The Tax Bill Passed Both Chambers of Congress

Anyone know what the new compromise will be? I assume it goes up to Trump for signing now. Post calculators for savings that you can find.

Other urls found in this thread:


Updated Calculator:

Compromise Bill



Bumping for the salt flow.

They're going to need their money to pay for all of the HIV meds they'll want when they get misdemeanor intentionally infected by turbodegenerates.

Fucking niggers

i need to know 1 thing: is this good for an average joe or not?

Im getting 1200 more money back, sweet

The tax reform is BTFOing out every blue state because it makes the state, not the federal government, pay for the liberal gibs/handouts

Basically all the traditionally red/conservative states should see a massive tax reduction, while blue states get no reduction because the cost gets pushed onto the state instead

Average Joe here, A quick estimation from the calculator shows that I'm saving a few hundred dollars,actually far more than that since I won't have to worry about Obamacare's penalty or being forced to pay in to insurance.

It kills niggercare so you won't have to pay up the ass for insurance anymore because they don't have to cover niggers, and it prevents commiefornia and jew york from deducting spic welfare from the tax they pay to the federal government, so yes it will help your ass in the end.

How much it save the tax money?


Trying to figure it out now.

1) Commies will be forced to pay up to 2.6 trillion over the next 10 years

Jesus fucking christ

ok. but how will you take care of your healthcare? pay more? pay per visit? lol. I live in Europe in a cuntry with free healthcare and free education. Can't you do the same? I mean you surely have the money to cover it all. Niggers? They'll die of VD or pure AIDS anyway. An they hate education so I don't see the problem there.

The problem is that they breed like rats. I'm not calling them rats per se, but you have a low income guy with no education come along, knock a chick up 3 times, then either go to jail or die or bugger off and repeat the process, you're going to have at least some of those kids survive and do the same thing.

Trump wants to remove the state insurance monopolies so insurance companies in states with better laws can compete nationwide, which should bring the shitshow of costs down.

The same way I took care of it with Obamacare, I'll simply be unable to afford actually receiving any care.
Like you said, it's another problem to be solved elsewhere. Forcing me to buy (((insurance))) that gets more expensive every year certainly isn't helping.

pick one

Wait fuck I doubled the amount in my head somehow, 1.3 trillion.

memes are coming to life again

It's better if it's not mandated; that way you have more freedom of choice, even if you're at a dead end with no options, you're not compelled to make a particular action.

A million is a lot of money, user. You can probably count the number of billionaires in the US on both hands.
1.3 trillion is one thousand times that. That's a one with twelve zeros. That's still 1/6th of the national debt

In an ideal society, do you not pay taxes for infrastructure and support? I could see privatising healthcare or sanitation, but shouldn't anything on a federal level come from federal taxation? Highways, national defense, etc?

This was the spending under the last year of Obongo, the SALT cancellation would add up to 96 billion to revenue though the tax cuts have to be calculated in. Second niggercare gets canned so that should be a cost off the spending.

Hopefully the next budget doesn't raise the debt any further and the economy generates more now that the party nigger is kicked to the curb.


$110b a year, with increasing premiums. It death spiraled for a reason

That is a lot of money. I suppose the commies will have no choices but to cut the state welfare. Will they do that?

If anyone wants to mess with the Federal Budget this a fun website, the fucking SALT deduction is a massive fix.

Nah, they'll just increase their state taxes to keep paying for their pet niggers.

The state tax is already sky high, they can't fuck themselves. It's why they're kvetching so hard about it not allowing to be deducted anymore, rich kikes have to pay the high state tax for welfare AND the high federal tax due to their jewry.

That will drive even more commies into other states. Few states are already ruined so how will they copes with the interstate migrants?

Gas the kikes?

Not if USA collapse. USA collapse mean no cops to enforce the laws so it will be purely anarchistic and chaotic.

day of the rope.


choose one

Nothing they can do unless it becomes an option to shoot non-whites.

any salt mining underway?

press conference 20 minutes



B-but t-t-t-trump is still k-kike owned and a zionist and not 131763817D and and and

Already multiple threads cunt.

Nice (1) user. We didn't get the compromise bill until today.


Passed by Congress this time, they're going to have a hard time.

I don't live in America but by God I love Trump just for the sheer amount of salt he causes. It's so amazing to witness. Keep it up you crazy bastards.

Free stuff is worth what you paid for it.
spoilerAnd it's not really free anyways moron.

Why are people worried about this? We will NEVER pay and if we did there isn't enough money in existence and we'd basically be paying back our enemies at our own cost.


Because the current (((economy))) is debt-based and we don't want the jews bailing to China.






LoL holy shit what a fucking play.

T-This is n-nothing goyim, it's actually d-dumb somehow, (((we))) lose with this!!!1eleven




Why is it going back to the House if it already passed the house on Friday?

Final vote.

Probably not. CA is not a self reliant state by any means. From what I recall everything necessary for a state is imported. Their only (((wealth))) is in (((Hollywood)).

That's the big one (((people))) always seem to forget. It's not just a few hundred. It's that few hundred plus the thousand(s) from obamacare. When obamacare is completely axed health insurance will be under a hundred dollars a month for a family of 5 again. Like it was for my family parents + siblings when we were being raised. All before obamacare health insurance was insanely affordable, for anyone smart enough to save less than $50 a month.

But user, we've got to pay for the niggers!


It's already happened. Trump made an executive order allowing insurance to cross state lines. If I remember

Trump subtly naming the Jew

Hey guys, I'm not an expert on this, think you can help me figure something out? I've been planning on starting a software LLC here pretty soon, but I plan on basically being the only employee. From what I read, "individuals" that make over 500,000 get the top 37% bracket, but it says for the corporate rate it'll be falling from 35% to 21%. Would it be different, in that I can take advantage of the 21% if it's a business? Or do I still get the 37%, like after what I make from my business?

Not even remotely. pic and link related; archive didn't work, sorry anons
google .com/search?source=hp&ei=trE6WtzLFMzYmwH6pILgAQ&q=number+of+billionaires+in+us

No. Trump stepped out of that one trade deal like week 1 in office. I forget the name.

Did he just damn them all as heretics?

Trump has practically guaranteed his reelection: he's fulfilled two major campaign promises, rewarded his supporters with a tax cut plus ending Obamacare's tax penalty, and- most importantly- he's reduced the tax burden of citizens in practically every swing state. Not only that, but he's actively punishing states and cities that would never vote for him in the first place. Kike-ifornia and Jew York are going to get fucking hammered. Big cities where 90% of niggers squat are going to get hit doubly so. Liberals are going to have to choose between keeping state and local taxes sky high (a losing proposition) or cutting gibs for minorities and illegals (also a massive loss). There's also the long term long term demographic changes to look at. Tax cuts for Trump's base means more white babies in states Trump solidly wins. Citizens fleeing liberal state and cities means more people in Trump states and fewer in ones he'll never win. Niggers will stop voting if they can't get gibs, and some wetbacks will stop coming or even go back if they can't benefit from American welfare. They may even have 1 or 2 fewer spiclets. All this adds up to is a decisive electoral shift following the 2020 and 2030 censuses as right wing states get bigger at the expensive of their left wing neighbors, plus a white baby boom.

Don't pay yourself 500k or over to avoid the larger tax. Keep it in the LLC to get it taxed at the better rate. Then sign yourself a bonus or something I don't know how that works.

No. Health insurance then was affordable even for niggers. Just stop buying the new Jordans for $500.

Oh cool, yeah I plan on consulting a tax attorney when the time comes, but I thought I'd ask in case someone around here knew. That's pretty motivating though, thanks!

You're welcome. Give me a job.

I'm pretty sure a ton of tax shit is avoided by doing contract work. It also removes a lot of liabilities I think. I'm no expert though so ask around.

Corporate tax rate only applies to entities taxed as a C-corps.

