Report : Trump to go full God-Mode in 2018, year of the Fire Dog

Report : Trump to go full God-Mode in 2018, year of the Fire Dog

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Exciting, if true.

Except it's earth dog, please lurk more

How about you stop sucking cocks for a single afternoon and use that free time to crack open a fucking book for once in your life?

Have a kike free first post.
Seems like this year was an exposé to the normal players that there exists many private moves and deals made behind their backs. Through the use of social media and other alternative outlets, information that has not been obtainable has now become readily available. The most important factor imo is the release that the Fusion GPS dossier has been admitted to be a fake. This was the final (read 100th) nail in the coffin for this "Russia Investigation". Major happenings will go down and now we are close to the State of the Union address which will have to be covered by every major outlet (even though must of us stream). I'm excited!

What the fuck is even going on ITT?

Oh no, someone misused a chink name for a particular year.


>redd*t spacing

Kill yourself. It IS earth dog, not fire dog.

Lurk more newfag.

Hi OP. Yes, it makes COMPLETE difference whether the element is correct or not.

Anyone remember the name of the Sheng Xiao site, the red one that looked like something you might of seen around 2009?
Seems to be poorly translated, but this is better than most of the AIDS-inducing horoscope sites:

You missed first post.

I'm not OP, nothing about Chink beliefs matter. They're dog-eating subhuman bugpeople fit for an oven.

As much as I want to believe, I won't jump on this and ignore the anonymous sources just because the story is talking about a guy I like.

that fag theodore beale was also hinting at something like this, but he routinely talks about his "high iq" so i highky doubt shit will happen


I didn't. I was quite disappointed

Faggots still believing in him.

This isn't even his final form!

Reported. Enjoy your ban.

kek. soyboy.

To these idiots who claim Trump is another jew puppet, if you were pres. and you had to deal with an establishment that has spent the better part of 100 years stacking its institutions with jews - how would you avoid dealing with jews AND get done the things that you were ELECTED to do?

Trump has been delivering on his promises big time. What problems have you solved for anyone lately?

I am mentally hill now.

Personally I'm all for using the Marines, which answer directly to the president and using all the Acts congress has passed over the course of the last 50 years to crush them. Also we are technically in a never-ending state of emergency. You can throw these assholes straight to the military courts if you really wanted. Military tribunals are how you deal with the corrupt justice system. Try them, execute them, replace them extremely quickly if you so willed it.

At that point it's more about purging the forces within the Marines and other branches that no longer serve the country in any way, shape, or form before enacting such a massive campaign. There's a reason why the SA played a pivotal role for Hitler and later the SS. You're going to need some kind of army you can depend on if you're truly wanting to clean house otherwise whatever you do will leave in bad elements and result in ultimate failure.

Good luck if its true but I'm going to hold my breath. Nothing at all hints he's going to remove the jewish element completely from our society and without that nothing will truly change, just buy more time. Time we don't have and time that just extends the demoralization campaign that's been on-going since the 60's. In a way he's almost a man against time trying to do the impossible even by cuck civ nationalist means. Small victories help keep momentum but eventually you're going to need big ones or it'll die completely.

chinks have already made trump dog

too big and not enough pubes, if thats supposed to be jew cock

I'm fairly certain that's a Trump cat, friend.


Where? you dumb faggot

you would be incorrect buddy.

Look at it's mouth, you squinty-eyed fuck.

What did they meme by that?

Yes, worried it’s not true. I’m tired of guessing what he’s all about to tell the honest truth. If you’re gonna be a Mussolini (who he does like to quote btw) then do it already. If you’re gonna be zogking then same deal. Just do it. Just nuke the status quo, however you do it. Bring us a shake up so we feel alive again, whether or not it’s behind you or against you. Get the fuck on with it.

They do horrible things to dogs there. Where are you CIAnigger with those videos?

they do horrible things to everything over there.

I almost pity the spics and niggers who will be forced to go up against those guys during the war next year. I hope liveleak isn't too squeamish to post the videos.

r/thedonald needs to fuck off


How about you fuck off you kike faggot?

So do the Swiss but it doesn't mean I don't respect those mountainjew fuckers.

You will not be fit to lick his boot, and you will admit it.

