"But to me, to be honest with you, as someone who is not a fan of Identity Politics"

"But to me, to be honest with you, as someone who is not a fan of Identity Politics"

Was he more of our guy than we ever realized?


Other urls found in this thread:


No, idpol is just so incredibly stupid that anyone can see through it if they aren't brainwashed into believing it beforehand.

Do you guys believe that despite being a soc dem, bernie is personally a marxist?

I think he is more radical than he lets on, but I'm not sure if he's a Marxist.

He was socialist in the past at least. Maybe he is, but he's merely fronting so as to convince people that socialism is not terrible if it's don't right.

I wish someone asked him during his campaign

"Would Eugene Debs have made a better president than Wilson"

to see how he would have responded

is that even a question? even most normies know wilson was a failure.

Wilson was very successful, the only norms that hate him are the anti WW1 crowd and the "muh federal reserve" kooks. It would interesting if Bernie answered it honestly

we're comin buckos

It's too late, progressive liberals have doubled-down on their love for idpol. Anyone against identity politics is not just a brocialist but now also a white supremacist.

Pretty sure the guy's a hardcore socialist who pretended to be more liberal as to appeal to more people when he was running for president.


what did he mean by this?

well, he was, in vermont, and as a senatorial oddball, then he came up against the real power

wew lads


It's just the final wailing before the gulag.

There another one with a girl claiming he won't say the word "Black", they were both the same Webm once (Bernie vs Idpol I think) but I lost it.



nice plan, let's see how it plays out



fuck off Holla Forums


kill yourself


Holla Forums not knowing what idpol is as usual.

good shit


Fucking stoopid lol

and nary an original thought.

The butthurt brigade is out in full force today I see.

Good :^)

Bernie is a full on commie, he just ran as a socdem cause thats the furthest he could go.

Peering in from the edge of the overton window and asking people to push it over so you can talk more clearly.


I think he is a crypto-Marxist-entryist but he has to moderate his rhetoric in a country as spooked as the US


I think this. He was a member of the same party as Michael Parenti for a while, but he got into more mainstream politics because he decided it wasn't going anywhere. I think he probably still holds strong Marxist beliefs from that period, but he feels that the current track he's following is the only possible one in the US at this time.

maybe we lit a spark in the silent leftists 4/pol/ already harboured.

Yeah leftypol's complete inability to ignore bait is very impressive.