If you're an LLC taxed as an S-corp, then 80% of the profit you make (even if it stays in the business) gets taxed in your tax bracket.

Your salary is taxed like normal (Social Security, medicare, medicaid, and federal witholding)

Most S-corp business owners take a "reasonable salary" then take a distribution of the profits. You still file a K-1 and pay tax on profits that aren't distributed to yourself though (called pass through tax).

Pay yourself a salary of 50k (FICA tax included)
Business has 100k profit (80% of this profit is taxed at your current bracket)
Pay yourself a distribution of 30k (from the profit, no FICA tax just federal income tax and maybe state depending on the state)

Hire a CPA.

so why exactly is the media meming about this shit? It sounds great.

I can't emphasize how important it is to hire a CPA when you own a business. I've lost track of the amount of people that have come to me with a total mess or just overpaid their taxes because they tried to do this stuff on their own.

Don't just open a phone book and hire the first CPA you see either. Good CPAs don't advertise.

Ask the richest people (preferably business owners) you know for a reference for a CPA. Make sure the CPA has clients that own businesses.

wait forgot to put him down as head of household, he saves 2,815

the biggest risk of this in terms of reelection is it'll drive newyorkers and californians out of their shithole states and they'll shit up other states like they have virginia

Elect to be taxed as a sole prop, it's a pass through entity which means that you will not be taxed on the corporate level, only at the individual level. C Corp profits are actually taxed twice and you want to avoid that. The primary benefit for doing everything through a corporation is that you can expense pretty much everything and at the end of the year end up with no or little taxable income. Hell, you can expense 50 percent of food and restaurant expenses because they assume it's used for business meetings or whatever. Be creative. Assuming you spend a little time reading the tax code there's no reason to get a cpa until your pulling in decent revenue, aka more than 250k

it's a tax cut for everyone, the media and bernie "sanders" glassberg are assblasted because it cuts more for the rich than it does the poor. Pay close attention it's not that it raises taxes on the poor or gives tax exemptions to the rich the rich are just having more of their taxes cut down because they pay more taxes obviously

It's bad for high tax states like commiefornia and jew York because there's a cap now on how much state and local taxes you're allowed to write off.


So blue states pay more taxes? Meanwhile the Federal goverment doesn't have the balls o remove the Mexicans.

So most of the country pays more taxes while cuckservative christian nigger loving Zionists who brought the Mexicans in for "muh farms, muh beef production" pay less?

Trump is going to speak about it soon.

It's starting. Here's a livestream.
Can't embed for whatever reason.


the cap is $10,000 so actual middle class people will be fine it's the rich assholes in those shitholes that were paying 6 figures in state and local taxes that are in trouble

they don't pay more you retard they pay as much as they're supposed to in the first place

It sounds like you're kind of upset that I no longer have to have my federal taxes subsidize all your gibs programs for illegals.

Yeah it's their fault spics were forced on them. You know who did the labor on farms before spics started flooding in? High school students on summer break. Proof; all of my uncles and my father was one of those HS students.

Also no. They pay more in state taxes and the state can't defer them to the Federal gov. through SALT.


This. I was paying 145 a month for health insurance before Obamacare. If i wanted coverage even close to the same the rate it started at 395 the first year and the following year it went up to 495.

The repubs just pushed through a tax bill that's going to save a lot of people a lot of money. So who do you think people are going to thank? It won't be the dems. That's why Pelosi, Schumer etc. are shitting themselves. They'll go down as the faggots who tried to stop these extremely good tax cuts from happenings.

It's actually shocking to see the government do something that benefits me.

Are you white?


Which one of you faggots did this

daily reminder Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, & Wyoming have zero state income tax

as pure as the driven snow

Are you male?

big time

I have severe asthma.
My prescription inhalers cost $4 before Obamacare.
After, they cost $49
That is over a 1000% increase.

Fucking niggers.

Are you straight?

but think about all the extra Hanukkah presents the pharmaceutical company execs can afford now

as an arrow


We all did user, by putting our faith in the power of shitposting.

historically underchecked

As Alex Jones once said, "it's racist to even have genitals"


Hey user. Be nice. Commies still get tax cuts, it's just that their state fucks them in the ass so hard and now that SALT is gone they actually now probably pay more.

You have to consider that CA and NY combined make up 20% of the US population. 1 in 5 americans are either Californian or New Yorker, so you will run into them everywhere just from the sheer number unfortunately



Fucking great, I have to be in NY for my job for years to come. So I suppose I'll have to be paying more out of my pocket for scum welfare now.

Hop on the NY gibs train? Last time I was up there Cuomo was trying to give away free college to families making under $100k.

Funniest thing is there are still kikes on this board that think the "4D Chess" meme isn't based on fact.


Good. They'll start slashing money from the programs that niggerball pays for. Of which are liberal arts programs. That's what every real degree pays for. That's why GER classes exist. They all pay for liberal arts programs because they aren't self-sustaining.

This. He couldn't have even broached the subject of cutting the aid if it weren't for protecting kikes.

The only bad thing I can see with the salt deduction being gone. Is that I have a feeling a bunch rich liberal virtue signaling jackasses (ie the worst kind) will start flooding states that have no income tax even worse then they already are.

EU cucks are furious about this tax bill because it actually incentivizes US companies to keep their money in the US. EAT HORSE SHIT GLOBALISTS

Red States, including California's redstate farmers brought the mexicans in. It was Regan who started it you fucking boomers.

Even so, they're aren't going to have an easy time voting in their suicidal liberal policies anymore because SALT will follow them whereever they go. When ever some kike tries to subvert the government my appealing to these liberal transplants, all anyone will have to do is remind them of the tax man.

No shit? If you don't think spics were forced on them, then you're a fucking kike.

Im saving $2800. Thats fucking amazing.

85k/year salary, saving 2k in taxes. noice.

LOL Wat? Doesn't Europe have lower tax rates on companies already? Eurocucks are going to lose their businesses and gain brown people.

Every boomer farmer faggot I've ever met sucked Mexican dick and wouldn't hire a white kid if their life dependent on it.

They already do this, especially in FL, but it's a two-sided coin because that means the blue states have an even smaller pool of taxpayer money to steal from. It's economic accelerationism.


That doesn't change the fact that we will never pay, nor is there enough money in existence to pay.

No, it's that you have to face how shitty your state's taxes are and stop stealing from the rest of us. Dumb commie faggot.




No shit? All that does is increase my numbers, it doesn't decrease them. My post holds stronger then.




How haven't EU employees an heroed by now due to constant stress and bitching

They are already? Suicide rate for white males in the EU is high. Don't wish that user.

Only Kek can weave such miracles.

Turns out it really does work and the real problem, as usual, is the Jews.

So what's next for Trump? Ending gibs? Building the wall? Some third thing?

What’s even better is that I live in New York but not NYC and since the city get it’s own seperate tax I get an even bigger tax cut and my money actually goes to help my own county and not that fucking cesspit of every type of faggot degenerate and shitskin known to man.

Keep it in the US? No. Its incentivizes company's to
move it FROM the EU to the USA
The EU is BTFO.
I don't think it has really hit how big of a deal it was moving the tax rate from 37 to 21 is.
The EU can cut their rates drastically to compete in which case they all go broke because of their massive gibs or they can watch their economy completely tank as all the wealth leaves for the cheaper USA. No matter what they will be europoor.


Dubs of truth, gibs collapse and rioting shitskins soon.

This. It's incentive for trillions of dollars to move back to the US and invest those trillions into the US.