Nice. Didn't know dehairing rats was a thing

Someone will post them


My feelings exactly. I'm still waiting to find out who I voted for.

Weak willed.

The man has shown he's true to his word. He's doing things carefully and intelligently, which you hate because you hate life and want a major happening. It's only been a year and we've already got a bunch of stuff we wanted.

mussolini was a crypto commie. fuck him, fuck fascism. he deserved what he got especially after italys shameful ww2 display. long live national socialism.

(((Mike Allen)))
oh God you faggots are killin me
do your homework please


nice argument. fascism was the first national bolshevik ideology adopted by a nation state , dicky. you can get the mussolini treatment too.

get out of here, kike

goebbels himself said fascism wasnt natsoc, and we're all natsoc

Is this what 70 years of communism does to asians? Turns them into full blown bugmen that regards other life the same way government regards them?



just build the fucking wall and do this (plus keep those deportations going up) and we can all look forward to 2020

No. This is 2000 years of Chinese culture - Communism looks exactly like it:

In the 45 years between the Han Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty 40 million people died. Another case:

46 million people dead in the Mongolian conquest of China. Life is cheap in China - there's too many people there and nobody gives a shit.


checking them dubs. good points, all of them.

I was feeling down before watching these videos. It's threads like these that help me maintain the rage.

was he purposefully hitting it in the snout? not 1 hit to the head. fucking chinks.

Can whites please just exterminate all the other races already? I'm getting tired of having to pretend that they are human.

he will suck jew cock even harder?

Real original. Let me guess, anyone who doesn't hate Drumpf is le reddit?

I second this motion and move it goes to a vote before the entire membership STAT.

#2 webm

"Full Trump" i.e. does even less of his campaign promises and sells out to Israel faster

Gas the chinks, race war now.

double kek

Good, I want those kikes to all fucking die next year

I don't want a stronger alliance with Israel. Israel is an illegal state that should not even be recognized. Trump has not been a perfect /ourguy/ and I won't accept the argument that he is playing 88 dimensional wheel of fortune. Fuck off cunt.

To be fair I always expected 2017 to be a "test year" for Trump, like learning how to be a president, politics in general and stuff. Also to do the typical things of an USA president like bombing other countries and things like that. Hopefully he learned everything in 1 year and let's hope 2018 actually brings change.

Is that supposed to be a sign of respect or disrespect?

Presidents rarely show their true face until term 2.

not sure, but the chinks seem to respect Trump.

A lot more than they respected Obongo at least.

It's not fire element next year, you dingbat


The salt will be plentiful.

You wish.

Justified racism is never an excuse for sloppy research, you faggot.
Until we stole it and made it ours. Now it matters.

Is this a code word for going full Shabbos Goy mode?

Not sure. Moa did purge tens of millions of non-conformist, non communist chinks in the 40's-60's. Perhaps what is left of the genetic pool is full of auto-bot, soulless, conformist, uncreative, worker-drone meat sacks with high IQ's.

pick one group

The King will decide his fate.

You do realize September 23rd was SUPPOSED to be the day Vegas was nuked right?

It's just another dangling carrot primer for Trump's boomer base. It will always be right around the corner, just over the horizon, so you need to donate, and canvas, and vote.

Christ, I keep seeing OP's pic in the catalog and thinking it's Jar Jar Binks

user, if that were true, the Jews wouldn't have the ridiculous power they have in the world. Most high IQ people are basic bitch, bluepilled, normie conformists that are worker drones.

Why would anyone expect them to like a filthy nigger that sucks cock?

Just wait for Hitler, goy. No sense in trying.

Just to add to the point: most low and mid IQ people are the same. That's just the human condition. 70% will just conform and follow no matter what thier IQ is.

War materials boys. Don knows we don't stand a chance without domestic production.

>auto-bot follows Zionism blindly
>soulless everyone else is cattle apparently
>conformist to their own ideals
>uncreative must steal ideas from goyim
>worker-drone meat sack gotta get sheckels somehow
>most will just conform and follow no matter what oy vey its like they're the cattle we call them
got me there

You're confusing the sterotype of high IQ Ashkenazi with the average kike. the average kike is not the scheming Ashkenazi but will blindly follow whatever the supreme kike says - despite high IQ or not because they are bound by different rules than we are. It's okay for them to be nationalistic, remember?

