NVIDIA Adds Telemetry to Latest Drivers; Here's How to Disable It



What the fuck is it lately with every company making their shit call home and spy on you?

When the fuck is Vega coming so I can upgrade?

Obama wills it. If you're at home gaming with your nvidia they can steal the lelection for Hillary and tell you over the TV to suck it up for even lousier economy that is coming with the TPP.

already a thread

can't you use old drivers?
i've never used a gpu

So nvidia can now spy you right before your house ends up in flames. This is fucking gold.

Great! More bloatware that I didn't need or ask for installed on my computer to suck up resources.

Don't remind me. He continues to make the position of president into a joke.


What do you expect from installing a service that scans your drives to "optimize your settings for you".
I bet these people also participate in steam surveys.


how are those amd linux drivers doing?

Shit but a little bit better than last time. OBS still has a memory leak that I never remember getting when I was using nvidia.

Still can't figure out how to 2-way pass on kdenlive despite searching about it forever.

Tech comapnies figured out they can make more money selling your data to advertisers than they can selling you a working product.


do you connect your computer to your brain?

Supposed to be first half next year

Worryingly close to the Zen release. It's like they enjoy making things unnecessarily complex for their support team.
I mean, I'm sure shit will work down the line, but having a bad start is fucking damaging to tech related products.

There's nothing wrong with hardware surveys you mong.

I haven't updated my nvidia drivers since they demanded I install some always-online garbage. I probably won't be updating them again, ever. It sucks too because I just bought this video card a few months ago after my last one died, and if I knew they were going to pull this shit, I might have gone with AMD again.

Jesus, honestly it really seems like video games is my hobby and a strict time limit. Hell the entire internet even, at this rate its going to be locked down and controlled completely in under 10 years.

That is unless linux OSes really get off the ground in terms of compatibility and performance.