You shouldn't joke about us like that. I work as a counselor at a school where there's a lot of 4chan-esque right wing boys who are coming up. The previous generation a year or two ago wasn't too bad, but this generation coming up now is much more right wing. My question is, how the fuck do I deal with this shit? How am I supposed to honestly give council to a kid with a pepe shirt on? How do I talk to these kids who literally come to me and rant about affirmative action? 2 years ago these types barely even existed and they are everywhere, not only men but women too. They literally cannot control their right wing beliefs, they talk about it constantly, everywhere. They can't have a discussion about fucking math without bringing up how women hate math and science and that is why they are unsuccessful. They can't talk about english classes without talking about colleges are wiping away white authors because of cultural marxism. A kid came to me and ranted that his history classes 'blamed white people too much' for tragedies in the past and that it made him feel uncomfortable. I know my job is that people can come to me with whatever possible problems they want, no matter how controversial. But this is getting fucking out of hand.

It's only just begun.

Those global rules don't exist and were made up today because the EU is shitter shattered.

Berny Sanders was on CBS sunday saying that they will RAISE taxes if they get elected in 2018. Great fucking campaign slogan. VOTE FOR ME, I'LL RAISE YOUR TAXES! ps, NO REFUNDS

Even if it personally did nothing for you the booming economy and stock market will benefit working people.
How is your 401K been this year? Mine is up 22% YTD.
Remember how Obama said 2% GDP growth was the new normal? Well its been 4% before this tax deal under Trump. Get ready for some high energy growth. MSM is going to have to work overtime to get people to ignore reality now.

You can help by dying, like you wanted us to do. Fuck you. I hope those kids eat you alive.

NPR today mentioned 4 and Holla Forums on a program about Twitter censoring "far right" accounts. True fax. We mainstream nao.

It cuts taxes for eight years, and then everyone's taxes (unless you're rich) go up a bunch, and added to the inevitable inflation that the extra debt will cause, means the average joe will probably have about 4% less buying power by then.

Basically what the GOP did was tell their kid that they will cut their allowance by a dollar from now forward, and then handed them a $20 bill and the kid goes "Oh, wow!!" because he can't into math. So what if this will cause the "economy to grow"? A boss doesn't increase wages just because he's making more profit; trickle-down has been proven to not work three times already. So what if it will "add more jobs"? Most people already HAVE a job!

You get these people all gangbusters that they will be paying $1000 less per year in taxes. It just shows you have fucking small and pathetic most people in the middle class are, that they think this is a significant and life-altering amount of money. If you work a tireless 40-hour week and 50 weeks out of the year, that's equivalent to a 50-cent/hr pay raise. So every hour your boss walks up and chucks a couple quarters at you. Big. Fucking. Deal.

Move shomewhere outside on the city and you’ll be fine. Anyone in the five boroughs is going to take brunt of this because of how much of the tax money goes straight to the city.

Yes it’s true if you or your family makes under 100,000 annually you can get free tuition but you have to be enrolled full time. Even that kike Bernie was there to announce the passing of the bill. Bet he got a nice chunk of change, probably for his wife’s lawyer fees



and then go cry some more commie.

So the theft of tax dollars is being reversed?

A boss does when their is a demand on worker, pushing on the supply, due to competition and job expansion into a low tax environment. Did you know China has a 15% corporate tax? Yeah.

>A couple companies threw some pennies at some of their (((select))) employees, therefore everyone will definitely be getting a pay raise
Go eat a dick.


No shit. Post was less directed your own and more at the Jewgle result.

>tfw (((they))) actually passed it
I thought he was just blowing smoke, lol. Good luck with that NY and remember

State tax deductions have been reinstated in the final bill

Living in a blue state I was conflicted over this, but if the earlier version still allowed deductions up to $10k then I shouldn't have been worried. Too bad it wasn't kept, it would have forced the wealthy libs to face the reality they created.

(reluctantly heil'd)
I feel so dirty

Oh shit, anons. (((They're))) starting to learn how to use anime images.

all of the above and more?

How long before they come here and post before lurking?

The woman on the program also admitted to having "academic programs" study places like Holla Forums. She also admitted that their study programs have required mental breaks so their employees don't get too stressed out lol. Shit posting really does work against the Liberal.

Like I said before, since I don’t live in New York City, since now they have their own seperate category, I don’t have to pay shit compared to those that do. I’m gonna be saving over 2.5K because of this.

The catch to the Free Tuition bill is that you have to be a slave to New York for X amount of years that you went to college, l they only cover up to a BA, and if you move out of state before that time expires, whatever the remaining cost was turns into a high interest loan.

isn't 8ch still blacklisted from google? They will end up on that dead .pl site and give up hopefully.

It is and it isn't

Looks like it's capped at 10k. What were the old caps?
and why didn't they fully break it off in the blue stater's commie asses? It's not like they were turning red anytime soon and "elections have consequences" per some nigger

well you would have to already have to know about imageboards to know to search k and pol

forgot pic

Leftist just utterly BTFO. Irredeemable.

I was hoping a retard like you would show up, because it's obvious you don't know how your government works. Individual tax cuts expire in 10 years because any aspect of a bill that increases the deficit after 10 years needs a supermajority (60 votes) in the Senate to pass if it's to be permanent. By making the tax cuts expire, they can pass the bill with only a simple majority (50 votes). The cuts can be extended at any time within 10 years of this bill, or made permanent if the Republicans ever gain a supermajority in the Senate. Extending the tax cuts is also a good political maneuver, so even if they can't get a supermajority, they'll still be extending them so long as they ever have 50 seats or more within the next 10 years. Keep in mind, of the Bush tax cuts, 82% were made permanent, despite what bozo here wants you to think.

There were no caps. Capping it is how it fully breaks it off in blue state asses. Because of SALT, blue states had yuge state welfare programs without any downsides since the state taxes from gibs programs were balanced out with the federal tax deduction. There's no more of that, which forces gib states to pay (more) for their own gibs.

Does the EU feel in charge?


I have no love for Comcast, but that's pretty cool.

afaik there where no caps.
So you could own mega mansions in Cali and deduct interest on it.
Capping it at 10K is actually smart. It still fucks the limousine liberals who live there but saves the lower class guy lives in a 150K home from being hurt.

Screencapped this post for future use.

But I thought the end of NN meant ISPs where never going to spend money on Cap-EX anymore?!?


that's unreal considering how fucking crazy those property taxes are.
Is it 10k total? like for multiple properties (((owners)))?


Fuck. Meant for

Yo guys, sorry to burst in like that, I need burger help with this tax shit

I have been looking up the bill and comparing it to the previous tax standards, to see how things have changed. I am using this calculator

I am taking the new tax cut numbers from that bill here

Now, I uh, just need a simple question answered: does the social security fall under the tax in the bill, or will it be added ontop of the income tax?

Like for example, in the bill if you have a wife and you earn 80000$ together, under the old tax you'd have to pay 662.29$ income tax AND 510$ social security. Total: 1172.29$
With the new bill you'd have to pay 789$ tax, if I calculated this right. Total: 789$

Again, my question is, is the social security already considered in this tax income?

SS tax is not income tax.

Wait. ProNN cucks told me investment into the infrastructure wouldn't happen without NN. I'm pretty sure that must be a lie.

Those trips make you my accountant now.

FICA (SS/medi) are their own taxes and are 6.2% and 1.45% of income, total of 7.65% of income. This is all apart from income tax. FICA taxes are their own taxes and were not touched by this tax bill.

So, essentially the way this works out is that you pay state/local/fed income taxes AND FICA taxes, none of those except federal income taxes were reduced. If, for example, you were paying 7.65% fica, 4% state, 1% local, and about 7% federal taxes, your total tax burden would have been roughly ~20% of your income through taxes. If federal income taxes on you were reduced by say, half, then you'd still be paying 4% state, 1% local, 7.65% fica, but now only 3.5% federal income, so your tax burden would drop to ~ 16% of your income. It didnt reduce your total tax burden by half, only the part that federal income tax accounted for.


alrighty, thanks for the help! This gave me quite a bit of insight, though I still don't get one thing, I have been running a few numbers through the calculator, and I have consistently seen that the new taxrate is quite a bit higher than the previous one. Like my previous example, I also just punched in 77400$, and got 742$ taxes under the new bill, and 629$ under the old. I don't see where this is cutting taxes, am I missing something?



yo hold on, I think I figured out what I was missing, you guys have a standard deduction thing, that prevents a certain amount of money from being taxed apparently, and I didn't factor that in with my new bill calculatorium. I'll doublecheck the numbers again


But but but Jimmy Kimmel cried about the tax cuts on TV! How did that counter stradegy didnt work?