Any source on that claim?
I know there was more going on that was held under wraps, like on the airport n such, but how do we go to a nuke from there

Yes, most kikes are auto-bot conformist. They will go with the flow with whatever thier "elite" dictates to them. Thier racial traits and in-born instatincts gives them an advantage in "war by deception" on the gentiles because they have evolved through thousands of years of being parasites in gentile societies. Which makes my point: Highest IQ doesn't = a race of independent thinking and creative ubermench. As in the case of the Jews, it just makes them more cunning in thier parasitism. Thier "Elites" encourage a strong ethnic/racial identity/anti-white nationalist attitude among thier worker-drones. The worker drones unrelentingly carry that agenda out for them.



Like the other user said, leave your digits behind and get out.

This is what free market authoritarians actually believe.

Those are basic bitches because kikes have spent a great deal of time and energy herding the smartest minds into comfy situations and narrowly-defined expertise, giving them enough pet treats that they never realise what they are capable of. The C19 generalist is anathema to modern bugman breeding.

Americans need our own board. You can't seem to discuss anything without Euros flooding the thread with D&C and how we're not really whites now (even though "white" is pretty much just an American thing since Euros hold onto their ethnicities so tightly)
We do not have any friends out there. They will fuck us the first chance they get.
Do you understand?

because you're a whiny little weak-willed baby who wants it's toy RIGHT NOW


We are all getting tired user.

)))Time to place stock market bets on american coal, steel and concrete and send all my money to charities that help whites(((

Chinese were always bugmen with no regard for any other living thing but themselves. Communism just made it more obvious.

Shit, during the Cultural Revolution, they ATE people who weren't sufficiently communist.

No, the Chinese character is first and foremost due to their millennia of cultural baggage. Their thousands of years of stagnant Confucianism, Daoism and legalism left them perfect victims for Bolshevism. It was like someone with a compromised immune system being deliberately infected with a flesh-eating disease.

strasserists get the rope too, gregor.

I guess you could say they were being set up for it, which is how communism was able to cause so much damage to them.

No, they set themselves up. Their system worked pretty well for a very long time when all that anyone had to worry about was other Chinamen and the occasional mongol, but the writing for the old order was on the wall once the rest of the world came knocking and wouldn't take no for an answer.

Jack The Price, Trade War Now!

Fuck you and fuck your chink animal/element calendar bullshit

I think it's clear from the decades of statements & behavior we have on the record from Donald Trump that he is a very smart & shrewd man, sincere in wanting what's best for this country, (whether in his mind it's full blown WN or not) and he is surrounded by people he's always had to play a careful two-faced game with. Buddy-buddy & speaking praises while actively working against their works against him.
When engaged in chess on this level, you can not just rush all your pieces out and kill the king & queen.
It's been one year. Economically alone the progress shown in this year has been impressive. Stock market hitting all-time high & all.
In time, and when Trump is through, the stage will be set so much more to our advantage than it would have been had he not come along.
Savior? New Fuhrer? No.
Nimble Navigator of an unbelievably complicated minefield?

Donate to what?

I have had my moments of doubt & demoralization, but it just confuses me when people on this board ignore things like this.

Shush. I can hear the semitic snivel just reading your post.

No one is ignoring it, they just aren't retarded and understand that the United States is an anti-White state and its enemies are not our enemies.

find a new hobby m8

That's just how they treat fleas over there. It's perfectly humane.

I wonder if hell is just being born to an animal with a horrible life like that. Like if you fuck up as a white person you're born again as a nigger. And if you fuck up as a nigger and are evil you are born again as a rat that is boiled and dehaired alive

It's supposed to be a sign of respect. Chinks love Trump, and he's been using his mandarin speaking grandchildren as propaganda on Chinese TV for the last few years. East Asians are bandwagoners, they follow and emulate the powerful and successful.

How the fuck do you learn anything if you can't remember what you did wrong in a past life?

I've had a pretty rough life user, and the only thing its taught me is how to be cruel.

Nah, not quite. There's a few supposedly adversaries of America that have deep Jewish roots throughout their government that I consider adversarial to the white race/or aren't to be trusted because they are surrounded by jews.

