Holla Forums sperging out because 4chan's mods informed them that they're not going to ban a harmless lefty general

Who /comfy/ here?

all change is just fine by me

How do you feel about that meeting where trump was eating frog's legs?

it was pretty funny, I chuckled when I saw the post.

Proof that Kek is a trickster god.

Praise kek

feels comfy to have a date with a cute commie girl and be in a ML party instead of feeling like shit as a solo anarchist with no organization

I remember when we started out with only 300 regulars.
Any numbers above was a surefire way to tell we were getting raided.

All these campaigns to kick us out of the top ten. If we overtook a board, Holla Forums would sperge out and shitpost in it until the active user number was on their favour again.

And now look at us. All they did was fucking meaningless. We have 849 active users as of now and growing. We may get a thicker skin out of this too. A very useful ability to have.

It was actually like 100 at the beginning.


How did it all begin? I'm positive I was here when it started but my memory's fuzzy. Was it just that 8/pol/ dropped all pretense of not being right wing and kicked off any leftists? Were the first few users refugees from Holla Forums?

I think you need to lay off the weed, man.
yeah I forgot too

Nope, it was founded during first exodus. There wasn't a huge Holla Forums split, it was really just a ragtag collection of commies and anarchists who happened to be on Holla Forums.


Did they really manipulate shit? Because the current CEO has banned a bunch of subreddits for his shareholders so he's no better than Trump fanboys.

In reality, no one on Holla Forums cares about the lefty threads.

¿Cómo es la estructura de Izquierda Libertaria y qué ventajas tendría sobre la estructura partidaria ML?

Why so tumblr?

Literally half the threads on Holla Forums are like that.

feels good man

It was almost right after the Burgers n Fries and Fappening Exoduses
>get sick of Holla Forumsyps claiming everything was and had always been at war with Eurasia poopsoc, and of their need to smear their shit on every thread, but figure this is something like a power-fap after a long nofap for them and let them have their retardation

Truth always prevails.

Also don't forget

I honestly don't even know why they do that, even at our current size Holla Forums still has like 4 times as many posters/frequent users even though we both are top 5 boards, they're still the largest. Are the NEETSocs really that easy to frighten into a spergout?

Do you really have to ask?

the dialectic is in motion

The users used bots to mass upvote everything and the mods exploited a loophole in the "sticky" system to rocket one post after another to the top every day.

You sure about that? It's turned pretty cancer recently, only the two unfunny tankies post there anymore, weren't there more mods/posters previously?

the fedbook page was normie cancer to begin with

They supported Gamergate which's main activity was telling advertisers to pull ads off certain websites.


Holla Forums are hypocrites, who knew

pretty cosy tbh

gaymergate never boycotted anything though

Could of just ended it there tbh

Ahahah, oui, oui ! Oh, chère France, grande France, fière patrie de nos aïeuls ! Le monde est à nous, et nous ne reculerons devant rien si cet état de droit vient à nous être spolié ! Et le jour, enfin, où nous écraseront pour de bon les Anglais, ces miséreux aux ambitions crasses et contre-nature, sera fait de célébrations et festoiements !
Que notre influence se répande de Moscou jusqu'à Mexico, et qu'adviennent à nous les joies de devenir les rois, les rois de cet univers dont nous sommes légitimement les maîtres ! Impossible n'est pas français ! Longue vie à la mère patrie !


Maybe I'm just looking at it with rose tinted glasses. It's only recently I've noticed that only two people post "(Yung Schtalin" and "Lelnin") and everything they post is plebbit r/fullcommunism type bullshit.

Some mod got mad and purged anyone who wasn't an m-l or a tankie and since then its been shit

The guys a right butthurt faggot, he came into that failed community The Octopus a couple of weeks ago and was pretty much a bratty autist. He was right for the most part, but he's too much of a faggot to ever win anyone over and instantly alienates everyone he talks to and probably played a decent part dooming the chat within an hour or so of joining.