I was going with the similarity to "fish mouth" so I chose a fish.

i don't get any tax cut, and i will in fact pay more.

i live in new jersey, i just purchased a $650,000 home in an all-white neighborhood (a rarity), i'm on 8pol, so you know the extremity of my political ideology, and i make $250k/yr.

i'm white, i'm a male, i'm 25, i'm single, and i've purchased my house as an investment and potential future home for when i get married and have at least two white children.

this tax plan is bullshit. wtf happened to carried interest?

nobody even fucking brings it up. why am i getting fucked to pay for red states who don't pay enough, while carried interest remains untouched? wtf is up with pass throughs?

i hate this bill, and i think it's going to fuck the republicans in the midterms. i do feel betrayed by trump, and i know i'm only going to get shit for it here and everywhere else for living in new jersey because nobody gives a fuck, but fuck you and i supported him MORE and HARDER than most people did.

i don't support it, and i don't defend it. i voted for this fucking guy for tax cuts, economic stimulus, immigration reform, and generally RADICAL reform of all aspects of government.

i'm not seeing it, and honestly, i'm not going to vote for anyone else in 2020, but i'm pretty fucking disappointed and discouraged, fam.

trump came 4 years too soon. white people losing 4 more years would have brought us to a boiling point, we'd have retained the senate and house, obamacare would have collapsed, and we wouldn't have let out so much steam with our victory.

TIL I'm Rich.


This is a post from some bitch facebook that this user just copy and pasted. If you're gonna use or send it to people at least use the original cap.

Saved as pasta.


it's real. This thing nearly cuts your taxes in half, at least in the lower income range!

Here are the old tax rates if you are interested, thing is, with the bill it doesn't simply state a flat percentage, it just wants a flat out number like 8940$ after a certain income plus like 22% of the excess you earn over e.g. 19400$ per year.

I mean, I just did a calculation based on these percentages, took a married couple joint returns 80k, guess what, for the _OLD_ bill I got 1666 fucking $ that a married couple had to lay down. Under the new bill? ==408$!== Holy shit!!


Hey friend. It's a rarity!

I'm not american, can someone explain to me how ~3% savings is an historic tax cut?
Don't get me wrong, it's about time taxes went down instead of up and i would like that too, but from reading here and the past when the bill first passed, i didn't see anyone who even got close to 10% reduction.
Didn't Trump talk all the time about 10%, minimum? Or was is for corps only? Seriously, if i where amercian i would be kinda pissed. Not because i get to save some cash, but because its being hyped as historical. Anything less then 10% is fucking nothing in a practical viewpoint.

Ya know, I'm thinking now is the real time for a career change for me. I've been working in the mental health field, but with the removal of the obamacare mandate there are less likely to be people with insurance to actually pay for MH services. Meanwhile, corporate tax rates are cut a lot and they're likely to invest in infrastructure and development and expansion of their businesses, which means opportunities for new employment and advancement of people currently in their ranks.

.. yeah… I think its time to give up the pipe dream of being a therapist and helping people with mental illness, shit doesnt pay, and isnt going to keep paying like it was anyway. Not that the pay was ever that good to begin with. But with the mandate gone, insured rates likely to drop a bit, and corp cuts driving expansion in other industries? Yeah… time to figure out something else to do.

Now.. just what that will be… I'm not sure. Gonna have to figure it out pretty quick though if I want to be able to ride the wave of investment and growth


Are you guys even trying anymore? I guess when they have to go into shilling overdrive they inevitably have to settle for inferior shills.

Yo, don't take me as ultimate authority on that, but the tax reform doesn't have flat percentages to work with, just look up the first section here:
I have been running through a few numbers, this is way more than 3%, this is actually a 76%!!!! tax reduction just based on my previous example!


You're a fucking retard. Pennies matter. Neither of my parents made more than $80k a year, they averaged ~60k/year. My parents are with well over $3m. My parents had 3 kids. Want to know how that happens? Not being a fucking nigger with money and saying shit like "anything less than 10% doesn't matter".

Your opinion means nothing then.


I live in rural NY, thank god. So hopefully this doesn't actually end with me paying more.

Yandex > (((Google)))

You're conflating the percentage tax decrease with the percentage less tax that Americans will pay. Imagine you pay 15% of your income into taxes. Then you get a 3% reduction, so you only pay 12%. Now you're paying 20% less money to the government, which is quite a difference for ordinary Americans.

We're already here.

enjoy your ban, kike.

You make, literally, 10x what I do. I get a roughly 18% cut in what I'm paying in federal taxes. Reducing my federal income tax rate from a total of 6.5% of my income, to 5.3%. I get to keep a massive 1.2% more of my paltry income. I also live in a red state mind you.

So no, it isnt some big change for anyone. Maybe you aren't seeing any cut, and? Neither am I really. It amounts to less than $300/yr, about $25/mo more I get to keep. I mean honestly, thats an entire year of not spending that "extra savings" and I could buy.. I dunno, a new set of tires for my truck, or a ps4 or something. WOW, so amazing. Mind you, combined with fica, fed, state, and local, I'm currently losing 21% of my income to various taxes (before sales tax mind you). This is going to change that to about 19.5% of my income being taken before sales tax is also taken on anything I buy. Do you really think that that is going to change anything about my life or situation? no.

No, the real benefit isnt for individuals directly. Its for businesses who will expand and grow their businesses, hire more people, and build new projects. Its called economic growth, and will provide new job opportunities and advancement opportunities for people who work harder and get in on those fields.

You get mostly nothing, and sure that sucks for you, but frankly you're already very well off. So why should I care? If you see nothing out of this, then so what? I'm more concerned about businesses being able to expand and grow and hire and promote and increase pay, and that working to increase income levels for the lower income earners. Ya know… people like me, who could actually use the opportunity. And thats all it is, an OPPORTUNITY. The actual tax cut itself is NOTHING for an individual. The only people who are going to benefit, are the people who capitalize on the opportunities it creates.

NPR has shit writers whose pieces written for radio are trash.
And that was with the old deal calculator, kek

Are you paying for niggercare too user? That's gassed.

Paid by the word, not by the post huh? That's rough. You guys should unionize.

Nope, I've never paid for it. I havent had HI since I was a child, but I make little enough that I've been able to skirt by on the tax by saying I don't earn enough so there are no affordable plans available to me. So, even that removal isnt really a benefit to me. But it doesnt matter.

Is this some kind of new ironic shitposting? I'm sitting here explaining why this tax change is GOOD, or rather how it can BE good for individuals. And you're calling me a paid shill for it. Do you realize how retarded you sound? Are you just not reading the posts? Or are you not understanding what I'm saying?

Let me simplify it for you. This tax deal was never about reducing income taxes on individuals by enough to make any sort of substantial change in the economics of a family or household. Does it reduce their tax burden? Yes, but only slightly in most cases. Low income earners get basically nothing, middle earners get some, and higher earners like the fag I replied to get basically nothing.

Meanwhile businesses get a lot of cuts, WHICH means they can invest those savings in businesses and expansions in their own industries. ISPs are already talking about expansions, I believe there was some plane company already announcing an expansion or something.. you'll hear more about these things in coming days as this continues and more businesses realize that these tax breaks were aimed directly at allowing them more income on hand to drive expansion, innovation, and create new job opportunities for individuals.

