What's Holla Forums's opinion on KEK (The ONE true GOD)

What's Holla Forums's opinion on KEK (The ONE true GOD)

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a gr8 meme

we are all memes given form and consciousness through KEK

I don't mind it. I imagine it's triggered a more fanatical Holla Forumslp christfag at some point.

Confirmation bias.

I will be greatly amused if an actual religion will spring out of it.

Surely people can't be this retarded?

your ignorance offends me greatly

An overrated meme that needs to fuck off and die

Reminder if you're a true 4/pol/ Kekist you must convert to Judaism

Never think that.

For shame, Holla Forums. What would your ancestors think?

Meme for toplelkek teenagers.

They would probably argue that the Egyptians were white or something retarded like that.

Go to bed Hussie, you are drunk

please keep an open mind
you will find that KEKism has many things to offer to all image boards where memes run wild and free unmoderated and uncensored

you have misinterpreted the will of KEK he simply wants you to pay attention to the Jews

I am a missionary on a mission of peace to bridge the gap between Holla Forums and Holla Forums through the will of KEK

Egyptians were not white they were Egyptian





KEK has chosen Trump, not as a savior as many of my brethren would have you believe. but as an agent of chaos. without chaos we are left stagnating and without change. KEK is on no one's 'side' he simply wants for us to change

Obama promised change but brought none this angered KEK and KEK humiliated him by replacing him with another of his agents. one without any political background, a reality TV star, Donald Trump. by doing so he lowered the position of presidency to triviality and destroyed 2 political dynasties in the process.


Kek war is iminent

The meme wars never end brother

back to Holla Forums

It's pretty interesting that now redditors sound almost as if they were actual channers

have the jews not taken palestinian land?
aren't they involved in nearly all forms of media?
aren't most prominent bankers jewish?

summing it up to mere coincidence is a bit naive

Same with males.
Uh, really makes you think.

women have until recently been repressed and have only just begun to make great strides in all fields

unlike the jews who are always involved in social and economic disasters



KEK does not care about the equality or oppression of people he simply wants change. all forms of change. the jews seek to keep things as they are in an unending stagnation

I mean if you controlled the world wouldn't you want it to stay that way?

whites were lucky to figure out technology ahead of everyone else

Yes, it was your some toiletfaced ayncrap Porky from California's forced frog meems, not the fact that he was runing against a shrill, senile pill-popping warmongering soccer mom with a cult even more weird and Lovecraftian than what Holla Forums has trolled you chumps into doing, who flagrantly stole the primaries and then told those who didn't like it to fuck off, nothing to do with her supporters alienating half the voter base by using 'literally a white male' as a four-letter word, and definitely nothing to do with people being sick as fuck of eight years of alphabet soup and recession under Obama but not being able to see outside party lines. It's not like literally any experienced, semi-competent up to and including probably Lamer "SOPA-PIPA" Smith could have mopped the floor with him until the dead rat fell off his head. Nope, all just you brave keyboard warriors and your le eppan internet meems.


I agree if it was anyone else Trump would have lost
but he didn't
KEK put Hillary against Trump and made him win to mock the Democratic party for their inability to change (fuck Bernie over a barrel)
and besides this thread is about KEK not Trump. Trump is simply an agent of KEK, an agent of chaos. and so was Bernie sanders

isn't his name pepe?

pepe is the Avatar of KEK

Unless you're a janitor or BO, you don't get to tell anybody what this thread is about. This is now a Stirner thread.

so be it let the memes hit the floor

have you run out of spooks already?
I see I have a lot of work to do on this board

it's very SAD to see such LOW ENERGY posting





don't worry about the small details just keep memeing





thank you for sharing your Stirner
as compensation I shall give you one (You) which is legal tender on 4chan that you can use to buy yourselves some common pepes

kekposter pls

Egoism isn't helpful for the leftist cause

Fuck Stirner