Holla Forumsack

Holla Forumsack
here how do we get rid of identity politics?
how did it even get to this point?

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You can't because politics is identity.

then how do we get rid of politics?


become a communist

gas the kikes

Accept the truth of class over identity its that easy


don't get me wrong
I agree that what you call "fully automatic luxury communism" will probably be the way things will go in the future but that probably won't happen in our lifetimes

and since we're stuck with these assholes in the here and now we should try and do something about them

Even after all these years, good old nazi drive-by-shitposting still gets a chuckle out of me

You dont identify as a class, you are one of 2 classes based upon the physical relation to the means of production. A prole can't identify as a bourg and a bourg can't identify as a prole.

If you weren't a faggot someone might explain it to you, but as it stands you're just another useful idiot for COINTELPRO trying to slide the board.

Man I wish I could identify as a rich person so I wouldn't even have to work lmfao

Well, they could.

But it wouldn't change anything.

You do identify as a class, that this is connected to an actuality is irrelevant, every identity is.

It might be easier for you to understand if you didn't understand identity in the SJW-sense of whatever-i-feel-like.

is this the Holla Forums equivalent of the JIDF and CTR for Holla Forums?


Does your identity change when you buy something and the amount of dollars in your wallet changes? Is your identity changed when you stand under an umbrella and then out from under it? Are all of our identities constantly shifting as we hurtle through space orbiting the sun at a million miles a second?

Stop being retarded.


I guess so, there are documents and examples to prove it. Occupy fell victim to it. SJWs are regarded as an arm of it.

It's almost like a global elite want to heard the people like cattle!

no, class i a material reality, having or not having ownership of the means of production.

I almost forgot to check your guys dubs

Ownership is not a material reality and an identity based in a "material" reality is no less an identity because of it.

An American objectively lives in America, does this mean that American is therefor not an identity?

global nuclear war


America is not a material thing though? Show me an America

class politics are the foundation of communism. class is not an identity, you aren't a worker because you "identify" as such, you are a worker by the reality of your situation.

"HE" is with us

wouldn't this allow for other states to gain power first? I think the revolution might only happen if it's a voluntary thing decided by the people


oh shit nigga wut are you doing its like your asking to get spooked

All I see is a landmass on the planet earth that is not america, all america is, is some lines on a map.

"America" exists only in your head. Ascribing a name to a landmass doesn't magically transform it into anything, nor does being born at any point across it.

Identity is a spook, and you are spooked.

Organized violence worked last time.

Also this. Everyone gets a rifle.

reality only exists in my head

you can't.
Race war/tensions happen before class consciousness surfaces.
Welcome to our species.


Is this a joke? You guys are far, far more engaged in identity politics than liberals are

I see the 4/pol/ hive-mind meme is well and alive in Holla Forums

Now we're dabbling with idealism vs materialism, which is a different thing altogether.

The recent few days did not exactly help

if you hang out with a bunch of faggots you shouldn't be shocked when people start treating you like a faggot too

especially when you come to their house acting all like a fucking faggot

it's just a bunch of shit posters angry about >>>1104283

won't link

My post only exists in your head for the same manner. Ascribing language do the pixels on your screen doesn't magically transform it into anything.

This can be applied to any concept so you'd better shut up forever or drop the selective-spookiness as self-defeating.

We are the ghosts in the machine, you too.

oh shit are we doing philosophy now too?

Ah but some concepts are concrete, and some exist only in the mind. The earth is concrete, the nation of ""america"" is not.

Well, you could identify with a class, but as another user has said it would not change anything, fundamentally. But this, I think, is not the interesting part. With admirable, though misdirected intentions of class mobility, either proles as mere inconvenienced millionaires, or bourgs as playing the beautiful soul, which feels superior to the corrupted world, while secretly participating in it, needs and indeed yearns for this corrupted world as the only terrain where they can exert their moral chauvinism. They very seriously and very sentimentally set themselves to the task of remedying the evils that they see. But their remedies do not cure the disease: they merely prolong it. Their remedies are themselves part of the disease.