WHICH, is where the real benefit for individuals begins. With businesses opening up new locations, increasing pay rates, and breaking ground in new areas of development, thats going to mean lots of new jobs and higher paying jobs, that individuals are going to have access to.

Again, this won't help out the higher earners like the guy I replied to, but again who cares about the fag making 1/4th of a million a year and bitching because he didnt get a tax break on his 3/4ths of a million dollar home? But it WILL help out people in the lower class and lower middle to true middle who will see more chances to get into well paying industries that are expanding, which WILL increase their earnings and improve their situations.

This tax cut was never about gibsniggers wanting a bunch of money handed back to them. It was always about providing opportunities. And that makes logical sense. You can't create economic growth by just giving people some extra money to spend on stupid crap. This won't help anyone in the long run. We've done this before and proven it doesnt work. What you CAN do thatll help, is creating an environment where businesses can do far more things and hire more people and pay them more. And thats exactly what Trump has done here. Itll take time to ramp up and get going, its not some "quick fix." But whats that old saying? Anything worth doing is worth doing right? Anything worth having will take time to get? Things like that.

Now, try reading my posts and not being a fucking idiot.

A simple yes would suffice. But again, by the word…I get you. Plod on brother.

Still so fucking dumb you can't even bother to read/understand what is written. Welcome nu-Holla Forums poster, now get out, your kind isnt welcome here

it's not bait, and it is a rarity in north jersey. the only nigger i've seen in my neighborhood is the mailman.

i don't lack empathy for those worse off than me, as i know i am very fortunate. and so what i can to help those closest to me cope with their own misfortunes.

i don't trust believe the corporate rates were cut deeply enough, and i don't believe it'll really generate job growth. we're already sitting on $2.3t in uninvested capital by existing businesses, so i don't see where the incentive for growth is coming from that isn't already there.

we aren't getting and tariffs from what i can tell, so there's nothing to stem the tide of particularly manufacturing losses (my personal interest).

why should you care? because the bill is very pettily punitive of blue states, and they're where most of the money is made. there's no reason to limit SALT deductions. that alone would save me a fuckload. my state will never reform that, either, and we won't turn red. other states will turn blue as blue staters LEAVE and migrate to red states.

why the fuck is carried interest still around? why wasn't your rate slashed to zero? do you not remember his tax plan from the campaign? that's what i elected him for.

i don't see progress in what i voted for. why is there so much obfuscation over las vegas? why don't we know the truth?

i thought shit would be different, but it's not. feel free to redpill me on how it is.

Oh I read it.

you're a braindead faggot and i hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.

stop posting, you autistic cur.

I just ran your bullshit story through the tax plan calculator and you'd only paying 124$ more/yr.


Have you even read the thread user?

and it will be cheaper to do business in the US than anywhere else



Go back to reddit.


thanks for the new pasta m8

calc says i would pay another $2k, when i voted trump in to, among other things, reduce my tax burden.

i paid almost $90,000 in taxes for FY2016. $90,000 worth of my labor went to pay for niggers, spicks, and old people last year.

It's not free if taxes are paying for it and usually government is too inept or corrupt to do it properly the DMV is often cited as an example of how poorly the government does things

Holy shit this got slid hard.

Top Kek.

Like pottery.

Enjoy your tax cuts burgers, you deserve it for electing Trump as President. Seems like the anti-Drumpf shills triple down every time good news like this comes out.

This is too much, impeach drumpf now.

My family will be saving about $2,000. It's not Trump's fault you live in a blue state that hates you. Every blue stater is getting fucked because they cant write off their state income tax anymore.

If this doesn't give an incentive to vote out tax and spend liberals, I don't know what will.

President Trump is a gift that keeps on giving.


Get fucked, shills. We're Making America Great Again.

user I'm kinda getting tired of all this winning.
said not a single Human bean ever

What extreme, hardcore Zionism?

You're a fucking naive retard who must live in a large city.

Post Tax Bills and Returns of GTFO

This is an historic day for White Americans.

No more free rides, commie cucks.

3% is a lot of money. Let's say I make 50000 a year, now I have 1500 dollars more back.The corporate Tax Rates which were lowered by 15% is what is producing tons of jobs.


Fuck you user, my tax return goes from 1800 ish to about 3200. And my taxes are going down by 3% which combined with no longer having to be FORCED to by Nigger Care, means way more money for myself.

Funny part of this? It doesn't include the illegals picking up Obamacare for free in commie states like California. So it's going to cost the taxpayers even more.

If the EU/Germans lose a bunch of jobs to US, wouldn't that mean their "not enough young people to fill jobs!" crisis (read: horseshit) is over, and they have one less justification for importing foreign invaders en masse?


Obviously the only solution is import more refugees to generate jobs :^)

Does this mean I can cancel my health insurance now without having to pay the mandate? When is Trump going to sign this into law?

its going into effect for tax year 2018, so feel free to cancel that shit.

I would wait the 2 weeks until Jan 1st.

Pretty sure I'd be locked in by that time. If I know the bill has passed both House and Senate and that Trump is going to sign it soon-ish, then it seems I could cancel right away and not face any repercussions. Will probably sign up for a dental plan later though because those aren't expensive for me and I like having my teeth cared after.

They're going into hysterics over at the jew York Times. Wailing, gnashing teeth, rending of garments. Comedy gold watching these fuckers weep and moan over niggers and beaners not getting their gibs.


I don't have an animu smug enough for this.

These people are like inverse libertarians.

Bizzaro clown world user.

These fucking (((people)))

i wish. He said in the debates he's not going to end social security because of how unpopular that is. No president would do that because the elderly uprising would end the government. He also said a million times he loves the Mexicans so the welfare is staying too. Doctors got big tax cuts so they can waste it on stocks that will make the economy seem like its not hot garbage.

All I want for Kikemas is.

Yeah, he's barely scratched the surface of the current shit-heap yet they kvetch as if it's the end of the world. At least he's moving in the right direction.

President Trump has opened up a small salt mine for us. Thank you Mr.President.

Not tired of winning yet. Please Mr.President, deliver us more salt.

It's too bad they blame "da evil corporations" for everything wrong in the world and then going around throwing the word "fascist" around, without knowing about history of Mussolini nor the ideas of Corporatism, and that true Fascism is when the state makes cooperation with corporations; in order to serve the needs of the people. They fail to understand that in it's time, Italian Fascism was seen as a third-way, to actually limit unchecked capitalism (liberal-capitalism / lassez-faire) without falling into the trap of surrendering to the threat of communism that happened to the USSR previously. That's exactly what Trump is doing by incentivizing with the 18% for reinvestment and has been doing early by with all the meetings with business leaders. Of course, try telling libs that Fascism is actually a good thing then they'll go on about the 6 gorillion and ignore (70 million whites that died) and the fact that even Putin himself has stated for the record (((who))) ran 80-85% of the USSR and also just "happened" to "find" all of the supposed "death camps" that were probably filled with more enemies of the USSR than Germany.

They completely ignore the fact that Liberalism has been in power since the 1960's and most CEOs are liberals and are the reason that we had the outsourcing and the de-industrialization of America that led to Trump in the first place. Oh course, there's a lot more to all of that, you all know that stuff already. I'm just re-iterating for newfags like NPR.

I am.

It's funny because companies like Airbus have been undercutting the US by the EU allowing them to reinvest government money into their corporation.



You don't know how VAT works, do you?

I got into an argument a few years back with a Brit over that subject. Airbus was failing badly with their A400M Atlas and I was laughing about how it was a piece of government subsidized shite.

He countered with but Boeing gets U.S. military contracts so it's the same thing. That bong's skull was concrete re-enforced thick.

Truly kike logic.

>look at receipt 25% VAT

I just read a little on that and that seems like the absolute kikiest thing ever.

Why do these folks think the government is more efficient than private industry? Can't they understand tragedy of the commons or that people need a profit motive to get things done, that the world doesn't come about of sheer good will?

You're assuming they are arguing in good faith. Liberals and leftists in general don't believe most of the shit they spew. They are simply trying to destroy the country in one way or another and benefit in the process. Remember r/K selection theory. They are not like us.

Damn, fuckin checked

It's your own fault, faggot. I live in Illinois trying to save enough money to buy a house outside the state. I'm not stupid enough to buy a family home here. You shouldn't be either, but here we are

Then take care of them yourself. Man did not rise to the top by eating soy lecithin candies and granulated sugars.

I'm assuming they're retarded bugmen but human beings have the choice to make between r and K and for some dumbass reason they seem to think
The white race has gotten it's superiority for a reason and that's because it's competitive naturally, you can't turn an orange into an apple and subsidizing r behaviour won't turn them into K style races it'll just lead to a retarded collapse and a race war.

Also part of it is the soyboys can't see that the world and human nature is designed for competition and just because you give your porch monkey food doesn't mean he won't stab you in the back.


(same dubs check)
Top Wew.


He need to stop or restrict the welfare. Whoever want to access the welfare aids need to be sterilised in order to be eligible for the welfare. This would help to lessen the burdens on the society but that will take time to make a difference though. $1000 voucher for the welfarists if they get themselves sterilised immediately. There are more than 100 millions people on welfare and is growing. The picture is related.

He's canning niggercare, they'll all die of AIDS.

isn't anyone going to go salt mining on reddit and twitter I mean this is literally SALT salt, it's 100% pure

I always wonder how this kind of troll logic is supposed to work.

This… this can't be real.




Blue states can weather this storm because they have a stronger economy to begin with. Red states will just suffer all the more because now their citizens are paying much less in taxes. Whoops?

user, what? The states have to pass new deductions if they want to keep the tax bill the same, it mainly affects rich kikes. If they cut the rich kike payments from their budgets they can't fund welfare.

Defunding welfare is the next thing they are going to do. And the populous will cheer this because it means those nasty niggers and mexicans won't be using that welfare anymore, because they've already forgotten they are using welfare also.

I hope not, single mothers should be taxed into the grave to disincentivize them existing.
and remember that native households includes niggers and beaners with citizenship

If this isnt bait, please tell another fellow NJ user were this magical place is.

there isnt one here


another NJ user here, they exist but they're "white" there's parts of passic, clifton, summit, north caldwell and other middle class to wealthy suburbs that are mainly populated with (((white people))) the weird othodox kind in their damn minivans. The crime rate is low so it's obviously better than paterson or camden but tbh the kikes smell really weird and jaywalk all over the damn place

I know this is bait, but if anyone unironically believes this educate yourself in economics you doppelnigger.




It was a reply to a post further up claiming those things.

Yes but not all of the welfare are canned. If 100 millions welfarists are sterilised then that means no more children on the welfare. Can you marine how much it save the money? Tons of the taxpayer's money!


here's an archive to the reddit discussion on the bill if anyone wants to mine for salt

I would say the biggest issue with trickle down in the past was it was easier for companies to move overseas to China and India due to what was possible that time in the US. Now that Chinese land prices are skyrocketing thanks to their government inflating a bubble, the tax bill reducing the cost of conducting business, lower land prices in the States, and robotic automation making more sense by being closer to the final sales point than having overseas worker bases creating inferior products, it will create actual change due to the United States having competition on the global level instead of half the world being owned by Soviets.

I need a coffee drink.

They just couldn't compete with the Ajit.

I need more salt

Due to having the world's strongest consumer base (by number if not by income), the US has given itself the financial capability to deindustrialize China with this.


On how may levels are we winning right now? Is it even conceivable by the human mind how many levels of winning we are on?

What a beautiful picture

nice trips.
the level of winning will only be surpassed when china splinters into warring states again

If anyone knows a concentration of German leftists crying about this, make sure to screech "THEY TUK UR JEEERBS" as they love doing when the mass importation of spics drives down wages in the US.


Faggot please, we can sniff out shillblue/leftist from miles away. Fuck off with your, "Im one of you guys… but FUCK DRUMPH!" shill post. FUCK RIGHT OFF!

Lads I'm fucking dying right now oh my god.

Wow outright Democrat shills are actually still around, I thought we were just under attack from less mundane groups.

We're taking back OUR shekels and their is nothing they can do but shriek.

Also for all the China Internet Defense Force shills out there, since I know the PLA is browsing, look at the absolute state of your citizen's income.
won't archive

Well the tax cuts aren't going to help them since they are in Jew York and Commiefornia. I bet they're doing it all for free.

"Im one of you guys…. but fuck DRumpHGHr!" Fucking faggot shills can be spotted from orbit.

They probably think this is cuckchan.

This is what I was thinking. Reading this shit is bad enough for us, the Austrians and Lolbergs must be having aneurysms wading through this.
How do leftists cope living in the most extreme inversion of reality conceivable?

Wtf how are we still posting memes if the website bandwidth was throttled down to 16 bits/second?

Top Smug.


There's a bunch of hysteria over ISPs raising their prices as early as January next year. The reality is that the prices are going up 5-10 bucks around the board, though, which isn't a lot, but it gives them more wiggle-room to hand out bonuses and invest into infrastructure.

I don't like paying more for internet, when these fat-cat Jews are already pocketing millions in bonuses and compensation a year, but at least they're offering to finally improve the shitty infrastructure in this country.

Kikes trying to bury this thread lmao

Seems like blind rage and panic. What happened to the thread about the EU trying to gather support for undoing Trump's move to move the embassy over to Jerusalem and in response Trump threatened to cut off aid to any countries, effectively using jews against jews.

fuck, I mean the UN

Huwhat? This guy must be a stealth Jew.


No. All manner of logic went out the window when it became logical to have non-whites in Europe in the first place. Enough finagling can be done to the shekel to cause the new jobs in the US to need to be filled by low-pay pajeet and gook labor for the US and for the Germans they get the flip side, Germans losing work so we need more handout programs and those handout programs will be earmarked for non-whites within Germany. One of the tactics the jews use is let it look like the plan is benefiting their enemy when the actuality doesn't, but whites in this case go along with the plan because high trust, pathologically altruistic etc.

WW3 when?

If you want to get technical, they're stealing it from the boomers who they already promised $3Trillion/year for SS, but the boomers need to die anyway so it's a non-issue.

Lmao. I'm european too and you clearly never worked a day in your life. We pay 40-60% of our profit in taxes. In america they pay a rightful 25%. Also, our "free" shit is what brings in milions of african freeloaders. Not to mention the fact that all markets are saturated: you get your "free" degree, and then you go straight into a mcdonal, or you go in usa to look for a good job. Have you ever seen an american working outside the usa? Neither have i, because, since education is behind paywall, only the wealthy and the skilled get a degree, and their high end market is not saturated.
Get your shit straight.

/r/'ing the name of that song

When have big isp's and cable co's NOT raised rates? If this increase is because of NN then what abut the ones from 1980-2016?

we need to cut off social security all together, it's such a fucking scam

Because honestly it wouldn't matter. My federal income tax is about 1.5k a year, while that would be nice to have, it also isn't going to make or break me, its about $125/mo more in my pocket but thats just my internet and water bills covered. The real places taxes hit me the hardest are 1) FICA taxes, and 2) sales tax. Both of those are in excess of 6% in most situations, fica is nearly 8%, sales is sometimes up to 10%. State and local together are only 5%, and federal for me was only about 6.5%. You could remove all federal income tax from me and it still wouldn't be a big change in how ass raped I get on taxes, because it doesnt touch the two biggest dildos of tax rape for low income earners (sales and fica).

So, I'm fine with not getting a bigger cut on those taxes. As for where that 2.3t in uninvested money is, I'd like to see some sources on this. But I'd be willing to bet a lot of it is owned by mega businesses that have basically saturated the market already so theres no place for them to expand to. We aren't worried about helping or hurting them, theres little to be done directly about them. What we should care about is all the businesses in the middle who could use the extra funds on hand to expand their models and offer their services to more people, employ more people, and thus create growth.

Again I'd want to see sources on where that 2.3t is, or rather, what major players hold most of it cause you know its just a few. I'd be willing to bet my left ball that its all mega businesses like walmart or microsoft or major manufacturers or some shit, places that have no reason to expand regardless of whats done. But again, they arent who we want to see expand anyway


Is he actually going to do it?

Good time to ask for a raise if you work for a global company.

I feel you m8. Sorry for everyone else calling you shills, these guys find it real hard to consider legitimate frustration/criticism towards what's going on. They'll call everyone a shill because they think it's better to just mass shutdown anti-trump shit and throw a few of their own under the bus, like you, than to let shills get any control over the dialogue. It's weird how this reaction has generated one of the most autistic and horizontally generated safe-spaces of our time. I mean fuck, I'm going to get blasted as a shill for this post- or I should, if they are going to apply their rhetoric consistently.
Anyway, I feel you man. I've been disillusioned with the Trump train for some time now, and while I'm coming out ahead with this tax plan, I feel like the establishment republicans have really done a number on us and our chances for the future.

They were against this tax plan and now they're angry it doesn't affect them. Fuck Californians.

I was never and still am not on the trump train. There is absolutely no way someone that was actually on the train wants off now.
Explain yourself or get out. What are the downsides? We've already determined you are paid by the word, so please elaborate at length.

If your business claims tens-of-thousands of dollars in deductions it could be hit with the Alternative Minimum Tax. Pay yourself a modest five-figure income and set up a deferred compensation plan (retirement, health insurance, etc). Since you're the only employee you can be extra generous. If you want to improve goodwill (an intangible asset that can be monetized) through charitable fundraising you should set up a non-profit subsidiary.

The current tax plan is loosely based off of the Kentucky plan, which has successfully lead to the near bankruptcy of Kentucky as a state. I'm afraid this tax plan will manifest in a similar way as it did in Kentucky, and that it will lead to a massive spike in debt and a loss in opportunity for a vast number of people through the bleeding of the middle class, as happened/is happening in Kentucky.
Also lol fucking called it. I'm a shill because I don't crawl about on my knees sucking off whatever is popular on the board at the time. Fuck off nigger, I work the office of a mechanic shop.

Have you been to KY? You fucking moron. Minus Louisville it's one of the greatest states to live. Everything is cheap, it's beautiful. Woodland everywhere. Horse and scenic stables line the roads. NO ONE BUT A FUCKING SHILL WOULD CARE IF THE GOVERNMENT WENT BANKRUPT.

The government is going bankrupt but it's bankrolling itself off the backs of the fucking middle class you turbo retard. All growth has halted in KY over the last 4 years, and the economy is stagnating. You're full of shit. Yeah it's great, but that's because it was great 4 years ago. It's starting to crumble already due to a tax plan that caused the fastest turn around of prosperity in a long time. The middle class is feeling it the most, they're struggling because the tax plan doesn't actually reduce expenditure, it only shifts the burden of payment around in a way that fucks the middle class.

Also if KY goes bankrupt then that means it's going to have all of it's capital stock sold off and the state will be absorbed into the nearby ones- if congress doesn't step in to change how bankruptcy is supposed to happen according to the constitution. All of this because of a fucking tax plan that sent KY from having millions in the bank with a surplus to being near 1b in debt.
I don't think it's a stretch to be worried that this new tax plan, which was loosely molded after the KY one (with heavy influence from the same niggers that forced this shit plan upon the people).

I don't think it's a stretch to be worried that this new tax plan, which was loosely molded after the KY one (with heavy influence from the same niggers that forced this shit plan upon the people), will cause a similar thing to happen on the national level.*

You're a goddamn fool if you think the government isn't already on the track to bankruptcy. Quantitative easing for years in order to prop up the economy, near zero interest rates. The idea that we are going any way other than Zimbabwe is laughable. Why? Because the government will never, ever reduce spending. Partially because its turned into a jobs program - there would be no black middle class without the government paying the apes to sit in cubicles - and partially because everyone is stealing with both hands.

The tax bill serves to increase corporate profits in order to send the stock market further into hyperdrive so that pension funds don't go bankrupt and suck everything down in the near future. Eventually the music will stop playing and at that point civil war breaks out or they miraculously issue a new currency and things sort themselves out after a few months of instability.

What point are you trying to make here? That we're fucked either way? No shit nigger, everyone knows this economy is unsustainable. Keynesian economics have fucked us hardcore. The fiat system itself is designed to bankrupt the nation after enough time. Just because things are fucked doesn't mean I have to sit pretty waiting for daddy's cummies to trickle down my chin from sucking off the fucking retards that drafted this shit. I helped vote in Trump for tax reform, not further redistribution away from the middle class.

I know a bunch of working class friends there and they all seem to love it. I nearly moved there myself. By what measure is it stagnating. I just looked at all relevant numbers and it doesn't appear to be true user.
I looked at unemployment, government spending, education spending, etc. I just didn't want to snag all of them. All I see is government types complaining.

What sort of tax reform (talk about rearranging chairs) do you imagine would solve the issue. Tariffs?

I can't think of a less relevant, more skewed number than GDP. If you take muds that don't speak the language, airdrop them into the country, throw them on welfare and half or more end up in prison, that will increase GDP. Its a joke.

you dumb fat nigger
your fucking fat orangutan is a jewish cum dumpster. his top "senior" (((advisers))) are fucking jews. kys

But did KY do that? No. Their state spending went up at this same rate roughly. You said STAGNATING. How are you measuring that if not by GDP and spending user?
In fact they decreased spending on about everything but Medicare that I could see. So…too many gibs still. But otherwise they are rolling rolling rolling. Being in debt is good at this point. NO ONE IS EVER GOING TO PAY. It only matters how free you are and KY kicks the shit out of most states and it's gorgeous. Fuck off.

Literal unironic 4d chess

First off, GDP takes into consideration government spending, which has been increasing yearly in KY while their revenue has been dropping (due to this tax plan). GDP is a horrible measure of prosperity. A far better metric is development of cities and towns, and the growth of the average net income.
The tax rate is bleeding the middle class, not affecting any government spending. What's happening is that these people who now have a greater tax burden are spending less and they're unable to invest as much as they normally would. If the tax plan only caused the bankruptcy of the government then I'd be supporting it wholeheartedly, however the bankruptcy of government when the revenue of the government depends upon the middle class is not okay. The tax system is going to kill the state and the middle class with it.

You moron. You aren't giving me a lesson in economics. I've read the entirety of Mises and Rothbard.
You are a fuckwit. I'm done taking your bait. Enough people see you are a shill I can stop.

I said nothing of the sort learn to read IDs. The fact of the matter is that all of the metrics you listed are massaged to hell and don't mean anything.
if you're unemployed for x amount of time you fall off the rolls and they don't count you as being unemployed
see my previous response
throwing more money down the rathole isn't a good indication of anything especially because the "solution" they came up with for the last recession was to spend gobs of money on anything and everything

Do you guys sit next to each other? or work remotely? Halfwits.

I agree tho this guy is a moron

Talk about mistaking cause and effect.

Oh you're a moron too.


Oh nooooo not a giant economic downturn…imagine all the horrible ideologies that could pop up and rule the United States in a economic downturn…it's not like the only thing /pop/ has hoped for was the destruction of democratic institutions and their replacement with ethnic nationalist ones…

Phoneposting strikes again

I've also read Mises and Rothbard. I'm actually an ancap. I fully support the total dissolution of the State, however I don't want the middle class to dissolve alongside it. Man people like you ruin this board with your autistic shill calling. Not everyone who disagrees with you is an enemy, and not everyone who goes against the board consensus is a shill. Fuck I hate you retards

Someone is especially salty today; did pedro ask for a 30 cent raise on his salary or are you still sweating after chasing that pension all your life? Gas yourself for being stupid enough to defend boomers in any case, you will never be welcome here faggot.


tbh I thought it was a reference to Hitler or Rockwell as our "Pop".

He's canning niggercare you retard. The tax plan isn't the budget either, it's just the income side of things.

That's what you got. The alternative was the Democrats Extreme redistribution from the middle class. We need a new party.

No shit, except he isn't canning niggercare at all. He's removing the individual mandate, but the bulk is still in place and it's still going to be a huge draw on resources. The government has no hope in the near future of being in the black, so how the redistribution of the tax burden is lain out is extremely important, as it is those most affected that will suffer the full cost of the government's inefficiency.

No one's going to pay for the shit now
You also forgot he's canning SALT, which costs the government 96 billion a year.

Fuck meant for

The deficit next year will only be 440 billion, removing (up to) 96 billion from that due to SALT helps a fuck ton.

I agree, but how is me recognizing this as a negative equivalent to me being a shill or wrong in this regard? It's a net negative, thus I have expressed my discontent and desire for an alternative. The existence of a potential worse situation doesn't make the current situation any better, it just makes it easier to deal with.

Right, but the US government is still going to be running in the red. We're still deficit spending and that isn't going to change unless we get a massive overhaul of our regulatory system and a huge reduction in the bloat of the government. The US organization has been growing exponentially while it's effects have not been, due to the iron law of oligarchy. This isn't sustainable, and no government institution dies on it's own.

440 billion that the middle class will have to burden due to the new tax code which loosely resembles Kentucky and did the same exact thing

You need to look at the positive side of things and how to apply gradual pressure. The world is run by constant action not by constant sentimentalism.

This new budget is already decreasing the deficit by 60 trillion from Obongo's last year.

The SALT deduction cap at 10,000 shifts up to 96 billion of the burden on to rich property owners in blue states that avoided any federal tax at all thanks to their skyscraper high blue state taxes. They aren't the "middle class" and KY didn't have this option.

Keeping the budget as is would have kept the deficit from the Obama years and would have kept growth rates as anemic as they have been, with the high tax burden US companies face in competition internationally

Oh, I never meant to imply I supported the previous bill either. I also didn't know that the projected deficit was dropping that much, that's intense. Likewise, how does the SALT deduction shift the burden onto the blue states? Quick rundown on SALT?

There was no cap for kikes that paid high tax levels in New York and California, which they were allowed to deduct from federal payments of income tax essentially subsidizing the policies of those two states. Like another user said earlier, you could own a mansion in Cali and pay no federal tax.

Literally all champagne socialists sucking the money out of the country.

The reason it exists was to keep state autonomy after the creation of the (((income tax))) but no one expected communism to be so popular today.

Check if you fall into any of these FICA exemption categories:

Wow. It's like when you're rich you naturally and unavoidably benefit off of money even more than not rich people or something. I love how they're avoiding talking about stuff that does hurt the rich badly while giving relief to the middle class, like capping SALT and doubling the Estate Tax exemption. And foreign investors benefiting? Sounds like the plan for attracting more jobs to the USA is already working. This whole article is Fake News that is lying by omission.


If this wasn't considered a declaration of war against the white american, it should be.

Does this number include military and military families? Does TRICARE count as 'federal welfare' wih regards to this?

there is also a federal unemployment program for military spouses who are forced to leave their job as a result of PCS orders. Is that sort of thing included?

I suppose even then that there are only approximately 1 million people in the military so, at most, that number would be 1-4 million (including spouses and children).

fuck that number is high. Has it increased since 2011?

It says means tested welfare, which apparently are some 79 programs that I'm trying to find out now.

Understand that you are in the extreme minority. The vast majority of Americans cannot afford to buy a home (that includes many whites), let alone a $650,000 one, and most don't even come close to making $250k per year. No one is going to have sympathy for your situation. As for "BU-BU-BU MUH COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENTS", you chose to live in a luxury town among limousine liberals when literally any other place in the country would garner you benefits from this tax plan.

I guess all those pay raises and bonuses announced by various companies after this passed only line Trumps pocket

The largest component of it is Medicaid, which we should change. Also Trump is changing the qualifications for these programs so that should reduce the load massively.
Source from a

They're not incentivized to hire whites, aside from ideological leanings. No one's saying that beaners aren't better suited for landscape, gardening, and agricultural labor. Don't get me wrong, if you train up a white then he'd probably surpass the average beaner. But no one's training, it's not economically or culturally incentivized for whites to train in those career fields, or for people to train them. A lot of Central Americans and beaners have valid work authorization too, so it's not criminal to hire them. We would need a total overhaul of the current system.

Never had a cavity before, so I think I take care of my teeth pretty well. There are other things that the nurses do to go the extra mile to keep them that way that I appreciate, so I'd like to continue giving them my business.

Ice cream, dildoes, and cat pictures.

Alright, the Republicans fixed Medicaid, you don't get your healthcare paid for if you're healthy and in a blue state anymore. So we're fixing this shit.

Why the fuck does Trump hate crypto so much? Doesn't he want us to kill the jews with our wealth? These crypto taxes are fucking bullshit.

Puppy play is absolute degeneracy of the highest calibur

What the fuck are you talking about? How does paying less taxes make red states suffer?

Nigger you practically can't get welfare if you're white and it is used almost entirely by niggers and spics because whites don't want other people to pay for them.

It is, and is a gateway to sexual trafficking. What is a rubberdoggo but a sex slave in costume cared for like a dog in a cage, and used for BDSM rituals? I've seen 13 year olds get into this shit and run away from home when their parents catch them, usually with the help of furries looking to get some hard candy, and then they end up as rape toys and punchingbags.
Have more proof, straight from a victim's mouth:

This was my family; we went from lower middle to upper middle class to lose 40% of our income



lol, fucking dailykos shill going on about Kentucky. Most people from Kentucky are successful and self-reliant. Your insistence that it's in some type of disaster is nonsense.

Because he thought that it would appeal to centrists, since capital gains taxes are assumed to be something that targets the rich, but with the recent rise of cryptos normies now realize that was a falsehood and everybody can get screwed by capital gains taxes.

How much did USA fund the US aid?

You pay yourself in stocks, after holding onto them for a year what you then pull is taxed at long term capital gains rates, with Trump's plan, 0% for 0-75k, 15% 75-225k, 20% 225k+

How true is this?

it's amazing they have the gall to say this after obama


being retarded on purpose is still being retarded user

He just signed it.



What is this retard talking about, laws have a date where they effectively take place, just because you sign in 2017 or 2018 doesn't change the date it takes effect.

Fucking love this guy


in thumbnail form, i briefly thought that screenshot said "singing penis"
shows where my mind is, i guess

The "Now this" and "In the Now" guys are notoriously anti-state.
They're not really leftists or joined Soro's pussy-hat brigade, they're just morons who constantly harass or criticize anything the government does.
They were heavily critizing the Clintons and Obama a few months ago, now they simply changed targets. It keeps their viewers with a sense of superiority "I'm so much smarter than all the sheep who follow the government!" but of course, keep ideology discussion to a minimum.

Thumbnail looks like his mind is about to explode. I think it will actually explode when the tax cuts do everything Trump promised. The mental gymnastics shills will have to do will become Olympian God tier and no longer worth the minimum wage they're getting paid. Hopefully the tax cuts will give them a pay raise lol. But probably not, because they work for the Jews.


I guess they have moved on to the acceptance stage.


So much salt mining

You might get your taxes back, but those 10$ are gone for good.

No. The end of the Obamacare mandate doesn’t happen until 2019 tax year.

Please let this be real

The two weakest chins in Washington