America is the jews. It's nice to pretend, because that means the hard work was already done for you, but it isn't helpful in the long run.

To add: or are just a completely alien and unrelatable race that seems to not blink an eye to cruelty. Defo won't join forces with the chinks against my own country volk.

If chinks think that dissidents in America are pro-chink, they haven't been paying attention. Really, the left and right see China as a globalist tool to keep the working class down.

China as it's currently constituted is a full blown kike globalist entity.

Oh, that's a fine enough assertion for you. You can go ahead and type it out and all that. To really, really believe that, though, you have to pretend that the United States is some secret anti-jew entity. We all have things we need to tell ourselves to get through the day, but some just stretch credibility. There's only so many times you can keep swallowing the same asserted narratives despite evidence just piling up.


Yeah. Old kike commies. We have millions of them here, too. All we can really do is look at who does what on the global stage. That's all we can do. We can look at who fights on behalf of israel. Who depletes themselves to service the jew's every need. Who whores out its daughters to niggers to please the deranged pseudo-academic screechings of the jew.

It's nice to pretend, but we do exist in a world where things happen and people have eyes. So it's a lot to take you at face value there is this incredible groundswell of anti-jewish power in the United States that a China must pose a jew-occupied rival to. Certainly you can admit it's a tough ask.

Nonsense. That's totally illogical. I think you're a dumb chink that thinks you are going to get into an argument with some kind of neocohen that denies the ridiculous stranglehold of jewish power over the US.

China has been propped up by international Jewish bankers and corporations for cheap slave labor to undercut the European and white working class. Jews love the chinks. The "western elite" outsourced all of the manufacturing to China.

No, it isn't.
No, I'm a White American who opposes jews. That's why I'm posting through TOR, because that's what gets banned here.
You responded to me to start this tangent, not the other way around.
Functionally you aren't pushing a different argument than the "Hitler was controlled by the rothschilds" crew. China opposes israel, supports North Korea, and wants to upend the federal reserve note because it's a jewish-owned entity.

No, that's a really bad gage of detecting a "jewish tool". The alignment of the mideast chess pieces are set up the same way as 1970. Just the way the kikes like it. Keep America on the hook to keep Israel as an ally to keep those pesky ruskies and chinks away…Meanwhile the Israelis literally sell top secret weapon tech to the Chinks.

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

Dear fellow white men…

No, you're a kike, stupid brainwashed chink or a borderline bluepilled faggot. Filtered.

No, it isn't. It just doesn't serve your argument well so you'd like to pretend.
And nothing negative ever happens to them over it – because they control the United States, so it is their technology to give.

You don't feel the need to capitalize it?
They always get riled up the most when you refuse to play along with their delusions of the US being something other than a kike colony.

Chinks are simple, honest, hardworking people. OTOH some of them torture animals and eat children, I've heard. Also they invented kung fu.

Holy fuck, never heard about this stuff before.
t. half-chink

Yeah, your straw manning like a flailing pathetic kike.

I just explained how kikes don't see China as a serious enemy. Otherwise they wouldn't be giving them top secret USA tech and investing trillions of dollars into the Chinese economy.

Filtering again.

That would be nice. Can't really enforce that on an user message board though. People could just use the thousands of US proxies available. Common sense moderation could be applied to obvious shit stirrers…but the you'd just get hundreds of ass mad euro turbo autists(with kikes winding them up/provacatiering them)
making it thier life mission to end the filthy American Holla Forums. I already see where it's going to go. Not going to end well.



y tho?

This. Members of a group naturally choose to follow the best leaders but simply being very smart doesn't make one a good leader.
And kikes gained their parasitic influence gradually through slow poisoning of the host body, if they appear intelligent it's relative to the dumbed down host people that have been made to accept almost any absurdity.

It's The Year of the Earth dog, which supposedly brings about a consolidation of power and return to prosperity.

He can't count on a second term due to jewish tricks. If he wants to be known as anything except the last white president, he needs to let slip the frogs of war.

Hate these threads.

Rough ruff


If you dig deep and hard enough, China keeps suppressing all research into the true origins of chinese culture because all preliminary research shows that it was whites who crafted the most illustrious parts of ancient chinese culture, medicine, architecture, etc. So it's likely that even their astrology, like greek astrology is a creation of whites. This coincides with the fact that the earliest footprint into where whites appeared was very close in proximity to china but further north.

