Could we have a left wing architecture thread?

Could we have a left wing architecture thread?




Yuck. Can we have some Socialist Realist eye bleach?


first image seems like right wing architecture, I feel oppressed just looking at it, I mean just look, the tips just scream hitler

Where I live.

Fascist architecture never had bold design, it's just dull neo-classical stuff

Anyone else not a huge fan of realist painting but loves brutalist architecture?

What about Italian futurists?


There are only a few Brutalist buildings worth saving. We need less inhuman, oppressive concrete-glass monoliths and go back to more traditional and aesthetic styles of architecture.

Prince Charles pls leave






1st look like Ice Crown citadel.



We should bring back Bauhaus.

1924 the socialists, communists and anarchists walked out of the Milan Futurist Congress. The anti-Fascist voices in Futurism were not completely silenced until the annexation of Abyssinia and the Italo-German Pact of Steel in

What makes architecture essentially "socialist," aside from appearing in a socialist country?

Mussolini had some interesting stuff

Can we please not speak of spooks in this thread?

shit tier

go make your own thread for your shitty right wing architecture

This building has a right "fuck off" attitude about it

Even though much of his work seems impossible, or implausible, I like the idea Lebbeus Woods had of reconstructing former war zones in sharp and jagged architecture, that would grow after each successive war, as a memorial and a warning.



Anything that isn't made of fucking wood or marble with Doric and Ionic is brutalist to people like you

Jesus Christ, Leftcom…

What makes architecture essentially socialist, aside from appearing within the borders of a state-capitalist nation-state that enshrined the eventually creation of a socialist economy in its constitution?

There, happy?


brutalism is fucking beautiful

What a fucking surprise. Most of the thread is brutalist dumbass.

it is more about central planning. Beautiful architecture comes from planning around the building as well which you cannot achieve by giving everyone their space where they design their own building because they usually clash a lot (or create skyscrapers)

also people like having good looking buildings so a democratic society will care about aesthetics

Stuff that's built with a social and public purpose with an egalitarian style, so no unnecessary ornamentation, no small atomised spaces

I wouldn't talk much about art when you're tasteless is the point I was making.

No it is not, don't be retarded.

I don't know if this fits because it's Barcelona but I really like Eixample.

Looks like a Sim-City game or something.

There should be a city whose blocks are arranged in penrose tiles and with large open spaces as well as parks, gardens etc.


Cuban stuff

sadly all those were build by colonial governments.



lol they've been building that for about thirty years

Nothing wrong with giving the old a socialistic makeover


Why didn't they build it


WW2 happened.

As much as I am okay with building large statues of revolutionary leaders… I don't feel like that giant castle thing really represents a revolution of the people.

agreed tbh

good thread, i'm gonna make a left wing art thread

