This is the type of person who likes capeshit, other Christopher Nolan movies and Numale Runner 2049

This is the type of person who likes capeshit, other Christopher Nolan movies and Numale Runner 2049.

just more proof women will NEVER understand kino

No you faggot the response to the woman is the most pseudo "I think I have taste so I tell you to go watch transformers when I watch the force awakens tier sequels like blade runner 2049" pleb retort.


Michael Bay is the Godwin's Law of cinema.

Is that the one with a young Natalie Portman?

>(((Brietbart))) mensch

Pleb confirmed.

I elect his sister for Best Milkers

Coen Brothers

Are these the de facto kinosseur filters?

He's probably right though, not many good movies made in the last 10 years.

That's the filter right there

I like P.T.A and Shane Carruth though.

Are you a fucking pleb? All of those are trash

In the sense of people constantly implying he did anything wrong to make a rhetorical point

what a kike

That's why it's a kinosseur filter, not a pleb filter.

Transformers 5 is better than Blade Runner 2049.

I haven't seen it



Good Time was shit.

Blade Runner 2049 is highly underrated.


Is he /ourjew/?

Ben "Can't Gas Me" Shapiro
Ben "The Oven Dodger" Shapiro
Ben "Escapee From Treblinka" Shapiro
Ben "Ann Frank's Attic Mate" Shapiro
Ben "Nazis Can't Gas Me" Shapiro
Ben "Zyklon B Has Nothing On Me" Shapiro
Ben "The Gas Chamber Houdini" Shapiro
Ben "Pogrom? I'm Not On" Shapiro
Ben "Top Name On Schindler's List" Shapiro

No it's a shitty anime disney movie

Literally one of them most overrated films this decade you fucking dick.

Good time was fine, Numale runner was shit.


this dude needs to go to israel and mind his own business

Good Time was jewish as fuck. That's the future you chose.

but his flicks are awful.

i lol'd, but even as bad as BR2049 is, it's not transformers bad.

Ex Machina was the only movie in his list of garbage even worth watching again


You mean foggy dust simulator 2049?



Someone please tell me he was trolling there

Does he have Alzheimer's?


I agree with Shapiro politically for the most part and think he argues well, but the reality is he's completely out of touch culturally, and he knows it. I blame his upbringing. I mean it was mostly good, he graduated college pretty young, he's pretty well-educated and managed to marry a virgin, my all measures he's a success but being raised on classical literature and opera he's completely out of touch with most of his peers and he knows it.

And this matters becauseā€¦ fuck I can't remember how the quote goes, it's like "politics is downstream from the culture" or something. This is why the right failed with GamerGate and what lead us to our current shitty situation where everyone hates the left, but the only real alternatives are the alt-right who are still leftists and the skeptics who are also leftists.

Because if you listen to Shapiro or Beck or Crowder or any of the other standard "conservatives" They try to fit in by promoting all of this garbage. Justice League, Wonder Woman, Rogue One, the Star Trek and Ghostbusters reboots. They don't have the time to think about culture so they just passively look at whatever's on netflix or youtube and comment on it like an old man. They see the trailer for Atomic Blonde, do they comment on how ridiculous it is that the movie claims a skinny blonde woman can beat the shit out of rooms full of men a foot taller than her who weigh a hundred pounds more than her? Do they mock the feminist drivvel or the fact that it's another movie about a flat woman portrayed as a sex symbol? No, they just say she's hot and has nice legs because they're low-t and to say otherwise would piss off their wives.

They're afraid to fight the feminists, they've been actively trying to court them for years, and they're in the pockets of companies like WB and EA so they just give glowing reviews to whatever slop Hollywood shits right into their faces.

Shapiro in particular is guilty of this. Every fucking time he starts talking about comic books he makes it immediately clear he just asked an intern to tell him whatever was popular and well-regarded."Superman: Red Son. Excellent book! Very conservative!" Yeah, a book that makes Superman a crazy Communist, Green Lantern a crazy charicature of the American military and Batman a half-assed critique of the American government that resolves the world would be improved if we "handed control to the scientists and artists" and "replaced the couple with the triple (read: cucks) is *very* conservative. He gushed about the works of Jeph Loeb. JEPH FUCKING LOEB. And why? Same reason he suddenly liked Wonder Woman and it made him embrace feminism, Jeph Loeb = Jew, Gal Gadot = Jew. It's like Crowder trying to come off as tough as intimidating while saying he hates metal and loves poppy rap. Yeah, bumping your show with raps sampling audio from Fresh Prince and Captain Picard, that's manly hip shit. Sometimes I wish I could get a gig as a culture correspondent on those shows and try to educate them on how they're turning off their potential audience by gushing about shitty feminist remakes emasculating men while promoting flat chested ugly female characters, but really they had their chance with GamerGate and sidestepped it.
