Dead Rising 4 gameplay. At least it looks more fun to play than 3? Also no TJ as Frank West is a pretty huge deal...

Dead Rising 4 gameplay. At least it looks more fun to play than 3? Also no TJ as Frank West is a pretty huge deal, not a big fan of the new actor.


Dead Rising should have stopped at 1.

Why does "Frank" look and sound like the bumbling dad in a shitty family christmas movie?

They wanted to get a new actor for Frank, and I have no idea why.

How? Looks the same.

Yeah, why the fuck did they change the actor? He's not dead or anything, right? Did they just want to be huge jews and hire someone cheaper?

DR 1 was easy and boring as fuck

2 and 3 were exponentially better

Its a mediocre casual franchise after all, there is no point in some casual babies acting like it wasnt all like this

I doubt TJ would have been that expensive, he's in his 50s so he'd be perfect to play an older Frank, which is one of the things Capcom wanted in the first place.

Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. I guess its because I like wintery settings.

That's just like, your opi-
Here's your reply

another poorfag that never played 3 and just follows the bandwagon herd

Are there any other games that does herding similar to escorting survivors in DR1? I really enjoy struggling to keep a group, with a very specific behavior, moving through constant little obstacles in an action setting. I wish I could have a lot more of it, the survivors in DR2 are very unsatisfying to rescue.


DR 1 was fucking hard as shit if you actually bothered with it, borderline broken at a lot of points like rescuing certain survivors between/during cases. Not legitimately difficult, mind you because they were dumb as fucking rocks even when literally holding their hand but it wasn't easy.

Dead Rising should've gotten a proper sequel instead of being outsourced to the Mapleniggers.

2 and OTR weren't bad, the only bad choice they made was making movement a lot slower.

3 on the otherhand was a lackluster sequel and poor follow-up, and I'm scared 4 is following that route.

I think DR2 lacks polish, a lot of the details are worse.

Animations and voice acting for chuck are not as good as DR1 frank, he feel stiff and unengaging to play. This is also because of the sensitivity of the controls, playing it on a controller Chuck feels a lot more loose even when you turn the stick sensitivity down than Frank ever did. The controls for shooting are also worse, I also miss the auto aim in DR1, and being able to run fast while shooting. The overall tone of the story is not as pleasant as it was is the original, I think has a lot to do with Chuck being so drab compared to Frank both in writing and acting, though there might be something more than that, like the music choices not being as cheesy and other things. I also don't like the combo weapons as many of them are a step too wacky for me, and they also take away focus from scavenging and using improvised weapons. The time constraint is a little too lax, this might have to do with how easy (and thus boring) it is to escort survivors. The basic combat with most weapons is also less satisfying, might have to do with moveset or animations, but the more noticeable thing is the lack of that stutter that occurs when you hit things in DR1.

Before you get the speed upgrades DR2 is truly horrible. I think the map might be a little too big as well, I never get the sense of knowing every detail of it that I did in DR1, perhaps that has to do with it being easier.
The only thing I can remember DR2 doing better was the gameplay during bosses.

Oh, and I really liked the lance and the pitchfork that threw zombies over your shoulder, that was very satisfying.

DR2 had crafting that was fun and the boss battles were neat. All they had to do for DR 4 was make DR 1 with good crafting and good boss battles

This… just looks bad.

At first it was not so bad, Frank going with a student to teach her how to be Frank West, but then shitty internet humor ruined it, also the stupid chink who probably is a korean and is dressed like the stupid lesbian of Life is Strange acting like a Tumblr shit, so I guess it is going to be about hip young reporter teaching the old school to be a fucking activist or some shit. For fuck's sake woman, the best you could do is show the evidence and expose the shit so the government is humilliated.

What now? should reporters in battlefields start getting guns and fighting for the side that they feel is right?

Shit on DR2 all you want for being wacky, at least most of the combo weapons were based in reality.

Everyone hated that stupid time limit in 1

So give people time spaces to fuck around between cases and scoops. Getting rid of it completely makes the world seem as if the NPCs aren't real people and will wait to do stuff until you're ready. It also removes the urgency to do main missions and will probably make it feel like any other sandbox game.


They went from having a strict time limit in 1 to progressively less strict in 2 and 3, to I guess just not having it at all.

I can understand why it was like that in 1 because there wasn't much in terms of fucking about besides PP bonuses, which could be done during scoops anyway, and taking pictures. 2 had clear spaces for doing whatever you want, and that gave you time to experiment with combos, find combo cards and find zombrex. 3 didn't really have much of an excuse due to AoE weapons, the weapons locker and the fact that vehicles could be upgraded to last forever. 4 is probably going to be like 3 unfortunately, so now it's going to pander to retards who think adhering to the games rules is "too hard" or "not fun".

4 is going to be like 3, they think the series is meant to be a joke. It's not far off from Saint's Row at this point, they just need ayys and demons.

That would be far too good not to mention cheesy in the right way for this shitty license grab

the time limit was amazing and you're just bad at videogames.

No, the map in DR2 feels a bit bigger than the original, although it could just feel that way because of how slow you walk and Chuck's animations also felt slower on top of that. I sort of disagree with the combo weapons though, regular weapons were still usable and it wasn't taken to such an extreme like in Dead Rising 3 where they were completely useless.

Don't forget them bringing in only 2 guys in one helicopter at the end of the footage.

While the time limit wad annoying, it's the only reason DR1 works.

dead Rising was always shit.

Feels fucking good man. My sheer love of DR endured the years and I still remember everything about it.




Time doesn't advance while you're traversing through loading screens you dingus.

I dropped out the minute I heard they were replacing TJ, that meant any and all appreciation the devs may have had for the franchise leading up to DR4 was out the window. He's iconic for a fucking reason, changing everything about him means you've fucked the character and might as well have not even bothered bringing him back.

All this because they wanted to have him look like the actor in that new shitty tie in movie.

Dead Rising should be over at this point anyway, they found a cure in 3.

But user… they are CLONE ZOMBIES with superpowers and speed now!

I should be upset, but Trump won and now I'm happy.

Still, this is a retarded heresy.

Not this shit again.

The combo weapons are not a complete failure, but a step in the wrong direction. I thought powerful weapons were already too readily available in DR1. An emphasize on using crap weapons is more entertaining to me.
I for one gravitate towards largely using only knife gloves when I play DR2.