US pedo nigger (39) pays (probably white coalburner) girl (16) to come from Australia and fuck him

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It's a hebe at worst. That is not a pedo.

Still fucking retarded how high the sentences are.

Now hold on fellas, you may have missed something. This man is a nigger and we don't like niggers. I'm sure any second some other smart user will come along to tell you this, but around here we support unconditionally anything that negatively affects even a single person we don't like, regardless if it's a just result or if it has ramifications elsewhere.

It doesn't matter that most states have an age of consent of 16, and the age of consent where the girl came from is 16. This negatively effects a nigger, so a sentence the same as a man who rips a baby in half with his cock is 100% reasonable.

*affects, fuck, I even corrected the first one.

If it is indeed a coalburner, then it's a shame they didn't wait until he killed her before they locked him away forever.

Coalburners are the worst traitors of all, and traitors deserve death.

niggers are still better than kike pedos who definitely deserve life sentences. at least niggers hate kikes more than any other demographic in america, that alone makes them better.

Under WHITE SHARIA all girls will be married off on their 10th birthday to White space marines.

tbh I hate blacks more than Jews

hey shitskin, unlike your populations, we whites do not like fucking children meaning it is not normalized in our communities and gues what? it never will be. these are the small differences between our races. third world sub-humans like you enjoy gratifying yourselves even at the expenses of children, this is why none of you street shitters have developed a functioning society, your poor values allow you to cannibalize on your own people. your inbreeding has made you so stupid that your people cant even put up a unified front. im looking forward to shooting at your people and your kike enablers

Wrong, you naive cuckboi . Europeans have always taken brides at puberty. Especially in Pagan times (Helen in the Iliad was 11yo). Its logical.

Enjoy the slops, m8.

capitalized jew. its spelt kike

The pedoposters showing their true colors defending middle aged niggers preying on young white girls.

Sure, providing solutions to end whats happening and bringing reality to light is what Jews and SJW's do!

lmao kikes are literally the 56% meme that freech keeps trying to spam

Jews are the reason niggers are a problem, if you actually look at the root causes. Jews are the reason muslims are in our countries, they invented the feminist problem, the attack on families, they promote drug abuse and alcoholism, degeneracy of all kinds. Faggotry isnt a mental illness, because you guessed it, Jews pressured the mental institutions. Whites have problems with opiates because Jews bring in chinks and control the pharma laws, you name it, literally any problem.It provokes the "muh niggers blame whitey for everything" response you get from Jared Race Traitor Taylor types, but in reality it actually is all Jews. You can break it down 1 by 1, and at the end of the line, as we all should know by now, is someone with brackets around his name. Therefore any anger you feel for niggers you should just kinda copy and paste over top of kikes, if you get what I mean. Dont feel less angry towards what niggers do, just feel equally angry at kikes for being the reason it goes on unmolested. Similarly, for muslims. The 1 million underage British girls put into sex slavery, muslims did that, but Jews did too by bringing them in and defending them. Jews no doubt are the reason the British police forces are so corrupt and indoctrinated with (Jewish) cultural marxism, causing them to cover it up. Faggots - Jews. Feminists - Jews. Add all that anger up, for the niggers, the muslims, the faggots, the feminists, the people who overtly push white genocide, the affirmative action, whatever - and put it all on top of the chosen people.

The sexualizing of children is a semetic belief. It is not just freud, its in the talmud as well. A society that hastens sexual development of children is a primitive one. It is a society that does it out of necessity.

European societies have never done this, and shouldn't. There are higher virtues in life that sex. Kill yourself.



Pick one. I don't agree with lowering the AOC, but at least be intellectually honest with your argument.

He is talking about 10 year olds.

All women have the potential to be whores. Redtexting your inability to understand that a jewed society will do everything to encourage them to be whores does you no favors.


Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Girls can mature earlier in a stressful environment. If a society has failed to provide a stable environment for the girl you must secure the gene pool by breeding early. This is not ideal, particularly in high-societies. Sure you can point out pagan societies but these are rare instances. Maturity in european women is actually the LATEST than all racial groups. Black woman mature the EARLIEST. This is all well documented, you just have to do some honest searching and stop trying to rationalize your degenerate fetish that (((they))) created for you.

We need artificial wombs, I don't any path forward with flesh women. Women need to be 16-25 to have healthy babies, 30+ are worthless. Women need to be virgins, non-virgins are cheating/divorcing cunt thots that have genes from every man that's came inside them. Then there's the fat ones. I just don't see how we're supposed to procreate another generation when there are extremely few women available and these women (justifiably) have very high standards that most men cannot meet because our mothers were 30 year old hags that doomed many of us to being low test manlets. We need artificial wombs that can mass-produce thousands of genetically-engineered white male babies with the maximum possible testosterone and nutrient exposure to grow up healthy and strong.

