Certain dolphin e-weiner plays Oblivion with 2 virgins and a half

Should I even bother? Will I suffer?

The game is fucking terrible.

What dolphin what

If you don't know, then you don't know.

Modded Oblivion can be halfways decent but you can only polish a turd so much


Still easily the best Elder Scrolls game when it comes to stealth though

I'm mean you're right, but it's still hardly anywhere approaching "good".

da fuck are you on, nigger?

It's not a horrible experience if you work in side quests with the main mission, but it does get boring after a while. I'd say go for it just for the fact that it takes up less than 5 gigs of storage.

I don't abuse Chameleon. If you ignore all the broken enchantments and pretend the stuff you're stealing isn't worthless you have

The only thing I played TES for is stealth because I'm not much of a lorefag.

I'm intending to try a max difficulty game with some of the fun magic exploits you can do, but with some rules in place so I have to earn godhood. I'll be using OblivionXP with the retarded health regen turned off. Kill exp and questing will be tripled but other sources will be disabled entirely. All levelled items must be obtained at best quality (primarily limits the Arcane University to level 10). No training, max level 30 with just enough skill points to max the magic skills, and INT/WIL as Altmer. OOO will be used but no official mods until after L30.

You could. But you'd be suffering a lot of retarded design choices and bugginess. At least add the unofficial patches and a UI mod.

That's a lot of "ifs" you're asking, but I enjoyed the Thieves Guild questline. Also OOO adds a lot of actual valuables to some houses, giving you a reason to steal things, at least early on.

But he's right.

That's the problem. Because of the shitty leveled loot system, everything you can find in houses/castles is worthless. Even Skyrim did that better than Oblivion.

Get Really AEVWD least. Cool view distance increase mod.

Is being a stealth archer fun in morrowind?
I like being a stealth archer in obliffun
Especially against wizards

Oblivion is pure comedy and comfy, great game if you aren't a stuck up cunt like you.

Stealth archery is always the only right path to take

TES games suck. They're absolute chores. Shame really, as TES series has some great lore and potential, but is massively squandered by Bethesda.

+400 Wil/Mag should be enough I think. Past that point I'll stack Int/Mag instead. It also occurred to me to add other stuff incrementally at the same time instead of all at once in a separate spell, but the initial stacking is slower. It also makes them susceptible to Dispel because having it based on the MP expended by the caster instead of base cost is clearly good design.

Bound Bow is OP once you can reliably hit things. The throwing knives in Tribunal are even more OP. Crossbows kinda suck unfortunately. Also pump Strength because bow damage scales with that instead of Agility for some reason.

Also there's that one character in Tribunal with the AoE poison arrows that you can loot repeatedly until her corpse naturally disappears (fixed by MPP). There's also 5 special arrows in Bloodmoon that can insta-kill almost anything, including you if it gets reflected.

I found this way funnier than is healthy, probably because it reads like that absurd Morrowind mod.

Every TES game is garbage


The drunk Canadian that streamed the Crash Override logs and nearly died playing Revolution 60.
It's Broteam Pill