Marlon Brando's image is forever tainted. No joke you rapelover

Marlon Brando's image is forever tainted. No joke you rapelover.

Why was Marlon Brando considered a great actor again?

All he did was read off cue cards.

He had to read off cue cards? lol fucking drunk


Cuck Evans

rich evans needs to shut up


Thank G-d the proud Nipponese people made that bold and novel cinematic endeavor a reality

Brando was the method acting guy, right? I mean, it makes sense.

Chris future #METOO Evans. I bet this cuckhold steroids using soyboy will admit to rape if a user with a troll account accuses him on twitter.

There's a difference between being a method actor and being a faggot

Post some more Pete.

This is why Holla Forums can’t have nice things.

Brando was a queer.

is that picture real?

The tweet has nothing to do with it, the article is the problem.

He was probably bi and a sexual fiend.

How many actors have you heard about getting injured by other actors who got too into the scene? How many broken bones and noses do you think there have been in just boxing movies alone?

Brando is the prototype of the liberal actor of undeserved fame. He sent an amerindian in his place at the oscars so she could white guilt the audience. He made everyone who worked with him miserable. The stories of the shit people went through working with him are hilarious though.

Bluhbidy, blahbedy blad, look at muh intense emotions. Everything is "beyond disgusting", "reprehensible in the extreme", "a declaration of war", or some other outrageous and overblown affective state according to man-children who live in some fantasy world.

I can practically see the cartoon and anime scenes playing in their heads as they type this shit, recalling how Suzaku blew the fuck out of that nigger knight in Code Geass that one time because he was REALLY MAD. The "rage" some soybitch feels does not, in fact, matter, and it does not, in fact, interest anyone except as an embarrassing anthropological curiosity about a society whose members are lost in childish, escapist fantasies of omnipotence.


By that time he was already a living legend who had retreated from the world. Watch Streetcar sometime and try to compare that performance with anything before it, you’ll see why.

Well said.

Captain Cuck, the First Soyboy

When everything is disgusting, racist, and an irrelevant hyperbolic term, nothing is anymore. I instinctively roll my eyes whenever I see those terms.

Is there anyone on this board born before 1997?


hahaha great post, well meme'd my friend!


please tell me that's a shoop

Rape was it? I thought it was mini me in The Island of Doctor Moreau, weighing 300lbs, having an Indian receive his Oscar, and generally being a douche bag.

I think the Island of Dr. Moreau did that already tbh