Is anarcho-syndicalism the only not entirely trash ideology left?

is anarcho-syndicalism the only not entirely trash ideology left?

One of the few. Sadly it isn't popular in the real world outside places like Rojava.
The problem with libertarian socialism/syndicalism is that most aspiring politicians don't find it appealing. As they are really just aspiring to be the next Stalins and have little interest in the general empowerment of the working class.
Luckily easy access to information is rapidly expanding the awareness of this true grassroots alternative.

Durruti pls

How's council communism?

Pretty much, mostly because the CNT did a pretty good job until Franco destroyed them

Sounds to me like the most effective method to achieve communism tbh

On top of that it would beat capitalism by its own merits, rather than requiring LE DAY OF GULAG XDXD.

yeah pretty much since its the only one that can be done at the moment. All we need is a couple workers co-ops to form a union. All of leftist ideologies require a huge ammount of organization or full blown revolution and are just not practical

Yes, but nationalist-syndicalism is better. (And, there's democratic confederalism as well.)

Also, anarcho-syndicalism is almost as dead as mutualism.

No. Syndicalism is based on industrial organization. Basically, federations organized by trade, industry, and craft. Rojava is confederated by geographical entities or local popular assemblies. Rojava and Democratic Confederalism is more like Jeffersonian Republicanism or the Cantonalist movement in 19th century Spain.

Now, I actually like both approaches and think that we should have a bicameral system between the republican popular assemblies and the syndicalist guilds/syndicates.


I would've just said national-syndicalism then.

Class collaboration is shit, plain and simple. The syndicates should instead represent worker cooperatives and self-employed workers of each industry. (As opposed to workers and employers working together.)

Also, Mussolini cucked himself to the Italian monarchy and church, and the entire Fascist movement cucked themselves to the ANI.


Why didn't one big strike happen? Why did May 68 fizzle out?

Socially, it's a confederation of geographically defined democratic councils.
Economically however it's dominated by small cooperatives, individuals and the few residual Baath institutions.
In fact, it's both the most libertarian and most socialist economy of significant size in the world. With no taxes levied on businesses.
I would say this is pretty close to the ideal of syndicalism.

It's pretty based tbqh familam


It's pretty good.

Nationalist anything is shit.

that's where you're wrong, Sinn Fein.

they not wrong tho

Syndicalism =/= Libertarian socialism

Syndicalism means an economy/government organized by industrial sectors/guilds.

Rojava has a mutualist economy, which CAN be syndicalist IF the cooperatives/individuals have syndicates which are represented in the government directly. But, they don't.

This is not to devalue Rojava. Syndicalism is meant for industrialized nations and urban centers, not rural areas like Rojava.

Because, May 68 is a bunch of hippies, not real unions, and the labor unions were coopted than cracked down upon.

I support both. Unions should be organized according to industrial and confederated by craft as well as workplace. The syndicates should eventually be similiarly bicameral confederations of businesses AND different crafts within an industry.

Now, I oppose historical craft unionism for it's service model and reformism in terms of higher wages instead of seizing the means of production.


Anarcho-Syndicalism is dead tbh. Read Bookchin's "The Ghost of Anarcho-Syndicalism"