Kikes fucked our society up but I don't believe that anything any degenerate does is to be forgiven because of them. Are faggots not to blame for being cocksucking fudgepacking freaks because they were 'demoralized by kikes'?

16 is an appropriate marriage age, anything before that is creepy and disgusting

16 year old virgin white women should be married off to 25-35 year old white men (this age so they will be mature and financially ready to support a family) and start having 6-8 white babies immediately, finishing by around age 26

Found the jew nigger babyrapists.

1. Under 16 is ok if you're a few years apart, not if one is forty years old. That law was invented to stop 16 year old boys from getting thrown in jail, not for YOU TO FUCK KIDS.
2. Paying for it breaks prostitution laws and possibly slavery law.
3. Bringing her across international lines breaks child trafficking laws, and brings the attention of fucking Interpol.

I hope they got him on tax evasion too, enjoy the life sentence.

Divorce is a social construct, along with marital rape and fat women.
I agree both high status MGTOW and artificial wombs/sexbots are weapons to employ to get to the goal of >2.1 white birthrates, but families need mothers and fathers, not clones raised by Diamond Age AI.

we need to bring back betrothal.

If you read what I typed… It is completely circumstantial. We do not have a shortage of woman that merits the breeding of 16 year olds. We have a society where we can marry woman in their 20s and have children, and not rob the girls of their childhood. The number is arbitrary, but just know the more advanced a society the more likely they are to delay childbirth. We have been able to this because we have been a more successful/stable society than most of the world.

Not forgiveness, but not what youre doing.

The point I'm making is that there are no mothers. They're almost all losing their virginity, a machine would be a better mom than a whore.

The ideal breeding range is 16-24, 18-22 being the peak. Women in their 20's have already taken a smorgasbord of cock and thus are essentially already dead. 16 is your best chance of finding an unused woman.
We are currently the least successful and most unstable society in the world, so that's irrelevant. An 18 year old is going to have a healthier baby than a 28 year old.

There's nothing to be gained from sparing the girl in pic 1, she's already tainted. If she were hanged and everybody knew, others would fear the same fate if they committed the same transgression.

WRONG. We are in a slow decline, sure. But look at africa and the middle east….Now tell me how early they marry their children? exactly. Be a little more honest with yourself.
I just said the number are arbitrary. It is completely circumstantial. But you even said it yourself "The peak is 18-22". A higher society allows their girls to have childhood. They are not forced into concubines like the semetic tribes have done historically.

Big deal. I'm more surprised about how the 16yo made such trip to the USA without parental supervision. How did the guy get found out?

Yes, because you would travel from Aus. to the U.S. by "force". Seriously? How would he kid get away from her parents, afford the plane ticket, etc.? I wont deny it's possible it was forced, but by the looks of it, it was "her thinking she has a guy/wants to meet him/maybe have sex as well since bf" thing (I didn't say prostitution because that would be a charge if it was so, i.e. engaging in child prostitution).
tl;dr was, given the evidence, highly likely to be willing to burn the coal.

They have high birthrates, their women are under control, their people have strong morals, and they don't let their women mix with foreign tribes. Yes, they are primitive and disgusting, but that doesn't change the fact that right now, they're winning and we're losing.

I don't care about girls enjoying their lives; the entire purpose of women is procreation and their lives should be organized by responsible men to maximize their potential for this purpose. Womens' bodies finish developing at around 16 and their brains do at around 18. This is much earlier than men where the body finishes at 18-21 and the brain finishes in late 20's.


Now, WHERE? Are the Nordic countries more progressive?

Wow I sure am a jew.
Literally not true, as most states have tiered ages of consent with the nominal "age of consent" being the age at which it is legal to fuck anybody, and separate laws for the purposes of protecting kids who fuck each other which allow them to legally consent if they're both between the age of consent and an arbitrary younger age, usually around 12.
Presented without comment
Maybe, in the sense that you can't legally enslave somebody by paying them you actual retard.
And? I've already granted that what he did was illegal. Telling me it's illegal again doesn't address my argument, that this is a legal edge case which probably isn't as heinous as the crime the punishment was written for.

Explicitly is more applicable than literally, had trouble recalling the right word.

Their 'morals' include sex before marriage, cannibalism in some parts, and constant corruption creating revolution, after revolution.

The role of women in european society is MORE than just having children. Joan of Arc is a pagan story facing persecution of christians. The authorian/pagan tale has woman such as morganna lefey playing as an entity influencing life. Witch burnings were a christian punishment led against women that left their semetic role of being a fuck hole. Women are meant to give children, yes. But they are also meant to influence men. I did not say vote. I am saying influence their husbands decisions.