The absolute irony in this statement is staggering


You spooked up idiot.

Earth exists only in your mind in the same manner, as the information only becomes "earth" through observation.

This is your brain on fundamentalism.

Do you then believe a prole becoming bourg and a bourg becoming prole somehow "fixes" class system?

Fuck Steinbeck for this quote, and the millions of shitlibs that mindlessly believe it's why conservatives don't vote "in their economic interests"

Anyone can be bourgeoisie or proletariat.

I believe it was "embarrassed" millionaires, not inconvenienced. And it was "poor" not "conservative" nor "proletarian."

Not at all. There is something called Earth that exists in my mind, but it corresponds to something in the material world. Spooks, however, exist only in the mind.

Oh, and it is misattributed.

There is no system and there is no such thing as a fix, we do not live in a computer on which you install a different operating system.

There's people doing good, with "good" not being relegated to an instrumental role, which is what fundamentalism is, the notion that there is only one way, one goal, one end, with good and evil being no more than good and bad servant.

America exists on earth, and with earth being in the material world, how does America not belong to it then?

And what exactly is the material world? Is information part of the material world?

I want nihilists to go.

America is an idea, it creates imaginary lines upon the earth, but itself is not in the material world.

Information in its raw form does exist in the material world. But as a signifier, it must either correspond to something material or not.

By calling out its bullshit. Placing people into boxes in regards to ethnicity, thinking they have certain behaviours and MUST have certain backgrounds regarding opression is bullshit.

Rather, I believe a push for individualism is needed. A sort of union of egoists in a sense that operates on their own behalf.

America is a meme


Quite the opposite really.

What does the distinction matter for then, when I say "the tree is in America" people would have an idea of location just the same as if I would say "the tree is on earth".

The earth is a much imaginary as any lines you'd imagination as borders, all of it is information we assign signifiers to. To

And how is marxism materialist then, as class, capitalism and property are all not material, being rather concepts-in-the-material, like america.

In anycase, you are wrong. When you deny systems you are "severing" yourself from that which the argument appears. How could you ignore all the language we are communicating with, the format, of the grammar and of the site itself, relegating us to some numbers and a position/rank/&c?


exactly, ayy lmaos are our comrades

posadas was right

Is our language a system, that be can quantified with definitions, positions and .jpgs showing base vs superstructure?

What I meant is that you are mistaking the map for the territory.

Oh my God, you are that annoying Wittgensteinian.

No, it is that the definitions are qualifiers, for which, as each new one emerges, new quantities have to be made to explain the definition before, and then after.

get rid of identity
you useful idots are already working on that! good job commie retards, i bet the kikes will shoot you last

These are both worse.

But such will always descend into circular logic and exceptions, since words don't get their meaning from other words.

Are you sure about that? Have you ever um…opened up a lexicon, mr. philologist?

What is a friend?

A friend is a soul that shares two bodies.

What makes the facebook image you shared an accurate description?

Wat? I don't have a facebook.

How does meaning being definition not end up in infinite regress?

How does a language come out of a finite voice?

Because it doesn't take an infinity for me to read what you just wrote.

That is exactly what I mean. They are of the same problem.

No, you claimed words gain their meaning from other words. Or that must have meant something else entirely.

Words kill and revive words like pitchest necromancy.


And you need to have the last of them.

The fact that you have to have a 'because' already proves my point, though. What justification does it takes, whether it is first or last, to measure and supply a conversation with?

Jesus Christ wft happened to this thread?


Someone didn't start with the Greeks AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED

I've seen better last words.

Is that a threat, daddy :-DD ???



Which is what Holla Forums was saying way back in 2011.

Holla Forums is a massive part of the problem. Holla Forums and idpol are reactions against each other

How does it feel knowing Jews are the master race.

Yellow skinned, crooked teethed, curly haired manlets with bad eyesight and poor visuo-spatial coordination outwitted your entire race in less than 500 years