But whereas the full astrological system of greek astrology was forever broken by the pagan purging of holy roman emperors, chinese astrology has been left intact. It's likely that the yellowing of china is the result of another failure of multiculturalism but from an ancient stage in history. The point is that the reason there is a dog there to begin with is because whites were there, had dogs, and unfortunately after the whites are gone the dogs are still there.

You mean like pic related? I can't wait for the "God-Emperor" to go full goy mode!
I hope we will have invaded and eliminated all of Israel's America's enemies by the end of the year! MAGA fellow kekistani-pedes!

The guy was a translator of Chinese literature.

Was a volunteer from Poland, who was a journalist and was later jailed during the Great Leap Forward.
Learn to check sources you dumb brainlets.

Tell me, how many jews are there in China, how many jewish members of the communist party are there, and how chinese millionaires/billionaires are jewish?

*Correction, Israel Epstein was jailed during the cultural revolution.

Said no one ever



Except everyone did

Go back to reddit, you fucking piece of shit.

This is a pro-trump board


That's not gonna work you dumb shill. This place has always been pro-trump

No. user is pro Trump when and as long as Trump takes pro white actions. When he deviates from that then he gets tossed aside for someone better who will advance the interests of the race. If you are looking for blind dicksucking then hop over to reddit as you're in the wrong place.

Chinks have always been this way.

I recommend reading Ways That Are Dark if you haven't already, it's been recommended on Holla Forums before. A straight-talking proto-Holla Forumsack American diplomat lives and works in China in the 1930's and it's stunning how little has changed.


This is why it is of the essence to examine both Sanskrit and Ancient Chinese. And by all means also Ancient Greek. Latin is also important. We have much to learn, and little time to do it in.

under8d memes

No cocksucker, it's feeble minded fucks like you that have been costing us the war to the parasitic left for years. Trump is a fucking genius and an absolute madman, he's been playing everything perfectly right down to the last detail. Why don't you go watch your wife fuck her nigger boyfriend instead of gunking up the board with your gung-ho I'm a Nazi but all I do is sit here and kvetch like a fuckin kike

Everything wrong with Bannon sponsored Holla Forums in a nutshell

Essentially a JIDF style "aut-rightiste" auto-response which is blind abuse, zero effort to recall a single honest reason for its claimed support of said jewish puppet, and again the 'argument' is that the only reason America is in the shit right now is because we haven't backed the zionist elite jews hard enough…

What is this elemental dog shit you guys are talking about? Is this some chink gobbledygook?

Year of the Earth Dog begins February 16.


Checking the blessed of KEK.

Has anyone else noticed that most ancient civilizations/religions/technology/written language all stems from white cultures that eventually get over-run by shitskins and niggers? Then the descendants of the mongrels hordes try to claim the history as their own.

This is going to be a hell of a ride.

No, the U.S. in it's current state is already doomed. And Trump doesn't have Fascist tendencies.

It will be glorious.

May Kek cure what ails you.

It'll be the true making of liveleak! Better than all the worldstar-level nigger antics that infest it right now.

It will never die as it resides in the heart of all white men.

This is their evolutionary path. They have been selectively breeding for this over thousands of years. This is who they are. There is no redemption.

Always call out the jew/shill/normalfag. Forcing them to acknowledge their stupidity/deviance/minority status is the beginning of their end.

Israel will continue fucking things up for itself, all the while believing they are strong and backed by the super-natural power of the true god. What they fail to realize is that he's not the one in charge anymore, if he ever was to begin with.

As Kek wills it.

Pubic reminder, shekel-grubbing didn't win this election for Trump. The people won this for Trump, against all opposition.

There are ways to make it seem as if you are helping someone while that action simultaneously undermines them on the world stage.

This isn't just about Trump. Remember, he is a means to an end. He could fuck it all up, or he could deliver everything he promised and more, but you still have to do your part. Stay ever vigilant. Work towards the world you want. Take action in your own life to force those changes into reality.

full blown trump

>>>Holla Forums

Reminder that Adolf himself is not even "hitler" enough for shills comparisons

For martial arts of quality see HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts).