Pupil Evaluation: How and why did the Holocaust Happen?

Post the emoji(s) that reflects how you feel about your learning of this topic. Explain your reasoning.



Am I alive or am I in some kind of TV show? I guess baboon world still has some tricks up it's sleeve. Our Judaized child-brainwashing centers have at long last devolved human thought to emojis. My congratulations go to the brave rabbinical scholars responsible for this breakthrough. The real question is "where do we go from here?" Only mass infanticide could permanently revert a world so Jewed. Will these children be capable of destroying the Jewish menace? Are the men posting on Holla Forums right now the only hope? Because they aren't fathering sons.


My wife and I have decided that when we have kids in a year or two, they'll be homeschooled. There's just no room left for sanity in the public education system.

The purpose of newspeak is to restrict thought by restricting language.

doubleplus good observation

Anyone have the one about trenchfoot?


This is too fucking stupid to be real


This can't be real.

I was homeschooled and I ended up here, so take that however you want.


How would you express that thought using emogi?

I'm thinking about it, but how would you fix the (lack of) socialization issues? Don't children need to be around other children in their age-group?

*pilpul evaluation

College seems to be really declining in merica

Man kids have it easy these days with school work.

There are home-school groups that get a bunch of home schooled kids together once or twice a month for field trips, etc. Once kids get involved in extracurricular activities like sports, music, etc., they'll be able to meet new kids and hang out with them after school. Kids should be around people their age, but not too much. Ultimately though, kids are fucking stupid as fuck and are terrible influences on each other. I think restricting time spent around other kids is not the worst thing for development.

Alright, fine…


Checked .Once you have groups of home-schooled kids that's great. But being the only home-schooler in the area seems like being the only amish in the area. Those things work in groups, sadly.

only for as long as it takes for them to realize that other children know absolutely nothing about anything, just like themselves, and socializing with adults is much more rewarding

yes, although if you live in a sparsely-populated area, the public schools probably aren't as shit as the city ones.

Each day the fall of Rome draws ever nearer.

I saw this picture years ago. Good newfag detector.

β“πŸ’―πŸŽŠπŸ¦πŸ”₯My emojis represent me thinking if it is true then it's worth celebrating, also birds are lit af.

surprising, considering it dates from august this year
are you from reddit, less than 14 year old, thinking in internet time and considering yourself not a newfag because you've been here for 3 months, by any chance?


There's nothing to fix. No, they don't need to be around other children in their age group. Why would they? Children don't need to learn how to behave like other children, they need to learn how to behave like adults. They already know how to behave like children.

At least you're saging.

The oldest date it was found on the internet is 2014-2015.


0/10, the holocaust didn’t happen. See me after class.

This is purposeful degradation of our education system, and blatantly targeted towards white males like the rest of the failures.
Women and subhumans find it easier to communicate with little pictures to express emotion rather than words that have the ability to communicate both emotion and logical arguments. You can't make a valid point, a logical argument, state a fact or even express an opinion past "I feel this way" with "Emojis".
This directly effects White and eastern Asian male populations the most, as they are the only two groups that are capable of looking at issues in any way other than "muh dick" or "my literally shaking".
The list of ways they are destroying education grows every day in many obvious ways.

Reported. Enjoy ban, kike.

and people thought that common core was too stupid to be real

This is retarded, the question is basiclly asking 'Did the holocaust happen, yes or yes?'