Literally what the fuck is National Bolshevikism? I've read about it, and I am thoroughly confused. Is it Fascism...

Literally what the fuck is National Bolshevikism? I've read about it, and I am thoroughly confused. Is it Fascism? It it Stalinism? It some weird hatefuck child of the two? Someone please explain.

They got a pretty neat flag though.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's Russian nationalism that uses Soviet iconography as symbolism.

Russian nationalists who are nostalgic for the Soviet Union's superpower status and Stalin but who are in practice just fascism-lite.

It's fascism except the "greater past" they lost access to is communism. So in many ways I think the adherants genuinely want communism, but from a nationalistic/reactionary path to wanting it rather than any particular merits communism had.

It's basically the left wing of fascism from what I can tell. Mostly Holla Forumsacks who've started browsing Holla Forums and are getting into leftist politics but haven't dropped the "race realist" meme yet.

first as tragedy then as farce

But is it based on race like Nationalism, or is based on Class like Communism?

I think it's based on both in some weird way, but it might be more centered on race and nationalism.

Varies depending on who you're talking to. If Stalin took from Lenin as an abstraction from Marx, then NazBols take from Stalin as an abstraction from Lenin. It's basically devoid of the Marxist base that the original Bolsheviks adhered to, and instead opts for a vague return to the Bolshevik legacy for its own sake. The reason they want to return to it will vary, but it's always for the sake of returning to long-dead systems rather than drawing from the theory that guided the original system. So if they want Communism, its because the Bolsheviks/USSR called themselves communist rather than actually wanting to progress to a classless, stateless, moneyless society.

This is why you lost.


It's autism.

Reals > Feels :^)

Tankies who admire Hitler and totalitarianism in general, and dont even pretend to be for egalitarianism

That describes most of the ones on Holla Forums, but the likes of Dugin, Limonov, Ernst Niekisch etc weren't really "race realists".

White picket fence liberal soccer mom ideology.

Nice to know that Marx and Engels were soccer moms, I'll make a mental note

Why support Left-wing politics if you don't believe in egalitarianism?

Biodiversity exists, but the divergence between humans is not significant enough to make much of a difference in any practical matter outside of a few inherited disorders. Most other "differences" touted by "race realists" are measurements that are known to be influenced by a myriad of other factors, and the measures in question almost never take those external factors into consideration. It's straight up bad science to make definite claims on data that lacks virtually any controls.


Pretty much, yeah.

I somewhat support lefty economic policies, but I recognize the fact that they can only work in a homogeneous society, and are still vulnerable to collapse by outside pressures.

That's an interesting way of saying "My belief system flies in the face of statistics and empirical evidence, but all that shit is rayciss and hurts my fee fees so I'm going to hand wave it all away because magic :^)".

Oh, okay, so you're retarded and spooked beyond belief. My bad.

Not an argument, but please continue to live in that fantasy world so the rest of us can get shit done without you polluting the movement.

Too spooky

Your head is haunted

Hey, if a good study can be brought up from an independent neutral organization that conducts said study with an ample sample size and adequate controls, then there may be warrant for further investigation.

I've yet to see anything of the sort. The BEST I've seen is still only Andrew Wakefield tier in terms of credibility and scientific honesty.

Why not fund that highly specific study that tics all of your boxes yourself?

Sort of a blanket term for various forms of leftists, buuuut for the sake of ease, the title speaks for itself. The NBF is paranoid, racist, and generally fascistic, but the NBP is alright these days.

Copy paste of what I wrote in the other thread:

Dugin analyzes what he identifies as the three main political ideologies of the last 150 years: Liberalism, Fascism/National Socialism and Marxism. Out of these three Liberalism emerged victorious, and the 4th political theory, that he tries to evolve (National Bolshevism), must be ultimately contrarian to what the ruling ideology, liberalism, encorporates - it must appropriate the useful parts of both Fascism and Marxism ("reading Evola from the left and Marx from the right") but can't be afraid to discard the negative elements of both or add new concepts to it. The 4th political theory, which might emerge or not, is not yet pressed in a dogmatic costume, and intellectuals of both left and right are welcome to contribute.
Liberalism, the victorious ideology, has the individual as its subject. Within this, there is a contradiction, because once it defeated the competing ideologies of Fascism and Communism, it rendered itself meaningless as a dogma. In the victory of liberalism is the key of its own destruction. We are now living in the post-ideological era, with "human rights", "property rights" and the "free market" as the universal values that are protected. It doesn't matter anymore if a politician is left or right, politicians are problem solvers, managers in an apolitical environment: Dugin calls this "micromanagement". We are living in a world of micromanagement where political ideology is replaced by technocracy. Therefore, to be contrarian, National Bolshevism must reject said core values of human rights, property rights, individualism and the free market. Liberalism is also inherently racist and chauvinistic, as it assumes it's core values are universally right, globally applicable and have to be implemented into every culture on earth, and when they are not, a culture or a system will be insulted as backwards.
He says liberalism has a very unnatural core by demonizing the past, while every other culture respects the past or their ancestry. Liberalism believes in the irreversability of time and the 4th political theory must belive in the reversabilty of time. Also, while every other culture felt guilt by accumulating wealth, and atoned for that by sacrificing riches on altars, liberalism fetishizes wealth. By sacrificing riches humanity experiences a katatonic purification and event where time is reversed. Contradictions will lead to the point where the nihilistic dialectic of liberalism will collapse, reverse, and humanity will come into "being" again - this is highly influenced by Heidegger. Out of this, Dugin draws the conclusion of what has to be the subject of National Bolshevism: "Being".
Furthermore, National Bolshevism must start by borrowing elements of the two defeated ideologies, Fascism and Communism.
Fascism and Not Socialism are a little different from Liberalism and Communism as they were killed in their cribs - for this, Dugin blames Not Socialism since it was doomed to fail because of its open and disgusting racism. Fascism has "state" as its subject and Not Socialism has "race". However, Fascism (especially Italian) has the advantage of combining Futurism and Traditionalism into a synthesis that elevates it to being relevant and realistic. The fact that it doesn't just aesthetizise poltics, but politicizes aesthetics, is contrarian to technocracy and must be harvested.
Marxism (it's subject is "class") is more useful than Fascism - it shines at analyzing it's enemy, liberal capitalism, with its merciless empirical analysis. It imploded into itself due to a contradiction between its brutal modernism and nihilism and it's prophetic core. He claims that communism in its core promises an utopia not unlike the bible and is therefore anti-modern in its character; that's a good thing. It's econimic analysis, organisation of institutions that are democratic but anti-parliamentarian and prophetic value shall be central to National Bolshevism but it's Internationalism and moral relativism must be discarded.
As an outlook, Dugin suggests Russia as the birthplace of the 4th theory, since it's by its very nature a contrarian civilisation since it's inception, even though currently capitalist it's inherently opposed to liberalism. What should be strifed for is an Eurasian awakening, respecting the diverse cultures within its borders without multiculturalism but pluralism, an alternative economic order and the ultimate rejection of liberalism in a pan-nationalist state.
Sorry for my bad English I'm Kraut and also typed this on a train.

Pretty much a conceptual art stunt by some gay bohemian edge-lords that became a kind of punk/industrial subculture and later accidentally started taking itself seriously.

It's fascism giving itself left cover.

They got some good tunes though

Peace to the huts! War to the palaces!


if they were stalinists then why the fuck they use nazi simbolism?

seriously that ideology is retarded

That's Hegelian dialectic at work

It is kind of like the hatefuck child between fascism and authoritarian communism.

Nazbol's are very fucking phony.
The Nazi party's flag is supposed to have the colors of the german cockade and nazi organizations on other european countries use the same design but with their national colors.
Russian fascist organization have their own original symbols yet nazbols are not using any of them because they lack theory and history both left and right.

They are literally retards.

Slavic Workers Army!

Nationalistic communism for russians

Thats not what a spook is lad. You can declare things that exist that you dont like a spook.

lul. the socio-economic factors amirite. Just need more money and better teachers and then everyone becomes the creative geniuses they were always meant to be before the white patriarchy beat them down with systematic isms.

I actually believed this once.

If the nazis were facists then why the fuck did they use monarchist symbolism? e.g. the iron cross

The thing that really did it for me is when I was watching the Olympics one year. Huh…. everyone of the runners is an african. After that Started looking into the history of various Olympic sports almost every event is dominated by a specific race.

Tell that to Stirner, not user.

Most of you dont seem to understand what stirner meant by that. Spooks are things that only exist within ones mind as much as the phrase now carries a negative connotation you could say "social construct" are what spooks are. Anything you create that isnt reality like morality or rule of law, if race is a biological reality even only in shallow ways like skin color it is not in fact a spook.

Fascism with Stalinist aesthetics