs got that too but man, at one point they were fucking unreal

Endless hordes of the cheapest, fastest to build, and fastest moving unit in strategy games. Upgrade for cheaper units before getting more power. Keep spitting out units until the whole screen is covered in them.

ah yeah I must have played after the nerf then. Unlocking felt really slow to me too, and I didn't want to p2w it

They already killed it.
Most people online say that "DOW 1 was too static, DOW 2 is so much more active omg".
Then you see them sending 1 scout to the middle of the map, losing it, then staying in base and not moving or attempting anything for the rest of the game.
Obviously, 3 strategic points to the opponent's 7 is an automatic lose.

Besides building a ton of turrets (max 6 in dow 1 but they cost a shit ton of resources), turtling is retarded.
It's a shame that DOW 1 SS got boring for me after 200 hours (I also play DE exclusively so it gets boring).

Turtlefags killed RTS. We got Dawn of lulz 2 and now Dawn of Cancer 3.

Healing+Sword and Board in rpgs/action adventure games. Paladin never fails. Anybody got game recs where such a build is OP/the focal point? Games kind of like dark souls, dragon's dogma, the witcher.

some anons get really mad when turtling gets outperformed by aggression

Double Shotgun

I now want to see an RTS where the objective is to be destroyed by the enemy.

You can Turtle, but doing it properly is a whole other thing. Turtling is about locking down key parts of the map and making it very difficult for the enemy to come and get you while more rush tactics are about keeping your enemy constantly off balance and unable to adapt.

Either way though you need to learn map control. Too many "Turtlers" think that Turtling is just sitting in base area the entire match. It's not. You fortify key positions and make sure that you can secure key resources so you can last till the endgame. Compared to a Rush strategy where yes you may have more control of the map but you won't be able to take advantage of the resources you control, plus you'll be very vulnerable to concentrated counter attacks and flanking maneuvers.

Only if you never expand out of your starting position.
There's a very important difference between digging in on one area then moving on versus spamming base defenses until you cover the entire map with them.

if you have a strategy that never fails you're either lying or playing a shit game with a shit playebase.

You're retarded. If you turtle, you'll have less resources than the enemy because he'll take the map. He can actually tech FASTER than you, while having a bigger military too. And even his base will probably be bigger.

You won't reclaim shit because his economic advantage means he'll outnumber and outtech you. And will just overrun and crush your base.

That is what always happens to turtles.

I think there was a green text like this, where some guy who was smurfing would utterly destroy his opponent, then let them win so he could stay in the lower brackets…but then some user said "fuck that" and it became a race between the two them to see who could destroy their base the fastest. Each side micro-ing between destroying their own building and using units to slow down the destruction of the enemy, etc.

In RTS and grand strategy I always build the wonder that gives you free units after a set interval.

And then even more air-juggling.

Hell it even works in God of War, which kinda surprised me seeing how limited the move-set in that series is.

He looks like he's having fun

Flood the enemy in such an absurd amount of resources that they dont lose so much as collapse under the weight of what I throw at them and then lose.

Especially true in aoe2
I build around 10 barracks and have them hotkeyed and spam the fuck out of spearmen/pikemen/halberdiers

In wc3 i rushed max helis with drop bombs
In mtg I play stax and lands
In pokemon tcg i play keldo and wailord
In pokemon online I used to play trap pass with blaziken and speed boost
In hearthstone my decks routinely can generate upwards of 60+ card advantage and one can generate up to 150+
In civ I drown in hammers and science then launch either a million planes/paratroopers/nukes/privateers
In aoe2 ds I spammed samurai and rushed troop limit asap
In sc brood wars I mass marined and then transitioned into mass tank setup with ghosts
In wc1 I spammed spearmen/archers and catapults
In napoleonic I hoard cannons and fire them en masse (as well as i can in napoleonic) or if its commander battles I usually go conscripts, grenadiers, or sailers and outflank with melee charges
In fire and sword my town has 400 riflemen and my retinue 100 cavalry all supported by a butter monopoly

If the game has resources I will literally vomit them ad nauseum. I dont win much but when I do its absolutely disguesting.

Oh I forgot
This is hilarious in victoria 2

Industrialize and tryto get as many craftsmen as possible

Then somehow get Service by Requirement and a fuck million pounds of Jingoism and a party that is Jingoist
If you have all the medicine techs and army techs by the time the great war rolls around you have a rediculous amount of troops for no cost

As Britain -> Nigeria I could raise 3000 brigades, of you want a troop total thats around 9,000,000 troops in ww1 not counting my standing arm of 365 brigades or another 1.2 million troops

i'll never get how this was allowed to happen
endgame they're essentially free
you could literally be vomiting thousands of them per minute
no matter how many onagers or whatever the enemy has, he won't be able to handle this many halberdiers

Its so glorious
I was able to ovverrun chink flaming scorpians once, only once mind you but it was glorious

sometimes I play mount and blade just using the backspace minimap.

oh, fuck ! youre right
my bad

damn youre badass

one time we had this lan party and played Swat 4, and i came up with this strategy where we would wedge doors that the map would form into a spiral of sorts, thus forcing bots to retreat towards dead end, though it became useless in larger maps with multiple floors

fighting games - cheese
cover based FPS - rambo
rambo based FPS - cover
racing SIM - stay inside track and crash into other cars instead of braking around turns.
arcade racing - let go of accelleration instead of braking.
RPG - dont save money.
rougelike - get lucky
platformer - just go, dont fight. only collect easy items
H-games - find skip dialogue button
stealth games - run.

i did this as well, it actually worked with multi-level rooms (like that warehouse) you just have to block off the entire area and treat it as 1 very dangerous room.
wedges are pretty OP. easy way to make sure you dont get surrounded.

Hammer & Anvil

Works every time.

It's surprising how many people straight-up lose to Fox's doubleshines and shine out-of-shield. Just running up and shining a shield over and over, and then maybe finishing the stock with some back-air camping, is a good way to brainlessly deal with shitty players. I don't even need to look at the screen to do this.


I like to go for the ditto against Falcon players, because the Fox matchup, and ESPECIALLY the Falco matchup are unfair as shit. Falcon is the most cheese-prone character in the game.

Waaahh stop hating my turtlebros. ;_;

I wish there'd be an RTS game which promotes turtling. I know turtling is slow and inneficient as hell because you need to go out there and control every resource on the map.
But did you even try it? It's so comfy to just turtle up in 1 super base and wait for all your high-end units and upgrades to complete and then roflstomp the entire map like you're goddamn Germany.

Never stop jumping and dodging around the map at max speeds. Go aggressive or go home. In Splatoon, provided the objective is being managed, get around behind the enemy and ink their spawn and "base" remove as much map control as quickly as you can giving them less options in combat and allowing your team to carry tower, rainmaker, or hold the zone.


This just made me realize how terrible I am in W101.

Maximize critical chance and attacks per second/round. Bonus points if you can also slap effects that trigger on crit.

Artillery spam.

The stronghold series heavily favors turtling.

I already wish for Starcraft 3.


mah nigga

Someone on Holla Forums said before that Turtling is effective when you actually already control part of a map and that base Turtler's are doing Turtling wrong.

That said, I only know of a few maps in CoH where that works 100% of the time and only against the AI. Although I'm pretty sure that there's another name for the strategy aside from "Turtling done right".

I like to turtle in rts, as they say slow and steady wins the race! Also you can't just bully your way to victory

Anyone got the image of Justin winning in mortal kombat by getting his head torn off?

Pull off a red army, works in every vidya.
If it doesn't work, resort to unprecedented autism.

If you attack your enemies they win.

Whoever let's me jut get near them and put them under as much pressure as possible.

In older fighting games: the same thing but doing it from across the screen (they don't allow for this level of zoning in modern fighting games because people whine about it. Think Cable in MvC2).

Either way, my goal is to basically never let them get to press a button meaningfully.

But you normally have to be pretty gud or your combos just hit a dry zone at one point or the enemy uses a good counter.

Yes and no. I haven't played a fighting game that came out "recently" that allows for a complete lockdown. Usually there is a sort of pushblock system or what have you. But there are general tactics to avoid this.

It tends to take the form of burning meter or some sort of resource to cancel out of a move that brings you back close to them (or a projectile) so you can start another sequence.

You also learn what moves have deceptive frame advantage/disadvantage. Depending on who you are playing you try to "get away with it" doing something unsafe. If they are good they tend to let you get away with it once and only once (if at all if it's a common thing, like L moonslash with nash in shitsucker5).

That all said, that is ultimately a good thing. The strategic payoff has to be there otherwise you could just "I touched him and now I win", or the more rare "He started blocking and now I win". Hence why you try to end it with something positive that leaves you in a neutral state rather than wide open (the most newb sort of thing to do, like in SF4 guile players ending it with cr hk, you could just ex the first kick and punish).

Supcom 2, especially with RVE or Unitport or any of the good mods.

But to know the tactics to avoid it and what frames are strong vs what attacks you need to be somewhat good.
I've had noobs try to corner me with spam early, but I just block them and find an opening.
You can't pull of continuous pressure without being somewhat good and knowing the mechanics or you just end up screwing yourself over by default.



I call it my "Where the FUCK is Galbadia" strategy. I recommend it for everyone.

Backcapping if there is anyway to back cap.

in COH capping the middle point on start of a ranked game then mining it and when his engies hit the mine having my engies come back and kill the survivors. boom instant frustration and probable win. You can have one engie squad capping and the other trolling hard with mines and bits of wire that force them into mines. after you force them into a mine with wire once they will avoid the wire as if it were a mine.

I really missed mines in COH2