You can survive with designating woman in concubines but your society will NOT thrive. While europe has never been matriarchal, it was definitely not FULLY patriarchal or egalitarian. Woman had their own distinct roles that was more than just creating life. And do not call me a woman. I am a married man with 3 kids.

Are her parents dead?


Isn't Joan of Arc that French chick from the 100 years war?
Not defending christcuckery but witch burnings were glorious and justified, and should be brought back.
No, they are also meant to comfort men. To bring joy and comfort to mens' lives while bearing babies and nurturing them. That is the purpose of women. Not injecting their ridiculous estrogen thoughts.

Me too. You can always just say no when a Jew tries to fuck you. Don't sign their contracts or do any business with them, and they lose all power. They are only a problem because idiots say "okay" to Jewish porn producers, money lenders, etc. Learn to say no, and teach your kids to say no. Jews don't have the physical ability to make you do anything. We can beat the shit out of them if we tried to.
Niggers on the other hand don't ask for permission before shooting you and raping your daughter.

It's hopeless. People aren't even noticing the blatant attempt to tie coal-burning into disgust motives; trying to get them to notice the incompetent use of language won't work at all.

Are you even capable of political thought that isn't degraded mimicry?

I agree with this but unironically. I'd be fuming were it a white man that got run under, but since it was one of our racial opponents I am ambivalent. Honor is for the honorable, not for niggers.

Yes, but what I am saying is joan arc is the femine archetype in europe PRE-CHRISTIAN. Even though she herself isn't pagan… she represents something similar to the "mother europa" stories.

That is one role. But they are also to light a fire under their husbands ass if he becomes lazy. I really wish there were female "intellectuals" (I know) who could speak more on this topic. But woman were not just there for comfort, but to guide the man who is straying from the righteous path (that is the story of joan arc). I am not saying take what they say as gospel, but do understand the feminine perspective. The feminine perspective is one that is hyper-focused on child development and ones own safety.
I know

So a one-year difference makes someone a "child predator". Miscegenation is a far worse crime, so at least a nigger is indirectly punished for it as a side-effect of dumb sex offense law.

The toll status is paid as well, because everyone will remember her as the whore who traveled to America for a Black daddy.

Based on these comments here; I saw burn the entire planet…there is nothing worth saving. The Kali Yuga is complete and humanity has reached its APEX in degraded human existence.

gtfo with your mudslime kikery you fithy goatfucker
the word "sharia" means exactly "i$lamic law", which means you try to bullshit your meme for a "White death cult slave religion"

go prolapse your anus real hard then cut your head and plug your asshole in your neck

There is a HUGE contingent of semites in this forum who push all their degenerate semitic ideology on whoever is perverse enough to read it…it is fucking disgusting pig fucker anti-Indo-european behavior

Nice rage bait, Torpedo.

Wtf are you talking about?

Your wife should be your muse. Positive reinforcement.

Not saying that we shouldn't keep them in line, but it's not their responsibility. The modern white man follows the rules and laws we've created while the non-whites ignore them and flaunt it. Of course the women are going to flock to the non-whites in this situation. The entire culture needs to be changed, and white men need to stop cucking in order to fix this behaviour.

Burn this fucking planet to the ground.

Your moral agency, or lack thereof, does not exempt you from being a traitor. A traitor can be defined as someone who has partaken in behaviors which are considered traitorous. Considering the person would've partaken in these acts, she would be, by definition, a traitor. I ask of you how you find moral agency (lack thereof) to exempt the person from being a traitor.
Even should you not wish to label the person "a traitor", punishment must be dealt for a crime, for even if you're ignorant of something, that doesn't change the conclusion brough about by your actions.

Yeah, single white women should be chained to the rape racks in the breeding pits and forced to produce white babies until they die of exhaustion while all the forces of science work on perfecting artificial wombs capable of popping out thousands of genetically engineered white male babies with maximum testosterone and nutrients every 9 months
It's not the average white man that is causing this, it's an institutional problem because our ancestors had the brilliant idea of creating a republic without excluding jews in the constitution and specifically encoding that only "white" "men" could vote and that only "free white persons" could be citizens

Can pedo shills just fuck off already?

Can woman-haturz fuck off already?

No because they are parasitic jews/semites they never voluntarily leave their host nation.

You're wrong

The only real solution.

16 is the age of consent in many places, a 16 year old girl is post-pubescent and mostly done developing. That's not pedophilia. Pedophilia is a very extreme thing- sexual attraction to literal children. Not teenage girls with secondary sexual characteristics and a libido.

tits or gtfo

Jewish pedo detected.

It's a nigger. Hanging isn't good enough. Shoot him and bill the family for the bullet.

We're here to win and destroy our enemies not play fair. Playing fair and equitably is what got us into this fucking mess.

Niggers can burn.